Many things are incomprehensible to us because. Many things are incomprehensible to us, not because our concepts are weak; but because these things are not included in the circle of our concepts.


All the troubles in Russia are based on a specific reason: the loss of control according to their own concept of development and the ensuing from this circumstance, the isolation to a conceptual power alien to us.

There is no need to look for conspiracies behind this, behind this lies an elementary misunderstanding of the ABC of real government at the level of the country's top leadership, at the level of the "elite" formed according to this principle, including the academic one, at the level of those who are represented to the people by television. All of them "want the best", but their ignorance of global geopolitical governance issues makes them, taken together, a suitable mechanism in the hands of a real supranational level of governance. That is why conceptually illiterate, insolvent would-be leaders get results “as always” directly opposite to those planned: the collapse of industry instead of accelerating socio-economic development, alcohol genocide as a result of the fight against drunkenness, wild capitalism instead of socialism with human face and so on. The conceptually illiterate elite is the administrative periphery of the external conceptual power, on its basis a global pyramid is built, in which everyone, to the extent of understanding, works for himself, and to the extent of not understanding, for the one who understands more. Pushkin spoke about this state of public administration in a direct, uncoded form:

Graze peaceful peoples!

The cry of honor will not wake you up.

Why do the herds need the gifts of freedom?

They must be cut or sheared;

Their inheritance from generation to generation

A yoke with rattles and a scourge.

Fortunately, Russian genetics it is not only a uniform in its purpose, skillfully dispersed front, contained in one supranational trough and differing only in the roles assigned to each of them in the global anti-Russian scenario. Today, Russia already has the most powerful, conceptually competent personnel potential in all its regions. And these people are the future of Russia, they have not disappeared anywhere in life due to the fact that they are not represented in virtual television reality. These are magnificent poetic lines about them:

There are prophets in our country.

And the deadlines are coming out

When the sons of Russia rise.

Ordinary consciousness, formed by the current, conceptually untenable pedagogy, means mass media, perceives state power, How higher form government, while distinguishing between ideological power, executive, legislative and judicial. Legal documents contain similar ideas about the system of power, although they do not fix the institution of ideological power. Understand and believe that these levels are absolutely helpless in obtaining the final public result for ordinary consciousness is almost impossible. It is extremely difficult to convince others of the reliability of new knowledge that does not correspond to centuries-old traditional ideas. Difficulties are not connected with limitations and not with the difference in mental abilities, but exclusively with the dominant stereotypes, with the psychology and peculiarities of the thinking process itself.

The change of stereotypes can be considered as a process of Enlightenment of mankind, associated with the transition to new words, to new lexical forms. In the field of views on the Universe, on the principles of governing the country, we are waiting for Insights that are no less significant than those through which humanity has passed in the field of mechanics. But for this, we have to master new terms and form such concepts as “Conceptual power”, “Supra-state control”, “Full control function”, etc. In this case, the concept arises only as a unity of the word and the image of the phenomenon that lies behind this word.

Concept - latin word, meaning a way of understanding, distinguishing and interpreting any phenomena, generating considerations and conclusions inherent only to this method. That is, the same event, phenomenon, fact in different concepts (in relation to life human society) will have different estimates, up to the opposite ones. So the childish question: “What is good and what is bad?” is the fundamental question of human civilization. This is the ability of self-discrimination. Out of those deprived of such a distinction, the authorities, in their own selfish interests, form a crowd of people who live according to deliberately fabricated Traditions and argue as they are “ordered” by bribed authorities. What is encouraged and supported in one concept can be regarded as heinous crime in a different concept. Development goals, the concept of progress are also different.

The very meaning of life and the purpose of Being, with different worldviews, with different concepts that prevail in society at the level of morality, are perceived differently. The so-called "Western civilization" is purely technocratic. Behind the pace of development and the volume of profits, it misses one “little thing” - the people themselves. The functioning of technological monsters has become an independent value, and all people have become just an appendix to them, and are in their service. Instead of developing the possibilities of the person himself, there is a passion for the development of various kinds of “prostheses” that replace and block the possibilities of the natural development of the type of Man - Reasonable.

The 21st century will be the century of movement towards a biological civilization, when humanity realizes that many processes that were previously perceived as progress were in fact a movement into a dead end, destructive, and therefore unacceptable for the future. The time has come to move from the conquest of Nature to the realization of its Greatness, as highest value Universe. A person will never create anything more perfect than what has already been created from Above, starting from a butterfly and a dragonfly. So is it worth trampling all this into the Earth in the name of mythical “civilization”. Technologies will develop, but they are secondary, they are not an end in themselves, they are just a serious testing ground for the formation of a new person, a new society, and a testing ground created exclusively on the principles of biosphere-permissible development. It will be so, because there is only one alternative to this - the disappearance of the Homo sapiens species in the biosphere of the Earth. We are waiting for the process of growing up of mankind with the formation of a global social mind, completely absent in our reality.

The power hierarchy can achieve the final result if it repeats this ideological hierarchy of understanding the meaning of Being, otherwise we will face conceptually indefinite management, aimless driving in a vicious circle.

Conceptual power is the highest comprehensive level of social control, based on a certain understanding of the general course of civilizational development. This level is closed and served by all other types of power. At the same time, it is indifferent for conceptual power whether certain structures work for it, public figures consciously or are closed to it, bypassing consciousness, due to poor mind (“we wanted the best ...”); whether new structures are created to implement the main ideas of the concept or previously created ones are adapted. Much is also decided on the basis of unstructured methods of management. If the current power structures do not notice the omnipotence of the conceptual center, this does not mean that it does not exist at all. It forms development trends and implements powers from the supranational level through the administrative periphery closed to it directly or bypassing consciousness. So the power that is being realized in life is very far from the officially proclaimed one, marked with signs on office offices.

The phenomenon of conceptual power is that it is autocratic in nature, no one chooses it. An observer who has no idea about the structureless method of control will see only fragments complete system management, in the part where this system is represented by specific structures. Conceptual power can be considered in a twofold sense: both as the power of a specific set of ideas accepted for implementation (the power of the concept), and as the power of people who comprehend and implement these ideas. The concept, the meaning of which is deliberately hidden from the public consciousness, is called hermetic. At the same time, people exercising conceptual power may not be structurally connected, but united by a single measure of understanding and morality (or immorality).

Let us give one more figurative representation of the function that is realized in society through the concept that dominates in it. We all know how in printing, during the mechanical processing of materials, one or another product is produced depending on the matrix used, it is she who forms the image, the structural organization of the future product. The concept is the same matrix, but used in relation to human material. The emerging generation, not always realizing it, finds itself placed in an information matrix - a concept, and by the age of 15-20, against its will, acquires the qualities that are necessary for the owners of this concept. No child has a need for alcohol from birth. However, marking the end high school in our reality, only a few refrain from using on this occasion alcoholic beverages, actively imposed stereotypes work. This happens in any other issues, in the formation of a worldview as a whole.

The masters of the now dominant concept of globalization exercise control in all countries under its control with the help of six priorities of generalized weapons. When such management is addressed not to foreign countries, but to one's own, this management hierarchy is called the priorities of the generalized means of management. For real public administration, it is necessary to own all six priorities of its generalized means. In this case, two problems can be formulated in control theory:

We want to control the object in the process of its functioning directly. This is a management task.

We do not want to “highlight” and manage the object (country) directly, but we want the object (country) to manage itself within the framework of the scenario we have developed without our direct intervention. This is the task of self-government.

Power is not a sign on the cabinet, but the ability to manage in practice. The full function of managing the human community is carried out only by one who, through conceptual power, coordinates the efforts of all other types of power. If this or that party is silent about the issue of conceptual power, then this means that it does not claim to participate in real governance, but only to fulfill the mission of an intermediary in the global scenario of governing the country, which it obviously recognizes and accepts. Practically all the parties registered today are fighting among themselves for the right to receive serious commission income for the performance of precisely these intermediary functions. The only difference between them is that some of them do it deliberately and consciously, others out of misunderstanding. Often behind the words about the good of Russia there is a direct betrayal of its interests and the calculation of commissions for assistance in the implementation of scenarios of conceptual power. Such pseudo-patriots, impeccably fulfilling the role assigned to them, are much more dangerous than open accomplices to the West, because the people believe their well-intentioned chatter, follow them in the hope of the best.

The entire galaxy of current political leaders, consciously or unconsciously, has already been turned by television into puppet show, into a single meaningless farce. No matter how they unite and separate from each other, they are all already united in the public consciousness into a single team, extremely far from the problems of the people. Meanwhile, at the level public initiative there is a formation of a new personnel base capable of rising from the political level to the methodological one. For in reality, in Russia, instead of 140 parties, it is necessary to have a single nationwide movement that implements conceptual power on the basis of its own concept of development, incompatible with the crowd-“elitism” of the currently dominant global concept of governance.

The alternatives and discussions imposed on our society by well-known leaders (capitalism - socialism, private property - public, etc.) are fruitless in principle, because in the absence of a concept that unites everyone, neither one nor the other will help. The external conceptual authorities are completely indifferent to whether you build capitalism according to Gaidar or Yavlinsky, or socialism according to Zyuganov. Something else is important - to prevent Russia's SAMODERZhAvia, development according to its own concept in the interests of the people. And vice versa, with conceptually competent management, for example, both private and public property work perfectly.

The basic question that resolves the current conceptual uncertainty of managing Russia at the level of the fourth economic priority could be formulated as follows. Is Russia Our Home or Pan-European Gazprom? There may be different opinions on this matter, but the peoples of Russia must know where we are heading. If Russia is our Home, then we do not turn it into a garbage dump, we create conditions for life, study, recreation, etc., then we need appropriate laws for this.

But not only laws, but even the terminological base itself has polar meaningful assessments in different concepts. For the concept "Russia is our home", the term "SELF-DERZHAVIE" characterizes normal condition a society that itself develops a course of development and KEEPS itself INDEPENDENTLY. For the concept of "Russia - Pan-European Gazprom", the same term characterizes a regime unacceptable for the fulfillment of the main goal, which must be fought. The ideology and propaganda machine should be aimed at discrediting the autocracy. And instead of self-sufficiency, values ​​of a different order are needed.

With democracy and the presence of its own conceptual power, only knowledge and competence are a pass to power structures, and the whole society is the social base of managers. If the principles of exercising conceptual power are known only to the initiates, then their narrow degenerate circle is the social base of managers, and society is a puppet in the hands of the conceptual control center.

Every day, on all media channels, according to the scenarios of the Global Predictor, a flurry of destructive rubbish falls on our people, listen and read the terminology used. This is a well-known and well-established technique of television divination, linguistic programming of hopelessness in the hope of a complete paralysis of the will and consciousness of the people. These attempts by the screenwriters are in vain, they poorly understand the hidden roots of Russian supranational structures, which not only stumbled on the knights, Napoleon, Hitler, but many others. They are waiting for the effect of the "monkey's paw", when something bad that is conceived against someone is carried out in relation to the one who conceived evil. Let Pushkin's lines sound like a formidable reminder to modern Farlafs:

So send us, vitii,

His angry sons:

There is a place for them in the fields of Russia,

Among the coffins that are not alien to them.

In the shower Russian people in contrast to this, Pushkin's prophecy about Russia's exit from the yoke of the Western picture of the world and the transition from a crisis of governance to sustainable development based on autonomy.

Many things are incomprehensible to us, not because our concepts are weak; but because these things do not enter the circle of our concepts.
- Kozma Prutkov

Our life is accompanied by such an important phenomenon as the “language of life circumstances”. In the course of his life, a person finds himself in different circumstances that correspond to his moral state and the meaning of his desires or intentions. Getting into such circumstances can be considered as a language with which a person is “informed” about the correctness or wrong of his path: they confirm the correctness or point out mistakes. But who "reports"? A believing person can be told that these messages are made by God, a person with agnostic views can be told that some unknowable force can interfere in people's lives in this way ... and some of them will not even deny it. The materialist may need a more complex explanation with scientific positions, but this can be offered, although it is much more difficult. Each person, if desired, has the opportunity to verify the existence of such a language and interpret it in his own way, so the purpose of this article is not to prove the existence of the language of life circumstances, but to explain the difference between the two fundamentally different types messages transmitted on it to a person.

There are circumstances designed to teach a person new skills in the process of overcoming them, and there are circumstances designed to prevent a person from making a mistake or correct the direction of his development. The first we will call trials, and the second warnings. Outwardly, it is very difficult to distinguish them, because both of them (as it seems outwardly) limit a person and prevent him from doing something directly. So what is the fundamental difference? IN Lately I often hear this question and now I will express my subjective opinion on this matter. Once again: I will express my subjective opinion. It may not coincide with yours, not only because we have different life experiences, but also because the very language of life circumstances is purely individual and any phenomena for one person can mean completely different things for another.

Why does this question even arise? The fact is that people often face difficulties in their lives, but some difficulties are overcome successfully, and some are not, bringing inconvenience or even suffering. From this, there is a feeling that some life circumstances are called upon to educate a person and make him stronger in some way, while others stop him from making a serious mistake, but at first it is not at all clear how to distinguish one from the other. Therefore, often people begin to persevere and achieve their goal at any cost, thinking that they are on the right path, and then it turns out that they have wasted their energy in vain. When should you continue to fight for your desires, and when, on the contrary, should you stop and rethink something?

So how can you tell them apart?

The answer is both simple and complex at the same time. Simple because it follows from the definition of the situation, but complex because it is not a “magic button” that can be pressed and the answer will be immediately visible on the magic screen. In addition, knowing the correct answer will not immediately give you the ability to "not fly" to make the necessary distinctions. Don't believe? Let's check.

Here it is, the correct answer. A test is a circumstance, the meaning of which appears in your life is to cultivate in you some useful quality necessary to achieve your goal, and a warning is a circumstance, the meaning of which appearance in your life is to lead you astray from your original target. From these definitions it follows: if the obstacle that has arisen before you requires the cultivation of a useful quality and it turns out that such a quality is necessary to achieve your goal, then this is a test, and if the obstacle that has arisen before you points to your erroneous goal, then this is a warning. As you can see, everything is very simple in theory ... but it is not so simple in practice.

To understand, you need to think. And, importantly, the very need for enhanced thinking to determine the difference between a test and a warning is part of the very problem that man is faced with. Making sense of a situation is a purposeful process that is an inevitable part of the situation itself. This key property is an important part of any social processes… So, now you have already come to terms with the fact that “thinking” is part of the solution to any problem. And sometimes you really only need to think about the problem, without even doing anything beyond it - and it will be solved. Having completed the lyrical digression in this paragraph, I get down to business.

How can the definition be interpreted?

So, you want something, but the circumstances of life put an obstacle in front of you. The first thing to look at is your goal. Once an obstacle has arisen, it means that you may not see the target well. You need to fully and clearly formulate your goal, that is, what you want to achieve and, most importantly, why. Sometimes there is not one goal, but there is a vector of goals, in this case it is not important, but it is important to have a good idea of ​​WHAT you want and WHY. It turns out that it is far from easy to understand oneself, and most modern people often do not know what they are doing and why, they deceive themselves and believe in this deception, not wanting to admit what they really want. Especially dangerous here is the so-called "rationalization" of one's actions: when a person knows (or guesses) that he is doing something stupid, but he has justified his right to do it very, very well.

For example, some consumer really wants an iPhone, he is terribly eager to buy it and own it, despite the fact that the market offers 3, 4 and even 10 times cheaper options for mobile devices. Knowing this, knowing that money can be spent with greater benefit, a person begins to come up with a rationalization of his desire: there are exclusive iOS applications (although there are analogues of all these “chips” on other smartphones, and much of this “kitchen” is not it’s necessary in general in principle) that such a phone makes a person unique (this is no longer the case, since many people have such a toy, which makes originality lost) ... in general, there are many reasons (I even heard such nonsense as “an apple on the back of beautiful"), this does not change the essence - a person simply deceives himself, he wants a thing for a different reason, but does not name it (there is a funny video (3.5 minutes) on this topic: in English And in Russian, but with mats). I won't name it either, you can guess. Another example: a person needs a new car, otherwise the old one has already rolled back for 3 years, the warranty has ended, “something is junk” and “the engine has stopped pulling”, etc. The reason is different, think for yourself too. No, I'm not saying at all that in rare cases the reason is really justified, but in most cases it is a cheap rationalization and self-deception. So, come up with other examples of rationalization yourself - I guarantee that there are them in your life.

Why did I talk about rationalization? Then, that this is one of the reasons why a person cannot correctly determine the purpose and motive of his own behavior and why he often does what does not make sense. A person needs to understand his goal clearly and with complete confidence. If a person wants an iPhone because “all girlfriends already have one” and “this way I will be more like an elite girl,” then he should formulate the answer to the question “why?” in this way. If a person wants a new car instead of an old one because “I got tired of this bucket of nails” or “so many minor breakdowns have already accumulated that it’s easier to sell and buy a new one,” then this is how the thought should be formulated.

Explaining your own motive correctly is a big problem, but if you don't do it, you won't understand the difference between a test and a warning.

Further, suppose you have learned to correctly see the goal and honestly explain to yourself your motivation. The second step is to determine the degree of alignment between your purpose and the purpose of your existence. Yes, it seems like a cruel joke, but it's not a joke, but a very real rule. The purpose of the life of any person (briefly): the development of oneself and the world around. It is easier for a believer to understand a different interpretation (the meaning is the same): to be the vicar of God on Earth. It will be easier for a materialist to express this thought through the objective necessity of matter in self-knowledge and through the fact that human progress on Earth is one of the steps towards this self-knowledge. Yes, I know that a materialist (and an atheist) does not raise the question of the meaning of life (as well as the question of the meaning of a door or a samovar), but this does not change the very meaning of life, which he still has :).

Each person is free to determine the purpose of his life more specifically than I mentioned in the previous paragraph. Just say "develop yourself and the world' would be too abstract. The way this is expressed in each person is purely individual and is closely tied to his creative and genetically determined potential, and then this is not the topic of this article.

So, no matter how a person defines his meaning of life, his goal may be consistent or may run counter to this meaning. In the first case, a problem on the way to the goal is likely to be a test, and in the second, a warning. But not necessarily, because there are other things to think about.

The third thing to do is to determine the degree of consistency of your meaning of life with the meaning of the existence of the Universe or with the Highest Purpose (call it as you like). The Highest Goal is not a specific concept, it is an idea that includes some infinitely distant goal for a person, which must be followed in order to stay in line with the harmonious development of the Universe as a whole. For a believer, the phrase will be more understandable: to follow God's Providence. A materialist should understand this idea differently, namely, as the need to follow the objective laws of the development of matter in the process of its self-knowledge.

Further, everything is simple: if a person’s goal is consistent with his meaning of life, and this meaning is consistent with the direction of the development of the Universe (it is consistent with God’s Providence), then the obstacle that arises in front of a person is a test. If something is not consistent with something, then this is a warning.

At the same time, one must understand that it is not so easy to determine the coordination of one's life with the general plan of the Universe. As an example, one can point to one amusing feature of people, which for some reason is not taken into account by them when trying to coordinate it. This feature is their answer to the HOW question. That is, HOW a person will achieve his goal is the most important part of any business. And if the goal is extremely correct, if your life is extremely righteous, if you achieve this good goal with the wrong methods, you instantly violate the harmony of the development of the Universe. And the harder you do it, the more painful the return will be. You can understand whether you are achieving your goal correctly only after you find the correct answer to the question of whether the end can justify the means, and if so, in what cases. The correct answer for you may surprise you, but I will not report my answer in this article. A person may have dozens of similar mismatches in the most unexpected places, and he may not notice them. After all, you must admit that until I told you that the method of achieving the goal is also important, you probably did not think about it. Think ... think as much as possible on your own, because I am now holding back much more than I tell, and I do it on purpose.

Why are trials and warnings needed?

The test is necessary so that in the process of overcoming it, a person receives new ability or a new quality that will be necessary for him to achieve the goal. The simplest and most primitive example: in order to become a scientist, in the vast majority of cases, you need to “serve” 9-10 years at the university (bachelor, master, postgraduate student), this obstacle is a test, after passing which a person receives knowledge, experience, a methodology of cognition and a number of qualities, necessary for a scientist. You can’t just take it and become a scientist, you need to go through some training and only after passing it get the opportunity to do science. Without going through this school, you will not cope with science. I do not argue that there are other ways, but they are not available to many and they still have their own trials. If a person achieves the formal status of a scientist in a different way (buys a diploma, for example, and then sneaks “upstairs” with bribes), then all his activities will be completely unscientific and he will not receive any science in the end. Another simple primitive example: a person eats too much sweets, over time he begins to have health problems, sweets begin to bring physical pain in addition to pleasure, this pain intensifies, then physiological changes can begin, diabetes, obesity - all these are successive warnings about the fact that a person is clearly not busy with what he should be doing. Perhaps a hedonist, or an Epicurean, will object to me that eating sweets is perfectly consistent with his meaning of life (for hedonists, the meaning of life is to enjoy), but no matter how flawless this justification and the very position of Comrade Epicurus in the eyes of hedonists, this position directly contradicts universal meaning. Of course, here I have in mind the vulgar interpretations of the teachings of Epicurus, because if you develop the idea of ​​obtaining pleasure, then you can find this pleasure in hard creative work, and not in sugar rolls.

Indirect signs

Unfortunately, not every person is able to take even the first step - to correctly determine the goals and motives of their actions, let alone the meaning of life or understanding Supreme Goal? Such people need at first other criteria by which to distinguish a test from a warning. These criteria are individual, but I can assume (only assume) that for most people the following indirect signs will work almost reliably.

A warning is most often painful and destructive. Any warning (depending on the measure of influence on the process of the person himself) grows smoothly. At first it is something harmless and just unpleasant, then if the person persists, the warning becomes more pronounced and more painful, why else ... and so on, until one of the two most likely events occurs: (1) the "strike of fate" will be so powerful that a person will finally stop (maybe even die), (2) a person will still achieve his goal, but will greatly regret it later. Thus, a warning can be quite quickly recognized by the nature of its impact: this character is threatening and painful. But there is a subtlety. The test can also be painful if the purpose of the test is for the person to learn to overcome pain or come to terms with the fact that life is inevitable. For example, sooner or later one of his older relatives, for example, parents, dies in a person. It hurts, but most likely this is not a warning, but an inevitability that needs to be understood, comprehended and drawn to conclusions. For example, conclusions about finiteness own life with all the ensuing consequences.

The test in most cases is quite fast and reliable and can also be determined by the nature of its occurrence. The test is not accompanied by any painful methods of restriction (except for exceptions like the one in the previous paragraph). The test usually does not limit the person at all, but only makes his pursuit of the goal more difficult. At the same time (important), when a person moves towards the goal, overcoming limitations, he receives “help from above”. That is, circumstances develop in such a way that over and over again a person has a convenient chance to do what he has to do, even though it will be difficult for him. Trials are much more difficult to manifest, so it's harder to give a good example. Well, let's say the birth of a child. A family can live poorly and badly, and suddenly (for you know what reasons), a woman begins to expect a child. Should I have an abortion? No, do not do it, because this is a test: if you take responsibility for the child and decide that you will sacrifice your pleasures for the sake of raising him, then help from above will always come in one form or another ... this is another question, whether a person has enough morality to recognize and accept this help or not enough, but such a problem does not affect the meaning of the test. On the other hand, the same test can also be a warning: it makes no sense for this person to copulate for pleasure, bypassing the original goal of the process (in fact, this is generally very interest Ask when you can and when you can't.

So, the test is always accompanied by repeated help from the surrounding world, and the restriction is always accompanied by spokes in the wheels. If you learn to correctly distinguish help from sticks (and this, you see, is much easier), then in most cases there will be no problems distinguishing a test from a warning.

Additional thoughts

Trial and warnings in general can pass into one another and always go side by side with each other: the achievement of any goal always generates a test, but deviation from the Highest Goal always generates a warning. You need to be extremely attentive to the language of life circumstances in order to recognize the environmental factor in time and, if necessary, change your concept of life order.

And one more important thought that needs to be kept in mind: the language of life circumstances is individual for each person, while it always exactly corresponds to the level of development of the person himself. That is, any person receives such messages in the language of life circumstances that he is able to correctly understand. Some people are given complex clues, others are simple, but everyone gets what he has enough ability to understand correctly. To each his own.

Just in case, I will repeat the same thought from a different angle. Things that can be done by one person may not necessarily be done by another. Therefore, it makes no sense to lament over the fact that "Vanya and Masha are doing this and are happy, but when I do this, everything is bad." Vanya and Masha are at a different level of development and have other tasks ahead of them. They can be both much more difficult and much simpler than yours, and almost always this does not concern you. Go your way and only yours.

Kozma Prutkov is a unique phenomenon not only for Russian, but also for world literature. There are fictional heroes who are given monuments, museums are opened in the houses where they “lived”, but none of them had own biography, collected works, critics of their work and adherents.

The aphorisms of Kozma Prutkov were published in such well-known publications in the 19th century as Sovremennik, Iskra and Entertainment. Many famous writers At that time they believed that this was a real person.

"Guardians" of the hero

Kozma Prutkov appeared thanks to the joint prank of the Zhemchuzhnikov brothers, Alexei, Vladimir and Alexander, and Count Alexei Tolstoy. The Zhemchuzhnikov brothers came from an old Russian family, which included governors, stewards and senators. and Vladimir were poets, and their brother Leo - famous artist and engraver.

Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy is a famous Russian writer, playwright and poet. Kozma Prutkov, whose quotations and aphorisms were loved by many of their contemporaries, arose thanks to the failure of the play co-written by Tolstoy and Alexei Zhemchuzhnikov. Nicholas I, who was present at the performance, was dissatisfied, the play was removed from the repertoire, and in retaliation, the brothers began to write parodies on poets pleasing to the tsar under the name of Kozma Prutkov.

Gradually, there were so many works published in various publications on behalf of Prutkov that the creators had to give him not only a biography, but also an appearance. Thus, they become patrons and advisers of the graphomaniac they created.

Biography of Kozma Prutkov

Renowned in literary circles the aphorisms of Kozma Prutkov became the main reason for their author to find his own face. Introduced in 1854 by the brothers Zhemchuzhnikov and Tolstoy, Prutkov, according to them, was born on April 11, 1803 in the village of Tenteleva. He even had his own small estate, Pustynka, not far from the Sablino station.

At the age of 17, the future graphomaniac entered the military service in the hussar regiment, in which he served for a little over 2 years. After he retired, Kozma joined the Assay Chamber, where he made a successful career.

Prutkov died on 01/13/1863 due to a nervous shock that overtook him in the service in the director's office.

Prutkov in military service

The military aphorisms of Kozma Prutkov arose against the background of his memories of military service which ended very quickly. The reason for leaving the regiment in 1823 was a dream that a young hussar had on the night of his birthday on April 11th.

Kozma dreamed of a naked brigadier general telling him to get up and follow him. After wandering through the dark corridors, the general led the young hussar to the crypt on the top of the mountain, from which he began to get expensive materials and show him. After the brigadier general passed one of the materials over Prutkov's body, he was struck by a current, and he woke up.

Despite the fact that the dream happened after a heavy drinking bout, he made such an indelible impression on Kozma that he resigned.

Thanks to this short service, readers were able to get acquainted with his "outstanding" thoughts on the army:

  • “When building new overcoats for soldiers, remember that they drank and ate.”
  • "Let the goal of the soldier's ambition be the precise fitting of ammunition."
  • “If you want to be beautiful, join the hussars” and many others.

Civil service career

Kozma Prutkov, whose quotes and aphorisms were an undoubted success with the public, made brilliant career not only in the literary field.

The authorities treated the young employee of the Assay Tent very favorably, as they noticed his zeal for work, for which they encouraged and rewarded him. Kozma's talents allowed him to go from a simple employee to the highest civil rank of state councilor and receiving not only the position of director of the Assay Chamber, but also the Order of St. Stanislav 1st degree.

Aphorisms of Kozma Prutkov about public service no less profound than about the military path. “Only in public service can you learn the truth,” he sincerely believes. “If there were no tailors, how would you distinguish between service departments?” - this is a vital question for every official.

Friends of the unfortunate author and his literary guardians Tolstoy and Zhemchuzhnikovs encouraged their ward to publish their works. So, the book “Thoughts and Aphorisms” by Kozma Prutkov was born, which contains his statements about life, love and much more.

Literary career

First literary experience the new graphomaniac was his play "Fantasy", the production of which failed in the presence of the august person. Discouraged by this, Prutkov wanted to give up his literary studies, but his friends persuaded him to continue writing, and they were right.

The philosophical aphorisms of Kozma Prutkov (“No one embraces the immensity”, for example) earned him the glory of a wise man who deeply sees the essence of things. It is interesting that many readers of Sovremennik perceived the author of aphorisms, fables and satirical poems as a real person. Prutkov even had his critics and admirers. So, Dostoevsky for a long time perceived him as a would-be creator of bad poetry.

Not only the aphorisms of Kozma Prutkov, but also his fables, poems, romances and prose formed the basis of the author's collected works. Books were not only published and enjoyed success with readers living in his time, but after his death they were reprinted, and sayings were used to be known as intelligent and educated people.

About love

Kozma Prutkov's aphorisms about love showed his true attitude towards a woman, love and marriage:

  • « Wedding ring is the first link in the chain of married life.
  • “Girls are like checkers: not everyone succeeds, but everyone wants to get into kings.”
  • “What we have, we do not store, having lost, we cry.”

In fact, many of the statements of Kozma Prutkov, despite his limited mind, are worthy of attention. Not having own family, he devoted all his time to the service, writing poetry and his friends.

Colleagues appreciated him, his comrades in the pen and relatives loved him, his superiors treated him with sympathy, this was quite enough to live up to his aphorism: "If you want to be happy, be happy."

Other expressions of his began to be used in Everyday life as allegorical vernacular. The phrase "If you have a fountain, shut it up" began to be pronounced as "Shut up the fountain", which meant "shut up".

The aphorisms of Kozma Prutkov and their meaning aroused laughter from readers, as they were an indicator of the stupidity and self-confidence of a pompous graphomaniac who considers his statements worthy of the wisdom of ancient philosophers: “Many people are like sausages: what they fill, they carry in themselves.”

Portrait of Prutkov

Thanks to the efforts of the Zhemchuzhnikov brothers and Alexei Tolstoy, their fictional character gained not only the fame of a graphomaniac and a biography, but also a personality. Lev Zhemchuzhnikov and his painter friends were invited by Prutkov to paint a portrait of the "great" writer who wished to publish his collected works with him.

So appeared famous image, transmitted so realistically that the customer spoke flatteringly about the artists. They depicted his graying curls, and warts, and even a band-aid on his neck, where there was a cut from a razor.

At the request of Kozma Prutkov, the painters placed a lyre with rays emanating from it under the portrait. Although literary activity this hero lasted only 5 years, he left a noticeable mark in Russian literature, and his famous Thoughts and Aphorisms were published and quoted many years after his death.

Creativity Prutkov today

Today, the most famous are 10 aphorisms of Kozma Prutkov, which have become common phrases in everyday life. Among them, the most popular are "Bdi!" and "Look at the root!". Often people, pronouncing them, do not even know who their author is.

The phenomenon of Kozma Prutkov remains unsurpassed, since a hero with his own collected works and life has never appeared in world literature again.

1. The wedding ring is the first link in the chain of married life.

2. Our life can be conveniently compared with a wayward river, on the surface of which a boat floats, sometimes rocked by a calm wave, often delayed in its movement by a shallow and broken on an underwater stone. - Do I need to mention that this fragile boat in the market of fleeting time is none other than the man himself?

3. No one will embrace the immensity.

4. There is no thing so great that it would not be surpassed in size by an even greater one. There is no thing so small that something even smaller cannot fit into it.

5. Look at the root!

6. It is better to say little, but well.

7. Science refines the mind; learning sharpens the memory.

8. What will others say about you if you cannot say anything about yourself?

9. Self-sacrifice is the target for every shooter's bullet.

10. A person's memory is a piece of white paper: sometimes it will be written well, and sometimes badly.

11. A weakening memory is like a dying lamp.

12. A weakening memory can also be compared with a fading forget-me-not.

13. Weakening eyes I will always liken to an old dimmed mirror, even a cracked one.

14. The imagination of a poet, dejected by grief, is like a foot enclosed in a new boot.

15. Passionately in love with one person - endures another only by calculation.

16. If you want to be beautiful, join the hussars.

17. Man, not being clothed with beneficent nature, received from above the gift of tailoring.

18. If there were no tailors, tell me: how would you distinguish between service departments?

19. Hiding the truth from friends, to whom will you open up?

20. What is better? - Compare the past and compare it with the present.

21. It is more useful to go through the path of life than the whole universe.

22. If you have a fountain, shut it up; let the fountain rest.

23. A married rake is like a sparrow.

24. A diligent physician is like a pelican.

25. An egoist is like one who has been sitting in a well for a long time.

26. Genius is like a hill rising on a plain.

27. Smart speeches are like lines printed in italics.

28. The beginning of a clear day I will boldly liken to the birth of an innocent baby: perhaps the first will not do without rain, and the life of the second without tears.

29. If the shadows of objects did not depend on the magnitude of these latter, but had their own arbitrary growth, then, perhaps, soon there would not be a single bright place left on the entire globe.

30. Shooting at a target exercises the hand and causes fidelity to the eye.

31. Berdysh in the hands of a warrior is the same as a well-aimed word in the hands of a writer.

32. The magnetic needle, irresistibly drawn to the north, is like a man who observes the laws.

33. The first step of a baby is the first step towards his death.

34. Death is set at the end of life in order to more conveniently prepare for it.

35. In a house without tenants, you will not find known insects.

36. Don't take anything to extremes: a person who wants to eat too late runs the risk of eating the next day in the morning.

37. Food is as necessary for health as decent treatment is necessary for an educated person.

38. "Why," says the egoist, "will I work for posterity when it has done absolutely nothing for me?" - You are unfair, you madman! Posterity has already done for you that, bringing the past closer to the present and the future, you can arbitrarily consider yourself: a baby, a youth and an old man.

39. Melt the wax, but keep the honey.

40. Explanatory expressions explain dark thoughts.

41. Not every person even has a hussar uniform to face.

43. The chamberlain rarely enjoys nature.

44. No one will embrace the immensity.

45. Three things, once started, it is difficult to finish: a) eat good food; b) talk with a friend who has returned from a campaign and c) scratch where it itches.

46. ​​Before you get to know a person, find out: is his acquaintance pleasant to others?

47. Health without strength is the same as firmness without elasticity.

48. Everyone says that health is the most precious thing; but no one follows it.

49. The wealth of a dissolute is equal to a short blanket: if you pull it up to your nose, your legs will be exposed.

50. Do not irritate the wounds of your neighbor; offer a balm to the suffering... When you dig a hole for another, you yourself will fall into it.

51. If you are asked: what is more useful, the sun or the moon? - answer: a month. For the sun shines during the day, when it is already light; and the moon at night.

52. But, on the other hand: the sun better themes that shines and warms; and the moon only shines, and then only in moonlit night!

53. Self-love and love of glory are the best evidence of the immortality of the human soul.

54. The soul of an Indian who believes in metempsychosis is like a worm in a cocoon.

55. Discuss only about what your concepts allow you to do this. Thus: not knowing the laws of the Iroquois language, can you make such a judgment on this subject that would not be unfounded and stupid?

56. Getting down to business, gather your courage.

57. A pen that writes for money, I boldly liken to a hurdy-gurdy in the hands of a wandering foreigner.

58. Click the mare in the nose - she will wave her tail.

59. Do not be shy before the enemy: man's worst enemy is himself.

60. And turpentine is good for something!

61. Everyone necessarily benefits, used in its place. On the contrary: the exercises of the best dance master in chemistry are out of place; the advice of an experienced astronomer in dancing is stupid.

62. Time is measured by hours, and human life is measured by time; but with what, tell me, will you measure the depth of the Eastern Ocean?

63. They say that labor kills time; but this latter, without diminishing in the least, continues to serve humanity and the entire universe constantly in the same fullness and continuity.

64. There is sediment at the bottom of every heart.

65. Beneath sweet expressions lurk insidious thoughts: thus, tobacco smokers often smell of perfume.

66. Many things are incomprehensible to us, not because our concepts are weak; but because these things do not enter the circle of our concepts.

67. No one will embrace the immense!

68. Chatterbox is like a pendulum: both must be stopped.

69. Two people of the same build would not fight for long if the strength of one overcame the strength of the other.

70. Do not cut everything that grows.

71. Nails and hair are given to a person in order to provide him with a constant, but easy occupation.

72. Some singer sometimes wheezes.

73. Encouragement is just as necessary brilliant writer how much rosin is necessary for the bow of a virtuoso.

74. Having lied once, who will believe you?

75. Life is an album. Man is a pencil. Affairs - landscape. Time is gumelastic: both bounces and erases.

76. It is easier to continue laughing than to stop laughing.

77. Look into the distance - you will see the distance; look at the sky - you will see the sky; looking in a small mirror, you will see only yourself.

78. Where is the beginning of that end with which the beginning ends?

79. The sooner you pass, the sooner you arrive.

80. If you want to be happy, be happy.

81. Seek unity not in the totality, but rather in the uniformity of division.

82. He who is diligent in service should not be afraid of his ignorance; for each new case he will read.

83. The rooster wakes up early; but the villain even earlier.

84. Diligence overcomes everything!

85. What we have - we do not store; lost - weep.

86. And the oyster has enemies!

87. A renewed wound is much worse than a new one.

88. In the depths of every breast there is a snake.

89. Only in public service do you know the truth.

90. I boldly liken an hourglass to another strolling old man.

91. Do not joke with women: these jokes are stupid and indecent.

92. An excessively rich man who does not help the poor is like a hefty nurse suckling her own breast with gusto at the cradle of a starving child.

93. Magnet points north and south; it depends on a person to choose a good or bad path of life.

94. Do not pull leggings on other people's legs.

95. A person is bifurcated from below, and not from above, - so that two supports are more reliable than one.

96. A person carries on correspondence with the entire globe, and through the press communicates even with distant offspring.

97. The stupidest person was the one who invented tassels for decoration and gold studs on furniture.

98. Many people are like sausages: what they fill them with, then they carry it in themselves.

99. sensitive person like an icicle; warm it up, it will melt.

100. Many officials are like a steel pen.

101. A specialist is like a flux: his fullness is one-sided.

102. In the building of human happiness, friendship builds walls, and love forms a dome.

103. Looking at tall people and on tall objects, hold your cap by the visor.

104. Spit in the eyes of the one who says that you can embrace the immensity!

105. The globe, circulating in boundless space, serves as a pedestal for everything found on it.

106. If you read the inscription "buffalo" on an elephant's cage, do not believe your eyes.

107. Ant eggs are more than the creature that gave birth to them; so the glory of a gifted person is far longer than his own life.

108. Every thing is a form of manifestation of infinite diversity.

109. All parts of the globe have their own, even sometimes very curious, other parts.

110. Looking at the world, one cannot but be surprised!

111. The most remote point on the globe is close to something, and the closest to something is far away.

112. The philosopher easily triumphs over future and past sorrows, but he is easily overcome by the present.

113. The sky, dotted with stars, I will always liken to the chest of an honored general.

114. A good husband is like a mausoleum.

115. Wax blackens with benefit, and evil person- with pleasure.

116. Vices enter into the composition of virtues, just as poisonous potions enter into the composition of healing agents.

117. Good education brings the best of all fruits.

118. Love, supported like fire by unceasing movement, disappears together with hope and fear.

119. It is calculated that a Petersburger living in the sun gains twenty percent of his health.

120. Two hands were given to a man for that end, so that he, taking with his left, would distribute with his right.

121. Sometimes it is enough to scold a person in order not to be deceived by him!

122. Do not seek salvation in a separate treaty.

123. A jealous husband is like a Turk.

124. Almost every person is like a vessel with taps, filled with the life-giving moisture of the productive forces.

125. Clever woman similar to Semiramis.

126. Any fat is like a wagtail.

127. A clerk is like a sieve.

128. Girls in general are like checkers: not everyone succeeds, but everyone wants to get into kings.

129. Always stay alert!

130. The tranquility of many would be more reliable if it were allowed to attribute all troubles to public account.

131. Do not walk on the slope, you will stop boots!

132. I advise everyone: even in not particularly damp and windy weather, cover your ears with cotton paper or sea rope.

133. Who prevents you from inventing waterproof gunpowder?

134. Snow is considered a shroud of dead nature; but it also serves as the first path for life supplies. So discover nature!

135. The barometer in agriculture can be replaced with great profit by an industrious servant suffering from deliberate rheumatism.

136. A dog sitting in the hay is harmful. A chicken sitting on eggs is healthy. From a sedentary life they grow fat: so, every money changer is fat.

137. Wrong wealth is like watercress - it grows on every felt.

138. Any human head similar to the stomach: one digests the food that enters it, and the other becomes clogged from it.

139. Things are great and small not only by the will of fate and circumstances, but also according to the ideas of each.

140. And sago, used in excess, can cause harm.

141. Looking at the sun, squint your eyes, and you will boldly discern spots in it.

142. Time is like a skilful steward, constantly producing new talents to replace those that have disappeared.

143. Talents measure the progress of civilization, and they also represent milestones of history, serving as telegrams from ancestors and contemporaries to posterity.

144. And when railways it is better to keep the gig.

145. Submission cools anger and gives dimension to mutual feelings.

146. If everything past were present, and the present continued to exist along with the future, who would be able to make out: where are the causes and where are the consequences?

147. Happiness is like a ball that rolls up: today under one, tomorrow under another, the day after tomorrow under the third, then under the fourth, fifth, etc., according to the number and queue of happy people.

148. Others persistently affirm that everyone's life is written in the book of Genesis.

149. I do not quite understand: why do many people call fate a turkey, and not some other bird more like fate?

150. Trump!

151. The best thing seems to everyone, for which he has a desire.

152. The publication of some newspapers, magazines and even books can be beneficial.

153. Never lose sight of the fact that it is much easier not to satisfy many than to please.

154. A good ruler is justly likened to a coachman.

155. A good cigar is like the globe: it spins for human pleasure.

156. Throwing pebbles into the water, look at the circles they form; otherwise such throwing will be empty fun.

157. Piety, hypocrisy, superstition - three differences.

158. Degree is a reliable spring in the mechanism of community life.

159. For many, skating produces shortness of breath and shaking.

160. Again I will say: no one will embrace the immensity!

Metempsychosis- religious and mystical doctrine of the transmigration of souls.
Turpentine- resinous juice of coniferous trees; when distilled, it gives turpentine and rosin.
Dobliy- valiant (Church Slav.)

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