Russian Field Festival in Tsaritsyno. Fireworks and four types of okroshka: how the Russian Field festival will be held



On August 28, 2016, on the site of one of the most beautiful parks in the capital Tsaritsyno, a meeting of Slavic peoples took place on the fifth regional festival"Russian field". The meeting, which was held under the motto “Guests are coming to Moscow! Moscow is coming to visit!” organized by the Department national policy, interregional relations and tourism in Moscow.

In 1775, Empress Catherine II bought the territory of the park from Prince S.D. Kantemir. She later wrote;

“I called my new possession Tsaritsyn and, according to general opinion, it's a true paradise."

The festival participants were representatives of 48 regions of Russia. On its anniversary, the festival received international status, because delegations from Belarus, Moldova and Serbia took part in it.

"Moscow - spiritual center Slavic world she deserves to have large-scale festival. The number of guests and participants of the event speaks about its relevance and necessity for the unity of the Slavs. Obviously, the Russian Field has become a starting point for event tourism, and the capital of Russia is a place of attraction for travelers from all over the world.”

V.V. Chernikov

Almost 200 thousand residents and guests of the capital attended the anniversary "Russian Field". They sang and danced, bought and sold, made and walked. New entertainments were especially popular - riding on historical ships on the Upper Tsaritsynsky Pond and the interactive pavilion "Journey to Russia", which tells about large and small cities of the country.

On two concert venues spoke best performers from different regions - Kuban Cossack choir, Sretensky Monastery Choir, Northern Russian folk choir Choir of the Novospassky Monastery. Honored guests performed at the second venue - Alexander Sklyar and the Va-Bank group, the Turetsky Choir art group, the Belarusian Pesnyary group, Goran Bregovic and the orchestra.

A special gift on the Day of the Assumption of the Virgin was the performance of a musical dedication to the 1000th anniversary of monasticism on Mount Athos.

The holiday is over colorful show in the best traditions of amusing fires of the Petrine era.

"Russian Field" - a spiritual holiday

Taste Russian cuisine, listen to ringers, see evening dresses in the Slavic style, enjoy the choral singing of folk groups ... The festival of Slavic art "Russian Field" was held in the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve in Moscow. This year it was held for the seventh time and was especially large-scale. 58 regions of Russia applied for participation in the festival. The festival was first organized in 2012 and since then has been an integral part of cultural life the capital, dedicated to the ancient Russian hinterland, which impresses with its hospitality, generosity, and, of course, amazing nature.

Several sites worked in the museum-reserve. For example, bell ringers from all over the country, from Kaliningrad to Kamchatka, performed at the Monastyrsky Dvor. "Merchant's Yard" - a meeting place for artisans. Beaded jewelry, souvenirs made of stones, painted plates and much more were brought here. And in the "Sytny Ryad" they were treated to freshly baked bread, okroshka and even porridge from an ax according to a fabulous recipe. But, perhaps, the performances on the main stage and on the stages of several courtyards became the most grandiose spectacle. The best choral and dance ensembles surprised everyone with wonderful numbers filled with color of every corner of Russia. For example, the exemplary dance ensemble "Russians" and vocal ensemble"Outskirts" from Bryansk region performed with the number "Festive greeting". A Kursk folk choir. S. Chagovets " Folk team amateur artistic creativity"Showed a number called "Kursk Bulge".

- In the festival "Russian Field" our team takes part in second time, - said the soloists of the Kursk folk group Nadezhda Babenko and Galina Chuikova. - The first time it happened was in 2014. Both times, the "People's Collective of Amateur Artistic Creativity" received a ticket to Moscow due to the fact that it took first place in the regional festival of the Kursk region, being awarded the Grand Prix among folklore festivals.

But the Pskov Russian Folk Choir with the number "In the Birch Land" made its debut at the festival. And how he made his debut! He became a laureate of the VII Interregional Creative Festival of Slavic Art "Russian Field" in 2018. Moreover, this is especially important for the team, since in June 2018 it turned 60 years old. By the way, for their anniversary, the Pskov team prepared special program titled "With music, dance and song, life on earth is more interesting." Fragments from this program were presented on stage at the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve.

- Such a gift was presented to us by fate - to take part in such a large-scale event, - said artistic director honored team folk art Russia "Pskov Russian Folk Choir", Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, holder of the title "Soul of the Pskov Land" Irina Fedorova. - A personal invitation was addressed to the head of the regional administration. For us it was a big and very pleasant surprise. In the Pskov region, such events are held regularly, but we really wanted to see how they look in an interregional format.

True, Irina Fedorova had complaints about the organizers of the holiday for some household disorder. For example, on the eve of the performance, the Pskovites had to bring the venue into proper shape on their own, where the Pskov ensemble was supposed to sing and dance. But guys and girls are no strangers: basically everything they do for performances is organized on their own and on personal enthusiasm. But they meet the team with thunderous applause, and love it with all their hearts.

The main difference between the performances, both by artists from the Pskov region and from other regions, is that the traditional folk choral singing combined with modern rhythms that are understandable and familiar to both young and older generations. Therefore, the guests main stage at the same time there were symphony and academic orchestras, choirs of folk and rock groups, and all together the artists managed to create an amazing musical palette that reflected modern choral singing in Russia.

In 2018, the VII Interregional Creative Festival of Slavic Art "Russian Field" was dedicated to small towns - the hinterland of Russia, and was held under the single name "Russian hinterland: everything that Russia is famous for."

Craft traditions and unique products of craftsmen will be presented on a sincere Russian day off at the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve
August 18, 2018 at the VII Interregional creative festival Slavic art "Russian field".
Every year, artisans and craftsmen from all over the country come to the festival. Guests of the festival of Slavic art are waiting for the best examples of handicraft art. In 2018, over 600 masters from all over our country will take part in the largest folklore festival in Russia. Handicrafts will be presented in regional craft houses. folk embroidery V different styles, textile folk toys, traditional weaving, products made from natural silk fabrics with painting, carved icons, lace and traditional regional ceramics and porcelain, prints on fabrics and Jewelry- in a word, everything that Russia is famous for.
Gzhel porcelain and traditional ceramics, Russian filigree, Skopino and Bogorodsk toys, Vologda and Yelets lace, Khludnev and Filimonovo toys, folk motanka dolls and regional dolls in traditional national and ancient Slavic costumes and many other handicraft products will delight festival guests!
Spectators will also be interested in the unique little-known crafts of the Russian hinterland. For example, the Republic of Komi will present in the regional craft yard figurines of northern animals made of burl, suvel, various breeds deciduous trees made in the technique of wood carving, chiselling and grinding. Weaving masters from the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) will show rare women's and men's belts made according to ethnographic patterns, as well as author's, woven products from woolen, cotton and linen threads in various techniques: on the machine, bastard and planks. Bashkiria will present a rare filigree, artistic processing stones, bibs and beadwork. For the first time at the festival "Russian Field" the culture and craft traditions of the Old Believers of Buryatia will be presented, in particular, only at the festival you can see the family kichka and decorations for it.
“The Russian Field Festival stands out in the capital's events for its brilliance and originality,” said Vitaly Suchkov, head of the Department of National Policy and Interregional Relations of Moscow. – We are glad that thanks to such events we are able to make our contribution to the conservation Slavic cultures and traditions. For the first time this year competitive program festival will determine the best folk master and the best regional craft house, presented within the framework of the Merchant's Yard. Prizes will be awarded to the winners in these festival nominations.”
According to the Organizing Committee of the festival, for the first time at the event at special voting stations, visitors to the festival will be able to choose and vote for one of regional houses. Also on the site on August 18, on the day of the event, an online broadcast of the work of the "Merchant's Yard" will be organized.
Recall that the organizer of the largest folklore festival the Department of National Policy and Interregional Relations of the city of Moscow acts in the country. In 2018, 56 regions expressed their desire to take part in the Russian Field. The headliners of the gala concert are traditionally popular and well-known performers throughout the country and choirs. The program of the Russian Field festival includes a mandatory performance by the Great Russian Choir: over a thousand participants will sing their favorite songs.
Entrance to the festival is free.

The guests of the holiday are waiting for the historical light show, acquaintance with copies of the old Russian boat and small boat of Peter I, as well as treats to kulebyaka, okroshka and other dishes of Russian cuisine.

The V Interregional Festival of Slavic Art "Russian Field - 2016" will be held on August 28 at the Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve. The organizers expect more than 100 thousand visitors. This year, guests of the festival will be greeted by renovated venues dedicated to various places in the capital. Lyalin Lane, Luchnikov Lane, Cossack Lane, Red Square, Polyanka, and River Station will appear here.

About one and a half thousand participants from 48 regions of Russia, as well as from other states - Belarus, Moldova and Serbia, will come to Moscow to participate in the festival. Guests are waiting for the performances of musical creative groups. Traditionally, craftsmen — craftsmen will demonstrate their skills at the festival. In total, 350 artisans will exhibit their works in the fair tents.

“It is worth noting high status festival guests: Serbia will be represented worldwide famous musician and composer Goran Bregovic, and Belarus - Pesnyary, ”said the leader. According to him, over the years of its holding, the Russian Field festival has become a celebration of the unification of the multinational and multi-religious capital on the basis of art.

The guests of the musical part of the event also included the Va-Bank and Quatro groups, the Turetsky Choir, the Sretensky Monastery Choir, the Kuban Cossack Choir and other groups.

One of the highlights of the festival will be the performance of modern arrangements of four hymns of Russia - from the one created in late XVIII century to the present.

“They will be presented by the 21st Century Orchestra and the Yurlov State Academic Chapel. Pavel Ovsyannikov — chief conductor festival "Russian Field", the author of the official arrangement of the Russian anthem - will give such musical journey in time to the guests of our festival,” said Vladimir Chernikov.

IN holiday program The festival is planned, where viewers can watch how funny lights (fireworks) were launched back in the time of Catherine the Great. A group of firework figures will be installed next to the Middle Tsaritsyno Pond. Fire fountains will cause the windmills to rotate around the axis with a whistle, which will cause an outline of sparks of different colors to appear around.

A huge portion of okroshka will be prepared for the guests of the holiday at the Russian Field festival. For this, they plan to spend almost 1.3 thousand liters of kvass. In the tent "Big okroshka" visitors will be able to try: homemade, merchant, Ural and bread okroshka. At the same time, as the organizers promise, food prices at the festival will be low. According to Vladimir Chernikov, the partners of the festival, working at the festive food courts, were asked to make the prices lower than the market prices in the capital.

They will lower into the water of the Upper Tsaritsynsky Pond. Guests of the festival will be invited to ride on an old Russian boat or on a copy of Peter I's small boat. Ship captains will be dressed in historical clothes, passengers will be told about the features of ship structures. Everyone can also participate in team rowing.

Last year, over 200,000 people from 38 regions of Russia visited the festival in Tsaritsyn. Among the participants were folklore and academic creative teams, master craftsmen, commodity producers, as well as tricksters and reenactors.

Interregional festival of Slavic art "Russian Field" in Moscow may become an annual event. Its holding is already included in the plans of the city authorities for the next three years.

“It is no longer officials who want to hold it, we understand that people really want this festival. It is already needed, it is in demand by Muscovites, and its geography is expanding,” said Vladimir Chernikov.

Archive. We no longer announce this event. Perhaps the information is completely outdated. What's next, we don't know.

Festival of Slavic Art "Russian Field" - main folklore holiday Russia and a sincere day off for those who love the history and culture of our country. In 2016, its participants confess their love for Moscow, the main custodian of culture Slavic people. The center of attraction of the Russian world, a symbol of the unity of territories and regions, a place of friendship fraternal peoples- this is our capital!

12:00 - 13:00 Grand opening V Festival of Slavic Art "Russian Field". Performers: State Academic Choir of Russia named after A.A. Yurlova, leader - Honored Art Worker of Russia, conductor Gennady Dmitryak. Accompaniment: "Orchestra of the XXI century" - artistic director, conductor, National artist Russian Pavel Ovsyannikov.

13:00 - 15:30 Performance of the best regional teams Russia.

15:30 - 16:00 Performance of honored guests of the festival "Russian Field": "Sretensky Monastery Choir"

16:00 - 16:30 GALA PROGRAM "OPEN RUSSIA". Large Russian Choir, "Sretensky Monastery Choir", "Kuban Cossack Choir", State Academic Choir of Russia named after A.A. Yurlov. Accompaniment: "Orchestra of the XXI century". Artistic director, conductor, People's Artist of Russia Pavel Ovsyannikov.

16:30 - 16:50 Performance of the guests of honor of the festival "Russian Field": State Academic Voronezh Russian Folk Choir named after. K.I. Massalitinova

16:50 - 17:20 Performance of honorary guests of the festival "Russian Field": "Moscow Cossack Choir"

17:20 - 18:00 Performance of honored guests of the Russian Field festival: Turetsky Choir

18:00 - 19:00 SPECIAL PROGRAM "ATHOS - PARADISE ON EARTH" A joint project Group "Quarto" and the festival "Russian Field".


19:30 - 20:00 EVENING GALA CONCERT "JOURNEY TO RUSSIA". Big Russian Choir, "Kuban Cossack Choir", State Academic Choir of Russia named after A.A. Yurlova, the ensemble "Belarusian Songwriters", Alexander F. Sklyar and the Va-Bank Group, the Belarusian Pesnyars Group, the Quarto Group, etc. Accompaniment: "Orchestra of the 21st Century" - artistic director, conductor, People's Artist of Russia Pavel Ovsyannikov.

20:00 - 20:30 Performance of the guests of honor of the festival "Russian Field": "Kuban Cossack Choir"

20:30 - 21:10 Performance by the guest of honor of the Russian Field festival: Alexander F. Sklyar and the Va-Bank group

21:10 - 21:50 Performance of the guest of honor of the festival "Russian Field": Goran Bregovic & Orchestra

21:50 - 22:20 Funny lights. Fireworks. light show

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