Larry Allison oracle. Success story and biography of Larry Ellison


He is called an extravagant person, an actor, a despot. Loud characteristics fully reflect the explosive temperament, business style and personal life of Lawrence Joseph Ellison. The founder of Oracle Corporation is known for loud statements that often border on outrageous. All this does not prevent Lawrence, better known as Larry, to run a talented business, occupying a leading position in the software industry. At the same time, the start life path one of the billionaires of our time did not at all portend great achievements and high positions in the Forbes ranking. Photo: Oracle PR

Dreamer, loser, rebel

When Lawrence was born (it happened on August 17, 1944 in New York), his mother Florence Spelman was 19. An emigrant from Odessa did not want to spend her youth raising her son, preferring to spend time in nightclubs. According to other sources, Miss Spelman was missing not so much maternal instinct how much livelihood. One way or another, when by the age of 9 months the baby caught pneumonia, Florence gave him to be raised by her uncle and aunt. The boy's new parents, Louis (Lewis) and Lillian, lived in Chicago.

Adoptive father Larry was a native of the Crimea, a Jew by origin. To hide this, during the emigration, he changed his surname Goldman to the American Allison. The head of the family was a civil servant, then made capital in real estate, but lost everything during the Great Depression. Larry's childhood was not carefree: insults from his father, poor grades at school. The boy often heard that he was worthless, stupid, would never achieve anything. Tears were the answer to the humiliation, but the boy continued to rebel, to be insolent, to conflict.

Interesting fact. Lawrence's biological father was a pilot in the US Armed Forces, an Italian by nationality. Probably, it is to him that the extravagant billionaire owes interesting appearance and explosive temperament.

The guy achieved more or less significant success in the sports line, played hockey, squash, volleyball. Once the school team lost through his fault, they wrote about it in the local newspaper. Louis Ellison cut out the note and never missed a chance to show it to his adopted son, calling him a loser again. Insults, nit-picking, losses - all this shaped the character of the future businessman, brought the time of his triumph closer.

Make Lawrence teach school curriculum was impossible. A smart guy was drawn to knowledge, but only to those that he chose himself. He was interested spaceships, black holes, the device of human genes. Larry had good mathematical abilities, and soon discovered the talent of a programmer. The student began to earn extra money: he wrote programs for which he received high fees, comparable to the salary of a university teacher.

When the boy was 12, he learned about his origin. After that, the teenager began to imagine that his real father- the owner of a large fortune, and the same fate is prepared for him. Classmates wondered, listening to the fables of Larry, who knew how and loved to fantasize. Even then, Lawrence showed an innate gift of persuasion, which was revealed over the years.

In search of myself

After high school, Larry Ellison entered the University of Illinois. Studying here was easy and interesting. When the guy was in his second year, grief befell the family: Lillian died. Lawrence threw educational institution, began to interrupt with part-time jobs.

A year later, he again became a student, this time at the University of Chicago. Here, the future billionaire mastered computer science, but studied for only a semester. It turned out that interest in learning faded. He was expelled for absenteeism, poor academic performance. The guy understood: theory and practice are different things, but a good education although it is an advantage, it still does not guarantee success in business.

20-year-old Lawrence went to sunny California. Using all his knowledge of computers, he again began to write programs to order. The work brought good money, but they were only enough for rent and food. Larry was completely incapable of accumulating savings, spending them for a short time. The young man was a regular in a cheap pizzeria, wore the simplest clothes, and rode a bicycle to work. At the same time, the programmer constantly told his colleagues that he would be rich, but no one except himself believed this.

The main business of life

To achieve the dream of a solid capital, self-confidence alone was not enough. Lawrence constantly calculated schemes, ways to become a wealthy businessman. Once he got lucky. It happened in the early 1970s, when Ellison was working for a small firm called Amtex. By that time, the self-taught programmer already knew how to develop powerful databases that calculate various options. One such system, called the Oracle, Larry created for the CIA and the US Air Force.

The almost ideal mechanism was able to process a large number of requests and was easy to use. A brilliant invention turned out to be too good to be just another database. Realizing this, Lawrence created his own company (1977), which he first called SDL, and later renamed Oracle. As partners, he took Bob Miner and Ed Oates, colleagues from Amtex.

Larry made a significant breakthrough in the computer industry. His Oracle program stored everything from client lists to legal records. Software buyers needed training, and IT consulting was born. Lawrence used his gift of persuasion to the fullest. He assured clients that the Oracle, like a real seer, does incredible things. For example, it can determine where to buy the best beer in New York.

At first, the company employed 8 people, the annual profit did not exceed $ 1 million. But soon the company's revenues went up sharply: the talented Larry came up with operating system compatible with IBM. The lucky businessman was able to see the potential in the SQL query language in time.

Interesting fact. Thanks to the rapid development of the business, already in 1986, Ellison first got into Forbes list. Then the personal capital was equal to 185 million dollars, and the estimated value of the company was 31.5 million.

Incomes grew annually, but soon after a meteoric rise, a serious crisis set in. In 1990, the cost of Oracle was reduced by 80%. The company was on the brink of bankruptcy, Ellison acknowledged. Many clients began to cooperate with the main competitor - Bill Gates. Larry's firm was accused of almost all mortal sins: cheating customers, fraud, hiding profits, incorrect accounting.

In one quarter, the company lost 36 million dollars, the value of the shares decreased by 5 times. The personal losses of the founder of Oracle were no less impressive: minus 800 million out of 954. The situation was aggravated by lawsuits and Ellison's heavy debt load. With borrowed money, the head of the corporation bought yachts, cars, houses.

Giving up meant losing, but Larry couldn't afford it. The head dismissed most of the managers, recruited experienced professionals in their places. He himself decided to focus on improving the software. The strategy paid off 100%. By 1991, Oracle's profit was $1 billion. After 3 years, the amount has doubled.

Interesting fact. The beginning of the 1990s was marked for Ellison important event and in personal life. Using the services of private detectives, he found his biological mother and met with her.

Don't stop there

In 2004, an American entrepreneur became the owner of People Soft, 2 years later he bought BEA. Thus, Larry sought to get rid of competitors. As a result of the transactions, many employees of firms were unemployed, some products began to be released under the Oracle label, and other programs disappeared altogether. Business cruelty has caused scandals, strikes, high-profile trials that have not changed anything.

Lawrence Ellison openly calls his business strategy, merciless and aggressive, a war in which he is going to win by any means. There are legends about the despotism of a businessman, but Larry is sure that the end justifies the means. He hires only the best of the best, the most ambitious, hardworking employees.

For many years in a row, Larry has been striving to get ahead of his main competitor, Bill Gates. In 2009, both billionaires took the highest lines Forbes rating, but Allison was second only to Bill. In 2017, Larry dropped to 7th place with a net worth of $52.2 billion. But his brainchild, Oracle Corporation, is still the world's second largest software producer.

In 2014, Lawrence, unexpectedly for many, stepped down as the CEO of the company. At the same time, he retained the positions of director of technology development and head of the board of directors. Ellison later announced that Oracle would be looking into cloud computing in detail. Again, the instinct did not let the talented businessman down: for Last year Corporation shares increased by 18%. Like many billionaires, Lawrence is involved in charity work, finances medicine and education. A few years ago, he joined the Giving Pledge campaign, promising to donate up to 95% of his capital to philanthropy.

Ellison's personal life is also the subject of active discussion. A successful businessman was married 4 times, the third wife bore him a son and a daughter. Now Larry is single again, but does not suffer from loneliness. He has everything he dreamed of: a thriving business, money, the favor of women.

Thanks to solid capital, Ellison's acquisitions include one of the Hawaiian Islands, several aircraft, a Formula 1 car, a yacht, a professional tennis tournament, and a lot of real estate. The billionaire is fond of extreme sports, loves risk, speed, thrills. All this echoes the way an entrepreneur conducts business, because sometimes success depends on how quickly the right decision is made. Many criticize Larry Ellison, but this does not diminish his merits. The name of a talented programmer and businessman is forever inscribed in the history of software development.

Studying the stories of successful entrepreneurs, one cannot help but pay attention to some patterns: all these people are extremely ambitious, strict with themselves and others, and most importantly, they have simply brutal instinct and intuition when it comes to money.

A striking example of such a person is the head of a corporation. Today he constantly flickers on the covers periodicals and more than once took a place in the TOP 10 richest people. He is feared, respected and reckoned with. And it all started so prosaically that Larry could have been one of the millions of dreamers-losers, if not for a few fateful decisions.

How it all began

Larry Ellison (Lawrence Ellison) was born in New York in 1944. It is difficult to call his family not only prosperous, but even average: Larry did not know his father, his mother is a 19-year-old Russian emigrant, who almost immediately after birth gave the child to foster parents.

Constant skirmishes with his stepfather on the basis of Larry's independent nature are one of the main reasons why Larry began to think about the aimlessness of life. According to his stepfather, Larry was a stupid, lack of initiative, useless teenager for society, who simply “smokes the sky”.

By the way, Ellison really did not achieve any success at school: he did not study well, but not because he was really stupid, but because of a lack of interest in learning. However, after school it was necessary to join adult life, and an inevitable attribute of such a life is college.

In college, Larry also did not prove himself, and he was expelled after the first semester. Surviving not permanent earnings throughout the next year, Larry decides that this cannot continue, and somehow enters the University of Chicago. But here, too, he was more engaged in self-digging, reading the literature that interested him and looking for opportunities to earn big money.

Even then, he decided for himself: "I will become rich and famous, if only in order to prove to my stepfather how wrong he was."

Becoming "Oracle"

By chance, Larry literally stumbled upon the island of activity that really interested him: these were computers and programming. The young student began to read thematic magazines and periodicals, and spent the lion's share of his small earnings on books. And then it turned out that Ellison was not stupid at all: he just couldn’t fulfill himself before that, and when he found his niche, he became the first in it.

Unlike his peers and friends, he very quickly "absorbed" knowledge of programming, and in just a few months he was already writing rather complex programs. By chance, buyers were found for such software, Larry began to earn money, got a good practice, and, in the end, decided to move to California, where the prospects were very, very impressive.

In the 70s, the programmer got a job in a small computer company Amtex, and literally from the first days struck his colleagues and superiors with the statement: “ I'm not here for long - I'll be a millionaire very soon and I won't have to spend time in this office».

Literally a couple of years later, Allison creates his first "brainchild" - it was an incredibly convenient, multifunctional and almost perfect database. Larry patented his development and created his own company " Oracle", which at first consisted of him alone.

However, the development of the company was facilitated by the fact that users not only appreciated new system and were willing to pay good money for it. Customers needed support and training, and here Larry is making another one. important step: Starts providing IT consulting services.

Of course, the development of the company was not as fast as Larry himself wanted: by 1980, in " Oracle» There were only eight people who did not always have time to cope with the work. Employees of the company had to work from morning to night, as a result, a year later, the system Oracle interested in IBM.

Close and fruitful cooperation ensued, and from that moment on, the company's business rapidly went up. The company's profits went to new level: in 1981, the annual income " Oracle amounted to almost two million dollars. This made it possible for Ellison to expand the company, increase the number of employees and completely leave his job in the office, taking the chair of the CEO. Since then, every seven years, the company's profit has grown by geometric progression, but managed to prove to himself and others that he was far from being useless and not stupid.

By the way, in 1992, Larry, having spent a million dollars on the services of private detective agencies, found his real mother and was able to say to her eyes: Mom, look: I did it».

Success Secrets from Larry Ellison

There are many similar stories, and they all have one common feature: starting and ending point, becoming and success - always connect. Another thing is that the paths between these points can be direct and obvious, they can be winding and obscure, or they can be long and heavy, like in .

But we must not forget that everyone chooses his own path to success, and Larry Ellison had his own set of laws and rules, according to which he acted all his life.

1. "Road spoon to dinner"

Larry clearly understood that the main thing in business is to occupy a certain niche in time. "On time" in this case means "first". Working with databases in the 80s was quite complicated and caused many problems. And most importantly, there were no companies on the market that could offer any alternatives, ways to make work easier, or simply create simple and effective solutions. Larry succeeded.

2. "Never give up"

Not everything and not always in " Oracle' went smoothly. It's about not even that certain difficulties always arise in young companies. Already in the 90s, when everything seemed to be settled, the business suddenly began to bring much less profit. It was simply impossible to attribute this to economic difficulties, and Ellison had to deal with the problem personally and literally from the bottom.

The root of the problem was found pretty quickly. Larry just let things take their course when the money began to suffice for pleasures and luxuries. As a result, in the company, which was left to the deputies and heads of departments, "confusion and vacillation" began. I had to almost completely change the management of the company and carry out a “cleansing” in the accounting sector. As a result, the company Oracle”was paralyzed for several months, but the situation was eventually rectified.

3. "The strong eat the weak"

Larry always felt great potential in himself, and when the right moment came for self-realization, he did it and has not stopped since then. Allison is very aggressive, tough and goal-oriented person. He was used to quickly solving any problems, and if he could not do it, he tried again and again. This also affected the internal policy of the company: Larry always forced his subordinates to strive for a goal, especially if it was the goals of the company. And for this in the state Oracle The best ones should always work.

Hard fact: In the 80s, Larry personally interviewed candidates for every position in his company. The first question has always been: Were you the smartest on the course?". If the candidate answered Yes"- he was immediately accepted into the state. In the case of a negative answer, Larry said: “ Then give me the coordinates of the best on your course and called this person.

4. Innovation

Another important point: whatever successful business, he will not be able to stay "afloat" if he is not improved and improved in accordance with the realities of life. In addition, " Oracle Quite quickly there were competitors who were trying their best to do something new and better.

Today, even on the official website " Oracle” you can see the statement that “the company does not intend to stop there and we look to tomorrow today”.

Larry Ellison is an American entrepreneur, talented developer software, co-founder of Oracle, the world's largest software company after Microsoft. Sailing enthusiast. In 2014, he stepped down as CEO of Oracle, but remained chairman of the board of directors and director of technology development. Ranked 7th in 2017 the richest people world, according to Forbes magazine, owns a fortune of 52.2 billion dollars.


For reference:

  • Full name: Lawrence Joseph Ellison
  • Was born: in 1944 on August 17 in the Bronx (New York, USA)
  • Education: University of Illinois, University of Chicago (both did not graduate)
  • Start entrepreneurial activity: 1977
  • Type of activity at start: software company Software Development Laboratories (SDL)
  • What is he doing now: Chairman of the Board of Directors and Director of Technology Development at Oracle
  • State:$52.5 billion in 2017 according to Forbes magazine

Larry Ellison is an American billionaire, founder of Oracle, the largest software company in the world after Microsoft. Business is not his only passion.

The billionaire does not hesitate to lead a "star" lifestyle: he collects luxury real estate, yachts, airplanes, sports cars, dresses in fashionable branded clothes, is fond of Japanese culture.

How the son of an unmarried 19-year-old Jewish woman (an emigrant from Odessa), who could not even cure him of pneumonia and gave him up to her uncle and aunt, could reach such heights, we will tell in the article.

Childhood and youth of Larry Ellison

Rice. 1. Larry Ellison as a child

The mother of the future billionaire gave birth to him in New York, in the Bronx on August 17, 1944. When the boy was 9 months old, he fell ill with pneumonia. The young mother realized that she could not cope with the disease and the further maintenance and upbringing of her son. She gave him to be raised by her aunt and uncle, Lillian and Louis Ellison, who lived in a poor area of ​​Chicago. They were Jewish by nationality, and they took the name Allison to hide their origin.

In the same area, Larry lived all his childhood with foster parents, went to school. In 1962 he entered the University of Illinois. However, he did not study there for two full years. His adoptive mother died, and Larry fell into depression and dropped out of school. The next step was to study at the University of Chicago, where he met computer technology but only studied for a few months.

Fig.2. Young Larry Ellison, Ampex period, 1970.

At 22, Ellison moved to live in northern California, worked as a programmer in various companies. This did not bring him much income, but it allowed him to do what he loved and gain experience in programming. In 1970, he was lucky enough to get a job at Ampex Corporation, where he took part in the development of the first IBM-compatible server system.

Birth of the Oracle

In 1977, Larry founded Software Development Laboratories (SDL) with friends and colleagues Bob Miner and Ed Watts. The initial investment in the creation of a new company amounted to about 2 thousand US dollars. The press writes that the impetus for creating his company for Larry was an article he read by Edgar Codd, the creator of the relational data model. This article talked about the possibilities of creating such databases that can run on any computers running the SQL query language.

In those years, business needed information processing technology, which became more and more. Databases existed, but they were designed for each computer. That is, each database could work only on the computer for which it was created.

The success story of Oracle Corporation began with the fact that young entrepreneurs, led by Larry Ellison, sensitively grasped this market need, made a bet on database management systems (DBMS) and microcomputers. Ellison's distinctive strategy was the development of universal databases that can work on any computer with any array of information: be it banks, factories, public procurement, space research, or any other.

The young company received an order from the CIA to create one of these databases. Ellison called this development Oracle (Oracle). And in 1982, he renamed his company (at that time it was called Relational Software Inc.) and named it the same as the database being developed, but never developed, for the CIA. This is how the legendary Oracle Corporation was born.

Quote by Larry Ellison: "When people start telling you that you're crazy, you can be in the most important innovation of your life."

Read the story of another innovative entrepreneur: Elon Musk is an inventor, businessman and life-changing man.

Oracle Corporation Business Milestones

The first version of the DBMS was called Oracle v2. It was a well thought out marketing ploy. It was aimed at creating a feeling among potential customers that the company is not releasing the first product and is not a newcomer to the market. Although in reality it was so. However, this move was successful. The first customer was the American Wright-Paterson Air Force Base.

In 1983-1985, the third, fourth and fifth improved versions were released.

In 1986, Oracle publicly placed shares (conducted an IPO) on the NASDAQ exchange, and the name of its founder first appeared in Forbes magazine. Ellison's fortune was then estimated at $185 million. In the same year, the name of another, at that time millionaire, appeared on the list - Bill Gates, however, with a more impressive amount - 315 million dollars. From that moment began their rivalry.

Larry has always strived and strives to overtake a competitor, and he succeeded: in 2000, he was able to increase his fortune by $ 3.9 billion, it amounted to 48 billion, while Bill Geist lost $ 10 billion due to a lawsuit. antitrust proceedings.

Ellison and Gates are called complete antipodes, despite their similar business: Gates is an exemplary family man and ascetic, Ellison changes wives, does not hesitate to use all the attributes of life available to billionaires. Once he even flew his fighter jet over the Bill Gates mansion.

On the verge of falling

1990 became a crisis year for the company. It has lost almost 80% of its value. Ellison had to take extreme measures: he laid off more than 400 employees, including top managers and those who had worked for the company for more than 10 years.

He explained such harsh measures by the fact that Oracle was the fastest growing company in the software industry, it reached a billion in revenue, but faced management problems that led it to the brink of ruin. Ellison believed that the company had outgrown the people who run it, they remained at the level when Oracle was worth $15 million. They were unable to manage a billion-dollar giant.

The company managed to return to a growing track. And since then, the principle of Larry Ellison in business has become the postulate: “The business more important than people».

From 1999 to 2009, Larry Ellison received the status of the highest paid top manager of the decade in the United States according to the daily American business newspaper The Wall Street Journal.

Almost every year until 2010, Oracle released new versions of software and expanded its range of influence in the computer industry market.

In 2010, a merger with Sun Microsystems, a major software manufacturer, took place through an acquisition. In total, from 2005 to 2016, Oracle spent more than $60 billion on acquisitions of other companies.

In 2014, Larry Ellison left the post of CEO of Oracle, but remained chairman of the board of directors and executive director of technology development.

Interesting fact: one of Larry Ellison's biographies is published under the title What's the Difference Between God and Larry Ellison. The answer to this question is simple: "God doesn't think he's Larry Ellison."

Hobbies and personal life

He is passionately in love with sailing, participates in risky competitions - sailing regattas. Loves speed and seeks thrill. He turns his performances and presentations into real acting shows, has powerful charisma.

He is involved in charity work and sponsors sailing competitions in the United States. They call him a rock star Silicon Valley. In 2012, allegedly for 300 million dollars (some sources indicate the amount of 600 million dollars), he acquired the Hawaiian island of Lanai. He also owns more than 20 luxury mansions and villas in Malibu. His yacht Rising Sun costs 200 million dollars, has a length of 138 meters and is one of the ten most expensive yachts in the world.

Larry Ellison, like many other famous billionaires, is not indifferent to projects aimed at extending life, exploring the aging process. In some of his interviews, Allison says that he would like to live forever. Since 1997, he has donated more than $430 million to aging research companies.

However, after Larry Page and Sergey Brin launched a new biotech company Calico (California Life Company) in 2013 to research molecular mechanisms aging, Larry Ellison curtailed his investment activities in this direction.

Ellison has been married four times and has two children. Currently (August 2017) divorced.

Interesting fact: Larry Ellison's fourth wife Melanie Kraft published a book after the wedding - love story about marrying a billionaire playboy who is divorced three times.

Larry Ellison Books: How God Is Different From Larry Ellison by Mike Wilson; Everyone Must Go Broke: The Unlacquered Truth About Oracle Corporation and Its Chieftain Larry Ellison by Karen Southwick.

Watch the video: The island of billionaire Larry Ellison, where Lost was filmed.

Lawrence Joseph Ellison(English) Lawrence Joseph Ellison, Larry Ellison; genus. August 17, 1944, New York, USA) is an American entrepreneur, co-founder and head of Oracle Corporation, the largest shareholder of NetSuite Inc., an initial investor in


Born in New York to Florence Spellman Florence Spellman), a 19-year-old unmarried Jewish woman. His father was a US Air Force pilot Italian descent. The father was transferred abroad to a new duty station even before Spellman realized that she was pregnant. When nine-month-old Larry fell ill with pneumonia, the mother realized that she could not properly care for her child. At the request of his mother, he was placed in the care of his mother's uncle and aunt in Chicago. Lilia Spelman Allison Lillian Spellman Ellison) and Lewis Ellison (ur. Louis Ellison) adopted Larry when he was 9 months old. Ellison did not know the name of his mother and did not meet her for 48 years.

Ellison grew up in Chicago, attended school there, and began studying at the University of Illinois at Urbana and Champaign. Due to the death of his adoptive mother, he did not take exams after the second year of study. After spending a summer in northern California with friend Chuck Weiss, he returned to Chicago and spent a semester at the University of Chicago, where he was introduced to computer science for the first time. In 1964, at the age of 20, he moved to northern California.


In the early 1970s, he worked for Amdahl and Ampex. One of his projects at Ampex was the development of a database for the CIA, which he called "Oracle".

Ellison was greatly influenced by Edgar Codd's article "A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks", which is considered the first work on the relational data model. He, along with two Ampex colleagues, founded the company in 1977 under the name Software Development Laboratories (SDL). In 1979, SDL was renamed Relational Software Inc., and a few years later - in 1982 - Oracle, after the name of the main product - Oracle Database. Knowing about the existence of the IBM System R DBMS, which was also based on Codd's ideas, Ellison tried to make the Oracle DBMS compatible with it. However, IBM refused to disclose the source code of the program and it was not possible to ensure the compatibility of the DBMS. The first version released was the Oracle v2 DBMS in 1979, for marketing reasons the first version number was not assigned.

In the 1980s, Oracle was busy releasing new versions of the DBMS. In 1986, Oracle's shares began to be listed on the stock exchange, in three years the company multiplied its sales, which reached $584 million. However, already in 1990, the company ran into difficulties, announcing losses, and was forced to lay off hundreds of its employees.


For the first time the name of Larry Ellison appeared in Forbes magazine in 1986, then his fortune was estimated at $185 million. At the peak of the value of technology companies before the collapse of dot-coms in 2000, his fortune was estimated at $48 billion. As of September 2012, his fortune is estimated at $44 billion - the third in the USA (after the fortunes of Gates and Buffett).

You are not a slave!
Closed educational course for children of the elite: "The true arrangement of the world."

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Larry Ellison
Name at birth:

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Date of Birth:

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Place of Birth:

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Date of death:

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A place of death:

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▲ $49.4 billion (May 2016)

Job title

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Job title

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Job title

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Job title

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Awards and prizes

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Lawrence Joseph Ellison(English) Lawrence Joseph Ellison, Larry Ellison; genus. August 17, 1944, Bronx, New York, USA) is an American entrepreneur, co-founder, chairman of the board of directors and chief technology officer (CTO) of Oracle Corporation, former CEO(CEO) Oracle (1976-2014), largest shareholder of NetSuite (acquired by Oracle in 2016 for $9.3 billion), initial investor in




Ellison's name first appeared in Forbes magazine in 1986, when his fortune was estimated at $185 million. During the peak of the value of technology companies before the dot-com crash in 2000, his fortune was estimated at $48 billion. As of September 2012, his fortune was estimated at $44 billion - the third in the United States ( after the states of Gates and Buffett). As of February 2016, the fortune is estimated at $43.6 billion (7th place in the world)

Personal life

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Excerpt characterizing Allison, Larry

We again tried to look through the memory of our new acquaintance ... And then we realized why he was such an easy target to capture ...
In clothing and surroundings, it looked as if it had happened about a hundred years ago. He stood in the middle of a huge room, where on the floor lay, completely naked, two female body... Rather, they were a woman and a girl who could be fifteen years old at the most. Both bodies were terribly beaten, and apparently brutally raped before death. Poor Arno "had no face" ... He stood like a dead man, not moving, and perhaps not even understanding where he was at that moment, since the shock was too cruel. If we understood correctly, these were his wife and daughter, who were abused by someone in a very brutal way ... Although, it would be wrong to say “atrociously”, because no animal will do what it is sometimes capable of Human...
Suddenly, Arno screamed like a wounded animal and fell to the ground, next to the terribly mutilated body of his wife (?) ... In him, as during a storm, emotions raged in wild whirlwinds - anger replaced hopelessness, rage covered melancholy, then growing into inhuman pain, from which there was no escape ... He rolled on the floor screaming, finding no way out for his grief ... until finally, to our horror, he completely calmed down, no longer moving ...
And of course - having opened such a stormy emotional "flurry", and having died with it, at that moment he became an ideal "target" for capture by any, even the weakest "black" creatures, not to mention those who later so stubbornly pursued behind him, to use his powerful energy body as a simple energy "suit" ... to do after, with his help, his terrible, "black" deeds...
“I don’t want to watch this anymore ...” Stella said in a whisper. “I don’t want to see horror anymore… Is that human?” Well tell me!!! Is this right?! We are people!!!
Stella began to have a real hysteria, which was so unexpected that in the first second I was completely at a loss, not finding what to say. Stella was very indignant and even a little angry, which, in this situation, was probably completely acceptable and understandable. For others. But it was so, again, unlike her, that only now I finally realized how painfully and deeply all this endless earthly Evil had hurt her kind, affectionate heart, and how tired she was, probably, constantly carrying all this human dirt and cruelty on my fragile, still quite childish shoulders.... I really wanted to hug this sweet, persistent and so sad little man now! But I knew it would upset her even more. And therefore, trying to stay calm, so as not to touch even deeper her already too “disheveled” feelings, I tried, as best I could, to calm her down.
- But there is good, not only bad! .. Just look around - and what about your grandmother? .. And the Light? And how many of them! .. There are very, very many of them! You are just very tired and very sad because we have lost good friends. So everything seems to be in “black colors” ... And tomorrow there will be a new day, and you will become yourself again, I promise you! And also, if you want, we will no longer go to this "floor"? Want?..
- Is the reason in the "floor"? .. - Stella asked bitterly. “That won’t change anything, whether we go here or not… It’s just earthly life. She's evil... I don't want to be here anymore...
I was very scared if Stella was thinking of leaving me and generally leaving forever ?! But it was so unlike her! .. In any case, it was not at all the Stella that I knew so well ... And I really wanted to believe that her violent love of life and bright joyful character "All today's bitterness and anger, and very soon she will again become the same sunny Stella that she was so recently ...
Therefore, having calmed myself a little, I decided not to draw any "far-reaching" conclusions now, and wait until tomorrow before taking any more serious steps.
– And look, – to my greatest relief, Stella suddenly said very interested, – don’t you think that this is not an Earthly entity? The one that attacked... She is too different from the usual "bad earth" that we saw on this "floor". Maybe that's why she used those two, earthly monsters, because she herself could not get to the earthly "floor"?
As it seemed to me earlier, the “main” monster really did not look like the others that we had to see here during our daily “trips” to the lower “floor”. And why not imagine that it came from somewhere far away? .. After all, if the good ones came, like Veya, why couldn’t the bad ones also come?
"You're probably right," I said thoughtfully. - It did not fight according to the earthly. He had some other, non-earthly power.
- Girls, dear, when are we going somewhere? – suddenly I heard a thin childish voice.
Embarrassed by the fact that we were interrupted, Maya, nevertheless, very stubbornly looked directly at us with her big doll-like eyes, and I suddenly felt very ashamed that, carried away by our problems, we completely forgot that these, dead tired, were here with us, waiting for someone's help, utterly frightened kids...
- Oh, sorry, my good ones, well, of course, let's go! - I exclaimed as joyfully as possible and, already turning to Stella, asked: - What are we going to do? Let's go higher, shall we?
Having made protection for the kids, we waited with curiosity to see what our “newly made” friend would do. And he, carefully watching us, very easily made himself exactly the same defense and now calmly waited for what would happen next. Stella and I smiled contentedly at each other, realizing that we were absolutely right about him, and that his place was certainly not the lower Astral ... And, who knew, maybe it was even higher than we thought.

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