The tango dance originated. The history of tango - the origin of dance, development, interesting facts


Tango- one of the most mysterious dances in the world. After all, restraint of characters, severity of lines and unbridled undisguised passion coexist in it at the same time.

Modern tango has many varieties. Among them are strict ball direction, and passionate Argentinean and unusual Finnish. But they all differ from other types of dances in their special unique character. After all, only in tango it is possible to combine such anatomical features as restraint and passion, strictness and frivolity, tenderness and aggression. Maybe that's why, despite its complexity, both in performance and in understanding, this dance has a huge number of fans around the world.

The history of the origin of the dance

It is generally accepted that the pair became the prototype of all areas of tango. argentine dance, which was first danced in South America. However, some sources, in particular French scientists, claim that the tango first appeared in Spain, and it was danced by the Spanish aborigines (Spanish Moors, Arabs). It happened at the beginning of the fifteenth century. And only in the 16th century, during the colonization South America Spain, the dance came to Argentina.

It should also be noted that in Spain, tango in its original form was only one of the many variations of pairs. folk dances. And the direction has already gained immense popularity in Argentina and other countries of South America. There, tango developed and gradually separated into a separate dance direction. Initially, tango was danced to the rhythms of drums and looked like a rather primitive dance, but over time, Argentine tango turned into a rather complex dance, which was an absolutely unique musical and dance direction based on the rhythms and melodies "borrowed" in Europe, Africa and America (milonga , habanera, etc.).

For a long time, tango was considered a dance. ordinary people. Only in late XIX- At the beginning of the 20th century, tango was introduced in Europe as another official dance direction. The most popular version is that the first choreographer who showed tango to London experts, choreographers and impresario was Camille de Rinal. However, there are other sources that claim that tango has been seen in Europe before. And it was presented to the public by dancing corpses from Buenos Aires and Montevideo performing in Europe. According to this version, the first show took place in Paris, and only then the dance "went" to conquer London, Berlin and other European capitals.

Be that as it may, but at the beginning of the twentieth century, tango began to rapidly gain its popularity as a fashionable and "high society" dance in Europe. And in 1913-1915, the tango craze also captured the United States. As its popularity grows in secular circles, the tango becomes less and less authentic. The choreographers "clear" him of frankly argentine traits and greatly simplified in order to facilitate learning. New varieties of tango appear (French, English, etc.), and in the USA, in general, almost all dances in the rhythm of 2/4 or 4/4 "one step" begin to be called buzzword"tango".

Tango today

Today, tango popular dance, which is danced not only by amateurs, but also by professionals. Ballroom tango participates in programs international competitions along with foxtrot, waltz and other dances.

There are many varieties of tango in the world, which have their own characteristics and features. But no matter what direction of tango is discussed, only this dance can be applied to the quote "love story in one dance" or "love in a few steps." After all, it is difficult to find a more “full” and emotional dance. In each small production, the dancers live a love story that is full of feelings and their expression - passion, tenderness, anger, love, etc., which, being put on public display, nevertheless amazes with its intimacy.

Tango is considered one of the most difficult ballroom dances. And the point is not even in the peculiarities of the choreography, which is far from simple, but in the fact that it is not enough to learn how to dance tango. This dance must be felt, understood, felt.


There are many variations, types and directions of tango, which differ greatly in choreography and musical accompaniment. So, starting to look for the direction of tango that you would like to study, you will surely come across a list of such types of tango as tango waltz, milonga, cangengue, etc. All these variations involve the use of different music (elements of waltz or Cuban dances, For example). There is even a direction of alternative tango, when music of completely different, dissimilar dance styles is used and adapted for tango dance.

If we consider the classical classification of tango, based on differences in choreography, then we can distinguish the following styles:

Argentine tango

This style is the closest to the authentic tango dance performed in Argentina and Uruguay. This direction is a mixture of styles, trends and varieties of national folk Latin American dances with an admixture of rhythms from European and even African directions.

To the main types argentine tango include:





Each of these types has its own technical features, steps, positions, etc. But almost all types of Argentine tango are based on the principles of improvisation in dance.

Finnish tango

This direction originated in Finland in the middle of the twentieth century. The direction very quickly became popular not only in its homeland, but throughout the world.

Finnish tango is a kind of middle option between passionate Argentinean and seasoned sports ballroom dance. In Finnish tango, there is already tight contact at the hips and following clear lines, but there are no characteristic jerky movements head.

ballroom tango

Ballroom tango - sports dance participating in the programs of international competitions. The main difference between this style and Argentine tango is the complete absence of improvisation. There are clear norms and rules of dance - the position of the body and head, following the lines, the implementation of a strictly designated list of elements, etc. Ballroom tango requires precision in both movement and music. This style is less melodic and smooth than its "brothers".

Special features of tango

Musical size - 2/4 or 4/4

The pace is slow

Music - depends on the style.

Choreography - depends on the style.

Yes, tango argentine... as well as Cuban and Spanish.

Tango was born in Buenos Aires at the end of the nineteenth century in the vicinity of the Argentine capital along the Rio de la Plata.

In which country did the tango dance originate?

The history of Argentine tango is deeply connected with external and internal immigration in Argentina.

Historians claim that Argentine tango appeared between 1860 and 1880. The Argentine tango is a complex invention, a product due to the mixing of races in terms of mixing ethnic and cultural aspects. Tango was born as a result of the meeting of Argentine Creoles, Uruguayans and European immigrants (Italy, Spain, etc.). Each nation brought its way of life and its traditions in music and dance. Thus, in the slums of Buenos Aires, the sounds of Flamenco, the rhythms of Condomba (dance of black slaves), Habanera (Cuban origin) and the languid sounds of Milonga (Argentine origin) mixed up in the slums of Buenos Aires, these various sounds, generated by nostalgia for a bygone era and longing for an uncertain future, gave birth to Tango . A musical symbol Argentine tango became a harmonica - bandoneon.

Buenos Aires - the birthplace of tango

Buenos Aires in 1880 received emigrants from all parts. The main reason for the resettlement was the desire to get rich. Most were men from Italy, Spain, Poland, Germany and were joined by farmers from all over South America. At the end of 1880, the Federal Capital received 3.5 million immigrants from all over the world. All are located on the outskirts of the city in large barracks buildings. The area with migrants is called "Arrabal" ("suburb"). Here is poverty, thieves, prostitutes.

Tango is a dance with a bad reputation

The places where tango originated were somewhat different from those where tango is danced today. This dance was popular on the streets, in cabarets, bars, gambling halls, brothels. The Argentinean tango was danced by the mob, the guards of the "mafia" of the quarters, the slave traders of the white people, the machos, the hooligans.

Later the tango became a dance lost souls, a reflection of unhappy love, melancholy, longing for vanishing times. Tango is almost always plaintive and nostalgic. Sometimes it can be satirical, sarcastic, but never has a happy mood, euphoria of triumph.

Argentine tango was danced by men in the streets with their friends before meeting women in countless brothels. By law of March 2, 1916, tango was forbidden to dance on the sidewalks due to an obstacle. traffic. This dance was condemned by Pope Pius X until his death in 1914, then rehabilitated by Benedict XV.

At the end of the nineteenth century, for the first time, a woman was accepted into men's world tango. The prostitutes danced first.

Parisian success

If the tango remained for a long time on the streets and in the brothels, it's because the dancing was not considered proper. Boys from good families did not hesitate to get all possible joys in the areas for fun with dancing and seducing girls. Of course, girls from the bourgeoisie did not have such an opportunity, since the tango remained "anchored" in the bohemian quarters. However, traveling to Europe, and especially to Paris, will have great importance. Indeed, the French capital at the beginning of the 20th century, a lively and noisy city, where new dances met with a bang. Tango quickly won a worthy place among the dances at the events of the city, and later throughout Europe. In Argentine society, tango was accepted only after the dance began to be danced in Paris.

tango music

Initially, tango was danced to the improvisation of amateur musicians. The first melodies came from a trio of flute, violin and guitar. A little later, the bandoneon, brought by immigrants, also began to participate in tango. Gradually, by 1913, orchestras appeared, combining accordions and strings "Orquesta Tipica" (sextet).

In 1917 there was important fact: the first songs will be written to tango music. The voice and figure of the tango will be Carlos Gardel, the son of an immigrant from Toulouse (real name Charles Garde). Carlos Gerdel is one of the greatest composers Argentine tango. His family emigrated to Buenos Aires when he was 2 years old. Gerdel started his career in bars to earn some money. He recorded his first songs at the age of 22. In the 1920s, Gerdel brought tango to Europe, Spain and France, and then won in New York. His tragic death in a plane crash during a British tour in 1935 completed the ideal legend of life.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the image of the city, which gave rise to the development of tango, underwent great changes.

The audience has grown, the combination of sounds has changed, and what we hear and know today was not the same until 1920. Shortly before the First World War, tango began to develop and become popular in Europe. In Paris, tango quickly received its recognition, and then the high Argentine society became interested in dance.

Origin of the word "tango"

No exact facts Where exactly did the name of the dance come from? Each historian offers different versions. The word "tango" in the nineteenth century was used to refer to a stick. The word also exists in some African countries mentioned in Spanish documents. It speaks of a place where black slaves gathered for celebrations. Some say that the word arose from the incorrect pronunciation of the word "Tambor" (Spanish - drum) by the slaves, because of the accent they managed to pronounce sounds like "tango", hence the name of the dance.

How to dance Argentine tango

Today Argentine tango is very different from other dances. The choreography of most social dances consists of a basic step with some variations. In tango, the basic step is the starting point for hundreds of different figures. Each couple creates their own chain of elements, according to the sounding music and the space on the dance floor. The sequence of different figures is completely subject to momentary inspiration. The beauty of this dance is impossible to describe, as there is improvisation, each couple has its own personality and interprets sounding music with their movements.

Leading in tango is carried out by a man, the partner not only directs the movements, but also carefully monitors the space among the surrounding other couples.

Tango is a revolution in dance - it is a dance without a predetermined choreography, it is a language that allows everyone to express themselves. The African dance Semba borrowed many steps from the tango.

Tango is a sensual dance, which today is accompanied by a phenomenal success. Tango dance lessons are very popular in Europe (especially in France) and all over the world.

For more than a century, the passionate, exciting, rhythmic dance, which is called "Argentine tango", annually wins the hearts of millions of people around the world.

Tango gained popularity in the 19th century in Buenos Aires. In those days, this still very young town was already inhabited not only by natives, but also by emigrants. The music created specifically for this dance is a "cocktail" of melodies from different nationalities and cultures. However, this can also be said about the movements - the milonga born in Argentina, the habanera from Havana, the Indian ritual dances, flamenco from Spain and even the German waltz - all of them shared a piece of their individuality, so that in the end the tango turned out, which for many people has become not just a dance, but a real lifestyle.

History of tango

There are many theories about the origin of this direction, but none of them has been confirmed. It is only known that in the middle of the 19th century, slaves brought to Argentina from the hottest continent began to gradually influence local culture, giving her unusual elements that the local population adopted and made "their own".

When at the beginning of the 20th century the population of the country reached one and a half million, it was no longer possible to figure out which nationalities became the ancestors of certain cultural characteristics. In Argentina, at that time, there were many Spaniards, Africans, British, Italians, Poles, Russians and aborigines who constantly borrowed music from each other, dance moves, brought their own traditional elements and gave out completely new, unique "products". This is how, most likely, the tango appeared.

Everything you need to know about tango

According to tradition, the music for this dance is performed by an orchestra consisting of piano, guitar, bandoneon, double bass, flute and violin. However, nowadays, most often, dancers have to perform movements to tunes recorded on CDs or electronic media, however true connoisseurs tango doesn't matter, because the whole point is in the "communication" between partners, the passion that boils when a man and a woman merge into one, performing movement after movement.

Argentine tango, despite its peculiarities and seemingly precise performance technology, is an improvisational dance that is built from four main elements:

* step;
* turn;
* stop;
* decoration.

In order to make the process exciting, passionate and charming, partners must develop their own own style, a special sequence of movements and come up with bright, unusual jewelry. Even professional dancers, despite prior arrangements, cannot know exactly how the dance will take place.

One turn or an extra step can make it completely different, direct the flow in the other direction and give the audience a truly unforgettable experience. First of all, Argentine tango is a fusion of hearts and souls, and only then, a strict technique consisting of a “set” of pas. It is worth noting that this direction has the only strict rule - Argentine tango is always danced counterclockwise. It differs from its "ballroom" counterpart in balance, movements, the presence of improvisational elements, music and even steps.

Music and movements are very popular not only in dances. For example, figure skating is very often accompanied by these incendiary melodies, and elements are also used in synchronized swimming, gymnastics and other "beautiful" sports.

Types of Argentine tango

Despite the fact that the direction seems quite understandable and accomplished, it has several varieties, which, often, can only be determined by a specialist or just a person who appreciates and respects the art of dance. All of them have their own names:

* fox;
* salon;
* fantasy;
* milognero;
* orillero;
* Nuevo.

Let's try to consider each of the varieties in more detail.


This style owes its appearance to cramped, crowded dance halls, in which there was often not enough space for turns, rotations or figures, and partners could only perform simple moves, to snuggle closer to each other, but so that everyone has enough freedom to insert a certain “decoration”.


This tango is performed by partners deliberately shifted to the right of each other and positioned in a V-shape. The style is without a doubt one of the most refined, and is distinguished by the separation of the partners from each other, which allows them to perform complex figures and turns. However, it is very important to follow certain line dance, otherwise the whole meaning may be lost.


Fantasy is, at its core, a stage style of tango designed specifically to create spectacular, exciting shows. This includes several styles at once - salon, orillero and nuevo, and even ballet elements that are not characteristic of any other type of tango.


This direction originated in the forties of the 20th century, when the dance floors were small, and there were so many people who wanted to dance, and even a fox with a rather modest “span” could seem like an unaffordable luxury. This tango is still loved to dance at parties and nightclubs, because the close contact of the bodies of partners and the intimacy of hugs is the best for events where people come with their couples or in search of a soul mate.


This style is very reminiscent of a salon, but the movements of the dancers are more relaxed, the contact of the bodies is minimal, and all the decorations are performed with the scope inherent in the tango in its classical sense.


This is a modern, recently created direction, which has not yet managed to acquire its own characteristics and distinctive elements. In fact, the dancers themselves contribute to its development, adding completely new movements, inventing original figures and steps.

Despite such a variety of directions, tango was, is and remains a dance in which a man and a woman must not only convey movements, but also understand each other and give a boost of energy and positive energy to the audience and their partner.

In Moscow, almost every day (and sometimes several times a day) a milonga takes place somewhere - a party where tango is danced. The number of tango schools and studios that have appeared in Russia since the late 90s is growing - more and more people want to find space to calmly and beautifully express their most difficult emotions. Gazeta.Ru decided to find out what is the secret of this magical and popular dance.

Recently, Australian scientists from the University of New England discovered beneficial effect argentine tango on mental health person. Participants in the experiment, aged 18 to 75, complaining of depression, anxiety, stress and insomnia attended tango lessons for two weeks.

As a result, the general emotional background of the majority has noticeably improved, self-esteem and the ability to enjoy life have increased. The effect persisted for about a month after the end of classes.

Theory of Passion

Tango originally appeared in Argentina at the end of the 19th century among the lower strata of society. In the 1910s, the dance penetrates the elite and quickly wins universal love. Around the same time, he ended up in Europe, where real tangomania begins, and by the beginning of the 20s - in the USA. 1935-1955 - the "golden age" of tango, the time of creating music, to which they mainly dance today - to the orchestras of Juan D "Arienzo, Osvaldo Pugliese. Since the mid-50s, the work of the composer Astor Piazzolla finally elevates tango to the rank of serious music. Formed different styles: salon, milonguero, fantasy, nuevo, moderno…

The basic elements of tango are step and turn, presented in a huge number of variations. The peculiarity of tango is that it is an improvisational dance, and it is impossible to learn it - each time, combining elements in a new way, you create absolutely new dance. In this case, the initiator is a man, and the role of a woman is to sensitively capture the direction and pulse of the dance. At the same time, this is not a game of "guessing" - a man should make it clear enough to his partner how the dance will go on, and she, in turn, should understand him.

And here the most interesting begins: in order for the dialogue to take place, partners are forced to learn to trust and open up to each other.

“People are becoming more open to relationships. Tango teaches you to solve problems in pairs. If you want to get something from someone, you have to give him what he needs, says Gigio Giovanni, dancer and tango teacher with 20 years of experience from Argentina, living in Moscow. “Usually we hide behind words, and when you dance, you have nowhere to go. Everything becomes clear."

The non-verbal communication that takes place in tango cannot be false, unlike Everyday life. “Tango teaches a man to be a man,” Gigio continues. “Actually, this is not an easy task.

Anyone can be a man like an animal. Tango teaches you to be a gentleman, to understand what you want and how to get it.

In turn, women become more feminine, learn to listen, to feel the situation.”

Tango not only plays the story of communication from the inside, but also builds relationships between people around it. Life in the tango community is very active: new acquaintances inevitably appear, there is no need to wonder where to go in the evening. For women, this is a reason to change jeans and T-shirts for dresses and elegant shoes, for men - to feel irresistible.

“Of course, in tango, the gender imbalance is quite pronounced,” says Anna Zyuzina, tango teacher and co-founder of one of the first Moscow tango schools. - And a man who really learned to dance will be a success with women. Self-esteem is growing - for some, it even sometimes jumps over the threshold of adequacy. Of course, liking girls is already an interesting moment. And good self-esteem then helps in other areas of life.

“For me, tango is an allegory of life,” Gigio continues. — It is useless to go to tango with the aim of finding something definite, for example family happiness, if you have not found yourself first. And if you have found yourself, then everything else is possible. Tango is both suffering, and passion, and melancholy. Who dances tango overcomes these feelings more easily in life. Sadness is also a skill, you need to be able to live it.

The practice of love


But tango is certainly not only about sadness, otherwise it would not be so popular. First of all, this dance attracts with the possibility of a truly beautiful communication between a man and a woman.

“It usually takes a long time in life before you hug your loved one for the first time,” Gigio says. “And the tango begins with a hug, and besides, it's just a hug, just a dance.

Of course, there is a game, there is flirting, but we love it, and the Russian people love it. Because they are passionate. Like us".

In addition, tango is a good occasion to deal with your psychological problems. "Tango - social dance, and this whole community works according to all the laws of society,” says Anna. “If a person sees that something is not working out for him not only “there”, but also here, he corrects his behavior, and then it becomes easier for him to communicate with people.”

Skills learned in class are practiced in class. dance evenings sometimes under the supervision of a teacher. In many schools, you can come to this practice, even if you study in another. And those who are already confident enough in their abilities can go to a real milonga - an evening where they dance tango.

The favorite venues for Moscow tangueros are the Teplitsa cafe, the Sad named after. Bauman, Catherine Park, Museum of Moscow, TIR studio, Flakon design factory, Rhythm-Blues cafe. It is customary to put music in blocks of three or four tango compositions with almost no pauses - this is “tanda”. Between the tandas are "cortinas" - short inserts of other music, such as salsa or rock and roll, when you can talk with a partner or find a new one.

Interrupt tanda - gross violation"codigos", tango etiquette. By the way, he paints the norms of behavior in the milongas before the smallest details. They are easy to remember, helping and avoiding awkward situations, and feel like you are at a real dance retro evening.

special case


Of course, everyone's personal history of relationships with tango is unique. But we still asked two Moscow tangeros - a man and a woman - to tell us their story.

Maxim Muravyov has been dancing since 2010:
“I came to tango after graduating from university. I wanted to change my life ... To the question posed to myself “How?” a lightbulb with the inscription "Argentine tango" lit up in my head. It seemed strange to me - I didn’t know what kind of dance it was, and I never danced anything ... Six months later I noisily celebrated my birthday at the milonga, and a year later I gradually learned what “codigos” was, and finally got involved. Learning has always been interesting, and now too. I think for tango this is an obligatory endless process.

Tango brings balance - it adds softness to a tough person, rigidity to a soft person ...

Gives a man confidence own forces, the ability to realize hidden potentials, self-confidence.

Thanks to tango, I found my love and connected with it later life. There was a new environment, a lot of acquaintances. The rhythm of tango has firmly entered the rhythm of life ... Or rather, vice versa.

Lena Shchekina, dancing since 2008:
“Shortly before I got acquainted with tango, I decided that I wanted to do pair dancing. And then a colleague offered to go with her to the closing of the Moscow tango festival. Coming out after the concert, I already knew exactly what kind of dances I would do. I started literally in a week, and after the first lesson I went to buy very expensive professional shoes. So it was love at first sight.

I went to the milonga for the first time after four months of training: it was very scary and interesting at the same time... Of course, the first months are the most difficult: you learn the movements, trying to get into the music and keep in touch with your partner. And then it becomes easier, although this is a multi-stage process, there are ups and downs. Now I am not studying, but I go to practices and milongas. Tango brings a festive atmosphere to life...

Tango helped my friend get out of her depression after her divorce, several acquaintances found their soul mates thanks to tango. I met many wonderful people.

And I became freer. Tango helps, on the one hand, to learn how to control the body, and on the other hand, to become liberated internally. After all, it is not so easy for the first time to answer an invitation to dance or to invite a man with a glance.

And tango teaches you how to hug nicely.”

Where to learn to dance tango in Moscow

ITAR-TASS/ Sergey Karpov

School of Argentine tango "TangoMio". Founded in 2004 by one of the first tangers in Moscow, Mila Vigdorova, and Anna Zyuzina. Teachers invited from Buenos Aires teach here on a permanent basis, and the world's best tango masters regularly conduct master classes.

The first Moscow school of tango Casa del Tango. Created in 1998 by choreographer and tango teacher Valentina Ustinova. The first students of Casa are tangers now known throughout Moscow.

Theater-studio of Argentine tango by Vlada Zakharova. The leader is the champion of Russia in Argentine tango, a professional teacher-choreographer, has been teaching since 2000. The school constantly organizes performances by students and teachers at various venues and even trips to Argentina.

School of Argentine tango GoTango. Exists since 2004. The forum on the website of this school is known, perhaps, to the entire Russian-speaking tango community and lives incredibly active life- here they discuss the most different questions those connected with tango find out the schedule of tango events, and also look for (and find!) a couple for classes and milongas.

Clubs "Planetango" and "La Milonga". In addition to tango lessons, these clubs organize regular practices, milongas (often themed - for example, by candlelight or on the occasion of a holiday), seminars and master classes of foreign teachers, and festivals.

The Russian tango community covers many cities: St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Voronezh, Samara, Yaroslavl, Krasnodar, etc. Yes, and having arrived in another country, you definitely will not feel lonely - in many countries there is someone to dance with.

Tango is, of course, first and foremost a dance, but also much more. Tango is movement, feeling and music all together. Tango is a relationship between a man and a woman. Tango is a small life as long as the music is playing and as long as the hug lasts. Tango is a feeling.

It's a wild fire tango
on the edge of fear and pain.
This is our game with you ...
We are actors without a leading role.

They are sleepless souls
they are senses without a body.
It is the same faith for all...
We take off easily and boldly!

This is the tango of forgotten dreams...
The dance of the birds that have lost the sky.
It's a rain of burning tears
next to an angel and a sad demon.

"Tango is a mixture of rage, pain, faith and absence."
"Tango is a sad thought that can even be danced."
"Argentine tango is a sad thought expressed in dance.

The exact origin of tango - both the dance and the word itself - is lost in myth and unwritten history. But there is a generally accepted theory. In the mid-nineteenth century, African slaves were brought to Argentina and began to change the local culture. The word "tango" may be purely African in the sense of "enclosed space", or it may be Portuguese (or Latin American - derived from the word "tanguere" meaning "to touch"), picked up by slaves on the ship's sides.
One way or another, the word "tango" during the period of the settlement of Argentina by slaves from Africa began to mean a place where black slaves and free blacks gathered to dance.

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Argentina experienced a massive influx of migrants.
Everyone began to live in Argentina: Africans, Spaniards, Italians, British, Germans, Poles, Russians, the Argentines themselves ...
As a result, there was a merger of cultures, and each nationality borrowed dances from the other. African rhythms of tangano and candombe, Argentinean milonga, Cuban habanera, Spanish flamenco, ritual dances of the Indians, the Polish mazurka, the German waltz and other dances of the peoples of the world merged into one dance Argentine tango.

By the beginning of the 20th century, tango (both dance and popular music) took a strong position in Buenos Aires and a few years later spread throughout the provinces of the country and even crossed La Plata and ended up in Montevideo, the capital of Uruguay, where it became as much a part of the urban culture as in the capital of Argentina.

Tango's global march began in the first third of the twentieth century, when the sons of wealthy Argentinean families made their way to Paris and gave tango to a society that was hungry for innovation and tolerant of the questionable nature of the dance and association with young, wealthy Argentinian thugs.

In the 20s and 30s of the 20th century, tango continued to spread throughout the world. The dance appeared in the cinema. Tango singers traveled around with concerts. By the thirties, the Golden Age of Argentine tango began. Argentina has become one of the ten richest countries in the world. Tango has become the foundation, the fundamental basis of its culture. The Golden Age of this dance lasted until the fifties. But the flowering of tango was due to economic reasons.

In the fifties, the government began to pursue a policy of repression. This, of course, was reflected in the lyrics, and gradually the repression spread to culture.

Dance and music went underground; closed all over the country dance halls, large public gatherings were forbidden - but the tango survived in small, obscure places and, of course, in the hearts of people. However, the underground movement was accompanied by the intrusion of rock and roll, and because of it, tango remained in decline until the mid-eighties, when the stage show "Tango Argentino" appeared in Paris.

And again, Paris became the place from where tango rushed around the world for the second time. The show caused an explosion of enthusiasm for this style in Europe, North America and Japan.

Tango is one of the most popular dances in the world today.

Tango. Fernando Gracia and Sol Cerquides

Straighten your shoulders, straighten your posture,
We'll dance the tango tonight.
Look into my eyes and feel the beat
Give yourself all to the dance. Turn. Step.

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