What are the Russian traditions and customs. Traditions at the wedding: Russian signs and customs to start a happy family life

Rida Khasanova August 30, 2018

It is believed that the observance of some wedding signs is given warmth and happiness in family relationships. Age-old traditions are not subject to doubt and discussion, as they are passed from parents to children. Often it is the closest relatives who are responsible for the customs, without which the wedding event is incomplete. Undoubtedly, many newlyweds have to find a compromise.

Photo of the wedding ceremony

modern wedding traditions

Traditional wedding ceremony in Russia starts with a meeting. It usually runs with . A pood of salt for a wedding for the young is prepared, as a rule, by the mother of the groom. Since Soviet times, champagne has been added to bread, although in some regions vodka is poured in the old fashioned way.

These traditions are very subjective depending on the values ​​of the family of the bride and groom.

Wedding rings were placed on a scarf, which was raised above the crown of the bride and groom. Such a wedding ceremony in Russian traditions meant the fulfillment of a love covenant in heaven, since the human head was associated with the heavenly world.

The newlyweds at the time of the marriage were surrounded by awe. According to the ideas of our ancestors, the creation of a family was the creation of a new world, where not two people unite, but the sun (groom) and the earth (bride).

Slavic wedding customs

Another Slavic wedding ritual in Rus' - ritual around the stove. When a young man brought his wife to his house, the first thing she did was to bow and pray to the hearth, since it was considered the heart of the dwelling.

Fellow villagers led round dances around the hut newlyweds throughout the wedding night. So people gave blessings new family. Ancient superstitions and signs of happiness were clearly expressed in rich clothes. Red or gold belts at the wedding were a talisman. Later, after the holiday, if the husband was away, the wife girded herself with his wedding belt so as not to get sick.

Like the belt, the ring had the shape of a circle and signified the absence of a beginning and an end. Both were considered a symbol of fidelity, a girdle of evil, instincts or chaos.

Any Slavic amulets, including wedding ones, symbolized protection from evil.

Nowadays, some rather old customs are still used by newlyweds. Eg, . This tradition has been passed down from generation to generation. The towel was necessarily inherited as a dowry or was sewn by the bride on her own and was used in the ancient rituals of the ancient Slavs, as it supposedly had healing powers.

In some provinces from the hut the groom unrolled a woven track to the bride's house. When they approached her in a wagon, she stepped only on it. This happened because their houses had images of two universes, and everything else - of the uncreated world.

Wedding in the old Slavonic style

Sometimes bonfires were laid out near the threshold. The groom and his friends jumped over the fire before going to the bride, being cleansed of everything so that the marriage takes place in innocence. Some of the customs and traditions of Russian weddings are still used in modern themed celebrations.

Wedding without traditions - interesting and unusual wedding ideas

The most popular ceremony is: the bride and groom sprinkle black and White sand from the vessels into one container, thereby promising each other that from now on they will be one and never be able to part. The drawing, which is obtained by mixing sand of different colors, always turns out to be individual, like the fate of people.

Sand ceremony at the wedding

The next touching ceremony begins with the fact that the newlyweds write before the wedding two letters to each other. In them, young people guess the first 10 years of married life. You can specify the following:

  • what common goals they share;
  • what feelings they experience on the night before the wedding;
  • how they are waiting for this day;
  • who will drink the most at the feast;
  • who will dance the most incendiary dance;
  • who will say the longest toast;
  • who will give the biggest bouquet;
  • what they swear to each other.

Besides, messages can be added:

  • attach additional letters to future children;
  • add drawings;
  • express feelings in verse.

The longer the letter gets, the more interesting it will be to read on the 10th wedding anniversary. Next, you need to purchase your favorite drink that will not deteriorate over such a period. It is placed in the box along with the letters. The joint of the lid is sealed with wax candles and, accordingly, with a seal.

wine ceremony

If it happens that the newlyweds in a few years will not be able to cope with any life situation, this box can be opened ahead of time. Taking out your favorite drink and remembering your feelings, build relationships. This idea is called the box slamming ceremony and is even recommended by psychologists.

Hay or wood shavings, as well as ribbons, will make the box look sleeker. You can close it with a lock or nails.

A beautiful wine ceremony at a wedding is best done during registration. So the marriage will be more complete. The time capsule can become family heirloom, reminiscent of this day, and a good piece of furniture.

How to make wedding ceremonies the most relevant

When compiling the guest list, the newlyweds often know which of them will come with a couple, and who is alone. The handover of the wedding baton is a favorite story. For a successful competition, you can count single girlfriends and friends, and then play their numbers at the auction.

In addition to the attribute of the bride, such as a garter, a piece of a tie is also thrown to the guests, acting as an anti-garter. The one who catches her, according to tradition, will not have time to marry in a year. Such a ceremony will be especially in demand among single men with a good sense of humor.

From the first dance of the young do not refuse even in the absence of skills, because help can be obtained from a professional. The choreographer or director will add professional movements to amateur ones. A special entourage of the room is given by the team or bright props.

First a wedding dance young

Another option is to perform the song as a duet. The first wedding live video is not forbidden to be performed with a soundtrack. Guests are unlikely to expect this, so it is joyful to be surprised in any case.

What are the wedding customs for the parents of the bride and groom?

As already mentioned, parents can put a slingshot at the wedding, but there are a number of unifying ceremonies. The first thing the bride's parents should do is bless the marriage. To do this, the father leads the bride to the groom standing at the altar, and dances with her at the banquet.

parents at the wedding

Classic wedding traditions for the groom's parents include his dance with his native and godmother. Good idea- arrange these dances in one or more of the following ways:

  • slideshow of children's photos;
  • sparklers;
  • candles;
  • confetti.

The rite of interbreeding families is called family hearth ceremony, although all guests can participate in it

To do this, candles are distributed to all married people so that everyone can pass on a piece of their family hearth and warmth to the newlyweds. The newlyweds blow out the lights and make wishes in honor of the family's first birthday.

The last candles are given by parents, they seem to give. Since ancient times, only the mother of the bride participated in the ceremony. She passed the ember from her oven to her daughter so that she would cook dinner for the first time in the new house. In modern times, the mother of the groom also joins this.

Ignition of the family hearth

The participation of parents at the son's wedding mainly takes place in the banquet part of the event. In addition to the usual toasts with life stories they can sing, thereby fitting into the framework of a European wedding.

Thus, parents and guests express sadness about the passing of a bachelor. According to Russian traditions, invitees should meet the bride in the house of the bride or groom, and not at the restaurant. each family decides differently. You can listen to, or you can just from pure heart wish the young a good journey in the new family life.

Parents escorting the bride and groom

Asking the question of who should pay for the wedding according to tradition, one must turn to the Slavic dowry rule. Since the parents themselves agreed on the marriage, they paid for the festivities. Depending on the value acquired by the bride, the groom's parents were charged a fee. To date, in this issue everything is individual.

Traditions for the second and third wedding day

The second day of the wedding is usually spent in nature, in a cafe or sauna in the afternoon. The duration of rest is usually 6 hours, but this is not the limit. The scenario for this day is thought out in advance. small styling and themed activities decorate the continuation of the celebration in the best way.

Traditionally, the husband and wife cook pancakes at the wedding on the second day to sell them. It is believed that whoever eats the most will be lucky all year. You can replace them with a multi-level ready-made cake.

A wedding cake

If young people ride around the city that day, the tradition of blocking the road at a wedding obliges them to give delicious gifts. If you give a treat to those who could, then the couple will be able to pay off bad luck in this way. On the third day, the newlyweds open gifts, view photos and send postcards to guests. Some go to the local bridge and hang as a symbol of eternal love.

Wedding traditions of the world

Any marriage implies a marriage contract, in which the rights and obligations of the newlyweds can be discussed.

Oriental weddings begin with the conclusion of the testimony of the parents in the mosque, in order to give sacredness to the ceremony. IN Arab countries without this paper, young people are not even settled in the same room together.

After the business part, two people who create a family have long been obliged to give their consent aloud three times. In addition, if the newlyweds reveal insincere intentions about the wedding, their marriage is considered invalid.

Therefore, the strongest bonds, as a rule, are created in the east. But in Russian Federation the negotiated marriage contract has no legal force until it is registered in the registry office. Otherwise, a Muslim wedding in Russia is no different from a traditional Islamic one.

There are a lot of wedding traditions. There are even more variations. They make the wedding more solemn. But at the same time, more traditions make it harder to perceive, because in fact there is less time for communication, games and dances.

Another one interesting tradition is a union of young families. A video of the marriage ceremony at the wedding can be viewed here:

Rites, customs and traditions of the Russian people are rooted in ancient times. Many of them have changed significantly over time and have lost their sacred meaning. But there are some that still exist. Let's consider some of them.

The calendar rites of the Russian people are rooted in the days of the ancient Slavs. At that time, people cultivated the land and raised cattle, worshiped pagan idols.

Here are some of the rituals:

  1. Sacrificial rites to the god Veles. He patronized pastoralists and farmers. Before sowing the crop, people went out into the field, wearing clean clothes. They decorated their heads with wreaths, they held flowers in their hands. The oldest villager began to sow and threw the first grain into the ground
  2. The harvest was also timed to coincide with the festival. Absolutely all the villagers gathered near the field and sacrificed the largest animal to Veles. The men began to plow the first strip of land, while the women at that time gathered the grain and gathered it into sheaves. At the end of the harvest, they set the table with generous treat, decorated it with flowers and ribbons
  3. Maslenitsa - calendar rite which has come down to our days. The ancient Slavs turned to the sun god Yaril with a request to send a rich harvest. They baked pancakes, danced round dances, burned the famous Maslenitsa scarecrow
  4. Forgiveness Sunday is the most important day of Shrovetide. On this day, people asked for forgiveness from relatives and relatives, and also forgave all offenses themselves. After this day, Great Lent began.

Despite the fact that Maslenitsa has lost its religious meaning, people are still happy to take part in mass festivities, bake pancakes and rejoice in the coming spring.

Christmas traditions

It is impossible not to say about the Christmas rituals, which remain relevant to this day. They are traditionally held from January 7 to January 19 in the period from Christmas to Epiphany.

The sacred rites are as follows:

  1. Kolyada. Youth and children go from house to house dressed up, and the residents treat them with sweets. Now they rarely carol, but the tradition has not yet become obsolete
  2. Holy divination. Young girls and women gather in groups and arrange fortune-telling. Most often, these are rituals that allow you to find out who will become narrowed, how many children will be born in marriage, and so on.
  3. And on January 6, before Christmas in Rus', they cooked compote with rice, cooked delicious pastries and slaughtered livestock. It was believed that this tradition helps to attract a rich harvest in the spring and provide the family with material well-being.

Now the Christmas rites have lost their magical sacrament and are used mainly for entertainment. Another reason to have fun in the company of girlfriends and friends is to arrange a group fortune-telling for the betrothed, dress up and carol on holidays.

Family rituals in Rus'

Family rituals were given great importance. For matchmaking, holding a wedding or baptizing newborns, special rituals were used, which were sacredly honored and observed.

Weddings, as a rule, were scheduled for a time after a successful harvest or baptism. Also, a favorable time for the ceremony was considered the week following happy holiday Easter. The newlyweds were married in several stages:

  • Matchmaking. In order to marry the bride to the groom, all close relatives from both sides gathered together. They discussed the dowry, where the young couple would live, agreed on gifts for the wedding
  • After the blessing of the parents was received, preparations for the celebration began. The bride and her bridesmaids gathered every evening and prepared a dowry: they sewed, knitted and wove clothes, bed linen, tablecloths and other home textiles. Singing sad songs
  • On the first day of the wedding, the bride said goodbye to girlhood. Girlfriends sang sad ritual songs of the Russian people, farewell laments - after all, the girl from that moment turned out to be in complete submission to her husband, no one knew how her family life would turn out
  • According to custom, on the second day of the wedding, the newly-made husband, along with his friends, went to his mother-in-law for pancakes. They arranged a stormy feast, went to visit all the new relatives

When a child appeared in a new family, he had to be baptized. The rite of baptism was performed immediately after birth. It was necessary to choose a reliable godfather - this person bore great responsibility, almost on a par with parents, for the fate of the baby.

And when the baby was one year old, a cross was cut off on his crown. It was believed that this rite gives the child protection from evil spirits and evil eye.

When the child grew up, he was obliged to visit his godparents every year on Christmas Eve with refreshments. And those, in turn, presented him with presents, treated him with sweets.

Watch a video about the rituals and customs of the Russian people:

mixed rites

Separately, it is worth talking about such interesting rituals:

  • Celebration of Ivan Kupala. It was believed that only from that day on it was possible to swim. Also on this day, a fern bloomed - one who will find flowering plant will reveal all hidden secrets. People made bonfires and jumped over them: it was believed that a couple who jumped over the fire, holding hands, would be together until death
  • From pagan times came the custom to commemorate the dead. At the memorial table, there must have been a rich meal and wine

To follow the ancient traditions or not is everyone's business. But you can not build them into a cult, but pay tribute to the ancestors, their culture, the history of their country. This applies to religious practices. Concerning recreational activities, such as Maslenitsa or the celebration of Ivan Kupala - this is another reason to have fun in the company of friends and soulmate.

To a modern person, the customs of the ancient Slavs may seem like some kind of terrible fantasy. But it really was. From these ancient customs, it becomes great to feel uneasy. And for some today it would be easy to get a criminal term.

We have collected seven of the strangest rites of our ancestors. Especially for women and children.


"Father-in-law". V. Makovsky

This neutral word was called the sexual relationship between the father-in-law and the daughter-in-law. Not that it was approved, but it was considered a very small sin. Often fathers married their sons at the age of 12-13 to girls of 16-17 years old. In the meantime, the guys were catching up in the development of their young wives, dad worked out the conjugal service for them. A completely win-win option was to send my son to work for six months or even better in the army for twenty years. Then the daughter-in-law, remaining in her husband's family, had practically no chance of refusing her father-in-law. If she resisted, she did the hardest and dirtiest work and put up with the constant nagging of the “starshak” (as the head of the family was called). Now you would talk with the old man law enforcement and then there was nowhere to complain.

dump sin

"Fern Bloom". O. Gurenkov

Now this can only be seen in special films, mostly German-made. And earlier they were engaged in this in Russian villages on Ivan Kupala. This holiday combined pagan and Christian traditions. So, after dancing around the fire, the couples went to look for fern flowers in the forest. For you to understand, the fern does not bloom, it reproduces by spores. This is just an excuse for young people to go into the forest and indulge in carnal pleasures. Moreover, such connections did not oblige either boys or girls to anything.


B. Olshansky “Terem of the Princess of Winter”

This custom, which can also be called a sin, is described by the Italian traveler Roccolini. All the youth of the village gathered in the big house. They sang and danced by the light of the torch. And when the torch went out, they indulged in love joys blindly with those who were nearby. Then the torch was lit, and the fun with dancing continued again. And so on until dawn. That night, when Roccolini hit the Gasky, the torch went out and lit up five times. Did the traveler himself participate in Russian folk ritual, history is silent.


This rite has nothing to do with sex, you can relax. It was customary to “bake” a premature or weak baby in the oven. Not in barbecue, of course, but rather in bread. It was believed that if the baby was not “prepared” in the womb, then it was necessary to bake it yourself. Strength to gain, get stronger. The baby was wrapped in a special rye dough cooked in water. They left only the nostrils to breathe. They tied them to a bread shovel and, while pronouncing secret words, sent them to the oven for a while. Of course, the oven was not hot, but warm. No one was going to serve the child to the table. In such a rite, they tried to burn diseases. Whether this helped, history is silent.

scare pregnant

L. Plakhov. “Hay rest”

Our ancestors treated childbirth with special trepidation. It was believed that this moment the child passes from the world of the dead to the world of the living. The process itself is already difficult for a woman, and the midwives tried to make it completely unbearable. A specially trained grandmother was attached between the legs of the woman in labor and persuaded the pelvic bones to move apart. If that didn't help, then future mother they began to frighten, rattle pots, they could gasp near her from a gun. They also loved to induce vomiting in a woman in labor. It was believed that when she vomits, baby goes more willingly. For this, her own scythe was shoved into her mouth or her fingers were thrust into her mouth.


This wild rite used not only in some regions of Rus', but also in France, Armenia and other countries. It was believed that a newborn baby should be nourished by strength from salt. It seemed to be an alternative to overcooking. The child was smeared with fine salt, including the ears and eyes. Probably to hear and see well after that. Then they wrapped it in rags and kept it that way for a couple of hours, ignoring the inhuman cries. Those who were richer literally buried the child in salt. Cases are described when, after such a wellness procedure, all skin peeled off the baby. But this is nothing, but then it will be healthy.

Rite of the Dead

V. Korolkov. "Marriage Ceremony"

This terrible rite is nothing more than a wedding. Those dresses of the bride, which we now consider solemn, our ancestors called funeral. A white robe, a veil, which covered the face of a dead man so that he would not accidentally open his eyes and look at one of the living. The whole ceremony of marriage was perceived as a new birth of a girl. And in order to be born, you must first die. A white cockle was put on the head of the young woman (a headdress like that of nuns). They usually buried in it. From there, one goes to mourn the bride, which is still practiced in some villages in the outback. But now they are crying that the girl is leaving the house, and earlier they were crying about her “death”. The rite of redemption also did not just arise. By this, the groom tries to find the bride in world of the dead and output to White light. Bridesmaids in this case were perceived as guardians afterlife. Therefore, if you are suddenly invited to bargain with the groom on the spit on the staircase in the entrance, remember where this tradition comes from and do not agree))

The Russian people carefully honor ancient traditions which appeared in the times of Rus'. These customs reflected paganism and the veneration of idols, which replaced them with Christianity, the ancient way of life. Traditions were born in every household occupation of the inhabitants of Rus'. The experience of older generations was passed on to younger followers, children learned worldly wisdom at parents.

In ancient Russian traditions, such features of our people as love for nature, hospitality, respect for elders, cheerfulness and breadth of soul are clearly manifested. Such customs take root among people, it is easy and pleasant to follow them. They are a reflection of the history of the country and people.

Main Russian traditions

Russian wedding

wedding traditions ancient Rus' are rooted in pagan times. Weddings within and between tribes were accompanied by worship of pagan idols, thematic chants and rituals. At that time, the customs of different villages differed from each other. A single rite originates in Rus' with the advent of Christianity.

Attention was paid to all stages of the event. Acquaintance of families, meeting of the bride and groom, matchmaking and bride-to-be - everything happened according to a strict scenario, with certain actors. Traditions affected the baking of a wedding loaf, the preparation of a dowry, wedding dresses, feasts.

The central event in wedding celebration marriage was rightfully considered. It was this church sacrament that made the marriage valid.

Russian family

From time immemorial, the Russian family has accepted and honored the traditions and family values of his people. And if in past centuries there were persistent patriarchal foundations in the family, then to XIX century such foundations were more restrained traditional character, in the XX century and at the present time, the Russian family adheres to the moderate, but familiar traditions of Russian life.

The head of the family is the father, as well as older relatives. In modern Russian families, the father and mother are in equal degrees of supremacy, equally engaged in raising children and organizing, maintaining family life.

However, common traditional and Orthodox holidays, and national customs are celebrated in Russian families to this day, such as Christmas, Maslenitsa, Easter, New Year and intrafamilial traditions of weddings, hospitality and even in some cases tea drinking.

Russian hospitality

Meeting guests in Rus' has always been joyful, good event. A wanderer who was tired from the road was greeted with bread and salt, offered him rest, led to a bathhouse, paid attention to his horse, and changed into clean clothes. The guest was sincerely interested in how he traveled, where he was going, whether his journey had good goals. This shows the generosity of the Russian people, their love for their neighbors.

Russian loaf

One of the most famous Russian flour dishes, which were prepared for the holidays (for example, for a wedding) exclusively married women and put on the table by men, is a loaf, considered a symbol of fertility, wealth and family well-being. The loaf is decorated with various dough figures and baked in the oven, it is distinguished by its rich taste, attractive appearance worthy of being considered a true work of culinary art.

Russian bath

Bath customs were created by our ancestors with special love. A visit to the bath in ancient Rus' pursued not only the goal of cleansing the body, but also the whole rite. The bath was visited before important events and holidays. Bathing in the bath was taken slowly, in good mood with loved ones and friends. The habit of pouring cold water after the steam room - another Russian tradition.

Russian tea party

The appearance of tea in Rus' in the seventeenth century not only made this drink a favorite among Russian people, but also laid the foundation for the classic Russian tea tradition. Such attributes of tea drinking as a samovar and its decorations make tea drinking at home cozy. Drinking this fragrant drink from saucers, with bagels and pastries, biting with sawn sugar - traditions have been passed down from generation to generation and observed in every Russian home.

Russian Fair

In traditional holidays festivities various fun fairs opened their doors in Rus'. What could not be found at the fair: delicious gingerbread, painted handicrafts, folk toys. What could not be seen at the fair: buffoons, games and fun, a carousel and dances with round dances, as well as folk theater and its main regular host - the mischievous Petrushka.

In Russia, traditions are honored, passed down from generation to generation. Some traditions appeared a little earlier, and some later. In this article we will consider those customs that have survived to this day.

Divination for the betrothed

After the baptism of Rus', the traditions of paganism and Christianity intertwined. On the eve of the big holidays of Christianity (Christmas, Epiphany and others), it was customary to carol, guess. Today, there is also such a tradition, the same fortune-telling is used. Fortune-tellers gathered in whole groups to find out about their future (wealth, family, children). For divination, the most miscellaneous items- dishes, clothes, mirrors. Today, girls also gather and tell fortunes, but now this is done more for fun than to find out their fate.

People also gathered in a group in order to sing carols. People gathered, went around the house. Everyone wished the owners all the best, sang songs, and in return they wished for brew, coins, and treats.

At festive festivities on the occasion of the wedding, at fairs and other events, it was customary to dress up in masks, dress in animals. People hung bells around themselves to make it as noisy as possible around. People danced and had fun.


The tradition of sowing at a party on the eve of Christmas has come down to us. Children and young people gathered in groups, entered houses without permission, threw grain on the floor, singing songs. Such a ceremony promised the owners a rich harvest, happiness. The sowing children were thanked, presented with coins and sweets.


This tradition is very fun and the kids love it. Firstly, because you can have fun, and secondly, because they get sweets and coins. At the same time, you can sow not on Christmas, but on the Old New Year. At Christmas, they usually wear kutya.

On Maslenitsa week we eat a pancake, and on the last day of the week we burn an effigy. This rite also came to us a long time ago. The scarecrow was made from straw. This ritual was a farewell to winter and a welcome to spring.

When did the tradition of celebrating the New Year begin?

Previously, the New Year came on September 1st. But then Peter the Great issued a decree that the new year begins on January 1. In addition, Peter ordered to decorate houses with coniferous branches, to fire a cannon salute. And all the people had to congratulate each other and wish every blessing.


Champagne was not always drunk. Russians got acquainted with sparkling drink after the war with Napoleon. Champagne was served at all social events, in particular, at New Year's festivities.


During the reign of Catherine, balls and masquerades were held with dancing and music. Know beautifully dressed, everyone tried to stand out. This tradition can be correlated with our celebration of the New Year.

The tradition of celebrating the Old New Year

Foreigners are always surprised when they hear the name of this holiday. It cannot be said that this tradition began from ancient times, but it has almost turned 100 years old. After the revolution of 1917, power passed to Gregorian calendar, and between them there was a difference of 13 days. But people have not stopped celebrating the New Year in the old style. And over time appeared new holiday- Old New Year. This day is always widely celebrated and loved by all residents. They do not prepare for it on such a large scale as for the New Year, but still, it is celebrated. As a rule, in a circle of close people.


There are many traditions. Almost all of them have been around for a long time. This is not to say that everyone follows them everywhere. But most people honor them. We cannot say what traditions will come to us later. And we cannot say how long they will take root, whether whole generations will follow them. But we know for sure that these traditions have existed for a long time, and, for sure, they will continue to be followed.

How did the tradition of celebrating the New Year in January originate?

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