Exposition halls of the Zoological Museum of Moscow State University. Acquaintance with a mammoth in the museum on Bolshaya Nikitskaya


The Zoological Museum of Moscow State University today is one of the largest in Russian capital. It is located on Bolshaya Nikitskaya street, house 2, formerly 6. You can get to the museum from any mini-hotel where travelers have stayed by metro, having reached the Biblioteka im. Lenin, Okhotny Ryad, Revolution square. Then no more than 5 minutes on foot.

Facts from the history of the museum

The museum was founded in 1791. It was then called the Cabinet of Natural History, which was attached to the Moscow Imperial University. For the public, the entire unique fund, divided into educational, exposition and scientific, was opened only after 75 years. Also in Soviet times The museum was part of the Department of Biology of Moscow State University. It became an independent research institute after perestroika.

Especially for the museum in 1902, according to the project of the talented academician of architecture Mikhail Bykovsky, a beautiful building was erected. Its facade is skillfully finished with stucco molding with a zoological theme, decorated with chic bas-reliefs, used classical motifs. The building became part of a huge architectural complex.

Museum Foundation

The history of expositions began with gifts from scientists, aristocrats traveling the world, and industrialists. Thanks to the efforts of these talented leaders how Grigory Ivanovich Fischer and Karl Frantsevich Rul'e turned the Zoological Museum into a serious scientific institution. In terms of the amount of funds at its disposal, it ranked second in Russian Federation. In addition, it is one of the ten largest zoological museums in the world.

Visitors can get acquainted with various scientific collections, which are equally interesting for both professional specialists in the field of zoology and ordinary connoisseurs of nature. The museum fund has more than 4 million items.

  • Ornithological expositions - over 140 thousand.
  • Entomological collections - at least 3 million.
  • Exhibits demonstrating a fantastic variety of animals of the world fauna - about 7500.
  • Collections of mammals - more than 200 thousand.

The basis of the unique exposition is terrestrial vertebrates, fixed in a special alcohol solution, skillfully made stuffed animals, skeletons, insects, carefully dried and neatly, with great care straightened, all kinds of aquatic animals. Most of the exhibits on display are decades old. The art fund contains about 400 paintings, drawings of such the most talented artists animal painters like Alexey Komarov, Vasily Vatagin, Georgy Nikolsky.

Variety of exposures

The entire Zoological Museum can be conditionally divided into 3 components, each of which is dedicated to the corresponding room. The main variety of representatives of the animal world is concentrated on the first floor, ranging from unicellular to reptiles. The wall of the huge hall is decorated with a bright schematic map. It allows you to study the evolution of animal development.

The upper hall is entirely occupied by birds and mammals. In addition, getting acquainted with the exhibits located on the second floor, visitors will learn what comparative anatomy is. The expositions of the Bone Hall allow you to study in detail internal structure vertebrate animals.

The scientific terrarium is very popular with both children and adults. Only here you can hold a real live agama in your hands, feed the chameleon. In addition, there is a bio-lecture room. By visiting it, the guys will learn a lot of interesting things, having received answers to many questions. For example, where does the giraffe get spots from, who lives at the bottom of the oceans, seas, and so on.

More than 200,000 people visit the Zoological Museum of Moscow State University every year, and about 1,700 educational and exciting excursions are held. They are designed for all age categories and are presented in various cycles. Can choose sightseeing tour, read carefully modern theory evolution, study animals of various natural areas, listen to informative lectures of experts, having collected a lot of valuable information.

Research Zoo museum Moscow State University MV Lomonosov is one of the oldest museums in the capital. It was founded in 1791. Initially, it was a university collection of manuals for natural sciences. In the future, the collection of exhibits greatly increased. To accommodate new collection At the beginning of the 20th century, a new building was built on Bolshaya Nikitskaya Street. Today the Zoological Museum in Moscow is one of the most major museums natural history trend in the world. By its size in Russia, it ranks second after the St. Petersburg Zoological Museum.

You feel very comfortable in the spacious halls of the museum. It is interesting for both adults and children. The entire diversity of the living world of the planet is represented by more than 10,000 exhibits.

The exposure begins with unicellular animals, and ends higher forms life.

On the first floor of the museum you can see amphibians, reptiles, insects, mysterious inhabitants of the oceans. In one of the halls there is an exposition of shells. Very beautiful. I got some good photos. I was impressed by the butterflies of unusual shapes and colors.

On the second floor is the "Bone Hall". It contains the skeletons of animals of various zoological orders. It is interesting to compare the skeletons of modern animals with those that died out many thousands of years ago, such as mammoths in.

But perhaps the most interesting room on the second floor, where mammals from all over the world are collected.

Of course, this is not a zoo where it is interesting to watch live bears, wolves, tigers and other animals. In the zoological museum there are only stuffed animals and skeletons of animals. When studying the expositions of the museum, one should not forget that all the exhibits are a collection of manuals on the natural sciences.

The museum is undergoing intensive scientific work. Well-known domestic and foreign scientists cooperate with the museum. The Zoological Museum houses a huge library, which contains more than 200 thousand books and materials on biological topics.

The museum regularly hosts tours, lectures, and a circle of young naturalists.

Museum halls


reticulated python

Showcase with preserved reptiles

Showcase with corals different forms and sizes from all over the world

combed crocodile

hieroglyphic python

Gopher polyphemus. Southeastern USA

Elephant turtle. Galapagos Islands


king crab


newt charonia

Sea stars

Prionocidaris bispinous



European sawmill


Siberian sturgeon

Coelacanth. The only representative of the extinct lobe-finned fish. Indian Ocean off the east coast of Africa

The lobby of the museum has a very interesting exhibit- stuffed Indian elephant Molly. IN post-war years she lived in the Moscow Zoo. The world's first baby, born in captivity in August 1948, was Molly the Elephant.

Another exhibit, impressive for its size, is the skeleton of a male rare woolly mammoth. It was found in Yakutia in 1973. This is the last species of mammoth that lived on the planet. The skeleton has interesting feature. There is a defect in one of the tusks. Most likely, during his lifetime, the animal received a serious injury to the bones of the facial part of the skull in a fight, which affected the abnormal development of the tusk. But this did not prevent the animal from living to an advanced age.

Unique picture-application "Coat of arms Russian Empire"(1842) from beetles and butterflies. A personal gift from a resident of the city of Lubava (Slovenia) F.J. Schmidt to Moscow naturalists.

Museum staff

Scientist's office

Quote from Mikhail Bulgakov's "Fatal Eggs"

Hall comparative anatomy

Indian elephant skeleton

Skeletons of large animals are displayed side by side for comparison.

Indian rhinoceros skeleton

Display cases with skeletons of small animals

hippo skeleton

bison skeleton

Showcases with skeletons

Babirus skull with overdeveloped fangs

giraffe skeleton

Our "ancestors" according to Darwin's teachings (the origin of man from apes). Cute 🙂

Human skull. Tutorial XIX century.

Very interesting old books and scientific papers

Lynx from the Klin district of the Moscow province. The work of F.K. Lorenz 1886

Hawk Owl. The work of F.K. Lorenz 1886

Mezhnyak (hybrid of capercaillie and black grouse). The work of F.K. Lorenz 1886

Hall of large mammals and birds. In my opinion, the most interesting.

Lama. South America, the central part of the Andes. Known only as a pet, domesticated about 4500 years ago.

Magnificent bison

Showcases with different goats and rams

Indian sambar. Hindustan, southeast Asia

Musk deer. Mountain coniferous forests of central, eastern and northeastern Asia. One of the subspecies is included in the Red Book of the USSR.

It's amazing how these stuffed animals are made, how well they are preserved.

Hippo skull (for comparison)

Forest glade with roe deer

Cupid's bow"

Mom with baby

Gorgeous horns

Boar female with cubs


Caught a fish for lunch

Mongoose and cobras. Product folk craftsmen India. A terrible sight.

I never cease to wonder how the master could make stuffed animals in motion?

Hunter with prey in his mouth

Leopard female with cubs

lion family

tiger family

beautiful pussy

Red Lynx. West of North America.

Manul. Mountain deserts and steppes Central Asia. The species is listed in the Red Book of the USSR.

Polar she-bear with cub

hyena family

Wolf - click teeth

Brown bear

Anteater and others.

Sea leopard. Seas surrounding Antarctica.

Serious face"

goes somewhere

Frilled bird of paradise. New Guinea.

Fan bearing dove. New Guinea.

Passenger pigeon. North America. Exterminated in late XIX- the beginning of the XX century.

Malay Colao

Longitudinal section of the skull of a two-horned colao.

Bustard. Current male. Southern Europe, steppes of Asia, Northwest Africa. The species is included in the Red Book of the USSR.

Museum halls

Showcases with birds

Capercaillie. Forests of Eurasia.

The chick has hatched. Happy birthday! 🙂

falcon family



Herons, storks, etc.

Swan geese

Ostriches and others

Seagulls, albatrosses, etc.


prehistoric birds

Zoological Museum of Moscow State University official site:


Working mode:

The museum is open for visits from 10.00 to 18.00 (ticket office until 17.00) Thursday from 13.00 to 21.00 (ticket office until 20.00) Day off - Monday Sanitary day - the last Tuesday of each month

Ticket price:

for schoolchildren, students and pensioners - 100 rubles. for adults - 300 rubles. biolecture - 100 rubles.

Zoological Museum of Moscow State University on the map

Address: st. Bolshaya Nikitskaya, 6 Directions: to the metro stations "Okhotny Ryad" or "Biblioteka im. IN AND. Lenin", then on foot

The Zoological Museum of Moscow State University on Bolshaya Nikitskaya is the largest exhibition center in the capital.

It has the opportunity to appreciate how diverse the animal world is.

The building is located in the city center. Official information can be found on the museum's website.

In contact with

History of occurrence

It was founded in 1791. At first, there was a small office at the capital's university where natural history was studied. In fact, a small exhibition was formed here a third of a century later, and it was called the “mineralogy cabinet”.

But, when biological specimens were presented among the exhibition specimens, they created an office of natural history. The head of the department was Ivan Andreevich Sibirsky.

It is important to know: a great contribution to the formation of the exhibits was made by P.G. Demidov, who at the beginning of the 19th century donated magnificent exhibits and a library to the center.

The first inventory of the new property dates back to 1806-1807. But, a fire in 1812 caused great damage to the complex, its property was almost destroyed.

G.I. Fisher took up active restoration, he attracted a large number of collectors and naturalists, and after some time the fund consisted of six thousand exhibits. And six years later, the property of the center doubled.

By the beginning of the 30s. The 19th century collection volume consisted of 25 thousand items. The building on Bolshaya Nikitskaya Street was built at the beginning of the 20th century. The project for him was developed by K.M. Bykovsky. And by the 30s. of the last century, the institution was transferred to the Faculty of Biology of Moscow State University.


The exhibition in this case presents almost ten thousand copies. It is started by single-celled organisms, shown through artificial modeling, and completed by large reptiles and aurochs.

The main exhibition provides an opportunity to get acquainted with animals from all over the world and is built according to the class method (starts from the simplest, and gradually moves to the order of vertebrates).

In the lower hall, located on the 1st floor, a wide variety of the animal world is presented. Visitors can see both a single-celled organism and a large reptile here.

The number of exhibits is so huge that you can spend several days studying. The 2nd floor is occupied by the upper hall, which is completely "inhabited" by birds and mammals. There is also a Bone Hall. The exhibition in this case provides the device of animals from the inside. Visitors here can see:

  • mammoth skeleton;
  • fake rhino;
  • model of an elephant;
  • fake hippopotamus;
  • stuffed crocodile and boa constrictor.

For visitors who want to learn more about animals, lectures are organized by the staff of the institution. They are carried out, taking into account children's age characteristics.

On weekends, fascinating lectures for children and parents are given by the "Biolectorium". The lobby and exhibition rooms feature paintings by famous animal painters. There are works here:

  • V.A. Vatagin;
  • N.N. Kondakov and others.

What interesting things you should know about the zoo museum:

  • The symbol of the museum is the Russian muskrat, listed in the Red Book of Russia. She is featured on the emblem;
  • The department of entomology has a collection of 4 million insect specimens;

  • In addition to lectures, the employees of the institution conduct interactive classes for children of different age groups and organize children's birthday parties;
  • Every Saturday and Sunday "Biolectorium" holds lectures for parents with children from five years old. Features and secrets of biology are presented here in an easy, relaxed way;
  • The museum has a "Scientific Terrarium", which acquaints visitors with the peculiarities of the life of reptiles. Opening hours of the "Scientific Terrarium" - from 11.00 to 17.00 hours on weekends. You will need a separate ticket to visit it. The cost of such a ticket includes not only an exciting story, but also the opportunity to pick up rare animals;

Interesting fact: at the end of the last century, the name of the Research Zoological Museum of Lomonosov Moscow State University was assigned to the institution. After numerous status changes, this name is still valid.

  • Young naturalists' clubs were organized for high school students and students, he works on the author's development of a researcher E. Dunaev.


The exhibition complex is located at the address: Moscow, Bolshaya Nikitskaya street, house 6. It is not difficult to find it. It is located directly in the center of the capital.

Having reached by metro to the “Library im. Lenin ”or“ Okhotny Ryad ”, you need to head to house number 6 on Bolshaya Nikitskaya Street (this is the former Herzen Street). The place you are looking for is not far away, it takes less than ten minutes to get to it.

Working mode

From 10 am to 5 pm - open to visitors. Only Mondays are days off. The last Tuesday of the month is also non-working.

Ticket price

For adult visitors, the ticket price is 200 rubles. For children school age, students and pensioners, there is a preferential price, it is 50 rubles.

Children under the age of seven have the opportunity to visit the exposition without tickets. This is also allowed to persons belonging to preferential categories.

If you come with the whole family or group, you can book a tour. For a group of 7 people it will cost 1500 rubles.

If you arrive without a group, but want to ask for a guide, then it is enough to purchase a ticket for 250 rubles. for an adult and 100 rubles. for a child and join any large tour group.

Key Dates and Events in the History of the Zoological Museum of Moscow University

Second half of the 1750s Foundation of Moscow University with the Department of Natural History (1755); donation to the University by the Demidov family of their family collection of natural history objects - the “Henkel Cabinet” (1757–1759), the establishment on its basis of the Mineral (Natural) Cabinet at the said Department (1759) - the predecessor of the modern Zoological and Mineralogical Museums.

1770 The mineral cabinet is brought into the system, its first inventory is compiled.

1791 Relocation of the Mineralogical (Natural) Cabinet from the former Pharmacy House to the new university building on Mokhovaya; from this year it begins to be titled "Cabinet of Natural History"; This year marks the beginning of the existence of the Zoological Museum of Moscow State University.

Based on donated by P.G. Demidov of the natural history collection at the University, the Demidov Department of Natural History is established with the transfer of the Cabinet of Natural History to the jurisdiction of its ordinary professor (head); bringing the two main sections of the university collection - the "Imperial Museum" and the "Demidov Museum" - into an order corresponding to the Natural System adopted in Europe; a complete catalog is compiled and published.

1810s The destruction of almost the entire university collection of natural history objects in the Moscow fire (1812); the restoration of this collection anew at the expense of numerous donations (1813 onwards); its accommodation in the restored university building on Mokhovaya on the right corner of Nikitskaya st. (1818); the new collection is ordered not according to the former “departmental”, but according to the “natural” principle - like the Zoological and Mineralogical cabinets.

Mid-second half of the 1830s According to the new university charter, the unified Demidov Department and the Museum natural history abolished and divided according to the above "natural" principle into the departments of zoology and mineralogy with the same-named offices with them (1835), they are assigned to different professors; nevertheless, subsequent (until the 1860s) university annual reports indicate that these rooms are subdivisions of the Museum of Natural History; relocation of collections to the new building of the University on the left side of Nikitskaya st. (1837).

Late 1840s The zoological and mineralogical collections are separated geographically: this has become an important prerequisite for the transformation of the Zoological Cabinet into a full-fledged Zoological Museum.

First half of the 1860s By order of the trustee of the Moscow educational district, almost the entire collection of naturalia, which makes up the university Museum of Natural History, was transferred to the newly created Public Museum (1861); in 1864–1865 collections returned. The Zoological Cabinet is fully integrated with the Department of Zoology, a special “staff division” has been established between them: this has strengthened the delimitation of the two sections of the named Museum of Natural History (which has actually ceased its “single” existence) and has become last step to the transformation of the Zoological Cabinet into an independent Zoological Museum (1870s).

Moving of the Zoom Museum to the newly rebuilt building of the Zoological building on right side Nikitskaya Street, which he shares with the Institute and Museum of Comparative Anatomy (1901–1902). The exposition halls on the second floor are equipped with specially ordered metal showcases from the Kunscherf company (1907–1909). In the Lower Hall, the floor is completely re-laid (1910). The upper hall of the Zoom Museum opens to visitors (1911).

First half of the 1930s In connection with the reorganization of the entire scientific and educational system of the country, the Zoom Museum is mainly assigned an educational (exposition) function. Its scientific part (including the disposal of fund collections) is briefly transferred to the jurisdiction of the Research Institute of Zoology (NIIZ), whose leadership proposes to distribute museum collections to other universities, museums and schools (1930). The Museum of Comparative Anatomy was attached to the Zoom Museum (1931); The Zoo Museum (in its new composition) is transferred from university subordination to the direct subordination of the Glavnauka Narkompros, it receives the name "Moscow Zoological Museum" (1931). From now on, the director of the Zoom Museum is appointed, regardless of official position, to any of the faculty departments; the administrative-staff system is changing in it (1932), accounting, storage and exposition work is being established (1933–1935); the exposition of the Lower Hall is reorganized and it is opened to the public (1932–1933).

First half of the 1940s In connection with the beginning of the Great Patriotic War some of the Zoom Museum collections are taken to Ashgabat, some are conserved (1941); some time later they return to Moscow and are placed in their original places, the exposition halls on the second floor are opened to the public (1942-1943)

Early 1950s Due to the introduction new system salary in the scientific and teaching system, almost all of its leading employees leave the Zoom Museum. In preparation for the move of most of the faculties of Moscow University to a new complex of buildings on the Lenin Hills, many of the premises of the Zoom Museum are assigned to various kinds of services and materials, the exhibition halls are closed to the public, and a significant part of the collections are conserved (1951–1952). After the move and the vacating of the premises, storage and exhibition work returned to normal (1955–1955). The relocation of the Faculty of Biology greatly reduced the possibility of inclusion museum collections in the pedagogical process; for the same reason, the Zoo Museum was deprived of almost all scientific library.

Mid 1960s To correct the abnormal situation with official salaries of the researchers of the Zoom Museum, they are officially “assigned” to the specialized departments of the Faculty of Biology. The situation with salaries is getting better, employees continue to work within the walls of the Zoom Museum, providing the entire system for replenishing, storing and using collection funds - but “legally” it loses its scientific and storage staff.

1970s and 1980s The museum enters a difficult and long period overhaul, the beginning of which was the failure of the floor of the lower hall (1971). During the repair, the area occupied by the Museum was significantly expanded (due to the addition of premises previously given over to residential apartments), the Lower Hall was equipped with new metal showcases, the Zoological Auditorium was reconstructed, many depositories were equipped with metal shelves and cabinets. During the second half of the 1980s. collections are housed in the old and new premises, exhibition halls are open to the public.

1991 The Zoological Museum was given the status of a research institution, it received the name “Research Zoological Museum of Moscow State University named after M.V. M.V. Lomonosov"; researchers working at the Zoom Museum are again officially included in its staff.

Early-mid 2010s Scientific and educational activities are significantly activated in the Zoom Museum. The zoological audience is reorganized into the Biolecture (2006), the Zoo Museum begins to actively participate in city educational events. New subdivisions are being established: a terrarium with scientific and educational functions (2010), a sector of scientific and public projects (2010), the White Sea branch of the Zoom Museum on the basis of the White Sea Biological Station of Moscow State University (2011). In scientific storage and educational work, they are beginning to be actively used digital technologies: electronic databases on scientific (including type) collections are organized.

At Russian Academy sciences, there is a Zoological Museum, which is the largest in our country both in terms of the occupied territory and in terms of the volume of funds. The second place is firmly held by a similar institution at Moscow State University. The Zoological Museum is not one of the ten largest institutions of its kind in the world.

Famous patrons of Russia

The history of its creation is as follows. In 1802, the state issued an appeal for donations for education. Among the first to respond was the learned naturalist and philanthropist Pavel G. Demidov (1739-1821), a descendant of a famous dynasty. His ascetic activity is very extensive - in 1803, at his own expense, he opened a school of higher sciences, which bore his name until 1919. At the same time, he donates funds in the amount of 100,000 rubles, an extensive library and the natural science collection he collected during his travels around the world to the future Moscow State University. The zoological museum will come into being thanks to these donations. In addition, in 1805, P. G. Demidov transferred to the Moscow University the Mintz Cabinet, which contained the richest collections (several thousand) of medals and coins. These treasures later formed the main fund of the “Natural History Cabinet” formed earlier, in 1791.

Professional approach

In 1755, by decree of the Empress, the Imperial Moscow University - MGU was founded. The Zoological Museum is 36 years younger, which does not prevent it from being considered one of the oldest natural science organizations. He is 215 years old.

After the funds of the “Cabinet of Natural History” were significantly replenished through the efforts of the patron P. G. Demidov, it became necessary to systematize them. This responsible business was entrusted to the already well-established (compiled an inventory of a similar office in Paris) Russian naturalist G. I. Fischer ( full name- Grigory Ivanovich (Johann Gottgelf, Gotthelf) Fischer von Waldheim, years of life - 1771-1853). G. I. Fischer, the author of the dissertation “On the Breath of Animals”, a student and follower, rejected the proposal of the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena, who invited him to systematize his “natural history cabinet”, and remained in Moscow, in the future of Moscow State University. The Zoological Museum was created by his efforts.

Ascetic activity

In 1806-1807 he made the first inventory of all collections, including coins and medals. As you know, in 1812 Moscow burned. A lot of buildings perished in this fire, the priceless collections of the future Zoological Museum were almost completely destroyed. And the Russian patriot Grigory Ivanovich Fisher, who managed to save part of the conchiological (shells and mollusks) collection during the fire, began to restore the “office”, transferring his own collections, collections and the library to it. Then, using his personal authority and fame in scientific circles, he turned to natural scientists and curators of private collections with a request to help restore the lost museum, the revival of which could already be discussed in 1814. The second inventory, done by G. I. Fisher, was completed in 1822, and its data were published. Simultaneously with the systematization of funds, a zoological collection was allocated, and new museum at the university was created only on its basis. By 1830, thanks to the selfless activity of G. I. Fisher, the number of exhibits reaches 25 thousand items.

Necessary reorganization

The next improvement was carried out already in 1860. Then all the funds of the museum were divided into educational, scientific and exposition. For visitors, the future Zoological Museum of Moscow State University. Lomonosov opened in 1866. Of course, throughout the years of its existence, it has developed dynamically, and by the end of the century, the premises allocated for it became cramped. And therefore, in 1989-1902, a new specialized three-story building was built for the museum according to the design of the academician, hereditary architect K. M. Bykovsky, at that time the chief architect of Moscow University. He built university buildings on Bolshaya Nikitskaya, in addition to the Zoological Museum, K. M. Bykovsky erected a library and buildings of several faculties.

The most beautiful building in classical style located in the heart of the capital. The nearest metro stations are “Biblioteka im. Lenin" and "Okhotny Ryad". The museum moved to it from the old building on Mokhovaya. After moving public museum becomes only in 1911.

In 1930, the Zoological Museum of Moscow State University in Moscow was given to the Faculty of Biology. A major reorganization took place in the 1990s. After all the ordeals, the museum acquires an independent status. To date, its scientific funds reach several million units.

It is visited by up to 150,000 people a year, the number of excursions conducted during the same time reaches 1,700. More refined and extensive information on each type of scientific collections is widely available. Three well-equipped viewing rooms are given to visitors - two on the first floor, one (Bone Hall) - on the second. All collections are arranged according to species proximity, from protozoa to vertebrates.

Serious scientific research

The Research Zoological Museum of Moscow State University is doing serious work - it studies and systematizes knowledge about animals in general, about modern ones in particular. Therefore, out of 10 million exhibits, only 8 are exhibited, among which there are unique representatives of the world fauna, for example, the largest and heaviest goliath beetle and hundreds of other one-of-a-kind specimens. It is not surprising that Muscovites start visiting this museum at a very young age - they come here with their one-year-old children and are satisfied with the tour. The Zoological Museum, which is mostly positive, is really very good, keeping up with the times, providing all the "chips" that can attract and interest as much as possible more visitors. And extraordinary people work here as guides. But always when visiting any museum in the world, there are people who think that the guides speak quietly, and the exhibits are covered with dust. The photo shows that this is not the case.

Ticket prices, reviews, interesting facts

Convince yourself of color and high level collections can be visited by visiting the museum. Ticket price - only 100 rubles for a child as part of an excursion group of at least 20 people. For an adult with excursion service - 250 rubles, without an excursion - 200. There is a flexible system of benefits, free days for special categories of citizens and one free night per year.

Periodic exhibitions are very interesting. Some visitors buy tickets in advance with advance payment. It remains to add a few interesting facts- for some time, Marina Tsvetaeva lived in the apartment of Professor A.N. Severtsev, located in the museum building, who was the founder of the evolutionary morphology of animals. And he himself served as a prototype for the hero of the "Fatal Eggs" by M. A. Bulgakov.

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