Ancient peoples of Europe. Non-Indo-European peoples of Europe


Truth is so precious
must be accompanied by an escort of lies.
Winston Churchill,

AND Scientists in Europe and Asia do not know the history of the Aryans. But the history of this people is of interest to all historians of the world, and they write it; and the more they write, the more contradictions in their judgments, which create chaos and confusion. This article aims to deal with the abundance of true and false judgments that mislead scientists and the general public. But, before proceeding to the presentation of the article, let me briefly acquaint the reader with this legendary country.

WITH sacred Aria consisted of 8 regions: Hyrcania, Parthia, Ariana, Arachosia, Margiana, Bactria, Sogdiana, Charezm, which were taken by ancient authors for countries. However, the following statement of the Supreme God of the Zoroastrians, Ahuramazda, indicates that all areas were created by him, and he is the Supreme God of the Aryans, the monolithic nation of the Sacred Arya. Strabo reports that there was common language, differing only in the difference of local dialects.

P Here are quotes from the legends of the Supreme God of the Aryans Ahuramazda:

"IN firstly, the best of the countries and habitats I, Ahuramazda, created: Arianam Vaiju"
Aryanam Vaydzha - "Aryan Mother Aydzha", i.e. Ariana (Parthia).

"IN secondly, I, Ahuramazda, created the best of the countries and habitats: Gava, inhabited by the Sogdians"
Gava - gava = "surround" (city wall).
Sogdi = "leaked out" ("occurred").

"IN-thirdly, I, Ahuramazda, created the best of the countries and habitats: Margiana, strong, involved in Arte "
Moura - Merv - Mary.

"IN- fourth, I, Ahuramazda, created the best of the countries and habitats: Bactria, beautiful, high (holding) the banner "
"Bactria" is the Greekized form of the Aryan word "Bagda" - "immersed in gardens."

"IN-Fifth, I, Ahuramazda, created the best of the countries and habitats: Nisaia, (located) between Margiana and Bactria.

Nisaia = Parthia.

"IN- sixth, I, Ahuramazda, created the best of the countries and habitats: Hariva with abandoned houses "
Deprived of water due to the change in the channel of the Amu Darya, the inhabitants of Kharezm moved to new coastal lands, leaving their homes, villages, etc.
Harri-zem, Charezm = "land of the Aryans".

"IN-seventh, the best of the countries and habitats I, Ahuramazda, created: Vehrkana, inhabited by the Hyrcanians"
Vehrkan = Hyrcania (Greek) = Gurgen ("thick", "wooded").

"IN- eighth, the best of the countries and habitats I, Ahuramazda, created: Harahvati, beautiful "
Arachosia on the Arahot River (Herat).

At Archaeologist I. Khlopin wrote: "All the time of its existence, the country of Aria was located on the territory of Turkmenistan. The name Aria practically survives until the Mongol invasion of Central Asia in the 13th century." After the Mongol pogrom, which claimed the lives of 10-15 million Aryans, the name Aria appeared inside the country as Harasan: Hari, Ari, and reached the 20th century. Only in 1924, Aria was renamed Turkmenistan - a word that the brilliant poet and thinker did not know Makhtumkuli, who lived in the 18th century.

H Despite the numerous facts on the history of the Aryans and Aryans, one of the greatest historians of the world, Academician V.V. Bartold, turned out to be the gravedigger of the Aryans, who buried them "alive"! Those who, like thousands of years ago, still live on their own native land- Sacred Aria! Let's try to clarify such a confusing issue.
Bartold wrote the "History of the Turkmen people" - a people that never existed, because the Turkmen pastoralists (the autochthonous people of Mongolia) failed to develop from a tribal system into a people and scattered across the continents of Asia and Europe. The academician, having invented the "History of the Turkmen people", hung it around the neck of the Aryans of the Sacred Aria, arguing that the Turkmens, having conquered Aria in the 8th-9th centuries, assimilated the Aryans, who allegedly disappeared, and now Turkmens live in their native land. Why, then, the current "Turkmen" are anthropologically long-headed Caucasoids, as they were thousands of years ago, while the historical Turkmens were brachycephalic Mongoloid race? Thus, the very anthropology of the Aryans smashes Barthold's false statement to smithereens! Perhaps Barthold did not know that the Aryans lived on the territory between the Caspian Sea and the Syr Darya? But how then to understand his own words: "As far as we can trace the history of Central Asia, its settled population always belonged to the Aryan tribe, namely to the Aryan group of Aryan peoples" (Bartold, vol. 2, part II, p. 322)? It turns out that Barthold, deliberately creating the history of a non-existent people, consciously crossed out great story Aryans, separated them from their glorious ancestors who created on the continents of Asia and Europe greatest civilizations humanity! Here is what the brilliant ethnologist Morgan writes about this: "The Aryans and Semites founded civilizations on earth" (Morgan, " ancient society", New York, USA, 1878).

"B thanks to Barthold's "mistake, the Aryans from the now living have turned into legendary ones, like the Atlanteans of Atlantis! What is the reason for such a blatant inconsistency? Perhaps it lies in the fact that Bartold carried out the" social order "of the Bolshevik "tops" within the framework of the "Leninist national policy"? After all, the ideology of the ruling elite often absolutely does not coincide with scientific objectivity.

ABOUT However, the Aryan saved the Aryans from the final oblivion! This is the oldest historian of Europe, the Aryan Jordan !! Here is what is reported about him: "The Gothic writer Jordanes writes about the Goths, their origin and early history" ("Introduction to German Philology", M., 1980, p.16). The work of Jordan contains the names of the Germanic genera of the Aryans:

A Roman families of Germany

Goths, Visigoths, Ostrogoths, Crimean Goths(Gets-Massagets - S.Ya.), Burgundians (Huns), Saxons (Saks), Angles (a?ly - "reasonable" - S.Ya.), Anglo-Saxons, Alemanni (Alans - "possessed" - S.Ya. .).

IN"Genealogy of the Gothic kings" was the fourth Amal ("method" - S.Ya.). He gave rise to the Amalami - the royal family of the Ostrogoths; the Vezegots had the same leader Balta ("ax" - S.Ya.). First historical figure Germanaric was from the Amal clan, Atalarich is the famous commander-king of the Vezegoths from the Balt clan.

A Ryan clans of Sacred Aria

Alans ("possessed"), Huns ("sunny"), Saks ("sharp-sighted"), Massagets = Goths ("go for pleasure").
Jordan names the names of the great commanders and kings, who, like their Aryan ancestors, were proud of the German nation from Nietzsche to Adolf Hitler. Here they are:
Ariberdi - Aribert ("Aryan Birdie")
Atalar - Atalarih ("ih" - "I" / German /, i.e. "I - Atalar")
Atanar - Atanarih ("I am Atanar")
Alar - Alarih ("I am Alar")
Germanarih - Germanarih ("I am Herman Aryan")
Attila - Attila ("Ataila" - "Fatherland")
Ataoglu, Atageldy, Tiudiberdi, Sary, Sapar, Khanaly, etc.

Kings of the state of Lydia: Sadi-Atta (sada - "simple", atta - "father" (his son's name was Ali-Atta [ali - "supreme"], and his wife - Ari-enne ["Aryan mother"] (Herodotus).

AND the me-word "ata" ("Ata") is ancient Aryan - not Turkic !!!

ABOUT I especially draw attention to the name "Gunderic", which was worn by the king of the Aryan-Huns, mistakenly attributed by the Turkologists to the Turkic ones: Radaguna (II century BC) from the city of Nisa, whose naked images were carved on the royal seals of the Arshakids, the daughter of Arshak Mithridates I, king of Parthia; Gundir ("The Sun"), hence Gunther - a proper Germanic name. Thus, the word "Hun" existed long before the Turkic-Mongolian tribes and was included as an integral part in the names of the Aryan-Huns.

IN The above-mentioned Aryan names of the great commanders and famous kings of Germany today are the national names of the "Turkmen", whose ancestors during the migration to the west, which began in the VI century. BC, took possession of Europe and created new peoples: Germans, English, French, Italians, Spaniards, Portuguese, etc. (Jordan). And the German nation and the country of Germany were named after the brilliant Aryan commander and King Germanarich !! This is evidenced by the following: Jordanes reports that the name "Germanaric" comes from his Aryan name "Hermen", which means "I will not stretch, pull."

R Let us now consider the meaning of the name of Jordan himself. It is very beautiful and in translation means "from the sweet." The name "Jordan" consists of two parts: the root ior, iar ("cute") and the adjective dan ("from"), which indicates the agglutination of the Aryan language!!! The same name existed among the Lydians: Jardan, father of Omphala, queen of the state of Lydia. In this regard, it is interesting to trace the influence of the Aryan language on others. For example, the agglutination of the Aryan language was transferred to the language of the ancient Hayas of the Hayas country in the 13th century. BC e. after the resettlement of the Aryans of the lost Mounted Power of Mittanni to the Armenian Highlands. It was then that they gave the names to the country and its natural and geographical objects: "Armenia", "Ararat", "Araks", "Arev" - "Sun", from which the self-name of the Aryans and the toponym Aria - "Sunny" come from.

W Here the following fact should be noted. In 1994, at the direction of the President of the Armenian Academy of Sciences, the author of these lines had a chance to deliver a lecture on the topic "History of the Armenian people and its language" to students, teachers and scientists of the University of Yerevan. The success exceeded all my expectations, although I knew that it would be so: representatives of the "Armenians of the World" Society offered me to write specifically for them "The History of the Armenian People and Language in Connection with the Settlement of the Aryans in the Armenian Highlands in the 13th century BC. " so that I speak to the Armenian Diaspora of Europe and America! I wrote the promised article.

IN"History of the Armenian people" (Yerevan, 1980, p. 70) we read: "The Sumerian legend about global flood together with his hero Ziusudra was subsequently Judaized with the renaming of the hero to Noah. "The famous Thor Heyerdahl also writes about this (" ancient man and the ocean", M., 1982, p.18): "The Jews were not the first to describe the flood + The Supreme God commanded to exterminate humanity with a flood for his sins, but the Sumerian water god Enki + warned the pious king named Ziusudra about the impending danger and "taught him how to save yourself by building a very big ship(Kramer, S.N.).

IN"Tales of Ahuramazda" lists large areas of Sacred Aria and the first named Ariana (Parthia) - the cradle of the Aryan race. Here in the V millennium BC. in the family of a farmer was born the first Prophet in the history of mankind Ziusudra (Zoroaster). Margiana, Bactria, Sogdiana, Kharezm, etc. will be created millennia later. At the end of the 5th millennium BC. the legend of the global flood and the image of Ziusudra (Zoroaster) were brought by the Aryan Sumerians to the Middle East, to Southern Mesopotamia: "After the arrival of the Sumerians in Ancient Mesopotamia (4500-4060 BC), they gradually began to develop statehood" ( Matveev, Sazonov "Land of the Ancient Mesopotamia", p.49, M., 1986).

ABOUT This is also evidenced by the language of the Aryans-Sumerians-"Turkmens":

Sumer - Shum-er = "fatal land" (the Sumerians wrote "Shum-er")
Ziusudra - Zeesudra = "moisture + water": Ziusudra
Annapaddi - Annapatdy = "Anna lame"
Annatummi - Annatummi = "Anna hunchbacked"
Mesilim - Mesilim = "my people are prosperous"
Enten - enten = "staggering, wandering"
Entemen - entemen = "I will not stagger/wander"
Adam - Adam = "man"
Aman - Aman = "unharmed", "mercy"
Uruk - urug = "generic"
Umma - umma = "far away, to be far away"
Ash-nan - ash-nan = "bread-food" (goddess of grain)
Inanna - ynanna - ynan-da = "believe me" (goddess)
Larsa - larsa = "instantly", "immediately"
Gudea - guda = "matchmaker"
Ur - ur = "pit for storing grain"
Kish - kish = exclamation that drives away birds
Ziusudra + Zarathushtra = Zoroaster!!!

AND me Anna among the Sumerians, as today, after 7000 years among the "Turkmen" - male. But in Europe, America and all over the world, more than 100 million beauties bear this bright and melodious Aryan name - Anna! By the way, both in Ariana (VI millennium BC) and Sumer (V millennium BC), and today the little Aryans ("Turkmen"!) have their first baby word they pronounce "memme" ("mamma - "mother's breast"! Hence the word "mother" comes from - the most expensive word of the Indo-Europeans!

H Let's get back to the question at hand. The Avesta was created by the Zoroastrian priests of Aria in an inflected runic language, completely incomprehensible to ordinary people. Later, when in the IV century. BC e. The Achaemenids adopted Zoroastrianism as the state religion (Prof. Mary Boyes, Great Britain), the Persian magicians reworked the Avesta, giving it aggressiveness directed against the creators of the Zoroastrian religion - the Aryans! However, at the direction of the king of Parthia, Arshak Vologez, the Avesta was recorded in Nisa in the native Aryan ("Turkmen") language in the 1st century BC. AD Even before that, "in eastern Parthia in the 1st century BC there was a written text of the Avesta" (Lukonin, "Ancient Iran", M., 1987, p. 239). The kings of Persia also tried to write it down, but the Persian language was alien to the Avesta and was unable to convey the features of the Avestan sounds! And today only the "Turkmen" language has all the sounds of the Avesta! Therefore, the Persians had no choice but to borrow words from a foreign language. Ultimately, this led to the fact that the language of the Persians was twice enriched at the expense of the language of the Parthian-Aryans. This is evidenced by its three-stage: Old Persian, Middle Persian and New Persian. Moreover, the Persians managed to write down the Avesta only in the XIII-XIV centuries, i.e. 1300 years after it was written in native Aryan (Prof. Mary Boyce)!

D alley. Throughout the world, the agglutination of the language is considered to be a property of the Turkic peoples. Why? Let me remind you that the Turkic-Mongolian pastoralists, immigrants from Mongolia, who came to the eastern border of Aria - the Syr Darya River in 70-80 years. 8th century (al-Athir) experienced great difficulties when communicating with local Aryans, being unable to give semantic correspondences to tens of thousands of Aryan words by means of words from their language, which numbered 300-350 terms of a purely cattle-breeding meaning. To destroy this language barrier, they adopted the language of the Aryans (!). Moreover, the perception of Aryan words by ear due to the lack of written language among pastoralists distorted the form and meaning of Aryan words as barbarisms - this is how the foundations of the Turkic languages ​​were created. That is why agglutinativity is attributed to the Turkic languages! Surprisingly, this circumstance is completely overlooked by the world scientific community due to ignorance. Everyone believed the false statement of V.V. Bartold that the Mongoloid Turkmens, having conquered the Aryans, assimilated them both in terms of language and physical appearance. It is quite simple to debunk this myth: if this statement were true, then today the Aryans would have to look like Mongoloids. Meanwhile, they, as well as 8000 years ago in Jeytun, are dolichocephalic, i.e. they have all the features inherent in the Aryan race! The outstanding anthropologist O. Babakov also points to this: "+ The Turkmen people turned out to be the only one who retained their ancient appearance - a long-headed Caucasoid appearance."

ABOUT The same is said by such an authoritative source as "Materials on the history of Turkmens and Turkmenia" (MITT, 1939). In the works of 55 authors, in 61 Arabic sources of the 9th-19th centuries, in 22 works in Arabic (21 authors) and 32 in Persian, there is absolutely not a single fact testifying to the conquest of Kharasan (Aria) Turkmens! Semi-savage Turkmens from the 11th century. by the 15th century they attacked the cities and villages of Kharasan and robbed, killed the population as bandits and returned to Azerbaijan (MITT, p. 540). Therefore, they were expelled or exterminated to the last by the Aryans by the Great Seljuks: "There was not a single Turkmen in the state of the Great Seljuks" (Sumer, Turkey).
This fact deals a crushing blow to the false statements of Academician Barthold. However, even today scientists are in captivity misconceptions. Obviously, due to ignorance, even such a remarkable scientist as I.M. Steblin-Kamensky continues to erroneously assert that " middle Asia- this is the birthplace of the eastern subgroup of the Iranian languages ​​\u200b\u200b"(!). But there have never been any Iranian tribes and languages ​​\u200b\u200bin the territory of Arya from the Caspian Sea to the Syr Darya! There were wars, captures of cities, but the Persian troops were destroyed by the Aryans, and the kings of the invaders lost their heads. Between Aryans and Persians had an irreconcilable enmity.Only in the II millennium A.D. did the Tajik people appear, completely different from the appearance of the Aryans - Iranian-speaking, which is also noted by Steblin-Kamensky.

T Now about the ancient Persians of Iran: they appeared on the Iranian plateau at the beginning of the 1st millennium BC, leading at the dawn of their history a "nomadic pastoral lifestyle" (Avdiev V.I. History of the Ancient East. OGIZ, 1948, p. 449) . In addition, the anthropology of the ancient Persians was characterized by a characteristic brachycephaly, with the presence of hyperbrachycephaly. well-known typical feature Aryans is dolichocephaly with a narrow face and a medium-sized graceful head: fossil skulls of just this type belonged to the Aryans - the creators of the powerful settled agricultural Culture of Jeytun, whose age is 8000 years old. And today, after eight millennia, the predominant feature of the descendants of the Jeytuns - the inhabitants of modern Turkmenistan is a pronounced dolichocephaly: a fact that absolutely excludes any talk about the assimilation of the Aryans by the Turkmens! "Turkmens" is a continuous continuation of the Aryans of Jeytun and Altyn-Depe: "At the dawn of mankind, when a person had just begun to speak an articulate language (presumably 200 thousand years BC - S.Ya.), the Aryans lived in a limited space from Dzheytun to Altyn-depe "(Podolny. "Ways of the peoples". M., 1976). This is the original epicenter of the Sacred Aria - Ariana with the center of Jeitun!

IN outstanding scientist archaeologist V.M. Masson wrote: "In 1957, a type of peculiar one-room houses was discovered on Dzheytun, standing at the beginning of a long chain of evolution of residential buildings among the early agricultural tribes + . L., 1971). And here is what I. Khlopin says about this: “Over the past decades, in Eastern Europe, in the Ukrainian and South Russian steppes, they have not found a high Aryan civilization 3-4th millennium BC On the other hand, excavations in southern Turkmenistan revealed a powerful sedentary agricultural culture, it turned out to be the core from which many Indo-European peoples emerged" (I Khlopin., St. Petersburg).

AND so, the Aryans are primordial farmers, and the ancient Persians are pastoralists.
The relationship between the Aryans and the Persians can be judged from the following fragment in the Avesta:

To the Aryan warriors
We hit a hundred
For fifty beats
For a hundred blows - a thousand,
For a thousand - a myriad,
For a myriad - without an account

E These lines from the Avesta indicate that the Avesta was reworked by the Persian magicians - that is why the Aryans are considered to be pastoralists, despite the fact that the Aryans, being the most ancient farmers, called their Prophet "moisture-water" - Ziusudra! And the Persian pastoralists turned him into a pastoralist: "owner of camels", "driver of golden camels", etc.

E There are two more definitions: "Indo-Aryans" and "Irano-Aryans". About the first, it must be said that it is absolutely known that back in the XIV century. BC. The Aryans of the Aryans conquered Northern India (Mahabharata) and settled there. Regarding the Iranian-Aryans, there is a fundamentally erroneous idea associated with the ancient Persians themselves being considered Aryans, although they were not dolichocephals according to anthropology. In addition, they were not the autochthons of Iran, since they came there relatively recently - in the 1st millennium BC! According to the leading specialist in Zoroastrianism Prof. Mary Boyce, after the Achaemenid dynasty came to power, the ancient Persians in the 4th c. BC. adopted the Zoroastrianism of the Aryans as the state religion, but distorted it by making it aggressive. This was expressed in the racism of the "superior race" in relation to the "inferior race", cruelty and destruction of the conquered peoples (Prof. Avdiev), which was continued by the Nazis in the 20th century.

D and, the Aryans were warlike, naturally tall, adapted to the hardships of war. Yes, and they created the war horses of their "Nisean breed" like themselves, fearless "flying heavenly horses", as the Chinese called them. But, in fact, the Aryans were true farmers who took up arms only when necessary. The dominant ideology of this race is characterized by the rule: "He who sows bread, sows good" (Avesta)! Their religion, as Prof. Mary Boyce, was distinguished by her democratic nature, peacefulness, excluding blind slavish worship of God. The religious consciousness of the Aryans was expressed in the recognition of the Almighty as a force that creates good and happiness on earth. In all other religions of the peoples of the world, based on Zoroastrianism, elements of aggressiveness were subsequently introduced, which was not in the Zoroastrianism of the Aryans of Aria!

ABOUT regarding the language "Turkmen", i.e. Aryans have an original message from the brilliant scientist M.V. Lomonosov - just one paired word that contains information on the history of the Aryans and Slavs. This is the word "alanorsi", which is mentioned by Ptolemy. It existed 2000 years ago and exists today only in the language of the Aryans! 2000 years ago, this word had an ethnic and generic meaning, indicating that the Alans and Orsi (i.e. Alans and Russians) are one inseparable concept. This is confirmed by the words of Lomonosov himself: "About the Alans ... it is known that they are Slavs" (!). The great scientist also localizes the ancestral home of the Slavs: this is the southern side of the Caspian Sea, i.e. in other words, Hyrcania (in the Avesta - Vehrkanu), the extremely western region of Sacred Aria, bordering on the central region of the country - Parthia. Lomonosov writes: "The resettlement of the Slavs should be honored from Asia to Europe" (Lomonosov M.V. "Ancient Russian history"). And today Russian people are characterized by the features of the Aryan race: tall stature, dolichocephaly, an elongated graceful face, etc., while the Ossetians and Tajiks, who impose themselves on the Aryans, are narrow-faced, short brachycephals and even hyperbrachycephals like the ancient Persians! When Russian girls dress up into Turkmen National costumes, it would never occur to anyone that they are Russian! After all, the "Turkmen" are white-faced, tall, with a thin waist, and their dresses are designed specifically for tall Aryans with a thin waist! After all, Nefertiti - the queen of Egypt, "Beauty of all times and peoples" was an Aryan! She is the sister of Dusher-Atta (!) the king of the Aryans of the Horse Power of Mittanni (XIV century BC). Yes, and the mentalities of modern Aryans and Russians have retained their commonality: simplicity, hospitality, kindness, hard work, etc.

X I would like to dwell on such a question as a blood type. Today, like thousands of years ago, it remains unchanged: groups A-I and A-II prevail among modern "Turkmen", reports historian and ethnographer M. Durdyev. And such blood groups are typical for the ancient farmers of Jeytun. If scientists conduct their DNA tests and compare them with the corresponding data on the peoples of Europe and America, then I have no doubt that their complete identity will be found, thereby confirming my scientific discoveries.

D I think there is no need to explain how the Europeans ended up on the continent of America. It's wide known fact associated mainly with the era of the Great geographical discoveries. Young, strong-willed people, having crossed the Atlantic Ocean, became pioneers, mastering the unexplored lands of the wild land. The result of a long process of conquest of the New World was the emergence of the American people, the bearer of the ethnogens of the Aryan conquerors of Europe - distant, but direct descendants of the creators of the Jeytun culture. Such is the story.

IN In conclusion, I would like to make the following proposal. Given the special role of the Sacred Arya in the history of mankind - the ancestral home and cradle of the Aryan race, it is proposed, with the support of UNESCO, to give it the status of a Sacred Reserved Land with a ban on any military operations on its territory, as having created the first and greatest civilizations on our planet, which have become centers of progress for of all mankind. These are the civilizations of the Sumerians, Crete-Minoans, Etruscans, whose achievements were the basis of everything that has been achieved by mankind to this day! Neither the colossus of Antiquity Egypt nor classical greece, nor Huge China.

Researcher of the history of the Aryans and Arias
Suliy Yaranov

Editing: Dovlet Kerimi, historian

Comparative language scientists have discovered that almost all European languages ​​have common origin So what of the same origin with them were the ancient languages ​​of Sanskrit and Zend, on which the sacred books of India and Iran were written. From the relationship of languages, which consists in common roots words and in similar grammatical forms, scholars concluded that Indians, Iranians, Armenians, Greeks, Romans, Celts, Germans, Slavs And Lithuanians descend from common ancestors, that is, from one people, which is commonly called Aryans(or pra-Aryans) according to how the most ancient representatives of the tribe who occupied India and Iran called themselves. Certainly not a single Aryan people did not preserve in their veins the purity of the blood of all their common ancestors, since, settling for millennia over the vast territory from the Indian to the Atlantic Ocean, individual tribes of the ancient Aryans intermingled with people of very different origins. In addition, non-Aryan peoples could learn from the Aryans their language and thus, as it were, become the descendants of the primitive Aryans not in the physical, but only in culturally. Where the Aryan "great people" lived is not exactly known, and scientists do not agree on this matter. Some are looking for the Aryan "ancestral home" in Asia (mainly in the upper reaches of the Yaksart and Oxus[Syrdarya and Amudarya] ), others, on the contrary, in Europe (by the way, in the steppes of southern Russia). Scientists also failed to resolve the issue of a greater or lesser degree of kinship between individual peoples of common Aryan origin and to show how they gradually divided and settled in different sides these peoples, although, on the other hand, it was possible to establish great closeness between the Asiatic Aryans. It can almost certainly be said that the Indians and Iranians, who called themselves "Aryans" alike, earlier than other parts separated from the common root and, for a long time constituting one people, lived until their transition to India and Iran in those places that many scientists considered the ancestral home of all Aryans in general. While some Asiatic Aryans from this center headed through the mountain range Paropamis(now the Hindu Kush) to the southeast, into the Indus Valley, others moved southwest, to the country between the Caspian Sea and the Persian Gulf. Two separate branches of the Iranian Aryans were Medes and Persians.

35. Ancient Aryan life

Scientists have made many attempts to answer the question of how the common ancestors of the Aryan peoples lived in their original places, and many of the assumptions made in this regard have been fairly firmly established in science. Ancient Aryan people led a nomadic life and his main occupation was cattle breeding, although apparently in infancy already existed and agriculture. Moving with their herds from place to place, the Aryans did not build themselves any solid dwellings of stone or wood, but dug dugouts, which were pits covered from above with tree branches and turf, or built huts, similar to yurts. herds cows And sheep they delivered to the Aryans the meat and milk necessary for food, as well as the skins necessary for clothing, sewn together with dry veins. It is clear that the social life of such a people could not be distinguished by complexity. The ancient Aryans lived separately childbirth, those. groups of families descended from the same ancestors. Family relationships were sufficiently developed which is indicated by the names common to all Aryan peoples for father, mother, son, daughter, brother and sister, even for father-in-law and daughter-in-law. Hardly, however, stronger unions were made up of several genera. Unless, during a common danger, separate clans united among themselves in fortified points under the rule of common chiefs. The religion of the ancient Aryans was worship of various natural phenomena And honoring dead ancestors. They already had words for the higher beings whom they saw in the main phenomena of nature or to which the latter were attributed. They called their gods virgins(Skt. deva, lat. deus, etc.), i.e. radiant, and recognized them as the givers of all blessings (Sanskrit bhaga, ancient Persian baga, whence our “God”). In particular, the ancient Aryans worshiped heaven and earth, who were called father and mother

Fraternal Aryan peoples:

R1a has 500 million people. The first common ancestor of modern Aryans lived only 300 generations ago!

The percentage indicates the share of R1a from the total number of the ethnic group

Excursion to ancient history kind

The Aryan genus R1a arose 10,000 years ago somewhere in the northern Black Sea region or in the Balkans. Presumably, it was this family that invented the wheel, designed the first wagons and tamed the horse. These inventions allowed him to leave primitive matriarchal agriculture and switch to more efficient nomadic pastoralism. The clan quickly mastered the entire strip of the Eurasian steppes from the Danube to Transbaikalia and grew significantly, breaking up into many tribes.

The excavations of the "Country of Cities" in the Southern Urals showed that the Aryans already 3500 years ago had a powerful metallurgical production and supplied bronze in ingots and products from it all over the world

The most studied is the ancient industrial zone Arkaim. At first, archaeologists assumed that they had an ancient settlement in front of them, but then they noticed that all the buildings have a clearly defined industrial profile, there was no place for housing, only production workshops and storage facilities. It turned out that the Aryans, having defended the labor watch at the stoves, were returning home in the evening to their nomadic mobile homes. This is confirmed by the traces of long-term bonfire sites, diverging in regular circles from Arkaim.

Alien tribes, adopting the technical achievements of the Aryans, began to gradually switch to their language. Currently all Western Europe speaks Indo-European languages, while R1a is not there, there is only 30% of the population of Norway, and a small percentage in East Germany are the remnants of the Polabian Slavs once assimilated by the Germans.

In the middle of the second millennium BC, presumably due to climatic changes, the Aryans began to migrate south beyond the steppes, part of the Aryans went towards India and, having conquered the local tribes, created a caste society in which they took the places of privileged castes. Those distant events are described in ancient literary source humanity - Rig Veda.

The second part of the a riy began to move in the Middle East direction. Having reached Egypt, they managed to seize power and rule there for 28 years. On the territory of modern Turkey, the Aryans founded Hittite state, which successfully competed with ancient Egypt. The Hittites-Aryans built cities, but failed to become famous for the construction of huge pyramids, since, unlike Egypt, the Hittite society was a society free people, and they were alien to the idea of ​​using forced labor. The Hittite state disappeared suddenly, swept away by a powerful wave of barbarian tribes known as the "peoples of the sea." In the middle of the last century, archaeologists found the richest library of clay tablets with Hittite texts, the language turned out to be Aryan. So we have gained detailed knowledge about the first state of the Aryans.

The remnants of the Hittites returned to their native steppes and told the brothers about the southern lands, after which regular raids-campaigns began in the southwestern direction. In October 539 (BC), the Aryan tribe of the Persians captured Babylon, the leader of the Persians, Cyrus, decided not to leave, but to seriously settle in the captured city. Subsequently, Cyrus managed to significantly expand his possessions, so the great Persian Empire arose, which lasted longer than all the empires in the world - 1190 years! In 651 AD, Persia, weakened by civil strife, fell under the onslaught of the Arabs, and this led to a change in the tribal composition of the population. Now, in the vast territories occupied by the once Aryan state, there is practically no haplogroup R1a left; ironically, Iran (Arian) was left without a clan that gave it its self-name.

Three world religions are associated with the Aryans - Hinduism, Buddhism and Zoroastrianism.
Zoroaster was an Aryan from Persia, while Buddha was from the Aryan Saka tribe.

Most peoples consist of many haplogroups, and there is no genus that would dominate the rest. Our case, when half the population belongs to just one genus, is quite rare.

Scatter of achievements:

Wheel, wagons, horse domestication, metallurgy, trousers, boots, dresses, the world's first paved "autobahn" with a length of more than 1000 km with "refueling" stations - replacing horses, the first in the world family tree haplogroups (2007), and much more.

In a small article it is difficult to tell the whole history of the Aryans, it is possible to arouse interest in the history of the ancient ancestors of the Slavs only with some historical fragments. Type in the search engine the words Arias, Scythians, Sarmatians, Persia, and you will plunge into an exciting journey through glorious history genus R1a.

haplogroup tree.

Until 2007, no one carried out detailed reconstructions of childbirth, no one came up with this idea, and it was not possible to solve such a grandiose task. All population geneticists worked with small samples of short 6-marker haplotypes, which made it possible to obtain general genographic ideas about the distribution of haplogroups.

In 2007, two Russian R1a Shvarev Pavel and professor biochemist Anatoly Klesov set out to build a detailed genealogical tree of their haplogroup. They faced a number of problems, for example, the calculation by conventional methods of large samples over long haplotypes was impossible due to the astronomical number of operations, not a single computer was able to sort out the required number of combinations, but thanks to resourcefulness and the desire to build a tree of some kind of problem, they managed to overcome .

After R1a, many haplogroups began to create their own trees.

Genetics has clearly shown: who is Aryan and who is not. We are the ancient Aryans.
For us, the ancient god.
Here are our spaces
And our sky.

It is believed that Grandfather considered Aryans only the Nordic race (Norwegians, Swedes, Danes and Germans), he considered all other Europeans to be second-class people, except for Slavs, Jews and Gypsies. Jews and gypsies were supposed to be completely destroyed - well, fuck them, we are not talking about them. But the Slavs were to be destroyed by 2/3, he considered the Slavs to be subhuman, Der Untermenschen. Let's see what genetics tells us, who is Aryan and who is Untermenschen.

And we will return to the issue of race. And here Grandfather turned out to be wrong: the center of origin and distribution area of ​​the Nordic race is an exact copy of the center of origin and distribution area of ​​​​the R1a haplogroup. And, in general, this is a very common misconception - to consider blue-eyed blondes Nordic race. Blondinism (white albinism) is a sign of Cro-Manids, an ancient pre-Aryan population of Northern Europe. And the Aryans were fair-haired, and their albinism was not white, but yellow (golden) - that's how this Russian child has.

And we will return to the issue of race.

The Y-chromosome is transmitted from father to son practically unchanged and does not experience "mixing" and "dilution" by maternal heredity. This allows it to be used as a mathematically accurate tool for determining paternal descent. If the term "dynasty" has any biological meaning, then it is the inheritance of the Y chromosome. But from time to time, neutral mutations occur in it, ignored natural selection. Some of these mutations have proven to be handy markers for ancient ancestral populations that have spread across the Earth. This marker is called the "Y-chromosomal haplogroup" and it defines the totality of men united by the presence of such a marker, i.e., descended from a common ancestor. There are 18 such haplogroups in total, they are named by codes consisting of Latin letters from A to R. At the moment there is not a single people consisting of only one haplogroup. Every modern people consists of 2 haplogroups at least. The Russian gene pool consists of 7 main haplogroups, leading place(on average, half) in which belongs to the R1a haplogroup called "Aryan".

R1a, Aryan haplogroup.

The first common ancestor of modern Aryans lived in the southern Russian steppes several thousand years ago. For Russians, the average percentage of this haplogroup is 47, the further north - the less (due to the admixture of Finno-Ugric genes), the south - the more, in small ancient cities and rural outback, according to scientist Klyosov, max. the percentage of the Aryan haplogroup reaches 85%, but we will take only average figures applicable to central Russia, or central Russia.

according to different data (different scientists, different years, different parts of the country, different sample size)

Indo-European peoples of Europe:

Lusatians 63
Poles 49-63
Belarusians 39-60
Russians 47-59
Ukrainians 42-54
Slovaks 47
Lithuanians 36-45
Latvians 38-41
Czechs 29-41
Norwegians 18-31
Germans 6-31
Greeks 5-25
Romanians 6-20
swedes 9-19
Serbs 14-16
Bulgarians 15
Italians 0-10
English 3-9
Spaniards 1-2
French 0

So Grandpa turned out to be a bully! As you can see, the true Aryans are the Slavs (western and eastern) and the Balts. And that's it! Germans and Scandinavians smoke, but I won’t say anything about Anglics, pasta and paddling pools. And the southern Slavs are Slavs only in language and history. There was a story, only little is left of the Aryan genes.

Non-Indo-European peoples Europe:

mordva 22-39
Estonians 27-37
Tatars 24-34
Hungarians 20-30 (I even saw 60 in one source - which I don’t really believe in)
Finns 2-19

And we will return to the Mordovians and Tatars.

Indo-European peoples of Asia:

Ishkashimi (Pamir Tajiks) 68
Tajiks from Khujand 64
Pashtuns 45
also a very high percentage among the Brahmins (but only among the Brahmins!) of the Indo-Aryan peoples of India

That Tajiks are Indo-European (Aryan people) in terms of race, genes and language, this is true, but far from all. A high percentage of Aryan genes is only among the Khujand and mountain Pamir Tajik peoples, among other Tajiks in its mass it is within 19-25%. But what is bad: the Tajiks smoked under the southern sun, mixed with the surrounding non-Aryan peoples, including the Mongoloids, and what is the worst and decisive thing: they are Muslims. Therefore, although we are related by blood, they are no longer brothers to us.

Non-Indo-European peoples of Asia:

Kyrgyz 64
Altaians 38-53
as well as Uzbeks, Uighurs and some peoples of Western China (! How can I not mention the Yuezhi here)

And this is totally fucked up! I'll try to explain. The ancient Aryans lived throughout the steppe from the Black Sea in the west to the Altai Mountains in the east. In the east they coexisted with the ancient Turkic tribes. It turns out that part of the Aryan tribes went east and mixed with them, since every two out of three Kyrgyz had an ancient Aryan ancestor. In addition to genetic data, this is also confirmed by archeology: Aryan burials in the steppe expanses of Asia, and long after the Aryans, the ancient Kirghiz and Altaians also poured barrows, as they had learned from the Aryans. Why did the descendants of the Aryans and Kyrgyz women become numb? Further, the descendants of the Aryans constantly married moon-faced oriental beauties - so from generation to generation all subsequent descendants became numb, plus the constant feeding of cross-eyed Asian hordes from the open spaces Central Asia and Siberia. Maybe it is, though, xs. It is strange, of course, to realize that every two out of three Kyrgyz had an ancient Aryan ancestor, and these slanted insidious Asians are our relatives by genes ...

Russian gene pool

(average values, in relation to the Center of Russia)

1) R1a, Aryan haplogroup

Percentage: 47

Where the ancestor lived: South Russian steppes

Ancient speakers: Aryans

Modern speakers: Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Poles, Lusatians, Slovaks, Lithuanians, Latvians, etc.

How did it get into the gene pool of the Slavs: we, the Russians, are the direct descendants of the ancient Aryans-Proto-Slavs + the ancient Iranian peoples assimilated by the Slavs (Scythians, Sarmatians, Roxolans) and the ancient Baltic tribes.

Distribution: worldwide. Decreases to the north (Astrakhan, Vologda, Kostroma regions - drops to 35%), increases to the southwest (Chernozem region, Rostov region - more than 60%).

2) N1, Finno-Ugric haplogroup

Percentage: 17

Where the ancestor lived: originally - Siberia, later - north, northeast of the East European Plain

Ancient carriers: Chud, whole, Merya, Meshchera, Murom, etc.

Modern speakers: Finns, Estonians, Mordovians, Mari, etc.

How it got into the gene pool of the Slavs: the assimilation of the Finno-Ugric population during the expansion of the territory of Rus' to the north and east.

Distribution: increases towards the north (in northern regions Russia to 36%), sharply decreases to the south (4-6%).

I, the prehistoric pre-Aryan population of Europe, the descendants of the Cro-Magnons - the first people of Europe after the departure of the glacier

3) I2, Balkan haplogroup

Percentage: 11

Where the ancestor lived: Adriatic coast of the Balkans

Ancient speakers: unknown. In already historical time- these are Thracians, Illyrians, etc.

Modern speakers: South Slavs (Bosnians, Croats, Slovenes, Serbs, Montenegrins, Macedonians, Bulgarians), Sardis

How I got into the gene pool of the Slavs: assimilation ancient population Balkans in the process of ethnogenesis of the ancient Slavic tribes, migration from the Balkans in ancient times, the expansion of the Slavs to the Balkan Peninsula in already historical time (VI-X centuries), contacts with the Bulgarians, part of the Balkan peoples probably joined the army of the Slavs in the fight against Byzantium and left with them to Rus', migration from the Balkans at a later time.

Distribution: decreases to the north (~5%), increases to the south, southwest (up to 16-18%).

5) I1, Scandinavian haplogroup

Percentage: 5.5

Where the ancestor lived: south of the Scandinavian Peninsula

Ancient speakers: unknown. In historical times, these are the Normans (Vikings)

Modern speakers: Swedes, Norwegians, Icelanders, Danes, Germans, etc.

How it got into the gene pool of the Slavs: assimilation of the most ancient population of the North of Europe, contacts with the ancient Germanic tribes.

Distribution: slightly increases to the north (~6%, and in some areas reaches 18%), decreases to the south (~4%).

4) R1b, Celtic haplogroup. The related Aryan Celtic branch of the peoples broke away early from the Proto-Indo-Europeans (Proto-Aryans) and developed in its own way.

Percentage: 7.7

Where the ancestor lived: Iberia Peninsula

Ancient speakers: Celts

Modern speakers: Portuguese, Spaniards, French, English, Scots, Welsh, Irish, Bretons, Germans, Danes, Dutch, Basques (Basques are Celtic in genes, but non-Indo-European in language - probably the most ancient people in Europe), Italians, population of Switzerland, etc.

How it got into the gene pool of the Slavs: contacts with the Celtic and ancient Germanic tribes of Central Europe (on the western borders of the settlement of the Slavs), assimilation of the Ostrogoths.

Distribution: increases towards the south.

6) E1b1b, Mediterranean haplogroup

Percentage: 5.2

Where the ancestor lived: originally - East Africa or Western Asia (the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe "Golden Crescent"), later - the Mediterranean region, the Balkans

Ancient speakers: ancient Egyptians, Phoenicians, ancient Greeks

Modern speakers: Berbers, Arabs of countries North Africa, Greeks, Portuguese, Italians, Albanians, Serbs, etc.

Distribution: uneven. It is not typical for the North of Russia at all. More found in the Center.

7) J2, Eastern Mediterranean haplogroup

Percentage: 3.3

Where the ancestor lived: initially - Western Asia, later - the Aegean Sea basin, the Balkans, Asia Minor

Ancient speakers: Minoans (inhabitants of Ancient Crete), Phoenicians, ancient Greeks

Modern speakers: Arabs, Kurds, Georgians, Azerbaijanis, Greeks, Italians, Turks, Ossetians, Armenians, Albanians, Romanians, Bulgarians

How it got into the gene pool of the Slavs: assimilation of the most ancient agricultural tribes who moved to the Balkans from the Golden Crescent region, migration from the Balkans, contacts with Byzantium.

Distribution: uneven, almost never occurs in many regions of Russia, and separate foci with centers in Vologda (7.5%), Smolensk (7%), Belgorod (4%) and Kuban (4%).

Other haplogroups(with a negligible amount of impurities).

g, Caucasian haplogroup. Found in half of the Terek Cossacks. It is also found in some places in very small quantities among Russians in the south of Russia (in the Kuban - 1%).

Mongoloid haplogroups. WITH, a Mongolian haplogroup, and Q, East Siberian, one might say, do not occur among Russians (they are found only in some places and in microscopic quantities: 0.2% -0.3%). Only among the Cossacks is observed about 1% of the haplogroup Q - traces of the Cossacks of the Turkic-speaking peoples assimilated at the early stages of ethnogenesis (torks, berendeys, black hoods). Therefore, the saying "Scratch a Russian - you will find a Tatar" is incorrect. The Tatar-Mongol yoke had no effect on the Russian gene pool. But Russians still found 1.5% of Mongoloid genes - on the maternal line (on mitochondrial DNA), while the rest of the maternal lines are purely European.

Of course, the Russian gene pool is not a "hodgepodge", but a synthesis with the formation of a new unity. The genetic sets of the original groups are completely mixed, with the exception of those traits that are transmitted through the Y chromosome and indicate who your ancestor was in the direct paternal line.

It is also worth noting that the Russians are a homogeneous (homogeneous, internally clean) nation. For example, a Russian from Moscow, from Stavropol and from the Far East have the same, identical structure of a set of haplogroups. What cannot be said about other peoples of Europe - for example, a German from Mecklenburg and a German from Bavaria or an Englishman from Essex and an Englishman from Sussex or an Italian from the north of Italy and an Italian from the south - these will be very different people in the structure of the set of haplogroups.

Mordovian layout:

E1b1b=0; N2=2.4; N1=16.9; R1a=26.5 (Erzya R1a=39.1, moksha R1a=21.7); R1b=13.3; I1a=12; I1b=2.4; J2=0
N2 is also a Finno-Ugric haplogroup (Western Siberia), I did not find data on the Mongoloid haplogroups C and Q. A significant percentage of the Aryan haplogroup is explained by the influence of Aryan blood, not otherwise. And the fact that Erzya always put herself above moksha, considering moksha Mordovians of the 2nd grade, now finds its confirmation :)
Russian Mordovia - R1a = 50 to 60%.

The word "Aryan" is used here for brevity, meaning "Indo-European". Aryans at the beginning of the 20th century, even in the scientific literature, were often called the entire population of the peoples of the Indo-European family. This is a purely linguistic term. It is not even known whether he ever had a specific ethnic content. In other words, were the very first Indo-Europeans not a mechanical conglomeration of peoples of various origins, who, only thanks to their close proximity, began to speak over time in languages ​​close to each other. Despite this, up to this day in lightweight popular literature you can see the expression " Aryan race". The fact that this never happened was clear to the German anthropologist of the early 20th century, Hans Günther, whose authority, however, is now fashionable to refer to in this kind of literature.

The idea that once the Indo-Europeans ("Aryans") came from somewhere and conquered Europe, was formed only by analogy with the Aryan "conquest" of India. But, unlike Indian, ancient European mythology does not contain indications of the settlement of the territory as a result of mass migrations.

The opinion that Europe was once "non-Aryan" is also based on the fact that in modern Europe live peoples who do not belong to Indo-European family. These are, first of all, the peoples of the Finno-Ugric group Ural family, as well as the Basques in the Iberian Peninsula, whose language belongs to the isolated languages ​​\u200b\u200bof the Earth. In the antiquity covered historical evidence, it seems that there were more such peoples.

However, even here there are doubts. Historians who will speak of the non-Indo-European peoples of Europe as a more ancient substratum will always be objected by others and will begin to prove that it was the Basques and Finns who came to Europe later than the Indo-Europeans. At the same time, they will refer to the Hungarians, who definitely moved to Central Europe no earlier than the 9th century AD. e. Some historians and linguists consider the historical Ligures, Sardinians, Etruscans, Pelasgians, Iberians, etc. to be the remnants of the pre-Indo-European population of Europe. But others will be able to substantiate them with no less persuasiveness. Indo-European origin. Some distinguish the so-called. hydronyms ancient Europe- the names of the rivers, given before the arrival of the Indo-Europeans and perceived by the latter. But they also have opponents who believe that these names do not go back to the virtual pre-Aryan population of Europe, but to the first Indo-Europeans who inhabited Europe from ancient times. There are linguists who discover substrate, pre-Indo-European vocabulary in the ancient Indo-European languages ​​of Europe (Latin, Germanic, Celtic, etc.), and there are linguists who deny the existence of such vocabulary.

Genetics, as usual, cannot shed enough light on the course and directions of migrations of the most ancient population of Europe. The picture of European haplogroups is a very colorful mosaic. It is characteristic that in a number of places in Europe the modern population goes back genetically to their prehistoric inhabitants! So, in 1996, a genetic study was carried out on the remains of a man found at the beginning of the 20th century in a cave near the village of Cheddar in England. These remains are over 7,000 years old. At that time, primitive hunters still lived on the territory of Britain. It turned out that Cheddar Man had Mt-DNA haplogroup U5, found in 11% of Europeans. But the most interesting thing was that three modern inhabitants of the Cheddar village had the same haplogroup mutation (U5a) as their ancient countryman! However, this example from England cannot be typical of the whole of Europe. After England became an island, it turned into the outskirts of the ecumene, to which only weak waves of migration reached.

The fact that large migrations in prehistoric Europe took place is indirectly indicated at least by the fact that the population explosion in the Eastern Mediterranean, associated with the transition to a productive economy (some scientists consider the demographic explosion a consequence, others the cause of the Neolithic revolution), could not remain without consequences. on the territory of Europe. Migration during this period is evidenced by a change anthropological appearance inhabitants of prehistoric Europe: the Cro-Magnoid racial type was supplanted by the Mediterranean. The Neolithic revolution in Europe, which took place over several thousand years, was carried out mainly through the settlement of ancient farmers, and not as a result of borrowing their skills and abilities by the native population.

The first carrier of the producing economy in a significant part of the Central and of Eastern Europe became arose in the middle reaches of the Danube in the 5th millennium BC. e. the culture of linear-band ceramics (CLLK), now well studied in all respects, except for one thing - the language of its creators is unknown. This culture of slash-and-burn agriculture spread at an average rate of 5.5 km per year. It was a slow resettlement of farmers, not expansion. It was carried out, of course, not on empty lands. However, it is characteristic that archaeologists do not find traces of military clashes between farmers and primitive hunters. There are almost no weapons in the burials and cultural layers of the KLLK settlements. This is usually explained by the fact that farmers chose rich alluvial and loess soils for clearing their fields, while hunting tribes inhabited mainly areas of sandy soils. The advantages of agriculture were not obvious to primitive hunters, who did not seek to borrow new farming skills, unless they were forced to do so by a change in the environment as a result of the intervention of agriculture in nature. And even then, there was almost always the opportunity to move further from civilization, into the wilderness and wilds.

The relationship between hunters and the first farmers and pastoralists, between the appropriating and producing economy is one of the most important problems in the history of primitive society. These relationships sooner or later ended fatally for the hunting tribes. But the intensity of this process varied. On the example of the Ainu in the Japanese islands, we have seen that the interaction of cultures sometimes turned into a tragedy for the carriers of the less developed of them. Especially if the more primitive people proved too conservative and unable or unwilling to adopt a new occupation. At the same time, we know examples of another type of contact between the two economies. Among the same peoples of Siberia in the 16th-19th centuries there were both groups of exclusively hunters and fishermen, as well as groups of nomadic reindeer herders (for whom hunting and fishing, however, served as an important help). Between those and others, no antagonism was noticed, the struggle for resources, for living space, etc. Let us emphasize once again that the division between the producing and appropriating economies often took place not between ethnic groups, but within an ethnic group.

Obviously, in the examples ancient japan and Siberia before mass Russian colonization, we are dealing with two extreme variants of the penetration of the ancient producing economy into the sphere of domination of the appropriating economy. It seems that in most of ancient Europe this penetration was closer to the second (peaceful) option than to the first.

KLLK, perhaps precisely because of its study, asked many riddles to researchers. One of them is the structure of societies of this culture. According to the traditional scheme, dating back to the 19th-century American scientist L.-G. Morgan (whose constructions were widely used by F. Engels), the KLLK societies, as early agricultural ones, should have been matriarchal. This, it would seem, is answered by an insignificant number of weapons in the artifacts of the KLLK, the absence of fortifications in its settlements, etc.

In the western and partly in our historical literature The hypothesis of the “Great Goddess civilization” put forward by the American scientist Maria Gimbutas, which preceded the Aryan settlement of Europe, became widespread. This civilization of ancient farmers was characterized by the high role of women in the economy and public life and, accordingly, the dominant position of female deities in the pantheon.

But at the same time, the archaeological evidence definitely points to the higher social status of men in the KLLK. This is a pronounced wealth of burials. And the average life expectancy of CLLK men was clearly higher than that of women.

“Those items in the grave inventory that can be considered as valuable or prestigious ... are constantly found only in the burials of old men,” the factual side of the issue is stated in the first volume of the academic “History of Europe”, published in 1988. - Apparently, it was the old and elderly men who occupied a higher position in the community and participated in the interregional exchange. Polished stone axes and retouched items are associated with the burials of adult (31–45 years old) and elderly (46 years and older) men. All this testifies to the high role of adult men in the society of the KLLK and even to the tendency towards gerontocracy. Out of 22 children's burials (under 15 years old) 45 % did not have funeral gifts at all. The situation is similar with women's burials. Of the 23 burials, about half did not have grave goods, which once again testifies to the higher position of men. Women were also less likely to live to old age: out of 21 women, 81% [probably 17 people. - I WOULD.] died between the ages of 16 and 40, and out of 26 men, only 42 % [probably 11 people. - I WOULD.] died at that age.”

The hypothesis of matriarchy arose once as an interpretation of the inheritance (surname, property) common to many peoples of the Earth, preferably through the maternal line. This was interpreted as a relic of matriarchy. But when could he be? Science could not answer this. Over time, when scientists learned more and more about the life of primitive peoples - now living and disappeared - there was less and less room for matriarchy on the main line of human development, until, finally, there was none left at all.

A prominent specialist in the traditional society of Australian “natives”, the English scientist Frederick Rose, who emigrated to the GDR due to communist beliefs and worked at the A. Humboldt University of Berlin, in one of his works summed up the long-term search for matriarchy by science in one of his works: Marxists came to the conclusion that her [the hypothesis of matriarchy. - I WOULD.] argumentation is not consistent with the data of ethnography, psychology or biology. He wrote this at a time when domestic "Marxist" historians continued to zealously defend the concept of matriarchy with references not to the practical data of science, but to Morgan's armchair fabrications of a century and a half ago, unfortunately, supported at the same time by Engels. However, now the hypothesis of matriarchy, despite the discrediting of Marxism, has even received a second life, since it corresponds to the “politically correct” fashion for the fight against “male chauvinism”, despite the fact that its scientific failure was convincingly shown back in the last century.

In the VI millennium BC. e. in South-Eastern Europe, writing appears. In the 2nd half of the 5th millennium BC. e. here the Vinca culture flourished. Her society was stratified and hierarchical. In the IV millennium BC. e. on its periphery, a number of cultures are emerging that have clearly experienced an impulse (and even an influx of population) from the Vinca culture area. Among them is the Trypillian culture in Ukraine and Moldova.

There are researchers who prove that the population of both the Vinca culture and the Trypillia culture was Indo-European. There are those who vehemently deny the Indo-European affiliation of these cultures. With different views on the early history of the Indo-Europeans, we will meet later. Here we will also touch upon the important problem of the fate of Vinca writing - the oldest on Earth.

The Vinca civilization did not pass on its script to any of the other cultures. If the emergence of Trypillian and some other cultures of that time was associated with migration from the Vinca region, it is obvious that the settlers did not bring with them the knowledge of writing. This knowledge also died out in the Vinca region itself, along with the disappearance of this culture. IN III millennium BC e. large movements of tribes take place in Europe, geography archaeological cultures becomes very dynamic. There is a version that the Vinca civilization was destroyed by the Aryans who invaded Europe and that the latter appear in Europe no earlier than the 2nd millennium BC. e. But what was ethnicity carriers of the Vinca culture and where did they go? And if they themselves were Aryans, then why did they degrade like that?

The first, undoubtedly Indo-European, writing is the Greek syllabic letter B, which arose in the middle of the 2nd millennium BC. e. We cannot say in what language the records of the preceding Cretan syllabary A, which existed at the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC, were made. e. This language may have been Indo-European, but clearly not Greek. Both of these writing systems arose without connection with Winch's writing. Firstly, they are completely different, and secondly, they are separated from it by almost two thousand years.

There are no clear indications of migration from the Vinca region to the Middle East, where in the 4th millennium BC. e. the most developed civilizations of the Earth at that time arise. The writing of the Sumerians also does not show any connection with the writing of Winch. Although V.A. Safronov and H.A. Nikolaev claim otherwise, referring to the opinion of "prominent Sumerologists", but they do not name any of them. In fact, among experts on the Sumerians there is no unanimity in this issue. In addition, these authors, trying to substantiate their point of view, underestimated the age of the inscriptions from Terteria (5th–4th millennium BC) by more than a thousand years, while in fact they date back to the 6th millennium. Between the writing of Vinca and the writing of the Sumerians, in the absence of clear signs of continuity, there is a temporal and spatial gap of thousands of years and kilometers, which is not filled by anything.

There are no parallels with the Vinca writing in the writing systems of the Elamite and Indus civilizations. Apparently that progressive line cultural development humanity, which was represented by the Vinca civilization, died out along with its death. Therefore, it is impossible to agree without reservations with the statement of V.A. Safronov, that “in the history of Europe, the Vinca culture had a significance comparable only to the role of Greece and its impact on the “barbarian” world.”

The extinction of civilization does not necessarily mean the disappearance of its bearers as an ethnic group. We saw it on the example Indian civilization. Whoever its native speakers may be - Dravidians or someone else, it is obvious that: 1) their language group is still present in India; 2) their later writing system was created on a new basis that had nothing to do with the Harappan writing. Such extinction did not mean the complete disappearance of the living cultural heritage. The influence of the Indus civilization, as well as the influence of the Vinca civilization, can be traced in the later cultures of the respective regions. But this influence was no longer dominant. Cultural superiority belonged to other trends, other sources.

If the concept of linguistic macrofamilies is correct, then the picture of pre-Aryan Eurasia in general looks like this. More ancient was the population of the Sino-Caucasian language macrofamily. In our time, it includes the Basques, the peoples of the Caucasian family (Adyghe-Abkhazian and Nakh-Dagestan), burishi, kets

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