How to draw fear in social studies. Children's fears: drawing will help


All people are afraid. Fear is the body's natural response to danger. At the moment of fright, a person becomes about 10 times stronger: his hearing and vision become sharper, his muscles contract, his heart pumps blood faster. From this grows both endurance and intelligence. It is for this reason that some people risk their lives every day to experience fear: skydiving, electrocuting themselves, getting into fights, flying into space, watching horror movies. Fear makes it possible to feel alive, to find out where the limit of your capabilities is. Try to fix your facial expression during the fright. I will show you an example of how to draw fear. At this point, people usually get goosebumps, and the mouth and eyes open to the limit. Sometimes they even scream, and sometimes they can’t say a word. I do not advise anyone to cross the line of their human capabilities without preparation. But it's worth getting close. Especially the artists. This opens up new possibilities. Remember my advice.

How to draw fear with a pencil step by step

Step one.
Step two.
Step three.
Step four.
Draw other emotions.

Our children are often subject to various fears. Drawing can help parents better understand inner world their children, their interests, experiences and fears. We should all take a better look at the drawings of children, what material, color and technique they use. This is how we can help our children get through the scary moments in their lives.



Children's fears: drawing will help

Drawing, like a game, is not only a reflection in the minds of children surrounding reality, but also its modeling, expression of attitude towards it. Therefore, through drawings, one can better understand the interests of children, their deep, not always disclosed experiences, and take this into account when eliminating fears.

Drawing, the child gives vent to his feelings and experiences, desires and dreams, rebuilds his relationships in different situations and painlessly comes into contact with some frightening, unpleasant and traumatic images.

First of all, through drawing, it is possible to eliminate the fears generated by the imagination, that is, what has never happened, but can happen in the mind of the child. Then, according to the degree of success, there are fears based on real traumatic events, but which happened quite a long time ago and left an emotional trace that is not very pronounced by now in the child’s memory.

The best results from drawing fears are achieved at 5-11 years old, at the age of active interest in drawing.

Most fears are due to one degree or another. age characteristics and are temporary, but, nevertheless, they require each time close attention and study by adults, then it is possible to take a number of appropriate measures in a timely manner and prevent their excessive growth, the transition in adolescence to more or less stable personality traits that impede a full-fledged lifestyle and communication.

Of course, it is best that a psychologist work with fears, because there are certain nuances that need to be taken into account and not missed. But, if you have confidence that you can handle it yourself and, most importantly, there is trust and contact with the child, then you can try to eliminate them yourself at home. A positive result and terms depend on many factors, the main one being what kind of fear the child has and its duration.

Who and how gives the task to draw fear

This is one of the very important points in drawing. childhood fear. If parents still decide to take up drawing themselves, then a friendly attitude is very necessary.

The less strict and restrictive parents are in raising their children, the more successful drawing of fears, while excessive strictness and widespread prohibitions can reduce its effect from the fear of not meeting the expectations of parents, drawing badly or not drawing at all.

A parent should not condemn for the presence of fears or read instructions, urge to pull themselves together, show will, etc. It is important that the child feels trust and absolute acceptance. You need to be consistent in your judgments and confident in your actions and deeds. A prerequisite is faith in the effectiveness of the applied method of eliminating fears.

If you know what fears bother your baby, then you can go to work, if not, then you need to identify what exactly worries the baby.

How to detect fears in children

You can detect fears in children by inviting them to play on their own. The props for the game can be the most diverse: a house made of cubes, there is a bed, a table, a wardrobe, a teremok in which various animals live, Christmas trees that imitate the forest, a broom left by Baba Yaga, a drum, a tank, a cannon, a robot, rag dolls put on on hand, ordinary dolls depicting people, animals and fairy-tale characters, medical supplies, etc.

The attitude of the child towards them will reveal those fears that have been forgotten or hidden. Stiffness, unnatural behavior, tension indicate both the inability to play and fear, which is expressed by appropriate facial expressions and the avoidance of various characters or objects in the game. For example, a child willingly puts a rag fox and a bunny on his hands, but not only does not notice the same toy wolf, but also categorically refuses to include it in the game, which is explained by fear of this character. Cessation of play in the absence of an adult indicates fear of loneliness, etc.

After the game, you can also talk with the child, in order to identify fears.

You can start asking about fears from preschoolers and during the game itself, as if by the way, interspersing questions into game pauses. You need to be near the playing child, squatting down, if this Small child. The main thing is to be calm and not to make emotional or semantic accents in the pronunciation of certain words, not to inspire fear with the phrase:"Tell me, are you afraid..." and they ask: "Tell me how you feel about...", and are waiting for a response. After a short pause, they move on to clarifying the next fear.

Drawing fears

After fears have become known, you need to organize their drawing. Fears are drawn with pencils, felt-tip pens or paints. Most importantly, children should be given the opportunity to choose, facilitating the very procedure of drawing.

Households should be warned not to interrupt drawing.

Tell: "Draw what you are afraid of, each fear on a separate sheet". If a child has questions about how to draw fear, then he can be explained. For example, the fear of loneliness - draw yourself and at the same time everything that you are afraid of when you are left alone (i.e. the child materializes his fears and fears). Usually, the fear of attack is reproduced in the form of aggressively behaving adults. The fear of getting sick or being infected is represented by the hospital or the germs. The fear of the dark is usually a slightly shaded room where the unflattering characters of the child's fantasy appear. Fears of animals are drawn for each of them separately. This also applies to fairy tale characters etc.

It is not necessary to promise that this will necessarily relieve fears, since increased expectations regarding results can serve as an obstacle to overcoming fears. It is best to say that drawing fears will help to overcome them and that no matter how they are depicted, the main thing is to draw them all without exception, each fear on a separate sheet. It is better to draw completely on your own, without the help of adults.

The very fact of receiving a task in this way organizes the activities of children and mobilizes them to fight their fears.

It is very difficult to start drawing fears. It often takes several days for the child to decide to start the task. This is how the internal psychological barrier - the fear of fear - is overcome.

To decide to draw means to directly come into contact with fear, to meet it face to face and with a purposeful, strong-willed effort to keep it in memory until it is depicted in the drawing. At the same time, awareness of the conditionality of the depiction of fear in the drawing in itself helps to reduce its traumatic sound. In the process of drawing, the object of fear no longer represents a frozen mental formation, since it is consciously manipulated and creatively transformed as artistic image. The interest that manifests itself in drawing gradually extinguishes the emotion of fear, replacing it with volitional concentration and satisfaction from the task performed. Invisible support is provided by the very fact of the participation of a parent or a psychologist who gave this task, to whom you can then entrust your drawings and thereby, as it were, free yourself from the fears depicted on them.

After some time, you can show the child his drawing and ask him to tell what is drawn on it. It is better to start with more easily eliminated fears - water, open space, the sight of blood (for boys), doctors, diseases, nightmares and animals (for girls).

Well, if all family members are present at the same time, the drawing is shown to them, while the child talks about what is shown in the drawing, that is, he concretizes his fear. Previously, this was difficult to implement, fear arose from a mere idea and could not be indicated in words. Such a barrier only increased internal tension and kept fear in a fixed state.

Now the child speaks quite freely about fear, consciously managing it in a conversation with a person whom he trusts and who can understand his feelings. It is important not to be shy and to say everything as it is, fear will still be eliminated - if not by drawings, then by other means.

If not all drawings have a positive effect, then the drawing can be put aside without comment or be accompanied by the words:"Nothing" , "Everything has its time", "Go ahead" , "We'll get back to him later" etc.

After the discussion of fears is over, those drawings for which a positive effect has been achieved are named and shown. The author should be praised, a friendly pat on the shoulder, shake hands, give a toy. And then I must say that the drawings from his former fears will "be" in a drawer or closet, "closed" there forever, like a genie in a bottle.

After some time (1-2 weeks), you can again return to these drawings, but with the words:"Now draw so that it can be seen that you are not afraid". This implies that you need to draw not only the object of fear, as for the first time, but also necessarily not afraid of yourself. Let's say it's not the child who runs away from Baba Yaga, but she runs away from him; he no longer cries in pain; fights with the Dragon; floats on water and flies on an airplane. Here, the effect of suggestion is obvious - installations to overcome fear in the imagination through its specific, given graphic image. There is a mobilization of all mental resources of the child to actively counteract fears in a life-affirming, active position Creator. The phenomenon of group support also works. The child is no longer alone with his fears - they came out, lost their aura of exclusivity, and faded after their previous image. In addition, parents create a mentally favorable field of support and faith in his ability to cope with fears.

The question arises: is it possible to immediately invite children to draw themselves as not afraid, to save time, so to speak? Yes, you can, but the effect will be lower and not as persistent. It takes time for the child to overcome the internal psychological barrier of insecurity and fear of his fears, then there will be a gradual deactivation of fear in his mind and faith in his own strengths, capabilities, and abilities will develop.

Good luck parents in helping your kids!

Age fears

Age fears appear in certain time and also, at a certain time, come to naught. For example, before seven months old children are afraid of sharp, loud sounds, as well as strangers.

From 7 months to 3 years or more many kids are afraid to part with their mother, often violently reacting to her absences.

3 years- the age when the child has fears of Baba Yaga, gray wolf, Koshcheem the immortal, Babai and other monsters that keep many generations of young children in fear. Such fears are especially strong in impressionable children with a rich imagination, as well as in those who too often hear from their parents: “If you misbehave, Leshy will take it!”; “Don’t make noise, otherwise the uncle policeman will take you away with him!” and other horror stories.

IN 5-6 years children usually begin to realize that people are mortal, and this discovery can also provoke the emergence of all kinds of fears: for loved ones or for their own lives.

And finally with school enrollment at little man there are new reasons for concern and new fears: being late for a lesson, getting a "deuce", etc.

Why do fears arise?

Of course, in addition to age-related fears that pass over time, there are individual fears. They can be triggered by a specific incident that happened to the child (the dog scared me, I got stuck in the elevator, I saw a fire that was in the house opposite ...). And they can arise due to excessive anxiety of parents, who continually warn the baby: “Put on a hood, otherwise you will catch a cold and become a fool”; “Do not touch the cat, otherwise you will contract a terrible disease!”

There are other reasons for the emergence of children's fears, for example, children whose parents are constantly in conflict are more prone to anxieties and fears than children growing up in a prosperous environment.

And sometimes, behind a child's fear of something, there is a lack of attention from adults. Experiencing a lack of communication with parents, not receiving enough affection and support, the baby may say that he is afraid of “the one who sits in the closet”, unconsciously hoping that mom or dad will regret, hug, calm down, become closer ...

Finally, do not discount and individual characteristics every little person: anxious, sensitive, impressionable children have more fears than balanced and not characterized by increased anxiety.

Draw fear

Drawing fear is one of the most right ways defeat him. For work, we need: colored pencils, paints, pastel crayons, felt-tip pens, markers - which is more to our liking - and a sheet of paper. If your child replies to the offer to draw fear that he doesn’t want or doesn’t know how to do this, you shouldn’t force him and force him, try to cheer him up better: “Just try, I believe that you will definitely succeed! You start, and I will help you. And really help - just let the baby lead, explain, guide you. At the same time, do not forget that the child must do the bulk of the work himself.

Next, when the drawing is ready, talk to the child about his fear - ask why he is afraid of him. Ask other questions: where does fear live, where does it come from, what color is it, what does it look like ... And, finally, how can you defeat it? What is he (fear) himself afraid of more than anything in the world? Further - according to the circumstances: if the fear drawn by the child is afraid, for example, of fire, a sheet with its image can be solemnly burned on a metal tray. And if - water, then it can be sent on a long voyage through the sewer, having previously been lowered into the toilet. Fear can be torn up, cut into small pieces with scissors, made into an airplane and released out the window.

But you can do it differently. After the child has drawn his fear, offer him to use the same pencils and paints to turn it into something safe, not scary at all, and maybe even funny. If your baby is afraid of a dog or a wolf - let him "send" terrible beast in a cage with a heavy lock, drawing both. If he fears the tiger wall calendar(something like that happens too) - let him depict a trainer next to a striped predator, capable of curbing him. Koshchei the Immortal can be "dressed up" in a jester's cap, pink slippers with pompoms, and, to top it all off, sit on a potty. In such a comical form, the evil character will immediately lose his supernatural power. Finally, the child can draw himself conquering his fear, not being afraid of this or that situation.

In addition, fear can be molded from plasticine, and then transformed into something that does not carry a threat, pathetic or funny - fashion Barmaley a piglet and a perky pink tail, decorate his head with a red bow with white polka dots. You can also play a disturbing situation with a child, compose a fairy tale, the hero of which is also afraid of something at first, but, in the end, wins over his fear, finds a way out of the current situation.

If you were unable to deal with the problem at once, do not despair. Return to the disturbing situation again and again, each time coming up with new ways to deal with fear. Strive to ensure that this process is interesting to the child, evokes positive emotions in him, amuses and cheers up. If you feel that the baby’s fear is very strong, and you can’t cope with it at home, contact a child psychologist.

How to draw emotions. Emotions in a pencil portrait

In this lesson, we will look at how a person's face will change, expressing various emotions. When expressing early emotions, the look changes, the pupils (shrink or expand), ears rise, lips stretch in a smile or vice versa narrow, and so on :) Below are the stages of writing a portrait of a person filled with emotions such as happiness, fear, contempt or hatred, anger or anger

How to draw fear, how to draw fear with a pencil.

We start the drawing with an axial thin line, immediately determine the dimensions of the head.
Divide center line into three equal parts
With light lines we define the tip of the nose, the direction of the eyebrows, the curvature of the eyes.
With the help of hatching draw eyebrows, pupils. My eyes will be slightly widened (from fear:)
Using hatching, we sculpt the shape of the nose
We draw hair and ears to our character, apply shading to them
We draw a mouth that will be skewed, thereby the emotion of fear will be transmitted. When a person is afraid of something, a wrinkle forms between the eyebrows. We apply hatching to the entire surface of our drawing. Everything, from the image a frightened person is looking at you

how to draw happiness on a person's face

We start the drawing by drawing an axial thin line with a pencil, determine the dimensions of the head
We divide the center line into three equal parts as in the previous stage
Define the shape of the head with a light line
Strongly without pressing the pencil, draw the eyebrows, nose, determine the shape of the eyes
With the help of hatching draw eyebrows, pupils. The eyes will be as narrow as possible. When a person smiles, wrinkles form around
We draw a mouth, slightly noticeable dimples will appear on the cheeks, pronounced cheeks will appear. We draw ears. Using hatching, we sculpt our entire head.
We add a hairstyle to our character, dress him up. Our drawing is ready.

How to draw contempt, arrogance

As always, we start with the center line. Immediately determine the dimensions of the head of the model.
The center line is divided into three equal parts. This will be the level of the eyebrows and nose.
Draw the outline of the head with a pencil
We draw a nose and eyebrows, we outline a neck with a collar
We draw eyes. I want to draw attention to the fact that the cut of the eyes will be slightly narrowed. We immediately apply hatching to the gas, our drawing will begin to come to life.
We outline the folds at the eyes. Because when a person squints, a lot of folds form in him. We draw a mouth with slightly visible teeth. We outline the chin.
Draw hair and ears to our character
The final stage is to apply hatching to the entire surface of our drawing, the places where the shadow passes the hatching are applied more intensively. Our drawing is ready.

How to draw anger, anger in a portrait

We draw the center line where our head will be located
We divide the axis into three parts with a pencil. Parts must be equal
Light lines define the tip of the nose. With the help of hatching we draw eyebrows. The most important part of the face in this emotion is the eyebrows. They will have sharp outlines.
We draw eyes. Eyebrows will hang over the eyes. With the help of hatching we show the shape of the nose
We draw hair and ears.
We draw a mouth. upper lip practically invisible. The mouth will be compressed as much as possible. Let's do the shading. Our drawing is ready.
All drawing is ready! Before you is a man in anger drawn with a pencil

All children in in a certain sense- artists. Every child, starting from 2-3 years old, draws with passion. Visual activity for small child natural and pleasant, and only to adolescence the craving for drawing remains only in artistically gifted children. Visual activity is formed as the child's psyche develops and can, to a certain extent, serve as an indicator of his mental development. IN children's drawing the features of thinking, imagination, emotional-volitional sphere and personality of the baby are revealed.

The drawings of children differ from the drawings of adults, since for a child, drawing is not art, but speech. The baby's awareness of the environment is faster than the accumulation of words, so drawing gives him the opportunity to easily express what he is experiencing. Therefore, the drawing can provide valuable information.

All children go through the same stages of drawing development:

pre-figurative stage

(from 1.5 to 3.5 years). This is a period of scribbles, staining, when the child is interested in the very process of leaving marks on paper (or other surface) and the result of the activity is unimportant. Color at this stage also has no semantic meaning: baby tries, studies, experiments.

pictorial stage

It is longer and more varied:

  • Drawing with primitive expressiveness(from 3 to 5 years). The child is trying not just to draw, but to depict something - however, it turns out that he is very schematic. For example, depicting a person, the baby draws a "cephalopod".
  • schematic drawing (6–7 years). The child begins to distinguish facial expressions, movement and emotions in the drawing.
  • Believable Images when a child has drawing skills, and the drawing is already losing its childishness.

Interpretation of a child's drawing

The work of a 5-year-old boy raises questions. This happens when a drawing, on the one hand, gives little diagnostic information due to the simplicity of the plot, and on the other hand, it alarms at certain points. This picture does not correspond to the age of the child. The drawing is typical for a 3–4-year-old child (doodle stage with elements of a schematic image), which may indicate a possible delay in the boy's mental development (but not necessarily!) Or that his graphic skills are poorly formed.

Taking into account the plot (the boy drew his favorite characters Angry Birds), most likely, the development of the child does not cause concern, and we can only talk about weak motor skills of the hand and insufficient drawing skills. The color design of the picture is quite consistent with the chosen plot and is quite realistic.

In the picture we see "faces" with eyes and mouths - this is the initial stage of the image of a person and other living beings. According to the formal characteristics in the drawing, one can distinguish the “correct” location of the image on the sheet (in the center), its standard, average size, which is a sign of the boy’s normal visual-spatial orientation. However, the randomness of the lines, strong pressure when coloring and weak pressure during the main drawing of contours is a sign of a possible emotional instability of the child, a rapid change in his states (for example, periods of activity often alternate with periods of lethargy). The drawing is careless, which may indicate the author's impulsiveness, but it is clear that the child can control his hand (the coloring does not go beyond the outline), so it is more likely to assume that the third-party assessment is of little importance to the author. This is also evidenced by the low detail of the picture.

The picture is dominated by dark tones (black, brown, purple), which may indicate a lowered mood. Drawing individual elements with a multiple line, with strong pressure, in different directions characteristic of anxiety. Blackened eyes, a mouth with teeth are considered signs of fear and aggressive manifestations.

Psychologist's conclusion

Analyzing this figure, we can conclude that skills are insufficient for 5 years visual activity boy and weak motor skills. Judging by the figure, it can be assumed that the child has a mobile nervous system, mood and behavior changes are often observed, but quite good self-control for his age. It cannot be called hyperactive and unbalanced. Probably, during the period of life during which the drawing was made, the boy was alarmed, experienced a feeling of fear (perhaps quite definite), therefore he defended himself - he behaved aggressively and wary. However, without additional observations of the behavior and play of the child, it is not possible to say this with certainty.

Dear readers, we are waiting for your children's drawings at: [email protected] Please include the child's name and age in the cover letter.

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