Outline of a lesson on the development of speech (senior group) on the topic: summary of the GCD lesson compiling a story based on the painting "Walk in the Autumn Forest" senior group. Lesson on the development of coherent speech "Examining the painting" Girl in the autumn park ""


Nature is incredibly beautiful in all seasons. But still, autumn is an amazing, beautiful and special time. Maybe because the trees are dressed in their fabulous attire. Or maybe because fallen leaves rustle underfoot, which cover the ground with a multi-colored autumn carpet. What could be more beautiful and poetic than autumn leaf fall...
Our preschool institution is located in the north of the city of Moscow. The areas for children to walk in our kindergarten are beautiful, they are bordered by a variety of trees and shrubs, flower beds are fragrant near the building. But you can really see the beauty and hear the sounds of autumn only after visiting the forest or the park. And there are many beautiful living natural oases in our region. These are parks, groves, lakes, ponds, with bizarre bridges, beautiful landscapes of the Moscow River stretching into the distance.
Children of the preparatory school group will remember for a long time a walk along with teachers and parents in the autumn park named after VV Vorovsky, which is located in the northern district of the city.
We regard a walk in the "wildlife" as effective form involving children in ecological culture, How important aspect health-improving work with preschoolers and as a way to familiarize children with the history and culture of their native land.
The kids, walking in the park, admired nature, explored the architectural and sculptural objects they met on the way. Big interest travelers were evoked by the memorial sculpture “Victory”. Children looked at the obelisk with interest, asked questions: Why is the sculpture white color? Who created this monument? Why did the sculptor depict a woman with wings?
Asking these questions, the guys themselves tried to answer them: “Probably, this is an angel with wings, and angels are always white”, “the angel woman is very sad: her head is lowered and her eyes look down.”
Sculptor A.E. Neistat created this monument from white granite. A sculpture was installed in the center of the park, it was opened on May 7, 1995, in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.
A monument is a memory. Everyone must remember heroic deed of people. The author, creating a sculpture, depicted not an angel, but the goddess of Victory, she also had wings. This sculpture is also called "The Fallen and the Alive". It was this memorable inscription that preschoolers read on the pedestal.
The bird woman is depicted mourning with downcast eyes. She mourns about dead people who defended our Motherland from enemies. Therefore, one wing of her is lowered down. The other wing is raised up - this is a symbol of the fact that the living will always remember the heroic deeds.
It is no coincidence that the monument was erected next to the house that housed the "Center children's creativity". During the war, it housed a hospital for the wounded. Preschoolers examined and admired the stucco molding of a beautiful old building.

Many noteworthy historical buildings, reminiscent of the heroic deed of our people, are located in this area of ​​the capital. The southern exit of the park led us to Zoya and Alexander Kosmodemyansky Street, about which the children learned a lot interesting information. During the walk, we went to the eastern exit of the park, where we saw school No. 201, where young heroes Zoya and her younger brother Shura, who died during the war. Feat of Heroes Soviet Union Zoya and Alexander Kosmodemyansky did not leave anyone indifferent.
Now the old school building is being restored. And in the new building there is a museum dedicated to the heroes. In 2015, we will all celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. Children, parents and teachers - the participants of this trip decided to visit the school museum in the near future.
On site existing park long ago there was a pine grove. The trees were later planted and replanted. So smooth pine and birch alleys appeared. Only one pine tree was not touched, even during the installation of a memorial sculpture. There is a century-old pine tree in the center of the park at the intersection of several alleys: in summer, the shadow from its spreading crown saves the townspeople from the scorching sun, and during rain, under its branches, you can hide from the weather. This tree is over a hundred years old. The children touched the "centuries-old park watchman", tried to hug the pine tree, marveled at its longevity. In the park, one of the few in our city, a playground for playing gorodki is located. Of course, our kids took part in a kind of competition "Russian Fun".

Since the park is small and cozy, the children along with their parents walked all the paths and alleys. And here is the miracle...
Among the trees, the kids saw a view of a huge boulder. How did this huge stone get into the park? Usually such boulders are found on the banks of rivers and lakes. There are many places in the world where huge lonely boulders are found - these are fragments of rocks that have descended from mountain peaks with the help of a melted glacier. These blocks are even given names. Maybe a million years ago there was a huge lake or mountains in the place of our park? The kids fantasized for a long time and finally came to the conclusion that a huge boulder was brought here in order to surprise people. For this, the workers probably needed a huge truck, and even a crane. It's good that there was a rope with which preschoolers measured the height and circumference of a huge boulder. This will come in handy in order to tell other children about the boulder stone they saw in kindergarten.
And we also compared the size of the stone with the growth of the baby; with the size of the flower bed on the site; with the circumference of a chestnut tree (found that the circumference of a chestnut tree, five times less stone). And in order for the stone to “come to life” and “smile”, children and parents immediately cut out eyes and a smile from bright self-adhesive paper and glued them onto a stern, lonely stone. We decided to give a name to a good stone. The stone was called Dobrynya. He is very much like a huge hero who stands guard day and night and guards our park.

A useful deed is done, and we continued the journey ...
Ahead of us was waiting playground. What is this building? Yes, it's Giant Steps. You don't know what "giant steps" are? And have you ever ridden on such a carousel with rope seat loops? Now you rarely see such a carousel anywhere. And in the old days it was a traditional Russian fun during mass festivities.
Our brave guys tried to take huge steps, but in the presence of their parents. It's fun for kids anyway. school age. But the swing, in the form of a basket - this is for our travelers. Slides, trains, labyrinths, outdoor games: the kids liked all this very much.

The journey ended with a walk along the birch alley.
In pre-prepared cardboard folders, the children neatly, lovingly folded autumn leaves, and the largest and most beautiful were collected in bouquets.
It is known that many poets composed poems about autumn, and artists created landscapes, singing the beauty of the white-barreled beauty. Reproductions of works by such masters of painting as A.I. Kuindzhi, A.K. Savrasov, I.I. Levitan, V.D. Polenov and others are presented in the mini-museums of our preschool where children have been on excursions more than once.
The art studio of the kindergarten works according to the author's program of T.A. Koptseva "Nature and the Artist". Children of all age groups enjoy visiting it. Here you can give free rein to your imagination. Using various art materials, create your own, still inept, but expressive works. The content of the program aims the teacher-educator at the organization of a special creative educational environment, for use methodological principle"spiritualization of nature". Walking in the park helped the children, based on their impressions, create a series of expressive drawings in the classroom.
Subsequently, at the next lesson, we remembered the riddles about the birch:
“Green, not a meadow; white, not snow; curly, not a head"; “In a white dress, a girl stands, and the people thank her: for her sad beauty, for her green braid.” We examined the autumn leaves collected during the walk, and determined that the birch leaves are very similar to small hearts. And hearts symbolize love. Love for mother, for family, for Motherland. Since ancient times, birch has been considered a symbol of Russia. For a Russian person, there is no tree dearer than a birch. It is impossible to imagine our Motherland without birch groves and birch alleys in parks. Beautiful birch trees grow around our preschool

Together with the teacher, the children decided to reflect the seen beauty of the autumn park in teamwork"Birch Alley", using oil pastels, watercolors and gouache paints.
Work began to boil in the art studio. We talked general idea and now the outlines of white-barreled beauties are already visible, against the background of the rising solar disk. A path runs away into the distance, and around is a multi-colored autumn carpet and even yellow-green grass.
But how to draw autumn birch leaves? Well, of course, the leaves collected in the park and neatly folded into a cardboard folder will come in handy. Little artists take out each leaf with love. They are very fragile, because the mothers at home ironed them through a clean White list paper.
Now the main thing is not to break them, but to stick them on the pictures oil pastel branches of birches, on the sky and the path covered with watercolors. Yes, this is a real leaf fall ...
The picture is ready, looking at it, we will always remember a walk in the autumn park.

What about autumn flowers? Indeed, after an excursion into nature, the children, together with their parents, dried them in in large numbers. We decided in the next lesson to use them for paintings and create applique compositions from dried flowers and leaves.
The children were looking forward to the next lesson, and finally the painstaking work began. It was especially difficult to glue dried flowers on cardboard. With the help of a teacher, the children chose a colored sheet of paper and laid out pre-dried leaves, flowers, tree seeds on it. It turned out flower composition, to each his own. Then individually with each young artist, natural material pasted on a colored background.
It is very difficult to save such a "fragile" work. The parents helped. They purchased frames covered with transparent plastic - Plexiglas. It is safe for children. As a result, the children, together with their parents, decorated the interior of the art studio with beautiful live flower applications.

Looking at the created works: panels and applications, young artists will tell their friends about a walk in the autumn park. Remember the boulder stone with the heroic name Dobrynya, which in winter will hide under a snow blanket, but will still keep its watch. One of the children, together with their parents, will definitely come to the park again and visit the miracle stone, hug a white-trunk birch or a mighty evergreen pine, press their cheek against their bark and whisper kind words to them.
Children liked the journey into nature so much that they are looking forward to new trips, because nature is beautiful in all seasons. Admiring nature is a powerful impulse creative activity, as evidenced by created after a walk in the park, creative work young artists.. See you soon, park!

Younger preschoolers tend to simple form dialogic speech, in which the answer completely repeats the question or reproduces part of it. At this age stage, dialogue replicas are simple in psychological structure generation processes are elementary from the point of view of semantic deployment. Necessary condition full development of phrasal speech younger preschoolers is a specially organized communication with an adult, during which the kids get acquainted with new speech turns.

Target: To teach children to look at a picture of a girl in a park in autumn, to show children the signs of autumn, to develop attention, thinking, memory, to instill a love of nature, to cultivate a desire to answer questions.

Equipment: painting depicting a girl in the park, easel, a bouquet of autumn leaves, autumn leaves, lamp.

Lesson progress

The day before, the children were walking in autumn garden, collected bouquets of leaves.

Educator (shows a bouquet). Children, what do you see in my hands?
Children. Yellow and red leaves.
Educator. I have a bouquet of autumn leaves in my hands. Who collected this bouquet?
Children. We! We!
Educator. Where did we collect such beautiful bouquet?
Children. In our garden.
Educator. Now look at this picture. Who do you see on it?
Children. Girl.
Educator. What is she carrying in her hand?
Children. Yellow leaves.
Educator. The girl carries a bouquet of autumn leaves. She smiles, rejoices that she has collected a beautiful bouquet. This girl's name is Tanya. Who do you think Tanya brings yellow leaves to?
Children. She takes them to her mother.
Educator. Of course, she will give this bouquet to her mother. And where did Tanya collect yellow leaves? Look closely at the picture.
Children. On the path, on the grass.
Educator. Tanya was collecting leaves in the garden on the path, on the grass. (Points to the picture.) Where else are the yellow leaves?
Children. On the bench.
Educator. Leaves turn yellow everywhere: on the bench, on the grass, on the garden path. Where are many more yellow leaves you see?
Children. On the trees.
Educator. Does this bush have yellow leaves? (Shows.)
Children. No.
Educator. Where are they?
Children. They fell on the grass.
Educator. Yes, the leaves have fallen from the bushes and trees. Look, the leaf is falling down. (Shows.) There are a lot of yellow leaves around. What is green in the garden?
Children. Herringbone.
Educator. Right. When are there so many yellow leaves?
Children. In autumn.
Educator. So, Tanya walks in the garden in autumn. How did she dress for the walk?
Children. Warm.
Educator. What is Tanya wearing?
Children. Red coat with a hood. Tights and boots.
Educator. Why is Tanya dressed warmer?
Children. Because it is cold.
Educator. That's right, it gets cold in autumn, so Tanya dressed warmer. What toys did she take with her to the garden?
Children. Doll and car.
Educator. How does she play with them?
Children. She carries the doll in a car.

Autumn has come. The leaves on the trees in the garden turned yellow. They fall from trees and bushes and lie on the grass, on the paths of the garden, on the bench. Autumn leaves are turning yellow everywhere.

Tanya went for a walk in the garden. I dressed warmly: I put on a coat, warm boots, a hat. I took a doll and a car with me. Tanya went out into the garden, put the doll in the car and began to roll it along the path. And on the path, on the grass - yellow leaves. Tanya wanted to collect a beautiful bouquet. The girl quickly collected a lot of leaves. Tanya carries a bouquet of yellow leaves, rejoices: she will give it to her mother ..
Tanya has a lot of fun walking in the garden in autumn.

Educator. Guys, who knows the poem about autumn?
Come on Sonechka, we're listening to you.

Educator. Well done! Sonechka remembered a poem about autumn, about yellow leaves, about how they swirl in the wind. Now we will go for a walk in the garden and each of you will collect yellow and red leaves for mom in the garden.

Autumn Park.
Autumn…. In the city, it is most noticeably transformed by the park. She paints every tree, every bush, blade of grass in her own color. Birches stand in gold, hazels are covered with crimson leaves, maples burn red, yellow green flowers. The paths of the park are not as gray as in summer, but are covered with a carpet of fallen leaves. Nature shows us all the beauty of this season, without hiding the details, as if it wants to convey to us some thought, an idea that is still incomprehensible to the human mind.
On one of the beautiful autumn days, when the weather was still beautiful, I decided to take a walk in our city park. It was weekdays, there were few people in the park. I had a day off, and out of boredom I trudged to the park to freshen up from the gray, dull city. To be honest, I was rather bored without friends or acquaintances, and therefore I had to become a loner poet. I sat down on a bench and began to watch the clouds and think about my own thoughts, thoughts themselves climbed into my head and were about different things: about work, about friends. I even thought about the meaning of life and came to the conclusion that everything should be the way it happens, and the fact that I am now spending my only day off here should also happen.
Suddenly a breeze blew, the leaves swirled in a waltz, and I had the feeling that I was under a golden rain. The sky is not visible due to leaf fall, he covered the whole world with himself, if only to enjoy his nature.
I remembered a few lines of Pushkin and was surprised by this, there, outside the gates of the park, I had no time for that, there I was an adult, but here I became a dreamer. I was seized by a lyrical mood and a desire to write poetry, but since I had never done this, naturally, nothing worked out for me.
But then my thoughts were interrupted due to the fact that I noticed first-graders walking from school, it was impossible not to notice them, because they were walking, talking loudly and proving something to each other. They spoke with such enthusiasm about the school that I involuntarily began to remember my school years.
I remembered how I didn’t like getting up early in the morning, getting out of a warm bed, but when I did wake up and go to school, I understood that I would meet my classmates and friends, and my mood improved noticeably. I remembered the first teacher, the first two, the first love... And I felt like such an old man! I was so sorry that I did not want to go to school, skipped sometimes. How I wish I could go back to those golden years to see my friends. Where they are now, I do not know. So many memories, so many thoughts were running through my head at the same time that tears came to my eyes.
The wind subsided slowly. And before me opened another view of my favorite park. The trees were frightening with their height and crooked branches. But they were majestic and spoke of the triumph of life.
I recalled an incident from childhood, which will forever remain in my memory. It happened when I was seven years old. My friends and I were walking in the wasteland next to our houses. The microdistrict was new, the old houses were still intact, which contrasted sharply with the new building. Suddenly they saw how storks flew under the roof of a small house. They seemed so big and beautiful to us. Later I learned that there is a sign: to see a flying stork means that all the things that were conceived or started will be very successful. So that's who helped me go through life, become a professional in my field, earn respect from people.
Noticing that it was getting colder, I decided to go home, it turns out that I spent several hours in this “boring” park. I didn't want to leave, because I knew that because of my eternal business, I was unlikely to come here anytime soon. And here Magic world, where there is, everything you want, and everything you think about.
And indeed, I went to the park in passing, occasionally and with my friends, who, like me, are also always in a hurry somewhere. But I am changing, I am catching every moment of life to breathe it in.

MBOU "Lukovetskaya high school» -

"Kindergarten No. 64 "Birch"

Educator: Gulenok Elena Azimovna.

Abstract directly educational activities development educational field"The Development of Speech".

Topic: "Compilation of a story based on the painting" A walk in the autumn park ".

Target: teach kids how to make short story(from 2-3 sentences), reflecting the content of the picture.


  • development of dialogical speech of children;
  • enrichment vocabulary children;
  • improving the ability of children to answer questions with coherent full sentences.

Preliminary work: Observation on a walk of the signs of autumn, reading works: Bunin "Leaf fall", Maikov "Autumn leaves ..."

Materials: Painting "A walk in the autumn park", a ball.

The course of direct educational activities.

leaf fall, leaf fall,
The yellow leaves are flying.
Yellow maple, yellow beech,
Yellow circle in the sky.
Yellow yard, yellow house.
The whole earth is yellow all around.
yellowness, yellowness,
So autumn is not spring.

The teacher asks what season the poem refers to. Shows a picture.

V .: So the beautiful Autumn came to us. Autumn is different, cheerful and sad. Autumn brings us a different mood, we are either sad with autumn, or rejoice.

Q: Look who is in the picture?

D: Children. Boy and girl.

Q: What are the children doing?

D .: They walk, collect leaves.

Q: What season is shown in the picture? Why do you think it's autumn?

D: Autumn. Lots of yellow leaves around. Leaves fell on the path.

Q: Look at the leaves and tell me what color they are?

D: Yellow, red.

Q: What is another name for the color of autumn leaves?

D: Crimson, gold.

Q: What clothes did the children put on when going for a walk?

D: Warm coat, jacket, boots, warm hat, scarf.

Game exercise with a ball “What is autumn like?”

(warm, golden, rainy, gloomy, beautiful, sad, sad, bright, colorful)

Game exercise: "Pick up an action"

Leaves in autumn (what they do) - turn yellow, fall off.

Rain in autumn - drizzling, coming.

Harvest in autumn - harvest.

Birds fly away in autumn.

Trees in autumn - drop leaves.

Leaves in autumn (what?) - yellow, red, crimson, gold.

How can you say this in one word? (Multicolored.)

Rain in autumn (what?) - cold, drizzling.

The weather in autumn (what?) - cloudy, rainy, gloomy, frosty (late autumn).

Trees in autumn (what?) - early - with multi-colored leaves, late - bare, without leaves.

Drawing up a story based on the picture together with the teacher.


Finger gymnastics "The wind flew through the forest"

The wind flew through the forest.

Wind leaves counted:
Here is oak
Here is maple
Here is a rowan carved,
Here from a birch - golden,
Here last page from aspen
The wind threw on the path.
Hands are waved to the sides.

We bend our fingers.

We gently lower our hands to our knees.

Didactic game "Autumn"

The teacher talks about autumn and sometimes deliberately makes mistakes. If he speaks incorrectly, the children should clap their hands.

It gets warmer in autumn than in summer. (Clap)

It gets colder in autumn than in summer.

New ones appear in autumn green leaves. (Clap)

In autumn, the leaves turn yellow and red, then fall off.

In autumn, some birds come to us from the south. (Clap)

In autumn, some birds fly south.

In autumn the bears wake up. (Clap)

In autumn, the bear falls asleep.


Would you like to take a walk in the autumn park with your children?

What new words have you learned about autumn?

List of used literature:

    O.S. Ushakova “Classes on the development of children's speech.

    NOT. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva Program preschool education"From birth to school" Moscow. Mosaic - Synthesis 2014

    Seasons of the year. Nature magazine. Internet.

    Demonstration material for conducting classes on the development of speech (writing stories) and familiarizing children with the outside world. Seasons. Autumn.

Summary of educational activities

Drawing up a story from a picture

"A walk in the autumn forest"

Senior group

Educational areas:"Social and communicative" " cognitive development» « Speech development". "Artistic and aesthetic development"

Target: Help children comprehend the content of the picture and convey its content in his stories.


Learn how to build sentences pronounce words clearly

Develop the ability to coherently, consistently describe the image in the picture.

Raise interest in making up stories based on the picture.



Summary of educational activities

Drawing up a story from a picture

"A walk in the autumn forest"

Senior group

Educational areas:"Social and communicative" "Cognitive development" "Speech development". "Artistic and aesthetic development"

Target: Help children comprehend the content of the picture and convey its content in his stories.


Learn how to build sentences pronounce words clearly

Develop the ability to coherently, consistently describe the image in the picture.

Raise interest in making up stories based on the picture.

The course of educational activities.

Calm melodic music sounds

Educator: Today we will make a trip. And where we will go, you will now find out.

Viewing the presentation "Autumn in the Park."

Educator: Where are we going?

Children: B autumn Park.

Educator: That's right guys! But the park will not be simple, but magical!

Knock on the door. The postman comes in. He brought a parcel-picture with a letter. Says goodbye and leaves

Educator: Let's see who this letter is from. Reads the contents of the letter aloud.

“Hello, Luntik writes to you. I need your help. I need to compose a story based on the painting “A walk in the autumn park.” Since I have never been in an autumn park, it is very difficult for me to do this. Help me please"

Educator: Are you ready to help Luntik?

Children: Yes!

Educator: Guys, Luntik was lucky, because now we were just about to make a trip to the autumn park and it would be easier for us to compose a story based on the painting “In the autumn park”

Educator: But, unfortunately, you just won’t get into the forest! Need to solve a riddle

caregiver makes riddles

Leaves are spinning in the air

Quietly lie down on the grass.

Sheds the leaves of the garden

It's just ... (Leaf fall)

He walks and we run

He will catch up anyway!

We hurry to hide in the house,

They will knock on our window,

And on the roof thump thump!

No, we won't let you in, dear friend! (Rain)

I paint yellow

Field, forest, valley.

And I love the sound of rain

Call me! (Autumn)

Educator: Well done!

Now you can go to the autumn park. I suggest taking the painting with you. And in the forest we will compose a story on it. You agree with me?

Children: Yes!

Educator: What else can you take with you in the fall in the forest?

She is comfortable and light

Her name is short

In the economy serves us for centuries,

There is in this word the name Zina.

With it you can walk on mushrooms

It's not hard to wear

And very easy to break!

From rods, they weave their bast,

Tell me, what's her name? (basket)

Children: Basket.

Educator: Right.

Magical music plays.

Teacher: Hold hands everyone. Let's get in a circle.

One, two, three - twirled in the park, you find yourself!

Educator: Look everywhere there are leaves. Would you like to collect them.

Children: Yes!

Children take one piece of paper.


What sheet do you have? And you, what can we say about the leaves: what are they

How many leaves did you collect?

Can you pronounce the word leaf first out loud, then in a whisper?

Children: Yes!

All children speak.

Educator: Who scattered these leaves

Children: Autumn!

Children: The days have become shorter, the nights are longer, the sun shines little, colorful leaves are on the trees, cold winds blow, the wind plucks leaves from the trees, it is raining lightly, the sky is gray, the grasses are turning brown. Flowers wither, frosts at night, trees are covered with frost, insects have disappeared, the sun shines brightly, gray clouds in the sky, fog in the mornings, puddles are covered with a thin lump of ice

Educator: Well done! If you know the signs of autumn so well, then you are well prepared for it.

Educator: I suggest you rest.

Physical minute "Leaflets"

Autumn leaves are swirling.

A merry wind rustled over them,

They flew merrily

And they sat on the ground.

Here the wind again quietly ran,

Suddenly he picked up beautiful leaves.

They flew happily.

And they sat on the ground.

Educator: Guys, look here some pictures. Would you like to consider them. I suggest that you make a beautiful sentence using these pictures. And to make it easier for you, I suggest that you split into pairs. Everyone approaches the table on which the pictures lie. The teacher helps to split into pairs and make sentences.

Educator: I would like to praise you for speaking clearly, distinctly, and interestingly.

Guys, we had to help someone. To whom and in what?

Children: We must help Luntik compose a story based on the picture.

Educator: I suggest doing it now.

The guys go to the picture, sit on the chairs.

Composing a story.

Educator: Guys, now you will make up a story based on the picture. Use in your story those sentences and those autumn signs that we have already mentioned earlier.

Questions about the content of the picture

What season is shown in the picture?

Look and name all the signs of autumn that you see here.

Who is in the picture?

How are they dressed?

What are the kids doing?

Why do you love autumn?

Educator: I'll start our story, and you guys continue. Agreed?

caregiver chooses two guys who will continue the story. The first child will tell the middle of the story The second child will finish the story

Educator: We need to tell our story again. Who wishes?

Children tell a story based on a picture.

Educator: Well done, you did great!

Educator: I prepared two more games "Autumn Words" and "Weather in Autumn".

I suggest you play one of them. Which game is up to you. Choose!

"Autumn Words"

Children: golden, sad, gloomy, beautiful, colorful, rainy, long, lingering, wonderful, interesting. majestic, dull, charming, mysterious, boring, thick .. affectionate.

"What is she?"


I have a magic crown.

She knows a lot

And wants to know a lot

Who will sit on the head.

So I will ask a question.

caregiver -children, what is the weather like in autumn?

When it rains, it's rainy.

When the wind blows - windmill

When it's cold cold

When cloudy cloudy

raw raw


Educator; it's time for us to go back to kindergarten. Have we forgotten anything?

Children: A picture, a basket. The leaves that were in the basket were replaced imperceptibly with apples.

Educator: where is our basket? Here he is.

Look guys, our leaves have turned into ruddy apples. And, indeed, a magical forest. generous autumn. Magical music sounds.

Educator: Take everything by the hand. Let's make a circle.

One, two, three_ twirled and in kindergarten, found themselves!

caregiver Here we are in our favorite kindergarten!

Did you guys enjoy our trip?

Let's show our emoticons what mood we have left. Did you enjoy our trip? After lunch, we will write a letter to our Luntik, we will write our compiled story to him. He will be very happy. And you are great with me. What do you remember most about our trip ???

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