H in gogol dead souls are the main characters. "Dead Souls" characterization of heroes


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Gogol's poem Dead Souls» is not devoid of a significant amount acting characters. All heroes according to their significance and time interval of action in the poem can be divided into three categories: main, secondary and tertiary.

The main characters of "Dead Souls"

As a rule, in poems the number of main characters is small. The same trend is observed in the work of Gogol.

The image of Chichikov is undoubtedly the key in the poem. It is thanks to this image that the episodes of the story are connected.

Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov is distinguished by his dishonesty and hypocrisy. His desire to enrich himself fraudulently discourages.

On the one hand, the reasons for such behavior can be explained by the pressure of society and the priorities operating in it - a rich and dishonest person is more honored than an honest and decent poor person. Since no one wants to drag out their existence in poverty, the financial issue and the problem of improving their material resources are always relevant and often border on the norms of morality and integrity, which many are ready to cross.

The same situation happened with Chichikov. He, being common man by origin, he was actually deprived of the opportunity to make his fortune in an honest way, so he solved the problem that arose with the help of ingenuity, ingenuity and deceit. The sting of "dead souls" as an idea is a hymn to his mind, but at the same time exposes the dishonest nature of the hero.

Manilov became the first landowner to whom Chichikov came to buy souls. The image of this landowner is ambiguous. On the one hand, he creates pleasant impression– Manilov is pleasant and well-mannered person, but we immediately note that he is apathetic and lazy.

Manilov is a person who always adapts to circumstances and never expresses his real opinion on this or that matter - Manilov takes the most favorable side.

The image of this landowner, perhaps, is perceived as a whole as positive and pleasant. Korobochka is not smart, she is a stupid and, to some extent, uneducated woman, but at the same time she was able to successfully realize herself as a landowner, which greatly elevates her perception as a whole.

The box is too simple - to some extent, its habits and habits resemble the lifestyle of peasants, which does not impress Chichikov, who aspires to aristocrats and life in high society, but allows Korobochka to live quite happily and quite successfully develop his economy.

Nozdryov, to whom Chichikov comes, after Korobochka, is perceived quite differently. And this is not surprising: it seems that Nozdryov could not fully realize himself in any field of activity. Nozdrev is a bad father who neglects communication with children and their upbringing. He is a bad landowner - Nozdryov does not take care of his estate, but only spends all his money. Nozdryov's life is the life of a man who prefers drinking, festivities, cards, women and dogs.

This landowner is controversial. On the one hand, he is a rude, muzhikish man, but on the other hand, this simplicity allows him to live quite successfully - all the buildings on his estate, including the houses of the peasants, are made to last - you will not find anything leaky anywhere, his peasants are full and quite satisfied . Sobakevich himself often works together with the peasants on an equal footing and does not see anything unusual in this.

The image of this landowner is perhaps perceived as the most negative - he is stingy and angry old man. Plyushkin outwardly looks like a beggar, since his clothes are incredibly leaky, his house looks like ruins, as well as the houses of his peasants.

Plyushkin lives extraordinarily economically, but he does it not because there is a need for it, but because of a feeling of greed - he is ready to throw away the spoiled thing, but just not to use it for good. That is why fabric and products rot in his warehouses, but at the same time his serfs go head and ragged.

Minor Heroes

Minor Heroes there is also not much in Gogol's story. In fact, all of them can be described as significant figures in the county, whose activities are not related to the landownership.

Governor and his family
This is perhaps one of the most important people in the county. In theory, he should be insightful, intelligent and reasonable. However, in practice, everything turned out not quite so. The governor was a kind and pleasant man, but he did not differ in foresight.

His wife was also a nice woman, but her excessive coquetry spoiled the whole picture. The governor's daughter was a typical cutesy girl, although outwardly she was very different from the generally accepted standard - the girl was not full, as was customary, but was slender and sweet.

What is true, due to her age, she was too naive and gullible.

The image of the prosecutor defies significant description. According to Sobakevich, he was the only decent person, although, to be completely honest, he was still a “pig”. Sobakevich does not explain this characterization in any way, which makes it difficult to understand his image. In addition, we know that the prosecutor was a very impressionable person - when Chichikov's deception was revealed, due to excessive excitement, he dies.

Chairman of the Chamber
Ivan Grigoryevich, who was the chairman of the chamber, was a nice and well-mannered man.

Chichikov noted that he was very educated, unlike most of the significant people of the county. However, his education does not always make a person wise and far-sighted.

This happened in the case of the chairman of the chamber, who could easily quote works of literature, but at the same time could not discern Chichikov's deceit and even helped him draw up documents for dead souls.

Chief of Police
Aleksey Ivanovich, who was acting as chief of police, seemed to have grown accustomed to his work. Gogol says that he was able to ideally comprehend all the subtleties of the work and it was already difficult to imagine him in any other position. Alexey Ivanovich comes to any shop as if to his home and can take whatever his heart desires. Despite such arrogant behavior, he did not cause indignation among the townspeople - Alexei Ivanovich knows how to successfully get out of the situation and smooth out the unpleasant impression of extortion. So, for example, he invites guests for tea, play checkers or watch a trotter.

We suggest following in Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol's poem "Dead Souls".

Such proposals are not made by the chief of police spontaneously - Alexei Ivanovich knows how to find in a person weakness and use this knowledge. So, for example, having learned that the merchant has a passion for card games, he immediately invites the merchant to the game.

Episodic and third-rate heroes of the poem

Selifan is Chichikov's coachman. Like most ordinary people He is an uneducated and stupid person. Selifan faithfully serves his master. Typical of all serfs, he likes to drink and is often distracted.

Petrushka is the second serf subordinate to Chichikov. He serves as a footman. Parsley loves to read books, however, he does not understand much of what he read, but this does not prevent him from enjoying the process itself. Parsley often neglects the rules of hygiene and therefore it emits an incomprehensible smell.

Mizhuev is Nozdrev's son-in-law. Mizhuev is not distinguished by prudence. At its core, he is a harmless person, but he loves to drink very much, which significantly spoils his image.

Feodulia Ivanovna
Feodulia Ivanovna - Sobakevich's wife. She is a simple woman and with her habits resembles a peasant woman. Although, it cannot be said that the behavior of aristocrats is completely alien to her - some elements are still present in her arsenal.

We offer you to get acquainted with the poem by Nikolai Gogol "Dead Souls"

Thus, in the poem, Gogol presents the reader with a wide system of images. And although most of them are collective images and in their structure are an image characteristic types individuals in society, still arouse the interest of the reader.

Characteristics of the heroes of the poem "Dead Souls": a list of characters

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Dead Souls is a poem for the ages. The plasticity of the depicted reality, the comical nature of situations and artistic skill N.V. Gogol paint the image of Russia not only of the past, but also of the future. Grotesque satirical reality in harmony with patriotic notes create an unforgettable melody of life that resounds through the centuries.

Collegiate adviser Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov goes to distant provinces to buy serfs. However, he is not interested in people, but only the names of the dead. This is necessary to submit the list to the Board of Trustees, which "promises" a lot of money. A nobleman with so many peasants had all the doors open. To implement his plan, he pays visits to the landowners and officials of the city of NN. All of them reveal their selfish disposition, so the hero manages to get what he wants. He also plans a profitable marriage. However, the result is deplorable: the hero is forced to flee, as his plans become well known thanks to the landowner Korobochka.

History of creation

N.V. Gogol considered A.S. Pushkin by his teacher, who “given” a story about the adventures of Chichikov to a grateful student. The poet was sure that only Nikolai Vasilievich, who had a unique talent from God, was able to realize this “idea”.

The writer loved Italy, Rome. In the land of the great Dante, he began work on a book involving a three-part composition in 1835. The poem was supposed to be like " Divine Comedy» Dante, depict the hero's immersion in hell, his wanderings in purgatory and the resurrection of his soul in paradise.

The creative process continued for six years. The idea of ​​a grandiose picture, depicting not only "all of Rus'" present, but also the future, revealed "the incalculable riches of the Russian spirit." In February 1837, Pushkin dies, whose “sacred testament” for Gogol is “Dead Souls”: “Not a single line was written without me imagining him before me.” The first volume was completed in the summer of 1841, but did not immediately find its reader. The censors were outraged by The Tale of Captain Kopeikin, and the title was perplexing. I had to make concessions, starting the headline with the intriguing phrase "The Adventures of Chichikov." Therefore, the book was published only in 1842.

Some time later, Gogol writes the second volume, but, dissatisfied with the result, burns it.

The meaning of the name

The title of the work causes conflicting interpretations. The used oxymoron technique gives rise to numerous questions that you want to get answers as soon as possible. The title is symbolic and ambiguous, so the “secret” is not revealed to everyone.

IN direct meaning, “dead souls” are representatives of the common people who have gone to another world, but are still listed as their masters. Gradually, the concept is being rethought. The “form” seems to “come to life”: real serfs, with their habits and shortcomings, appear before the reader's eyes.

Characteristics of the main characters

  1. Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov - "gentleman of the middle hand." Somewhat cloying manners in dealing with people are not without sophistication. Educated, neat and delicate. “Not handsome, but not bad-looking, not ... fat, nor .... thin…”. Prudent and careful. He collects unnecessary knickknacks in his chest: maybe it will come in handy! Seeking profit in everything. The creation of the worst sides of an enterprising and energetic person of a new type, opposed to landowners and officials. We wrote about it in more detail in the essay "".
  2. Manilov - "knight of the void." Blond "sweet" talker "s blue eyes". The poverty of thought, the avoidance of real difficulties, he covers up with a beautiful-hearted phrase. It lacks living aspirations and any interests. His faithful companions are fruitless fantasy and thoughtless chatter.
  3. The box is "club-headed". Vulgar, stupid, stingy and stingy nature. She fenced herself off from everything around, shutting herself in her estate - the “box”. Turned into a stupid and greedy woman. Limited, stubborn and unspiritual.
  4. Nozdrev is a "historical man". He can easily lie what he pleases and deceive anyone. Empty, absurd. Thinks of himself as a broad kind. However, the actions expose the careless, chaotically weak-willed and at the same time arrogant, shameless "tyrant". Record holder for getting into tricky and ridiculous situations.
  5. Sobakevich is a "patriot of the Russian stomach." Outwardly, it resembles a bear: clumsy and indefatigable. Totally incapable of understanding the most elementary things. A special type of "drive" that can quickly adapt to the new requirements of our time. Interested in nothing but housekeeping. we described in the essay of the same name.
  6. Plyushkin - "a hole in humanity." A creature of unknown gender. bright pattern moral fall, completely lost its natural appearance. The only character (except Chichikov) who has a biography that "reflects" the gradual process of personality degradation. Complete nothingness. Plyushkin's maniacal hoarding "results" into "cosmic" proportions. And the more this passion seizes him, the less of a person remains in him. We analyzed his image in detail in the essay. .
  7. Genre and composition

    Initially, the work was born as an adventurous - picaresque novel. But the breadth of the events described and the historical truthfulness, as if "compressed" among themselves, gave rise to "talk about" the realistic method. Making precise remarks, inserting philosophical discourses, referring to different generations, Gogol saturated "his offspring" with lyrical digressions. One cannot but agree with the opinion that the creation of Nikolai Vasilyevich is a comedy, since it actively uses the techniques of irony, humor and satire, which most fully reflect the absurdity and arbitrariness of the "squadron of flies that dominate Rus'."

    The composition is circular: the britzka, which entered the city of NN at the beginning of the story, leaves it after all the vicissitudes that happened to the hero. Episodes are woven into this “ring”, without which the integrity of the poem is violated. The first chapter describes provincial city NN and local officials. From the second to the sixth chapters, the author introduces readers to the estates of Manilov, Korobochka, Nozdrev, Sobakevich and Plyushkin. Seventh - tenth chapters - satirical image officials, registration of completed transactions. The string of these events ends with a ball, where Nozdrev "narrates" about Chichikov's scam. The reaction of society to his statement is unambiguous - gossip, which, like a snowball, is overgrown with fables that have found refraction, including in the short story ("The Tale of Captain Kopeikin") and the parable (about Kif Mokievich and Mokiya Kifovich). The introduction of these episodes makes it possible to emphasize that the fate of the motherland directly depends on the people living in it. It is impossible to look indifferently at the outrages that are happening around. Certain forms of protest are brewing in the country. The eleventh chapter is a biography of the hero forming the plot, explaining what he was guided by when performing this or that act.

    The connecting thread of the composition is the image of the road (you can learn more about this by reading the essay “ » ), symbolizing the path that the state “under the modest name of Rus” passes in its development.

    Why does Chichikov need dead souls?

    Chichikov is not only cunning, but also pragmatic. His sophisticated mind is ready to “make candy” out of nothing. Not having sufficient capital, he, being a good psychologist, having gone through a good life school, mastering the art of “flattering everyone” and fulfilling his father’s precept “save a penny”, starts a great speculation. It consists in a simple deception of "those in power" in order to "warm up their hands", in other words, to help out a huge amount of money, thereby providing themselves and their future family about which Pavel Ivanovich dreamed.

    Names bought for next to nothing dead peasants were entered in a document that Chichikov could take to the Treasury under the guise of a pledge in order to obtain a loan. He would pawn the serfs like a brooch in a pawnshop, and could re-pawn them all his life, since none of the officials checked the physical condition of people. For this money, the businessman would have bought both real workers and an estate, and would have lived on a grand scale, taking advantage of the favor of the nobles, because the wealth of the landowner was measured by the representatives of the nobility in the number of souls (peasants were then called “souls” in noble slang). In addition, Gogol's hero hoped to win trust in society and profitably marry a rich heiress.

    main idea

    A hymn to the motherland and people, the hallmark of which is diligence, sounds on the pages of the poem. Masters of golden hands became famous for their inventions, their creativity. The Russian peasant is always "rich in invention." But there are those citizens who hinder the development of the country. These are vicious officials, ignorant and inactive landowners and swindlers like Chichikov. For their own good, the good of Russia and the world, they must embark on the path of correction, realizing the ugliness of their inner peace. To do this, Gogol mercilessly ridicules them throughout the entire first volume, however, in the subsequent parts of the work, the author intended to show the resurrection of the spirit of these people using the protagonist as an example. Perhaps he felt the falsity of subsequent chapters, lost faith that his dream was feasible, so he burned it along with the second part. dead souls».

    Nevertheless, the author showed that the main wealth of the country is broad soul people. It is no coincidence that this word is placed in the title. The writer believed that the revival of Russia would begin with the revival human souls, pure, unstained by any sins, selfless. Not just believing in the free future of the country, but making a lot of efforts on this swift road to happiness. "Rus, where are you going?" This question runs like a refrain throughout the book and emphasizes the main thing: the country must live in constant movement towards the best, advanced, progressive. Only on this path "other peoples and states give it way." We wrote a separate essay about the path of Russia: ?

    Why did Gogol burn the second volume of Dead Souls?

    At some point, the thought of the messiah begins to dominate in the mind of the writer, allowing him to "foresee" the revival of Chichikov and even Plyushkin. The progressive "transformation" of a person into a "dead man" Gogol hopes to reverse. But, faced with reality, the author is deeply disappointed: the heroes and their destinies come out from under the pen far-fetched, lifeless. Did not work out. The impending crisis in worldview became the reason for the destruction of the second book.

    In the surviving passages from the second volume, it is clearly seen that the writer depicts Chichikov not in the process of repentance, but in flight to the abyss. He still succeeds in adventures, dresses in a devilish red coat and breaks the law. His exposure does not bode well, because in his reaction the reader will not see a sudden insight or a paint of shame. He does not even believe in the possibility of the existence of such fragments at least ever. Gogol did not want to sacrifice artistic truth even for the sake of realizing his own idea.


    1. Thorns on the way of the development of the Motherland is the main problem in the poem "Dead Souls", which the author was worried about. These include bribery and embezzlement of officials, infantilism and inactivity of the nobility, ignorance and poverty of the peasants. The writer sought to make his contribution to the prosperity of Russia, condemning and ridiculing vices, educating new generations of people. For example, Gogol despised doxology as a cover for the emptiness and idleness of existence. The life of a citizen should be useful for society, and most of the heroes of the poem are frankly harmful.
    2. Moral problems. He considers the absence of moral norms among the representatives of the ruling class as the result of their ugly passion for hoarding. The landowners are ready to shake the soul out of the peasant for the sake of profit. Also, the problem of selfishness comes to the fore: the nobles, like officials, think only about their own interests, the homeland for them is an empty weightless word. High society doesn't care about common people just use it for their own purposes.
    3. Crisis of humanism. People are sold like animals, lost at cards like things, pawned like jewelry. Slavery is legal and is not considered something immoral or unnatural. Gogol covered the problem of serfdom in Russia globally, showing both sides of the coin: the mentality of a serf, inherent in a serf, and the tyranny of the owner, confident in his superiority. All these are the consequences of the tyranny that pervades relationships in all walks of life. It corrupts people and destroys the country.
    4. The humanism of the author is manifested in attention to " little man”, a critical exposure of the vices of the state system. Gogol did not even try to avoid political problems. He described a bureaucracy functioning only on the basis of bribery, nepotism, embezzlement and hypocrisy.
    5. Gogol's characters are characterized by the problem of ignorance, moral blindness. Because of it, they do not see their moral squalor and are not able to independently get out of the quagmire of vulgarity that is engulfing them.

    What is the originality of the work?

    adventurism, realistic reality, a sense of the presence of the irrational, philosophical reasoning about earthly good - all this is closely intertwined, creating an "encyclopedic" picture of the first half of XIX centuries.

    Gogol achieves this by using various techniques of satire, humor, visual means, numerous details, richness vocabulary, features of the composition.

  • Symbolism plays an important role. Falling into the mud "predicts" the future exposure of the main character. The spider weaves its webs to capture the next victim. Like an "unpleasant" insect, Chichikov skillfully conducts his "business", "weaving" the landowners and officials with a noble lie. “sounds” like the pathos of the forward movement of Rus' and affirms human self-improvement.
  • We observe the heroes through the prism of "comic" situations, apt author's expressions and characteristics given by other characters, sometimes built on the antithesis: "he was a prominent person" - but only "at a glance".
  • The vices of the heroes of "Dead Souls" become a continuation of the positive character traits. For example, Plyushkin's monstrous stinginess is a distortion of former frugality and thriftiness.
  • In small lyrical "inserts" - the thoughts of the writer, hard thoughts, anxious "I". In them we feel the highest creative message: to help humanity change for the better.
  • The fate of people who create works for the people or not for the sake of "those in power" does not leave Gogol indifferent, because in literature he saw a force capable of "re-educating" society and contributing to its civilized development. The social strata of society, their position in relation to everything national: culture, language, traditions - occupy a serious place in the author's digressions. When it comes to Rus' and its future, through the centuries we hear the confident voice of the “prophet”, predicting the future of the Fatherland, which is not easy, but striving towards a bright dream.
  • evoke sadness philosophical reflections about the frailty of being, about the bygone youth and impending old age. That is why the gentle “fatherly” appeal to the youth is so natural, on whose energy, diligence and education depends on what “path” the development of Russia will take.
  • The language is truly folk. The forms of colloquial, bookish and written-business speech are harmoniously woven into the fabric of the poem. Rhetorical questions and exclamations, the rhythmic construction of individual phrases, the use of Slavicisms, archaisms, sonorous epithets create a certain structure of speech that sounds solemn, excited and sincere, without a shadow of irony. When describing landowners' estates and their owners, vocabulary is used that is characteristic of everyday speech. The image of the bureaucratic world is saturated with the vocabulary of the depicted environment. we described in the essay of the same name.
  • The solemnity of comparisons High style in combination with original speech, they create a sublimely ironic style of narration that serves to debunk the base, vulgar world of the owners.

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Presentation on the topic: Characteristics of the heroes in the poem "Dead Souls" by N. V. Gogol

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Presentation on the topic: Characteristics of the heroes in the poem "Dead Souls" by N. V. Gogol

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In the poem "Dead Souls" Gogol created a picture of contemporary Russia of extraordinary scope and breadth, depicting it in all its grandeur, but at the same time with all its vices. He managed to immerse the reader into the depths of the souls of his heroes with such force that the work has not ceased to make an amazing impression on readers for many years. In the center of the narrative of the poem is feudal Rus', a country in which all the land with its riches, its people belonged to the ruling noble class. The nobility occupied a privileged position and was responsible for the economic and cultural development states. Representatives of this class are landowners, "masters" of life, owners of serf souls.

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Manilov The gallery of images of landowners is opened by Manilov, whose estate is called the front facade of landlord Russia. At the first meeting, this hero makes a pleasant impression of a cultured, delicate person. But already in this runaway author's description the irony cannot be overlooked. In the appearance of this hero, sugary sweetness clearly appears, as evidenced by the comparison of his eyes with sugar. Further, it becomes clear that an empty soul is hidden under a pleasantly courteous treatment of people. In the image of Manilov, many people are represented, about whom, according to Gogol, one can say: "people are so-so, neither this nor that, neither in the city of Bogdan nor in the village of Selifan." They live in the country, have a penchant for refined, ornate turns of speech, because they want to appear enlightened and highly educated people, look at everything with a calm look, and, smoking a pipe, dream of doing something good, for example, building a stone bridge over a pond and starting benches on it. But all their dreams are meaningless and unrealizable.

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This is also evidenced by the description of the Manilov estate, which is in Gogol the most important technique characteristics of landlords: according to the state of the estate, one can judge the character of the owner. Manilov does not take care of the household: everything with him "went somehow by itself"; and his dreamy inaction is reflected in everything, in the description of the landscape an indefinite, light gray color prevails. Manilov attends social events because other landowners attend them. The same is true in family life and at home. Spouses love to kiss, give toothpick cases, and do not show much concern for landscaping: there is always some drawback in their house, for example, if all the furniture is upholstered in smart fabric, there are sure to be two armchairs covered with canvas.

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The character of Manilov is expressed in his speech and in the way he behaves during the deal with Chichikov. When Chichikov suggested that Manilov sell him dead souls, he was taken aback. But, even realizing that the guest’s proposal was clearly contrary to the law, he could not refuse such a most pleasant person, and only set off to think about “won’t this negotiation be inconsistent with civil decrees and further types of Russia?” The author does not hide the irony: a person who does not know how many peasants have died, who does not know how to organize his own economy, shows concern for politics. The surname Manilov corresponds to his character and was formed by the author from dialect word“beckoned” - one who beckons, promises and deceives, a flattering saint.

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Korobochka A different type of landowner appears before us in the form of Korobochka. Unlike Manilov, she is economic and practical, knows the price of a "penny". The description of her village suggests that she taught everyone to order. The net on the fruit trees and the bonnet on the scarecrow confirm that the mistress's hands reach everything and nothing is wasted in her household. Looking around Korobochka's house, Chichikov notices that the wallpaper in the room is old, the mirrors are old. But for all individual characteristics she is distinguished by the same vulgarity and "dead spirit" as Manilov.

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Selling Chichikov an unusual product, she is afraid to sell too cheap. After bargaining with Korobochka, Chichikov "was covered in sweat, like in a river: everything that was on him, from shirt to stockings, was all wet." The hostess killed him with her clubhead, stupidity, stinginess and desire to delay the sale of unusual goods. “Perhaps merchants will come in large numbers, and I will apply to prices,” she says to Chichikov. She looks at dead souls the same way she looks at lard, hemp or honey, thinking that they may also be needed in the household.

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NozdrevNa high road, in a wooden tavern met Chichikov Nozdrev - “ historical man", whom he met in the city. And it is in the tavern that one can most often meet such people, who, according to the author, are many in Rus'. Speaking about one hero, the author at the same time gives a description of people like him. The irony of the author lies in the fact that in the first part of the phrase he characterizes the nostrils as "good and faithful comrades", and then adds: "... and for all that, they are very painfully beaten." This type of people is known in Rus' under the name of "broken fellow." From the third time they say “you” to a friend, at fairs they buy everything that comes into their heads: collars, smoking candles, a stallion, a dress for a nanny, tobacco, pistols, etc., thoughtlessly and easily spend money on revelry and card games, like to lie and, for no reason, "sad" to a person. The source of his income, like that of other landowners, is the serfs.

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Such qualities of Nozdryov as impudent lies, boorish attitude towards people, dishonesty, thoughtlessness, are reflected in his fragmentary, fast speech, in the fact that he constantly jumps from one subject to another, in his insulting, abusive, cynical expressions: “a cattle breeder of that kind”, “you are a pig for this”, “such rubbish”. He is constantly looking for adventure and does not do housework at all. This is evidenced by the unfinished repairs in the house, empty stalls, a faulty hurdy-gurdy, a lost chaise and the miserable position of his serfs, from whom he knocks out everything that is possible.

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SobakevichNozdrev gives way to Sobakevich. This hero represents the type of landlords, in whom everything is distinguished by good quality and durability. The character of Sobakevich helps to understand the description of his estate: an awkward house, full-weight and thick logs from which the stable, barn and kitchen are built, dense huts of peasants, portraits in rooms that depict "heroes with thick thighs and unheard-of mustaches", a walnut bureau on ridiculous four legs. In a word, everything looks like its owner, whom the author compares with " medium size bear”, emphasizing its animal essence. When describing the image of Sobakevich, the writer widely uses the technique of hyperbolization, it is enough to recall his monstrous appetite.

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Plyushkin Completes the gallery of persons with whom Chichikov makes deals, the landowner Plyushkin is "a hole in humanity." Gogol notes that such a phenomenon is rare in Rus', where everything likes to turn around rather than shrink. Acquaintance with this hero is preceded by a landscape, the details of which reveal the soul of the hero. Dilapidated wooden buildings, dark old logs on the huts, roofs resembling a sieve, windows without glass, stuffed with rags, reveal Plyushkin as a bad owner with a dead soul. But the picture of the garden, although dead and deaf, creates a different impression. When describing it, Gogol used more joyful and bright hues- trees, “a regular marble sparkling column”, “air”, “cleanliness”, “tidiness” ... And through all this, the life of the owner himself, whose soul has faded away, like nature in the wilderness of this garden, peeps through.

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In Plyushkin's house, too, everything speaks of the spiritual decay of his personality: piled up furniture, a broken chair, a dried lemon, a piece of rag, a toothpick ... And he himself looks like an old housekeeper, only gray eyes, like mice, run from under high eyebrows. Everything dies, rots and collapses around Plyushkin. The story of the transformation of an intelligent person into a “hole in humanity”, which the author introduces us to, leaves an indelible impression. Chichikov quickly finds mutual language with Plushkin. Only one thing worries the "patched" gentleman: how not to incur losses when making a purchase of a fortress.

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However, in the chapter devoted to the disclosure of Plyushkin's character, there are many details that have a positive meaning. The chapter begins with a digression about youth; the author tells the story of the hero's life, light colors predominate in the description of the garden; Plyushkin's eyes had not yet faded. On the wooden face of the hero, one can still see a “glimpsed joy” and a “warm beam”. All this suggests that Plyushkin, unlike other landowners, still has the possibility of a moral rebirth. Plyushkin's soul was once pure, which means it can still be reborn. It is no coincidence that the “patched” gentleman completes the gallery of images of “old-world” landowners.

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The author sought not only to tell about the history of Plyushkin, but also to warn readers that anyone can follow the path of this landowner. Gogol believed in the spiritual rebirth of Plyushkin, just as he believed in the strength of Russia and its people. This is confirmed by numerous digressions filled with deep lyricism and poetry.

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The compositional basis of Gogol's poem "Dead Souls" is Chichikov's journey through the cities and provinces of Russia. According to the author's intention, the reader is invited to "travel the whole of Rus' with the hero and bring out a wide variety of characters." In the first volume of Dead Souls, Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol introduces the reader to a number of characters that represent " dark kingdom”, familiar from the plays of A. N. Ostrovsky. The types created by the writer are relevant to this day, and many proper names eventually became common nouns, although in Lately V colloquial speech are used less and less. Below is a description of the heroes of the poem. In "Dead Souls" the main characters are the landlords and the main adventurer, whose adventures are the basis of the plot.

Chichikov, main character"Dead Souls", travels around Russia, buying documents for the dead peasants, who, according to the audit book, are still considered alive. In the first chapters of the work, the author tries in every possible way to emphasize that Chichikov was a completely ordinary, unremarkable person. Knowing how to find an approach to every person, Chichikov, without any problems, was able to achieve location, respect and recognition in any society that he had to face. Pavel Ivanovich is ready for anything to achieve his goal: he lies, impersonates another person, flatters, uses other people. But at the same time, he seems to readers to be a completely charming person! Gogol masterfully showed the multifaceted human personality which combines depravity and the pursuit of virtue.

Another hero of the work "Dead Souls" by Gogol is Manilov. Chichikov comes to him first. Manilov gives the impression of a carefree person who does not care about worldly problems. Manilov found his wife to match - the same dreamy young lady. Servants took care of the house, and teachers came to their two children, Themistoclus and Alkid. It was difficult to determine the character of Manilov: Gogol himself says that in the first minute you might think “what an amazing person!”, A little later - become disillusioned with the hero, and after another minute make sure that nothing can be said about Manilov at all. It has no desires, no life itself. The landowner spends his time in abstract reflections, completely ignoring everyday problems. Manilov easily gave the dead souls to Chichikov without asking about the legal details.

If we continue the list of heroes of the story, then the next will be Korobochka Nastasya Petrovna, an old lonely widow who lives in a small village. Chichikov came to her by chance: the coachman Selifan lost his way and turned onto the wrong road. The hero was forced to stop for the night. External attributes were an indicator internal state landowners: everything in her house was done sensibly, firmly, but nevertheless there were a lot of flies everywhere. Korobochka was a real entrepreneur, because in every person she was used to seeing only a potential buyer. Nastasya Petrovna was remembered by the reader for the fact that she did not agree to the deal in any way. Chichikov persuaded the landowner and promised to give her several blue papers for petitions, but until he agreed to order flour, honey and lard from Korobochka next time, Pavel Ivanovich did not receive several dozen dead souls.

Next on the list was Nozdryov- a reveler, a liar and a merry fellow, a playboy. The meaning of his life was entertainment, even two children could not keep the landowner at home for more than a few days. Nozdryov often got into various stories, but thanks to his innate talent to find a way out of any situation, he always got out of the water dry. Nozdryov communicated easily with people, even with those with whom he managed to quarrel, after a while he talked like with old friends. However, many tried not to have anything in common with Nozdryov: the landowner invented various fables about others hundreds of times, telling them at balls and dinner parties. It seemed that Nozdryov was not at all worried about the fact that he often lost his property in cards - he certainly wanted to win back. The image of Nozdryov is very important for the characterization of other heroes of the poem, in particular Chichikov. After all, Nozdryov was the only person with whom Chichikov did not make a deal and, in general, did not want to meet with him anymore. Pavel Ivanovich barely managed to escape from Nozdryov, but Chichikov could not even imagine under what circumstances he would see this man again.

Sobakevich was the fourth seller of dead souls. His appearance and behavior he resembled a bear, even the interior of his house and home stuff were huge, out of place and cumbersome. From the very beginning, the author focuses on Sobakevich's thriftiness and prudence. It was he who first offered Chichikov to buy documents for the peasants. Chichikov was surprised by this course of events, but did not argue. The landowner was also remembered for the fact that he filled the price of the peasants, despite the fact that the latter were long dead. He talked about their professional skills or personal qualities, trying to sell documents for more high price than suggested by Chichikov.

Surprisingly, it is this hero who has much more chances for a spiritual rebirth, because Sobakevich sees how small people have become, how insignificant they are in their aspirations.

This list of characteristics of the heroes of "Dead Souls" contains the most important characters for understanding the plot, but do not forget about coachman Selifane, and about Pavel Ivanovich's servant, and about good-natured landowner Plyushkin. Being a master of words, Gogol created very vivid portraits of heroes and their types, which is why all descriptions of the heroes of Dead Souls are so easy to remember and immediately recognizable.

Artwork test

The main characters of the poem "Dead Souls" personify the society of past centuries.

"Dead Souls" main characters

The figurative system of the poem is built in accordance with three main plot and compositional links: landlord, bureaucratic Russia and the image of Chichikov.

The main character of "Dead Souls" Chichikov. This is a former official (retired collegiate adviser), and now a schemer: he is engaged in buying up the so-called "dead souls" (written information about the peasants who have died since the last revision) to mortgage them as if they were alive, in order to take a loan from a bank and gain weight in society. He dresses smartly, looks after himself and, after a long and dusty Russian road, manages to look as if only from a tailor and a barber. His name has become a household name for people - crafty careerists, sycophants, money-grubbers, outwardly "pretty", "decent and worthy"

Manilov A pleasant but boring and lazy middle-aged man. Little takes care of his estate. There are 200 peasant huts in his village. The peasants of Manilov are lazy, like the owner himself. Manilov likes to sit in his office and dream all day, smoking a pipe. A romantic and sensitive man who loves his family.

box- old widow She is a good housewife, thrifty and thrifty, a stupid and suspicious old woman. There are only 80 souls in her village. The peasants of Korobochka are working properly, and the economy is well established. Huts and buildings in the estate Boxes are whole and strong. Korobochka sells goods produced by her peasants. This is “one of those mothers, small landowners who cry for crop failures, losses and keep their heads somewhat to one side, and meanwhile they are gaining a little money in motley bags placed in drawers of chests of drawers.” watercolor portrait Boxes represents a good-natured old woman of small stature, in a cap and bonnet, in funny knitted shoes. The round, soft figure of Nastasya Petrovna, with some kind of rag tied around her neck, surprisingly resembles a tightly stuffed sack or bag - an important attribute of a homely landowner.

Nozdryov— A young widower, 35 years old. Lively, cheerful and noisy. Likes to have fun and drink. Cannot stay at home for more than one day. Little is engaged in his estate and peasants. Does not take care of his two children. Keeps a whole pack of dogs and loves them more than his children.

Sobakevich- Prosperous landowner 40-50 years old. Married. It looks like a bear. Healthy and strong. Clumsy, rude and direct. Thoroughly takes care of his estate. His peasants' huts are strong and reliable. Likes to eat well.

Plushkin- Wealthy landowner. He has about 1000 souls. He has many dead and runaway souls. Plyushkin lives like a beggar: he walks in rags and eats breadcrumbs. He doesn't throw anything away. Its peasants live in old, dilapidated houses. He overcharges and doesn't sell goods to merchants, so goods rot in storerooms.

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