What qualities did the people endow with Ilya Muromets. Reflection of the moral criteria of the Russian people in the epic "Ilya Muromets and the nightingale the robber


As part of school curriculum students study the characteristics of Ilya Muromets in the 7th grade. This is one of the main characters of epics about the ancient Kievan Rus who defended their homeland from the invasion of foreign enemies, courageously fought for their native land. Ilya Muromets in Russian literature personifies strength, courage, courage and honor. The reality of this character has long been studied and proven, which leaves no doubt about the real life and exploits of the glorious hero.

Healing a Hero

Ilya was born in the village of Karacharovo, near the city of Murom, was the only son in a family of peasant parents. From his birth, he could not control his arms or legs.

Epics about Ilya Muromets tell that until the age of thirty-three he remained physically weak, until one day three elders entered the house. There was no one else in the hut, and they asked Ilya to give them water. The owner really wanted to give the travelers a drink, he lowered his legs to the floor and suddenly felt strength in them, he was able to stand on them. He gave the travelers a bowl of water. The elders did not drink themselves, but told him to do it himself. The water turned out to be healing, after drinking it, Ilya was completely healthy. He drinks the water again and feels a huge inhuman strength in himself. Then the elders ordered to drink more water to reduce it.

Finding Your Ministry

After the healing, the elders send the bogatyr to serve Prince Vladimir in Kyiv, to defend his homeland, predicting a great future for him and numerous victories over his enemies.

They also predict the hero that he must find a huge stone on his way to Kyiv and move it.

Parents were very happy miraculous healing their son and blessed him for the faithful service of Kievan Rus, for protecting it from the invasion of foreign enemies.

Having gone to Kyiv, Ilya found a huge boulder, which the elders spoke about. Moving it, he reveals beautiful armor and weapons underneath. Immediately a black heroic horse galloped up to him, which becomes a true friend, faithfully and faithfully serves Ilya, helping him in great feats.

External Data

Description appearance Ilya Muromets in epics are given very modestly. However, it is known about his great growth (more than one hundred and eighty centimeters), powerful physique.

The hero had a courageous, kind face with large strong-willed features, a beard with gray hair. Described in the image of Ilya Muromets is also his sharp look under black eyebrows, curly hair, presumably a light blond shade.

The hero is armed and dressed in the following armor:

1. Chain mail - a long shirt - consisting of metal rings, which protected from wounds inflicted by cold weapons.

2. A helmet that protects the head from arrows and shells.

3. Mace - a heavy wooden club, consisting of a handle and a metal striker.

4. Shield for defense against impacts of guns and arrows.

5. Spear - stabbing wooden weapon with a metal tip.

All this equipment was necessary for the battle and protection of the warriors of that time.

Character traits

In order to make a characterization of Ilya Muromets in the 7th grade, you need to know what was not only his appearance, but also his inner spirit. All those long years, which the hero had to lie motionless in his bed, not only did not weaken, but, on the contrary, tempered his character, made him patient and enduring.

Legends about Ilya Muromets describe him as a very courageous, brave warrior who does not spare his life in order to stand up for his homeland. Bravely and disinterestedly he defended the common people from the raids of the Polovtsians, Pechenegs, and Khazars. Calm, kind, confident, strong not only in body but also in spirit. For his qualities and courage, he was appointed by Prince Vladimir the eldest among all the heroes.

Epics tell that he was a believing Christian. According to some sources, after the hero finished his service to the country, due to a serious injury at the age of fifty, he began to spend his days in the monastery, taking the monastic vows.

He was a devoted, fearless defender with boundless love for his homeland, people and his ministry.

The feats of arms of the hero

When compiling the characteristics of Ilya Muromets in the 7th grade, it is important to know his brave deeds.

After the hero sets off to serve the Grand Duke, the captured city of Chernigov stands in his way. Here the first feat is accomplished - the liberation of the city from the nomads. The people warn Ilya, telling that on the way to Kyiv another danger awaits him - the Nightingale the Robber. But the brave and courageous hero is not afraid of this news. He goes to specified place to defeat the robber.

Seeing the hero, the Nightingale begins to scream and whistle with incredible strength, so that even a faithful horse is unable to cope with this whirlwind. But the fearless hero shoots an arrow at him, which hits and injures the enemy. After such a victory, the hero goes to Kyiv together with the captured Nightingale, where he executes him on the orders of the prince.

The hero won these and other numerous victories over his enemies, but he never boasted about it.

Despite the exaggeration and amazing events that are told in the epics, all the actions that take place intersect with real events that time, have the truth behind them.

Probably, the opponents in the person of the Nightingale the Robber, the Pogany Idolishch, the Kalina Tsar and others are collective images, implying all the robbers, as well as foreign enemies with whom the glorious hero had to fight.

Significance in Russian culture

The number of epics written about Ilya Muromets characterizes him as a brave and valiant hero.

The image of Ilya Muromets is expressed not only in literary works. Behind centuries of history the courage and valor of the hero was reflected in architecture, culture, art, music.

A display of the strength and courage of Russian heroes was found in beautiful pictures famous artists V. M. Vasnetsov, A. P. Ryabushkin, M. A. Vrubel, I. Ya. Bilibin.

Majestic monuments to the valiant hero adorn the city of Murom in the Vladimir Region, Yekaterinburg, Vladivostok, the city of Izhevsk in the Republic of Udmurtia, and other cities of Russia and Ukraine.

The exploits of the Russian bogatyr are beautifully illustrated in documentaries, fiction, animation works by many directors, which allow not only to read about good deeds hero, but also to see them performed by actors and cartoon characters.

All these facts of life and exploits will make it possible to draw up complete description Ilya Muromets in the 7th grade, to reveal the personality, the inner core of the hero.

My favorite epic hero- Ilya Muromets

Ilya Muromets - main character Kyiv epics. Ilya Muromets is one of the great Russian heroes, he is strong in body and spirit, he is kind, and at the same time independent, very devoted to his homeland and his people, he protects the poor and does not offend weak people.

The strength and courage of Ilya I think every hero has strength, but also the inalienable qualities of a heroic character are cunning, willpower, courage. Ilya Muromets combines external and internal power. He does not retreat in front of obstacles and is not afraid of difficulties. Neither the whistle of the Nightingale the Robber, nor the multitude of enemies - nothing is terrible for the hero. Why is Ilya Muromets dear to me?

Examples from the text Is that city of Chernigov Caught up with something black-black, A and black-black, like a black crow; So no one here walks with infantry, No one here rides on good horses, The black raven bird does not fly, The gray beast does not roar. And he rode up like a great power, He became something of this great power, He began to trample on a horse and began to prick with a spear, And he beat this great power all.

And here is the old Cossack and Ilya Muromets Yes, he takes his tight, bursting bow, In his own he takes it in white hands. He pulled a silken bowstring, And he put on a red-hot arrow, He shot at that Nightingale the Robber, He knocked out his right eye with a pigtail, He lowered the Nightingale and on the damp ground, Fastened him to his right to the damask stirrup, He took him along the glorious across the open field, I drove past the nest and the nightingale. Examples from the text

Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber The author shows the strength of not only the hero-hero, but also the opponent of Ilya, in order to show how powerful Ilya Muromets is: The Nightingale whistled like a nightingale, The villain-robber shouted like an animal - So all the grasses - the ants tangled themselves, Let the azure flowers crumble, The dark forests all bowed to the ground.

Nightingale - robber

Ilya's disinterestedness, his love for Rus' The hero is, first of all, the defender of the motherland, and not hired and simply doing his job for a fee, but a completely disinterested and independent person who is truly devoted to his people and fatherland.

Ilya is the defender of the poor, the weak, the offended. The hero always helps those who need his help, protects those who are not able to protect themselves from robbers and rude people.

Elijah's independence. Ilya Muromets and Prince Vladimir. From the very beginning of Ilya's stay in the capital city of Kiev, the hero behaves like a scientist, observing all the rules, treating the prince with all respect and respect.

And here the old Cossack and Ilya Muromets He put his horse in the middle of the yard, He himself goes to the white-stone chambers. He passed into the dining room in the burner, On his heel, he waved the door. He laid the cross in the written way, He bowed in a learned way, He bowed low to all three, four to the sides, To Prince Vladimir himself in person, He was also knee-deep to all his princes.

Ilya Muromets and Prince Vladimir. And when the prince accuses the hero of lying, doubts the strength of Ilya Muromets, thinks that he could not pass through Chernigov - the city, Ilya does not humiliate himself in front of the prince and does not agree with him, but proves to Vladimir that he is right.

Vladimir spoke to him these words: Ay, peasant peasants, in the eyes, muzhik, yes you flirt, In the eyes, muzhik, but you scoff! As in the glorious city of Chernigov, there is a lot of strength here ... A nightingale sits The robber Odikhmantiev's son. Ilya spoke to him and these are the words: - You, Vladimir-Prince and Stolno-Kiev! Nightingale the Robber in your yard. After all, his right eye with a pigtail has been knocked out, And he is chained to a damask stirrup ...

Ilya Muromets is the favorite epic hero of the Russian people. Russian people love and honor the hero Ilya Muromets, as he combines the qualities good man and a strong warrior, he protects the weak, he is disinterested, he loves his homeland and his people very much.

    My opinion:

    Lazy - very lazy, until something happens and will sit.

    Good-natured - even very much, he tries to help everyone, he even regrets his enemies.

    Rectilinear - can not even cheat a little.

    Tight - well, or whatever it is right, when he thinks very slowly.

    Ilya Muromets is an epic hero who is distinguished by courage and courage. Among the qualities of character in Ilya Muromets, the following can be distinguished:

    1) Kind and sympathetic;

    2) Fearless;

    3) Taciturn;

    4) Self-confident;

    5) He loves his native country very much;

    6) Smart, all his actions are thought out;

    7) Wise and prudent.

    If we consider the image of the hero Ilya Muromets in Russian folklore, in particular, in epics, it turns out such a psychological portrait:

    1) Strong-willed, with strong character but waits a long time before making a decision.

    2) Like all heroes, he is distinguished by patriotism, love for his native land and the people living on it.

    3) Honesty bordering on innocence.

    Ilya Muromets is a hero, respectively, and his character is heroic with the corresponding features. Ilya Muromets is characterized by the following features: Taciturnity, every word spoken is balanced and thoughtful, wisdom - he knows how to act in every situation, courage - he is not afraid of any enemies, patriotism - he loves his homeland, and fights constantly with enemies for it, loyalty - faithful to his homeland, goes to all tasks without further ado.

    Ilya Muromets is known to everyone, but how could it be without this, he is the great Russian hero, one of the three. As for his character, we can say that he is very kind, compared to other heroes. He also has a strong sense of responsibility and honesty.

    Ilya Muromets - folk hero and that says a lot. That is, he fully possesses all the qualities of a people's defender and intercessor. He is unusually strong, fearless, he is faithful to duty and is a true patriot. native land. He loves the earth much more than power, the same Kyiv prince with whom Ilya Muromets did not constantly develop relations. But mother earth is sacred to him. Ilya Muromets loves work, he does not succumb to difficulties and chest rises to the defense of his native land at the first call. At the same time, Ilya Muromets was also endowed with personal specific features such as frankness, openness, good nature, love of truth. If something seemed wrong to him, he said so, regardless of friendship or rank.

    Ilya Muromets is kind, generous, attentive. Possesses fortitude, generosity, openness, independence. He loves his native land and all the Russian people.

    Ilya Muromets is not fictional character Russian epics, and real man, hero, hero, he himself comes from Murom.

    Ilya Muromets was one of the famous trio of Russian heroes, along with Dobrynya Nikitich and Alyosha Popovich. Among them, he was the oldest.

    He is credited with such qualities of character as courage, determination, kindness, justice, perseverance, honesty, disinterestedness, loyalty to his Fatherland and comrades, devotion. Thanks to these qualities, he always achieved his goal, no enemies were afraid of him, and he served the prince faithfully.

    There would be more such heroes in Rus' in our time.

    I know the expression of a character trait, or just a quality, or just what kind of character, but I hear character traits for the first time. Anyway.

    So epic hero Ilya Muromets inspires respect for his kindness and sense of justice. He fights evil and stands up for the truth.

    This folk hero ardently loves Rus' and the Russian people.

    Ilya Muromets - one of the three famous epic heroes, defender of the Russian land.

    First of all, he is known for his strength, courage. Ilya loves his native land very much, he is eager to defend it from enemies.

    There is also great fortitude and faith in his just cause.

  • First of all, Ilya Muromets is a patriot of his Motherland, he is ready to selflessly serve her, put at stake even own life. Hence the following definitions of its character:

    • patriotism;
    • militancy;
    • bravery;
    • courage;
    • resistance;
    • dedication;
    • true to his word and deed;
    • responsible.

    As for him spiritual qualities, it can be noted that the hero, despite his impressive physical data, has a kind, soft soul. Some more characteristics of the character of Ilya Muromets:

    • responsiveness;
    • generosity;
    • justice;
    • complacency;
    • attentiveness;
    • accommodating (in particular, with other heroes);
    • truthfulness;
    • straightness;
    • and even some naivety, or something, simplicity of character.

Name: Ilya Muromets

A country: Kievan Rus

Creator: Slavic epics

Activity: hero

Ilya Muromets: character history

A stately fellow on a horse and in armor - such a picture is usually drawn by the imagination at the mention of Ilya Muromets. The controversy surrounding the personality of the great Russian hero has not subsided for many years. Did Elijah really exist? Where do the rumors about the magical healing of a man come from? And did the hero really uproot trees from the ground?

History of creation

Every year on January 1 in Orthodoxy, the memory of St. Elijah is commemorated. The man met his old age in the Pechersk Lavra and died at the hands of the cruel Polovtsians. Studies of the remains of the martyr confirm the opinion that the hero Ilya Muromets is not a fictional character, but a real man.

Analysis of the relics, which scientists conducted in 1988, indicates specific features: the deceased man suffered from a rare disease that affects the ability to move around. Traces of wounds were seen on the bones and tissues of the saint. The above facts give reason to assert that Ilya Pechersky (a man is buried under that name) is a prototype of a mighty hero.

Perhaps the exaggerations that are characteristic of tales and legends are the consequences of constant retelling. Or the creators of the epics added metaphors to the story to impress the listeners.

Muromets really differed from his contemporaries. The description of the hero (confirmed by scientists) proves that the height of the warrior was 177 cm. Average height men in Ancient Rus' did not exceed 160 cm. It is necessary to mention the quotes of Boris Mikhailichenko, the researcher of relics:

“... the so-called tuberosities are very well developed on the bones of the mummy. And we know that the better a person’s muscles are developed during life, the more these tuberosities will be. That is, he had a developed muscular system.
“In addition, X-ray examination of the skull revealed changes in the part of the brain called the Turkish saddle. At all times there are people with such symptoms, they say about them - "an oblique fathom in the shoulders."

The first written mention of Ilya Muromets dates back to 1574. The Lithuanian governor in a note to Ostafiy Volovich casually mentions the brave warrior "Ilii Murawlenina" and the imprisonment of the Russian hero in the dungeon of the Kyiv prince.

There is a theory that handwritten evidence of the exploits of Muromets were deliberately destroyed. The supposedly humble origin of the hero cast a shadow on the boyars and their descendants.


There is a fierce debate about where Ilya Muromets comes from. The initial theory says that the hero was born in the village of Karacharovo, which is located near the city of Murom, Vladimir Region.

Researchers of the hero's biography adhere to the explanation that the birthplace of the strong man is the village of Karachev, located near Moroviysk, Chernihiv region. The supposed birthplaces of the hero are consonant, so the mistake easily crept into the epic.

It is not yet possible to obtain reliable information about the origin of the man. It is not worth excluding the possibility that Ilya Muromets is Ukrainian. By the way, the patronymic of the famous hero is Ivanovich:

“And in the glorious in the Russian kingdom,
And in that village of Karacharovo,
From honest, glorious parents, from a mother
The son Ilya Ivanovich was born here,
And by name was the glorious Muromets.

The kid, who was born in a peasant family, suffered from an unknown disease since childhood. The child did not feel the lower limbs and could not move independently. It was said in the family that the curse was the cause of the disease. Ilya's grandfather did not want to accept Christianity and cut Orthodox icon. A descendant of a pagan paid for disrespect for the saints.

Detailed biography hero can be traced from the 33rd anniversary of the hero. Ilya, suffering from his own weakness, lay on the stove. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. "Passable Kaliki" (they are folk healers) helped the future combatant to get on his feet. Behind miraculous salvation Ilya gave his word that he would protect the Russian land from enemies and atone for the sin of his grandfather.

Having received the long-awaited freedom, the man left native village and set out to do the deeds. On the way to Kyiv, Ilya encountered the first serious opponent. terrorized the district, not allowing travelers to overcome the Bryn forest.

The fight ended quickly, and the man brought the troublemaker to the chambers. The ruler of Rus' was impressed by the feat of the man, but the peasant outfit caused discontent among the reigning person. Instead of the reward promised for the robber, the tsar threw a worn fur coat at Ilya's feet. The brave man did not take offense. For impudent behavior, Muromets was put under lock and key.

Perhaps this would have ended the exploits of the man, but the Polovtsians attacked Rus'. Showing military talents physical strength and peasant ingenuity on the battlefield, Muromets earned a place in the tsar's squad.

A little more than 10 years, the hero put things in order on the territory ancient Rus'. The man accomplished many feats, about which legends and songs were composed. Ilya's favorite weapon is a heavy mace and a treasure sword, which the hero Svyatogor presented to the man.

There is a change of power, and a new ruler ascends the throne. , about which the "Lay of Igor's Campaign" narrates, leads the squad into battle with the old enemy. But there are too many nomads, Ilya Muromets is seriously injured. And here the theories about the fate of the hero diverge again:

"... from these Tatars and from filthy ones, his horse and heroic were petrified, and relics and saints became, and from the old Cossack Ilya Muromets."

In other words, the hero died during the fight. Another epic claims that the faithful horse takes the owner out of the battlefield. The man regains consciousness at the walls of the monastery and remembers the promise to atone for the sin of his grandfather. Ilya drops his ammunition and takes the tonsure. The remaining years the man spends in Kiev Pechersk Monastery and promised not to take up arms.

The Tale of Bygone Years mentions an internecine war between Rurik Rostislavovich and Roman Mstislavovich. In the battle, in addition to the Russian princes, the Polovtsian mercenaries participated. The robbers got to the monastery and killed the clergy. Ilya, faithful to his vow, did not take up arms and died from a spear in the heart.

Screen adaptations

Ilya Muromets, stopping at a stone, is a familiar image from childhood. It is not surprising that many films and cartoons have been shot about the hero, many paintings have been written.

They were the first to try on the role of a powerful combatant. The film "Ilya Muromets" was released in 1956. The plot was based on classic epics about the hero and scenes from fairy tales.

Soviet cartoon about a warrior saw the light in 1975. The second part was released on the screen three years later. Cartoons tell about significant events in the life of a combatant. Musical arrangement compositions from the opera "Ilya Muromets" are used.

In 2007, the animation film studio "Melnitsa" released the cartoon "Ilya Muromets and the Nightingale the Robber". The image of a laconic strongman, which was loved by kids and their parents (the one who voiced the hero did not have to memorize a lot of text), will later appear in four more cartoons dedicated to Russian heroes. Valery Solovyov and became the voice of Muromets.

In film " Real fairy tale"(2010) the epic character is transferred to modern reality. Ilya holds the position of a guard of Koshchei the Immortal and is not at all like true hero.

Alexey Dmitriev as Ilya Muromets in the film "The Real Fairy Tale"

In addition to films, the image of a strong and courageous man is reflected in painting, musical compositions, performances and computer games.

  • Ilya Muromets is mentioned in German epics. In legends, the hero is named Ilya the Russian.
  • IN foreign sources the wife and children of the warrior are also mentioned, whom the man misses on long trips.
  • Researchers claim that Ilya died at the age of 45-50 years.
  • For unknown reasons, the remains of Ilya Muromets (or rather, the alleged prototype) did not succumb to complete decomposition. Believers believe that the holy relics of the hero heal diseases of the spine.


"I'm going to serve for the Christian faith, and for the Russian land, and for the capital city of Kyiv..."
“I am from the city of Murom, Ilya, son Ivanovich. And I came here by a direct road past the city of Chernigov, past the Smorodina River.
“My light father had a gluttonous cow. Also eat a lot. Yes, in the end, her belly cracked "
"Run, damned ones, to your places, but repair such glory everywhere: Rus'-land is not empty."
“Forgive me, mother, I am not a worker in the field, not a breadwinner. Kalin-Tsar prepared a mortal arrow in the heart of Kyiv. Not great for me, well done, the honor of sitting in Karacharov.

Russian folk literature rich in stories and legends. A separate place is given - these are legends written in the form of a song about the exploits of heroes. And there is nothing surprising in the fact that they still remain loved by the people. The Russian land has always attracted foreigners with its large territory and riches. Therefore, Rus' needed a defender who would always protect the state. In the 7th grade, children make up the characteristics of Ilya Muromets, the most famous hero in Rus'.

The image of the heroes

The first mention of these defenders appeared during the reign of Prince Vladimir. Even after the great event for Rus' - the adoption of baptism, neighboring tribes continued to raid the territory of the state. And this is what contributed to the emergence of heroes and the glory that surrounded their exploits.

All their deeds were recorded in the form of epics, which were passed from mouth to mouth. And so the image of a great, powerful and fearless warrior, who defended Rus' day and night, was fixed in the minds of the people. Of course, not all heroes received such great fame as Ilya Muromets, in the 7th grade his characteristics are considered in more detail.

How the defender of Kievan Rus gained strength

In the characterization of Ilya Muromets in the 7th grade, he is still one of the most interesting facts his biography is to gain strength. As they say in the epics, Ilya, up to 33 years old (in some sources, a different age may be called) could not move his arms or legs. One day, the Magi came to him and asked for water. But there was no one at home except Ilya, and he answered them that he could not do this.

Then the elders told him to go and fetch water. He obeyed and, to his surprise, realized that he could walk. The Magi told him to drink water, and Ilya felt an exorbitant strength in himself. And the elders said to drink more to reduce the strength a little. After that, Ilya was told to go to the service of Prince Vladimir and protect the Russian people.

The personality of the hero

In the characterization of Ilya Muromets (in the 7th grade), one should also talk about what the Kiev defender was like. The hero was very strong, and he received strength from his native land. Perhaps that is why he is the most famous of the heroes. Ilya also had leadership inclinations, otherwise he would not have been able to gather a powerful squad near him and become its head. The hero was fair, honest and always defended Kievan Rus.

The character of epics about Ilya Muromets has a heroic and patriotic connotation. As in all legends of this genre, all the qualities of the heroes and their exploits are deliberately exaggerated in order to create the image of an invincible hero-defender of the Russian land. Children write an essay in the 7th grade - they give a description of Ilya Muromets. Such a task is great opportunity get acquainted with the great people's defender of Kievan Rus.

All the ancient Russian inhabitants were calm, because Ilya Muromets and his squad guarded them. After reading the cycle of epics, children will not only be able to get acquainted with folk epic and features this genre, they will also learn about the great heroic deeds. And they will be able to understand how much the image of the great hero meant.

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