The script for the celebration of the collective 15 years of choral genre. Health, faith teacher


The date of the event is 09.10.12.

Venue: B. hall

Time: 18-00

On the stage of the Palace of Culture "Energetik" the ceremony of presenting the anniversary award "ArtStar".

Today, awards will be presented in various categories to the best creative teams and people who have delighted us with their talent and tremendous dedication to their work for many years.

Today you will become participants in the main event of this year, at the very big stage city ​​of Nazarovo.

Today, and only for you, those for whom life without a stage is unthinkable will perform. Welcome to anniversary concert Palace of Culture "Energetik" We are 45 years old!

(The curtain opens, the pop group "Adamant" is on stage)

(Screensaver Duel)

1. NUMBER: "Adamant" - the exit of the presenters

(music at the exit of the presenter)

(Screensaver 45 years old)

1Ved: Good evening, dear friends!

2Vedas: Hello dear guests!

1Ved: How wonderful it is when the holiday begins just like that: with music and applause ...

2Vedas: And also with kind smiles of the guests who came to congratulate the veterans, employees and members of the creative teams of the Energetik Palace of Culture!

1Ved: They say that every person has their own finest hour. That very moment in life when fate says: “I give you a chance! Show what you are capable of!

2Vedas: I think so finest hour for those who will come out on this stage today and become our anniversary evening!

1Ved: The life of people is so similar to the life of stars. Some flicker dimly. Others are on fire. The third one is shining! And this brilliance of the star corresponds to the brightness of the personality.

2Ved: So let the stars of the Energetik Palace of Culture, who have found their calling in art, brightly illuminate this stage today!

(music for the exit of the presenters)

1Ved: In November 1967, the Palace of Culture "Energetik" opened its doors and became the center of culture for the inhabitants of the village of Bor, the village of Builders and workers of the Nazarovskaya State District Power Plant!

2Vedas: The team was headed by Alexander Alexandrovich Mukhin. The man who not only laid the foundations of the palace, but also the foundations creative activity teams.

1Ved: Unfortunately, Alexander Alexandrovich has not been with us for several years. But historical footage has been preserved, where he talks about how the work of our palace began.

(video with A.A. Mukhin)

2Ved: In subsequent years, the palace was led by:

Petr Mikhailovich Vorontsov, Galina Nikolaevna Shkuratova.

1Ved: Nikolai Nikolaevich Gurulev, Irina Anatolyevna Gololobova.

2Vedas: These are people who have made a huge contribution to the development and improvement of the material and technical base of the palace.

1Ved: Since 2004, the work of the Energetik Palace of Culture has been headed by Valentin Viktorovich Romanov - a restless, energetic person puts his soul into his work and continues the work of his predecessors with dignity.

2Vedas: Dear leaders, please accept our congratulations and this musical gift.

1Ved: Kirill Gurulyov sings for you!

2nd issue: - Kirill Gurulev

(music on exit presenter)

On the screen is a video sequence of photographs of veterans))

2Vedas: On this anniversary evening, with words of great gratitude, we address our dear veterans. Thanks to you, our palace has always been one of the best cultural institutions not only in the city, but also in the region.

1Ved: Dear veterans, those who are present in this hall today, please rise from your seats and let this applause sound in your honor!

(Girls bring flowers to veterans)

2Ved: Look at them, sparks of enthusiasm and cheerfulness burn in their eyes.

1Ved: Their hearts are full of optimism.

2Vedas: We sincerely thank you for many years of fruitful work.

1Ved: Dear veterans, the youngest members of the Adamant pop group are performing for you!

3 NUMBERS: - "Adamant" "Once a palm, two palms!"

(music on exit presenter)

2Vedas: Veterans of culture! You are special people

From a special alloy, from a special ore!

You do not bend your shoulders under the weight of everyday life

And close the ranks of veterans!

1Ved: You gave a lot for the culture of your beloved,

Your memory keeps every day, every hour.

They say about others: "Life is passing by"

You are in the thick of things. Both then and now!

2Vedas: Georgy Tikhonov sings for you!

4 NUMBER: G. Tikhonov

(music on exit presenter)

1Ved: It is known that the one who seeks always finds his own

In deeds, dreams and in the field of ideas.

And the holiday that takes place here today

Show us truly talented people!

2Vedas: People who will be marked with anniversary awards. They will also become the undisputed winners of the ArtStar award, established by us in honor of the 45th anniversary of the Energetik Palace of Culture!

1Ved: It is with great pleasure that we invite the head of the city of Nazarovo, the chairman of the city council of deputies of the city of Nazarovo, Sergey Alexandrovich Setov, to this stage!

(congratulations from S.A. Setov)

2Vedas: We are starting a solemn ceremony of awarding and presenting anniversary awards and the ArtStar award!


1 Ved: To be awarded a diploma of the Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the following are invited to the stage:

Valentin Viktorovich Romanov - director of the cultural and leisure association "Energetik"!


2Vedas:– Tatyana Pavlovna Fillipova – Head of the Department for Financial and Economic Activities.


1ved. – For awarding a certificate of honor from the head of the city of Nazarovo - the chairman of the city council of deputies of the city of Nazarovo and the presentation of the ArtStar award, the following are invited to the stage:

2Vedas:- Alexandra Vadimovna Redrova - director of the People's Theater "Pinocchio"!


1Ved:- Andrey Mikhailovich Sidilev - driver!

2 Vedas:- Nina Viktorovna Dostovalova - head of production!


2Vedas:– We thank Sergey Alexandrovich for the kind words of congratulations. And the head of the administration of the city of Nazarovo Evgeny Alexandrovich Merezhnikov is invited to the stage!)


(congratulations to Merezhnikov)

1Ved:– For awarding a certificate of honor from the head of the administration of the city of Nazarovo and presenting the ArtStar award, we invite to the stage:

2Vedas:- Zhanna Alexandrovna Lebedev - administrator and cashier.


1Ved:- Anatoly Nikolaevich Zhigarev - locksmith, plumber and carpenter.


2Vedas:- Raisa Ivanovna Kuryatnikova - head of the economic department


1Ved:- Marina Anatolyevna Fadeeva - head theater studio"Brawlers"


2Vedas:- Tatyana Alexandrovna Davydova - watchman - watchman of the club at the place of residence "Mir"


2Vedas:– We thank Evgeny Aleksandrovich for good wishes and continue our holiday concert.

5 NUMBERS: "Adamant" - "We are little children"

1Ved:- Ladies and Gentlemen! The moment of truth is coming!


2Vedas:- We are starting a solemn ceremony of presenting the creative teams of the Energetik Palace of Culture with the ArtStar award - Stars in Art!

1Ved: – For several years, the audience jury has tirelessly followed all our performances and achievements.

2Vedas:- And today the best of the best will be determined, who will become the owners of the anniversary award for their contribution to the development of culture and art "ArtStar"!

1Ved:- Each of the people represented in this or that nomination has been working for more than a year. And all of them, each in their own genre, are already stars! Let them not be as bright and large as the Sun, but as significant and necessary as the Moon.

2Vedas:- I completely agree with you. Each of the award nominees has already contributed to cultural development of our city and will continue its work.

1Ved: - Dear guests!

2Vedas:- Dear nominees!

1Ved:- Very soon the names of those who have been awarded the main anniversary award will become known!


2Ved.- To congratulate and announce the first hero of tonight in the "Forge of Talents" nomination, we invite the head of culture and information policy of the city of Nazarovo, Nikolai Nikolaevich Gurulev, to the stage!

(Congratulations from Gurulev. Presentation of diplomas from the Ministry of Culture)

1Ved: The diploma of the Ministry of Culture of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the ArtStar award are awarded to:

– Olga Egorovna Fedichkina – Deputy Director for Core Activities.


2 Vedas– Olga Vasilievna Achkasova – head of the children’s department


1 Ved- Alena Valentinovna Romanova - head of the Adamant pop group


2Vedas:- Valentina Kuzminichna Lvova - head of a separate structural subdivision of the Club at the place of residence "Mir".

1Ved:Certificate of honor department of culture of the city of Nazarovo is awarded

2Ved: - Alexander Petrovich Medvedev - electrician of electrical networks.

1 led. We thank Nikolai Nikolayevich and with great pleasure we invite our colleagues at work, heads of cultural institutions of the city of Nazarovo, to the stage!

1 led. ved. - Irina Anatolyevna Gololobova - Director of the City Palace of Culture.

2Vedas: Olga Viktorovna Tolstikhina - Acting Director of the Children's Art School.

1Ved: Tatyana Valentinovna Perepelko - director of the Children's Art School.

2Vedas: Lyudmila Mikhailovna Krylova - director of the cultural and leisure center "Jubilee".

1Ved: Marina Davydovna Duke - director of the centralized library system.

2Vedas: Tatyana Mikhailovna Melnikova - director of the museum and exhibition center.

(greeting guests)


1 Vedas: We ask you to open the envelope and name the winner in the "Forge of Talents" nomination!


(They open the envelope, name the winner - the Zabiyaki theater studio, on the screen there is a video with the Zabiyaki theater studio)

2 Vedas: We invite to the stage the head of the Zabiyaki Theater Studio, which won in the nomination "Forge of Talents"

Marina Anatolyevna Fadeeva

(Award presentation. Fanfare.)

1 Ved: You are congratulated by the folk team, creative studio "Soyuz"

ISSUE 6: Soyuz Creative Studio Potpourri

(music on exit presenter)

1 Vedas: We will ask the following guests to announce the winners in the nomination "Public Favorite!"

2 Vedas: To congratulate and present the ArtStar award, we invite Vitaly Fedorovich Palkin, director of the NGRES branch of OAO Yenisei TGC (TGC-13), to the stage.

1 Vedas: Nikolai Anatolyevich Kuklin, Chairman of the Trade Union Committee of NGRES

2 Vedas: Nadezhda Vasilievna Goloshchapova, Chairman of the Council of NGRES Veterans.

(greeting guests)

2 Vedas: Please announce the winner in the nomination "Favorite of the public"


(they open the envelope, call NMVG Energetik, on the screen there is a video with NMVG Energetik)

1 Ved: We invite to the stage the head of the folk male vocal group "Energetik" Honored Worker of Culture Russian Federation Nikolai Nikolaevich Gurulev.

(Award presentation. Fanfare)

7 NUMBER: NMVG "Energetik" Well

(music on exit presenter)

1 Ved: We continue the presentation of the ArtStar award.

I really want to know who won in the nomination "Looking to the Future"

2Vedas: For congratulations and the announcement of the winner in the nomination “A look into the future, Nadezhda Dmitrievna Gavrilenko, head of the education department of the city of Nazarovo, is invited to the stage

1Ved: Olga Ilyinichna Friesen - director of the power engineering college in Nazarovo

2Vedas: Anatoly Semenovich Shcherbachev - director of school No. 11

1Ved: Lyudmila Yuryevna Shcherbacheva - director of school No. 4

2Vedas: Natalya V. Kuklina – Director remedial school eighth kind

(greeting guests)

1Ved: Please open the envelope and name the winner in the nomination "Looking to the Future"


(they open the envelope and call the pop group "Adamant". A video with the group "Adamant" is on the screen)

1Ved: I am very pleased to invite the head of the Adamant pop group and my charming presenter Alena Romanova for the award.

(Awarding. Fanfare).)

Today, before the start of the concert, I had a classic question» If the stars are lit, then someone needs it. It means that there is someone who cares, who needs new stars to light up in the cultural sky! Alena Romanova is one of these people, and on the stage her stars are already shining with might and main - Variety group"Adamant"

NUMBER 8: Variety group "Adamant" Potpourri

(music on exit presenter)

1 Vedas: We look forward to the announcement of the next winner of the "ArtStar" award in the nomination "Gold Reserve of DK Energetik"

2 Vedas: In order to find out, we invite Olga Viktorovna Simanov, the chief specialist of the general department of the social protection department of the administration of Nazarovo, to the stage for congratulations and awarding the award.

1 Vedas: Natalya Vladimirovna Danilchenko - Acting Director of the Center for Social Assistance to Family and Children.

(greeting guests)

2 Vedas: Safronova Tamara Ivanovna Deputy Head of the Pension Fund Department of Nazarovo

(Congratulations to guests)

2 Vedas: And so in the nomination "Gold Reserve" DK "Energetik" wins


(they open the envelope. They call it “Vocal group “Song Russian”, on the screen there is a video with the group “Russian Song”)

1 Ved. Georgy Mikhailovich Tikhonov, who for many years gave his whole soul to the team, today transfers it to the new leader Vyacheslav Vasilyevich Suchkov. We invite these two talented people to this stage.

(Award presentation. Fanfare.)

9 NUMBERS: Vocal group "Russian Song"

(music on exit presenter)

1 Vedas: The guests who will now come on this stage will not only congratulate us, but will also announce the winner in the nomination "Come from childhood"

2 Vedas: We invite

Elena Anatolyevna Ubiennykh - head of the kindergarten "Solnyshko"

1 Vedas: Natalya Petrovna Khrebtenko - head of the doctoral "Topolek"

(greeting guests)

2 Vedas: In the nomination "Coming from childhood" won


(Open the envelope. Call folk theater puppets "Pinocchio", on the screen a video with the theater "Pinocchio")

2 Vedas: We invite Alexandra Vadimovna Redrova, head of the People's Puppet Theater "Pinocchio", to the stage.

(Award presentation. Fanfare)

1 Vedas: Congratulations from d.s. "Solnyshko" and d.s. "Topolek"

10 NUMBER: D.S. "Sun", D.S. "Topolek"

1 Vedas: We continue to accept congratulations and the presentation of the "ArtStar." !

2 Vedas: The director of the Branch of the Nazarovsky Plant of Thermal Insulation Products and Structures Aul Alexander Viktorovich is invited to the stage

(greeting guests)

1 Vedas: Attention! The winner in the nomination "Loyalty to the calling" was


(open the envelope, call the dance group "Rhythms of Youth", on the screen is a video with the group "Rhythms of Youth")

2 Vedas: We invite a permanent leader dance group"Rhythms of Youth" to Valentin Kuzminichna Lvov

(Award presentation. Fanfare)

11 NUMBERS: "Rhythms of Youth" Quadrille

1 Vedas: We invite you for congratulations, as well as the announcement of the winner in the nomination "Keepers of Folk Traditions"

2 Vedas: Administrator of the cocktail bar "Robin Bobin", former member amateur performances of the Palace of Culture "Energetik" Vladimir Viktorovich Grekov

(Congratulations to the guests)

1 Ved: Please open the envelope and name the winner in the nomination "Keepers of Folk Traditions"


(open the envelope. They call the vocal group "Siberian gatherings")

1 Ved: We invite Nikolai Nifontovich Ashikhin, head of the Siberian Gatherings vocal group, to the stage


2 ved. It is with great pleasure that we invite Tamara Alexandrovna Cherednichenko to the stage, who for many years has headed the People's Puppet Theater "Pinocchio", an honorary citizen of the city of Nazarovo, a member of the Siberian Gatherings vocal group. Tamara Alexandrovna gave more than 30 years of her life creative work in our palace. And today she continues to be its active participant.

(Congratulations to T.A. Cherednichenko)

(Award presentation. FANS,)

12 NUMBER: "Siberian gatherings" We will sing +

(music on exit presenter)

1 Vedas: And one more nomination in which the team was awarded the ArtStar award.

2 Vedas: Nomination "People's Choice Award". And in order to find out who received it, as well as to congratulate the staff of the Energetik Palace of Culture, we invite our friends and sponsors to the stage. permanent partners - representatives of the group of companies "Pyramid"

1Ved: Director of the Pyramida Media Holding Elena Leonidovna Tsarenko

(greeting guests)

2Vedas: In the nomination "People's Choice Award" wins


(open the envelope, call the vocal group "Comment", on the screen there is a video with the group "Comment")

1 Vedas: We welcome the head of the vocal group "Comment" Andrei Sidilev.

(award presentation. FANFARE)

13 NUMBER "Commentary" Ekaterina Akimova

(music on exit presenter)

2 Vedas: We have named all the winners in various categories.

1 Vedas: Your applause to people whose talent is beyond doubt.

2Vedas: Friends! Get their autographs today!

1 Ved: You might be late tomorrow!

2 Vedas: After all, the life of stars is unpredictable!

1 Vedas: Who knows, maybe their names will go down in the history of world culture.

2 Vedas A: Personally, I believe in it. Stars are not born, stars are made.


(Music on exit presenter)

1 Vedas: Here comes the moment of truth!

2 Vedas: The main characters of tonight are on stage!

1 Vedas: Applaud. Do not be shy!

2 Vedas: They will remember this moment for the rest of their lives!

1 Vedas: Thank you all for coming with us to celebrate this wonderful event!

2 ved We also thank all those who participated in the preparation and holding of this concert, as well as those who over the years have helped us to hold a worthy various events: This:

Administration of the city of Nazarovo

2 led. NGRES

1ved Creative studio "Scram"

2 led. Canteen No. 1 In the person of Pavel Larionov

1 led. Information Agency"West-24"

2 Vedas Siberian construction company

1 Vedas Shop "Lights of Chulym" represented by Alexey Perelomov

2 ved Media holding "Pyramid"

1 led. Nazarovskaya GRES

2 Vedas Shop "Pchelka" represented by Milkina

1 led. OOO "Agatinskoye"

2 Vedas We tell you Thanks a lot and look forward to further cooperation.


1 Vedas: Happy Anniversary to all those who work in this beautiful house

2 Vedas: The house where the holiday lives!

1 Vedas: We don't say goodbye to you. The doors of our Palace of Culture Energetik are always open for you!

2 Vedas: All the best!

(music plays in the hall) (The curtain closes. The groups stand on the stage)

The program of concert numbers 09.11.12.

1. NUMBER: gr.Adamant

2. ISSUE: Kirill Gurulev.

3. NUMBER: Adamant Babies

4. NUMBER: Georgy Tikhonov

5. NUMBER: Count Adamant "We are little children"

6. ISSUE: Soyuz Creative Studio

7. NUMBER: NMVG Energetik

8. NUMBER: gr. "Adamant" Potpuri

9. ISSUE: Vocal group "Russian Song"

10. ISSUE: D.s "Sun"

11 ROOM: Dance group "Rhythms of Youth"

12. ISSUE: Vocal ensemble "Siberian gatherings"

13. NUMBER: c. " A comment"

“Happy Anniversary, Kind People” Consolidated Choir of the House of Culture “Energetik”

scenario plan holiday concert"Solar drop - 10 years!"

The curtain is closed. Soundtracks of the songs of the Solnechnaya Drops ensemble sound, slides of the ten-year history of the ensemble are on the screen.

Track 1. Fanfare sounds. The backstage opens, the eldest and junior group ensemble.

At the end of the song, both line-ups remain on stage. Leaders come out.

Presenter 1: Let's rise for the song in the sky,
And dissolve into white clouds
Presenter 2: And let songs always sound over the world,
So that in their melodies we live for centuries!
Presenter 1: Good afternoon dear friends!
Presenter 2: Good afternoon, true connoisseurs of the song!
Presenter 1: Today we invited you to a celebration dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the exemplary vocal ensemble "Sunny Drops"!

Presenter 2: And now we are inviting to the stage a wonderful person, a teacher of the highest category, the head of the ensemble, Irina Vasilievna Sharakhova! It turns out I.V. Sharakhova

Presenter 1: Dear Irina Vasilievna! Today you will find a lot of applause and a waterfall of congratulations! Today, to the "Solar drop",
Rushed to visit, a noble Jubilee,
And we should be glad to meet
We must meet him more cheerfully!
Presenter 2: After all, 10 years is already a respectable age,
The best time has come
We all congratulate in one exclamation,
Decade… GROOM - cheers!

Reply I.V. Sharakhova /CHILDREN'S AWARDS/.

Presenter 1: "Without music, life would be a mistake" said famous philosopher and of course he was right!

The wind is barely audible,

Linden sighs by the garden...

Sensitive music lives everywhere -

You just need to listen!

Presenter 1 : Dear CAPEL! Accept congratulations!

    Deputy of the Volgograd Regional Duma Vladimir Nikolaevich Osmakov!

    Deputy of the Volga City Duma Aslan ???

    Director of the Palace of Creativity for Children and Youth Svetlana Viktorovna Vinokurova.


Presenter 1: How quickly time flies! It seems like not long ago you were so small! Remember how you were trembling backstage, afraid to step on this stage for the first time? And what song did you sing, remember? ... And today you are real prima, you have a benefit performance and especially for you today is the debut of the youngest member of the Solar Drops ensemble. For the first time on the stage of the Palace - little Sofia Yakimova. Watch, listen and remember how you were 10 years ago ! /go backstage/

The entire "Capel" enters the stage from two sides.

Presenter 1: Remember your wonderful years! What same you were then small!

Belova: Girls, it's true, time flew by instantly, like in a fairy tale! Once - and we are already such adults!

Kabiev: And what a golden childhood we had! Concerts, competitions, trips, festivals - not life, but a continuous holiday!

Gurdjiyan: Yeah, but now - continuous everyday life - tests, sessions, exams! Whatever you say, it's a pity that we grew up. And the problems went not at all childish, everything is about love, but about love!

Presenter 1: Yes, girls, adulthood and adult problems!

Presenter 1: What, beauties, are not merry, that they hung their head? Tea today is your anniversary! Let's leave all the sadness for later, and now we'll just have fun and accept congratulations! And now you are in a hurry to congratulate the ensemble with which you have always performed together at all concert venues our city. Meet your colleagues on the stage - the exemplary ensemble "Birch" under the direction of Svetlana Dugina! / go backstage/

Track 6. "BERYOZKA" - dance number Kabiyeva and Belova come out.

Presenter 1: Girls, look how many guests came to your party today! And how many gifts they have prepared!

Kabiev: And are they real?

Presenter 1: Of course, the most real and all for you!

Belova: And can they be opened?

Presenter 1: Of course, choose any and open! We all wonder what's inside!

Belova: Red horse!?

Presenter 1: Yes, it was with this song that your shift, the younger Kapel, decided to congratulate you. On stage, the younger group of the ensemble with the song "Horse". The girls go to the other side of the stage.

Kabiev: Girls, you are our shift! So give us an oath!

Gurdjiyan: You swear to study and sing only for five?! - WE SWEAR!

Sofia: Do you swear to protect, love, respect and adore Irina Vasilyevna?! - WE SWEAR!

Belova: Do you swear to worthily bear the title of the exemplary ensemble "Solnechnaya drops" ?!


Track 8. The song "HOLIDAY" - performed by the older "Capel" - /remain at the microphones/.

Presenter 1: Yes, we are having a great holiday! Do you agree with me? Look how good and beautiful you have become! After all, in 10 years you have learned not only to sing beautifully, but also to dance. Do you remember who taught you how to move on stage, how to dance? Of course, Irina Dmitrievna Reshetina and she sends you fiery greetings and her best wishes from Moscow. And I remember how at the very beginning you were taught to do the first dance steps on stage by Irina and Alexei Glushchenko!

Accept dance congratulations from the sports ensemble - ballroom dance"Alir", under the leadership of Irina and Alexei Glushchenko. /go backstage/.

Belova and Kabieva and Gurdjiyan come out.

Presenter 1: Well, girls, let's go open presents?

Belova: Can I open a present?

Presenter 1: Of course, these are all your gifts, which one you like, open it like that!

Tear off the box, fly out of it balloon, everyone gasps "Surprise" !!!

Presenter 1: "Surprise" can not be without surprises. On stage with congratulations vocal ensemble"Surprise", under the direction of Elena Nikolaevna Pushkareva. /remain seated on chairs/

Track 10. Song of the ensemble "SURPRISE".

Kabiev: Oh, girls, from this box the fragrance is on the whole stage! Let's open it! They take bananas, oranges, pineapple, coconut out of the box.

Gurdjiyan: Who decided to feed us with vitamins? Pity the poor students!

Kabiev: Wait, there's a note!

“Smile more cheerfully - this is your anniversary.
We kiss and hug you all!
Many joyful days and calm nights,
We wish you a lot of bananas!

Tribe "Tumba-Yumba". Central Africa!!! / remain seated

The song “We all love the circus very much” sounds. On the stage "Negroes" roll out a large box. The girls run up to it, open it, and a clown jumps out of it. SURPRISE MOMENT.

Presenter 1: Welcome to the circus! We are waiting for an unforgettable congratulations circus group"Alle-Cascade" under the direction of Irina Nozadase!

Track 12 "CIRCUS".

On stage Belov, Kabiev, Gurdjiyan.

Kabiev: Now it's my turn to open the present!

Presenter 1: Of course, Karina, open! He takes out donuts from the box, distributes them. Belova commands three four, they sing "dances, dances, dances, music drives us crazy!".

Presenter 1: notice well, you guessed it! Exactly dance number friends from the city children's and youth center "Rusinka" decided to congratulate you. Meet the ensemble "Modern" under the direction of Marina Shtol.


Kabiev: See all the boxes are different, but two are exactly the same. Let's open them!

Gurdjiyan: And the gifts are the same! Take out two toys.

Belova: I think I figured it out! In our ensemble, two girls are exactly the same!

Gurdjiyan: Yes, and they sing equally well! These are the Amilov sisters!

Kabiev: Winners of the international competition "Little Stars! Two sisters - two foxes - Lisa and Ksyusha! Meet the Two Sisters!

Sophia comes out and sits down with her sister.

Presenter 1: It's great to have your sister by your side. Yes Sofia?

Sofia: Of course, especially when she's older!

Presenter 1: Yes, I remember how she helped you, because you were the smallest in the ensemble.

Gurdjiyan: Yeah, then he will forget the shoes for the concert, then the suit!

Presenter 1: And remember how many times your mother was at concerts! Almost everyone! And now the parents are sitting, worrying, worrying. So let's invite them all to this stage!

Presenter 1 : Dear Parents! Over the years your girls have sung a lot different songs at many concerts, competitions, festivals, but it was for you that they have been, are and will be ringing voices!

/Belova, Sofia and Kabieva immediately sit down at the table after the song/

Belova: Who hasn't opened presents yet?

Sofia: I haven't opened it yet! Let's have this one!

Belova: Oh girls, look what's in this box! Treble clef and a mask!

Kabiev: I know! I remember! It's Silver Creek! The guys from the Irikon Theater under the direction of Irina Leonidovna Vartanova came to congratulate us!

Natasha takes the cake, the others open the box.

Belova: Girls, what a beauty! Masks, faith, boa! Chur, this one is for me!

Gurdjiyan: And I like this one!

Kabiev: Here are invitations to tour! We are waiting for the Venice Carnival!!! /They leave and take everything backstage./

Presenter 1: Dear Irina Vasilievna!

Today is your anniversary

Fives: five yes five.

And we have a desire

Congratulations out loud!

Presenter 2: Everyone knows your life in full,

From cover to cover.

Its length is small

Just two fives.

Presenter 1: But life is valued not for its length,

And not to length attention.

Once two fives on the account -

Presenter 2: Content is labor

The desire to take steep hills,

For your great hard work

We give you two fives!


Track 20 "Birthday" - picture - backstage closes for a minute - backstage reopens - cheerful background music..


Track 1. Fanfare sounds. The backstage opens, the senior and junior groups of the ensemble are on stage.

Track 2. The song "JUBILEE" - performed by both members of the ensemble.

Track 3. The song "MUSIC" - performed by the senior team, the younger one goes backstage.

Track 4. The song "VACATION" - performed by Sofia Yakimova and the younger "Capel".

Track 5. The song "ZORENKA" - performed by the older "Capel".

Track 6. Ensemble "BERYOZKA" by S. Dugina.

Track 7 Song "HORSE" - junior "Kapel" - PAUSE!!!

Track 7

Track 8. The song "HOLIDAY" - performed by the older "Capel"

Track 9. CONGRATULATIONS "ALIR". Glushchenko

Track 10. The song of the ensemble "SURPRISE" E.N. Pushkareva


Track 12 "CIRCUS" I. Nozadze

Track 13 CONGRATULATIONS "RUSINKA". Ensemble "Modern" M. Shtol

Track 14 Song "TWO SISTERS" - Belova and Gurdjiyan hand over toys and leave ..

Track 12 "CIRCUS".

Track 15 Fanfare sounds. Exit - CONGRATULATIONS OF PARENTS.


Track 15 Fanfare sounds. Care - PARENTS.

Track 17 Song "Oh you old-old people", the younger "Kapel".

Track 18 sounds fanfares for the exit of the theater from the hall - CONGRATULATIONS of the IRICON theater.

Track 18 sounds the fanfare for leaving the hall of the IRICON theater.

Track 19 "Carnival of Venice"

Track 20 "Birthday" - picture - backstage close for a minute - backstage again

open - cheerful background music ..


1) The song "JUBILEE" - performed by both members of the ensemble.

2) The song "MUSIC" - performed by the senior staff

3) The song "VACATION" - performed by Sofia Yakimova and the younger "Capel".

4) The song "ZORENKA" - performed by the elder "Capel".

5) Ensemble "BERYOZKA" by S. Dugina.

6) The song "HORSE" - the youngest "Capel"

7) The song "HOLIDAY" - performed by the elder "Capel"

8) CONGRATULATION "ALIR". I. and A. Glushchenko

9) The song of the ensemble "SURPRISE" E.N. Pushkareva


11) "CIRCUS" I. Nozadze

12) CONGRATULATION "RUSINKA". Ensemble "Modern" M.Shtol

13) The song "TWO SISTERS" - Amilovs.


16) The song "Oh you old-old people", the youngest "Kapel".

17) CONGRATULATIONS from the IRICON theater.

18) "Carnival of Venice"

19) "Birthday"

Pop song and dance group "Hope" - "For 15 years we have been giving smiles"

  • Turns on musical theme leading.
  • On the screen is a general splash screen of the holiday.

Ksenia: The calendar opened the page,

Daria: Solemn and personal day:

Dmitry: Fifteen years now in the asset, celebrate a birthday

Leading together: positive!

  • A common greeting song is sung.
  • The exit of the kids to the chorus, the graduates of the team join at the beginning of the last verse.

All together: Hope!

Music accent!

Dmitry: (to background music). Hello friends, parents and guests!

Daria: Good evening, to everyone who came to share the joy of a significant event!

Xenia: We are pleased to see your smiles again.

Dmitry: We will try to keep the smiles on your faces throughout the anniversary concert of the anniversary creative team -

Together: "Hope"!

Daria: For 15 years we have been giving you our smiles.

Ksenia: A teacher's smile is worth a lot... it's an encouragement, it's an inspiration... it's also pride in your students.

We meet the smiles of the founder of the group, choirmaster - Nadezhda Derevnina,

Daria: head of Elena Golubeva.

Dmitry: Choreographers - Irina Ryakhovskaya, Oksana Pavlyutkina.

Background splash. Exit of team leaders.

Dmitry: The leaders of the city and district came to congratulate the team on the 15th anniversary

Xenia: and editor-in-chief of the regional newspaper.

Congratulation, Presentation of diplomas.

Xenia: We offer to take a group photo.


Dmitry: Thanks for good words and invite guests to take their places of honor

(children remain on stage, adults leave the stage)

Daria: Our friendly salute -

And a warm hello.

native team

Already fifteen years

Ksenia: Today is a happy day

Day of creative zeal

We celebrate the fifteenth, in a row

TOGETHER: Birthday!

  • A melody from a familiar cartoon turns on
  • Carlson appears, imitating a flight, "lands" in the center.

Carlson: Turn off the engine! Greet, dear children, shouting to me, loud - Hooray! And hello to you!

What if I landed here? This is a good place for an airfield! (sits down on the edge of the stage with the children). Well, how to understand it? Forgot about me again? It's your birthday, and what am I, alone on the roofs to fly? I do not play like that. Are you going to celebrate your birthday without me?

Boy from the stage: Tell me, Carlson, did you find out that today is our birthday party?

Carlson: I remember the birthdays of all the children on earth ... After all, I am the most attentive and charming man in the prime of life. By the way, how old were you?

Children: We are 15 years old!

Carlson: Are you 15? Something does not look like (examines the children).

Nastya: Yes. This year marks 15 years folk ensemble pop song and dance "Hope" Carlson: So you learn to sing and dance?

Ksenia: Shall we show Carlson and the audience what you have learned?

Carlson: Show me, and we'll see ....

  • A potpourri of children's songs is performed.
  • The children leave, Carleson and Ksenia are on stage

Carlson: Wow, how cool. (to the audience) I liked it, how about you? So-so. A mess, but where are the dances and sweets. I'm the biggest sweet tooth in the world.

Ksenia: And here is the dance "Stylish Girls".

A stage dance is being performed.

  • Leaders come out.
  • The musical theme of the presenters.

Daria: Now, Carlson, are you satisfied?

Carlson: Not really... (modestly, downcast eyes)... And sweets, congratulations?

Daria: Oh, Carlson, Carlson. There will be sweets too!

Dmitry: The floor for congratulations is given to the head of the cultural center, the head of the department, sports and youth policy and the head of the GDK.

(They are called full names of congratulators, who are under music background go to the microphones).

Give gifts, cakes.

Daria: Thank you for your kind words.

Carlson: Finally, I found peace! It's time to take off and fly home to your roof. (leaves, pretending to fly)

Dmitry: They sing for you ...

Concert numbers.

(Leaders read the text, slides on the screen, background music).

Daria: Now the team is popular not only in our city, but also outside it.

Dmitry: And the formation of the studio began in 1995 with one group, where only 12 children studied. The teacher Nadezhda Derevnina and the children had to work hard to establish themselves on city sites, to take their rightful place among the best teams in the city! Victories at regional, all-Russian competitions replenished the treasury of achievements.

Ksenia: And now the new millennium has come, in 2000, with the joint efforts of the circle and its friends, work began on the musical " The Snow Queen» author Andrey Morsin.

Daria: In March 2001, the Khimik Palace of Culture premiered on theater festival. The high performing skills of the vocalists and the dance group were awarded a third degree diploma of the Theater Spring 2001 festival, and Elena Golubeva received a diploma for the best female role.

Dmitry: In June 2001 in the city of Lipetsk variety studio song and dance presented the musical "The Snow Queen" for viewing by the competent jury and received the title of "People's amateur team", becoming the pop song and dance ensemble "Hope".

Concert number.

Dmitry: The team is not born on its own ... it is the tireless work of teachers and children who together create an atmosphere of creativity. Workers are invited to the stage, thanks to which the team has been pleasing the residents of the city with their performances for 15 years: Lyubov Kostyukhina, Yuri Zhigalin, Denis Karlov, Irina Ryakhovskaya, Alla Fedosova, Alexander Mitin, Oksana Pavlyutkina, Vladimir Zalomov, Elena Golubeva and Nadezhda Derevnina. Low bow to you! And these flowers are for you!

(participants of the dance give flowers to the leaders)

Dmitry: In the team there is always someone they look up to, who they are proud of and admire. And in our team there are such children! These pupils represent at competitions different levels not only their team, but also their fellow countrymen, who can rightly be proud of them. They sing for you...

Concert number.

Daria: Today, at the holiday, all the birthday people and guests are cheerful. We meet the guests of our holiday Director of the Center children's creativity and director of the Children's Art School.

(The names of congratulators are called, which pass to the microphones to the background music).

Team congratulations.

Ksenia: And now we invite young soloists to the stage. Creative experiment of the leader. Polina Loginova, Anastasia Sokolova, Sofia Neskoromnaya are on stage.

Concert number.

Ksenia: Anniversaries are never celebrated just like that.

Dmitry: Anniversary is when there is something to remember, to tell.

Daria: When there is something to be proud of.

Ksenia: And the Nadezhda team has something to be proud of!

Dmitry: the ensemble is rich in talents and they are becoming more and more.

Xenia: The last fifteen years of school pop singing released more than 100 people, variety dance over 250 soloists and dancers. There are those among them who have connected their lives with the stage and creativity.

Daria: Today there are many graduates in the hall who, having already become parents, have brought their kids to learn the basics of pop singing.

Dance number, senior group.

Ksenia: As you can see, the age range of our team members is increasing every year. We can safely say only one thing from 5 years onwards without restrictions. Daria Rodionova joined the team at the age of 5 and grew up in beautiful girl, talented vocalist, II degree laureate All-Russian competition"Phoenix-fest" in Voronezh, and Dmitry Pechenkin tried his vocal abilities at the age of 11, but given the transitional age, he began to seriously study vocals at the age of 17. Laureate of the 1st degree regional competition « morning Star”, III degree “Voices of Youth”.

Multiple numbers concert program team graduates.

Ksenia: Folk team variety song and dance "Hope" - a large well-coordinated creative and magical mechanism that turns the sparks of talent into a great starry sky young talents.

Daria: The team breathed into young souls hope for a creative flight, across the endless expanses of the universe, where pop songs sound, and dance rhythms wave the heart.

Dmitry: We are not sad at all and we do not say goodbye to you. We pass on hope to other generations, and we give you, dear viewers, one more, final song.

Final song "One Hundred Friends"

If you are satisfied with the material, then the script for the anniversary of the creative team can be downloaded by clicking on the button below. Good luck, colleagues!

1. Good afternoon and good hour
Who came to listen to us
At the same time and see
How will we sing songs
Poems read and dance
The folk choir is here to congratulate
After all, "Veteran - 25!"
We warmly welcome guests
And we open with joy a wonderful anniversary
2. Being a member of the team is honorable and responsible, it is no secret that singing is not just entertainment, but work that brings joy to oneself and people.
Veteran - 25!
Friends came to congratulate us
So let's get started
Please meet the folk choir!

1. Take it well
Happy Anniversary
25 years later
This child was born!
Welcome to the n / x "Veteran" Hood. hands - spruce Toyloshev V. Ya.

"Hymn of Veterans" words and music by Valery Panin, member of the choir.

25 is a great age.
And not a lot, and not a little,
For love and work
Only the very beginning...
The path of life is difficult or simple -
Not given to measure it.
So meet fate in growth,
Not kneeling.

2007 Ust - Cox. Holiday "Springs of Altai!". For the first time, the song “Oh, Katun is my river” sounds to the words of N. Volodina, music. V. Toyloshev.
"Ongudai - the core of Altai" lyrics by A. Usov, music. V. Toylosheva
A few words about the famous poet - A. G. Usov, who composes poems for the choir, and V. Ya. Toyloshev writes music.

In 1985 Shchetinin Dmitry Ivanovich organized the club "Veteran", which was later transformed into the choir "Veteran".
From the very beginning, the team chose the patriotic and moral education the rising generation. The members of the choir were veterans of the Great Patriotic War and labor veterans.
Those who stood at the origins of the creation of the n / choir "Veteran" their work, love of life will forever remain in our hearts.
(photos of participants, lists)
And in the hall we have those who stood at the origins of the creation of the team (we call)
Let's greet them and say sincere words gratitude for their contribution to the development of the n / x "Veteran", and participation in public life villages and regions of the Republic of Armenia.
The word is provided by __________________________________
(are awarded Thanksgiving letters choir members)
With special pride today we are talking about a man without whom the folk choir would not have taken place.
Introducing the very first head of the Veteran N/C, Sergey Nikitich Nikiforov, a creative, talented person who is in love with his work! The social significance of the choir was so great that in 1990 it was awarded the title of "People's exemplary team". And this is the merit of the head of the choir - who, when working great attention paid attention to the quality of the performance of choral and solo songs, the selection of the repertoire.
Twenty-five is a lot and a little!
Twenty-five is the warmth of your heart!
Twenty-five - they ran too fast
Too much water has leaked.
Years passed by with deeds and worries.

The word for greetings and awards is provided by _________________
The song "Rus repentant", "Oh you Rus"

Our work is wonderful!
We are always needed
During the festivities
And hard times
At all concerts
Rallies of victories
We are always ahead.
Although difficult.
But we don't moan
We sing from the heart and walk with the proud title of veteran
We are 25! That's how many years we live
And with a song we heal the wounds
“16 birches”
“Ballad of Monuments” May Waltz

May our evening
It will be warm and cheerful
Let them sound today
Congratulations 100 in a row
There will be dancing, there will be songs
And ditties are appropriate here
Let's celebrate the anniversary together
So friends we need it
The word for greeting is given to the teams

May this day be long and good
Let the holiday continue at 50
We are 25 today to sing for you is not too lazy.

Listen to Siberian Sunsets
Dance (Kurikov)
Oh in the yard in the yard
The earth is the provider

Anniversary candles lit
Congratulations Veteran
On this memorable festive evening
We bring this cake to you as a gift!

Give people songs and meetings
On the way you do not know barriers
Let the eulogies not go out
And the descendants are talking about you!

Let's say again to the veterans
All together in chorus: "Congratulations !!!"

Scenario of the anniversary concert of the school of arts.

Prepared by Khudyakova S.Yu. November 2014

Plays classical music.

The lights go out.

Dance of the girls. In the dance, 4 girls bring out 4 muses. They line up - the muses are in front, the girls are behind.

1 muse: what can be compared with music in terms of sound?

Noise of the forest? The singing of a nightingale?

Thunderstorms? A brook murmuring?

I can't find comparisons.

But whenever there is confusion in the soul,

Love or sadness, fun or sadness

In any nature given mood

Suddenly the music starts playing.

The violin begins to play.

The muse stands on the pedestal.

2 muse: teach me how to dance

To flow in the rhythm of smooth movements,

Splash yourself in a whirlwind of sounds,

Dissolve ... And merge with the music.

Let me be swallowed by the depth
overwhelmed by a hidden dream.

I was born to live free

Under my own lucky star.

Muse stands on the curbstone

3 muse: watercolor painter

coral morning sky

And lakes silver oval

And flakes of iridescent snow.

The brush fell on the canvas, hitting the snow,

And the autumn world suddenly changed, -

Lilac woke up in him singing,

A violet chant suddenly appeared.

Muse stands on the pedestal in a beautiful pose

4 muse: theater! How much does a word mean

For everyone who has been there many times!

How important and sometimes new

There is action for us!

We die at performances

We shed tears together with the hero ...

Although sometimes we know very well

That all sorrows are for nothing!

Muse stands on the curbstone

The light goes out. The movie starts. At this time, chairs for the Kazakh orchestra are placed behind the girls. folk instruments.

Fanfare. 4 leaders come out.

Mark: Good afternoon dear viewers!

Vika: We are glad to welcome you to the anniversary concert dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Shemonaikha School of Arts!

Sasha: we start the holiday! Fun celebration!

The school is celebrating its anniversary!

Milan: The orchestra of Kazakh folk instruments opens our concert. The leader is Kaiypova Sara Zhuandykovna!

The leaders leave. It turns out S.Zh.


Mark backstage: Balbrown. Soloist - laureate of the regional competition " young musician”, Republican Competition named after Latif Hamidi, International Competition “Irtysh tunes” - Abutalipov Kaisar


In the last part, the Kazakh dance begins in the hall. After the end of the number, the dancers and the orchestra remain on the stage. Gradually move back.

Sasha: The highest guests came to congratulate the school on its anniversary

And as a token of their love and friendship, they brought gifts to the school

Milena: the floor is given Amangeldy Zhamelovich Toktarov.(girls in pink give certificates, accept gifts)

Kazakh dance.

Mark: It is no secret that let the performers do the work, but it is the leader who determines the course that everyone follows. The head of the school is its director.

Vika: Yulia Borisovna is not only a graduate of our school, but also a representative of the Fedorov pedagogical dynasty. Her father, Boris Ivanovich, was one of the first graduates, stood at the origins of the formation of the school, daughter Kristina is a student at the Novosibirsk Conservatory. The floor is given to the director of the school, Yulia Borisovna Dobzhanskaya.

Director's word.

Sasha: Our school is 50 today!

She is a child, nothing more.

Let's wave our hands on this date!

It is non-refundable

And, not regretting the departed,

Forward to the coming anniversaries!

Milena: On the stage vocal group teachers.

"Bessame Mucho"

Mark: We continue to receive congratulations from guests. The floor is given to Shayzada Zhalpakbasovna Abaeva, head of the education department of the Shemonaikha district

Vika: and the chairman of the regional organization of the trade union of educators, Tatyana Vasilievna Mikhailenko.

Vika: It is possible to study the history of a people, monuments of culture, architecture and painting for many years, but never comprehend its soul if you have not heard the sounds of folk instruments.

Mark: An ensemble of Kazakh folk instruments is on stage.

"Navoi Shark"

Sasha: Over its 50-year history, the school has brought up many winners of competitions at various levels. And these are trips to different cities. And of course, sponsors often help us out - Vagner Lyubov Mikhailovna, Dobzhansky Yuri Alekseevich, Andronova Galina Savelyevna

Milena: There are many expense items

But the truth is a hundred times more valuable.

After all the best investment capital -

In the education of our children.

Thank you very much for your participation

For kindness, recognition and gifts

And from the bottom of our hearts we wish you much happiness

From all teachers and children.

« Myway»

Vika: I want to tell you, friends,

That you can't live without friends.

And you'll be the luckiest

If your neighbor becomes a friend.

And the school has a lot of them.

And by the way, this school is an honor

Mark: The floor is given to our colleagues - the director of the Children's School of Arts in the village of Ust-Talovka - Plotnikova Elena Nikolaevna

Vika: director district house culture Beketayeva Gulnara Omirtaevna

Mark: director of the House of Creativity - Ukubaeva Bakhyt Tleubaldinovna. We invite you to the stage

Muses accept gifts

Mark: Thanks for the congratulations, this number will sound for all the friends and neighbors of the art school.


Tango of my forgotten youth

Again they play in the city garden.

With a soft smile open

I'm going on a date with my youth.

"Tired Sun"

The music sounds in the background to the words of the presenters.

Milena: You are considered, you are respected,

And they call you veterans -

For experience, for being faithful to the school,

For the fact that they are full of spiritual strength.

Well, that soul is young,

Who is always with the young.

We want to wish you health

To bring up a worthy replacement for yourself!

Sasha: Dear, dear, beloved veterans, we invite you to the stage, accept this applause. Cherepanova Ludmila Vasilievna Bushin Vladimir Ivanovich Gorokhova Ludmila Sergeevna Fedorova Galina Ivanovna Shermankina Nina Alexandrovna Moiseev Mikhail Georgievich.

Veterans take the stage, sit on chairs, receive flowers from the muses.

Milena: Health to you and prosperity!

Veterans response.

Sasha: dear veterans, the laureate sings for you International competitions"Irtysh tunes" and "Kunshuak" Beisenov Timur.

"Swan Loyalty"(After the number, they are escorted to the hall of veterans)

Mark: Of course, it is impossible to part with our school. Already retired, Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Karpovich, Nina Vladimirovna Brazhnikova, Petr Aleksandrovich Valov work at the school. Ekaterina Aleksandrovna and Nina Vladimirovna are graduates of our school, different time worked as school directors, and the teaching experience of Ekaterina Aleksandrovna and Nina Vladimirovna is 40 years.

Vika: They preserve the traditions of the school, full of new ideas, ideas, energy, which they charge their students with. For you, dear honorary ministers of art, performing children's theater.


"From Spring to Spring"

Mark: In our school, learning, growing, developing 450 talented children. Every child is a little star. It's so nice when the stars start to shine brighter and brighter. AND parents are great helpers for the teacher and support for us. Of course, dear mothers and fathers, grandparents, we are all grateful to you for your support, help, attention and care that you provide to the school. Many parents were once students of our school themselves.

Vika: It seems that yesterday they still ran with bows and notes to the art school. And today they are already taking their children to the lessons. I invite the representatives of the parent committee of the school Lymar Olga Dmitrievna, Lopatkina Victoria Pavlovna, Roiger Olga Aleksandrovna to the stage.

This is how it goes in the world:

According to the law of beauty

Children come into our lives

How beautiful flowers.

Our children are our strength

Extraterrestrial worlds lights!

If only the future was

As bright as they are!

Children's dance.During the dance, life-size puppets distribute balloons in the hall.

Sasha: For 50 years, the school has brought up a huge number of talented children. Now in various educational institutions 36 graduates of the school are studying.

Milena: The path to the world of art is very difficult,

After all, the muses are not easy to serve,

But this work is beautiful and important,

And it's worth cherishing!

Sasha: Janibek Simbaev, a student of the College of Arts, is on stage.

Milena: And, we hope, future students - Alena Lymar and Timur Beisenov.

"Phantom of the Opera"

Mark: Art is the connecting thread of generations. Many families pass on their love of music from generation to generation.

Vika: Let me present this scene to the youngest representative of the Fedorov dynasty - the Dobzhanskys, a student of the Novosibirsk Conservatory - Kristina Dobzhanskaya.

Dobzhanskaya Kristina

Vika: life scattered school graduates across different cities and countries. But we do not lose touch with them. To the address Email School received a huge number of congratulations. Today, in the fast-paced age of innovation, the Internet and nanotechnology, we can connect with people who are far away from us.

Mark: Attention to the screen.

video congratulations to graduates.

Congratulations on the videoRostov Tolya , starts playing, then goes on stage, continuing to play.

Mark: How many wonderful people brought up by the school. Many have chosen the path of art. And many are now working in the Shemonaikha district. These are Elena Berdyugina, Natalia Tsykunova, Marina Pichugina, Olga Krishpens and many others.

Vika: Many famous people Shemonaikha district studied at our school - Bulavkina Olga Aleksandrovna, Stepanova Tatiana Sergeevna, Strosherer Elena Eduardovna, Cherepanova Irina Sergeevna, Dubinchik Natalia Georgievna.

Mark: And we invite to the stage of our former student, a representative of another pedagogical dynasty, Burlyagin Georgy Vyacheslavovich.

Mark: Today we would like to say words of gratitude not only to the teachers of the school, but also to those for whom art is not a profession. This is the technical staff. After working for several years at school, they easily pronounce the words "dominant, fortissimo, batman tondyu, glissando." Not only pronounce, but also understand what in question.

Vika: this number is for you.

Korean dance

Sasha: Hours fly, years run,

centuries-old elephants walk with a measured gait ...

Milena: And only the arts of magic

conceals the secret of how to find the way to immortality.

Ensemble on stage "Eternal Call".


vocal quartet

Sasha: 50 is the power of success

and the support of loved ones.

50 are plans, aspirations,

the courage of new, brilliant ideas.

Milena: 50 is just the beginning

the most important and major victories.

There will be a lot more ahead

bright, joyful, solar years.

Dance "Piano"

May your calls always ring
Let the students rush to you
May you always wait for your children
Let everything be simple, without fuss,
Let children's laughter be happy
And the school greets everyone with laughter,
We, of course, congratulate her!
A lot of for long years we still wish!

Half a century of school is a date!

Let's celebrate guys!

Half a century of joyful accomplishments

And real achievements!

Learned, thought, decided

All in school life experienced!

Let them make mistakes

But with them gained experience!

"Tustep". Ensemble of pianists.

Mark: What do you want on your birthday?

Of course, there are no two opinions:

understanding, inspiration,

Achievements and victories.

Vika: So that a bad luck streak passes by.

Sasha: So that the guys gather early in the morning on the porch

And with the task done, and with a smile on his face.

Milena: And more health to children,

Fresh strength to teachers,

Our school - longevity,

Happiness and success to us!

Final song. The whole team leaves. On the 2nd verse, the choir enters the stage, the children with balls into the hall.

On the last chorus, a cake with lit candles rolls out.

Yu.B. Today we are a big family.
We are celebrating the anniversary of our school.
So let's all say, friends:
School! We congratulate you!
Any school has strong traditions. And in our school there is one tradition - holding hands, we all make a leap into the future. And now we are starting a new countdown for the next decade.

One two Three.

Everyone jumps to the cake. They blow out the candles. The light turns on. Flappers.

Mark: Our anniversary concert is over! Thanks to the audience for the loud applause, congratulations! See you soon!

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