Application of falling leaves in the preparatory group. Application in the preparatory group "Autumn paintings


Synopsis of GCD in the preparatory group.


  • To introduce children to the method of modular application - mosaics, to arouse interest in creating autumn tree adequate figurative and expressive means.
  • To form the ability to plan their work and technologically implement the plan, using rational methods.
  • Develop a sense of composition.
  • Contribute to the establishment of psychological comfort in the group by reading lyrical poems, listening to music in the classroom.

Preliminary work. Reading poems about autumn, looking at paintings and reproductions depicting trees in autumn, observing nature.

Material for the lesson. Colored cardboard as the basis for the composition (choice of children), color and White paper, simple pencils, glue, brushes, napkins, oilcloth.

1. The teacher invites the children to listen to M. Lesova's poem "Golden Rain" and determine what season is described there.
The leaves were filled with the sun, the leaves were saturated with the sun,
They poured, became heavy, swirled, flew.
They rustled through the bushes, galloped through the branches.
The wind whirls like gold, it makes noise like golden rain.
The teacher finds out from the children what the author calls the golden rain, what happens to the trees in the fall, what other colors, besides yellow, leaves the leaves in autumn.
2. Children approach the carpet, on which the leaves are scattered. Everyone chooses a leaf that they like more, talks about it according to the scheme: size - shape - from which tree. The teacher notices that the leaves are different, offers to play the game "Find a Pair".
3. The teacher shows 2-3 samples of autumn trees made using the paper mosaic technique, invites children to make their own unique tree.
The teacher talks about the technique and sequence of work:
A). First you need to take simple pencils and draw a sketch (first of all, the trunk and crown of the tree, earth, sky and sun, if desired);
b). Next, you need to prepare construction material"(select strips of colored paper for the crown of the tree, fold a narrow strip along the long edge, carefully smooth the fold line from the middle to both sides, bend the strip back and carefully tear it off, repeating this several times; then you need to take strips one at a time, tear them apart , from which you can make a multi-colored mosaic).


We are leaves, we are leaves, we are autumn leaves,
We are sitting on the branches, the wind will blow - we will fly.
We flew, we flew, and then we got tired of flying,
The wind stopped blowing, we all sat in a circle.
The wind suddenly blew again and the leaves quickly blew away.
All the leaves flew and sat on the chairs.
(children follow the text)

Independent work of children.

4. Finally, the children get to work: they take sheets of paper, draw, apply glue in small areas and carefully, row by row, lay out multi-colored “leaves”, then the trunk, etc.
During work, the teacher turns on calm music and provides individual assistance to those children who do not succeed in something.
5. At the end of the lesson, the children examine the resulting work, the teacher reads the poem by V. Nirovich “Falling Leaves”.
Leaf fall, leaf fall, yellow leaves fly.

Yellow maple, yellow beech, yellow circle in the sky of the sun.
Yellow yard, yellow house, the whole earth is yellow all around.
Yellowness, yellowness means autumn is not spring.

After class. Learn "autumn" counting rhymes with children, collect and dry beautiful autumn leaves.

List of used literature.

  1. "Visual activity in kindergarten: planning, class notes, guidelines. Senior group "I. A. Lykova. - M .:" KARAPUZ-DIDAKTIKA ", 2006.
  2. Application in Kindergarten. A. N. Malysheva, N. V. Ermolova - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2007.
  3. "Classes on visual activity in kindergarten: Senior group: Program, notes: A guide for teachers preschool institutions» G. S. Shvaiko. – M.: Humanit. Ed. Center VLADOS, 2000.


(Collective work).


generate interest in creating teamwork"Autumn tree";

to teach children to make a collective composition of carved parts (palms) based on a unifying image (trunk, crown of a tree);

develop skills: carefully cut along the contour, glue the part;

to cultivate the skills of cooperation in collective creativity.

Integration with other areas:



reading fiction.

Enrichment vocabulary: decoration, color, crown, leaf fall.

Preliminary work.

Excursion to autumn Park to observe changes in nature, collecting leaves for the herbarium. Reading works of art about the "golden" autumn. Examination of paintings by I. I. Levitan, I. I. Shishkin depicting autumn.

Materials and tools.

herbarium of colorful leaves, different in shape, size and color;

a picture of a tree;

colored paper;

simple pencil;

glue and brush for glue;

cloth or paper towel.

Stage 1.

Dry leaves are on the table various shapes and colors. The children are looking at them carefully. The teacher reads Yu. Kasparova's poem "Autumn Leaves":

The leaves are dancing, the leaves are spinning

And they lie like a bright carpet under my feet.

Like they're terribly busy

Green, red and gold...

maple leaves, oak leaves,

Purple, scarlet, even burgundy ...

I throw leaves up at random -

I, too, can arrange a leaf fall!

Which tree leaves are mentioned in the poem? maple, oak).

What tree leaves do you see in front of you? ( children list).

How beautiful nature is in our area in the autumn season. Tell me, please, what happens to the leaves in autumn? ( change color, fall off).

What colors and shades of leaves can be seen in autumn? ( children call).

Right. A variety of colors, the play of sunlight and shadows, as fireworks, gives us nature in autumn days. See how the artists sang the beauty of autumn in their paintings. ( demonstration of Levitan's painting). Autumn dressed up the trees in luxurious decorations. Such a variety of colors pleases the eye!

Stage 2.

Display a picture of a tree.

Who knows what word they call all the foliage of a tree? ( crown).

Julia Udalova

"Application in the preparatory group "Autumn Tree".

(Collective work).

Zada chi:

arouse interest in the creation of the collective work "Autumn Tree";

to teach children to make a collective composition of carved parts (palms) based on a unifying image (trunk, crown of a tree);

develop skills: carefully cut along the contour, glue the part;

to cultivate the skills of cooperation in collective creativity.

Integration with other areas mi:



reading fiction.

Vocabulary Enrichment sa: decoration, color, crown, leaf fall.

Preliminary work.

Excursion to the autumn park to observe changes in nature, collecting leaves for the herbarium. Reading works of art about the "golden" autumn. Examination of paintings by I. I. Levitan, I. I. Shishkin depicting autumn.

Materials and tools.

herbarium of colorful leaves, different in shape, size and color;

paintings by Levitan I. I. depicting autumn trees;

a picture of a tree;

colored paper;

simple pencil;

glue and brush for glue;

cloth or paper towel.

Dry leaves of various shapes and colors lie on the table. The children are looking at them carefully. The teacher reads Yu. Kasparova's poem "Autumn Leaves":

The leaves are dancing, the leaves are spinning

And they lie like a bright carpet under my feet.

Like they're terribly busy

Green, red and gold...

maple leaves, oak leaves,

Purple, scarlet, even burgundy ...

I throw leaves up at random -

I, too, can arrange a leaf fall!

Which tree leaves are mentioned in the poem? maple, oak).

What tree leaves do you see in front of you? ( children list).

How beautiful nature is in our area in the autumn season. Tell me, please, what happens to the leaves in autumn? ( change color, fall off).

What colors and shades of leaves can be seen in autumn? ( children call).

Right. A variety of colors, the play of sunlight and shadows, like a festive fireworks, nature endows us in autumn days. See how the artists sang the beauty of autumn in their paintings. ( demonstration of Levitan's painting). Autumn dressed up the trees in luxurious decorations. Such a variety of colors pleases the eye!

Stage 2.

Display a picture of a tree.

Who knows what word they call all the foliage of a tree? ( crown).

Right. And today in the lesson we will make a wonderful autumn tree, and in order to create the crown of our tree, you will need your palms, colored paper, a simple pencil, scissors, glue. It is the cut out paper palms that will be the leaves on our tree. For this:

We will first circle the palm with a simple pencil;

Then cut along the contour;

Then we glue it on a background prepared in advance (the background was made by the children together with the teacher, gluing pieces of colored napkins).

Stage 3.

Children under the clear guidance of the teacher perform the work:

1. Outline

2. Cut out

3. Glued

Summary of the lesson.

Discussion of the work done.

Application from colored paper of the autumn tree "Autumn Kaleidoscope". Master class with step by step photo.

Place of work: MADOU CRR d / s No. 121, Kaliningrad

Material Description: I present to your attention a master class, an application of an autumn tree made of colored paper "Autumn Kaleidoscope", for children of the senior - preparatory group kindergarten, elementary school. The work allows children to plunge into the lyrics of golden autumn, try to recreate the miraculous charm, beauty autumn nature. The material will be useful for educators of senior - preparatory groups of preschool institutions, teachers additional education, elementary school teachers.

"... I love the magnificent withering of nature,

In crimson and gold-clad forests ... "

Target: Making an autumn tree applique


1. learn to create an image of an autumn tree, make leaves, grass from colored paper folded like an accordion, the sky - using paper tearing technique,

2. develop fine motor skills hands, sense of color and shape,

3. to consolidate the skills and abilities of working with scissors,

4. cultivate the ability to see the beauty of nature,

5. cultivate perseverance and accuracy in work.

Material: cardboard sheet of blue color, paper Brown, unevenly colored (imitating wood), colored paper, simple pencil, ruler, scissors, glue

Preliminary work: looking at illustrations Golden autumn", conversation on this topic, creation of a herbarium from autumn leaves, listening to the play by P. I. Tchaikovsky ("The Seasons") - "October" ("Autumn Song"), learning poems about autumn.

Why do trees shed their leaves in autumn?

Why trees for winter

Are they undressing around?

And the trees also need

Undress before going to bed!

(V. Orlov)

Step by step description work

On colored brown paper, unevenly colored (wood imitation), draw a tree

Recommendations: You can use a template made by the educator (teacher), and it will be circled; draw (circle) a tree on white paper, and then color it with pencils, paints; paper can be brown, evenly colored

Cut out the tree

Note: Approximate height 19 cm, provided that the format of the A4 blue cardboard sheet (background)

We make leaf blanks - squares of different colors (red, orange, yellow, light green) 3cm x3cm

We also make a harvest of grass - a rectangle 2 cm x 28 cm green.

We fold the squares with an accordion, starting from the corner (obliquely), we fold the grass with an accordion exactly in width.

We make a hillock. We fold a rectangle of green paper 9cm x 4cm in half, round off the corners with scissors and unfold, we get a semicircle

We complete the formation of leaves. We bend the resulting accordion of squares in half and glue the middle, we get such leaves

Glue a hillock in the middle of the bottom edge of a sheet of blue cardboard

In the middle of the tubercle, stepping back from the bottom edge of 1.5 cm, we glue our wood blank, then stretch the green accordion (grass) along the entire bottom edge of the cardboard, so that the "grass" covers the base of the tree

We begin to form the crown of our tree. Glue the leaves, alternating colors.

Note: The more leaves, the more magnificent the crown. You can depict how the leaves fly, come off the branches (the wind breaks)

We make the sky, clouds. We crumple scraps of blue paper and glue them to the top edge of our appliqué. Here is a kaleidoscope of autumn colors we got it!


At the end of work with children, you can use
Physical education minute:

What is leaf fall?

Imagine that your hands are leaves. Spread your fingers and see which tree leaves remind you of your hands. (Maple.) Make your leaves hard, tense, tight. (The teacher checks the tension of the fingers.) Good. And now the leaves are hanging: relax your hands. Let's repeat the exercise again. Now let's show how the leaves sway in the wind. Do it with me. (The arms are bent at the elbows, the hands hang slightly and sway from side to side.) Now the leaves are shaking in the wind. (Quick movements of the fingers.)

I propose to arrange an exhibition of works, to note which trees are different, how many bright, joyful colors autumn brought us, and the children turned out to be real magicians, creating a kaleidoscope of autumn colors!

How to download a free essay? . And a link to this essay; Application from colored paper Autumn tree for children of the preparatory group already in your bookmarks.
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Nikolaeva Olga Ivanovna, teacher
Place of work: MADOU CRR d / s No. 121, Kaliningrad
Material Description: I present to your attention a master class, an application of an autumn tree made of colored paper "Autumn Kaleidoscope", for children of the senior - preparatory group of a kindergarten, elementary school. The work allows children to plunge into the lyrics of golden autumn, to try to recreate the miraculous charm, the beauty of autumn nature. The material will be useful for educators of senior - preparatory groups of preschool institutions, teachers of additional education, elementary school teachers.

"... I love the magnificent withering of nature,
Forests clad in crimson and gold..."
Target: Making an autumn tree applique
1. learn to create an image of an autumn tree, make leaves, grass from colored paper folded like an accordion, the sky - using paper tearing technique,
2. develop fine motor skills of hands, a sense of color and shape,
3. to consolidate the skills and abilities of working with scissors,
4. cultivate the ability to see the beauty of nature,
5. cultivate perseverance and accuracy in work.
Material: a sheet of blue cardboard, brown paper, unevenly colored (imitating wood), colored paper, a pencil, a ruler, scissors, glue

Preliminary work: viewing illustrations "Golden Autumn", a conversation on this topic, creating a herbarium from autumn leaves, listening to P.I. Tchaikovsky's play ("The Seasons") - "October" ("Autumn Song"), learning poems about autumn.
Why do trees shed their leaves in autumn?
- Why trees for winter
Are they undressing around?
- And the trees also need
Undress before going to bed!

(V. Orlov)

Step by step job description

On colored brown paper, unevenly colored (wood imitation), draw a tree
Recommendations: You can use a template made by the teacher (teacher), and the children will circle it; draw (circle) a tree on white paper, and then color it with pencils, paints; paper can be brown, evenly colored

Cut out the tree
Note: Approximate height 19 cm, provided that the format of the A4 blue cardboard sheet (background)

We make leaf blanks - squares of different colors (red, orange, yellow, light green) 3cm x3cm
We also make a harvest of grass - a rectangle 2 cm x 28 cm green.

We fold the squares with an accordion, starting from the corner (obliquely), we fold the grass with an accordion exactly in width.

We make a hillock. We fold a rectangle of green paper 9cm x 4cm in half, round off the corners with scissors and unfold, we get a semicircle

We complete the formation of leaves. We bend the resulting accordion of squares in half and glue the middle, we get such leaves

Glue a hillock in the middle of the bottom edge of a sheet of blue cardboard

In the middle of the tubercle, stepping back from the bottom edge of 1.5 cm, we glue our wood blank, then stretch the green accordion (grass) along the entire lower edge of the cardboard, so that the "grass" covers the base of the tree

We begin to form the crown of our tree. Glue the leaves, alternating colors.
Note: the more leaves, the more magnificent the crown. You can depict how the leaves fly, come off the branches (the wind breaks)

We make the sky, clouds. We crumple scraps of blue paper and glue them to the top edge of our appliqué. Here we have such a kaleidoscope of autumn colors!
At the end of work with children, you can use physical education minute:
What is leaf fall?
Imagine that your hands are leaves. Spread your fingers and see which tree leaves remind you of your hands. (Maple.) Make your leaves hard, tense, tight. (The teacher checks the tension of the fingers.) Good. And now the leaves are hanging: relax your hands. Let's repeat the exercise again. Now let's show how the leaves sway in the wind. Do it with me. (The arms are bent at the elbows, the hands hang slightly and sway from side to side.) Now the leaves are shaking in the wind. (Quick movements of the fingers.)
I propose to arrange an exhibition of works, to note which trees are different, how many bright, joyful colors autumn brought us, and the children turned out to be real magicians, creating a kaleidoscope of autumn colors!

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