German names and surnames for women. Origin of German surnames


The history of the emergence of generic names in Germany is similar to a similar trend in other countries Western Europe. German surnames first appeared in the west of the country among the upper classes in the 12th century. The first to acquire generic names were large feudal lords and small landowners. Thus, the history of the formation of hereditary names is similar to similar processes taking place on Russian soil and in the countries of Western Europe.

Last of all, generic names were assigned to the lower strata of the population living in Northern Germany and in Hanover. Here, until the 19th century, some members of the population did not have hereditary “nicknames”. Unlike Russia, it is not customary for Germans to pronounce patronymics. The personal name in the cities of Germany is indicated by the word "Rufname", while the surname is "Familienname". As in France, addressing Germans should begin with prefixes: "Frau" for women and "Herr" for men.

The process of forming surnames took 8 centuries

The origin of German surnames coincides in time with the same process taking place in England and several other European states. One of the reasons for this process was economic development through which the social stratification of society took place. As elsewhere, the wealthy strata of the population - the feudal lords and the highest nobility - were the first to receive hereditary names.

As in the whole world, German surnames appeared on the basis of the personal names of the progenitor of the clan, geographical toponyms, nicknames and labor activity of a person. The dictionary of German surnames demonstrates that their bulk consists of a root stem and a suffix. The most popular and common generic names contain a proper name at the base. Vivid examples there will be Herman, Peters, Jacobi, Werner and other beautiful names. Least of all in Germany there are generic names based on nicknames, but there are still some.

The great Frederick Barbarossa got his nickname for wearing a red beard, so he became Frederick the Redbeard, translated into Russian.

Some beautiful male hereditary names appeared from the names of nearby rivers, lakes and other natural objects. The dictionary of German surnames contains examples such as Dietrich von (von) Bern or Walter von de Vogelweid. But the largest percentage of German generic names came from the activities of the forefather. Such a common surname as Muller means "miller". Beautiful male generic names, derived from occupations, are found everywhere in Germany.

Craft will add sophistication to the family

The Germans are a very practical and hardworking people, this is reflected in their generic names. Common German surnames today are based on the names of men's trades. So, the meaning of the surname Schmidt is a blacksmith. The name of the famous football player Schneider in translation sounds like "tailor". The name "Schroeder" has the same translation. The legendary biathlete Fischer is nicknamed the "fisherman", and the football player Müller is called the "miller".

Unusual and at the same time beautiful surnames of men sound like Hofmann, Zimmermann and Wagner. Although they are known to the world thanks to their famous owners, these genus names are very popular in Germany. The list of common German surnames includes the 20 most common in the state. All of them are listed alphabetically.

Men's surnames are great for women

Dictionary of German surnames contains a large number of generic names that are in no way distinguished between male and female. Many hereditary "nicknames" sometimes do not fit the names of girls, but the Germans quite simply get out of this situation. Many take their mother's surname or make up a double one. However, it all depends on the specific names of the girls. History remembers many female representatives with the surname Schmidt or Müller.

Very beautiful generic names for girls are Mayer, Lehmann, Peters and others. The most beautiful in this case were formed under the influence of the kind of activity of the forefather or on his behalf. Of course, there are not so many nominal surnames in Germany, but they look quite noble. Peters will suit almost any female name, while Fisher (“Fisherman”) is completely unsuitable for women.

Occupation in surname

Male generic names are distinguished by courage, as they contain information about the crafts of their ancestors. There are quite unusual hereditary names, but they all sound proudly. The most famous interesting German surnames reflect the dignity of the family. So, for example, Schultz reports that the ancestor worked as a judge. Huber reflects his family's humble past, as it translates to "Peasant".

If we take into account the origin of generic names from appearance forefather, then the most interesting, perhaps, will convey the height of a person, the color of his hair or his way of life. History preserves such surnames of the German people as Weiss ("White"), Lang ("Long"), Khan ("Owner of the Roosters"), Kraus ("Curly") or Hartman - "Forest Man".

The surnames of representatives of Germany are straightforward - they do not contain any additional prefixes. In comparison, Russian, English, French and Spanish generic names are formed by adding additional particles to the root stem - prefixes, suffixes or endings.

What is history silent about?

Interesting generic names are stored in the dictionary of German surnames, where there are very, very many of them. It is worth noting that unusual surnames associated with the root base from which they originate. So, apparently, citizens who had just arrived on the territory of the state were endowed with the nicknames Neumann, that is, “The New Man”.

People vertically challenged were called Kleins, and the brave wars were called Hermanns. According to the profession, a person could be gifted with the generic name Leimann, that is, "holder of the flax." Quite rare today is the royal surname Kening, which comes from the word "king". Apparently, people close to the king or subordinates of His Majesty were awarded it.

According to the colors of the skin or hair, a person could get the surname "Cherny" (Schwartz), and like a wolf, he also received the corresponding generic name - Wolf.

Mullers fill Germany

Muller is considered the most common surname in this state. It is worn by just under 1% of the total population. The second place goes to the generic name Schmidt, that is, "Blacksmith". In third place are the Schneiders, they make up half a percent of the entire mass of the country's population. Fishers, Meiers and Webers belong to about the same number of people. Schulz, Wagner and Becker took shelter behind them.

A large mass of men in the country dream of getting the name Hoffman. According to the translation, it means "yard owner". There is an assumption that this hereditary name was assigned to a large feudal lord, owning large amounts of land. It is not surprising that representatives of this genus are represented in very small numbers, but only Hoffman is known to the whole world as a famous actor.

What German male and female names and surnames are popular? Is it okay to name a baby McDonald or Bremen in Germany? What did the ancient Germanic names mean and did they survive today? It has long been believed that the name of a person performs the function of a talisman that protects and influences the fate of its bearer. Many tend to believe this to this day. So what are children called in Germany? Read all about German names and surnames in our article.

Formerly people the humble class managed with only one name, for example, Heinrich, Anna, Dietrich. This fact is recorded in the documents of the past, for example, in church books, contracts, court papers and literary works of that time.

At times Late Middle Ages there was a trend when a nickname (Beiname) or a surname (Familienname) began to be added to the usual name (Rufname). Rufname is the name by which it was preferable to address a person, for example, Heinrich. Beiname is a nickname that a person received depending on personal qualities, appearance, and other things.

Nicknames might have been needed to indicate that out of dozens of Heinrich bearers, it was the curly-haired one: Heinrich Krause could have appeared this way. Also, this step was important for the city administration and other bureaucrats, again to distinguish the townspeople from each other.

An important difference between a nickname and a surname was that it was not passed on to the next generations. It could also be added to the name, transformed from the type of activity of its carrier, the area where he lives, or, again, personal qualities. Surnames are passed from one generation to another by inheritance. Today it can be argued that surnames, as such, were formed from nicknames.


It is conditionally possible to divide German names into two groups - ancient Germanic and foreign (Latin and Greek), which came after the spread of Christianity. Names of ancient Germanic origin include, for example, Karl, Ulrich, Wolfgang, Gertrud. Ancient Germanic names consisted, as a rule, of two bases, each of which had its own meaning. Such names were supposed to influence the fate of a person, patronize and protect him. In ancient documents (750-1080), about 7000 two-root Germanic names are indicated, most of which were male.

In the 11th century, such a variety of names came to naught due to the influence of Christianity and the arrival of new, southern European names. The new religion gradually contributed to the fact that Germanic names lost popularity and fell into oblivion.

Interestingly, in ancient Germanic names, many roots mean war, battle or weapons.

Examples of stems denoting:

Battle: badu, gund, hadu, hari, hild, wig

Weapons: ekka, ger (spear), isan, ort (weapon point)

Basics denoting ammunition and protection:

Brun: chest shield

Burg: refuge

Guard: fence

Linta: Linden shield

Rand: high shield

Roots denoting the characteristics of the battle:

Bald: (kühn) bold

Harti: (hart) strong

Kuni: (kühn) courageous

Muot: brave

Trud: (Kraft) strength

And signifying the consequences of the battle:

Sigu: (Sieg) victory

Hruod: (Friede) peace

Fridu: (Waffenruhe) armistice

Diet: (Natur) nature

Animal world:

Arn: (Adler) an eagle

Bero: (Bär) bear

Ebur: (Eber) boar

Hraban: (Rabe) raven

Wolf, wulf: (Wolf) wolf

The original meaning of many names today is difficult to decipher, since in the connection of the roots some letters of the name were lost over time. However, studying ancient names, one can undoubtedly discover many interesting cultural and historical details. Unfortunately, today the interpretation of ancient Germanic names is rather generalized. Also, in addition to the two-root names mentioned, there were also some single-root ones. Among them are famous, for example, Karl, Bruno and Ernst.

Meanings of some German names:

Heinrich - housekeeper

Wolfgang - the way of the wolf

Ludwig - famous warrior

Wilhelm - reliable helmet

Friedrich - peaceful ruler

Rudolf - glorious wolf

With the spread of Christianity, names of Greek and Roman origin were used more and more than those of Germanic origin. In comparison with the ancient Germanic names, they lacked the principle of dividing into two bases. Latin names with Roman origin are quite ordinary in their meaning and do not carry the greatness inherent in old Germanic names: Paulus is small, Claudius is lame. Often the names of the children were chosen depending on how the child was born in a row: Tertiat is the third.

Traditional and beautiful-sounding names are very unsightly in their meaning, for example, Claudia - lame. Names that came under Greek influence were more cheerful. Amanda - worthy of love, Felix is ​​happy.

For the past five years, the lists of the most popular female and male names have been occupied by Mia and Emma among girls, and Ben, Jonas and Luis among boys.

Other fashionable female names of recent years: Sofia, Anna, Emilia, Marie, Lena, Lea, Amelie, Emily, Lilly, Clara, Lara, Nele, Pia, Paula, Alina, Sarah, Luisa. Popular male names of the last five years: Leon, Lucas, Maximillian, Moritz, Tom, Tim, Eric, Jannik, Alexander, Aaron, Paul, Finn, Max, Felix.

And the most common names of Germany among the adult population (born between 1980 and 2000) sound quite different. For example, here are the most common male names: Peter, Michael, Wolfgang, Jurgen, Andreas, Stephan, Christian, Uwe, Werner, Hans, Mathias, Helmut, Jorg, Jens.

Female names: Ursula, Sabine, Monica, Susanne, Petra, Birgit, Andrea, Anna, Brigitte, Claudia, Angelika, Heike, Gabriele, Cathrin, Anja, Barbara. These names are not very common among young people and you can meet them sooner among the older generation.

In German, there are not many ways to form a diminutive name. The main ones are: -le, -lein, -chen. For example, in the names Peterle, Udolein, Susannchen. By a diminutive name, a person can be addressed in the family circle.

Among friends, at school or university, just the short form of the name is more often used, it is more neutral: Klaus from Nikolaus, Gabi from Gabriel, Sussi from Susanne, Hans from Johannes. As a rule, short names are formed using the -i morpheme at the end of a word.

Today, it is not uncommon for parents to initially give their child exactly the short form of a name: Toni (instead of the full Antonie) or Kurt (instead of Konrad). At the same time, the names obtained in this way are used on a par with the original ones. full forms. The use of short forms as independent names has been officially allowed since the 19th century. It is noteworthy that short and diminutive names are mostly neuter.

And my last name is too famous for me to call it!

As in many other European countries, in Germany, surnames first appeared among the nobility and feudal lords, as a sign of belonging to an eminent family at the beginning of the Middle Ages. Gradually, surnames also received ordinary ones, not noble people. As in Russian, many surnames go back to designations of professions, occupation, place of residence and human qualities (Kuznetsov, Popov, Volkov, Khoroshkin) or from personal names (Ivanov, Antonov). As for differences, German surnames, as a rule, do not have indicators of female or male, unlike Russian, where endings and suffixes almost always tell the gender of the carrier: Kuznetsov - Kuznetsova, Ilyin - Ilyina, Savelyev - Savelyeva. It is worth noting that this was not always the case, and until the beginning of the 19th century in Germany there were special, feminine endings for surnames.

German surnames formed from personal names:

Walter, Hermann, Werner, Hartmann.

Surnames derived from nicknames:

Klein - small

Brown -brown

Neumann - the new man

Krause - curly

Lange - long, lanky

Jung - young

Schwarz - black haired

Stolz - proud

Bart - bearded man

Surnames formed from the name of professions and type of activity:

Müller - miller

Schmidt - blacksmith

Fischer - fisherman

Schneider - tailor, cutter

Wagner - carriage master

Meyer - manager (estate)

Weber - weaver

Hoffman - courtier

Koch - cook

Becker - from him. Backer - baker

Schäfer - shepherd

Schulz - warden

Richter- Judge

Bauer - peasant, country man

Schröder - tailor

Zimmermann - carpenter

Krüger - potter, innkeeper

Lehmann - landowner

König - king

Köhler - collier

Schuhmacher - shoemaker

The 10 most common surnames and their famous carriers:

Müller Otto Müller (1898 - 1979) was a German painter and graphic artist.

Matthias Müller (1953) - head of the VW automobile concern.

Schmidt Helmut Heinrich Waldemar Schmidt (1918 - 2015), German politician (SPD), German Chancellor 1974 - 1982

Schneider Romy Schneider (1938 - 1982), Austrian-German actress, best known for her role in the Sisi film trilogy.

Fischer Helene Fischer (1984) German singer, performer of hits and pop music.

Meyer Friedrich Wilhelm Franz Meyer (1856 - 1935) - German mathematician.

Weber Maximilian Carl Emil Weber (1864 - 1920) German lawyer, economist and co-founder of sociology.

Schulz Axel Schulz (1968) is a German boxer.

Wagner Richard Wagner (1813 - 1883)- German composer, who wrote the music and libretto for the opera Der Ring des Nibelungen.

Becker Boris Franz Becker (1967) is a German professional tennis player and Olympic champion.

Hoffman Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann (1776 - 1822) - German lawyer, writer, composer, bandmaster, music critic, artist. Author of The Nutcracker and mouse king», « Worldly views Murra the cat.

May I apply?

When politely addressing “You” to a man, they say Herr + (Nachname): Herr Müller When politely addressing “You” to a woman, Frau + (Nachname): Frau Müller

When filling out official forms, they are always asked to indicate Vorname and Nachname. Enter your first name in the Vorname field and your last name in the Nachname field.

In everyday life, the word der Name means exactly the surname: "Mein Name ist Müller."

Interestingly, German law prohibits giving children names as names of geographical names (Bremen, London), titles (Prinzessin), trademarks (Coca-Cola), surnames or fictitious names (as is customary, for example, in the USA). But it is allowed give the child up to five names - while only two of them can be written with a hyphen (Anne-Marie).

Also unacceptable are names that are considered immoral and degrading to the dignity of a child, considered religious taboo or are not given names. If the registry office officials refuse to enter the chosen name, the issue will be resolved in court.

Words and expressions:

Das Kind beim Namen nennen - call a spade a spade

Die Dinge beim Namen nennen - call a spade a spade

Auf einen Namen horen - respond to a nickname (about animals)

Unter falschem Namen - under a false name

Mein Name ist Hase - my hut on the edge

Natalia Khametshina, Deutsch Online

A person is always attracted by the beautiful, unusual, mysterious and overseas - this also applies to names and surnames. For example, if you look at popular social networks, you will notice that people often supplement their names with interesting nicknames or even change them in a foreign manner. IN Lately German surnames have become mega-popular, which is easily explained by their euphony and the special charm inherent in this nation.

Analysis of the origin of German surnames

Surnames German descent really attract and intrigue with their sound. If you pronounce any of them - Schmidt, Weber, or, for example, the surname Muller, familiar to everyone from the film "12 Moments of Spring", then it will sound short, clear, concise, somehow very capacious and finished, as if it contains a huge meaning. In addition, they all go well with almost any name, regardless of its national origin and gender. It is these qualities that determine universal recognition, but few people know what true value German names and surnames.

Initially, the Germans bore only the names that they received from their mothers for a reason, but with a certain intent. In ancient times, it was believed that the name carries a special power and can magically influence the character and fate of a person (and even today, few will argue with this statement). Therefore, German parents called their children a name that had a special double meaning.

Here are some examples:

  • Brunghilda - warrior and woman;
  • Frideric - ruler and rich;
  • Adolf - wolf and noble;
  • Rhaimonda - protector and wisdom;
  • Günther is an army and invincible.

Later, apparently, when there were too many namesakes so as not to be confused, the Germans began to add peculiar nicknames to the names, which could mean the following:

  • craft - miller, cook (Koch / Koch), baker (Becker / Becker), merchant (Kaufman / Kaufmann), coachman (Wagner / Wagner);
  • belonging to a certain genus - the children of Ganz, Gilbert, Junghans;
  • personal qualities - small (Klein / Klein), black (more often about hair, Schwartz / Schwarz), long (meaning tall, Lange / Lange), strong (Stark / Stark);
  • place of birth or residence - Bruch / Bruch, Berne / Berne;
  • resemblance to various objects or natural phenomena- Horn (Horn / Horn), abyss (Schlund / Schlund), air (Luft / Luft), spring (Lentz / Lentz).

As an example and proof of compatibility, it is worth considering several Russian female names, both common and not very common:

  1. Nastenka (a common Russian female name, however, with Greek roots, but it doesn’t matter), that is, Anastasia goes well with the surname Fisher - Anastasia Fisher.
  2. Masha (also Russian, but this time with Jewish roots), Maria sounds great together with the surname Schneider - Maria Schneider.
  3. Fyokla (rare, old and very Russian) - even for such a peculiar and slightly rustic name, you can easily pick up beautiful surname in a German way, for example, Thekla von Feuerbach.

By the way, the prefix background today is just a beautiful transition, but in the old days it meant belonging to the aristocracy.

For example, consider the names of famous German women and their meanings:

  • Marlene Dietrich / Dietrich - master key;
  • Yvonne Catterfeld / Catterfeld - competent, lucky;
  • Nina Hagen / Hagen - a city in the west of Germany;
  • Helena Fischer - fisherman;
  • Stephanie Kloss / Kloß - lump;
  • Shtefi Graf / Graf - count;
  • Magdalena Neuner / Neuner - nine;
  • Annie Friesinger / Frisinger - hairdresser.

The representatives of the stronger sex will not have to be upset either, since their names will also include perfectly combined and harmoniously sounding male German surnames, such as:

  • Krieger / Krieger- fighter, warrior;
  • Grubber / Gruber - miner;
  • Schmid (Schmidt) / Schmied (Schmidt) - blacksmith;
  • Schreiner / Schreiner - carpenter;
  • Koller / Koller - coal miner;
  • Wacker / Wacker - brave, decent;
  • Schlosser / Schlosser - locksmith;
  • Wolf / Wolf - wolf;
  • Eisemann / Eisemann - iron man;
  • Erhard / Erhard - strong-willed, tough;
  • Shtark / Stark - powerful, strong;
  • Shefer / Schäfer - shepherd, shepherd;
  • Gärtner / Gärtner - gardener;
  • Diener / Diener - employee;
  • Jaeger / Jäger - hunter;
  • Chamber / Schambär - shy bear;
  • Falk / Falk - falcon;
  • Schneidmiller / Schneidmiller - daring Miller;

The most popular and common options

Places in the top 10 were distributed as follows:

  • the first - Müller / Müller (flour grinder, miller);
  • the second - Kaufman / Kaufmann (trader, merchant);
  • third - Schneider / Schneider (cutter, tailor);
  • fourth - Fischer / Fischer (fisherman);
  • fifth - Webber / Weber (weaver);
  • sixth - Bauer / Bauer (farmer, farmer);
  • seventh - Richter / Richter (expert, judge);
  • eighth - Newman / Neumann (newcomer);
  • ninth - Zimmerman / Zimmermann (carpenter);
  • tenth - Kruger / Krüger (tavernkeeper, potter).

This list can be continued almost endlessly, as many German surnames are popular. They didn’t make the top ten, but Schmidt and Mayer, Schneider and Weber, Schultz and Becker, Wagner and Hoffman, Schaeffer and Koch, Klein and Wolf, Schroedder, Lemman and others are very close.

Personal german names belong to the most ancient onyms. German surnames appeared much later.

The German personal names that we encounter today accumulated in it gradually, were borrowed from various sources. Some of them go back to the ancient German names, many modern German names were borrowed from other peoples at different times. A particularly strong craving for foreign names is observed today.

In modern German-speaking culture, a person has two types of name: personal (Rufname) and surname (Familienname). There is no patronymic (Vatersname) in the German environment. In everyday life, the word der Name denotes a surname: "Mein Name ist Müller."; "Wie war doch gleich der Name?" (“What is your last name?” is a common question of a person who has forgotten the name of the interlocutor): Der Name steht an der Wohnungstür. In official documents where a full name is required, there is a column "Vorname und Name", i.e. personal name and surname.

History of German personal names

The oldest of the names of Germanic origin originated in the 7th-4th centuries. BC. As in other Indo-European languages, they are composed of two parts and were called upon to magically "influence" the fate of a person, give him strength, courage, victory, the protection of the gods, etc. This is reflected in the etymology of ancient names that still exist today, such as Eberhart ("stark wie ein Eber"), Bemhart ("stark wie der Bär"), Wolfgang, cf. Russians Svyatoslav, Gorisveta, Vladimir. Of the oldest layer of personal names - about 2,000 of them have been discovered - today there are hardly a hundred active ones. Already in early middle ages the "magical meaning" of personal names was completely lost.

In the second half of the VIII century. names associated with Christianity begin to penetrate German from Italy: first, names from the Old Testament - Adam (Hebrew "original"), Susanne (Hebrew "lily"), then Andreas (Greek "brave"), Agathe (" kind"), Katharina ("pure"), from Latin - Viktor "winner", Beata "happy". Particularly active biblical names borrowed in the 15th century. Moreover, in Catholic families, preference was and is given to the names of saints - the patrons of babies, in Lutheran families - to the names of biblical characters. Personal names of religious content were also created from German words and bases: Traugott, Fürchtegott, Gotthold, etc.

The choice of a personal name is often influenced by fashion.
- then these are romantically “Nordic” (Knut, Olaf, Sven, Birgit), borrowed from ancient Germanic mythology or from the heroic epic (Siegfrid, Siegmund, etc.),
- then French names (Annette, Claire, Nicole, Yvonne),
- then Russian (Vera, Natascha, Sascha), Italian or Anglo-American.
So, in 1983, in the Bern region (GDR, near Leipzig), the most common names The girls were Nicole, Anja, Susanne, Maudy, Christin, Yvonne. For boys - Christian, Thomas, Stefan, Patrick, Michael, Sebastian.

The fashion for names is largely shaped by imitation. In the old days, children were willingly given the names of monarchs (in Prussia - Friedrich, Wilhelm; in Saxony - August, Johann, Albert; in Austria - Joseph, Leopold, Maximilian), as well as the names of heroes of literary works.

Today, when choosing a name, there is a strong influence of cinema, television and pop music, there is also a craving for originality, uniqueness, and unusualness of the name. Previously known names are often written in a foreign way: Elly, Sylvia, Gaby (instead of Elli, Silvia, Gabi). Some names are out of fashion. They are very rare today. Older people have names that are no longer in use today. (...)

In everyday life, many personal German names, especially long ones, are abbreviated, for example: Ulrich -> Ulli; Bertolt –> Bert(i); Bernhard –> Bernd; Katharina –> Kat(h)e; Friedrich –> Fritz; Heinrich –> Heinz, Harry; Johannes –> Hans; Susanne –> Susy. Some of these so-called hypocoristic names have become used today along with the original, i.e. independently, for example: Fritz, Heinz, Hans.

German surnames

German surnames developed much later than German personal names. Origin of German surnames starts from the Middle Ages. They developed from the so-called nicknames (Beinamen), which originally contained information
- about the origin name bearer,
– about the place of his birth: Walter von der Vogelweide, Dietrich von Berne.

Many of the nicknames indicated some kind of physical or other difference. this person: Friedrich Barbarossa (= Rotbart, "Redbeard"), Heinrich der Lowe and others. Over time, this nickname began to be passed on to the heirs and fixed in official documents.

The famous German linguist W. Fleischer points out that from the 12th century. the emergence of German surnames begins first in large cities in the west. In the north, in the province of Hanover, they were introduced only in early XIX V. by order of Napoleon. generic names, surnames were fixed primarily for the feudal lords. (...) Fleischer cites as an example characters Lessing's plays "Minna von Barnhelm": Fräulein von Barnhelm, Major von Tellheim - nobles, servants - Just, Franziska. And today it is customary to call domestic servants simply by their first name, as opposed to the usual address:

Frau + given name or surname

Herr + first or last name

The vast majority of modern German surnames were formed from personal names (Walter, Hermann30 most common German surnames

1. Müller - miller
2. Schmidt - blacksmith

4. Fischer - fisherman

6. Weber (Weber) - weaver

8. Becker - baker

12. Koch (Koch) - cook

16. Wolf (Wolf) - wolf

30. König - king
, Peters, Jacobi), nicknames (Bart, Stolz) and names of professions, occupations (Müller, Schmidt, Koch, Schulze, Schumacher).

The most popular German surnames. List of 30 surnames

1. Müller - miller
2. Schmidt - blacksmith
3. Schneider - tailor
4. Fischer - fisherman
5. Meier - property manager
6. Weber (Weber) - weaver
7. Wagner (Wagner) - carriage master, carriage maker
8. Becker - baker
9. Schulz - headman
10. Hoffmann, Hoffmann (Hoffmann) - courtier
11. Shefer (Schäfer) - shepherd-shepherd
12. Koch (Koch) - cook
13. Bauer - peasant
14. Richter - Judge
15. Klein - small
16. Wolf (Wolf) - wolf
17. Schröder - tailor
18. Neumann (Neumann) - a new man
19. Schwarz - black (black-haired)
20. Zimmermann - carpenter
21. Brown (Braun) - brown
22. Krüger - potter
23. Hartmann (Hartmann) - from the male name Hartmann
24. Lange - long (large)
25. Werner (Werner) - from the male name Werner
26. Krause (Krause) - curly
27. Lehmann - landowner
28. Köhler - coal miner
29. Herman (Hermann) - from the male name Herrmann
30. König - king

List of popular German surnames

* Abicht
* Adler
* Eichenwald
* Albrecht
* Altman
* Appel
* Arnold

* Baade
* Baum
* Bauman
* Baumgarten
* Baur
* Bauer
* Bach
* Bachman
* Bebel
* Benz
* Berg
* Berger
* Bergman
* Berend
* Behrens
* Bilderling
* Blank
* Block
* Blucher
* Bonke
* Borzig
* Bormann
* Brandt
* Braunfels
* Bremer
* Brenner
* Brunner
* Brunet
* Burckhardt
* Bülow

* Wagner
* Weigl
* Weiss
* Walser
* Walter
* Wasserman
* Weber
* Wegener
* Veltman
* Wenzel
* Werner
* Winkelhock
* Winterhalter
* Wirth
* Wolf
* Volzogen
* Wulf

* Gasenclover
* Ganz
* Hardenberg
* Hartung
* Goebbels
* Haeckel
* Gehlen
* Geller
* Genkel
* Göring
* Hertz

* Hess
* Hesse
* Himmler (disambiguation)
* Hirsch
* Hirshman
* Hitler
* Glazenap
* Grimm
* Grossman
* Gruber

* Delbrück
* Diels
* Drexler

* Zach
* Zaks
* Zaleman
* Seidemann
* Seidlitz
* Seiler
* Zemper
* Sievers
* Siegel
* Zilberman
* Silberstein
* Simmel
* Singer
* Sommer

* Yeager
* Jens
* Jensen
* Jench
* Yerg
* Joseph
* Jon
* Yost

* Kade
* Kallenberg
* Callisen
* Kalb
* Kalkbrenner
* Kaltenbrunner
* Cantor
* Karus
* Kaulbach
* Kaufman
* Cauer
* Katz
* Köhler
* Keller
* Kellerman
* Ker
* Kirchner
* Kirchner
* Kittel
* Classen
* Klee
* Klein
* Kleiner
* Kleinerman
* Kleinman
* Kleist
* Klemperer
* Klenze
* Klinger
* Klotz
* Kleiber

* Klein
* Kleiner
* Knecht
* Kolbe
* Kopp
* Korf
* Kramer
* Krause
* Kraus
* Krebs
* Krenz
* Kretschmer
* Kruse
* Kun
* Kurtz
* Kung
* Köhler
* Köhne
* König
* Köstlin

* Lamprecht
* Landsberg
* Laufer
* Leitner
* Lenz
* Liebknecht
* Lipsius
* Lichtenberg
* Loos

* Mayer
* Mackensen
* Mahler
* Mann
* Mezieres
* Meyendorff
* Meyer
* Meisner
* Meltzer
* Meltzer
* Merkel
* Merz
* Metzger
* Moderson
* Morgner
* Moritz
* Mozart
* Muller
* Möbius

* Nagel
* Bernhard
* Nicholas
* Nolken
* Noteback
* Nöller

* Overbeck
* Osterman

* Patkul
* Pearl
* Preuss

* Ratzenberger
* Rau
* Raush
* Rebinder
* Reinhardt
* Rennenkampf
* Riedel
* Rickert
* Rogge
* Rosenbaum
* Romberg
* Rothman
* Rothschild
* Rumpf
* Rumpff

* Sartorius
* Segal

* Thyssen
* Tishbane

* Feigenbaum
* Feuerbach
* Finkelstein
* Fisher
* Fleischer
* Fleishman
* Voigt
* Von Richthofen
* Von Feuerbach
* Franke
* Freeze

* Frisch
* Fuchs
* Furstenberg

* Haas
* Hagen
* Hakl
* Hanke
* Herzog
* Honecker
* Hopp
* Hoffman

* Zimmerman
* Zuckerman
* Zurbriggen

* Schwartz
* Schwartzman
* Schweitzer
* Scheidemann
* Schelling
* Schaefer
* Sheffer
* Shekhtel
* Schiller
* Shirman

* Slate
* Schlechter
* Schmidt
* Schmitz
* Schneider
* Schneiderman
* Scholl
* Spiegel
* Sprenger
* Schreyer
* Shredder
* Stackelberg
* matte
* Stern
* Schubert
* Shulman
* Schultze
* Schulze
* Schumacher

* Ebel
* Ebert
* Erdman
* Etinger

Such a maneuver can hardly be called a deception - most likely it is a pseudonym, a way to use the names and surnames you like.

The most popular aliases for social media accounts are German surnames.

Especially often German surnames are used by girls. Following the accounts, you can highlight especially popular options.

List of popular German surnames for girls with translation

Before using a certain German surname, it is worth knowing the exact translation. Sometimes funny stories happen when the "carrier" learns the translation from friends or acquaintances.

The peculiarity of German surnames lies in their origin. Each option has historical origins: profession, social status, habits.

Note! It is worth knowing the ethics regarding composing surnames in German. Some options cannot be used by a girl, others are not suitable for men.

Thanks to the lists, you can choose a surname not only with a normal meaning, but beautiful in sound. There are lists of the most popular options, compiled according to the statistics of German institutions.

Translation for German surnames:

German surnames for girls List in Russian
Müller Miller. Has ancient roots. The translation itself speaks of the craft that the family has been doing for a long time.
Schmidt Blacksmith. Included in the 30 most popular options and also determines the artisan past of the family
Schneider Fisherman. This value is more determined by a person's passion. It used to be that they called fish or seafood merchants
König King. The owners of such property were the closest relatives of the monarch
Schwartz Black or black haired. Appeared as a nickname for people who had non-standard features for the German people, appearance
Brown Brown. Sometimes this was the name of people who wore exclusively brown clothes or had chestnut hair, brown eyes.
Hartmann It comes from the male name Hartmann. The clan received such a surname if the family did not have any special differences, occupations, privileges
Wagner Wagner
Richter Judge. Previously, only noble people who administered justice had such a surname.

Beautiful German names and their meanings

German female names are very beautiful and sonorous, as they combine Latin, Greek, Scandinavian and English motifs.

Some of them belong Slavic peoples and are actively used. It is considered fashionable to give children foreign names. Especially if it's a girl.

Some variants of names are also popular in our country, while they are sweet-sounding and do not cut the ear with non-standard pronunciation.

When choosing a foreign name for a girl, it is important to know the meaning and translation.

Beautiful female names and their meanings:

  1. Amalia translates as work. Assigned to hardworking and diligent girls.
  2. Beata is of ecclesiastical origin and literally means blessed.
  3. Bertha is gorgeous, the most wonderful and charming.
  4. Irma has a direct translation: dedicated to the god of war. There are Roman roots here.
  5. Katharina or Katherine means pure virgin. The owners were the daughters of shepherds and people of spiritual dignity.
  6. Laura was the name of people in Rome who received a wreath of laurel - a sign of greatness, victory.
  7. Malvina has a literal translation - a friend of justice.
  8. Sophie and all that comes from him are defined as wisdom.
  9. Teresa is translated from German as beloved or strong. Borrowed from Greek, where it means a woman hunter.
  10. Eleanor has two meanings. The first is foreign, and the second is different.
  11. Elvira is the protector of everyone and everyone.
  12. Jadwiga is the name of a wealthy warrior who glorified one of the Scandinavian villages.

There are variants of double names that combine Slavic and German names.

Many believe that this combination activates the energy centers that are responsible for certain areas of human activity.

What German surname and name to choose for the VKontakte network?

It is also important that this Vkontakte account does not occur too often.

  1. According to statistics The most harmonious, interesting are the following German surnames: Mayer, Weber, Braun, Werner, Lehmann.

    Their popularity is indicated by the carriers - all of them famous people arts, sciences.

  2. Most Popular names in Germany according to registry office statistics over the past 30 years: Sophie, Marie, Hannah.

    Over the past year, girls with names are most often registered: Mia, Emma, ​​Lilly, Emilia, Maya, Sarah.

  3. Can interpret their name as foreign, changing the ending, stress, pronunciation inherent in the language.

    For example, Sophia in a foreign way sounds like Sophie; Maria as Marie.

If the account contains german name and surname, then when choosing it is worth working on consonance. Even the simplest and popular names and surnames often do not match.

Attention! An interesting option would be the German version of the surname with the real name of the owner of the page in social network. This technique is most popular among teenagers.

The advantage of German names is that they all have a certain meaning and meaning.

There are no fictional options that do not carry any semantic load. Therefore, the choice for a social network should be thoughtful.

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