How to draw blood in sai. Creating Realistic Blood in Photoshop


Have you ever drawn blood? What are the best colors to use to make the blood look natural and terrify everyone?

Draw blood splatter

If you are thinking about how to draw blood, dilute the paint with water to make it more natural. One part paint should be two to three parts water. First, choose a place from which you will start drawing blood. Now draw lines in one direction - uneven, barely clear. If you want to finish the line, increase the pressure on the brush so that a small drop remains. This will give the impression of a trace of blood. To depict darker venous blood, you can darken individual elements.

Draw a blood stain

Drawing a bloodstain is pretty easy. To do this, apply a small drop, then spread it with a brush in the right directions and let it dry a little. Then base color you can darken it a little by adding black to it. And here are some more tips that will help answer the question of how to draw blood. To make the blood look spectacular, dilute the mixture with colors such as blood red and chaos black. The impression of wet blood will be greater if you cover your work with varnish.

Drawing blood with ink

With ink, you can make more bright colors unlike paint. They will shine after drying, which will save you from having to cover them with varnish. Use dark red for blood. It can be added to PVA ink, after drying, as a result of light refraction, the mixture will look like real blood.

That's all, use any of the above methods, draw blood, make it realistic and scary!


Not that I'm good at this... but I'll share everything I know about drawing blood anyway.

Never draw an outline for blood! Because it will ruin everything, especially if you draw badly.

First of all, you need to understand that blood is a liquid, that it is red and more viscous than water. Naturally, it flows and, as a rule, forms smooth edges (unless the blood is rubbed and spattered). When splashed, it behaves the same as water.

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Here, for example, is how a pool of leaking blood is drawn (more precisely, how I do it).
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Blood flows from top to bottom ^^ And, like water, it repeats all the curves and bulges of the body, and also clogs into cracks and folds ... For example: if blood flows through the belly, then it will accumulate in the navel and flow below.

Glitter appears on the most convex places, folds and protrusions, both on the body and on objects moistened with blood. If the blood wet the clothes, then the clothes will be wet XD! This means that the color wet place will be much darker than the color of the blood and than the color of the clothes. Blood on clothes, as a rule, does not shine and is absorbed, that is, a stain forms. On weapons and on smooth surfaces, blood, like water, under the action of surface tension, collects in drops or flows down, leaving almost no traces behind (a few small droplets or something like that).

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→ Draw blood

What you need

In order to draw blood, we may need:

  • Graphic editor GIMP. You need to download GIMP and install it.
  • Download brushes for GIMP, they may come in handy.
  • Some add-ons may be needed (instructions on how to install them).
  • A little patience.
  • Good mood.

Step by step lesson

By the way, in addition to this lesson, I advise you to turn your attention to the lesson "". It will help improve your mastery or just give you a little pleasure.

Tip: do it different actions on different layers. The more layers you make, the easier it will be for you to manage the drawing. So the sketch can be done on the bottom layer, and the white version on the top, and when the sketch is not needed, you can simply turn off the visibility of this layer.

When completing the lesson, please note that due to differences in program versions, some menu items and tools may be called differently or not at all. This might make the tutorial a little difficult to follow, but I think you can do it.

To set the parameters for the Brush tool:

We take some suitable wall. A tile is a good fit, because a similar effect on it looks best. Let's create a new layer. We select the appropriate color. Then we take a brush and make a stain on it. In black it looks like this:

We wipe the excess with an elastic band with the same settings as the brush. Opacity is about 25%.

Blood tends to flow down, so it is worth washing in the middle and upper part of the stains. The liquid is quite thick.

We take the "Finger" and smear the stain. Several requirements. It is necessary to take into account the texture of the wall. With a certain dexterity, you can smear the stain as if a hand was convulsively clinging to it.

You can add drops. This will add some realism.

Blood coagulates, so on the largest clots it needs to be darkened.

Increase sharpness, add details to your taste. That's all.

Not that I'm good at this... but I'll share everything I know about drawing blood anyway.

Never draw an outline for blood! Because it will ruin everything, especially if you draw badly.

First of all, you need to understand that blood is a liquid, that it is red and more viscous than water. Naturally, it flows and, as a rule, forms smooth edges (unless the blood is rubbed and spattered). When splashed, it behaves the same as water.

Here, for example, is how a pool of leaking blood is drawn (more precisely, how I do it).

Blood flows from top to bottom ^^ And, like water, it repeats all the curves and bulges of the body, and also clogs into cracks and folds ... For example: if blood flows through the belly, then it will accumulate in the navel and flow below.

Glitter appears on the most convex places, folds and protrusions, both on the body and on objects moistened with blood. If the blood wet the clothes, then the clothes will be wet XD! This means that the color in a wet place will be much darker than the color of blood and than the color of clothes. Blood on clothes, as a rule, does not shine and is absorbed, that is, a stain forms. On weapons and on smooth surfaces, blood, like water, under the action of surface tension, collects in drops or flows down, leaving almost no traces behind (a few small droplets or something like that).

The main thing is to imagine how it should look. At worst - look on the Internet similar pictures. You always have to think about what you're doing

How to draw an eye with a pencil step by step

STEP 1. At the first stage, we need to draw the shape of the eye. Although this is the first stage of the picture, it needs a lot of attention. After all, if the shape of the eye is not what you want, then the whole drawing will not look very pretty.

STEP 2. Now draw the pupil. This is a hole in the iris through which light rays enter. The apple of the eye can constrict with the help of a sphincter or expand with a dilator controlled by sympathetic fibers. I will depict it fully expanded. Although such a state of man is not natural.

STEP 3. K big size the pupil is usually caused by emotional excitement, pain, or the introduction of symptomatic drugs (cocaine, amphetamines, adrenaline), hallucinogenic (like LSD), or anticholinergic drugs into the body. A glare is also visible on the zenith - a reflection of light rays. One small round just above the center and the second larger size located to the left (from the point of view of the viewer). We need to add shadows. We will add eyelashes later.

STEP 4. Here we will add a darkening in the pupil, which will give it depth and realism. I also added some shadows on the eyelashes and the top of the eyeball.

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Rules for drawing arrows

The question of how to draw arrows in front of the eyes worries a lot of women. A beautiful arrow can be drawn only if you do it sequentially in several stages.

You need to draw an arrow with a “firm” hand, otherwise the line will turn out not to be even, but wavy, which is unacceptable. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to put a mirror at eye level, and with the elbow of the hand that draws the eyes, rest against a hard surface.
It is not necessary to draw an arrow by closing the eye or opening it, it is inconvenient. It is best if the eye is half closed. In this case, you will immediately see how well the arrow is drawn.
No matter how wide it is planned to draw an arrow, initially it must be drawn thin, and gradually thicken if necessary.
Most women believe that the arrow should be drawn with one solid line. But in this case draw straight line almost impossible. It is best to draw an arrow in two passes. From the inner corner to the middle, and from the middle to the outer corner.
The inner edge of the arrow should be drawn along the lash line. If space is left between the eyelashes and the eyeliner, it will look sloppy and the eyelashes will not look spectacular, even if they are very thick and beautifully made up.
The arrows on both eyes should be the same length and width. Even the slightest deviation is unacceptable, since with different arrows the eyes will look asymmetrical, even if in fact the woman does not have such a defect.
If the eye makeup includes not only arrows, but also shadows, then the arrows are drawn over the shadows.

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Please draw me a sea
So that the quiet waves flicker,
To smells of happiness and will
My chest was filled to the brim.

Draw sand under my feet
Yellow-yellow, like a ray of sunshine.
And decorate the sky with all the clouds,
Do not draw only, please, clouds.

Draw me a kite
For the wind to play rebellious with him.
So that I, having nothing,
She continued to be kind and gentle.

Will you draw the sea and the sky for me?
And cover it with clouds?
Will you draw me an eternal summer?
And sand under bare feet?

Draw, but do not put a point yet,
I didn't tell you the main thing
Please draw me a daughter
And draw yourself at the pier.

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How to make a treasure map

Take a piece of wrapping paper of the right size. If the paper is white, it is better to tint it "antique". for this you need to make the background light brown. Let dry.

Draw on the sheet a map of the area where the treasure is already hidden or will be hidden. For example, draw a plan of the yard or suburban area: buildings, paths, trees. Mark the place where the treasure is buried, symbol. If you wish, you can encrypt the map - for example, instead of drawing a picture of a house, draw a rebus in which the word "house" will be encrypted.

Gently burn the sheet on which the map is drawn along the edges on all sides. Fold the card several times. Ready!

Who among us did not play pirates as a child? Who hasn't dreamed of finding a treasure? Everything is in your hands: hide your treasures, draw a map. Well, let the finder have a prize! - wrapping paper
- gouache
- brush
- matches or lighter
- felt-tip pensIf you have big map, for example, the size of a sheet of drawing paper, it will be more convenient to tint it not with a brush, but with a sponge for washing dishes. The sponge, of course, must be clean.

The Malaysian artist, who also works under the pseudonym Floyd Grey, uses the varying definition of the lines left by a dry marker to add volume to his characters and also draw a pattern on their clothes.

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How to draw the correct oval

First, let's find out what an oval is (from Latin ovum - egg): a convex closed flat curve without corner points, for example, an ellipse.
Now let's find any cup in the household and put it at a small distance from us (up to 1 meter).
If you are sitting much higher than the cup is, for example, you are sitting on an ordinary chair, and they put it on a high chair, then you see the ellipse almost not flattened. If you place the cup somewhere at eye level (the so-called horizon line), then the oval will turn into a narrow strip with rounded edges.
So, let's choose the position for the cup.

Now, armed with a pencil, draw by hand (without the help of a ruler), two perpendicular lines.
The one that is vertical is very important - it is called the axis of symmetry, and is the basis for all further constructions.

The next step is related to the method of sighting. It consists in covering one eye, stretching out a hand with a pencil and noticing on the pencil what is the length. It should be marked with two extreme points on the horizontal axis so that the distance to the left and right is the same.

Now, also with the help of a pencil, we repeat the same operation, but now for the vertical axis, in order to determine the width of the future oval. We mark it with two extreme points, symmetrical with respect to the center.

We also draw the next pair of lines through two horizontal points parallel to those already drawn. According to the rules of perspective in the figure, parallel horizontal lines receding into depth have vanishing points outside the sheet of paper. It is neither possible nor necessary to draw a continuation of these lines in order to trace where they converge. In drawing, the directions of these parallel lines are determined by eye.

So, we get the last missing point on the vertical axis. She was needed in order to draw an arc through it, in the figure farthest from us.
We also draw the arc closest to us.
Carefully erase the auxiliary lines (axes parallel to straight lines).
At the end of the work, the figure clearly shows that the distance from the center of the cup to its back wall is much shorter than the distance from the front wall to the center. Look at nature, is it so? If you did everything according to the instructions, then drawing the lower oval of the cup (bottom) in perspective will not cause you any difficulties.

It's nice not to depend on computer programs and be able to draw by hand. Until now, even among computer designers, this is highly appreciated. What can we say about ordinary users, for whom it is sometimes hard work to master these programs, but hand-drawn

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Pastel drawing - Egyptian Mau breed cat

1) In this lesson I will tell you how to draw an Egyptian Mau cat. This is very beautiful cats with large eyes the color of green currant or yellow-amber. The Egyptian Mau has a wonderful and unique color. This is their distinctive feature. For this picture we need a pastel sheet. dark blue A4 format. White, well sharpened pastel pencil let's make a sketch.

2) Move on to drawing the eyes and nose. For the eyes, use green, yellow, dark orange, black pastel pencils. Gently shade the eye, make the pupil black, at the end add highlights with a white pastel pencil. For the nose, use white, pink, black, red pastel pencils. Shade lightly with a white pencil around the eyes and nose and rub with your finger. When drawing these small parts your pencils must be well sharpened!

3) Shade the ear first with a pink pastel pencil, and on top with a white pastel pencil. Rub everything with your finger. Add black shades and rub. Now sharpen a white pastel pencil well and draw white hairs with quick and light movements.

4) Shade the cat's head with a white and gray pastel pencil. Somewhere you can add a few touches blue color. After that, rub everything with your finger.

5) We begin to clarify the details. With a white pencil, with small strokes, we imitate the growth of wool. Draw the stripes with small strokes of black.

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How to draw a picture with paints

Choose your watercolors. They are the easiest way to start painting a picture. They can convey all shades and give brightness when translucent. Choose whether you want to paint on wet or dry surfaces. When drawing on a wet surface, the outlines of objects are blurred, which is useful in landscape compositions or when pouring vegetables and fruits in the background.

Take drawing paper - it does not swell from excess water, and the places that need to be fixed can be easily washed off with foam rubber. Position the paper at a 30-40 degree angle so that the ink flows evenly.

Make pencil sketches of the main objects. If this is a still life, then determine the location of the table or other surface and the fruit and vegetable composition. If this is a portrait, then consider the proportions of a person, and if it is a landscape, then light sketches will be enough here - leading role colors will play. When drawing with paints, especially watercolors, consider the fact that you need to think over the shade of each stroke in advance. You can correct the error only with the help of wet foam rubber. Then, on an already well-dried surface, apply the desired strokes.

Draw the general background with foam rubber or a wide squirrel brush. When painting large areas, make sure that there is enough paint on the brush. Apply the background from a light place to a dark one. Please note that the effect of white when drawing watercolor paints It is achieved only due to unpainted or well-washed places. Be careful not to tear or roll the paper.

Determine the sunny side and shaded places in the picture. Based on this, sketch all the objects. Mix colors on the palette - in the picture, the overlay of color layers can lead to a simple color distortion dark shades. Apply each next stroke next to the previous one with a slightly dampened brush for a smooth transition.

Pictures painted with paints have the gift of attracting more and more eyes. The unique play of shades allows you to convey everything to the smallest detail. But how exactly to draw a picture with paints? - drawing paper,
- pencil,
- eraser,
- paints.

How to draw an anchor

Draw a modern anchor design with two sharp edges at the bottom. Draw a vertical line in the middle of the sheet, slightly narrowed at the top and widened at the bottom. This will be the anchor spindle. Draw a circle around the upper border of the spindle, the so-called. eye - a place for attaching a cable or rope for raising or lowering an anchor. At the top of the vertical, swipe horizontal line- stock. Secure the bottom of the spindle with a large tick.

Draw the individual parts of the anchor in more detail. Draw the spindle in the form of two straight lines, each of which draw at the bottom of the allotted in different sides, forming an anchor, its main part. This way you get two anchor horns. Line junctions should be smooth. Make each horn voluminous by adding another line that repeats the outline of the anchor. Draw lops on the tips of the horns - wide plates with sharp outer peaks. Please note that the heel of the anchor should be sharp enough.

Draw the stem in detail. From an inclined straight line at a short distance, draw another one with the same slope, but slightly convex, thus delimiting the lateral and lower parts of the stem. Connect both lines with a few vertical strokes. Now draw another sloping line repeating the outline and continue the vertical strokes at an angle of slightly more than 90 degrees. Above the upper border of the stem, draw a neck - draw a small rectangle and divide it in half vertical line. Make the eye ring double.

Darken individual sections of the anchor: the lower part of the lop and the right horn. Shade the stem with short lines and the neck, its right side. Also darken the section of the spindle that goes along the right border of the vertical - the drawn anchor is ready.

An anchor is a special metal structure that is designed to secure the ship in one place. He has many various kinds, but the base is always the same - a heavy bottom, which is fixed on a straight metal vertical. The drawn anchor is most often used as a sea symbol. - landscape sheet;
- pencil;
- eraser.

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How to draw a cat with a pencil

The cat is one of those animals that people love. different ages. Naturally, I want to draw it, but as realistic as possible. And what is in it: four paws, torso, head, ears, tail, and grouping all this together - the cat is ready. It's not difficult, but you have to do everything correctly and in order, so as not to disappoint yourself and those around you with your creative talent.

First, as a rule, we make a sketch. We draw the main forms of the animal, that is, the head and torso. We draw a circle for the head and a rough elongated oval for the body on the sheet.
Now we are working on the lines. They should not be rough, as we sketched out at first. Giving the shape and position of our cat, we try to make smooth, smoothly flowing lines.

Next is the muzzle. We draw a cross on a circle that is the head. The cross is needed to show where the animal's eyes, nose and mouth will be located.
We have triangles in the corners - these are the ears of a cat, which is important for such a predator.

Next, draw the cat's paws and paint on top of the tail.
For greater realism, we also throw in fur.
The cat is almost ready.
Erase unnecessary sketches and lines. After we finish some nuances (the location of the hind legs, fur, the shadow of the animal).

At the last moment, the antennae are drawn, remember what cats have and reproduce the same ones. Your cat should turn out excellent, experiment further.

Drawing is an art that cannot be taken away from its owner. People from young to old can create on a piece of paper whatever they please. If you are just learning and want to draw beautifully, say, a cat, then you are here! Blank album sheet, pencils (colored).

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How to draw a daffodil

Make pencil sketches in the middle of the sheet and arrange the individual parts. In the upper part, draw a hexagon - the basis of the flower itself. To do this, draw two equal trapezoids with common ground, but with convex parts facing on opposite sides. Draw the middle in the form of an oval and depict the stem and leaf with simple strokes.

Draw the details of the daffodil more precisely. From each vertex of the hexagon, draw straight lines converging towards the middle. These lines will be the vertical axes for the flower petals. Mark the midpoints of the lines. Now, from each vertex, draw strokes expanding to the indicated points. Next, bring the strokes to the middle of the flower already in the form of straight parallel lines.

In order to draw a daffodil, draw the petals of a flower smooth lines- smooth out the main contours. Picture a little wrapping of the petals wavy lines located near their walls. Draw the middle of the daffodil. First, make the borders of the oval jagged with a small step. WITH right side oval, draw a small dome, making the middle more voluminous.

Draw part of the narcissus stem in the form of a tubular arc connecting the flower itself and the straight thin stem with the wide side directed towards the petals. Draw a leaf of a plant as an elongated narrow one with a pointed top.

draw a flower with a simple pencil. Shade the middle of the narcissus tightly with straight thin lines radiating from the middle to the borders of the oval. On the petals, depict the rays going along the vertical middle line. Shade both the left side of the stem and the top of the daffodil leaf.

Draw the flower itself in yellow. Make the middle tone darker. Sketch the leaf and stem in an even green tone.

Narcissus is one of the first spring flowers. So gentle and at the same time strict, impregnable, noticing only its own beauty. Such beauty can be kept for a long time only on a piece of paper. - landscape sheet;
- pencil;
- eraser.

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How to draw an icon

In order to draw an icon, prepare the necessary inventory. Choose a desk as a workplace, see if it is comfortable for you to sit at it. After that, clear the surface of the table from unnecessary things, make room for a piece of paper, pencils, markers and paints.

First, think about what kind of icon you would like to draw. A concept or idea is a very important part of a drawing. Ask yourself what your badge will symbolize. come up with interesting drawing. Make a couple of sketches. If you're out of ideas, go online and look at pictures of different icons, maybe something will come to your mind.

Get to work, using a pencil, mark the shape of the icon. As a rule, the icon is round, so to make it easier for yourself and pay more attention to the content of the icon design, take a stencil. For these purposes, any round object that can be attached to paper and circled with a pencil can serve you. Use a jar of cream or a saucer, depending on the size of your badge. You can also use a compass.

Once you have decided on the size, start drawing. You can draw your favorite animal or flower, write the name loved one or favorite expression, whatever comes to your mind. Make a rough drawing soft pencil, and correct the extra lines with an eraser. After that, think about what color scheme suits your drawing, first take watercolor, when the paint dries, take markers or gouache and make the drawing brighter.

Dandelions in watercolor.

Well, the first flowers have bloomed. Among them are my favorite dandelions. I have already ()

Dandelions in watercolor.

Well, the first flowers have bloomed. Among them are my favorite dandelions. I have already shown how to paint dandelions with oils, and now I want to paint them with watercolors.

First, just lemon and yellow paint draw colored "blots" of future colors.

Let's outline the place where the white balls of ripe dandelions will be located. To do this, almost transparent paint and fine brush draw a circle and place small translucent spots in it. The center of the dandelion ball will be much darker than the edges. For spots, you can mix gray, blue and then add a little light yellow paint for a shade.

With yellow with the addition of ocher and light red paint, with a thin brush, draw the petals of yellow flowers, not forgetting where the light comes from.

Draw the background. You can first wet the paper, or you can just paint over with a thick brush, bypassing the flowers and balls, avoiding strong drips and drying. Top and left yellow flowers it is necessary to leave unstained white areas of paper, like a bright glare of light.

Mix pale green paint with yellow and draw dandelion stems. In some places, you can add a red tint. Gradually, we will begin to draw the leaves, leaving the stems unpainted.

By the next pass, we will strengthen dark color, again leaving the leaves and new stems and blades of grass unpainted. At the same time, draw a background around the white balls with strokes, making their edge uneven, loose. For the background, it is better to take a thicker brush and mix dark green, pale blue, yellow, a little purple.

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How to draw a butterfly
Start drawing by building auxiliary lines. First, draw a line that will become the axis of symmetry of the butterfly's body, along it the head, chest and abdomen will be located. Second, mark a dot in the middle of this line. Draw two lines from it on each side, these auxiliary elements will set the direction of the upper and lower wings of butterflies. Make sure that the angles between the corresponding lines and the axis of symmetry are the same.
Draw an elongated oval located on the axis of symmetry. Divide it into three parts: the first, very small, corresponds to the head, the other two are approximately the same in length - the chest and abdomen of the Lepidoptera beauty.
Highlight the eyes on the head, they are set on the sides, as well as a rather long antennae and proboscis, in a calm state it is folded into a spiral. If you are drawing a particular butterfly, make sure that it has a sucking mouthpart, and not, for example, a chewing one, like some families of Lepidoptera.
Draw the chest. All the "limbs" of the butterfly, if you can call them that, are attached to the body in this particular area. Mark three segments on the chest. On the second and third from the head, it will be necessary to draw the wings, but it is better to leave their drawing for later. Draw three pairs of butterfly legs in the form of dashes with pronounced joints.
Draw the belly of the butterfly in the form of an oval. Keep in mind that it is quite mobile.
Start drawing wings. If you're drawing a specific butterfly, study it. appearance, features of the shape of the plates, their colors, the structure of the cells. If you want to draw collective image, you can come up with the shape and venation (the presence of cells on the wing plate), as well as colors.
Color the drawing. For staining representative present type butterflies use desired shades, look on the Internet how female and male individuals look. For a fictional butterfly, mix and match the colors you like.
In order to draw a butterfly, it is important to imagine the structure of its body, the shape and venation of the wings, to take into account in the image the color features of a particular species of Lepidoptera. - paper;

"Mummy Sausages"
For 6 servings we need:

Halloween Recipe "Mummy Sausages"

"Mummy Sausages"
For 6 servings we need:
12 sausages - two for each child
0.5 packs of frozen puff pastry
mayonnaise or mustard - depending on the age of the children and their taste preferences

Defrost the dough to room temperature, free the sausages from the film.
Roll out the dough thinly and cut into narrow strips - these will be the “bandages”.
Wrap each sausage in a strip of dough so that an open piece of sausage remains on one edge - as in the photo. This will be the "mummy's face".
Put the sausages on a greased baking sheet and bake in a preheated oven for 10-15 minutes, the dough should be baked until golden brown.
On ready-made "mummies" - i.e. on their “faces”, draw eyes and a mouth with mayonnaise or mustard, carefully place them “face up” on the dish.

This dish would be good to serve. tomato juice, calling it something scarier, such as "Vampire Blood" or "Blood of a Black Cat". Here it is important not to overdo it with associations, so as not to discourage children's appetite.

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