How witty and cheerful in company. Wit for the lazy


Do you think that a sense of humor and the ability to joke is given to a person from birth and cannot be developed? This opinion is not entirely correct - a few tips, exercises and instructions can be cited as evidence to develop wit.

I note that many of the tips are not immediately implemented, but require a sufficiently long time to apply.

How to develop resourcefulness and wit. Be positive

Look at life from the positive side - to some extent, this worldview can be learned from children. You should be able to laugh at yourself, try to completely get rid of the complexes. A cheerful person will subconsciously radiate positive mood which is sure to pass on to others.

How to develop resourcefulness and wit. Enlarge your vocabulary

  • Enrich your own lexicon- many jokes are based on a play on words, so it is worth developing your own speech, reading as many books as possible, pronouncing various tongue twisters.
  • Be sure to follow the news recent events, scientific discoveries- all this will broaden your horizons, allowing you to apply the information received in a playful and humorous way.

How to develop resourcefulness and wit. Think Associatively

  • Develop associative thinking- you can train everywhere and in any environment - choose an object or phenomenon and try to come up with as many words as possible related to this thing or event.
  • Daily training in a couple of weeks will allow you to add up comparisons and ingenious puns almost instantly, without much thought.

How to develop resourcefulness and wit. Work on the pitch

Learn how to present a joke correctly - half the success depends not so much on the content of the remark, but on the expression on the person's face, intonation, and style of presentation.

  • Even the most funny joke, narrated in a dull and boring voice, will not cause laughter from the audience.
  • At the same time, if you laugh and cackle in the process of the story or gasp, the listeners simply may not understand what you are talking about.
  • Work on diction - speech should be clear, without hesitation and stuttering.
  • Read aloud more, pay attention to the timbre of the voice and the manner of presenting the jokes of famous comedians.
  • Learn to speak loudly, clearly and measuredly, without threatening intonation.
  • Owners of a soft and melodious voice have people around already thanks to the pleasant notes of their voice.

How to develop resourcefulness and wit. Be relevant

Try to show humor appropriately - the success of a joke depends on the place and time.

  • It is extremely important to be able to assess the situation in a matter of seconds and find a few necessary words. The same phrase, but said a minute later, may seem completely unfunny. This skill is mastered in the process of communication, if you have shortcomings with this, then look at the material: improving sociability.
  • Do not repeat the same joke twice - if the audience did not sincerely laugh the first time, they will smile after the second story, at best, out of pity for the comedian.

How to develop resourcefulness and wit. Be brave

Do not be afraid to be funny - temper your own pride, try on your own or with the help of loved ones to find something funny in your character and behavior.

  • Perhaps it will be some kind of ridiculous habit or manner - the main thing is that it looks fun and unusual.
  • These may be atypical eating habits (for example, the ability to eat a few slices of lemon and not wince), or habits (walking around without an umbrella even in the heaviest downpour).

Do not be afraid to improvise - let a certain part of the jokes be unsuccessful, but you will learn how to own experience understand the correctness and appropriateness of humor. Try to avoid jokes about the religious, national or racial characteristics of people, especially if they relate to those present.


Many believe that wit, being an innate human quality, cannot be developed. However, this is not quite true. Let's try to give some recommendations to people who want to develop this invaluable quality and understand how to joke correctly.

  1. Learn wit from people who have outstanding abilities in this area. Pay attention to how they formulate their thoughts, what logical moves they use to create a reprise, etc. Read the works of authors known for their wit. Watch the performances of various comedians, noticing different styles and types of humour.
  2. Hang out with witty people more by trying to joke around with them. Observe the reaction of other people who perceive jokes, making conclusions about what words of your acquaintance caused the most laughter from other people.
  3. When you tell your jokes, be sure of yourself. This greatly affects their perception.
  4. One of the main features of thinking witty man is the ability to think outside the box, finding unusual features in ordinary things. Learn to look at surrounding reality at an odd angle.
  5. Although your task should be out of the box thinking, you, oddly enough, should not be afraid to be commonplace. Only by allowing yourself to express even the most mediocre jokes, you can ensure that the reprises will turn out to be truly original, because they will come from the depths of your soul.
  6. Pay attention to the meanings of words as you try to play with them. After all, the material of many comedians contains many such phenomena.
  7. Formulate your jokes in such a way that they can be understood by others. Adjust to the perception of people in order to achieve the best result.
  8. There is no point in joking about ambiguous topics. Only in the company of close people whom you know well, you can afford to joke about religion, politics, etc.
  9. Do not try to lighten the mood with your jokes if you see that the person is not in the mood for humor. This will only cause irritation and a desire not to communicate with you.

Such a person is interesting to talk to. You perfectly understand that it is not so - it is simple. Once I wanted to know more about how to become more serious. It has special qualities. In today's world, they are trying to shift the responsibility to those people whose seriousness is fugitive.

You can see this with employers. They are happy to hire someone they can trust with their money.

As we can see from all this, there are only pluses. So be just that, then people will be drawn to you. I strongly advise you to start digging in yourself and know when to build smart face and when you can joke.

After all, without humor, literally anywhere. We need to somehow defuse the tense situation. This also needs to be carefully and carefully studied.

Firstly, to be taken seriously, you need to be interested in not simple things. Football is simple thing, but when you follow politics, it means that you think deeply and far-sighted. Then there will be no doubt at all.

2. The style of clothing you should match your preferences. Another slob who can't control his appearance, of course, will not attract anyone to him. That's how it is. Make your own demands, and do it yourself.

What do you want the most? What would you look at once from the good side, and remember, than another time from the bad side, but always remember? Always use everything effective methods to your own benefit.

3. Don't try to be a serious person all the time. It's as stupid as always laughing for no reason. You might think that you do it on purpose to be well thought of. On the contrary, do not depend on someone else's opinion, desire freedom, and let it become your strong point in life.

4. Make a great achievement and teach it to others. When you create, you do not notice how your time passes. Behind this process comes the knowledge of oneself, it is possible to identify and eliminate weak sides, show your friends what they are correct opinion about you.

Know how to competently control yourself, that is, at the right time to support your partner, and in a fit of rage, when you can’t achieve success, break loose and not say stupid things that harm you.

This is the key point to get information about how to be serious.

An educated person differs from a restrained one in seriousness.

5. You accept everything as it is, do not inflate panic from an empty circumstance, then this can only say that you are good. Not only conscientiously treats his work duties, but it is necessary. These are required everywhere, and their work is paid adequately and on a large scale.

6. Stay who you really are. If you like areas of science, feel free to study them. The manner of speech and timbre will be menacing. The hardness will be such that no one can argue with you. Otherwise, it won't seem like much. Such serious people are avoided and, most importantly, respected so then they will not ask you to do the dirty work, they will give you to someone else. There is simply no other way out.

7. Know how to negotiate with a person in a couple of minutes. Extremely short and humble, without any complexity, which harm even empty thoughts. Let him understand who he is dealing with, otherwise he will take you for a friend with whom you can joke. Don't allow it.

8. Say what you would be called on "you". Everyone, including mother-in-law, partners. Otherwise, they can easily cross the threshold and make you henpecked. Especially women can resort to this. By the way, what is your opinion? I have heard and read that this is the way they test potential guys for themselves. They are so wise.

You don't want to expose yourself, do you? Follow this. It seems like ordinary moments, but they can bring a lot of unpleasant surprises along with disappointments.

9. Ability to handle money. Show that you know the price of every penny, it’s simply impossible to deceive. Politely refusing a request shows how big your ambitions are, and how you can put your interests on those of others.

You can talk for a long time on the topic, but all this will only bring you closer, but no more than that. Then we begin to communicate, to identify how we can skillfully and smoothly carry out our affairs without harming others.

Be in the company of friends, make decisions first. Give the initiative to yourself while others turn on their computer and sit, chatting on the Internet all day. It is most reasonable to do useful things, and decide how to become serious. It won't be difficult to do this.

How to become more serious?
Find out in this article how to become more serious.

Someone lacks optimism, someone dreams of becoming the soul of the company, and there are people who are wondering how to become serious. This quality is in many cases simply irreplaceable. But what about someone who is naturally reckless enough and does not worry about anything? The following tips from psychologists will help solve this problem. The first step is to focus, read and think. The second is to put the advice into practice. And finally, the third step is to enjoy the result!

First of all, in the question of how to become serious, you need to evaluate your appearance. And it's not about taste preferences. It is worth opening your own closet and trying on all the outfits one by one. You need to evaluate your appearance according to several criteria:

  1. Age. At what age can a woman wear a crop top and denim shorts? That's right, up to 30 years old. A middle-aged woman in such an outfit will look frivolous and inappropriate (the only exception is the beach). Among other things, it is necessary to take into account the features of the figure. The situation is similar with men. A young man in torn jeans is a fashion-conscious young man, and an older man in the same clothes will be bewildering.
  2. Having selected outfits that are suitable for age, they need to be sorted by style. For example, going to the office to work in frayed trousers and a stretched T-shirt is not serious, so it is better to save such clothes for meetings with friends or shopping. But a stylish checkered jacket is quite suitable for a business meeting.

If you can’t do this procedure on your own, you can attract a girlfriend or friend. The main thing is that the assistant should have the very quality for which this whole event was organized.

If the appearance is quite consistent with the appearance of a serious person, then it's time to take care of the inner world. Something may not work right away, and others will be distrustful and wary of such changes in behavior. But the main thing is not to give up, and soon people's opinion will change and everything will happen as dreamed.

It is very important in this matter not only to start doing all of the following, but also, as they say, to keep the mark. That is, in no case do not go off the chosen path, be consistent in achieving the goal. Over time, this will become a habit and become a lifestyle without causing any difficulties and discomfort. But it is worth stumble at least once, and everything will have to start from the very beginning, and each time it will be more and more difficult to gain the trust of others.

How to become a serious woman or serious man? First of all, be responsible! These two concepts are inseparable. Always and in everything you need to keep your promises and keep your word. Starting from such trifles as buying a loaf of bread for dinner, to global tasks, such as signing a major contract. You need to give yourself a clear setting: “There is only one chance and it must be used. What is not done now will never be done.” There are no compromises on this issue. If it is said, it must be done. This is perhaps the most difficult point, but working it out is a matter of habit. The main thing is to start, and then the instinct is literally developed, and the person fulfills the promise, without hesitation or doubt.

It's not difficult to learn not to be late and to do everything on time. Modern gadgets allow you to set alarms and reminders, as well as plan your day. If there is no electronic assistant at hand, then you can use plain paper and a pen. You need to plan your day in advance, preferably the night before. It is necessary to make a schedule of all meetings, calls and tasks, objectively estimate the amount of time required for travel, accomplishment of plans, preparations and add 10-30 minutes (if possible) to each item for unforeseen circumstances. The next day, strictly follow the plan. Don't be afraid to say "I won't be able to do it today" or "I have some important meetings, let's move this event to tomorrow". People around will react much better to someone who honestly tells about the lack of time than to a person who promises, but does not fulfill.

How to become a serious girl if emotionality is the second "I"? First of all, learn to control yourself. You can restrain anger by mentally counting in your mind from one to ten and vice versa. And standing in front of the mirror, when no one sees, you need to train to laugh not “at the top of your lungs”, but cute and a little flirty.

How to become a serious guy and not stop being the soul of the company? You need to keep yourself within the limits, adjusting to the situation. For example, on business meeting behave accordingly, and at a party with friends you can relax and joke or play pranks. But everything is in moderation. No need to think that for crazy actions someone will love more or become more respected. People like to have fun looking at the stupidity of others, but building relationships or dealing with such characters, as a rule, no one has a desire.

Do not forget about good manners. Correct behavior to match the moment will always emphasize the seriousness of the attitude to the situation.

And most importantly, you need to learn to think about the consequences before expressing your emotions. It will take some time and effort, but it is quite possible to achieve a result.

When discussing how to become more serious, mindfulness should not be forgotten. And to everything: to changes in people's lives, important events, even to trifles. There is a very simple but effective exercise: you need to ask someone close to you to change something in the house while you are away. For example, rearrange the dishes in the sideboard, swap the towels in the bathroom, and so on. Returning home, you need to quickly find and recognize the changes. This exercise is fun and easy, but it will develop the habit of closely monitoring the world around you and noticing the metamorphoses that have come. In addition, it is also necessary to properly respond to these changes. For example, express your support for an upset colleague, assure the security of the deal to a clearly nervous partner, compliment the client on the company's updated website, and so on.

To give the impression of a serious person and to be one in reality, actions alone are not enough. After all, in order to perform these very actions, you must first make a good impression. To do this, you need to be able to communicate and interest. How to become a serious conversationalist? First, learn to speak correctly. You need to leave all teenage slang words in the past, and remember the basics literary language. If you wish, you can study the prerequisites for public speaking on your own with the help of various techniques or attend special courses.

Secondly, turn off the TV and give preference to regular reading of literature, online publications, newspapers and magazines. It is necessary to follow the news, be interested in the opinions of experts, form your own views, supported by facts and figures.

At first it will seem boring and uninteresting, but over time it will become an integral part of life and improve its quality.


Distinguish between humor and wit. These two qualities are often perceived as a whole, although this is not entirely true. A sense of humor is the ability to find something funny in any situation and point it out to your interlocutor. Wit lies in the ability to create this “something funny” and clothe it in speech form. Of course, sometimes there are people who have both of these qualities at once, but most often you have to be content with at least one of them. Some believe that a sense of humor and wit is a gift, not a skill that can be obtained at will.

Learn to disengage from yourself. Few people have the ability to laugh at themselves. Often this is due to some kind of complexes, fear of making oneself a laughingstock, etc. Once you understand that there is nothing wrong with that, that people, on the contrary, will be more happy to accept a cheerful person than a bore, it will be much easier for you to laugh at yourself.

Exercise constantly. Try to invent as often as possible funny situations and interesting lines when you have nothing to do. This seemingly useless exercise will allow you to quickly respond to what is happening and find expressions in a timely manner.

Engage in self-development. Expanding your horizons will never be superfluous, especially if you intend to impress colleagues and friends with your witty attacks. The more you know, the more material you will have to build intricate designs to make your listeners laugh and enjoy.

Smile more, because without it, even the funniest and most original joke will lose all its charm. Try to search in everything only positive sides and make fun of possible unpleasant moments. The more often you do this, the better you will get at it over time.

Now it is especially important to be cheerful person- and life will become more fun and easier, and you will encourage others with your positive attitude. But after all, you need to know the measure in everything, if a person constantly sprinkles jokes, constantly jokes and teases someone, this behavior can quickly tire anyone. Such a person can be called a jester, and this is not a very rewarding calling.


Do not be shy to joke, joke more often. If you have a good mood - be sure to share it. Friends will appreciate and also have fun. A funny friends, in turn, will charge you with fun and cheer you up if it suddenly drops. But remember, you need to make your friends laugh with you, but not at you. You can, of course, pretend to be a fool, create absurdities and carry all sorts of nonsense, but in this case you will have to forget about a good position in. Being funny is not being funny. Although you can sometimes fool around a little.

Laugh in the face of the difficulties that life presents us with. Keep in mind that if you experience difficulties while sitting on a chair and propping your sad head with your hands, it will not get better. You need to be able to relax, find interesting activity in which you can dive headlong. Then you will spend less of your nerves, and it will be easier for you to look at the world with a smile.

Do not be afraid to be an altruist, help people, even those whom you see for the first time. After all, you probably noticed that if you help with his problem, your soul becomes easier and calmer.
Help your friends too, they will appreciate it. Just do not overdo it, otherwise they will get used to your help. But ordinary acquaintances, especially those with whom you had a strained relationship, should not lend a hand.
Imagine that one of your not-so-good buddies comes to you and unexpectedly for you a small financial assistance. He says that he respects you, that you are his friend and begs you to give him a loan. You can give him that you will not give him money. Most likely, this person is just trying to extract money from you, and not borrow. "Helping" such people once, wait for them to visit again and again. I am saying this based on personal experience.

Helpful advice

You see, being a cheerful person is not as difficult as it seems. Stick to these simple tips and your life will change into better side.

The ability to joke in time and ironically reflect an inappropriate remark helps in any company. A person with a sense of humor is interesting in communication and easily gets out of difficult situations. The art of being witty in oneself can be developed.

An important condition ironic statements is the speed of reaction. Many people tend to find a decent response with a significant delay when the interlocutor has changed the direction of the conversation. Psychologists advise to engage in active sports, which helps to increase the speed of reactions.

Attention to detail

Pay attention to minor details and facts, not just the substance of the conversation. They sometimes contain inaccuracies and reservations that can be emphasized. Develop the ability to cling to incorrect phrases. Witty answers and puns can come from playing on the meaning of words.

Pay attention to the general logic of your interlocutor. Combine two contradictory statements into one belief, which will be ridiculous due to the lack of a causal relationship. For example, a friend complained about his health, and before that he told you about the movie. Conclude that the reason for the friend's poor health is due to the tendency to watch horror at night.

Game communication

The basic principle of humor is that interaction with a partner takes place in the form of a game. Initially set up for frivolous attitude and try to outplay the interlocutor. Consciously exaggerate the event or, on the contrary, downplay it. Change the meaning of what was said by repeating the phrase, changing the main emphasis. When asked if a friend was married, one can answer that, in fact, he was not unmarried at all.

Use facial expressions and theatrical gestures to make the statement more comical. Explore the parodies famous people. In them, humorists note traits characteristic of a person and, through their repeated exaggeration, create vivid and funny images.

reality distortion

Give the facts the opposite meaning. With irony, the speaker may give the opposite assessment of reality. For example, on a rainy windy day, you can say that you love such wonderful weather.

Observe the spontaneity with which children comment on adult conversations. Use a naive perception and an exaggeratedly serious tone. Try to take the hidden subtext literally. Comment on rhetorical phrases that do not require an answer. For example, do not disregard the thought aloud about the lack of happiness in your personal life, intended more for yourself, but bring

The How to Be Witty course far exceeded expectations. When buying a course, I had no doubts, since this is not the first course of Konstantin Sheremetyev that I have purchased.

I would definitely recommend it to my friends, but not as the first course from Konstantin, it is quite unusual and difficult to understand. I would suggest starting with books and simpler courses. At the very least, this will help you get more out of the course.

I bought the course not so long ago, and I'm going to take it more than once and study the materials in more detail. But I got the effect literally from the very beginning. Having understood how wit works, I was able to cheer myself up and immediately brought to my arsenal several tricks that allow me to get rid of bad thoughts and see the good side of life.

I myself love to joke since childhood, but it often happens that my jokes cheer me up more than those around me. And now I know why this happens and what can be done about it. Wit brings a lot of advantages to communication with people.

The therapeutic effect is phenomenal, both in terms of getting rid of unpleasant thoughts and depressive states, and in terms of relaxation, increasing tone. Good mood became my companion. For the first time in many years, I escaped the "New Year depression".

Pleasant bonuses were: improved sleep, faster thinking, removal of many muscle clamps. And I especially want to mention the effect when the “imposed” desires began to simply disappear, and I began to understand what exactly I myself want!

Much sharper began to receive bodily pleasure from food and movement, sexual pleasure became indescribable.

Many thanks to Konstantin Petrovich for this course!

- Svetozar,

An excellent course, as, indeed, all the courses of Konstantin. I always want to acquire new knowledge to immediately apply.

During listening and application, I received a lot of wonderful minutes, laughed out loud, which I had not observed myself before. The assignments were interesting, it's a pity that not enough.

The level of the storytellers was so high that I really could not find the same level in my life. It was great to break out of the swamp of survival and enjoy life with ease. It turns out it's so cool to turn your sad stories with the help of the Cheerful Bunny as a reason to laugh. This was, perhaps, the most valuable: I learned and applied, I got a great mood.

I am sure that the course will help any person to feel the joy of being.

- Irina Pyreskina, reader of the course "How to become witty"

Thank you very much for this great course! There were no doubts when ordering, since this is not Konstantin's first course, and I am familiar with the quality of his courses firsthand.
The course itself is a storehouse of valuable information, and especially the Jolly Rabbit algorithm, which allows you to generate jokes at the speed of a machine gun.
If someone did not fully understand the information presented in the course, it means that he did not fully turn on his intellect.
Konstantin's courses are usually concentrated high-quality information, so when listening, you need to turn on the brain to its fullest in order to fully assimilate it.
I recommend this course to anyone with an active intellect, as it will come in handy in many areas of life.
Once again, I thank the author for the invaluable information.

- Viktor, reader of the course "How to become witty"

I took several courses in humor. But after each there was some understatement. Or the courses were focused on only one specific topic.

This course by Konstantin Sheremetyev also cannot be called completely exhaustive, wit still has many directions, but for a start it gives everything necessary knowledge, diversified aimed at various aspects of the use of humor - and this is its undeniable advantage.

Further, it is already possible to improve, aggravate, deepen and expand existing talents and knowledge.
I can safely recommend to all beginners and those who continue the delicate work of jokes and humor. More colors, Friends!

- Vitaly Pikilin, reader of the course "How to become witty"

Thanks a lot for the course. And amused, and made me think, and feel. The most important was the last day, which put everything in its place, brought humor to the most important psychological problems. I came to some things intuitively, the closest people told me: “You live easily”, not suspecting what storms rage and icebergs collide in your soul. The lifestyle that Konstantin proposed is my style, and most importantly, I managed to understand some of my psychological problems. I won’t say that it’s easy and pleasant, but it’s important and useful to see them for real and get a tool to solve them.

When I ordered this course, I had no doubts, I received more than I expected. The only thing that was uncomfortable for me was the pace of the classes: two days were not enough for me to understand and feel the topic and complete homework. If she tried to meet the set time, she flew by superficially, missed half of it, misunderstood. Now I repeat the past and wonder how I managed to really let some things go past my ears. It's good to be able to do it again!

- Nina Konyukhova, reader of the course "How to become witty"

Studying the earlier courses of Konstantin Sheremetyev, I drew attention to his attitude to wit as an integral part of the intellect. And even then this aspect seemed interesting. After completing the course, I received the most valuable theoretical knowledge for self-improvement and, most importantly, step by step instructions in order to actually become a more cheerful person. Literally from the first lessons, it became clear that I take the unimportant events in life too seriously, and this makes it very difficult to experience positive feelings, to think freely. It was a lot of fun to complete the tasks and, surprisingly, it cheered up for a long time. I think that salient feature this course is that you get confirmation of the acquired knowledge, as they say, "on the spot". If you form a habit for yourself to joke correctly and in time, which, in fact, this unique course teaches, then life will become much more joyful and interesting. Thank you, Konstantin, for your desire to give people real tools to improve the quality of life!

- Elena Dubnova, reader of the course "How to become witty"

I have always been interested in wit. Like it very much witty people when what they said is "straight to the point, to the point"!

The most valuable thing for me was that, without noticing it myself, I began to laugh very little, just laugh, from the heart, as children laugh. In the process of passing the course, only the first task I did on working week, and I did all the other tasks on the weekend, after I got at least a little sleep. It would seem that difficult: view humorous scenes and then answer questions. View what is joyful, fun, uplifting. BUT - I didn't catch up with the jokes, and I didn't have much fun. As it turned out, for the perception of humor, and even more so for its creation, a lot of energy is required, which I did not have.

Humor is another tool to measure my energy scale. It's incredible!

This course helped me understand that humor is important! This is joy, laughter, good mood! It all slowly comes back to me, and I started telling jokes - me, who never did this - and I liked it! I also understood my reaction to situations in the past, when the issue being resolved was important to me, and the interlocutor laughed it off. And I did not understand why I was hurt and unpleasant from this. Now these situations only bring a smile!

I strongly advise everyone to take this course!) Thank you!))

- Natalia Milyutina, reader of the course "How to become witty"

I signed up for this webinar to spend two weeks in a pleasant positive company, get a boost of vivacity, energy, Have a good mood. I am not disappointed! I looked forward to each lesson and completed the tasks with pleasure. In addition, which in itself is already a lot, I received specific new knowledge regarding the theoretical part. It is always pleasant and useful to get a clear structure in some kind of knowledge, in this case, wit.

I considered and consider myself a person capable of joking, but now I have begun to monitor my jokes and understand that they can be significantly, significantly improved and made more pleasant for myself and others.
"Merry Rabbit" - respect! The exercise about perceiving the range of humor had the greatest impact on me. Here, as I have already noted, I collided with my ego and, it seems to me, successfully pushed it aside - let him know his place! This is not the first course that I took in the Intellectics project, and over the past two weeks I have repeatedly found associations with other trainings, turned to them, found right places, refreshed in memory, and this is in addition to those that were mentioned in the course.

I have new facets of the world view, in addition to a new look at humor, and the most important and new facet for me is a look at what is happening not from the point of view of tragedy, but, on the contrary, an attempt at optimistic perception. Simply put, I began to automatically notice a sign of reaction to what was happening. I understood what a playful mood is, why it is needed, how it helps! It seems that he expressed the main thing that he wanted. You can write more, but brevity is a sister, and someone is a daughter-in-law, so thanks again, it was wonderful, see you again!

- Evgeny Boboshin, reader of the course "How to become witty"

The course "How to be witty" turned out to be one of the most interesting, because it was fun to take it. I plunged into such a wave of pleasant emotions that I really felt that life is a simple and fun thing. Any situation that seems unpleasant can be looked at from a completely different angle. Know a lot interesting videos, and the atmosphere of jokes and humor continued in homework.

When ordering Konstantin's courses, there is never any doubt, all courses are very informative, but with such a topic related to the fun side of life, there was no thought at all whether to buy or not a course. For me, the most surprising thing was that, it turns out, there are joke algorithms, with their help everyone can joke. Of course, questions arise during the course, but similar questions are asked by course participants, and in the process of studying incomprehensible points are clarified. I would recommend taking the course to anyone who takes life too seriously and who wants to learn how to joke on their own.

- Elena Azarova, reader of the course "How to become witty"

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