Biennale of theatrical art: which performances are worth a visit.


The project started in Moscow on September 26 . The poster contains almost two dozen titles - operas, musicals, operettas of Russian theaters that take place on the stages musical theaters capital Cities.

The project also hosts a festival dramatic art Directing Lessons, which opened on October 12, 2017. Its task is to show the new faces of the national scene. The competition program includes productions by young directors from Novosibirsk, Arkhangelsk, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Yekaterinburg, and Moscow. outside competitive program presented by guest performances - "Three Sisters" by Lev Dodin (MDT-Theater of Europe) and "Uncle Vanya" by Yuri Butusov (Lensoviet Theatre). The jury of the Directing Lessons included masters of the Russian theater: Alexei Borodin, Sergey Zhenovach, Dmitry Krymov, Grigory Kozlov, Rimas Tuminas, Valery Fokin, Adolf Shapiro. At the end of the festival, the jury will select three director's work who will be awarded special prizes at the Closing Ceremony (November 10 on the main stage of the Vakhtangov Theatre).

Partner of the Biennale theatrical art stands out project " Theatrical Russia", which makes it possible to broadcast the performances of the festival in cinemas different regions countries. In Moscow, broadcasts are held at the Oktyabr cinema center (a third of the tickets are provided free of charge to students of theater universities).

Online broadcasts and demonstrations of film versions of performances will also take place at 7 federal districts RF (Central federal district, Northwestern Federal District, Southern Federal District, North Caucasian Federal District, Volga Federal District, Urals Federal District, Siberian Federal District).

"Chuk and Gek" dir. M. Patlasov ( Alexandrinsky Theater, Saint Petersburg). Photo:

The Biennale of Theater Arts presents an extensive exhibition program and scientific program prepared by the Bakhrushin Museum. The program of the Biennale includes the presentation of the new space of the museum-workshop of David Borovsky, as well as the opening of exhibitions: "Vladimir Pakhomov - a frantic writer of the theater", "Technologies of the future in the space of culture", "From K.S. Stanislavsky to L.A. Dodin. Lessons directing". Master classes, lectures, creative meetings of leading directors will be held in the space of the Bakhrushin Museum Russian theater.

(Pyotr Fomenko Workshop Theatre, Moscow). Photo: Anna Belyakova

One of the directions of the Biennale is Digital Culture (projects aimed at familiarizing modern technologies for the theatre). And within its framework - scientific conferences, seminars, methodological readings.

The publishing program of the Biennale of Theater Arts includes the presentation of two books by leading historians of the Russian theater: Ksenia Lapina "Theater begins with a poster. Story theater posters in Russia from the Origins to 1917" and Inna Solovieva and Vera Shitova "A.S. Suvorin: A Portrait Against the Background of a Newspaper" (this edition will be the First Book of the Library of the Theater Art Biennale), which is being opened by the Navona publishing house.

October 12, "Souls" dir. F. Malyshev (Pyotr Fomenko Workshop Theatre, Moscow) - screening as part of the biennale program at own stage theatre;

October 19, "The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat" dir. N. Kobelev (Vl. Mayakovsky Theatre, stage on Sretenka, Moscow) - screening as part of the Biennale program on the theatre's own stage;

October 21, "Own people - let's settle" dir. E. Ravinsky (RAMT, Moscow) - showing a recording of the performance as part of the Biennale program in cinemas;

October 23, "Fathers and Sons" dir. D. Zimin (Sverdlovsk State Academic Drama Theatre, Yekaterinburg) - screening on the main stage of the Theater. E. Vakhtangov;

October 27, "Marriage" dir. I.Slavutsky (Kazan Academic Russian Bolshoi Drama Theater named after V.I.Kachalov, Kazan) - show on the new stage of the theater. E. Vakhtangov;

28 of October, " Late love" directed by E. Peregudov (Sovremennik Theatre, Moscow) - screening as part of the Biennale program on the theatre's own stage;

October 29, "Chuk and Gek" dir. M. Patlasov (Alexandrinsky Theatre, St. Petersburg) - screening on the stage of the Center. Sun. Meyerhold;

October 30, "Letter" dir. N. Lapina (St. Petersburg state theater Workshop of Grigory Kozlov, St. Petersburg) - show on the new stage of the Theater. E. Vakhtangov;

October 31, "Billy Milligan" dir. I. Sergeev and V. Svetlova ("Such a Theatre", St. Petersburg) - show on the stage of the Center. Sun. Meyerhold;

October 31, "Mad Money" dir. A. Shuliev (Vl. Mayakovsky Theatre, main stage, Moscow) - screening as part of the Biennale program on the theatre's own stage;

November 5, "First Love" dir. I. Keruchenko (Novosibirsk Academic youth theater"Globe", Novosibirsk) - a performance on the stage of the theater. Vl. Mayakovsky (scene on Sretenka);

November 5, "Thunderstorm" dir. U. Bayaliev (E. Vakhtangov Theatre, new scene, Moscow) - screening as part of the Biennale program on the theatre's own stage;

November 6, "Vasily Terkin" dir. A. Ermilyshev (Arkhangelsk Drama Theater named after M.V. Lomonosov, Arkhangelsk) - show of the play on the stage of the Theater. Vl. Mayakovsky (scene on Sretenka);

November 8, "Stone" dir. D. Khusniyarov ( Drama Theater on Vasilyevsky, St. Petersburg) - a performance on the stage of the theater Studio of theatrical art (STI).

The Biennale of Theater Arts is a special event in theater life capital Cities. This is an opportunity to see interesting productions, learn something new about contemporary art and classics, discover new names of talented directors and actors. In 2017, the Biennale of Theater Arts will be held from October 12 to November 10.

Performances as part of the Biennale of Theater Arts will be held at various theater venues in the capital: the Vakhtangov Theatre, Pyotr Fomenko Workshop, Sovremennik, MTYuZ and others. At the Biennale in Moscow 2017, the ticket price depends on the event you have chosen.

Interestingly, this year the Biennale of Theater Arts will have a special theme: directing lessons. In general, the event will be dedicated to the work of young directors from our country. In total, you will see more than 15 productions, most of staged by young directors, there will also be two performances from special guests of the Biennale. We present you the top 10 productions that you can watch as part of the Biennale of Theater Arts.

Director Lev Dodin will present you a production based on the famous classic plot. Chekhov's work will come to life on stage, and this will be an opportunity to get acquainted with Russian classics and feel the depth of the drama of the three heroines of the production. The action takes place in the provinces, and here the young generation of the family lives with aspirations and hopes, which, however, will have to be shattered by harsh reality. At the Biennale of Theater Arts 17, you can buy a ticket on our website online right now.

On the stage of the Vakhtangov Theater in Moscow will be presented the production of "Fathers and Sons", which was created by director Dmitry Zimin. As many have already guessed, the performance is based on the classics - it is based on Turgenev's novel. It will be a story about divisions and a gulf between younger and older generations. Although the book was written in a completely different era, in terms of psychology and human relations, little has changed. At the Biennale of Theater Arts, you can buy tickets in Moscow right now on our website.

The name of this production speaks for itself: it will focus on the relationship between men and women, as well as the events that precede the wedding, but the story will be quite sad and funny at the same time. The suitors are wooing Agafya, the merchant's daughter, and among them is Ivan, whom a friend persuaded to offer the girl a hand and a heart. Who will she choose and what will be the fate of the heroes? You will learn about this soon at the Vakhtangov Theater! For the Moscow Biennale of Theater Arts 2017, tickets are on sale online with us.

The Meyerhold Center will host the play "Chuk and Gek", the plot of which is taken from the story of Arkady Gaidar. This will be an adult production, it is based on what the writer created during the repressions in the USSR. It will be a performance about childhood, about two boys who go to Siberia with their mother. There their dad works as a geologist, but is it really so or is he really in exile there? children's story will appear before you in the format of a psychological thriller.

Director Natalia Lapina created the production of "The Letterman", which is based on the novel by Mikhail Shishkin. Contemporary Writer tells the story of love against the backdrop of the surrounding crazy world. Fate separated the lovers, and now they write to each other about their feelings, about what is happening, through time and space. He is in the Russo-Chinese War, and She is in a dacha on the threshold of the 21st century. It will be a story about love, eternity and the transience of human life.

Such a theater will present a production of "Billy Milligan" on the stage of the Meyerhold Center. By genre, it will be a tragicomedy about a mentally ill person. He has a multiple personality disorder, or rather, he has 24 personalities! Interestingly, the story is based on real events. The protagonist was accused of many crimes, and now examinations are being carried out on him in a psychiatric clinic, and gradually the audience will learn the details of his amazing story.

At the Mayakovsky Theater in Moscow, you can watch a poignant production of "First Love". This play is based on work of the same name Turgenev. You will see a story about a wonderful first feeling, the purest and brightest love, which is remembered for a lifetime. Voldemar is in love with Zinaida, and he tries to win her attention, and she plays with him, makes him worry, she has a mystery, and the truth will be fatal for all participants in this story.

As part of the Biennale, the Mayakovsky Theater will host a life-affirming production of Vasily Terkin. This will be a play based on Tvardovsky's book, and main character in it - the personification of courage and honor. Basil - a real man, who, despite the obstacles, goes forward and becomes a hero, an inspiration for many people. Although this is a serious story, there is still room for humor in it.

One of the highlights of the Moscow Biennale of Theater Arts is the play "Uncle Vanya", which will be shown by the troupe of the Lensoviet Theater. Director Yuri Butusov presents Chekhov's heroes in a new way, and the production itself turns into grotesque and buffoonery. By genre, the production can be defined as a tragicomedy. It will be a story about people and about our common pursuit of happiness. You can buy a ticket for Uncle Vanya at the Biennale right now on the Teatrbilet website.

"Stone" is a story about a family that takes place during a change of eras. Together with the actors you will go from the 30s to the 90s of the twentieth century. The action takes place in Germany and we see a family of Jews in Dresden. In subsequent decades, this house will appear different people, others will disappear, but the mother and daughter who bought the house under strange circumstances will always be here. Lies turn into truth, and it becomes more and more interesting to follow this process.

Moscow. Biennale of theatrical art.2017


The play "Vasily Terkin" was shown at the theater. V. Mayakovsky (stage on Sretenka) as part of the competition program of the festival of dramatic art "Lessons in Directing".

The Arkhangelsk Drama Theater was presented for the first time in an event of this magnitude - the masters of the domestic theater gave their assessment of the performance, and viewers in 30 cities across the country were able to watch the performance online in cinemas.

This festival was held in Moscow for the first time. Under the scrutiny of the jury, only young directors with productions from the regions and the two capitals participated in the competition. Their works were evaluated by recognized masters - from Alexei Borodin to Valery Fokin.
“The Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation invited very serious critics and directors as a jury. It's no secret that there is now conflict situation among critics in our country, especially in the Theater Critics Association about the "Golden Mask". The Biennale of Theater Arts is a festival created simply to show performances that will subsequently be objectively evaluated. So I think that in the future it will be the coolest, the most major festival, even better than the "Golden Mask", - explains main director Arkhangelsk Drama Theatre. M. V. Lomonosov Andrey Timoshenko.

The winners of the competition were: Egor Peregudov with the play “Late Love” (“Contemporary”), Egor Ravinsky with the production of “Own People - Let's Settle” (RAMT) and Denis Khusniyarov, the play “Stone” (St. Petersburg, “Theater on Vasilyevsky”) . The prize "Audience recognition" from the project "Theatrical Russia", according to the results of open voting among the audience, was received by director Ilya Slavutsky with the play "Marriage" (Kazan). In total, 16 drama and 30 musical performances. 35 theaters from all over Russia showed their productions on 18 stages in Moscow.

Alexey Ermilyshev, director of the play "Vasily Terkin":

“Another difference of the festival from others is that there are no losers here. " golden mask"sometimes quarrels with colleagues, there have long been precedents. Here, no one was offended. November 10th was closing time Vakhtangov theater where everyone congratulated each other. I sincerely congratulated everyone, because even getting a diploma of a participant is already a win. All our names were called by the hosts of the ceremony - Sergey Bezrukov and Olga Tumaykina, and this is already a victory. In general, we were lucky to become a participant in a grandiose theatrical event in our country, the first "Biennale of theatrical art".

In addition, this festival is conceived as a powerful engine of theaters, because there is a competitive and out-of-competition program, master classes by recognized masters, and the exchange of experience. So, as a result, the play "Vasily Terkin" by the Arkhangelsk Drama Theater was noticed by the Quantorium network of children's technology parks, from Komsomolsk-on-Amur to Kaliningrad, together with the organizers of the Biennale of Theater Arts, on November 11, a special screening of the play "Vasily Terkin" by the Arkhangelsk Drama Theater took place .

Participation in this kind of festival, like the Biennale of theatrical art, is a great event for artists and directors of the Arkhangelsk Drama Theater.

“When you go on stage, you feel that the festival people who go to festival performances look at the artists differently than ordinary spectators: “We are ready! We accept!“. These look different. They've been hooked on you from the very beginning. Therefore, there is a difference between the gaze of an ordinary spectator and a festival spectator, sophisticated, spoiled,” artist Ivan Bratushev shared his impressions.

Actors and performers:

Director- Alexey Ermilyshev
Scenography and costumes- Andrey Timoshenko

Turkin- Dmitry Belyakov
Turkin- Mikhail Kuzmin
Turkin- Ivan Bratushev
Woman- Maria Stepanova

Upcoming performances

Drama (main stage)
Piece - B. Vasiliev
Director - Renata Sotiriadi

The plot is familiar to us from the legendary Soviet film: five female anti-aircraft gunners under the command of foreman Vaskov are forced to engage in an unequal battle with enemy paratroopers and, at the cost of their lives, prevent them from blowing up railway. These girls dreamed of Great love, tenderness, family warmth - but they fell to their lot brutal war, and they fulfilled their military duty to the end ...

Duration- 1 hour 50 minutes (no intermission)

Scenography, costume designer -
Lighting designer- Olga Ravvich
Composer- Svetlana Golybina
Choreographer- Dmitry Melnikov
The performance leads

Restoration in one step ( chamber stage)
Poem - A. Tvardovsky
Director - Alexey Ermilyshev

The performance is an attempt to restore in memory the mythical hero Vasily Terkin, the hero of the epic and at the same time - the hero of the living, real. How restorers bring to life a seemingly lost fresco, layer by layer restoring ancient image, and four actors will play out this text - first as a joke, and then ... and they themselves will not notice how he will gain for them deep meaning. It is no coincidence that the genre of the performance is restoration in one act.

The performance became a laureate in the nomination "No fluff, no feather" at the festival (Mytishchi), received Grand Prize at the festival and also participated in the prestigious festival in Moscow

Tatyana Tikhonovets, theater critic:

“Competently made, correct scenography, which makes it possible to compose anything from it. Rarely put "Torkin in the next world." This transition inspired me. I have seen a lot of "Terkins", but for the first time I meet in the theater that this part is included in the production, and even finished with it, without pathos. This is a completely different Terkin, a completely different Tvardovsky.

Duration- 1 hour 45 minutes (no intermission)

Scenography and costumes -
The performance leads

From October 12 to November 10, 2017, a special theatrical event awaits you in Moscow - it will be the Biennale of Theater Arts, which means that every day at various venues in the capital you can see interesting performances. The peculiarity of the upcoming Biennale of theatrical art lies in the fact that almost all performances will be presented by young directors from the regions of our country. At the Moscow Biennale 2017, the ticket price depends on the production you choose.

In total, the program of the Biennale of Theater Arts in Moscow includes fifteen performances in different genres, and only two of them will be presented by well-known directors, special guests. You can buy a ticket for the Biennale of Theater Arts 17 right now on the Ticketmix website.

The upcoming Biennale of Theater Arts is a great chance to see something new and unusual, to see samples contemporary art and classics brought to the stage in an interesting format. Below you will see a list with a description of the top ten performances that will be shown in Moscow at the Biennale of Theater Arts.

"Three Sisters" is one of the best works And P. Chekhov, which director Lev Dodin will present to you on the Moscow stage. This will be the story of provincial life, about predestination, about destinies and shattered hopes. The depth of the Russian mentality, strong female images and an interesting approach to directing - all this awaits you. Here you can buy tickets online at the Biennale of Theater Arts.

This will be one of the productions from special guests of the festival, it was created by the famous and talented director Yuri Butusov. He will present you with an unusual vision of the classic Chekhov story. In this interpretation, the drama turns into a tragicomedy with elements of the grotesque and buffoonery. The main theme of this production is the human desire for simple happiness. On moscow biennale theater arts 2017 tickets are on sale with us online.

This dramatic performance is based on play of the same name Ostrovsky, a master of tragedy and a specialist in deep disclosure of the characters' characters. You will watch a play about love, pain and the unattainability of happiness on the stage of the Vakhtangov Theater. main character married, but another man suddenly awakens quivering feelings in her - such a story is often found in our time, but the heroine chooses the most honest and difficult path.

You can watch a play about love and the realities of provincial life at the Sovremennik Theater in Moscow. Director Yegor Peregudov will present you his vision of Ostrovsky's play. You will see a story confirming that all ages are submissive to love. For the sake of happiness, sometimes you have to give up your formed beliefs and principles, can the heroes of the production be able to do this?

"Souls" is a performance-reflection based on the works of Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol. This is a story about the search for the soul, about the fact that a person is currently grinding, has become little concerned about the soul. You will see the search for the real Russian soul on the stage of the Pyotr Fomenko Workshop Theater. The peculiarity of the performance lies in the unusual direction and thoughtful musical accompaniment, which consists of different styles: from rock to classical.

"Chuk and Gek" is a production based on the work of Arkady Gaidar, beloved by many since childhood. However, as part of the Biennale, you will see an unexpected version of this story about two boys and their mother traveling to meet their father in Siberia. "Chuk and Gek" by genre is a psychological drama, the denouement of which is difficult to predict. Children think that their father works as a geologist in Siberia, but gradually the audience begins to guess that he is there for completely different reasons.

You can see a play about love that is not subject to time and distance in the program of the Biennale in Moscow. The heroes of this production: a man and a woman, they are very different, they are separated by kilometers. years and circumstances, but lives between them real love. They write letters to each other, which reveal the depth of feelings and characters. The basis for the plot of the play "Lettermaster" was the work contemporary author Mikhail Shishkin.

The Mayakovsky Theater in Moscow invites you to get acquainted with the play "Mad Money". It is based on a play by Ostrovsky, written at the end of the 19th century. The production clearly shows how money affects the fate, character and actions of a person. The approach of director Anatoly Shulyev is interesting: he does not judge the characters, does not present conclusions to the viewer, does not read morality. Each viewer will be able to form their own opinion and get food for thought.

Which of the theatergoers has not yet heard of such a large-scale project as the biennale of theatrical art? This new theater project in 2017 has three major branches. The first - "Lessons in directing" - started in Moscow on October 12. It includes best performances young directors over the past two years and master classes of outstanding domestic directors. As well as theatrical exhibitions and the presentation of the first editions of the Library of the Biennale of Theater Arts). The second is "See the music". This is a festival organized by the Musical Theater Association). The third one, Digital Culture, includes projects aimed at familiarizing oneself with modern technologies for the theatre.

Among the organizers of the Biennale are: Ministry of Culture Russian Federation; charitable foundation "Cultural Seasons"; Association of Musical Theaters; National Museum theater and, finally, the Theatrical Russia project.

Directing lessons program dedicated to creativity young theater directors of Russia can be divided into two parts. The first is a competitive program that features fourteen performances by young directors from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Arkhangelsk, Yekaterinburg and Novosibirsk. The second is the so-called special guests”, two performances by outstanding directors of Russia. Of course, these two performances are out of competition.

Despite the fact that all the performances of the “Biennale of theatrical art. Directing Lessons” are held in the capital of Russia, everyone from various cities of the Russian Federation will be able to see them. According to the organizers, the performances will be broadcast in cinemas in various Russian cities.

At the opening of the Biennial, Vladimir Medinsky, Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation, said: “Dear friends!
Today, performing arts in our country is becoming more and more in demand - it attracts the attention of experts, means mass media and, of course, numerous spectators. Russian theater school rightfully considered one of the strongest and most influential in the world.
Therefore, at the current stage, I consider it very important to preserve and develop those generous traditions that our theater is rich in, to understand what its face will be like tomorrow, to adequately pass the baton young generation. The "Biennale of theatrical art" is designed to show a wide audience the most bright directors from all over the country - those who are just starting their creative way. And they will be judged by an authoritative jury, which consists of masters with the widest palette of views. I am sure this project will important event in the life of the Russian theater community, will open up many new names. I sincerely wish inspiration, bold ideas and interesting meetings to all participants!”

Alexander Kalyagin, chairman of the Union of Theater Workers of the Russian Federation, also took the floor: “ Dear friends! - he said. — I am glad to welcome all the organizers and participants of the Biennale of theatrical art! I would really like this large-scale project, which includes two festivals at once: “See the Music” and the drama festival “Lessons in Directing,” not to become a one-time event.

And I would also like the criterion for choosing participants to remain unchanged - “... ours is everything that is talented, artistic, independent; everything that is untalented, base in taste, frayed, is not ours. I think that these words of Vl.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko, which the organizers of the Biennale quoted, should become a kind of motto to be followed. And I believe that the works of young directors, collected in the playbill of the festival "Lessons in Directing", will be truly talented. How could it be otherwise, because when selecting the participants of the festival, the recommendations of the Directing Guild of STD RF were taken into account, and what is also very important: the jury will judge, which included big masters, really masters of domestic directing. The problem of directing has always been and remains the main one, and the festival, which will be presented to us by a new generation of directors, who today form the modern theatrical language, is, I am sure, extremely necessary and very promising.

We keep talking about the fact that ties between generations have been destroyed, that there is no continuity, and this is true, and therefore it is so important that a festival has arisen that will push directors different generations that they will hear each other, they will discover a lot for themselves. I am sure that the "lessons" that the festival will teach will be useful to everyone. I wish good luck to all participants of the Biennale! Let there be full houses at all performances, let the enthusiastic applause never cease, let there be discoveries and victories!”

For those who love the theatre, now, as they say, is “the time” to visit the original performances of young directors and compare them with those performances regularly organized by the masters of the stage. So interesting project is unlikely to leave indifferent any of the theatergoers.

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