Interesting facts about dances and dancers. Interesting facts about dancing


Briton H. Ellis, who specializes in gender relations, believes that dance is just a way to transmit a powerful physiological impulse to each other. But many choreographers do not agree with such a purely biological interpretation. And they believe that the true movement of the soul is hidden behind the movements of the body.

It is much easier for a woman to dance salsa than for a man. After all, the initiative comes exclusively from the partner, and the lady can only be led and repeat. This one was born incendiary dance, for a long time considered forbidden, in no less forbidden establishments: underground gambling houses of Cuba.

If you at least once heard the name of the Italian dance tarantella, then you probably noticed the similarity of this word with the word "tarantula". They are truly family and friends. In the 15th century, Italian doctors "invented" such a disease as tarantism - the insanity of a person bitten by a tarantula. It was believed that it was possible to cure the disease with the help of special body movements accompanied by music. Later they became a dance.

Our contemporaries, being heavily drunk, like to climb holiday tables and perform on them, as it seems to them, very seductive dances. This tradition originated in 1894 in France. On March 13, two young Parisian artists feasted in their apartment with two models. The wine flowed like a river, and the girls, “who had reached the standard”, suddenly climbed onto the table and began to make indecent steps on it, throwing off their clothes. According to legend, the same date is considered the official birthday of strip dancers.

One of the most beautiful and emotional dances - tango - was born in the brothels of the Argentine capital. There was a time when it was danced mainly by men: singly and even in pairs. Moreover, the machos dancing side by side did not cause any chuckles or obscene jokes. After all, they were just partners in the dance, nothing more. And they united because partners - as a rule, women of easy behavior - were in great short supply. While the dancers honed their skills, the lady watching them chose the best and then danced with him. Quarrels and fights often broke out on the dance floors, it even came to the point of murder.

Movements for many graceful aristocratic dances were borrowed by choreographers from folk dances. And the first dance teachers appeared only in the 15th century.

The legendary Isadora Duncan broke all the canons classical ballet when she went on stage barefoot. She wanted to revive the traditions of ancient Greek dancers, who also performed the most complex movements barefoot.

The sirtaki dance, which we strongly associate with Greece, was actually invented American actor Anthony Quinn. In 1964, he was filming Zorba the Greek and decided not to stop working even when he broke his leg outside. film set. In one of the scenes, the actor had to dance. Resourceful Anthony came up with steps that allow him to move naturally, and asked the composer M. Theodorakis to write music to them more slowly. So if sirtaki can be called Greek dance, then only half.

1. Meringue.

In this style of dance, the basic movements are similar to the gait of a lame man. But the main highlight of this dance are light erotic movements. Meringue can be learned in any club on the dance floor.

2. Salsa.

The girl must completely improvise, following her partner. The partner is the head of salsa, the girl should just enjoy the dance. There is a legend that says that the Casino salsa began to be danced in gambling establishments that were closed by the authorities. This happened after the Cuban revolution. And now this dance is gaining very great popularity, as evidenced by a large number.

From the African communities in Buenos Aires, this dance originated. The name originates from the dance to the sounds of the drum. And the very word "tango" is attributed to the Nigerian people of Ibibio. Initially, only men danced the tango. Thus, they attracted the attention of women.

4. Belly dance.

In the 10th century, this dance was brought with them by the Ghazi gypsies from India to the Middle East. To date, experts have about 50 styles. oriental dance belly.

5 Barn dancing.

Barn dancing is translated as "dancing in the barn." This type of dance has never gone out of fashion in the United States of America. You can understand what Barn dancing is by watching the video filmed to the song of the Rednex Cotton Eye Joe group.

6. Hip-hop.

The birthplace of hip-hop is the South Bronx, in New York. They began to dance it in the 1980s of the last century. Hip-hop includes krump, waving, breakdance and C-Walk.

7. Bachata.

There is a saying among dancers that if you have never danced bachata, then you have not danced at all. The purpose of the dance is the contact of partners, and the closer it is, the better. As such, the dance does not have many turns. But throwing a partner from side to side, as well as side passages, are used very often. This dance belongs to those species that are worth seeing with your own eyes. Better yet, try dancing.

8. Reggaeton.

The dance originates from Puerto Rico and Panama. If you are not good enough physical form, alas, but this species dance is not available to you. By the way, for many people, seeing the performance of the dance, it resembles the mating courtship of some species from the animal kingdom.

In order to take part in a noble meeting or to get to the Viennese Christmas ball, you simply need to be able to dance the waltz. Whether you get to such events will be decided at special rehearsals.

10. Cha-cha-cha.

This dance is also known as the "coquette dance". By the way: in many Soviet schools taught to dance cha-cha-cha without fail. The second name of the dance was due to the fact that expressive movements of the hips are obligatory in it.

barefoot dance

We are all used to seeing dancers in Czechs or shoes. But at the end of the 19th century, the legendary Isadora Duncan violated all the canons of classical ballet when she went on stage without shoes. She wanted to revive the traditions of ancient Greek dancers, who also performed the most complex movements barefoot. Thus Duncan became the founder of " free dance". This was one of the components of the formation modern direction contemporary and modern.

How do ballerinas dress?

Surely for every ballerina is presented in a pack. Today it has become an integral part of classical ballet. But not everyone knows that before finally forming, such an image passed long haul and has undergone many changes.

Yes, back in early XIX For centuries, ballerinas performed on stage in outfits that were no different from those in which the spectators were. Basically, they were bulky long dresses with corsets and, of course, high heeled shoes. But over time, the technique of ballerinas became more complicated and lighter clothes were required for the stage. First, the dancers abandoned corsets, and then shortened their skirts.

Who Invented the Ballet Tutu?

It was first sewn in 1839 for the famous Italian ballerina Maria Taglioni (it was she who was the first in the world to stand on her toes in a dance). The dancer performed main party fairy tale in the ballet "La Sylphide", for which she needed an appropriate outfit. It was invented by her father. It was a dress that gave the image of the heroine airiness and grace. The skirt for him was sewn from several layers of tulle, although it was longer than a modern tutu. This outfit caused great delight among the audience. Further, the fashion for the image of a ballerina was constantly changing and in the 20th century short, puffy and wide tutus became popular.

Dance as a "sport"

Numerous studies have shown that a ballet performance that lasts for three hours is equivalent to a 30-kilometer run or two football matches 90 minutes each. And one occupation, popular today, social dancing equals a 6-7-kilometer walk at a brisk pace. Therefore, dancing is undoubtedly beneficial for the figure and health. In addition, they bring much more pleasure than grueling workouts in the gym.

Pop style icon

Did you know exactly what american singer, dancer and choreographer Michael Jackson made dancing an important element modern pop music. His movements have become standard vocabulary in pop and hip hop dance, and can be seen in many music videos and concerts of the most contemporary artists worldwide.

We hope our article has been useful to you. IN dance world there are many more interesting things that you can learn about on our website.

Briton H. Ellis, who specializes in gender relations, believes that dance is just a way to transmit a powerful physiological impulse to each other. But many choreographers do not agree with such a purely biological interpretation. And they believe that the true movement of the soul is hidden behind the movements of the body.

1. Officially presented in the Guinness Book of Records, such a world record as the 37-year-old Kalamandalam Hemalente dancer from India danced a folk dance for 123 hours and 15 minutes. As Hemalente herself said, she went for such a record because the national dance of her country was in a worthy place and that it was always remembered.

2. Such a dance as " belly dance"appeared in the Middle East thanks to the same India, around the 10th century the Ghazi gypsies brought it there. And today there are already more than 50 different styles oriental dances.

3. Dance" Tango"spread from African communities in Buenos Aires. The very word of the name of the dance came from the Nigerian people of Ibibo, which meant "dance to the sounds of a drum." And initially this dance was danced only by men who sought the location of women.

4. Dancing in the barn" Barn dancing"- have always been in fashion in the USA. You can get your idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat barn dancing" Barn dancing "is by watching the video of the Rednex Cotton Eye Joe group.

5. Impromptu dance for everyone famous name salsa, is when the partner improvises the entire dance, and his partner obediently obeys his movements and enjoys it. If you believe the legend about this dance, then they began to dance Salsa after the revolution in Cuba, while dancing it in gaming establishments that were closed by the authorities.

6. Founder tribal considered Jamila Salimpour, as well as her students Masha Archer and Karolina Nerikchio. They developed a style that later became known as the American Tribal Style. The formation of this oriental dance was influenced by indian dance, flamenco, African dance, yoga, modern, even hip-hop are noticeable. Music for this style is mainly used from the regions of the Middle East, North Africa, sometimes Indian trance.

7. Basic dance moves merengue- resembles a limping gait. And the main highlight of this dance is the light presence of erotic movements. You can learn how to dance merengue right on the dance floor.

8. The cha-cha-cha dance, which was compulsory in many Soviet schools, is called the “dance of coquettes” because it is characterized, first of all, by expressive movements of the hips.

9. Dance reggaeton originates in Panama and Puerto Rico. This dance requires good physical shape. The movements of the reggaeton dance may resemble the mating courtship of certain animal species.

10. Hip-hop originated in the South Bronx, New York in the 1980s. TO musical direction Rap, funk and beatbox belong to hip-hop, graffiti belongs to visual, and break-dance, crunch, C-Walk and waving belong to dance.

11. They say that if you have never danced bachata then you didn't dance at all. the main objective in this dance - the closest contact of partners. There are few turns in the dance, but there are many side passages and “throws” of the lady from side to side.

12. If you at least once heard the name of the Italian dance tarantella, then you probably noticed the similarity of this word with the word " tarantula". They are truly "relatives". In the 15th century, Italian doctors "invented" such a disease as tarantism - the insanity of a person bitten by a tarantula. It was believed that it was possible to cure the disease with the help of special body movements accompanied by music. Later they became a dance.

13. Dance Sirtaki, which we strongly associate with Greece, was actually invented by American actor Anthony Quinn. In 1964, he was filming Zorba the Greek and decided not to stop working even when he broke his leg off the set. In one of the scenes, the actor had to dance. Resourceful Anthony came up with steps that allow him to move naturally, and asked the composer M. Theodorakis to write music to them more slowly. So if sirtaki can be called a Greek dance, then only half.

14. In order to get to the well-known Viennese Christmas ball, or a charity ball, you must be able to dance waltz. Such skills are determined at special rehearsals.

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In our body, all emotions, both positive and negative, are reflected in the body, as in a mirror.

Our body knows and remembers all the experiences of the soul, and constantly restrained, driven inside the negative poisons the body no worse toxic substances. Due to constant tight control, contact with the body is broken, and sometimes completely lost, and we stop perceiving the impulses and signals that it sends to us, including through emotions. This leads to various diseases, physical inactivity, stress, depression, misunderstanding and rejection of oneself and others.

ballroom dancing - universal remedy general development person. They relieve stiffness and make behavior more natural; develop a sense of rhythm, coordination of movements; improve the perception of beauty and harmony; contribute to the elimination of uncertainty and fears; develop sensitivity towards other people; expand horizons and aesthetic taste; develop perception and associative thinking.

Classes ballroom dancing give the opportunity to find agreement with one's own body and express feelings in the language of movements, which contributes to the preservation of health and peace of mind. For example, Wilhelm Reich, the famous psychotherapist, wrote: “It doesn’t matter how a person moves, the most important thing is what he feels.” The concept of the Reich was based on the fact that repressed emotions are collected in the body in special zones -
patterns from which the so-called psychophysical shell is formed.

Dance allows not only to accurately identify these areas, but also to break the emotional shackles, relieve tension through physical movements.

European dances develop correct posture and beautiful figure. In addition, these dances contribute to the manifestation of respect, sensitivity and tenderness between a man and a woman dancing in a pair. States of inspiration and loftiness appear.

Tango - strengthens the press, strengthens the muscular system in general, improves stretching, increases plasticity, develops coordination of movements and a sense of rhythm. Tango is the fire dance of love.

Historical reference

Argentine tango originated around 1900 in port taverns and other entertainment venues Buenos Aires and surroundings. Around 1910, the tango became the favorite dance of the Argentine high society, a decade later it gained popularity in Europe - despite the objection of church leaders and guardians of morality, who considered tango an indecent dance.

In Europe, the melancholic melodies and the leisurely elegance of the tango, which came to the Old World already in a refined and stylized form, made this dance a favorite of all dance halls.

Tango is characterized by decisiveness and clarity, sudden stops, unexpected postures, changes in direction.

Waltz - dance of tenderness, sensitivity, sincerity and love.

viennese waltz - dance of lightness, joy, sublimity.

Historical note on the waltz

Born and bloomed waltz at the beginning of the 19th century in Vienna, and then throughout the world. IN different countries this "king" of dancing acquired certain national traits. The waltz quickly gained popularity in aristocratic circles, becoming an alternative to the court minuet, and then completely displacing it. It is quite natural that Vienna, the musical metropolis of that era, also became the capital of the waltz. Soon the Viennese innovation was already an obligatory sign of aristocratic education.

As a result of development musical form waltz at the beginning of the 20th century in the 20s, new dances appeared in England: waltz boston And slow waltz . They became the parents of the modern slow waltz.

Interestingly, at the beginning of its development, the waltz had many opponents with royal palaces. The waltz was considered an obscene dance because the lady and the gentleman dance too close to each other. And only after Princess Victoria invited the Johann Strauss Orchestra on the day of her coronation - June 28, 1838, the waltz finally "settled" in the palace ballrooms. In addition, two remarkable composers who lived in Vienna - Johann Strauss-father (1804 - 1849) and even more famous Johann Strauss-son, who wrote such widely known and popular masterpieces today as "The Blue Danube" and "Tales of the Vienna Woods", undoubtedly contributed to the formation of the Viennese waltz, as well as to the fact that in the 19th century this dance eclipsed all others

Foxtrot forms aristocracy, dignity, honor.

Quick step helps to cultivate aristocracy, elegance, lightness.

Any kind Latin American dances actively trains the cardiovascular system, strengthens the abdominal muscles, promotes fat burning. An hour consumes 300 to 500 calories.

Samba due to the alternation of slow and fast rhythms, it reduces the level of anxiety, reduces the perception of pain. Joy and lightness accumulate in the body.

Historical reference

Samba appeared in Brazil. It was danced and continues to be danced now as a festival dance during the street festival and celebrations.

Cha-cha-cha - the dance of life and aspiration.

Captivating, syncopated latin dance, which originated in the 1950s as a slow motion mambo . Playing Cha-Cha-Cha music should produce a happy, carefree, slightly unleashed atmosphere. Cha-Cha-Cha got its name and character because of the special repetitive basic rhythm and the specific maracas instrument.

Rumba - romantic dance love and passion.

Doubles cuban dance African origin. Distinctive feature rumba are erotic flowing movements combined with wide steps. Learning to dance will require a good sense of rhythm and temperament.

Rock'n'roll And jive increase joy, activity, purposefulness.

paso doble - helps to overcome self-doubt, fear of public speaking and also stuttering.

In addition, there are many other dances that help people experience joyful emotions and increase your health.

Flamenco - dance of fire and temperament. Flamenco is also a family dance. In Spain, the whole family gathers and everyone takes turns dancing flamenco.

Dances of the Caucasian peoples are dances of the sun and cheerfulness. And also dancing manhood and female nobility.

Russians folk dances contribute to the development of physical strength and endurance, flexibility and longevity. They teach interaction in a team, and show the whole range of joyful creative emotions.

Cancan - intensively burns excess fats and negative emotions, forms slender legs, increases the body's endurance many times.

Eastern dance (belly dance) normalizes the functions of the female reproductive organs, the menstrual cycle, prevents osteochondrosis, osteoporosis and displacement of the intervertebral discs, is responsible for the prevention of hypertension, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and metabolic processes. As a result, facial skin improves, wrinkles disappear, thin waist and easy walking.

Sirtaki , round dances and other collective dances are very useful for people with impaired coordination of movements, psychologically unstable and prone to egocentrism.

Irish folk dances pump up legs, clean excess fat, develop lightness, jumping ability, sense of rhythm, coordination of movements.

Brazilian capoeira develops the muscles of the whole body, improves coordination of movements, increases the endurance of the cardiovascular system, physical strength, flexibility.

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