Local Lore Museum. Grodekova


Museum of Local Lore named after N.I. Grodekova is one of oldest museums the city of Khabarovsk and the whole region. The Regional Museum was founded in April 1894. The main initiator of its creation was the Amur Governor-General, the first chairman of the Amur Department of the Imperial Russian geographical society N. I. Grodekov. At the base this museum Prominent public figures and scientists, local historians and enthusiasts participated in the creation of its collections.

By the beginning of the XX century. he became famous museum Amur region. Museum exhibits were exhibited not only in Russian, but also in international exhibitions in Kazan, Novgorod, Paris and Chicago. In 1902, the museum was named after N. Grodekov, who is considered the "true leader and inspirer" of museum work on Far East Russia.

For more than ten years the museum was headed by eminent writer, traveler, scientist and museum figure V.K. Arseniev, under whose leadership the institution turned into a center of scientific local history of the Russian Far East, and after some time became the leading scientific and educational institution in the Khabarovsk Territory. In 1965, the local history museum was recognized as one of the best museums in the RSFSR.

After 10 years, an extension was made to the main building of the museum, which made it possible to expand the exposition areas. The extension housed the Volochaev Battle panorama, the only one in the Far East and one of three in the country. From 1995 to 1999, the exposition under the name "Nature of the Khabarovsk Territory" was updated in the museum, new expositions appeared. In 1998, the opening of the Archaeological Museum took place in a separate building. In 2000, the N. Grodekov Museum of Local Lore became the winner in the "Window to Russia" competition, after which it was declared the "Museum of the Year" among other provincial museums of the Russian Federation.

In 2008, expositions of the Children's Museum and the Amur Museum, equipped with the most modern multimedia facilities, were opened in the new museum building. In addition, new exhibition halls, workshops and a depository were equipped here.

To date, the museum has more than 418 thousand exhibits. museum exhibits dedicated to the history of the founding and development of the Russian Far East, geology and paleontology of the Amur region, fauna and flora of the Far East, the culture of the indigenous inhabitants of the Amur region, as well as Slavic settlers, the events of the Civil War (1917-1922) in the Far East, etc.

The N. I. Grodekov Museum of Local Lore is one of the oldest museum institutions in the Khabarovsk Territory. The initiative for its creation came from the Amur Governor-General Nikolai Ivanovich Grodekov, who was also the first chairman of the Amur Department of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society.

In the history of the Far Eastern Territory there were many people, real associates, who often own initiative engaged in the study of these places, built cities here, developed industry, science and culture. One of these people was N. I. Grodekov. The first open scientific institutions, primary schools, real school.

Being a passionate person, the governor-general collected materials on the history and ethnography of this region, purchased paintings, books, old coins with his own money, which then entered the museum treasury, and compiled museum catalogs.

April 1894 is considered the official date of the museum's appearance. Prominent Khabarovsk public figures, local historians, scientists, and enthusiasts also took part in the formation of its collections. At the beginning of the 20th century, this institution was already known throughout the Far East. And its exhibits are exhibited at the most famous museum sites not only in Russia, but also abroad. In 1902, the museum received the name of its founder and inspirer N. I. Grodekov. The regional museum rightfully bore the name of its founder and ideological inspirer, but in 1920 this institution was renamed. And only in 1994 did Grodekov's name reappear on the signboard of the museum.

The name of V. K. Arseniev, writer and public figure. Under his leadership, the Khabarovsk Museum becomes one of the best among similar institutions in the Far East. In the 30s of the last century, the museum began to reduce the level research work. Not in the best way the years have taken their toll Stalinist repressions, when some specialists were arrested, part of the departments was disbanded, and many unique exhibits began to gather dust in the storerooms.

But the sixties came, and in 1965 the Khabarovsk Regional Museum again became the best such institution in the Far East. Later, the museum expands its area with an addition. The panorama "Battle of Volochaev" was created in it, telling about the final events of the Civil War.

In the eighties of the last century, the museum continued research and development. Employees developed scientific topics, published their work, went to scientific conferences. They participated in archaeological excavations. Major exhibitions were held jointly with scientists from Japan, South Korea, China, USA. At the end of the 20th century, several expositions were updated in the museum, new exhibits appeared.

The year 2000 brought the Khabarovsk regional museum a victory in the competition "Window to Russia", and at the same time it was named the "Museum of the Year" among similar provincial institutions. Over the past few years, it has opened about 80 new exhibitions.

AT last years The museum pleases its visitors with new exhibition halls. The interior has been refurbished. Many expositions have modern multimedia facilities. Today, the museum has more than 400 thousand exhibits that tell about the history, geography, culture of the Far East, Primorye and the Amur region.

Archaeological Museum named after A.P. Okladnikov in Khabarovsk is absolutely unique. The museum's funds include about 160 thousand archaeological items, more than a thousand of which have no analogues not only in Russia, but throughout the world. The expositions of the museum tell about the history of the region and the original ancient cultures of the Amur region, who lived here in different periods time. The most interesting artifacts are the archeological petroglyphs of Sikachi-Alyan, Sheremetyevo petroglyphs and finds from the first medieval settlements on this territory.

The archaeological fund was based on the private collections of V.K. Arseniev and A.P. Okladnikov. Today, museum employees annually participate in scientific expeditions around the Khabarovsk Territory, which are organized jointly with foreign colleagues. For children, the museum presents special interest, because in addition to viewing showcases with ancient relics, they can take part in unusual master classes, during which the children will learn how to write on birch bark, learn about ancient writing Neolithic times, and they will also try to make fire on their own without the help of lighters and matches.

Khabarovsk Museum of Local Lore. N.I. Grodekova

On April 19, 1894, at the initiative of the Governor-General of the Amur Territory N.I. Grodekov was created State Museum Far East. By the beginning of the 20th century, it had become the leading museum of the Amur region in Khabarovsk. His exhibits were exhibited at Russian and international exhibitions in Novgorod and Kazan, Chicago and Paris. For ten years, the museum was headed by V. K. Arseniev, who was outstanding traveler, scientist and writer. During these ten years the museum has become the leading local history center in the Far East.

In difficult times socialist revolution and the years of perestroika, the museum has largely lost its scientific potential, but has fully retained the function of the cultural and educational center of the Khabarovsk Territory. In 1965, he was even marked in the list of the best museums of the RSFSR. The main expositions of the museum are thematic halls that highlight the distant past of the Amur region, its nature, as well as the material and spiritual culture of the Khabarovsk Territory, the stages of development of the Amur Territory in XIX-XX centuries, military conflicts and the period of civil war in the Far East.

One of the main attractions of the museum is the Battle of Volochaev panorama, one of three in the world. It was placed in the museum in 1975, for which a separate wing was attached to the main building. Except museum activities Since 1996, the traditional conferences "Grodekovsky Readings" have been held within its walls, at which the problems of studying and preserving the historical, cultural and natural heritage of the Russian Far East are considered. Besides Far Eastern Museum regularly takes part in seminars, conferences in Russia and abroad, publishes scientific and popular scientific collections.

Far Eastern Art Museum

Collections of the Far East art museum collected throughout the 20th century, although they officially received the status of a museum only in July 1931. The idea of ​​its creation as the first "public gallery" in the Far East belongs to the Governor-General of the Amur region N.I. Grodekov. He was assisted Imperial Academy Arts, which created a special commission that sends to Khabarovsk original works painting, graphics, sculpture, as well as casts from samples and copies of Russian and foreign classics. Until the 1920s, the collection was under the control of the Khabarovsk Regional Museum, and only ten years later began its independent collection, exhibition and research activities. Having received an independent status, the museum funds were replenished with specimens from the collections of the Russian Museum, Tretyakov Gallery, Hermitage, Historical Museum and many others.

Military History Museum of the Red Banner Far Eastern Military District

The Military History Museum of the Red Banner Far Eastern Military District is located in Khabarovsk. The museum building is located in an old building on the banks of the Amur River. The expositions of the military history museum include more than twelve thousand exhibits related to the history of the Krasnoznamensky Far Eastern Military District from the time of its creation to the present day. The museum was opened in 1904 and since then has four main exhibitions. The first tells about the period of development of the Far Eastern lands, the features of the armed defense of this region before the period of the revolution in 1917. The second exhibition tells about the times of the civil war of 1918-1922 and the period of foreign military intervention. The third exposition is dedicated to the natives of the Far Eastern District, who took part in the Great Patriotic war. The collection of banners deserves special attention here. The last room is dedicated modern troops and armaments in the region. Among other things, in military history museum you will find numerous types of domestic and foreign firearms and cold steel, orders and medals of the USSR, original views uniforms and equipment, as well as some samples of military equipment.

Amur Bridge Museum

One of the main attractions of Khabarovsk is the Museum of the History of the Amur Bridge, which is dedicated to the reconstruction and construction of a bridge across the Amur River. Addition to it is exhibited under open sky railway equipment, as well as the main exhibit - the farm of the "royal" bridge, dismantled during the reconstruction.

In June 2009, painting and cleaning of the truss took place, as well as the preparation and installation of three future exhibits: a two-axle platform from 1935, an "E" steam locomotive and a cistern dating from the 19th century. In 2010, the exposition was significantly expanded: a retro-station building was erected, an electric locomotive VL80 and a passenger-and-freight diesel locomotive M62 were installed, as well as a covered wagon old building and railcar of the 1930s.

The Museum of the History of the Amur Bridge was included in the excursion program of guests and participants of the VI Assembly of Chiefs railways, which took place in early autumn 2011 in Vladivostok and Khabarovsk. The most valuable historical attraction of the institution is the railcar, which Vasily Blucher, the commander of the Special Far Eastern Army, used to move.

Museum-Aquarium "Amur Fish"

The Amur Fish Aquarium Museum opened in Khabarovsk on December 2, 2005. It was created for the 60th anniversary of the creation of HFTINRO. For nearly ten years of its existence, the museum has become calling card Institute and one of the most unusual and original sights of Khabarovsk. The aquarium exposition contains 105 species of local fish found in the Amur River basin. Many locals who visited the museum, discovered a lot of new things, because they did not know about some species, even having lived on the Amur for more than a dozen years.

About fifteen thousand people visit the museum every year. At the same time, students attend it for free. Main Interest in the aquarium they represent fish living in mountain rivers and reservoirs. Local graylings, baby killer whales and Amur gobies look very exotic.

It is interesting to observe the smallest representatives of the so-called "weedy" species of fish. These are tiny Amur loaches, Eleotris and Leptobotia that swim in small flocks. main celebrity Aquarium is generally considered to be star-shaped flounder, which usually rises from the sea up the Amur to Nikolaevsk-on-Amur. Amur crayfish, shrimps and local water turtles live in separate aquariums. The museum exists entirely at the expense of the institute and has been recognized as unprofitable without budgetary support for the past few years. You have a rare opportunity to visit the Khabarovsk Aquarium, because they plan to close it in the near future.

Sights of Khabarovsk

Modern technologies, interactive expositions, 3D panoramas - all these are not epithets for a science fiction film, but a description of the modern regional museum of Khabarovsk. Long thorny path passed for long years, led to the fact that the Museum named after N.I. Grodekov is known not only throughout Russia, he is known throughout the world.

How it all started

Khabarovsk Regional Museum named after N.I. Grodekov was solemnly opened in April 1894. Until now, after 120 years from the date of foundation, this date is celebrated as big celebration. The first shelter that took under its wing the Museum of Local Lore of Khabarovsk was a pharmacy warehouse that belonged to one of the patrons.

This donor was V.N. Radakov, also elected as the first director.

The initial collection was compiled bit by bit thanks to the charity of members of research societies and other population of the region. The first director himself donated his ornithological collection to the Museum of Local Lore of Khabarovsk.

Special attention should be paid to Nikolai Ivanovich Grodekov. The Governor-General donated a substantial amount to the museum, with the help of which it was possible to create an amazing collection of exhibits and books. Such a colossal contribution was appreciated, and the Museum of Local Lore of Khabarovsk received permission to bear the name of Grodekov.

It was under his leadership that the construction of a separate building was organized. Most of money was collected by the inhabitants of the city. And just two years after its founding, the Museum of Local Lore of Khabarovsk moved to its own building, although not yet fully completed. In addition to the collection, which already has over 10 thousand items, the museum was decorated with a granite turtle brought from Ussuriysk.

The next director also entered the history of the museum and left his mark by creating an amazing open-air exhibition. Artillery battery assembled by S.N. Vankov, represents a kind of border of the museum territory. It consisted of 10 old fortress cannons placed in the ground, bought by him, the original grating and other weapons.

The Russo-Japanese War had a very negative impact on the museum's state of affairs. Donations have practically stopped, the motivation of employees has been reduced for obvious reasons. The nature of the Khabarovsk Territory, shown in natural science collections, has ceased to amaze the imagination.

Golden age

After a certain decline, the revival of the museum became the main goal of the new director Vladimir Klavdievich Arsenyev.

The period of his administration received speaking name Arsenievsky.

He organized annual expeditions, the purpose of which was the constant filling of the collections. The nature of the Khabarovsk Territory was clearly demonstrated using samples of flora and fauna, ethnological and other finds by V.K. Arseniev and his associates.

The new director has established active cooperation with both domestic scientists and foreign scientists.

Difficult days of wars and the interwar period

The first blow to the heritage of scientists was the revolution and the war that followed. After coming Soviet power Grodekov's name is taken away from the museum. Almost all employees were fired or left the museum themselves. Only the head and several caretakers of the museum remained to fulfill their duties. There were not enough forces and means not only for basic repair work, but even to protect exhibits. Natural causes, temperature and humidity destroyed entire expositions.

In this crisis period, V.K. again becomes the director. Arseniev. Thanks to his activity and acquaintances with unique experts, the director managed to keep the museum afloat.

With the advent and strengthening of Soviet power, outside interference in research and development becomes more and more noticeable. educational activities, which also significantly hampered and slowed down scientific work.

Funding has been drastically reduced. The associated outflow of competent specialists was aggravated by the punitive measures carried out in the 1930s. Before the start of the Second World War, the head of the expositions and five museum employees were imprisoned.

After the war

The state of affairs worsened even more during the war itself.

After its completion, a slow revival began. A small but necessary repair, updating of expositions, organization of new expeditions. All this allowed to increase the attendance and interest of local residents.

In 1975, a stunning panorama of the “Battle of Volochaev” by A.A. Gorpenko and S.D. Agapova. It shows the second assault on the June-Koran hill during

After the collapse of the USSR

The current head of the museum N.I. Ruban deployed huge efforts to ensure that the museum not only survived the crisis period of the 90s, but also gained momentum in its research activities.

The centennial anniversary was marked by another significant event. historical name Grodekov was returned to the name of the museum.

Modernity and technical development have not bypassed the classical museum. A number of exhibitions have been reconstructed, including "Nature of the Khabarovsk Territory", unique 3D panoramas have been opened, a museum for children has been created, which enjoys unprecedented popularity.

new millennium

By the time of the millennium, the administration of the museum is paying more and more attention to international cooperation. The regional museum actively exchanges exhibitions with foreign colleagues. have already been able to see expositions from the Country rising sun- Japan - and the United States of America.

The museum could not ignore the exciting action "Night at the Museum" and became its participant in 2011.

Today, the museum exhibits and stores more than 400 thousand items of scientific and cultural value.


The Khabarovsk Museum quickly gained popularity not only in Russia, but also abroad.

Already under Soviet rule, the team was awarded the challenge Red Banner and received the title " Best Museum RSFSR".

Millennium also marked high award. During the competition for the title of "Museum of the Year" within the framework of the "Window to Russia" competition, the institution was recognized as the best among other regional ones.

But, of course, most the best award is the love of the inhabitants of the city and its guests, who remain delighted with the expositions.

Modern events

It enjoys great popularity and Children's Museum. Armed with modern polymedia tools, acting on the basis of the latest research in the field of pedagogy, the museum staff works with children from the age of 2.5 years.

Developed educational programs for visitors of all ages, projects and events aimed at family leisure, romantic meetings.

The program "Night at the Museum" is very popular among young people.

Amazing 3D panoramas are attracting more and more viewers. To date, the number of these expositions has already reached seven.

The dynamic change of exhibitions contributes to the fact that more and more regular visitors become.

But this place will also be interesting for tourists who want to get to know the Khabarovsk Territory better. Interestingly, the approaches to the museum are still “guarded” by an artillery battery assembled by S.N. Vankov.

In the Khabarovsk Regional Museum of Local Lore. N.I. Grodekova I am a frequent visitor. Although, much of what the exhibits tell about, I knew long before visiting it. I learned the history, ethnography and nature of the Far East since childhood from the books of Vladimir Arsenyev, Nikolai Zadornov, Nikolai Navolochkin, Dmitry Nagishkin, Jhansi Kimonko, Yuri Rytkheu, Vladimir Sanga, Yulia Shestakova, and other writers whom I read then and which I reread with pleasure now . And still I am drawn there - to the temple native history and native nature. Many of my friends who visited Khabarovsk for the first time, I recommended that you definitely visit the museum. And even once the one who visited there on my advice was not disappointed, but on the contrary, expressed only the most positive impressions. And now I want to again, at least virtually, take a walk through its quiet halls, full of great discoveries and great mysteries.
Usually excursions begin with some kind of polio, gradually getting to the present day. The chronology of my story will be chaotic and unsystematic, because I will tell in the order in which I myself saw everything and filmed it on the camera. It would be possible to earn some money on the material and even give it some scientific form but I don't want to get smart. This is just the story of an ordinary visitor.
So, let's begin. First, let's visit the new building, because that's where the ticket office is now located.

This is not a picture. This is a wildlife diorama - a combination of paintings, stuffed animals and scenery from natural materials. 3D graphics (3D format, speaking modern language). Below is a stone capercaillie, a favorite taiga bird:

And try to see the living creatures here. This is a bittern, so it is disguised in nature. Here, too, a scarecrow is real, the grass is real, only the background drawn:

Amur tiger. Stuffed tiger and eagle three-dimensional. The cliff on which the tiger lies, if my memory serves me right, is lined with natural stone:

There are many such dioramas in the new building of the Khabarovsk Museum of Local Lore. I hurried and didn't take a picture of everything I wanted, which I now regret. But I won’t post everything that I shot either, in order to leave at least a little intrigue, so we move on to the next room. There is a large aquarium here, in which the rarest, as well as the most characteristic fish of the Amur swim freely. Perhaps these are the only living exhibits in the museum:

Interesting section of minerals. There are heavy pieces of quartz interspersed with gold. Or, for example, a gold-bearing clod of clay that will lie on the road, and as you pass by, you will kick it and you won’t even think that this nondescript piece of dry land contains some kind of value. Highly interesting exhibits, I wanted to take a picture of them, but then I thought: "And what will I see in the photo? A gray inconspicuous breed that no one will be interested in looking at?" For the same reason, I did not begin to remove pieces of petrified trees. Well, stone and stone are shapeless and unprepossessing, of which there are plenty in any career. But no - it's not a stone at all, but a piece of relic fern. I photographed only a corner with meteorites. Whenever I look at them, I think: "How many millions of light years did this unknown substance overcome before it fell on our sinful Earth!" You can see through a microscope lunar soil. I watched. And again - the earth is like the earth ... Apparently geology is not my element ...

There were all kinds of bones and parts of the skeletons of dinosaurs and mammoths in the new building, but I got carried away and forgot to photograph them. In the same place, among all this "Mesozoic" and modern wildlife, there is a small department dedicated to the Second World War. Here is what I found there among other things:

About modern digital technologies back then, even science fiction writers were not yet written in books. Now, of course, the process of photographing has been greatly simplified, and at all stages - from shooting to obtaining the original image. And quite recently, Polaroid (with its small, unprepossessing, but instant photo) seemed like a miracle.

This is where our tour of the new building ends (there are not so many exhibition halls in it) and we move on to the old building. He greets us with such a wonderful view:

How rich and diverse the nature of the Far East is, the museum exposition dedicated to it is just as diverse. One collection of butterflies is worth:

Here, as well as in the new building, there are also minerals and bones of ancient animals, for example, such as these remains of mammoths and buffaloes brought from Yakutia:

Much attention is paid to the researchers of the Far East:

And these are already genuine things of V.K. Arseniev: a compass and glasses, once presented to the guides. On the right in the photo is the house in which the traveler and writer lived. Unfortunately, this house has not been preserved, in its place is now the Intourist Hotel:

On the second floor of the old building is one of my favorite departments of the museum - ethnographic. It contains huge collection objects that give an idea of ​​the life and culture of the indigenous peoples of the Amur region. In this room - traditional clothing each of the nationalities

Ask, what's so interesting about it? And tell me, for example, what is this holiday robe made of? Cotton, linen, nylon?.. But no. It is made from fish skin. Believe it or not.

There are also jackets, mittens, shoes made of fish skin. I read about such clothes in books and I always wanted to see how they look. I thought it would be something very exotic, but fish skin turned out to be the most ordinary material. You just need to know the secret of its manufacture.

Here is a life-size birch bark and small copies of dugout Udege watercraft - bat and utungie. In almost every book about the Far Eastern taiga, I met references to these boats, now there is an opportunity to get to know them visually:

The ethnographic section is large and interesting, and if I had free time, I could easily spend the whole day in it, being surprised later how quickly and imperceptibly the time flew by. Here are traps for fur-bearing animals, spears (palm trees), with which quite recently the inhabitants of the Far East went to bear, arrows, skis, ponies and other hunting equipment. Lots of women's jewelry. There are dioramas of dwellings of one or another nationality. You can’t show everything and you can’t tell everything in one post. But the most unique exhibits in the ethnographic section are big collection wooden sculpture and objects of the shamanic cult of the indigenous peoples of the Far East. The most amazing and impressive of which is this one (here central figure, by the way, with human growth):

If these spirits really guard the shamans, then they should bring good luck to this diary (everyone saw my nickname?). And here the "lord of the spirits" himself got into the frame, take a closer look at this photo and among the sevens you will see the silhouette of the photographing shaman:

What are sevens, you ask? These are spirits - shaman's assistants, which materialized in the form of various wooden figures, but sometimes they were made from other materials - from grass, parts of animals (from bones, skins). With the help of these cult figurines, shamans performed various ritual rites and practiced medicine. There were also such "homespun" sevens, like this one, which served to treat tuberculosis:

Here is also a very interesting exhibition. Ritual objects of the "bear holiday". I had a custom to grow a bear (just like the Slavs raised a piglet), and then, having performed a bunch of necessary ritual manipulations, solemnly eat it with the whole village. Here and special spears with which they killed the poor fellow, dishes: separately for blood, separately for the heart. Ritual pillars for bear skulls. Well, the skulls themselves:

Before us are legendary exhibits. Two rifles: the lower one is the infantry rifle Berdan No. 2 (model 1870) and the upper one is the hunting Berdan converted from it. In each book about the taiga life of the period late XIX century until the 60-70s of the XX, you will find a mention of some old "worn out" hunting "Berdanka". Also in the photo is a revolver (1916) and a Cossack saber with a scabbard.

As you probably already noticed, you and I gradually crept up to the halls dedicated to civil war. There was a time in the Far East when in every city, but what is there in the city! - each shop had its own currency. Here I found banknotes of the city of Blagoveshchensk:

Weapons and equipment of the Red Army:

And this is already dedicated to the White Guard (by the way, my maternal great-grandfather Ulyan Beregovoy fought in the Far East in the ranks of the White Guards). Typological complex "Harbin hotel":

Typological complex "Vladivostok Cafe":

Here is a close-up of the menu on the table of the Vladivostok Cafe:

If you climb the spiral staircase to the top floor, you can see the panorama. Which is what I did. This place is considered one of the most beautiful in the museum. But my photos, unfortunately, could not convey this beauty, so I did not put them here.

Ericsson telephone (1901). Great-grandfather of Sony Ericsson mobile phones:

Odner's abacus and adding machine (early 20th century). The same as for us a calculator and a PC:

Wood loom. Some people still use them in the villages. Yes Yes. What did you think?! And then where did all these thick colorful rugs in the huts of our grandmothers come from? ..

This is the office I want for my home. And I absolutely do not care that this furniture went out of fashion 100 years ago. Only instead of many small framed photos (on the wall on the left), I would make bookshelves. It seems to me that at such a table one can compose something very important and eternal...

Somewhere on the transition from floor to floor I found such a stand with Soviet postcards. I have something similar, kept from my mother and grandmother. I did not know that such postcards already have museum value:

That's all. The walk through the museum halls has come to an end. It was far from a complete tour. Something I did not have time to consider in detail and photograph. I just didn’t talk about something I saw now, so as not to tire you too much. long story. This time I took exactly three hours to visit the museum. And after their expiration, I realized that this is very little. Well, then, there will be a reason to return. Parting with the museum was, as always, a little sad, just as sad as this monkey, huddled around one of its corners, away from people's eyes. But I'll be back.

P.S. I have a ticket of the autumn 2008 sample (on the left). And this new ticket(on right):

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