Crystal sound. Fairies exit


Fairy: ( We are modern fairies): Knowledge Fairy, Music Fairy, Dance Fairy, Friendship Fairy, Game Fairy, Color Fairy - all together.

Sisters, let's bestow miraculous abilities, generous gifts, a happy school fate today!

Music Fairy: I will give them a good ear and beautiful melodies.

Knowledge Fairy: And I will give them strong knowledge and a desire to learn.

Dance Fairy: The gift of a dancing fairy is the ability to move beautifully, to see the beauty of movements and lines around.

Friendship Fairy: From the fairy of friendship, my first-graders will receive real and true friends as a gift.

Fairy of colors: Fairy of colors teaches children creativity, love of drawing.

Look, the world is colorful and colorful! (throws confetti into the hall).

Fairy Games: And I am the favorite of all children, I just play with you, and you develop and rejoice with the fairy play!

(Fairies stand next to each other, forming a sculptural composition).

Fairies: Our time has come!

Notes: run out in turn under the gamma

You box, open up

Open quickly.

Invite the music fairy to the stage for all the children.

The appearance and song of the fairy ("The Sound of Music").

Fairy song.

C is tuned to a major light scale.

With you, I am your conductor, where you are always a sensation!

A friendly family gathered around me.

Do re mi fa sol la si, repeat again.

Do si la sol fa mi re do, do re mi fa sol la si do!

(notes surround the fairy and give her a box)

Music Fairy: I give you a microphone in your hands, let the miracle sounds flow!

Song 1A

Music Fairy: And this is the piano, our good old friend.

Crystal melodies scattered around.

The music is full of secrets and mysteries

__Mashenka_ came to play the piano.

Etude on the piano (played by a student of grade 1 B Maria Vikhareva).

Music Fairy: Oh, yes, you have succeeded in the art of music, there is no doubt.

Farewell, then, I'm leaving, and another fairy hurries to you.

Fairy of knowledge: (holds a nut of knowledge in his hands)

The nut of knowledge is hard, but still, we are not used to backing down.

The following motto will help us split it:

Hall: We want to know everything!

Leading: The guys dream of knowing everything and are already ready to guess riddles about school supplies. You can answer in chorus (answers on the screen).

1. New house I carry in my hand, The doors of the house are locked. Here tenants paper, All terribly important.

Children: Portfolio.

2. I know everyone, I teach everyone. But I am always silent. To make friends with me, You need to learn to read and write.

Children: Book.

3. Now I'm in a cage, then in a line, Write on me, manage - ka, Can you draw, What am I?

Children: Notebook.

4. Not like a little man, But he has a heart. And He gives his heart to work all year round. He writes when they dictate, He draws and draws, And tonight He will color my album.

Children: Pencil.

5. I love directness, I am the most direct, To make a straight line I help everyone.

Children: Line.

6. She dips her pigtail in paints without fear. Then with a dyed pigtail In the album he leads along the page.

Children: Tassel.

7. I have a messy back. But my conscience is clear - I erased the blot from the sheet.

Children: Rubber.

8. You need me for order. Don't turn the pages in vain. Where I lie, read.

Children: Bookmark.

9. What kind of wand is in his hand Quickly draws on a piece of paper? Did you write everything you need? Put her in a pencil case!

Children: Pen.

10. It has a homework assignment

And marks next to it.

How good are they!

Come on, mom, sign!

Host: Well done guys, but the Fairy of Knowledge would like to ask you tricky question? Can you handle it?

Fairy of knowledge: And you, and you, why do you go to school?

(Answers around the room)

As a gift to the children, the video “Why do we go to school?”

Video "Why do we go to school?"

Knowledge Fairy: Do you remember how hard it was for you to get your first hooks and sticks in your life? Let's spin the magic wheel back and listen to the 1s themselves and their parents. Artem Kudryavtsev, a student of class 1 B, and his mother, Olesya Kudryavtseva, are on stage!

Verse "First Mission"

We begin the first ritual of initiation into disciples !

Fairy of knowledge: My assistants will give you nuts of knowledge, your task is to crack them. We want to gnaw on you without interference whole year nuts!

(The song sounds Heroic strength”, distribution of nuts).

The appearance and dance of the evil fairy.

Evil Fairy: I am a fairy of idleness, mistakes, chatter and dirt.

Of course, they forgot to invite me to a first-class ball, and of course, without me, they tell you sweet tales about school? Don't believe me?

Song 1 B, C

Evil Fairy: And this scene is taken directly from life!

Scene " Homework»

Pavlik. That's a damn task! Fought, fought - failure.
There were circles in my eyes.
Sit down, dad, help!

Dad. Keep your head up, son!

You are not alone with dad Sitting down for lessons)

Pavlik. We were told to underline the parts of speech in the exercise.
Do, Mom, a favor - be more careful!

Mother. Underline parts of speech?
Let's figure it out somehow. ( Sitting down for lessons)

Pavlik. And you, grandma, paint,
Come on, grandma, don't sleep.
Draw a picture for a fairy tale:
The cat walks along the chain.

Granny: No, old - the eye is not the same ( The peacock is crying.)
Okay, okay, there will be a cat. ( Sitting down for lessons)

Pavlik: I'll be out for a minute.
Where is my jacket?

Leading: In the morning Pavlik walked cheerfully
With a blue bag on my back.
But no fun since school
He returned home.

Mother: What did you bring?

Pavlik: See for yourself!

Dad: No, report first!

Pavlik: Dad is five, mom is four, and you, granny, are two. ( sorry)

fairy dance : The art of dance is difficult, but beautiful. It is important to learn movements from childhood.

Leading: Demonstrative number by rhythmic gymnastics, performs first-grader Yana Vrubel (winner of medals). Gymnastics.

On the stage, a student of class 1 B Mark Voitkov

Friendship Fairy:(looks around) Where have they all gone? I'm a fairy

friendship, I can't perform alone. My little friends, take the stage, let's sing along .

Music material:


  1. "Good Tales" . Muses. A. Ermolova. sl. M. Zagot
  2. "Farewell" . Muses. and words by S. Yudina.
  3. "Vladikavkaz" music Tsallagova.
  4. "Clouds" song staging. music Shainsky sl. S. Kozlova.
  5. "It's a pity to leave" . Muses. A. Ermolova. sl. V.Borisov.


  1. Balloon dance - entrance to the song "Miracles have left us" music A. Ermolova.
  2. Dance of the Stars (girls) music Francis Goya.
  3. Ossetian dance "Honga" (5 pairs)..
  4. Waltz (general dance)- exit to the song "And let the waltz spin" .


  1. "Catch the 5s and dodge the 2s" .
  2. "Who will collect the portfolio faster"
  3. "Collect the Word" - play with parents.


1 "In the country of Primer".


Gel balloons for all children, burning stars on a stick for all girls, a magic wand for the Fairy of Knowledge, for all children "Cloud" , large syringe, 3 briefcases with school and not school supplies, all attributes for games, hats for staging, a big bell, diplomas and albums for all children, fireworks.


Costumes of the Fairy of Knowledge, Experienced and Coward-adults.

5 pairs national costumes girls and 5 pairs of national costumes for boys.

Integration of educational areas:

"Music" ," Hood. literature", "Mathematics" , « Physical Culture» , "Knowledge" , "Socialization" .

Goals and objectives:

Purpose: To bring emotional joy to children on the last holiday in Doe, to show the level of preparation of children for school, their creative musical and choreographic abilities.

Tasks: To instill a desire to study well at school, to awaken patriotism in children, and love for national culture. Develop memory, speech, imagination, Creative skills. And also to develop and educate in children Sensitivity and empathy for each other.

The course of the matinee:

Under the song recording "Miracles have left us" children preparatory group enter the hall with helium balloons.

Dance with balls.

After the dance, the children release the balls to the ceiling and become pairs around the hall.

Roll call:

1reb What is it? What's happened?
The kids are all dressed up
Surely summer has come to us! (children laugh)

2 children It's not funny at all!
We gathered in our hall
To say goodbye to everyone!

Zreb. Why should we say goodbye?
We've only just arrived.
We grew up, we got older!
It's time for us to go to school!

4 children And today with kindergarten
We must say goodbye
We part with kindergarten
With a magical mischievous country.
But you don't have to forget it
After all, kindergarten is our second home!

5 children Yes, there is something to tell us today,
For what to glorify and thank.
Kindergarten dear, you are our favorite,
We can't live without you!

breb. How to live without dancing, without loads, I,
Without physical education and fine arts,
Without days filled
Excitement vanity

Children remain standing, three children enter the hall middle group, one of the children has a large bell in his hand.

Congratulations to the middle group:

1. Reb. cf. gr. Attention! Attention! Listen everyone! All!

On this solemn day, the sun shines.

Kindergarten today Escorting children to school!

2 Reb. cf. gr. We'll go to school too!

When we grow up a little! Although I'm ready!

Girl: How modest! (threatens finger)

Boy: Oh, sorry! Invite Alumni!

(girl rings a bell)

3 children cf. gr.

Congratulations kids
You today from the heart!
Feel free to go to first grade
There's a big deal ahead!

You are already quite big
You are beautiful and smart.
For us to reach you -
You must stand on your toes.

All together: We envy you a little
You are almost schoolchildren.
And from the bottom of our hearts we wish you
We have a good journey!


Song "Good Tales" .

The children sit down.

Reb. under. gr.

There are many fairy tales in the world
kind and funny
And live in the world
We can't live without them

Let the heroes of fairy tales
Give us warmth
May good forever
Evil wins!

To lyrical music, the Fairy of Knowledge appears in the hall.

Fairy of Knowledge: Hello guys!

Boys and girls!

Today, the excitement can not be contained -
Final holiday of the academic year.
Our hearts are both warm and anxious,
After all, the children have grown up and go to school.

And how hard it is to part with you
And let you out from under the wing into the light!
You became relatives, you became friends,
And better than you, it seems, can not be found.

Before you is the Fairy of Knowledge,

I'm with "fives" I'm friends
How "five" earn,
I will tell you now!
Make friends with a book. At the lesson

Listen carefully,
And then "five" to you
Will definitely deliver!
You will go to school soon

Right guys? Yes!
What do you know about school
It's time for me to check.
"School" puzzles:

Who walks with a bag of books
School in the morning? (student)
Footsteps in the hallway
Who invites everyone to class? (call)

Will meet you very soon
school and spacious (Class)
If you know everything
What you get at school (five)

What kind of student are you?
Yours will tell everyone (diary)

Fairy of Knowledge: What smart, quick-witted children!

Probably all of them are future excellent students!

We believe in miracles again
Unprecedented surprises ahead!
What's behind the door?
Who came to us - come in as soon as possible!

Under musical accompaniment Experienced comes in, a Coward sneaks on tiptoe behind him.

Experienced and Coward (sing ditties):


Each of you knows me
And everyone calls Experienced.
I don't want to study
Having fun here and there!


Oh-la-la, oh-la-la
Having fun here and there!
Experienced and Coward together:
And from the lessons we run away,
They tell us - it's impossible!
"Deuces" , "threes" , "units" -
Our best friends!


Oh-la-la, oh-la-la
Our best friends!
Let you not call us here,
We are on holiday with you
How to slide - do not learn,
We will teach everyone now!


Oh-la-la, oh-la-la

We will teach everyone now!

Experienced whispers something in the ear of the Coward, they dance incendiary, The Coward wants to quietly pick up a flower or a ball in the hall, Experienced helps him with gestures, in last moment their plan doesn't work!

The characters respectfully give a flower or a ball to the Fairy.

Experienced (a little confused): Hello!

Fairy of Knowledge (strictly):

Who are you,

Dear guests?

And who invited you here?

The coward hides behind Experienced.

Experienced: And we are ... a repair team.

Now we will paint the walls in the hall in green color get ready for the summer!

Coward: Exactly!

Experienced: so we ask everyone to vacate the premises for repair work!

(shows the Coward with signs so that he quickly picks up the balls and leaves the hall)

Fairy of Knowledge (thoughtfully):

Convince us first
What do you know your craft,
I think you need to check
Your skill and craftsmanship.

Experienced and Coward fervently confer among themselves, finally agree.

A game "Hardworkers" .

Experienced gesturing repair work, The coward repeats after him, the Fairy comments, the guys repeat after the characters (you can near your seats)

Fairy of Knowledge:

Work through the sleeves
Doesn't fit
For something to happen
Need to work hard!

Scene "In the country of the Primer" (you can choose any other scene on a school theme)

The School Fairy calls her Fairies - girlfriends from the scene and thanks for the magical deeds.

The fairy organizes a game with children.

"Catch the fives, dodge the twos"

The characters brazenly violate the rules of the game by throwing "deuces" into the baskets for children

For violation of the rules of the game doctor (character from scene) scares them with a "shot". Coward and Experienced all over the hall are running away with all their strength from the doctor.

Poems 1…

After the poems, the children sing a song

Song "We last time together today"

Poems about the native land.

After the verses, the children sing the song.

Song "Vladikavkaz" .

Ossetian dance - Honga kaft.

After the dance, Experienced and Coward, dressed in doctor's gowns, steal the Fairy, demanding a ransom. "Real" the doctor with the Big Prick overtakes the characters, and the Fairy is safely freed.

Fairy of Knowledge: Tell us honestly now,

Do you want to get better?

(Characters nod their heads)

Then read more books

Which will please!

Experienced: I thought I was not separated

I am with this number. "2" ,

But I realized that learning

It's time for me to start!

Coward: I will work,

to do the lessons,

And then me too

Put in school "FIVE" !

(Experienced and Coward transform, take off their robes)

Fairy of Knowledge: Knowledge is taught at school,

Work hard and grow

With those who work at school,

Always on our way!

Fairy of Knowledge invites parents to play the game:

Game with the participation of adults "Collect the word" (e.g. "literature" and "mathematics")

After the adults play, the Fairy plays with the children:

A game "Who will quickly collect a briefcase with school supplies"

The Fairy of Knowledge conducts a dialogue with children about their desire, what they want to become in the future. With a wave of her wand, she turns their desires into "Magic Clouds" . (work is carried out in advance in the group, where educators find out the favorite professions of children and prepare in advance "Magic Clouds" The fairy, together with the teachers, distributes to children "Clouds" on which drawings are drawn with their future professions and with the names of children.

The same Fairy finds out and gives "Magic Clouds" Coward and Experienced.

Song "Clouds"

Fairy of Knowledge: (referring to Coward and Experienced) When you sang a song about "Clouds" What desires do you have?

Coward: I had a desire to see more magical stars ...

Experienced: Me too!!

Fairy of Knowledge: well, I'm a sorceress and I will fulfill your wish today too. Fairy waving magic wand and appear in the hall "Stars"

Dance of the Stars.

Children's final words:

Year after year, 6 years in a row
We came to kindergarten
Cheerful, happy.
But those days are gone
Today we are graduates
And tomorrow we are all schoolchildren!

Farewell party! Farewell party!
You have gathered children and adults!
He is for us, he is for us
It has become a good fairy tale now!

3 child.

Thank you all, bow to the ground
Accept graduates from us
And just as carefully, loving,
Teach your other children!

4- child.

Bow for your golden hands,
For your faithful hearts
After all, you worked dear,
Not for the red word.

5- child.

We all want to confess
We love you very much
You just have to try
Do not forget and remember us!

Song "It's a pity to leave!"

After the song, the children sit down, and the teacher of the preparatory group reads a poem "I am an educator" .

I am a caregiver

I am proud of my profession!
Does this word surprise you?
I am an educator! For children-
I'm ready to give my soul, I'm ready to give my life!

Believe me, I can not even a day
I do without their palms,
For them I burn without fire,
I love these little ones!

I give them so many tender words!
Let them fly to the stars in their dreams.
I'll hide evil behind seven locks,
Before it's too late.

Only at night will the house meet me,
And fatigue again knocks down.
And I keep thinking about
That I will not part with the children!

Come to kindergarten at least once
And look the kids in the eyes
You will be firmly bound at the same hour
Heat invisible threads.

Don't hurt kids
Think Man!
They will turn the game into life
Happy 21st century!

Head's word.

Parents' response.

Fairy of Knowledge:

I see, children, not in vain
You got to school.
Answer clearly, clearly
You are ready for school!

For great effort
For knowledge gained
To all our graduates
We will distribute diplomas!

Graduations (together with Fairy).

Fairy of Knowledge: Kindergarten says: "Goodbye!"

Good luck, dear graduate!

Go bolder to new knowledge,

Grow up and be happy.

Now you are a student.

Children are given helium balloons and everyone goes out into the yard kindergarten.

Fairy of Knowledge:

Close your eyes
And in total silence
Make a wish
About school, about yourself!


Attention guys!

Hold the balls tight
Remember desire!

Fairy of Knowledge:

Now let them go
And remember this moment!

Experienced and Coward:

We wish you today
Happy journey everyone!
To difficulties, barriers
You could easily pass!

Fairy of Knowledge:

We wish to study well at school,
And to develop, and nice to work!

Children make wishes and release balloons into the sky, fireworks.

Photos for memory.

The children go to the group.

graduation party script

"Islands of Childhood"

MBDOU No. 6, Ust-Labinsk

The hall is decorated with balloons. On the background big ship on the waves.

On the side wall are small fairies and near each fairy are photographs of the children of the preparatory group.

The song "Little Country" sounds

Children junior groups run out with big cubes.

  1. Dice dance.(younger group)

\ At the end of the dance, a ship is built from the cubes. A girl and a boy, graduates, approach them.

Graduate: Hello! Toddlers! What are you doing here?

Children: We are building a boat.

Graduate: Do you know that today we have a holiday in the garden?

1 child (younger group):No, I don't know, I'm still small.

2 child: I heard that graduation is today.

Graduate: Yes! Today my friends and I say goodbye to kindergarten and go to school.

3 child: Let's not be sad

We will solemnly open the ball. We invite alumni

In our bright and elegant hall!

\Sounds "Little Country" kids clean up the boat built of blocks and run away.\

1. Leading". Bright and elegant now in our hall!

Everyone has a lively, excited look! Today we celebrate a big holiday:

We accompany our children to school!

2. Presenter: Meet the smartest, most well-mannered, most beautiful 2014 graduates of kindergarten No. 6 in Ust-Labinsk!!!

Waltz - way out

\Children in fours go into the hall to introduce them, the children bow and take their place.\

Vedas. 1. Our children have grown up,

And they managed to get it all.

Strive for new knowledge.

In school, knowledge will come in handy.

  1. Our children have no equal.
    We wish them victories

And "excellent" to receive!

3. Boys love to draw,

Adults love to help.

And they have a lot of talent.

Let there be a bright road!

4. And the girls are laughter

Our lovely girls.

The school will love them very much.

5 . They also love to sing, dance,

And develop your talents at school.
6. And in life we ​​want to be bolder,
Lots of health and sunny days,
Good luck with your studies and all the best.

May your life be full of joy!

Girl: (represents educators and assistant educator)

And our favorite teachers

1 teacher:

As always, we came to this hall to have fun on a holiday. But why do you have a shadow of sadness on your faces with a smile? And the voice shuddered with excitement, and the children instantly became more mature. Yes, just this ball, guys, is the last one in this hall for you.

2 educator:

Days pass quickly after days, Years like birds fly into the distance It's time to part with our children, They are escorted to school by a kindergarten.

3 educator:

Good luck, the wind softly whispers,

Good luck and we say to you

You make friends with the school

And we are happy for you from the bottom of our hearts.


1. Preschool childhood is a golden time,

Happy days round dance.

It's a shame they go by so fast.

And now the school is waiting for us.

2. How fun, together we lived in the kindergarten, Played all day long,

We laughed and sang and were close friends,

And now the school is waiting for us.

3.Today we are graduates,

Farewell to our kindergarten!

Mothers will buy us diaries, textbooks, notebooks.

4. Take new portfolios

And with bright colors

We will go to school for the first time

And our mothers are with us.

5.Today we are graduates,

No longer a preschooler.

We are waiting for funny calls

And new guys.

6. We will sing goodbye, We give this song to everyone. Let this song fly around the world on a May day!

Song "Goodbye Kindergarten"

Sit on chairs

Leading: Guys, we have a holiday today, and the kids came to congratulate you. \I run out a few kids\

The music sounds "Top, top, stomp baby."

1 baby: Hi you guys

Girls and boys!

2 kid: We all gathered for your graduation

But they didn’t let everyone in, but we broke through.

3 kid: They put on their suits and washed their cheeks,

They became beautiful and hurried to you.

5. Song "Look at us"\performed by kids\

4 kid: We ask you from the bottom of our hearts to study like this at school,

So that the kindergarten is always happy with you.

5 kid: And as a gift, we decided to give you a boat,

So that together you can all swim across the sea!

\Children take out a sailboat and present it to graduates.\

Graduate: Thank you, kids, we say from the bottom of our hearts!

Play in the kindergarten, grow up soon!

\Give gifts\

Leading: And now the little ones will say goodbye to you in unison ...

Babies: Bye! ( kids leave) to the music "Top, top, stomp baby"


Preschool is a big country

Lost in magical seas.

This country cannot be found on the map.

Do you guys want to go there?

Children: Yes!

Song "There is such a country in the world"

(children sit down)

Leading: We will open the doors to this country

AND good fairies will visit us

\ To the music of the waltz, the fairies run out. They have magic wands with stars in their hands

Fairy Dance

Music Fairy . The fairy of music has come to you(bows)
Dance Fairy. And the Dance Fairy visited.[bows]
fairy tale . I brought a fairy tale to visit[bows]
fairy toy . I didn't forget the toys[bows]

Fairy of knowledge . And I take you to new world I will introduce where they teach reading and writing[bows]

\ FAIRY music sounds,all the fairies sit down. The Fairy of Music remains.\

1. Music Fairy: I, the Fairy of Music, friends,

I hope you recognize me.

All these years day by day

I've been in this room

I have a music box

Our old, good friend,

Crystal melodies

She scatters around.

\ The fairy opens the box, she plays. \

(Music sounds) My box of secrets

And full of songs.

Musical secrets

She will open us!

Notes run out and stand in front of the fairy. They sing, and the fairy guards with a magic wand.

8. Song "Little notes"

\Notes sit down\

Music Fairy:

I give up my place to the Fairy

And I invite her to the hall.

\ Out to a dance tune Dance Fairy. Performs a small dance composition.\

Fairy Dance. I am the Dance Fairy, I am subject to

Polonaises, polkas, waltzes!

I invite you to the stage.

I announce a cheerful dance.

Dance "Top top on the parquet"

Fairy Dance. In the art of dancing

I wish you success.

Magic fairy tales

I give up my seat.

The fairy tale appears.\ goes to the middle of the hall to the music and waves a magic wand at each line of the text. \

Fairy Tales: Villains, princes and princesses

They will come, just wave a wand.

And it becomes clear without a clue -

Fairy Tale appeared at the ball.

To the music The Prince appears, carrying a glass slipper.

Prince: I went halfway across the kingdom, but I couldn't find the one that lost her shoe.

Shapoklyak runs out.

Shapoklyak: What am I to you?

It's me - beautiful Shapoklyak.

I came from a fairy tale

I speak without fear

my shoe,

Give me an example, friends!

(Trying on, the shoe does not fit)

Doesn't fit, not my size...

\ Looks back \

And in general, what is your holiday?

Leading: Grandma Shapoklyak, stop,

And look around you

Look, everything shines with beauty.

Today we have a holiday.

Our kids are graduating!

Shapoklyak: Ah, you are going to school!

School years are terrible

The most, most terrible!

Of course, I congratulate you and give gifts to all of you. For good kids I don't regret anything.

Here's a slingshot for you guys

To shoot birds.

Here's a noisy pistol for you,

To scare each other.

Here are the buttons for you,

To put on a chair.

(She sits down herself, “Oh!” jumps up.)

With this precious stone

You need to break windows.

With this lifesaver

Wave in all directions!

Leading: Oh, oh, oh, what is it, guys, do you really need such gifts?

Children: No, we need portfolios, books and notebooks.

Leading: Our children will be diligent at school!

Shapoklyak: Fu you, you! How smart! And who came up with this school of yours? I'm opening your school harmful sciences. Admission without exams, training is free \ thinking \, or maybe paid, who wants to sign up?

Leading: And what sciences will we study there?

Shapoklyak: I will teach you to smear glue on benches, to quarrel, to fight, to talk, to disobey no one, to shift the blame on another, to be talkative and to speak rudely.

Leading: Enough, enough, Shapoklyak. Guys, do you agree to enroll in such a school?

Children: No!

Leading: Our children enrolled in a good, real school to study.

Shapoklyak: What is taught in that school?

The song "What they teach at school"

Presenter: You see what the school will teach us?

Shapoklyak: Well, I understand a little, but I do not believe that your children will be able to study there. Now, if they guess my riddles, then I'll believe it. So let's start the exam, shall we?

1. In a snowy field on the way
My one-legged horse rushes
And for many, many years
Leaves a black mark.

2. There is a wonderful bench,
You and I sat on it.
The bench is leading both of us
Year after year,
From class to class.

3. You talk more often with her,
Become four times smarter

4. By black and white
They write every now and then.
Rubbing with a rag -
Clear page.

5. Huddling in a narrow house
Multicolored kids.
Just release it -
Where was the void
Look, there is beauty!
(Colour pencils)

6. I carry a new house in my hand,
The door of the house is locked.
Here the tenants are paper,
All are terribly important.

15. The game "Collect a portfolio",

16. The game "Collect the word."(Children play, but Shapoklyak interferes.)

Shapoklyak: Fu you, well you, then I have nothing to do with you, bye!(runs away)

17. Cinderella comes out\ Cinderella's song sounds, she dances \

Cinderella: I hurried to your farewell ball,

Changed everything:

Cleaned all the dishes

I swept the floors in the house.

The good fairy told me, The guys are waiting for me here.

I came to you as promised

But only for 5 minutes!

(Looking around at his outfit, he notices that one shoe is missing.)

There is no one magic shoe,
Now I don't know what to do.
And without her at the preschool ball
I don't feel comfortable coming!
Suitable Prince

Prince: Madam, let me try on the shoe.(trying on)

At the very time, what happiness!

fairy tales: We invite everyone to the ball To the Prince and Cinderella.

Hey funny young friend

Get in a circle!

Children perform "Tango"

fairy tales: My time is up, I say goodbye

And I give way to another Fairy.

Fairy with toys comes out to the music

Fairy Igralia: Friends, I open the door to the country of Igralia.

And dads visited it, and all moms, believe me,

And grandparents will give you the answer,

What is better than Igralia - there is no country in the world!

Song "Dolls and Cars"

\ girls with dolls, boys with cars

Fairy Igrolia : Children, when you grow up, you will have your own favorite hobby, your profession. let's try to guess who you will become?

Game "Who will I become"

The cards are laid out in a circle, the children walk around them, with the end of the music they take the card lying in front of them. On it is a picture of the profession. At the end of the game, everyone lines up and shows their picture.

Fairy Igralia: I am happy to say goodbye!

School Fairy hurries to you friends.

I give these toys as a farewell gift

I will always remember the graduation ball.

Exit Fairy of Knowledge.

Fairy of Knowledge. I see that they are ready for school,

A new bright class is waiting for you.

I give you my bell

Let him invite you to class.

Well, at school a new one is waiting for you,

Very happy call!

(Call sounds)

scene (Son sleeps on a bench)

Mother: (Sings) My son, wake up, the cockerel sang the sutra

Get ready, get dressed, it's time for you to go to school.

Son: (Sings) And I say, leave me alone, I say hunting lies on the bench

The boy does not like all school worries

Mother: (Sings) What to do, tell me, my son is lazy.

I would send him to school, because we have a control.

Son: And I say, leave me alone, I say, but I don't want to study

I love dancing, I love chewing gum, and I love to sing and have fun.

He comes up to his mother and strokes her shoulder.

Mama, mama don't worry, I'm not that bad

Better mom don't worry what kind of girls are with me!

\ Girls come out to a modern fast melody \

Modern dancegirls "Ay, it will be cool"

Mother: Time is my son, and fun is an hour.

It's time to get ready for school, the hour has struck!

Son: Oh, how my legs hurt, I can’t get up from the couch

And three days in bed I have to lie down.

Mother: And I'll call the agency, send a tutor.

\Enter "tutor"with a book in hand to fast music. There is a mise-en-scene, “the tutor tries to say something to the boy, but he puts on headphones and listens to loud music. The tutor waves his hand and leaves. \

Leading: And it's been three days now

And it's time for the boy to go to school

But the boy began to mope again

Son: Mommy, my head hurts...

Mother: Oh, how weak my poor boy is,

It cuts a finger somewhere

That will catch a cold and sneezes,

Doesn't go to school, doesn't read...

And I'll invite the doctor

Let him decide what to do!?

\A boy dressed as a doctor comes out. Looks at his son, shakes his head

Doctor. I think I need to teach the patient a lesson! ...

Son: \jump up\

No, no, I'm fine

I don't need doctors

At school I'm ready to learn

And go to first class

I promise not to be lazy, It was the last time.

Leading: If you lay in bed for a long time,

If you didn't have time to learn the lessons,

If you refused to help your mother,

So, you are seriously ill with laziness.

Laziness can be infected from each other,

Sloth is sticky, like glue or resin.

And there is one medicine - to work,

So that laziness does not find the way to you! ...

Everyone goes to bow.

The fairy gives the bell to her son, who rings it. Children line up in a chessboard

The bell is ringing

  1. The bell called us all

It's time to say goodbye.

Oh, how you do not want, friends,

We part with the garden!

  1. IN Preschool Country we played and sang

But the time has come to say goodbye to friends.

We've grown big, we've all grown up.

Our ship is sailing to other shores!

Song "Our childhood friendship"

Children read poetry for kindergarten staff.

1.Today Thanks a lot we'll say

To all those who gave us affection, care,

He told stories, fed semolina,

To all those who raised us and loved us!

For educators

2 .. We say with all our hearts: “Thank you, educators! After all, now we are not kids, You didn’t waste your time in vain! We grew up here together, But it's time to say goodbye. We're leaving for school soon

Let's say to the garden: "Goodbye!"


Z. In the group we always have cleanliness,

The floor and dishes sparkle.

Our nannies wash in the morning,

Bring order everywhere.

Yes, and they teach the guys

Set the table and be neat.

Each of us knows this:

The work of our nannies must be appreciated!


4. Need a pill or an injection,

The time has come to vaccinate

You hurry to the nurse

"Please come through!" -

Greeted at the door with a smile.

With any pain

only to her!

She will always help us.

Thank you, _____________________

Music director

5. The sounds of songs are heard -

This is a music room.

"The sound world is so interesting!" -

The music worker told us.


6. For being in white powder

Washed our sheets

For always being clean

Napkins and scarves,

hello from us hot

Today our washerwoman!


7. For breakfasts and lunches,

For cabbage soup and compotes,
For high calorie food

For good care

For what was delicious to us,

Thanks to our chefs!


  1. We speak from the bottom of our hearts

Our manager:

"Better than you, believe me, no,

And there is no garden more beautiful!

  1. I'm afraid there are not enough words in the world.

We will remember and love

You, who give your heart to children,

Those who gave us a start in life!

\Children line up for a waltz.\

Host: It's a goodbye moment

Please don't forget us

Together with us, the waltz is sad, as if

Your last, your farewell waltz!

Children perform a farewell waltz.

\Line up in a semicircle.\

1 child Well, that's all ... we need to part ...

Well, that's all, should we cry or laugh?

2 children We have lived carelessly for so many years,

We will understand this later, only over the years.

3 children At the hour of parting, let's say frankly:

It was hard for you, probably,

Forgive us, they did not obey, they were naughty,

But, believe us, we loved you very much!

4 children Thanks everyone! Earth bow!

From us, graduates, accept.

And just as carefully, loving,

Teach your other children!

5 children We will not forget you, dear kindergarten,

Let's remember a cozy and joyful house.

Our magic boat floats on the waves,

And someday it will become a great ship!

\Children pass from hand to hand a souvenir boat\

Song "Childhood first step"

Leading: Dear graduates, the head of the kindergarten addresses you with kind parting words and wishes.

The floor is given to the head of the kindergarten, the presentation of diplomas, ribbons.

A response from parents of graduates

Children approach the airship. Hanging from the ceiling Balloons. They take them, go outside, launch balloons into the sky, making their most cherished wish.

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