Psychic arseniy karadzha how to get an appointment. Arseniy Karadzha - white magician and wushu master


Arseniy Karadzha participated in the fifteenth season of the television show "The Battle of Psychics". Clairvoyant has psychic abilities, develops the ability to manage their energy, possesses the art of telekinesis, sees the biofield and aura of people.

This young psychic from the very first broadcasts attracted the attention of the audience. Many did not believe that such a young participant could be compared in strength with seasoned ones, long years practicing magicians. But Arseniy showed everyone that his abilities are unique, taking a worthy place in the final. And although the guy did not manage to get the coveted victory, he achieved considerable heights - at his age, becoming famous and respected in the magical world is oh so difficult.

The biography of Arseniy Karadzhi is easily accessible, the guy is not particularly keen to hush up his past, because he has nothing to hide. The future clairvoyant was born on January 10, 1989 in northern capital Russia. The guy himself says that his father was a psychic and worked directly for the FSB, on the instructions of this department, the man even had to work undercover for years in a local criminal group. The real name of Arseny is Ostapchuk.

Senya himself was unusual with early years. Already at four, he expressed a desire to learn then fashionable martial arts, his choice fell on the wushu technique, the guy devoted all his childhood and youth to this occupation, comprehending the mysteries of the doctrine in the smallest detail. As the psychic later admitted, it was these classes that gave him the opportunity to control his energy, use it according to own will. The guy considers studying the techniques of martial arts an ideal tool for revealing his abilities, since every person has a penchant for extrasensory perception, but does not use it. At an older age, Arseniy even began to teach wushu to children, and now he conducts courses for adult students.

It is worth noting that other areas of life were also successful for young Karadzhe. The guy studied at the 341st St. Petersburg school with university programs. But complex subjects did not bother the young man, study was easy for him, and in many disciplines Senya even won prizes in olympiads. After graduation, the guy entered the university and successfully graduated from the faculty dramatic art.

Later, Alexei began teaching at a film school. modern dances and ear. But in parallel he developed his psychic abilities. The guy has long learned to see the biofield of people, their aura, determine the past and future, and even change fate. The guy claims that he can reprogram a person by simply tying a thread on his wrist, this simple decoration, together with the energy of a clairvoyant, helps to fulfill almost any desire. Karaca also claims that from the age of five he mastered the art of telekinesis, easily moving toys and small objects, although he never demonstrated this skill to the audience of the project.

Arseniy considers his main aspiration in life to be helping people, changing their lives for the better. And with the approach of the 15th season of the Battle of Psychics, the young man decided to take a risky step and came to the auditions. It is worth noting that he was able to show his best side and the jury noticed him, giving him a place in the top 12 the best participants. Arseniy himself claims that he came to the project in order to convince people to constantly develop, because most of of the population does not use the abilities given by nature even by 5%!

It is worth noting that the guy passed all the tests very consistently, giving accurate and correct answers in each broadcast, which gave him the opportunity to go to the final of the show. Unfortunately, surrounded by strong finalists, he could not stand out with his still unprofessional abilities, but many consider the fourth place for such a young clairvoyant to be an incredible achievement.

After the project, Arseniy continued to teach wushu courses, and also dedicates free time to his family, because he has a beautiful wife, about whom the guy talks little, believing that his personal life should still be personal.

Alexander , 6 June 2016 .

One of the youngest participants, during the entire existence of the mystical TV project "Battle of Psychics", was a clairvoyant Arseniy Karadzha. At the time of participation in the show, the guy was only twenty-four years old, however, such a young age did not interfere with the credibility of his superpowers. Besides, positive attitude, goodwill and, very pretty, the appearance of a young man, helped him quickly win the love of the audience, which, in turn, led Arseny to the final of the fifteenth season of the popular TV show “The Battle of Psychics”.

Arseniy Karadzha. Biography

Arseniy Karadzha. Photo.

Like the rest of the participants in the "battle", there is very little information about Arseny and it is extremely contradictory, so it's up to you to decide which of these to believe. And so, psychic Arseniy Karadzha was born in the city of St. Petersburg, January 10, 1989. His real name from birth - Astapchuk, when exactly and for what purposes Arseniy took a sonorous pseudonym for himself, it is not known for certain. According to him own words, the gift of clairvoyance was transferred to Arseny from his father, who also had psychic abilities and collaborated with the FSB, helping in the investigation of various crimes, through his superpowers.

Arseniy claims that his father worked for a long time undercover, being infiltrated into a major criminal gang. However, according to information from other sources, the parents of the clairvoyant were not very successful actors. They dreamed that their son would continue their work and achieve, in this field, greater success than they did. Arseniy seriously studied acting while still a teenager, and after that he graduated from the faculty of dramatic art and at one time taught at a children's acting studio.

Arseniy Karadzha. Photo.

From the age of three Arseniy Karadzha engaged in martial arts: wushu, which allowed him to learn how to control his senses. In addition, he does modern choreography and teaches combat gymnastics. At school Arseniy Karadzha he studied well, the boy had a phenomenal memory and often won prizes at various olympiads and competitions. Teachers noted his erudition, craving for knowledge and calm character. The clairvoyant claims to have telekinesis and is able, with the power of thought, to move objects. According to him, he discovered this gift at the age of five, when, at will, he could move small objects without touching them. But the audience did not have to be convinced of his abilities: during the time of participation in the “battle”, the magician did not use his gift.

As far as personal life is concerned, Arseniy Karadzha, whose photo is very popular on the net, does not hide the fact that his heart is not free. Moreover, the psychic is officially married and very happy. Pictures in which Arseniy Karadzha and his wife, it is not difficult to find, only there is no information about his chosen one, since the clairvoyant carefully protects his happiness from strangers. It is not yet known whether the psychic and his wife have children.

Arseniy Karadzha. "The fight of extrasensories"

Take part in the fifteenth season of the popular TV show Arseniy Karadzha he decided, as he himself claims, to show people how little they know about themselves and what potential there is in every person. The clairvoyant is able to see through people, see their aura, biofield, as well as pictures from their past and future. He owns, equally, both black and white magic, but when he has to choose, he always prefers white.

Arseniy Karadzha passed all the tests with ease qualifying round, was able to convince experts of his paranormal abilities and immediately fell into the number of the strongest psychics. Throughout the entire season of the TV show, he was incredibly consistent and very convincing in his abilities, which led him to the final. Although the young magician failed to win, he entered his name in the list of serious contenders for the title of the strongest psychic.

Arseniy Karadzha. "The fight of extrasensories".

Clairvoyant Arseniy Karadzha claims that he is able to change the future of people and completely reprogram their fate, setting a course for her to fulfill her cherished desires and achieve her goals. To do this, it is enough to tie a special rope on a person’s wrist, which will carry his energy and attract to the person what he most wants. Arseniy Karadzha assures that a person’s plan will begin to come true within a few weeks.

The clairvoyant considers his main mission to be helping people, through his gift, which was given to him from above, just for such purposes. The psychic is sure that every person has a huge energy potential, which most people use only by five percent, and people are simply afraid of the remaining ninety-five percent of the potential and do not know how to use them.

Karadzha Arseniy is a young and bright finalist of the 15th battle of psychics. Was born in cultural capital Russia January 10, 1989. From childhood, he stood out among his peers with his eccentricity and peculiar character. Even then, his father realized that he had given his son an invaluable gift - phenomenal psychic abilities. At the same time, parents realized the need to develop abilities.

At the age of 4, Arseny was given to engage in this kind martial art How Wushu. With the help of lessons a little boy actively developed his senses and was able to acquire phenomenal memory. Further, as he grew older, Arseny showed more and more new skills, and already at the age of 6 he gained the ability to telekinesis I learned to move objects with my eyes. main goal of his life and the use of his abilities, Arseny sees help to people. Using the ability to see the energy of a person from the inside, Arseny raises energy field and corrects it.

In this way, he can correct the mistakes of the past that haunt people in currently, and also change future life of course in better side and set it to what you want. Distinctive feature The structure of Arseny's work is the symbolic tying of a thread around his hand - according to him, this is how he saves the energy of the desired and puts into it a piece of himself and his extraordinary energy. The thread keeps desires and dreams and the plan will surely come true in the very near future. The kindness of Arseny knows no bounds and he is ready to help everyone who asks for it, because the abilities were given to him by God precisely for good purposes. Participation in the battle of psychics gave the young magician gain invaluable experience, look at your work from the outside, work on mistakes and learn many nuances and subtleties from colleagues in magic. According to Arseny, after the end of the battle, he felt a triple surge of strength and the fullness of the energy field, which means three times more strength to help everyone who needs it. The whole country recognized Arseny, he did not leave the viewer indifferent and proved that the psychic is not an evil sorcerer at all, but also a good magician and assistant in all matters.

Arseny's popularity is growing before our eyes, and more and more people ask for help and more and more gratitude comes to Arseny for the work done, happy destinies and fulfillment of desires.

Of course, among the participants in the battle-rivals of Arseny there were those who were dissatisfied with his work and actions. But Arseny passed all the tests with dignity, not paying attention to gossips and black intentions of competitors. He always knew that good conquers evil and did not perceive other participants as competitors, but considered them only as colleagues and an opportunity to exchange experiences.

Arseniy Karadzha is a very gifted person. From childhood, he has been engaged in martial arts, in which great attention given to the spiritual side. Ready to help anyone who comes in trouble. To do this, he ties a thread on his hand, and the client makes a wish. Within 20 days everything is fulfilled.

Biography of Arseniy Karadzhi

Astapchuk Arseniy was born, who now bears the name of Karadzh in the city of St. Petersburg on January 10, 1989. From an early age, he has been engaged in wushu gymnastics, he was distinguished by phenomenal mental faculties. Already in 1996 he began to study according to the university program, he took only first places in various philology olympiads. In 2004, 2005 he took part in competitions in the fight of Chan-quan, he is excellent at weapons. At the end of the section, he began to teach himself. Arseniy also taught dance at a children's art school. He received his gift from his father - a man could predict fate, heal. Worked closely with law enforcement and was even introduced into the St. Petersburg bandit group. Arseniy sees people as if on an x-ray, he easily feels the mood, illness, and energy of a person. According to the psychic, he uses his gift by only 5 percent. For 100%, you need to work on your abilities almost all your life and improve them.

Participation of Arseniy Karadzhi on the show "Battle of Psychics"

The erudite and gifted psychic Arseny got on popular show during the casting for the 15th season. The jury immediately described the guy as very smart, with a good memory and human abilities. In the course of passing the tests, Karadzha constantly focused in himself with the help of wushu movements. Thanks to unique technique, he entered a trance state and could eyes closed determine the gender of a person, tell about his condition. Arseniy failed to reach the final, but both the audience and members of the film crew were satisfied with his results.

Arseny Jah's activities after television

For young psychic participation in the show was a moment of truth. He tested his abilities and believed in himself. It cannot be said that Arseniy only does what he does, but he does not refuse those who are in particular need of help. In his practice, he works with both black and white magic, but he gravitates towards the latter more. In passing engaged acting skills and dreams of dedicating himself theatrical art. You can chat with the sorcerer by going to his page in social network"VKontakte" A wushu master, a person with a high spiritual upbringing, will listen, suggest answers to difficult questions helps you focus on what's important. The technique of self-control, concentration helps visitors overcome difficulties, cultivate fortitude. Karadzha inspires health, cures diseases, but with difficult cases always sends to professionals. As for his personal life, the psychic is married and happily married.

Show Genre: paranormal show

Leading: Marat Basharov

3 episode of the 18th season of the "Battle of psychics" from 07.10.2017

From this day begins real battle between the participants of the 18th season of the battle. Today's tests will show which of them will become the best, and who will leave the project.

Family ties

There is no stronger bond in the world than that between mother and child. Will psychics feel it?

Svetlana turned to the battle for help. Her son, after leaving his father's family, began to behave very strangely, became interested in the occult. She is madly worried about him and hopes that psychics will be able to figure out what is happening to him. But before trying to help the woman, the participants will have to find her son among the invited six observers.

The leader of this test, Sergey Safronov, was the first to try to connect the family. In his opinion, children should be similar to their parents: the shape of the nose, ears, eyes. Sergey stared at the three guys and three girls sitting in front of him for 15 minutes, but was forced to admit defeat. Will psychics succeed?

Jean and Dana Alibekov approached each test participant and "looked through" their parents. First, they cut off those whose mothers could not be in the studio. They named many exact details, but they made the wrong choice.

Svetlana worries about the life of her son. His father, sister and grandfather committed suicide. After the divorce of his parents, Arseniy has changed a lot, and his mother is afraid that he may become the next. The woman hopes only for the help of people with paranormal abilities. She asked the Alibekovs her main question alone. The forecast of Jean and Dana was disappointing: in their opinion, something very bad will happen to the guy in the future and it is impossible to help him.

The second on the site appeared Konstantin Getzati. He summoned the spirits to help him pass this test. Konstantin began with Svetlana. He said that the woman was married twice. She left her first husband because he drank. And the second time she married by calculation. Arseny was shocked, but Svetlana confirmed all the words of the psychic. Konstantin also realized that the woman had a son. It remains only to find him among the young people present. And he did it. Konstantin saw the death of Arseny's father and the fact that the guy was not at his funeral. The psychic said that even after the divorce, the father was worried about his son and knew even more about his life than his mother. For example, he knew that his son had a boyfriend. Svetlana was not ready for the fact that all their secrets would be voiced. She decided to talk to the psychic in private, and Konstantin managed to convince her that there was no curse on their family. And the other participants in the test were already waiting for their turn and left after talking with him amazed by his abilities.

The next to look for Svetlana's son was Irina Volkova. She became interested in Arseny. She saw that her mother was nearby, but could not understand what it meant. The psychic chose between Arseny and another young man and was mistaken.

Alexander Kinzhinov passed the test with the help of cards. He correctly determined that he needed a guy to look for, but he made the wrong choice.

Both Nikita Turchin and Irina Maklakova were wrong. And Ivan Shabanov, despite the very great excitement and doubts, the choice was made correctly.

Exercist Marina Zueva decided to look for her son through Svetlana. She saw fear and pain in her heart. It helped her make right choice. She looked into Arseny's eyes for a long time and said that he had a demon inside him. She saw that he wanted to commit suicide, and his mother saved him. All of this was true. According to Marina, the guy let the demon into himself, playing magic. And it is useless to expel him, because the young man does not understand that he is playing with fire. She will expel, and he will let in again.

Olesya Molchanova could not concentrate and made a mistake. And Rustam Zartdinov was prevented from working by his own excitement. Maxim Nikitin was not worried and was looking for a person similar to Svetlana, and when he found out that he was mistaken, he said that all people are relatives.

Sonya Egorova was the last to pass the test. She went to Svetlana and said that there was no understanding between her and the child. She saw that his friends annoyed her mother. But here's a woman's son or daughter, Sonya did not understand. The energy was more like a woman's, and the clairvoyant went to the girls. She quickly realized that Svetlana's daughter was not among them, and went to the guys. Women's energy she felt from Arseniy, saw his friend, who causes him suffering, and drugs. He uses illegal substances and once almost died. Svetlana didn't know anything about it. Sonya spoke very harshly, but that's what helped young man think about your life. Svetlana, Arseniy and Sofya talked for a long time in private. The girl suggested what needs to be done to change her life. And then other participants came up to her. They said that Sonya is not afraid to tell the truth, pulls out all the hidden secrets. According to the participants, it was she who was the strongest of all. Later it became known that Arseny followed her advice, broke off relations with friends and began a new life.

Bad apartment

The Aleksakhina sisters turned to the program. They claim that their apartment is haunted. Girls and their acquaintances not only feel them, but also see the ghost of a man, woman and old woman, hear voices. They are very afraid and ask for help to rid their house of uninvited guests.

Lead this test will be actress Vera Sotnikova. She offered not to say anything about the problem with which they came into battle. Psychics must themselves understand why they were invited.

The city witch Sonya Egorova will be the first to try to help the sisters. She walked around the apartment and said that there is a cemetery energy here, cold emanates from the mirrors. The girl felt fear and realized that spirits were in charge here. She advised to close and break the mirrors. So they will close the portal, and the apartment needs to be cleaned and cleaned for a long time.

Brother and sister Alibekov also felt the presence of the spirit. This is a man who was once in prison. He repents and asks for forgiveness wrong life. Jean said that he was killed here, and the death was recent. But it wasn't quite like that. Here, 9 years ago, the father of the girls died. He was in prison, was a drug addict and drank a lot.

Irina Volkova also felt bad energy this apartment. She said there were no ghosts here. There are many things here that belonged different people V different time. A lot of other people's energy has accumulated. In her opinion, it is necessary to dismantle the rubble and make repairs, then everything will be over. The hostess was outraged by these words, and for a long time she could not calm down.

Nikita Turchin saw an elderly woman here and assumed that this was the girls' mother or grandmother, but the sisters' mother and grandmother were also alive. Irina Maklakova also saw the restless soul. In her opinion, this is the soul of a suicidal woman. But in this family, no one took their own lives.

Marina Zueva was immediately interested in the mirror in the hallway. She called it a portal. The witch saw here a thin man with a mustache, an old hunched woman, and another man with sore legs. They all said that the girls had forgotten them, they did not go to the graves. In order for them to leave, it was necessary to apologize to them, and Marina decided to arrange a meeting for them, but the girls never saw anyone.

Ivan Shabanov only made everyone laugh, did not see ghosts, but gave them a talisman to correct financial situation. Rustam saw that there must be four sisters. One is in jail. The cards told Alexander Kindzhinov that she was called because of problems with the husband of one of the sisters. Olesya suggested that a woman was killed here. Maxim Nikitin did not understand anything. In his opinion, the problem should be told, not forced to guess it.

The last to pass the test was Konstantin Getzati. He saw a huge number of spirits in the house at once. The psychic saw the father of the sisters, and gave each a few words from him. Father was most worried about eldest daughter Tanya. She drinks. Konstantin said that she could repeat the fate of her mother, whose health was undermined by alcohol. Konstantin said that the spirits are hurt by what is happening in this family now. Hatred, sharing an apartment with relatives. Konstantin said that magic is powerless here. Relatives will come until life gets better here. They are worried and want the girls to change. Konstantin answered all questions. Everyone was shocked.

At the presentation of envelopes, Nikita Turchin said that one of the participants wanted to leave. Rustam admitted that it was him. Marat Basharov took out a photo of Maxim from a black envelope and suggested that Rustam give up his place in the show to Nikitin, but he refused, citing bad relationship with him. Leaving, Maxim said that he hoped that other psychics would someday grow to his level. He admitted that he caused damage to Rustam, because he gets joy from when a person feels bad.

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