Competition of socially significant projects for the provision of grants in the form of subsidies in the field of supporting public initiatives. Integrated educational activity "Journey to Georgia" in the younger group (within the framework of the "Festival of Friendship of Peoples")


final stage project is the festival “We are different, we are together, the school is our common Home". Before the festival, preliminary work was carried out: each class received a task - to represent at the festival one of the peoples living in the territory Russian Federation(Annex 1). We consider the festival as one of the ways to exchange achievements in the field of art, culture various peoples. This is an opportunity for self-realization. As part of this festival, participants are given the opportunity to show art folk dance, folk song, music, to acquaint everyone with national dishes, costumes, symbols of a particular people. During the festival, platforms (master classes) will operate, where craftsmen will introduce everyone to the craftsmanship of making decorative and applied arts, artistic crafts, with games of the peoples of the Russian Federation, with recipes for national dishes.

The festival is creativity, interaction, it is the activation of the dialogue of cultures.

Decoration of venues during the festival:

  1. Flags of the CIS countries and neighboring countries
  2. helium balloons
  3. Posters "National Roots of My Family"
  4. Tables "Taste the flavors of culture in every dish"
  5. Playgrounds


  1. mixing console
  2. Acoustic system
  3. Wireless microphones (4 pieces)
  4. Laptop (2 pieces)
  5. Video projector
  6. Screen
  7. Screen stand

During the festival, a gala concert "In the friendship of peoples, the unity of Russia" will be held, within the framework of which songs will be performed different peoples, guests will get acquainted with national costumes, dances.

Scenario of the gala concert

GALA CONCERT of the festival of national cultures

HOST1: Attention! Attention!

Host 2: Everyone! Everyone! Everyone!

Together: "In the friendship of peoples, the unity of Russia"


Host 2: Russiamultinational state in which representatives of more than a hundred peoples live.

Presenter 1: Each of us needs to know the history and customs of our people. It is important to know and respect the customs of the people living nearby.

Presenter 2: We were lucky to live on Siberian land. Work and study at a school in Novosibirsk. Our school opened its doors to children of all nationalities.

Presenter 1:

I love you Russia!

I want you to bloom!

Host 2:

Like a bird in the blue sky

Opening two wings

You warmed half the planet -

One hundred nations! One hundred tribes!

Presenter 1: We are your own children

Presenter 2: Let the sky turn blue!

Presenter 1:

Germans, Russians, Bashkirs,

And Kazakhs and Mordovians,

We live in a good world

Like leaves on a tree.

Host 2:

And dozens of other

Nations, villages and cities!

Presenter 1: This day is our common holiday!

Presenter 2: This region is our common home!

Presenter 1:

Russia is called our common home -
Let it be comfortable for everyone in it,
We will overcome any difficulties together
Our unity is our strength

Host 2:

Culture is what justifies the existence of the people and the nation, it is the sacred thing of the nation, which it collects and preserves. Today we will get acquainted with different national cultures.

Presenter 1:

Russia! Rus! My native country

You are the only one forever holy to me,

I bow low to you.

She led her friendly people,

You believed them with your heart without a doubt

Do good deeds with people!

A boy and a girl enter the stage national costumes.

Russia! Words can't measure you

Your open spaces do not bypass even a year

With you, as with a mother, a friendly family

My people live brightly and happily!

Presenter 2: We start our festival with the presentation of Russian culture

(performance by 4th grade students)

Presenter 1: And now I want to ask you to say hello to each other in Ukrainian “Good Day”! And now, as you guessed, we are moving on to the hospitable Ukrainian people.

Host 2:

Oh how beautiful Ukraine!

Her Taurian fields,

Her meadows, forests, hillocks

And blessed land.

And what else interesting about the Ukrainians will tell us (performance by representatives of 5A and 5B classes)

Presenter 1:

Belarusian culture, language is akin to Russian and Ukrainian, but still has its own unique features. And today, at our festival, Belarusian culture represents 1a class!

There are amazing people in Belarus,
And kindness shines in their hearts.
Look into their eyes: they love you.
Believe me, like nowhere and never.

(Performance of 3 classes)

Host 2:

We are Tatars and Russians,

Georgians and Karelians.

We are black and blond

We are dark and white

We are students of the same age

Good friends!

We live in Russia together

We have one family!

Tatar land...

Traditions we do not count yours.

We do not know another edge,

Where would they also be revered.

Tatar national culture is represented by students of grade 2

Presenter 1:
I propose to play the game, repeat the movements after me:
Raise all your hands
And rub them a little.
Clap together five times:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
Keep rubbing!
My neighbor is so nice
I will shake hands with him.
And the other neighbor is good -
And I will shake hands with him.
It's time to raise your hands.
To all nations
Let's shout amicably: Hurrah!

(A game is being played with the audience)

Host 2:

Armenia, beautiful country,
There is a great mountain
And the lake where the water is clear as the sky is blue.

There is a bright country in the world,
It's full of wonderful days.

Armenian one of the oldest people modern peoples. Armenian nation represented by students of grade 7 B.

Presenter 1:
Uzbekistan, star of the East
The country of smiles, songs, light.
Away so sad, lonely
Without hot kisses of summer!

Grade 8B will introduce us to the culture of Uzbekistan

Host 2:

who lived and grew up in Kyrgyzstan
He will never forget
Spring - blooming tulips,
And the taste of a river spring. :

Meet! Students of grade 9B will introduce the people of Kyrgyzstan to us.

Presenter 1:

How many of us, non-Russians, Russia has -
And Tatar and other bloodlines,
The names of the bearers are not simple,
But ordinary Russian sons!
Let others not favor us,
But forever - not tomorrow, not now -
We cannot be separated from Russia -
Motherland is unthinkable without us!..

Host 2:

When the Almighty distributed the land,

The Tajiks drank tea.

But, they realized

Someone came first:

"Where is ours?"

"Here's what's left - get it!"

There are others here as well:

“Where are the meadows, fields, where is the forest?”

Yes, here, in fact, there is no land.

Only mountains to heaven.

"Friends, Tajiks, I'm not to blame,

Here in this case - do not yawn.

Who got Ploskograd

Well, who needs green tea?

(Grade 6B will talk about the solar Tajikistan)

Presenter 1:

If you were in Kazakhstan, but have not seen a white Kazakh yurt in the green meadows of dzhailau, you will not be able to feel a real full life Kazakhs.

Yurt- one of the oldest and biggest inventions of the Eurasian nomads. At all times it was practical and comfortable housing.
Kazakh yurt. A snow-white dome in the greenery of the foothill dzhailau, fabulous overflows of carpets and tekemets, an ideal collapsible design of a nomad's dwelling, what is it - a legend or a reality? Perhaps, all together and many other miracles and mysteries contain a unique, polished for centuries phenomenon of the traditional portable house of the Kazakhs.

Host 2:

And what, besides wonderful portable housing, do Kazakhs have? We will tell the guys from the 6A class about it.

Presenter 1:

Azerbaijan land of fire
Country of guids and friends
Country of open doors
Country of Babek, Korogly,
The country of Novruz and spring

The Azerbaijani people, being one of the most ancient peoples of the world, are rightfully proud of their historical monuments material culture, with its rich literature, art and musical culture.

Host 2:

Enough interesting information. I would like to see something from the culture of this people.

Presenter 1:

Your wish will be fulfilled. Now students of grades 8A and 8B will present the culture of the people of Azerbaijan to us.

Host 2:

gypsies remained a mystery to science for several centuries. Centuries have passed since they left their ancient homeland and scattered all over the world, and now you can hardly find a state,

Presenter 1:

At the riverbed -
Colorful tents.
Horses are hobbled
Bonfires are lit.

Strange under the trees
Meet the free camp -
With ancient nomads
Living gypsies!

Gypsies - collective name around 80 ethnic groups, united by a common origin and the recognition of the "gypsy law". The guys of 7A, 7B classes Presenter 2 will tell us about this and much more:

And now you will say in poems by the wonderful Russian poet A.S. Pushkin

On the hills of Georgia lies the darkness of the night;

Noisy Aragva before me.

I'm sad and easy; my sadness is light;

My sorrow is full of you...

Georgia- a country with the oldest and richest original culture, the thickness of which extends deep into the millennia. Knowledge about it and the recognition of its wealth has long crossed national borders and reached the international level, as it is a cultural heritage and heritage of all mankind.

Presenter 1:

Yes, this people, I heard, are very interesting culture. It wouldn't hurt to look . Students of grades 9A, 9B are invited to the stage.

Host 2:

We love the steppes, their free expanse
And the trill of a grasshopper in the evening hour.
And you are the bulk of the snowy mountains,
The Caucasus thrown up by ridges to the sky.
And who can blame us
That you and I are not singing about the same thing, -
Steppe expanse and ridges of snow thread -
Isn't that what we call Motherland?

Presenter 1:
How many backgammon does the Caucasus have?
Proud Yezidis, Ossetians

Strict Chichens, Ingush
You cannot be separated from Russia

After all, it is not for nothing that Russian poets,

They dedicated their poems to you!

Meet 10A class!

From the bell heights pouring stronger and stronger

And the chimes fly over the fields, forests - Russian expanse in our voices.

The song is "July"

Russia! Rus! My home country!

I share pure love with you

You are my one and only saint.

I will bow low to you.

You have raised many generations

You always led the people,

You believed with all your heart without a doubt

She did good deeds with people.

Presenter 1:

Tolerance is a foreign word,

But for everyone it is clear for a long time,

Be tolerant of the distant or the strange,

Detached, like in a movie.

This is not about indifference.

And no one talks about callousness.

Delicacy and patience for the living

Nearby, it won't hurt us at all.


Be tolerant of everything else:

To faith, views, thoughts and clothes

And then, perhaps, it is clear to everyone,

A quiet glimmer of hope.

That we can live so different

In this world of perpetual motion

And to gain tolerance

You just need a sense of respect.

The song "The World is Like a Colored Meadow" is performed by the combined choir of the school

Julia Marandina
Integrated educational activities"Journey to Georgia" junior group(as part of the "Festival of Friendship of Peoples")


1. Socio-communicative development.

To form in children the foundations of moral and moral values, interest and positive attitudes towards peoples living in other countries of the world and peoples living in our country. To develop a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to a large community of people in kindergarten, our country, in the world. Involve children in national culture Georgia.

2. Cognitive development.

To acquaint children with culture, life and traditions people of Georgia, Call interest in children to the life of these peoples: National clothes, folk games, crockery, national dishes. To acquaint with the nature, flora and fauna of this country.

3. Speech development.

summon interest to the meaning of new words, to learn to correctly name objects, actions. Enrich and expand the active vocabulary of children with new words on the topic under study (saklya, ornament, Georgians, papakha). Develop coherent speech when talking about new subjects.

4. Artistic and aesthetic development.

Develop the prerequisites for value-semantic perception and understanding of works of art Georgia(music, musical instruments, dancing, national costumes).

MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT: Presentation about Georgia; image fruit vase with magnets image fruits and vegetables on magnets, magnetic board; an envelope with a letter; silhouettes Georgian paper dresses of different colors for each child, blanks national ornaments, glue, pencils, felt-tip pens, napkins; doll in Georgian costume, costume for Tamara, long satin belts for children.

Organized educational activities::

At the start of class, there is a knock on the door.

caregiver: Do you hear someone knocking?

The door opens and the teacher is given an envelope.

Sun: Oh, guys, what is it?

Children: Letter, envelope.

Sun A: Yes, a letter. Interesting, from whom and to whom? And how to find out?

Sun: Certainly! Let's read.

"TO WHOM: Kindergarten No. 146 in Tyumen, for children from groups"Hares"».

Sun: So this is for you?

Children: Yes!

"FROM WHOM: from Lali. Guys, this is a letter from Georgia, from Lali. Do you remember when we visited her?

Children: Yes!

Sun: What does Lali write to us?

"Dear Guys! Today we have Georgia A very fun holiday is celebrated - Love Day! And I really want you to come to us. I look forward to seeing you! Your Lali."

Sun: Guys, Lali is waiting for us in Georgia for a holiday. Do you want to go to her?

Children: Yes, sure!

Sun: Great! Guys, since we are going to Georgia then maybe we should dress up like the real ones Georgians! We have such elegant belts, let's put them on.

Children wear belts.

Sun: Now we're real Georgians. And what are we going to Georgia?

Children express their guesses on what can be travel.

Sun: Wow, what good fellows! How much do you know! Once Georgia is very far from us, let's fly by plane, as suggested to us (child's name). Do you agree?

Children: Yes!

Sun: Then we got ready, started the engines, spread our wings. Ready? Then they flew! (music plays). Well, that's it Georgia, we land! Everyone landed, no one fell behind? Great! Look guys what a beautiful country Georgia(we look at slides with views Georgia) .

Sun: Oh, guys, look, someone is meeting us. What do we need to say? Of course, you need to say hello. Hello. Who are you?

Tamara: Hello guys. My name is Tamara, I am the mother of the girl Lali. You are so smart, probably came to our holiday?

Children's answers.

Tamara: Unfortunately, guys, we cannot celebrate this wonderful holiday and you will have to fly back.

Children: Why? What's happened?

Tamara: Listen. Yesterday we Lali spent the whole day preparing for the holiday, cleaned up our sakla, that’s what our Georgian house, prepared vases of fruit, took out our most beautiful dresses. But in the morning we saw that someone wants to spoil our holiday: Our fancy dresses are gone, fruits and vegetables are mixed up. Lali is so upset, she cries and does not want to leave her room. And she's been waiting for you.

Sun: What do you guys do? We need to help Tamara and Lali. Want to help?

Children: Yes!

Sun: Tamara, we are ready to help you. What do we need to do?

Tamara: Guys, in Georgia a lot of fruits grow and Lali and I prepared them for you: put in a beautiful fruit vase, and now they are all on the table with vegetables. Help us put them together back, but remember, only fruit should be put in a vase. (Children do the task, it sounds Georgian music) .

Tamara: What good fellows, coped with the task!

Sun: Guys, Tamara said that all their elegant dresses have disappeared and they have nothing to wear for the holiday. I think I know how to help them Georgian women: we will now decorate the dresses ourselves and give them to Tamara and Lali!

Children: Certainly!

(Children are offered a choice of different silhouettes of dresses and various Georgian ornaments . They decorate the dresses as they see fit. Music plays during operation.

Sun: Well, here, Tamara, the guys have prepared a lot for you elegant dresses and you and Lali can dress up and celebrate your holiday.

Tamara: Oh, what beautiful dresses you have! Lali and I can now dress up in them not only on holidays. Thank you!

The doll appears Georgian national costume.

Sun: And here is our Lali! Hello Lali!

Lali: Hello. I'm so glad you saved our holiday! And I want to dance! And you are with me!

Sounds like Georgian melody, children dance together with Lali and Tamara.

Lali: Guys, we have Georgia not only fruits grow. We also have a tea bush. In autumn, we collect leaves from it, dry them in the sun, and from these leaves we get tasty and fragrant Georgian tea. We make and drink this tea. And we love serving tea to our guests. We invite you all to Georgian tea party!

Oh Georgia

  1. Oh, Georgia, your hills and rivers,
    Poets glorified for centuries.
    And awaken in every person
    Love for you, sung in lines.

    And my heart is filled with joy
    And heaven sends bliss to the soul.
    When with its beautiful three-voice,
    Georgians together will sing a song.

    In the war you shed blood
    For our indestructible Union,
    With your sons to fight
    Ossetians and Belarusians were walking.

    Victorious forty-fifth year
    He was alone, alone for all,
    And hoisted over the Reichstag
    Russian and Georgian banner.

    In the hungry year forty-seven,
    When the people were glad to the crust.
    Saved children from evil death,
    Georgian bread and grapes.

    And my mother lived in Georgia,
    And remembered fondly
    Georgian, that as a mother was
    Everyone was surrounded by kindness.

  1. Georgia borders Russia in the east and north
  2. It was first mentioned in chronicles in the 12th-8th centuries. BC. Its history is about 5-6 thousand years.
  3. The coat of arms of Georgia is Saint George slaying a dragon and 2 lions holding a crown. The words on the white ribbon translate as "Strength in Unity".
  1. The Georgian language has a number of features. In fact, there is no stress in it, the tone rises only on a certain syllable. Besides, in Georgian language missing capital letters, no male and female, - the genus is determined depending on the context. There is a Georgian word in which 8 consonants go at once in a row: gvprtskvnis. Here is such an original Georgian language!

The meaning of some Georgian words, undoubtedly, will bring a smile to each of our compatriots. In Georgian, the word "mama" means "deda", "dad" - "mother", "grandmother" - "bebua", and grandfather - "babua". It's funny, isn't it? Especially when you imagine small child, loudly calling his "mother".

  1. The capital Tbilisi in translation means "warm spring".
  2. The nature of Georgia is famous for its mountain scenery, warm and mild climate, a variety of flora and fauna.

Many scientists believe that a favorable climate, clean mountain air, measured lifestyle and the optimistic mood of the local population contribute to the extension of life.

Georgian centenarians reached the age of up to 130 years.

  1. Nature endows the people with rich harvests of fruits, vegetables, and grapes. We drink Borjomi water from springs located in the Borjomi reserve. Its composition has not changed since 1830.










Is not full list traditional Georgian dishes, the names of which have long entered our lives.

The traditional and well-known Georgian dish “chicken tabaka” is absolutely not related to tobacco. It's just a mispronounced name. Correctly, the name of the dish sounds like “tapaka chicken” and comes from a special frying pan called “tapaka”, which is very often used by Georgian housewives.

  1. Georgian hospitality is known to many.
  1. Monasteries, cathedrals, fortresses, temples, churches - this is not a complete list of what you can see when you come to this country.
  2. Pottery and chasing are the most popular crafts.
  1. Appreciate the beauty Georgian dance. Men demonstrate courage, strength, militancy. High jumps, incredible pirouettes. They dance on their fingers and spin on their knees. The women move gracefully, floating like swans on water. Both men and women always dance with a straight back.

Ludmila Dudkina
Scenario of the holiday "Earth is our common home!"

Leading: Once upon a time, Prince Talleyrand Perigord lived in France. Talleyrand differed from all in that, under different governments, he remained the same foreign minister. He was very talented in many ways, but they appreciated him for his ability to take into account the mood of others, for his respectful attitude towards everyone without exception, for his ability to always find a way out of any situation in such a way as not to infringe on the interests of others. Hence the origin of the word tolerance, which means tolerance, sympathy, understanding. (slide)

On our planet Earth a huge number of countries. (slide) Each country is special and the inhabitants are also special. We are different, not at all. similar friend on a friend. We have different skin colors, we speak different languages, we have different customs and traditions. But we are all united in one thing - we are people. (slide)

People are born different:

Dissimilar, idiosyncratic.

So that you can understand others

you need to cultivate patience.

It is necessary to come to people's houses with kindness,

Friendship, love in your heart to keep!

Performance of the song "You, me, and you and me" (slides about friendship)

Leading: Guys, what country do we live in?

Children: In Russia

Leading: Well done! Our country is multinational, representatives of different nationalities and nationalities. National language we have Russian. Russia has its own traditions and customs. Let's get to know them better.

(Music sounds, a representative of Russia enters the hall - "Mother Rus'" in Russian folk costume, takes out the samovar, bows to the guests) (slides about Russia)

Rus: We always welcome guests,

Round, hot samovar,

He is on a painted platter.

With a white towel.

The Russian people are famous for their hospitality. There is such a wonderful tradition to meet dear guests with bread and salt. This wonderful tradition was passed on to me by my grandmother, and now I am passing it on to you.

Guys, what traditions and holidays you know, and as noted by these holidays. (slides holidays)

Children: Maslenitsa, Easter, Christmas, Apple Spas. All people have fun, treat all the guests who come to the house, play, hold competitions, lead round dances.

And now I suggest you play a round dance Russian folk game "Burn, burn bright"

A game "Burn, burn bright"

Leading: Thank you, Mother Rus', for hospitality, for fun entertainment.

The children say goodbye.

Leading: Guys, we continue our journey. In Russia, not only Russian people live, but also Azerbaijanis, Uzbeks, Ossetians and many other representatives of various nationalities. Let's get to know them now.

Ossetian music sounds, a couple comes out in national costumes. (slides about Ossetia)

Leading: Ossetia welcomes us!

Ossetia: Hello guys. Ossetia is very fertile, beautiful and hospitable. Capital of Ossetia beautiful city Vladikavkaz. Ossetia is famous not only for mountain lakes and fertile valleys, but also interesting customs and beautiful national celebrations. But not alone holiday can't do without national dance. And today we want to present one such incendiary dance.

Dance performed by an Ossetian couple.

Leading: Thank you, perky Ossetia for a bright dance.

Georgia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Ukraine, Uzbekistan?

This is the list different countries,

Where else do friends live?

Under Belarusian music a girl and a boy come out in the Belarusian national costume.

(slides Belarus)

Belarusian: In the land of lakes of unprecedented beauty

I smile tenderly at sunrise.

The land is mine, native Belarus,

I admire your space.

Belovezhskaya Pushcha, Polissya -

Our sacred places

This is the secret of the past centuries,

This is the soul of all Belarus!

Leading: thank you, colorful Belarus.

Meet sunny Georgia! (slides about Georgia)

The boys come out to the Georgian melody

Georgians: In Georgia, the mountains are high,

In Georgia, the sea is deep.

Dolphins play in the black sea

And oranges grow in the orchards,

And the lemons grow golden.

For friends we'll play a tune

All Georgians have known since childhood.

In it you will hear tender love

And the beating of a hot heart.

Leading: guys, Georgia is famous for its musicality and beautiful polyphony and gives us a musical gift - an amazing melody performed by talented singers.

Sounds Georgian melody (slides of Georgian landscapes)

Leading: thank you, musical Georgia!

And now we are meeting a guest from Tajikistan. (slides about Tajikistan)

There are many mountains and rivers, flowers and trees in Tajikistan. Tajik apricots are very tender, that they only want to be stroked. For the sake of the happiness of everyone, the whole people, Tajik people are working. They work in the fields, in mines, in factories. Our people grow cotton in the fields, and our people know how not only to work, but also to relax. For holidays prepare their favorite meat dishes and bake delicious cakes and lavash. And they also love to dance.

Tajik: Tajikistan is a land of fires!

Country of open doors.

The people are peaceful

Soulful and hardworking.

Everyone here leads the economy,

Dancing, singing merrily!

Dance "Chickens"

Leading: thank you for such a dance gift, hardworking Tajikistan.

Guys, we see off our guests and meet new friends.

Tatar melody sounds (slide about Tatarstan)

Tatar: Tatar native land,

Traditions we do not count yours.

We do not know another edge,

Where would they be revered.

Tatar Earth located on the endless plains, along the banks of the Volga River, warmed by the sun and blown by the winds. Tatars are very ancient people having its own history. Very beautiful architecture in Tatarstan. Mosques, towers. And each has its own history, its own legend. In Tatarstan live very beautiful and talented people who are happy to share their cultural heritage with your friends, residents of other countries.

Performance of the Tatar dance.

Tatar: Goodbye friends. Come visit us.

Leading: Let the sky be blue

And the sun will be clear!

Let the man not be evil,

And the world will be beautiful!

Tolerance means

People all live together!

And warmed by the warmth of hearts:

Kindergarten, our home and life!

Sounds Ukrainian melody (slides about Ukraine)

Ukrainian: The pines looked into the mirror of the waters.

The surface of the pond is clean and bright.

How the rowan girls blushed.

And the willow is sad at the dam.

And in the pearl-cool water

Leaves fly with a light rustle.

I accept nature with my heart.

I am glad for every branch, bush.

And anyone to bow to a blade of grass.

Feel free to ready up land.

Dawns-sparks of each dewdrop

They laid down a silvery path.

In the sky they float so decorously

Clouds of white-maned herds.

My Ukraine, Ukraine,

Joy, sadness and love forever

Ukraine, a country with a unique nature, fertile earth, hospitable people. The Ukrainian people are famous for their talents. What the inhabitants of this country will not undertake, everything it turns out: and compose poetry, and delicious pies oven, and bright costumes to sew and soulful songs to perform.

And for you guys, Ukrainian folk song «» performs folk ensemble "Expanse".

Song performed by the ensemble "Expanse"

Leading: Thank you to our dear guests for such a beautiful musical gift.

Today, such a wonderful day, because we not only traveled to different countries, but also met new friends. Let's remember: it is important not only to live in peace and harmony with the peoples of different countries, but it is necessary to be able to be friends with your peers, regardless of their nationality, customs and traditions.

Children: There are white children,

There are black children

There are yellow children

On our planet.

But it's not about the color

And in what is in the world

to each other always

Smiling children!

All the children gathered in a circle

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And we smile at each other.

I want to were common for a century -

And the sky, and the sea, and the mountains, and the rivers,

And snow, and tulips, and the sun above us.

(Together) May all children be friends forever!

Dance "If with a friend went on the road"

I touch with heart and hand

A few years ago

Where, merging, they make noise,

Hugging like two sisters

Jets of Aragva and Kura,

There was a monastery. Because of the mountain

And now he sees a pedestrian

Collapsed gate pillars

And the towers, and the church vault ...

Here love is sacred to the motherland.

Welcome to Georgia!

Modjesalmebit Sakartvello!

Soyez bienvenus en George!

Welcome to Georgia!

Application: presentation


Scenario for the festival-competition “The World of Nationalities. Georgia"

Atarshchikova E.S., French teacher

Tsvetkova A.V., music teacher

Municipal educational institution

"Gymnasium No. 13 of the Traktorozavodsky district of Volgograd"

The script is designed for students studying English language as a first foreign language (in depth), and German and French as a second foreign language. Greeting for three foreign languages emphasizes the specifics of the OS.

1. The famous Georgian polyphony sounds (recording)

Oh, Georgia, country of valleys and mountains,

Crystal rivers and bunches of grapes!

Your proud spirit is born by the earth itself.

Freedom and Love are given as a reward!

Hello, Dear friends! Sunny Georgia welcomes you!

Guten Tag, liebe Freunde! Sonniges Grusien begrüβt euch!

Bonjour, chers amis! La George ensoleyée vous salut!

Hello dear friends! Sunny Georgia is greeting you!

High mountains with eternal snows on their peaks, clear turbulent rivers originating from glaciers, green valleys with vineyards and tangerines, White sand beach on the seashore - this is Georgia. It could be called a beautiful green mansion in the mountains. It stands proudly. High. Beautiful.

An ancient legend says: King Vakhtang I Gorgasal was hunting in the forests, his hunting falcon wounded a pheasant. The wounded bird ran to the sulfur spring, was healed by its water and ran away. Surprised by this event, the king ordered to build a city on this site and named it Tbilisi, from the Georgian "tbili", meaning "warm".

Tbilisi is the heart of Georgia, a city where the past meets the future…

A song about Tbilisi is performed by a music teacher and students

How many Russian poets have been inspired by this wonderful city! Pushkin called it "Magic Land". Born here famous poem"Mtsyri" by Lermontov, the immortal "Woe from Wit" by Griboyedov, "Childhood" by Tolstoy, "Makar Chudra" by Gorky. And this is quite understandable: the city itself sets up in a poetic way.

Tbilisi is stretched out in a narrow strip along both banks of the Kura River.

The quiet charm of the crooked, sun-drenched streets of Tbilisi, the terraces of houses twined with vines, ancient churches with tiled domes, the ruins of ancient monasteries, traditional Georgian courtyards with bizarre carved verandas - it is impossible to resist this landscape. And a piece of your soul forever remains to live in this enchanting corner, just as you forever take away a piece of Tbilisi in your heart ...

…I love Tbilisi…with a bright feeling

I touch with heart and hand

Fairy old lanes

Festive and joyful dream...

2. There is something to be proud of this wonderful people.Monuments of history dating back to the 6th century have been preserved here, and 19th century architecture century will make you think that you are somewhere in Europe. But this is all the legacy of old Tiflis.

A few years ago

Where, merging, they make noise,

Hugging like two sisters

Jets of Aragva and Kura,

There was a monastery. Because of the mountain

And now he sees a pedestrian

Collapsed gate pillars

And the towers, and the church vault ...

Jvari monastery, Narikala fortress - “the soul and heart of Tbilisi”, the acropolis in Mtskheta, the city - the fortress of Ujarma ... In Georgia, in the very center of Tbilisi, there are Georgian Orthodox Church, Armenian Apostolic Church, Synagogue and Moslem Mosque. On the banks of the Kura River is the main historical temple of Tbilisi - the Sioni Cathedral, built in the 6th century.

This wonderful corner of the planet attracts guests not only with architectural monuments ... Glaciers, passes, rivers ...

Mount Kazbek is considered one of the most high peaks not only in Georgia, but throughout the Caucasus ... Tbilisi Botanical Garden, national park Borjomi…

And the Georgian folk music that has existed for over 1500 years...

The song in Georgian is performed by the student "Firefly"

3. Georgia gave the world Shota Rustaveli, Bagration, Tariverdiev, Nani Bregvadze, Sofiko Chiareli and Kote Makharadze, Rezo Gabriadze, Pirasmani, George Danelia…

4. Here in every house a guest is welcome,

And they will always share blood with him.

There are no barriers to friendship in the mountains,

Here love is sacred to the motherland.

“The guest is the messenger of God!” - says the Georgian proverb. It is customary for a guest not to spare the best.

How will the hospitable host meet you?

Chakhokhbili, khinkali, kharcho, khachapuri, lobio, sauces - satsivi, tkemali, satsebeli.

5. Traditional dishes of Georgian cuisine are important attribute Georgian wedding. A real Georgian wedding is a beautiful, spectacular, rich holiday in compliance with all the original customs of the Georgian people. This is not only a feast, toastmaster, toasts and songs, it is also an amazing spectacle that you will never forget - real Georgian dances.

Georgian dance performed by a student, a representative of a given nationality

6. One can talk about Georgia endlessly, but no words can convey the beauty of this country and its people. This must be seen with your own eyes. That's why….

Welcome to Georgia!

Modjesalmebit Sakartvello!

Herzlich wiellkommen in Grusien!

Soyez bienvenus en George!

Welcome to Georgia!

Application: presentation

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