Finnish proverbs. Finnish proverbs and sayings


Every war has its own heroes. Ukraine is no exception.

Igor Strelkov. A man in his prime. native Muscovite. Wife. Two children. But the family seems to be in the past. Donbass replaced Strelkov's cozy hearth. Slavyansk became home.

Little is known about the commander of the self-defense forces of Slavyansk. He prefers not to talk about himself. About personal life and the foggy past - keep quiet. Only scant information seeps into the Internet. But against the background of the information war, it is difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff.

The only fact that cannot be disputed is that it was Strelkov who amassed a whole army of militias and in a matter of days taught ordinary people to shoot, guard, dig in, disguise themselves, defend themselves.

Who is Igor Strelkov?
The personality of the head of the Slavic militia, Igor Strelkov, aroused genuine curiosity from the first days.
A blind veil hung over this secret for a month. Strelkov himself pulled it off its hinges. Gathered a press conference in Slavyansk and told reporters who he was, where he came from, why and why. Everything seems to be clear. Like, he went to Ukraine of his own free will - first the Crimea, then Slavyansk, and here he lingered to help the Slav brothers.
The commander of the militia answered questions with knowledge of the matter. “The speech of the warriors is too literate,” the audience noticed then.

It turned out that real name Strelkova - Girkin, originally a man - from Moscow, a historian by education, was married, has two sons ...

In Moscow, according to our information, his mother Alla Ivanovna and sister are waiting for him. His wife and two sons remained here - 10-year-old Andrei and 16-year-old Alexander.

In the apartment where Igor is registered, there is silence. They do not answer calls in the apartment of Girkin's mother.

Journalists came to us here a month ago, we said that we knew about our neighbor Igor, - so those guys turned out to be from Ukrainian television, then they disgraced us throughout Ukraine. Since then, Girkin's relatives have not shown their noses from the apartment. We were going to move from here, - says the 80-year-old neighbor of the Girkins. We know this family well. They live more than modestly - no car, no dacha, no luxuries.

We did not see Igor here often, God forbid, a couple of times a year. He's always on the road, as his mother used to say. Something went wrong with his wife, she moved out of here.

Igor in uniform walked all the time, in uniform. Never seen him in a suit or jeans...

Perhaps the loudest rumor that blew up the Internet: "Leader militia in Slavyansk - an officer of the GRU. However, this particular moment from all that has been said above has not been confirmed in any of the sources.

"Vodka! I am Rakia! Welcome!"

The life path of Igor Girkin cannot be called primitive.

Born in 1970 in Moscow, in a family of hereditary military men. From an early age he was interested in history.

At school, Igor was called a "nerd" - he went to gold medal, at all breaks I read books, - Girkin's classmates recall. - He seemed strange to us, but not closed. He was promised a great future.

After leaving school, Girkin entered the Historical and Archival Institute.

This is how classmates remember Igor Girkin.

Igor was not an absolute excellent student, but in general he studied well, - says Alexander Rabotkevich. - He was madly addicted military history. He could, pointing to the map, describe any battle, show at what time the ship moved in that direction and where it followed next. He could also describe in detail the form of a particular military different period time.

- In addition to studying, Girkin was interested in student life - parties, some entertainment events?

But Igor just bypassed them. The only student event that attracted him was - archaeological excavations where only five people from our course were invited. We, freshmen, went to the construction team. We went to excavations in Pskov. Last time I met Igor at a meeting of classmates a couple of years ago. Igor did not tell anything about his work, I did not go to him with questions about his personal life.

The profession of a historian did not attract Igor. He preferred military action.

His first forced march was Transnistria, he fought in Bosnia in the Russian volunteer detachment, and then in the brigades of the Republika Srpska Army. Igor visited Chechnya twice: in 1995 - as part of a motorized rifle brigade and from 1999 to 2005 - in special forces units.

... Mikhail Polikarpov later wrote about the Russian volunteer detachment that fought in Bosnia. Among his heroes is Igor Girkin.

We contacted the writer.

I met Igor on the basis of the Yugoslav events when I was collecting material for my work, Polikarpov began the conversation. - The first time we met at the funeral of our mutual friend who died in Yugoslavia.

- And what impression did Igor make on you then?

It was long enough. I won't say anymore. Then we talked a lot. The volunteer movement that came to the war is a heterogeneous mass. They were going there different people Everyone had their own motive. Igor and I were romantics, by that time we already had higher education and a decent amount of knowledge. But unlike me, Girkin turned out to be a man with a steel rod. He did not stop at Yugoslavia. War has become his path. Him a strong character, brilliant education, broad outlook. Now all of it best qualities appear in Slavyansk. I would say about him that he is a figure of Garibaldi's scale.

- Do you think that after his first war, Girkin could no longer live differently?

He was drawn in. At what point this happened, I cannot say. I think that a person who has spent several years in hot spots feels quite comfortable only in that environment. Initially, Igor had some prerequisites for military affairs. He always clearly knew what he wanted, he had clear convictions, he was able to risk himself in the name of the ideals in which he was convinced. Igor is ruthless to himself and to others. Of course, if it had not broken up Soviet Union, there would be no hot spots, Igor would work as a historian in a museum or teach at a school. I have no doubt that he would have made a chic teacher in some military university, he could have taught officers a lot.

- Is the feeling of fear inherent in Strelkov?

Within reasonable limits, this feeling is inherent in everyone. Although life changes people... But this is not Igor's case. He adequately assesses the risks and is responsible for other people. Even in Slavyansk, he successfully fights with minimal losses. By the way, in that small town he actually created a forge of personnel for the army of New Russia. When he learned that an unsuccessful operation had taken place in Donetsk with a large number of victims, he sent reinforcements there from Slavyansk. Understand that Girkin, from the experience of Yugoslavia, understands how to create an army from scratch. The war in Chechnya taught him how to fight long fighting. The combination of these factors has played a decisive role in the current situation.

- The other day there was information that, on his orders, two marauders from the militia were shot ...

It looks like Igor. Discipline must be maintained, here I understand him. I have no doubt that Girkin had good reasons for such actions. Although in one of his interviews he stated that he had no right to shoot people. And he would have kept his word if martial law had not been introduced on the territory of the DPR. Here the situation has already changed. In war as in war. Igor got the right to tougher actions. It is important for him that civilians understand that they are protected by disciplined and decent people.

- Why did people follow him, why did they believe? After all, for the inhabitants of South-Eastern Ukraine, in fact, he is a stranger ...

As far as I understand, he was nevertheless called to Slavyansk. The militia needed a commander who could lead them and teach them military affairs.

- But Strelkov himself said in an interview that he made the decision to go to Ukraine on his own.

According to the information that I have, it was indeed his decision to go to Ukraine. But then events unfolded in such a way that Slavyansk needed him.

Strelkov is called a real Russian officer. This is what they say about him: "The concept of "honor" for him is not an empty phrase." Is it so? Or is this how legends are made?

When I talked with Igor, it seemed to me that this person emerged from the past, in terms of moral and ethical qualities, he is clearly not from this century.

Residents of Slavyansk say that disagreements arose among the commanding staff in the city, conflicts began. Can shooters crush with his authority?

I am a little aware of the situation in Slavyansk and I understand that the people there feel uncomfortable. And it's annoying. I am sure of one thing: Igor will not allow inconsistency among the militias. He will build a rigid vertical of power and be able to maintain discipline. Remember his televised address to the people of Donbass, when he called on the male population to join the ranks of the militia? After all, several hundred people came to see him. Although he clearly outlined the conditions: they say, there will be no liberties, they will have to fight where they say and as much as they say.

My interlocutor flatly refused to tell stories from the life of Igor Strelkov-Girkin: “All this is now inappropriate.” He only allowed me to publish some excerpts from his documentary story.

From this work, you can learn a lot about Strelkov's character, Polikarpov added. - In my work, his call sign is Monarchist.

“... Igor passed through Transnistria, fought as part of a shock detachment of local militias near Dubossary. He went there immediately after defending his diploma at the Historical and Archival Institute, in the same place - on the Dniester - he lost a friend ...

... The curator, an ardent monarchist by conviction, dubbed the detachment "Tsar's Wolves". Igor, who supported this proposal, was also a monarchist. Igor himself did not receive any nickname, the Russians called him by his first name, and the Serbs called him “tsarist officer”.

Five of them, armed to the teeth, the Russians went to the heights. Igor the Monarchist represented artillery: his machine gun was equipped with a nozzle for firing tromblons - rifle grenades.

A lone shooter hit them from the ridge. Igor worked well - he sat down on his knee and fired the horn, and then, reloading the machine gun with a blank cartridge, fired a trombone as if. A Muslim fighter was killed…”

“... The Russian volunteer woke up at night and drew attention to the dance of flames on the ceiling. The Monarchist sat at the table and opened a tin can. Paper was burning in an ashtray nearby. The glare of this fire was on the ceiling.

What are you doing this? - his comrade asked with relief, already saying goodbye to life.

I burn old poems, - the Monarchist answered.

And what, in the oven it was impossible? I was a little short-sighted.

So it’s better for creativity, - the poet explained to him, - it inspires ... "

“... After discussing the details of the operation, they broke up into an assault group of six fighters and a fire support group. The latter was headed by the Monarchist. He, a man who almost did not drink, was assigned the radio call sign "Vodka". The assault group had its own call sign "Rakia" ...

...North of the road, on a hillock, the Russians set up their 82-mm mortar. The Monarchist who commanded the calculation was outwardly calm, not expressing any emotions ...

Pyotr Malyshev called on the radio station and began to correct the fire of the mortar, shouting to the Monarchist into the radio:

Vodka! I am Rakia! Welcome!

I am Vodka! Rakia, welcome!

Move the mortar fire a hundred meters south!

I am Rakia! Undershoot. Another fifty meters to the south!

Igor "groped" the Muslims - and the mines began to hit the target ... Splashes of tiles flew, one house, another broke out. After a series of successful hits on the farm, the "Turks" began to retreat, covered with small arms and mortar fire ...

... The height was taken and the front line was moved further to the west.

The Muslims subsequently announced that during this battle they lost only nine of their fighters killed, standardly also reporting very large losses of the Chetniks ... The Russians lost only one volunteer wounded ... "

“Many want to help him, but hardly anyone will go”

The main idea of ​​that work is derived from Girkin at the beginning:

“It was 1992. At the end of July, the war in Transnistria ended.

Many who have already sniffed gunpowder, lost friends and become hardened, have a feeling that can be briefly expressed by the phrase: “We didn’t fight.” After the first euphoria - alive! - there was a state familiar to most professional warriors: the desire to take risks again, to live full life. This is the so-called "gunpowder poisoning syndrome".

This very "gunpowder poisoning syndrome" did not let go of Girkin anymore. Peaceful life seemed too insipid to him. Not enough salt and pepper.

And in the intervals between wars, he found himself an occupation close to military affairs. Engaged in the reconstruction of historical events.

Igor Girkin-Strelkov was a member of the Drozdovsky association, which studies the history of the Drozdovsky regiment.

Help "MK": Colonel Mikhail Gordeevich Drozdovsky was the only one who brought a large detachment from the German front to the aid of the Volunteer Army of A.I. Denikin. In the spring of 1918, his detachment of 1,000 young officers made a 1,200-verst march from Yassy to Novocherkassk. The detachment went through the whole of Ukraine with fights.

Strelkov also led the "Consolidated machine gun team", organized on the basis of the military-historical club "Moscow Dragoon Regiment". He took part in such reconstructions as the "War of the 16th year", the festival "In Memory of the Civil War", "The Valor and Death of the Russian Guards". The club is also engaged in the reconstruction of the machine gun team of the First World War, the Civil War, the machine gun platoon of the Red Army of the Great Patriotic War.

In the reconstructions, Igor Strelkov preferred to “act out” the lower military ranks, despite the fact that he is a senior reserve officer of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. On a number of resources, Strelka is referred to as a “supporter of white movement, monarchies.

Reenactors are unusual people. They seem to live in the time they are playing. And today most of them are unwilling to reveal military secret about the personality of Igor Strelkov. One of Strelkov's colleagues explained his refusal as follows: "The light in the window is help to the enemy."

When Igor appeared at the club, his military past came in very handy for us, - the reenactor Nikolai began the conversation. - He always willingly shared the intricacies of drill training, tactics, taught us how to properly handle weapons, albeit sham ones. He repeatedly suggested that everyone listen to a lecture on assembling and disassembling it true friend- cooled machine gun "Maxim".

- When did you meet him?

Three years ago. We, members of the VIK Markovtsy club, used to often go to events dedicated to civil war. Igor and his so-called machine gun team almost always went with us. For all the time of communication with him, I got the impression that he was not just a reenactor dressed in the uniform of that time, but a real white officer of that era. His behavior and manners betrayed in him a noble, honest, devoted person. He did not play, but he did not live his life. Many said: “He was born at the wrong time, he would have been in that era ...”

- Igor worked somewhere?

He said that he worked in a government agency. But where exactly - did not sound.

- What was Strelkov's "machine-gun team" like?

At Civil War events, they wore shoulder straps of the Drozdovsky Rifle Regiment, and at World War I events, they wore shoulder straps of the 13th Rifle Regiment. Igor was the head of this team, and in fact - a small military-historical club. He ran a page on the VIK Markovtsy forum, where he posted announcements about upcoming events, shared useful information. His duties included staffing the club's personnel with the necessary equipment and uniforms. He also organized to take people to events, well, he led the people on the "battlefield". There are those who work out in the summer search work. Igor did not search.

- How many people were in his "machine gun team"?

No more than five. These are different people: a couple of guys 25-30 years old, there was a man about 40, another one, it seems, under 50 years old. Another guy, about 30 years old, went out with him earlier, quite strong, understanding and strictly observing the army discipline that reigned in Strelkov team. I remember how he even carried a 50-kilogram machine gun with some ease.

- Did Strelkov have a strict selection in the team, or could anyone sign up for him?

The selection was tough. He gave preference to people of strong physique, without bad habits and ready for hard work. Alcohol was strictly forbidden in the "machine-gun team". Those who had previously been seen in unseemly acts or inappropriate behavior were also not accepted into the team. This is how he described the future of the unit: “We will not chase numbers. The task is to create a team with which it will not be a shame to go into battle, and to the parade, and to the temple, and to visit.”

Many reenactors seriously abuse alcohol - both before, during and after events. There was nothing close to Igor's team. On the contrary, if he knew in advance that people with problems with alcohol would go to the reconstruction in a train or bus, he most likely preferred not only a different route, but also a different type of transport. Disdained to ride next to the "alcoholists". Once on the train there was a case when Igor had to get up in the middle of the night and persuade the police not to put the reenactor drunk to hell. Together they managed to persuade them. But after this incident, Igor politely asked this unfortunate reenactor not to appear at events where Igor himself comes out. For such a position in relation to alcohol and "alcotourists-reenactors" Igor was very respected. Igor and alcohol are incompatible things.

- He invested in the reconstruction?

He is a very enthusiastic person, he spared no means for the benefit of the common cause. It seems that he said that he did not have a car either, since he invests almost all the money in reconstruction.

- About what amounts in question? What was the money spent on?

These are, as a rule, mock-ups of machine guns, which were then altered and certified by the Ministry of Internal Affairs as a diluted weapon capable of creating only a good sound effect. The effect of firing from such a machine gun has great impression on the spectators. I can only say that the model of the machine gun "Maxim" today in the store costs about 130-150 thousand rubles. And to get it as close as possible appearance to the “royal model”, you need to buy a lot of bronze parts produced before the revolution, which also cost from 5 to 100 thousand apiece.

Behind Lately there was information that Strelkov went through hot spots, was an employee of the FSB, the GRU ... Have you heard something about his past?

He wrote on one of the forums that he served in the artillery in Chechnya. I went to Bosnia as a volunteer. I also know about the GRU and the FSB from rumors in the press. No additional information I don't have.

Surely, among the reenactors, they discussed why Strelkov decided to go to Ukraine. Did anyone know about his plans?

This came as a surprise to all of us. But we all understand his decision. Patriot, did not put up with what was happening, went to where he was needed. He even wrote in his memoirs that to someone who once went to war, a peaceful life will seem insipid, unreal.

- Did one of his reconstruction colleagues go to Ukraine with him?

We are all connected by families, work. Many want to help him, but hardly anyone will go.

- Why did Igor change his surname Girkin to Strelkov?

- "Strelkov" is easier to pronounce - and a more memorable surname.

After the conversation, the interlocutor threw us Strelkov's poems, which he posted on his forum.

That's exactly according to this principle Igor lives, as described in his poem, - added Nikolai.


Don't wait for orders!
Don't sit
Referring to peace!
Forward! Through winds and rains
And blizzards wolf howl!
Leave the comfort and coziness -
While you are young - go!
When the waste is sung,
You will be able to relax!
Be honest, dare, don't notice
Ridicule and interference.
And you will be the eldest - answer
Not for myself - for everyone!
The one who made no mistakes
In idleness withered -
He did not dare the burden of life
Try it on your shoulders!
Whatever your fate -
Good or bad
All the same, remember: the measure of your deeds

Only God will appreciate!

Irina Bobrova Headline in the newspaper: “He is clearly not from this century” Published in the newspaper “Moskovsky Komsomolets” No. 26535 of May 29, 2014

I can say that the questions where Igor Strelkov is now and what is happening to him are meaningless at this stage. Everything is with him in perfect order, however, he does not intend to make any public or even private speeches ...

There can be any number of reasons, but there is one that completely overlaps the rest - the issue of security. He has absolutely no reason to put his life in danger just to satisfy someone's curiosity.

Everything is fine with him, he is in Russia. He has full control of the situation in Donetsk, but now he is not in command, and he clearly does not intend to give any advice to anyone. Just like doing political activities. I doubt, however, that he will disappear from the Internet - this is still a drug, only now it is unlikely to appear under the previous call signs and pseudonyms.

In general, he is now a private person, and as such has full right on privacy. Including protection from excessive attention to yourself.

As far as I know, there is not a single person whom Igor Ivanovich (I will continue to call him that way) would entrust to express his opinion publicly. Therefore, all the information at best will be exactly about whether everything is in order with him. But only. Any "insiders" on all other topics are a deliberate lie. All other topics can be voiced only by him personally. When and if it deems it necessary...

Anatoly El Murid

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The announcement that the famous Strelok, the commander-in-chief of the militia of Novorossiya, had resigned came as a real surprise, it seems, to the whole world. Residents of Donbass, most likely, still hardly believe in these words of the former leader of the DPR, Alexei Boroday, who spoke about personnel changes in the leadership of the unrecognized republic, while refuting the report of Igor Girkin being seriously wounded ... Until now, these shots are from the besieged Slavyansk impossible to watch calmly. A small town in the north of the Donetsk region under the command of Strelok held the onslaught of regular Ukrainian army almost four months, repelling all enemy attacks. Slavyansk became Brest for ...

The ex-Minister of Defense of the DPR will soon be engaged in the creation of the army of Novorossiya. As Prime Minister of the Republic Alexander Zakharchenko said, Strelkov had previously managed to form the armed forces of one people's republic, now the same task is put before him for more high level. Experts reacted differently to this unexpected increase ... “We still have such an education” ... “Igor Ivanovich (Strelkov) did a lot to create the army of the Donetsk People's Republic. He laid the foundation for the formation of the army on the Russian model, on the model of the Russian Federation. Since this sample is the most understandable to us in terms of mentality, in terms of rich history ...

Proverbs and sayings, fairy tales and sayings better than any reference book reflect the smallest nuances inherent in a particular nation. The meaning of proverbs clearly reflects the country's traditions, values, attitude. Finnish proverbs and proverbs are no exception to this rule.

We have selected several proverbs that most clearly reflect the features of the Finnish character and attitude.

The Finns are very stubborn and if they take up some business, then thoroughly and with all seriousness. This quality of the inhabitants of Finland is reflected in the saying: "the ability to make bread from stone".

In Finland, they are very sensitive to what they say. The words here are not pronounced just for the sake of chatter. Having become closely acquainted with the Finns, you are not surprised by the proverb: "To say the word is the same as to do it" or "Think for a week, but speak clearly".

Finns are laconic and usually in public places Difficulty hearing loud conversations or arguments: "A loud voice is a sign of emptiness" confident in Finland. And about the proverb "The bull is taken by the horns, but the man is caught at his word" we already mentioned earlier in a note about .

Finns are hospitable people. This proverb says: “Gathering spikelets, you won’t get rich, treating a guest, you won’t get poorer”. And indeed, although frequent trips to visit each other are not accepted in Finland, but if you are invited to visit, then the hosts will approach this event with all seriousness.

Finns tend to respect their own and other people's time. Perhaps this quality is defined by the proverb: “There is one law for the guest and the fish: they go rotten in three days.”

Finns are law-abiding and the country respects the law. This can be seen in the order that reigns in everyday life in Finland. Finnish folk wisdom and these qualities did not go unnoticed: “Cleanliness is not done, but observed”, or "Where the law is powerless, there is omnipotent grief".

It's no secret that Finland and sauna are almost synonyms. There are a lot of sayings about the sauna in Finland. "Sauna is Finn's Medicine".

Another important feature of the inhabitants of Finland is diligence, serious attitude to work, professionalism even in the smallest details. A huge number of proverbs and sayings have been composed on the topic of work in Finland, where laziness and unwillingness to work are ridiculed in the most ironic ways: “The lazy person is the brother of a thief”, “The lazy one is rarely lucky”.

There is an opinion about the slowness of the Finns. But diving into Finnish culture and trying to understand the Finnish way of thinking and living, it becomes obvious that this is a big delusion. The Finns are not characterized by slowness, but by the rejection of any haste and a self-ironic attitude towards this stereotype. And, of course, Finnish proverbs very subtly notice these features: “It’s better to think over the day than to do the wrong thing for a week”, “Let’s sit down and let the rush pass by”.

In Finland, the education system is built in such a way that people learn all their lives, and even at retirement age. They probably follow the saying: “Not the worker who is looking for a job, but the one who is looking for a job”.

And finally fishing like a kind of finnish national sport and hobbies of most of the inhabitants of Finland. “Something in the river is found: not snags, so pikes”, “Ruff they curse when they catch and bless when they eat”.

To find out what the Finns consider the most important thing in life, what they are afraid of, what seems unacceptable to the inhabitants of Suomi, but what they are in love with without memory, it is not at all necessary to move to permanent place residence in Finland. It is enough to read Finnish proverbs and sayings - believe me, this is not boring at all.


About laziness

Finns consider laziness to be the worst sin. What is not said in local proverbs and sayings about people who do not particularly like to work. Listen to: “The lazy one is the brother of a thief”, “The lazy one is rarely lucky”, “The diligent one has different happiness, the lazy one has one misfortune” and even: “The sleepy stalk wilts first”. Finns love to joke about themselves. If it seems to them that they are not working hard enough, Suomi residents often say: “I am not afraid of work - I dare to lie down next to work even to take a nap.”

About poverty and wealth

The Finns believe that everything in life depends on the person himself, that hardworking and diligent people achieve prosperity and success, and the poor and unfortunate themselves are to blame for their failures. This was also reflected in folk wisdom. It speaks of the rich with respect: “The rich have a fire for money”, “Money and the law will charm”, “Half of the master is supposed even in hell”, “It is good to be rich, it is good to live healthy”.

But poor people, and even more so those who live in debt, do not cause much respect among the inhabitants of the Land of a Thousand Lakes: “The economy of the debtor is like a leaky boat”, “The poor one takes a long time in debt”.

But at the same time, the Finns are sure that money is not the main thing in life, and without peace, love and honor, wealth does not mean anything: “It is better to be penniless than helpless”, “Better honor in poverty than shame in wealth”, “Better be an honest sinner than a pious deceiver."

About sauna

For the Finns, it is not just a place where you can wash yourself, but also a shelter for the soul, a national philosophy and a cure for all diseases. They treat her almost like a living person, saying: "A house without a hostess is like a sauna without heat." In case of a cold or other slight ailment, the Finns first of all send to the sauna, because "If wine, resin and sauna did not help, then the disease is incurable." If it's hard at heart, they go there, being sure that "Anger and hatred are burned in the sauna."

And, of course, the Finns are sure that the right to go to the sauna is as sacred for everyone as the right to live and breathe. No wonder they say: "Anyone who is able to reach it can use the sauna" and "The sauna is a pharmacy for the poor."

About how to be

Residents of Suomi believe that a respectable citizen should be laconic (“Listen more, speak less”), stubborn (“Know how to make bread from stone”), calm (“A loud voice is a sign of emptiness”), always keep promises (“Swear an oath - it doesn’t matter what to do”) and not to enter into conflicts (“Whoever has a scabbard in sight has a knife in his blood”). And, of course, to stand out too much from the background of others is, according to the Finns, a disadvantage, not a virtue. “The white hen is the first prey of the hawk,” they say.

About pity

The pity of the stern northern people not honored. “Suffer, suffer - you will get a brighter crown,” Finns usually say to those who like to talk for hours about their problems. “Pity is destructive and contagious” and “Pity we get for free, but envy still needs to be earned” - old Finnish sayings categorically assert.

About nature

The Finns traditionally treat nature with extreme care, and therefore it was about her that they composed one of their most touching sayings: "The sea - sees, the forest - hears."

About life

Finns are philosophical about life itself. They rejoice in every hour they live, ironically saying "One day is better for the living than two for the dead." At the same time, the inhabitants of Suomi calmly perceive the fact that our existence in this world is not endless, arguing: "You will not leave life alive."

About the rush

The Finns do not like to rush, believing that in a hurry, nothing good can be done. Dozens of Finnish proverbs speak of this: “Good comes slowly”, “Which rooster sings first, the hawk will get it first”, “That’s why puppies and the blind are born quickly”, “We rarely rush, but on business - never at all", "Let's sit, wait until the rush passes", "Slowly you will get far, with dancing - you will soon get tired."

About fishing

Fishing is an important part of the life of every Finn, and therefore it is not at all surprising that in this country it is mentioned in almost every third proverb and saying. “There is one law for the guest and the fish: after three days they become rotten, and the whole family begins to get angry with them,” the Finns say, showing that hospitality should not be abused. “Ruff is cursed when they are caught and blessed when they eat,” the proverb says, arguing that the result is more important in any business. “A ruff and a whale-fish have the same intelligence,” the Finns say when they want to say that the presence of intelligence does not depend on appearance and dimensions.

Proverbs and sayings similar to Russian

Some Finnish proverbs and sayings completely coincide in meaning with Russian ones. True, it is rather difficult to immediately guess that in front of you are twin proverbs.

  • “Give, Antti, perches, Pekka - small fish,” the Finns traditionally say when they go to the lake with a fishing rod. In Russia, in such cases, they usually say: "Catch a fish, big and small."
  • “Do not mistake a bone for meat, a lamb’s head for a steamed turnip,” says a Finnish proverb. Its Russian counterpart is much shorter: "Look the truth in the eye"
  • “Don't buy a pig in a poke,” say the Finns. In a Russian proverb, instead of a pig, there is a cat in the bag.
  • The Finnish proverb “Let it snow in the hut” is an analogue of the Russian “Come what may”.
  • “Nothing will change if you just sit and grieve,” say the Finns. For Russians - "You can't help grief with tears."

Finnish proverbs

Finnish proverbs and sayings are a great way to learn the language of the land of a thousand lakes. They are easy to remember and sound much more interesting than dry phrases from textbooks. For example:

  • Koiralle koiran kuolema (“A dog will die like a dog”) means that everyone gets what they deserve and has an almost complete Russian equivalent: “A dog’s death to a dog.”
  • Ei kala miestä hae, jollei mies kalaa (“The fish will not find a man if he does not go fishing”) - the inhabitants of Suomi are sure that without doing anything, you will not get anything.
  • Ei oo lasta itkemätöntä, eikä kangasta katkeematonta (“There are no non-tearing fabrics, just as there are no non-crying children”), Finns say when they want to say that everything in this world is subject to decay.
  • Kuolema kuittaa univelat (“Let's sleep in the next world”) and Kyllä haudassa aikaa maata on (“Let's lie down in the grave”) - the Finns are sure that life is not the time for carefree rest.
  • Ei kukaan synny kirves kädessä (“No one is born with an ax in hand”) is a Finnish proverb that says that everything in life can be learned.

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