The main idea is a signal for the reader's diary. The main themes and motifs in the story "The Signal"


Semyon Ivanov served as a watchman on railway. It was twelve versts from his booth to one station, and ten versts to another. A large spinning mill was opened at four versts last year; because of the forest, its tall chimney turned black, and closer, except for neighboring booths, there was no housing.

Semyon Ivanov was a sick and broken man. Nine years ago he went to war: he served as a batman with an officer and made a whole campaign with him. He was starving, and cold, and roasted in the sun, and made crossings of forty and fifty miles in heat and frost; it happened to be under bullets, yes, thank God, none of them hurt. Once the regiment stood in the first line; For a whole week there was a skirmish with the Turks: our chain lay, and across the hollow - Turkish, and from morning to evening they shoot. The officer Semyonov was also in the chain; each day three times Semyon brought him from the regimental kitchens, from the ravine, a hot samovar and dinner. He walks with a samovar in an open place, bullets whistle, they click on stones; Semyon is terrified, he cries, but he walks. The gentlemen officers were very pleased with him: they always had hot tea. He returned from the campaign whole, only his arms and legs began to ache. Since then, he has had to taste a lot of grief. He came home - the old man's father died; my son was in his fourth year - he also died, he had a sore throat; Semyon remained with his wife, a friend himself. They did not even manage to farm, and it is difficult to plow the land with chubby arms and legs. They had to be unbearable in their village; went to new places of happiness to seek. Semyon and his wife visited the Line, and Kherson, and the Donshchina; happiness is nowhere to be found. The wife went into the service, and Semyon still wanders around. He had to go by car once; at one station he sees - the boss seems to be familiar. Semyon looks at him, and the boss also peers into Semyon's face. We recognized each other: an officer of his regiment turned out to be.

Are you Ivanov? - speaks.
“That’s right, your honor, I am the one.”
— How did you get here?
Semyon told him: so, they say, and so.
— Where are you going now?
“I don't know, your honor.
“How come, you fool, you don’t know?”
“That’s right, your honor, so there’s nowhere to go. What kind of work, your honor, you need to look for.

The stationmaster looked at him, thought, and said:
- That's what, brother, stay for a while at the station. You seem to be married? Where is your wife?
“Yes, your honor, he is married; wife in the city of Kursk, in the service of a merchant is.
- Well, write to your wife to go. I'll get a free ticket. Here we have a road booth will be cleared; I'll ask the head of the distance for you.
“Thank you very much, your honor,” Semyon answered.

He stayed at the station. I helped the boss in the kitchen, chopped firewood, yard, chalked the platform. Two weeks later his wife arrived, and Semyon rode a handcart to his booth. The booth is new, warm, as much firewood as you want; a small garden remained from the former watchmen, and there was half a dozen arable land on the sides of the canvas. Semyon rejoiced; began to think about how he would start his own farm, buy a cow, buy a horse.

They gave him all the supplies he needed: a green flag, a red flag, lanterns, a horn, a hammer, a wrench - to tighten nuts, a crowbar, a shovel, brooms, bolts, crutches; They gave me two books with rules and train timetables. At first, Semyon did not sleep at night, he kept repeating the whole schedule; the train will leave in another two hours, and he will go around his section, sit down on a bench by the booth and keep watching and listening to see if the rails are trembling, if the train is making noise. He confirmed the rules by heart; although he read badly, in warehouses, he nevertheless confirmed it.

It was summer; the work is not hard, there is no need to shovel the snow, and the train is rarely on that road. Semyon will go around his verst twice a day, in some places he will try to tighten the nuts, trim the gravel, look at the water pipes and go home to arrange his household. In the economy, only he had an obstacle: whatever he decides to do, ask the road foreman about everything, and he will report to the head of the distance; until the request returns, the time has passed. Semyon and his wife even began to get bored.

Two months have passed; Semyon began to get acquainted with the neighbors-watchmen. One was an old man; everyone was going to replace him: he barely got out of the booth. His wife did the detour for him. The other watchman, who was closer to the station, was a young man, thin and wiry. They met Semyon for the first time on the canvas, in the middle between the booths, on the bypass; Semyon took off his cap and bowed.
- Good, - he says, - health, neighbor. The neighbor looked at him from the side.
“Hello,” he says.

Turned and walked away. The women met each other afterwards. Arina Semenova greeted her neighbor; she didn't talk much either, she left. Semyon saw her once.
“What is it,” he says, “you, young lady, have a taciturn husband?” The woman was silent, then she says:
“What is he talking about with you?” Everyone has his own ... Go with God.

However, another month passed, we got to know each other. Semyon and Vasily will meet on the canvas, sit on the edge, smoke pipes and talk about their life. Vasily remained silent more and more, and Semyon told about his village and about the campaign.
“A lot,” he says, “I have taken grief in my lifetime, and God knows how much in my lifetime. God did not give happiness. So to whom what talent-fate the Lord will give, so it is. So, brother, Vasily Stepanych.

And Vasily Stepanych knocked his pipe against the rail, got up and said:
“It’s not the talent-fate that gnaws at us for a century, but people. There is no beast in the world more predatory and angrier than a man. A wolf does not eat a wolf, but a man eats a man alive.
- Well, brother, the wolf eats the wolf, don't say that.
- By the way, I had to, and said. Still, there is no creature crueler. It would not be human anger and greed - it would be possible to live. Everyone strives to grab you by the living, and bite off a bite, and devour you.

Simon thought.
“I don’t know,” he says, “brother. Maybe it is so, but if so, then there is a position from God for that.
- And if so, - says Vasily, - then there is nothing for us to talk with you. If you dump all filthiness on God, but sit and endure it yourself, then this, brother, is not to be a man, but to be cattle. Here's my story for you.

He turned and left without saying goodbye. Semyon also got up.
- Neighbor, - shouts, - why are you swearing?

The neighbor did not turn around, he went. Semyon looked at him for a long time, until Vasily was no longer visible in the recess at the turn. He returned home and said to his wife:
- Well, Arina, and we have a neighbor: a potion, not a man. However, they did not quarrel; met again and began to talk as before, and all about the same thing.
“Eh, brother, if it weren’t for people ... we wouldn’t be sitting in these booths with you,” says Vasily.
- Well, in the booth ... nothing, you can live.
- You can live, you can live ... Oh, you! Lived a lot, made a little, looked a lot, saw a little.

To a poor man, in a booth there or somewhere, what a life! These flayers are eating you. All the juice is squeezed out, and when you get old, they will throw it away, like some kind of oilcake, to feed the pigs. How much salary do you get?
- Yes, not enough, Vasily Stepanovich. Twelve rubles.
- And I'm thirteen and a half. Let me ask you why? According to the rule, everyone is entitled to one thing from the government: fifteen rubles a month, heating, lighting. Who is it for you and me, twelve or thirteen and a half determined there? Whose belly is for fat, in whose pocket do the remaining three rubles or one and a half rely? Let me ask you?.. And you say you can live! You understand, we are not talking about one and a half or three rubles. Even if all fifteen paid. I was at the station last month; the director was passing by, that's how I saw him. Had such an honor. Rides himself in a separate carriage; went out onto the platform, stands, spread the golden chain over his stomach, his cheeks are red, as if poured ... He drank our blood. Oh, if only strength and power! .. May I not stay here long; I'll go where my eyes look.
"Where are you going, Stepanych?" Good is not sought from good. Here you have a home, it is warm, and there is little land. Your wife is a worker...
- Earthlings! You should have looked at my land. There is no rod on it. I planted cabbages in the spring, and then the road foreman arrived. “This, he says, what is it? Why no delivery? Why without permission? Dig up so that her spirit does not exist. ” Drunk was. Another time I wouldn’t have said anything, but then it came to my mind ... “Three rubles a fine! ..”

Vasily paused, pulled the pipes and said quietly:
"Just a little more, I'd have beaten him to death."
- Well, neighbor, and you are hot, I'll tell you.
“I am not hot-tempered, but I speak and think in truth. Yes, he will wait for me, red face! I will complain to the head of the distance. Let's see!

And he definitely complained.

Once the head of the distance passed the way to inspect. Three days after that, important gentlemen from St. Petersburg had to pass along the road: they were doing an audit, so everything had to be put in order before their passage. The ballast was added, leveled, the sleepers were revised, the crutches were knocked up, the nuts were screwed up, the poles were tinted, at the crossings they ordered to add yellow sand. Neighbor-watchman and her old man drove out to pluck the grass. Semyon worked for a whole week; He brought everything in order and repaired the caftan on himself, cleaned it, and rubbed the copper badge with a brick until it shone. Vasily also worked. The head of the distance arrived on a railcar; four workers turn the handle; gears buzz; the cart rushes about twenty miles an hour, only the wheels howl. Flew up to Semyonov's booth; Semyon jumped up and reported like a soldier. Everything turned out to be in good order.

- How long have you been here? the boss asks.
“From the second of May, your honor.
- OK. Thank you. And who is in number one hundred and sixty-four?
The roadmaster (together with him rode a trolley) answered:
— Vasily Spiridov.
- Spiridov, Spiridov ... Oh, is this the same one that was at your notice last year?
- He is the very one, sir.
- Well, okay, let's see Vasily Spiridov. Touch. Workers leaned on the handles; the trolley went into motion. Semyon looks at her and thinks: "Well, they will have a game with their neighbor."

About two hours later he went around. He sees someone walking along the canvas from the recess, as if white is visible on his head. Semyon began to look closely - Vasily; a stick in his hand, a small bundle behind his shoulders, a cheek tied with a handkerchief.
- Neighbor, where are you going? Simon screams. Vasily came very close: there is no face on him,
white as chalk, wild eyes; began to speak - the voice breaks off.
- To the city, - he says, - to Moscow ... to the board.
- To the board ... That's what! Are you going to complain? Come on, Vasily Stepanych, forget it...
- No, brother, I will not forget. Too late to forget. You see, he hit me in the face, broke me into blood. As long as I'm alive, I won't forget, I won't leave it like that. They need to be taught, bloodsuckers ...
Semyon took him by the hand:
“Leave it alone, Stepanych, I’m telling you right, you can’t do better.”
- What's better there! I know myself that I won’t do it better; you spoke the truth about talent-fate. I won’t do better for myself, but you have to stand for the truth, brother.
“Tell me, how did it all start?”
- Yes, why ... He examined everything, got off the trolley, looked into the booth. I already knew that he would ask sternly; corrected everything properly. I really wanted to go, but I complained. He is now screaming. “Here, he says, is a government audit, such and such, and you file complaints about the garden! Here, he says, are secret advisers, and you climb with cabbage! I could not stand it, I said a word, not that much, but it seemed so insulting to him. How will he give me ... Our damned patience! It would be necessary here ... but I stand to myself, as if it were the way it should be. They left, I came to my senses, so I washed my face and went.
- How about the booth?
The wife stayed. Does not miss; yes, they are completely and with expensive ones!
Vasily got up and got ready.
- Farewell, Ivanovich. I don't know if I can manage myself.
- Are you going to walk?
- I’ll ask at the station for a freight one: I’ll be in Moscow tomorrow.

The neighbors said goodbye; Vasily left, and he was gone for a long time. His wife worked for him, did not sleep day and night; exhausted completely, waiting for her husband. On the third day, a revision passed: a steam locomotive, a baggage car and two first-class, but Vasily was still not there. On the fourth day, Semyon saw his mistress: her face was puffy from tears, her eyes were red.
Has your husband returned? he asks.
The woman waved her hand, said nothing, and went in her direction.

Once upon a time, as a boy, Semyon learned to make pipes from willows. He will burn out the heart of the tall stick, drill holes where necessary, make a beep at the end and adjust it so nicely that you can play at least anything. He made a lot of pipes in his spare time and, with a familiar freight conductor, sent him to the city to the bazaar; they gave him two kopecks apiece. On the third day after the audit, he left his wife at home to meet the evening six-hour train, and he took a knife and went into the forest to cut sticks for himself. He reached the end of his section - at this point the path turned sharply - went down from the embankment and went through the forest downhill. Half a verst away was a large swamp, and around it the most excellent bushes for his pipes grew. He cut a bunch of sticks and went home. Goes through the forest; the sun was already low; the silence is dead, you can only hear the birds chirping and the deadwood crunching underfoot. Semyon walked a little more, soon the canvas; and it seems to him that something else is heard: as if somewhere iron on iron tinkles.

Semyon went quickly. There was no repair at that time on their site. "What would that mean?" - thinks. He comes out to the edge - in front of him the railway embankment rises; upstairs, on the canvas, a man is squatting, doing something; Semyon began to rise slowly towards him: he thought that someone had come to steal nuts. Looks - and the man got up, in his hands was a crowbar; he poked the rail with a crowbar, as soon as he moved it to the side. Semyon's eyes darkened; wants to scream but can't. He sees Vasily, runs at a run, and he with a crowbar and a key rolls head over heels on the other side of the embankment.

- Vasily Stepanych! Dear father, my dear, come back! Give scrap! We put a rail, no one will know. Come back, save your soul from sin.

Vasily did not turn around, went into the forest.

Semyon is standing over the turned rail, dropping his sticks. The train is not freight, passenger. And nothing will stop him: there is no flag. You can't put the rail in place; You can't kill crutches with your bare hands. It is necessary to run, by all means to run to the booth for some kind of supply. God help me!

Semyon runs to his booth, suffocating. Running - about to fall. He ran out of the forest - to the booth "with a sazhen, no more, left, he hears - the whistle buzzed at the factory. Six o'clock. And at two minutes past seven the train will pass. God! Save innocent souls! This is how Semyon sees before him: the locomotive will grab with its left wheel on the rail stump, tremble, tilt, go to tear the sleepers and smash to smithereens, and then a curve, a rounding, and an embankment, and then fall down eleven fathoms, and there, in the third grade, crowded with people, small children ... Now they are all sitting, thinking about nothing. Lord, enlighten me! .. No, you won’t have time to run to the booth and come back in time ...

Semyon did not run to the booth, turned back, ran faster than before. Runs almost without memory; he doesn't know what else will happen. He ran to the open rail: his sticks lay in a heap. He bent down, grabbed one, not knowing why, and ran on. It seems to him that the train is already moving. He hears a distant whistle, hears, the rails slowly and steadily began to tremble. There is no strength to run further; he stopped from scary place a hundred sazhens: here it was as if a light illuminated his head. He took off his hat, took out a paper handkerchief from it; took out the knife from his boot; crossed, God bless!

Stabbed himself in left hand above the elbow, blood spattered, poured with a hot stream; he soaked his handkerchief in it, straightened it, stretched it, tied it on a stick and put up his red flag.

It stands, waving its flag, and the train is already visible. The driver does not see him, he will come close, and a heavy train cannot be stopped at a hundred fathoms!

And the blood keeps pouring and pouring; presses the wound to his side, wants to clamp it, but the blood does not subside; It looks like he hurt his hand. It swirled in his head, black flies flew in his eyes; then it got completely dark; bell ringing in the ears. He does not see the train and does not hear the noise: one thought in his head: “I will not stand, I will fall, I will drop the flag; a train will pass through me ... help, Lord, send a shift ... "

And it became black in his eyes and empty in his soul, and he dropped the flag. But the bloody banner did not fall to the ground: someone's hand grabbed it and raised it high towards the approaching train.

The engineer saw him, closed the regulator and gave counter steam. The train stopped.

People jumped out of the cars, crowded together. They see: a man is lying covered in blood, without memory; another is standing near him with a bloody rag on a stick.

Vasily looked around everyone with his eyes, lowered his head:

“Knit me,” he says, “I turned the rail off.

V.M. Garshin *Signal* the main idea URGENT! PLEASE!


In the story "The Signal" (1887) no love story, but the marked motif is manifested in it even more sharply. The heroes of the story do not paint pictures, do not discuss philosophical problems and cannot determine the fate of mankind. They are small people living in small interests: a garden of cabbage, salary, oppression of the authorities - their interests do not go further. But in their conversations about these subjects, Semyon and Vasily pose the same question as Gelfreich, who created his picture of Ilya Muromets. In his youth, Semyon was in the war, served as a batman, and he could not accomplish outstanding feats that could determine the outcome of the battle. But for Garshin, Semyon is a man big soul, and his feat lies in the fact that he did not get angry at life and people, although he had every reason for this. True, passivity and fatalism are clearly noticeable in his attitude to life. These are the features that irritate his interlocutor Vasily. “Not talent-fate,” Vasily Semyon objects, “we are stuck with you for a century, but people. There is no beast in the world more predatory and more evil than man. The position of Vasily is the position of a person who does not want to submit to fate and therefore enters into a struggle with people and circumstances. But for Garshin, the laws of struggle have their own harsh dialectic: a person who is embittered, who has lost faith in people, even in his just anger against the perpetrators of evil, can cause the death of innocent people. Here Semyon and Vasily change places. Semyon actively takes part in the fight against evil, saving a train with people who are unaware of the danger that threatens them, and Vasily recognizes his rightness and the unrighteousness of the path he has taken. But Semyon's activity is of a special kind. It is based on self-sacrifice, and if he raises a red flag, then this flag is dipped in his own blood. For Garshin, morality has always been simple, but the question of why this simple morality cannot be realized in people's lives was infinitely complex. Garshin in each of his stories, with painful sharpness, raised the question of truth and untruth, of the various manifestations and forms of modern evil, and therefore his short stories were filled with great and deep content. Gleb Uspensky rightly wrote: “... in his little stories and fairy tales, sometimes in a few pages, the whole content of our life has been positively exhausted, in the conditions in which both Garshin and all his readers had to live. When I say “the entire content of our life”, I am not using here any pompous and thoughtless phrase - no, it was precisely everything that gave the most important thing to his mind and heart our life (ours - does not mean only Russian, but the life of people of our time in general), all up to last line experienced, re-felt by him with the most burning feeling, and precisely for this reason it could only be expressed in two, and even such small, books. The same idea was expressed by another contemporary of Garshin - P.F. Yakubovich. Both the revolutionary poet and the greatest prose writer, the essay sociologist, essentially acknowledged a fact that was unusual both for the literature of the 1980s and for previous Russian literature. Short stories reflected the main content of the era. Later, thanks to Korolenko, Chekhov, Bunin, this idea will no longer be perceived as a paradox. Garshin managed to open up new possibilities for the small genre. He combined the strict objectivity of the narrative with lyrical excitement and a clearly articulated author's point of view.

The railway watchman Semyon saw the rails damaged by the envious neighbor Vasily, and in the distance an approaching train. Semyon decided to warn the driver. He inflicted a deep wound on himself, moistened a rag with blood and raised the flag. However, from loss of blood, Semyon fell, losing consciousness. The train driver, seeing a red signal ahead, stopped the train. The people who got off the train were amazed: Semyon, bloodied, was lying on the rails, and Vasily, holding a red rag and repeating the words of a confession of guilt, was lying next to him.

Detailed retelling

Ivanov Semyon worked as a security guard on the railroad. Returning from the war against the Turks, Semyon could not find a job for a long time. The only son died. He and his wife had to move to new lands, to look for a good life. During his wanderings, Semyon met an officer with whom they served together. The officer was in charge of the railway station, he assigned Semyon to his job as a watchman. They allocated a trailer for Ivanov, and he and his wife began to settle down. The garden was planted, the economy was adjusted. Semyon liked this work, his section of the path was always in perfect order.

Ivanov made friends with his neighbor, his name was Vasily. He constantly scolded all the bosses in his misfortunes, believed that they profited from his labors. Feelings of hatred for people overwhelmed Vasily. Semyon, however, endured all the hardships steadfastly and courageously, believed that everything was the will of God. Semyon was the complete opposite of his neighbor.

Vasily had disagreements with the local road foreman. Vasily without permission and relevant documents planted a garden on his site. The master did not like it, he ordered the garden to be destroyed. The men fought. Vasily complained about the brigadier to the chief, but he scolded the watchman and refused the complaint. An inspection arrived at the station. Semyon had everything in order at the site, and Vasily received a reprimand. Then Vasily decided to move to the capital, to seek justice for the local leadership, in higher authorities. He returned from Moscow a few days later, having achieved nothing. Vasily became even more embittered.

Somehow Semyon went into the forest, to cut willow branches. He made pipes from them, and then sold them at the local bazaar, at least some extra penny for the house. On the way back, he heard a metallic rattle at the station, the watchman thought that someone was plundering the road, coming closer, Semyon saw Vasily crushing the railway tracks with a crowbar. The neighbor moved the rail, and, noticing Semyon, disappeared into the forest.

Semyon knew that a passenger train was about to leave. I tried with my bare hands to return the rail to its place, it doesn’t work, a tool is needed here. It’s far to run to the station, he won’t have time, the train will go off the rails. He shouted to his neighbor Vasily, but he did not come. The horn of an approaching train rang out. Semyon was afraid that there would be an accident. It would be necessary to give a signal to the driver to slow down, but there is nothing. Then Semyon took off his hat, pulled out a white handkerchief, injured his hand with the edge of a knife, soaked the handkerchief in blood, and waves to the train. The watchman asks God to help him in this. The man feels, he is sick, he loses consciousness, but he thinks of one thing, if only the driver sees the signal. Semyon fell, and his handkerchief, someone's hand intercepted and waves. The driver saw the signal and stopped the train. People came running, on the way a man lies in blood, and next to him is Vasily with a handkerchief. Arrest me, said Vasily, it was I who caused the accident.

This is a piece of great courage. common man, he was not afraid to sacrifice his health, risk his life, so that other people could live. The story teaches decency and courage.

Picture or drawing Signal

Other retellings for the reader's diary

  • Summary of Nils' wonderful journey with the Lagerlöf wild geese

    This story is about a boy who lived with his family in one of the villages in Switzerland. Niels Holgerson, that's the name of our hero, was a 12-year-old hooligan who repeatedly got into trouble with local boys

    Henryk Sienkiewicz's novel The Crusaders was published in 1897. historical work covers the events of a whole decade. Sienkiewicz describes the period since the death of Queen Jadwiga

Place of work: MOU Pervomaiskaya secondary school, Agapovsky district, Chelyabinsk region

Position:teacher of Russian language and literature

Subject: literature


Topic and lesson number in the topic: extracurricular reading“The theme of revenge in the story of V. Garshin “Signal”

Basic textbook: V.Ya. Korovin "Literature in 2 parts" 6th grade. "Enlightenment", 2010

8. Purpose of the lesson:

Organization of work on the development of speech

Show and convey the ways of working, researching, analyzing a work

9. Tasks:


1. Introduce students into the learning process.

2. Continue work on the literary concepts of theme and idea, ways of expression copyright to the character of the work


1. To create an atmosphere of openness, goodwill, co-creation in communication, to form the ability to defend one's position.

2. Development creative imagination and imagination, creative thinking


1. Turn on the emotional sphere of the child, appeal to his feelings, arouse everyone's interest in learning this work

2. Bring the guys to the realization that revenge or refusal to take revenge is a choice that everyone can face, to comprehend the concepts of "revenge, retribution."

  1. Lesson type Workshop of moral orientations

    Forms of work of students: Group, individual.

    Necessary Technical equipment: computer, media projector, screen, presentation.

Lesson structure:

    introduction Masters









Workshop progress

    Foreword by the Master

Today we have unusual lesson, and Workshop. It may not be very easy for us to work, but I hope it will be interesting. And as the motto of our Workshop, I propose to take the words of N. Zabolotsky:

Don't let your soul be lazy

So that the water in the mortar does not crush.

The soul must work

Both day and night.


I would like to start today's Workshop with the question: “Have you ever thought about the word “revenge”. I suggest thinking. (The word is written on the blackboard)

    Self-construction. (Individual issue solution)

Pick up associations associated with it. What words are attracted to it? (vindictiveness, revenge, revenge, retribution, resentment, quarrel, conflict, envy). Slide 2

I will ask you to make a sentence with this word in them.

In the word revenge, I feel ....

In the word revenge, I hear ......

Hearing the word revenge, I imagine..

Revenge means...

We listen to work.

What is revenge like?

Revenge is like (fire in the forest, tornado, boomerang, whirlpool) slide 3

Let's compare our understanding of the word with the interpretation given in Ozhegov's dictionary.

Revenge is the deliberate infliction of evil in order to repay an insult, insult.

Retribution - retribution, punishment for the evil done.

Are these words synonyms?

How do you see the difference between these words?

slide 4

We have repeatedly said that writers, poets often pay attention to what we do not notice in Everyday life: they, like no one else, were given a special gift - the ability to peer, listen, penetrate into secret reasons actions, to highlight what goes unnoticed by others. Today we have to get acquainted with the story of Vsevolod Garshin "Signal"

Write down the theme of our workshop “The theme of revenge in the story of V. Garshin “Signal”.

Slideshow 5,6,7,8

(portrait of V. Garshin, curriculum vitae)

Before listening to the story, think about the following questions:

Why is the story so named?

What is the position of the writer?

Express your attitude towards her.

What is the theme of this story?

Listening to a story.Reading the story to the words "Semyon did not run to the booth ..."

slide 9,10

Discussion of what has been readDiscuss questions with those around you. Everyone who wants to answer.

4 .“Socioconstruction” . Both I and you have questions about the characters. Let's ask them. Let's unite in groups.

The first group - questions to Semyon

The second group is Vasily.

The third group - questions to the author.

Tasks by groups:

    1. Everyone formulates a question.

      Questions are advertised in the group, discussed.

      The most successful one is chosen.

      The group thinks about the answer to the question.

Sample questions and answers:

What character traits of Vasily and Semyon are not similar, and which are inherent in both?

(In the story, Semyon appears as a man, one of whose main features is obedience to life circumstances, “talent-fate” (“nothing, you can live”). The narrative of the time when Semyon “served in batmen” makes it possible to understand that gradually in In Semyon's character, a sense of responsibility comes to the fore.We can say that at the end of the story, at the climax, Semyon acts contrary to his life principle(“Who knows what fate ...”), going against external circumstances.

An additional question to the analysis of Seeds' image: - How internal monologue Semena conveys the state of a character who has realized the danger of an impending disaster? Additional questions for the analysis of the image of Vasily: - How do you assess such a character trait as resistance to life circumstances? How did this quality manifest itself in the character of Vasily?- Semyon speaks about Vasily: "A potion, not a man." What in the characters of Semyon and Vasily does this remark help to understand?“There is no animal more predatory than a man,” says Vasily. What does he mean? Does this characteristic apply to all people? Is it possible to call Vasily a bad person?) The main characters are different. What is the reason for such a sharp difference? (The difference is due to the different worldviews of the characters.)

Vasily spoils the paths he was supposed to watch. What preceded this? Why is he doing this?

(Vasily is an impulsive person, easily excitable, acting under the influence of emotions. He was overwhelmed by resentment, a desire to strike back, to take revenge on the head of the distance.)Did Vasily want the passengers to suffer?

( Vasily did not think about the fate of the passengers. They are driven only by the desire to take revenge on their offenders. He utters a phrase that is very significant for understanding his mood at that moment: “... well, they are completely and with their dear dear

5 ."Socialization". Opinion exchange.

Get acquainted with aphorisms, which one could you use to evaluate Vasily's act? slide 11,12

Do you think the work is finished or are you offered an unfinished version? Think of an ending.

What will the main characters do? How can the story end?

6."Posterization". The proposed ending is read. Discussion

The teacher gives the students the opportunity to express all the assumptions without argument so far, summarizes them and makes a generalizing note on the board. The difference in the assumptions of the students will reveal the internal inconsistency of the central characters and may look like this:

1) will definitely do something to save the passengers;
2) submit to "talent-fate".

1) will watch the train wreck, and then hide from the police;
2) will try to rectify the situation somehow.

7. "Gap". Reading the author's ending

Whose actions - Seeds or Vasily - at the climax turned out to be more predictable and why?

Who ultimately protects people from harm?

What do you think influenced the return of Vasily, blinded by resentment?(U The teacher draws the students' attention to all the links in the chain of Vasily's actions: resentment - revenge - sudden realization of what he did - preventing the train wreck - recognition.)

8 ."Correction". Draw a conclusion from the lesson by continuing the unfinished phrase: "Despite the difference in the characters of the main characters of the story, their worldview, at the decisive moment they act in such a way that ...".

Answer the question in writing: “What new, in your opinion, does the story of V. Garshin “Signal” bring to the understanding of such a complex phenomenon as revenge?

Write what feelings the passengers could experience when they learned about the danger that threatened them, how they could assess the situation in which they unwittingly found themselves.

So why does the work have such a title? What is the position of the writer?

"Revenge is one of the most difficult feelings, contradictory phenomena in life human society", V conflict situations“revenge does not contribute to their resolution, but, on the contrary, prolongs the conflict, worsening its consequences”, “revenge or refusal to take revenge is a choice that everyone can face.)Revenge arises as a result of resentment, humiliation, violence. Having avenged the offender, a person destroys himself, because in return he receives revenge and a new insult. This vicious circle, which boomerangs back to the avenger.

    Reflection. Let's express our attitude to the position of the author

Let's write the cinquain "Revenge" Slide 14.15

Homework:Slide 16

1. Write what you think is symbolic meaning story titles.

2. Compose a story based on life experiences "Revenge"


1.V.Garshin story "Signal"

2. Explanatory Dictionary of D. Ozhegov

    Multimedia resources:

1. (Electronic dictionaries;http: //

2. »


4. whirlpool , tornado , fire , boomerang


Table 1.


Name of used ESM

(indicating serial number from Table 2)

Teacher activity

(indicating actions with ESM, for example, demonstration)

Student activities


(in minutes)


(. http:// yandex. en/ yandsearch? text\u003d whirlpool, tornado, fire, boomerang) Slide 3

(Electronic dictionaries;http: // Slide 4

(portrait of V. Garshin, biographical information»

(. http:// briefly. shader. en/ garshin/ signal/) Slide 9,10



Dictionary entry




(=) Slide 11,12




(Illustration Slide 13




Annex to the lesson plan


(Lesson topic)

Table 2.


END OF FORM ___________________________

Zibritskaya Victoria

In the essay, the author raises moral issues good and evil, analyzing the story of V.M. Garshin "Signal" and the story of V. A. Soloukhin "The Avenger". Both works lead the reader to the idea that revenge is a terrible act. Each person has a choice: to take revenge or refuse revenge.




"Man alone is responsible

For good and evil"

8th grade student.

Head: Kenzhebaeva L.I. -

Russian teacher and


Municipal government educational institution

"Skalistskaya comprehensive school"


Everyone chooses for himself

Woman, religion, road.

Serve the devil or the prophet

Everyone chooses for himself.

Y. Levitansky.

Life is so arranged that sometimes we are greatly offended. But sometimes we ourselves

offend other people. It happens: we are overwhelmed by resentment, and there is a desire to take revenge, to hurt the one who offended us or to punish him in another way. Vsevolod Mikhailovich Garshin described such a situation to us in his story "Signal".

In this story, the main characters Semyon and Vasily are watchmen on the railway. Vasily - very difficult person, harmful, always dissatisfied with everything. He always complained to his partner Semyon about life. Vasily received a salary more than Semyon. Vasily had a conflict with the head of the distance.

I believe that Vasily himself is to blame, because he should not have approached the boss with his complaint about the garden during the inspection of the tracks by the commission. The boss simply had no time for him, Vasily insulted the boss, and he hit him. And Vasily, after the blow of the boss, was blinded by resentment, at first he went to Moscow to complain about his boss, but returned with nothing. And he had a plan of revenge, he decided to damage the railway track. He thought only of himself, he wanted to kill a lot of people out of resentment. Because of his desire for revenge, Vasily did not think about anyone. He didn't care about the passengers. Why must they die? Why will the innocent suffer? He left them no choice, they would all die. If his partner Semyon also thought only about himself, he, killed by his problems, would close his eyes and pass by. What would it be if it wasn't good people. If Vasily had broken the rails, and Semyon would have passed by. Semyon made heroic deed! He took responsibility for what happened. He did not become embittered because of his problems, did not lose the kindness in his heart. Semyon

inflicts a deep cut on himself, blood runs strongly from the wound, in it he soaked a handkerchief, turning it into a banner, and waved it, stopping the train. But everything turned black in his eyes, Semyon would have fallen if Vasily had last moment did not support him.

Vasily changed his mind and returned, confessed to his crime.

Revenge is a very bad feeling. Revenge is like a hurricane sweeping away everything in its path, like a terrible fire that spares no one, like a boomerang. Each person has a choice: to take revenge or refuse revenge. The one who unleashes a conflict and begins to take revenge does not know what awaits him, since he will also be avenged in return. Therefore, it is better to forgive your offender and refuse revenge, although sometimes this is not easy. This theme - the theme of revenge continues in the works of modern writers.

I recently read V. Soloukhin's story "Avenger". The desire for revenge is strong feeling, which manifests itself regardless of what times people live in. It is very difficult to resist him. The boy who got into a very unpleasant situation, does not know what to choose: to take revenge on the offender or to refrain from this desire.

One quiet, warm September morning, a boy main character story, with his classmates digging potatoes in the school plot, instead of sitting in a boring lesson in arithmetic. The main entertainment of the boys was to put a heavy ball made of earth on a flexible rod. Then they, swinging the rod, threw the ball - who is next. The balls flew so far that they were not even visible. The boy bent down to mold a heavier ball, when he suddenly felt a strong blow between his shoulder blades. Straightening up, the boy saw Vitka Agafonov running from him along the corral with a thick cane in his hand. The main character's eyes filled with tears, but not from physical pain, but from resentment. He thought for a long time why Vitka hit him, but he could not understand, but his heart was very bad .. And soon the hero - the narrator had a plan of revenge, and at school he invited Vitka to the forest to burn a greenhouse. But Victor was afraid that the boy would want to take revenge on him and hit him, but the main character said that he had nothing to worry about, and Victor agreed. During the walk, the boys became friends, but the narrator all this time thought: “Now I am his ...”, and then he realized that Vitka is a good person, and he should not take revenge on Vita. So the hero of the story decided that he should not beat Vitka, and it became easy and pleasant in his soul, they went into the village as best friends- buddies.

I believe that the hero did the right thing when he decided not to take revenge on his peer, but to forgive the offense, to make friends with him. I advise everyone to read this story, it is not only very interesting, but also helps to understand how to act in such a situation and whether it is worth spoiling friendship with your peers for the sake of resentment.

Our Russian literature is a textbook of life for many readers. These works made me think about the problem moral choice. Each of us can find ourselves in a situation where we want to take revenge, and we decide what to do. We must not forget that "only man is responsible for good and evil." I read about the life of Vsevolod Mikhailovich Garshin, he committed suicide, unable to stand serious illness. Meanwhile, all his works teach us goodness, decency, humanity. My most favorite work

V. M. Garshina - fairy tale"Frog traveler". He wrote it based on foreign fairy tale about the turtle from the collection Indian fairy tales, which was shattered by falling from a height. Garshin refused the cruel end, his heroine remains alive.

Garshin were addressed to children and that his last work is light and carefree. Against the background of other works by V.M. Garshin, sad and disturbing,

this tale is, as it were, living evidence that the joy of life never disappears,

that "the light shines in the darkness."

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