"No one knows the real truth." "The Cherry Orchard": history of creation, genre, heroes


A.P. Chekhov more than once approached the theme of the collapse of noble nests in his works. The author writes about the impending death of noble nests in the stories “In the estate”, “Someone else's misfortune”, “In the native corner”, “At acquaintances”, etc.

In the play " The Cherry Orchard» Chekhov, as it were, generalizes the theme of the death of noble nests and sums up his reflections on the fate of the nobility.

Before us is a typical noble estate, surrounded by an old cherry orchard. “What an amazing garden! White masses of flowers, blue sky! .. ”- the heroine of the play Ranevskaya says enthusiastically.

The nest of nobles survives last days. The estate was not only mortgaged, but also re-mortgaged. Soon, in case of non-payment of interest, it will go under the hammer. What are the owners doing to save the estate? And what are these last owners of the cherry orchard, living more in the past than in the present?

In the past - it's rich noble family, who traveled to Paris on horseback and at whose balls generals, barons, admirals danced. Ranevskaya even had a dacha in the south of France in Meton.

The past now stands before Lyubov Andreevna in the form of a blooming cherry orchard, which is to be sold for debts.

Lopakhin offers the owners of the estate a sure way to save the estate: break the cherry orchard into plots and rent it out as summer cottages. But from the point of view of lordly concepts, this means seems unacceptable, offensive to honor and family traditions. It also contradicts noble ethics. “The dacha and summer residents are so vulgar, sorry,” Ranevskaya arrogantly declares to Lopakhin. The poetry of the cherry orchard and its noble past obscure life and the demands of practical calculation from the owners of the estate.

Lack of will, unsuitability, romantic enthusiasm, mental instability, inability to live characterize Lyubov Andreevna Ranevskaya. The personal life of this heroine was unsuccessful. Having lost her husband and son, she settled abroad and spends money on a man who deceived and robbed her.

In the character of Ranevskaya, at first glance, there are many good traits. She is charming, loves nature and music. According to the reviews of others, she is a “kind, nice” woman, simple and direct.

She is trusting and sincere to the point of enthusiasm. But in her spiritual experiences there is no depth, her moods are fleeting, she is sentimental and easily passes from tears to carefree laughter. She seems to be sensitive and attentive to people. And meanwhile, what spiritual emptiness is hidden behind this external complacency, what indifference and indifference to everything that goes beyond the boundaries of the cherry orchard and her personal well-being.

Ranevskaya is essentially selfish and indifferent to people. While her domestic help“There is nothing,” Ranevskaya littered with money left and right and even arranged a ball that no one needed.

Her life is empty and aimless, although she talks a lot about her tender love for people, for the cherry orchard.

The same as Ranevskaya, weak-willed, useless in life. her brother Gaev is also a human being. All his life he lived on the estate, doing nothing. He himself admits that he ate his fortune on candy. His only occupation is billiards. He is all immersed in thoughts about various combinations of billiard moves.

In contrast to his sister, Gaev is somewhat rude. Lord's arrogance towards others is heard in his words "who?", "boor".

Both Ranevskaya and Gaev are people who are used to living carelessly without working, they cannot even comprehend the tragedy of their situation. They don't have a future. These are the last representatives of the degenerate nobility.

One more significant figure to understand the problem of the death of noble nests is the servant Firs. A product of the serf era, he lives on memories of a happy past. He is full of worries about his master and takes care of him like a small child. “Again, they put on the wrong trousers. And what am I to do with you?" - he addresses the fifty-year-old Gaev.

The fact that Firs ended up in a boarded-up house and, in essence, was doomed to death - symbolic episode in the play. His death coincides with the death of the cherry orchard, marks the end of the era of noble nests.

MOSCOW, March 20 - RIA Novosti, Svetlana Baeva. Trips to noble estates are actively becoming fashionable. One of the main tourist premieres of 2018 in the Moscow region is "Four Seasons in Russian Estates". But even the most famous estates of their time are now under the threat of extinction. About "noble" tourism and royal ruins - in the material of RIA Novosti.

On a visit to Jomini

For example, Khvalevsky, "Vologda Switzerland", - unique monument Russian North. Several times a year, the descendants of the founder of the estate, Nikolai Kachalov, gather there. They bought and restored the estate.

But the estate is also accessible to outsiders: there are days open doors, tours by prior arrangement. Here pass folk holidays and musical and poetry evenings.

At the estate of Baron Antoine-Henri Jomini in Nizhny Novgorod region in the century before last, Alexander Pushkin probably visited, and for sure - Fyodor Tyutchev, Prince Alexander Gorchakov. Now there are daily excursions, the cost is 100-150 rubles.

You can see the estate itself (but only from the outside), visit the ethnic village on its territory.

"A classic Russian noble estate! A huge well-groomed territory! - tourists admire. - Everything is recreated with great love."

Even the French atmosphere is preserved - a pond with canyons and suspension bridges, vineyards from which wine is made, many apple trees for Calvados.

noble games

In the estate Skornyakovo-Arkhangelskoye ( Lipetsk region) can live. For the next weekend, a double room for two nights in the "School" log house costs from 8 thousand rubles, a four-bed room in the left wing of the house with a mezzanine - from 26 thousand. This estate is more than three centuries old and is closely connected with the history of the royal house of the Romanovs.

Now there are concerts of classical, jazz music, holidays, regular "evenings of noble games".

Everything is serious - romances sound, guests play gambling, rates are accepted by royal bills.

New routes

In Ulyanovsk, one of the main cities of "red tourism", a branded route "Nobleman on the Volga" appeared this year. It combines old mansions, houses of Ivan Goncharov, Vladimir Lenin, provincial, Soviet and modern city.

In the Moscow region, they plan to launch 30 new estate programs. Recently, according to the press service of the government of the Moscow region, the first journey took place along the imperial route ("Manor Express").

Tourists visited the sights associated with members of the Romanov imperial family - the estates of Ilyinskoye, Usovo, Arkhangelskoye.

This route was included in the program "Four Seasons in Russian Estates", which started this year. “We are trying to connect all the estates. Some people like dilapidated estates more, others need well-preserved estates with developed infrastructure,” says Valentina Zanina, chief conductor of the Estate Express project.

"For example, we have a program" Hussar ballad"in Dmitrov to the filming locations. Our excursions were attended by the descendants of the Musin-Pushkin family from France," she explains.

According to her, foreigners are not so rare guests on tours of the estates. The inhabitants of the Baltic States, the Americans, the Chinese are showing interest.

The latter, for example, are especially attracted by the Bolshiye Gorki estate, where the State historical museum-reserve"Lenin Hills". The inhabitants of the Baltics are attracted by places associated with the classics of Russian literature.

Fashion theme and excitement

"My interest in the estate arose more than 15 years ago from the study of history own family. Gradually, I moved on to the history of the noble era as a whole,” says Darina Fedorova-Zemlyanskaya, author of the Noble Estates project. “I find former noble nests, study their history from the moment of their origin to the present day, the history of those who lived there.”

The highlight of the excursions offered by Darina is a visit to closed estates. For example, Marfino is a magnificent, romantic estate with a pink palace and a bridge, cascades of ponds, cast-iron fountains and white griffins. Here is the sanatorium of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, access to the territory is closed.

"We are writing official letter, we take the passport data of the entire group, we get permission," says Darina.

According to her, estates are becoming fashionable, people are interested in history, the nobility. And when visiting closed estates, even excitement arises - to see what is inaccessible.

Outcast near Moscow

But some of the estates are under the threat of extinction. One of the most clear examples- the Sheremetyevs' estate Mikhailovskoye in the Moscow region. There, the wife of Count Sergei Sheremetyev, Ekaterina Sheremetyeva, the beloved granddaughter of the poet Prince Peter Vyazemsky, created unique museum with office for scientific studies, library, botanical garden.

Trips to noble estates are actively becoming fashionable. One of the main tourist premieres of 2018 in the Moscow region is “Four Seasons in Russian Estates”. But even the most famous estates of their time are now under the threat of extinction. About "noble" tourism and royal ruins - in the material of RIA Novosti.
On a visit to Jomini

It is not uncommon for Europe when the owners of castles themselves arrange excursions for tourists and tell about the history of family nests. With the revival of estates, this type of tourism arose in Russia.

For example, Khvalevskoye, "Vologda Switzerland", is a unique monument of the Russian North. Several times a year, the descendants of the founder of the estate, Nikolai Kachalov, gather there. They bought and restored the estate.

But the estate is also available for outsiders: there are open days, excursions by prior request. Folk holidays and musical and poetic evenings are held here.

The estate of Baron Antoine-Henri Jomini in the Nizhny Novgorod region in the century before last was probably visited by Alexander Pushkin and, for sure, Fedor Tyutchev, Prince Alexander Gorchakov. Now there are daily excursions, the cost is 100-150 rubles.

You can see the estate itself (but only from the outside), visit the ethnic village on its territory.

“Classic Russian noble estate! Huge landscaped area! tourists admire. “Everything is recreated with great love.”

Even the French atmosphere is preserved - a pond with canyons and suspension bridges, vineyards from which wine is made, many apple trees for Calvados.

noble games

You can live in the Skornyakovo-Arkhangelskoye estate (Lipetsk region). For the next weekend, a double room for two nights in the "School" log house costs from 8 thousand rubles, a four-bed room in the left wing of the house with a mezzanine - from 26 thousand. This estate is more than three centuries old and is closely connected with the history of the royal house of the Romanovs.

Now concerts of classical, jazz music, holidays, regular "evenings of noble games" are held here.

Everything is serious - romances sound, guests gamble, bets are accepted in royal bills.

New routes

Arkhangelsk: Russian Versailles near Moscow

In Ulyanovsk, one of the main cities of "red tourism", this year a branded route "Nobleman on the Volga" appeared. It combines old mansions, houses of Ivan Goncharov, Vladimir Lenin, provincial, Soviet and modern city.

In the Moscow region, they plan to launch 30 new estate programs. Recently, as the press service of the government of the Moscow region, the first trip took place along the imperial route (“Manor Express”).

Tourists visited sights associated with members of the Romanov imperial family - the estates of Ilyinskoye, Usovo, Arkhangelskoye.

This route was included in the Four Seasons in Russian Estates program, which started this year. “We try to connect all estates. Some people like dilapidated estates more, others need well-preserved estates with developed infrastructure,” says Valentina Zanina, head conductor of the Manor Express project.

“For example, we have the program “Hussar Ballad” in Dmitrov at the filming locations. Our excursions were visited by the descendants of the Musin-Pushkin family from France,” she explains.

According to her, foreigners are not so rare guests on tours of the estates. The inhabitants of the Baltic States, the Americans, the Chinese are showing interest.

The latter, for example, are especially attracted by the Bolshiye Gorki estate, where the Gorki Leninskiye State Historical Museum-Reserve is located. The inhabitants of the Baltics are attracted by places associated with the classics of Russian literature.

Fashion theme and excitement

“My interest in the estate arose more than 15 years ago from studying the history of my own family. Gradually, I moved on to the history of the noble era as a whole, - says Darina Fedorova-Zemlyanskaya, author of the Noble Estates project. - I find the former noble nests, study their history from the moment of occurrence to the present day, the history of those who lived there.

The highlight of the excursions offered by Darina is a visit to closed estates. For example, Marfino is a magnificent, romantic estate with a pink palace and a bridge, cascades of ponds, cast-iron fountains and white griffins. Here is the sanatorium of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, access to the territory is closed.

“We write an official letter, we take the passport details of the entire group, we get permission,” says Darina.

According to her, estates are becoming fashionable, people are interested in history, the nobility. And when visiting closed estates, even excitement arises - to see what is inaccessible.

Outcast near Moscow

But some of the estates are under the threat of extinction. One of the most striking examples is the Mikhailovskoye Sheremetyev estate in the Moscow region. There, the wife of Count Sergei Sheremetyev, Ekaterina Sheremetyeva, the beloved granddaughter of the poet Prince Peter Vyazemsky, created a unique museum with an office for scientific studies, a library, and a botanical garden.

Biological observations were carried out there, famous scientists worked there, sightseers came there.

Before the revolution, Ekaterina Sheremetyeva wanted to transfer the museum to Moscow University and establish a biological station in Mikhailovsky. “But this large-scale scientific and Cultural Center just disappeared. The estate is now in a terrible state, - explains Darina. “People are leaving in shock. This is an outcast in the Moscow region, and with the most interesting history.

Destroyed estates can be saved. Faith Sterlin, CEO non-profit partnership "Russian Estate", claims that over the past five years, not only has society grown interested in estates, the attitude of state structures has also changed. The authorities realized that the estates were becoming a brand in Russian advertising campaigns.

“We need a serious comprehensive Government program with the attraction of private investment, the creation of a system of benefits for them,” the expert sums up.

Grade: 11th grade

Subject: literature

Lesson topic: Features of Chekhov's dramaturgy

The objectives of the lesson: to tell about Chekhov the playwright, to give an idea of ​​some of the features of Chekhov's dramaturgy: to reveal the initial impression of the play "The Cherry Orchard".

During the classes

  1. Introduction by the teacher.

Story - basic literary genre Chekhov. In numerous stories, the writer managed to reflect the complexity of the life of the "era of timelessness", with its oppression of vulgarity and narrow-mindedness, and the typical moods of the intelligentsia.

In parallel with short stories and short stories, Chekhov worked on dramas. The dramatic form allowed for several acts to tell about the fate of several characters, to show a multifaceted picture of life. Chekhov's main thesis: “Let everything on stage be as complicated and at the same time as simple as in life. People dine, and at this time their happiness is added up and lives are broken.

The play "Ivanov" (1887), the comedy "Leshy" (1889) at the first appearance in the theater caused controversy. On the stage, just people overstrained, disappointed in life. “... I’m tired, I don’t believe it, I spend days and nights in idleness. Neither the brain, nor the arms, nor the legs, do not obey”, “Where does this weakness come from in me, what happened to my nerves” - this is what Ivanov says about himself.

Critics consider the following Chekhov's best dramas: "The Seagull" (1896), "Uncle Vanya" (1897), "Three Sisters" (1901), "The Cherry Orchard" (1903). The main theme is the depiction of the fate of the provincial intelligentsia, devoid of any interesting life prospects.

  1. Explanation of new material.


There is no division into major and minor actors: there is no division of the act into phenomena, "undercurrent", i.e. the presence of text and subtext as two levels of reality: everyday, concrete, clear and spiritual, deep hidden. The interplay of text and subtext creates a sense of undercurrent, a sense of duality human existence. This creates a subdued conflict. Dialogues and monologues are connected with this. Heroes often "do not hear each other." Allegories and omissions are "present" in the conversations of the characters.

  1. Work on the content of the play "The Cherry Orchard" (1903).

Staged on the stage of the Moscow Art Theater in the same year. Finding out the initial impression about the play, the characters.

  1. Reading by roles of act I.


Prepare a report “A.P. Chekhov and the Moscow Art Theater

MBOU Terlig-Khainskaya secondary school MR "Kyzyl kozhuun" RT

Teacher: Ondar Urana Anatolyevna

Grade: 11th grade

Subject: literature

Lesson topic: "The Cherry Orchard": history of creation, genre, system of images. Destruction noble nest.

Lesson objectives: to deepen students' understanding of Chekhov's play; consider the main conflict, the principles of grouping characters, genre and compositional originality.

During the classes

  1. Introduction by the teacher.

"The Cherry Orchard" - the final play by A.P. Chekhov, a play about the motherland, about the true and imaginary owners of the Russian land, about the imminent renewal of Russia.

About the plot.

The plot is based on sale noble estate, the playwright told in the play about the fate of three community groups: nobility. bourgeoisie and intelligentsia.

About composition.

An interesting composition of the play:

1. The first act is the hope for saving the estate. Lyrical memories, tender meetings.

2. The second act - nervousness, sobering up. Trading approach.

3. The third act - the heroes are in turmoil, waiting for the decision of fate. Premonitions are justified - the cherry orchard is sold for debts.

4. The fourth act - parting with the past, departure, farewell.

II. Explanation of new material.


External, everyday conflict - the struggle for the cherry orchard; Internal conflict- dissatisfaction with life of all the characters, a feeling of imminent death.


The main characters in The Cherry Orchard are fourteen, in addition, there are heroes who do not appear on stage, but we learn about their existence.

The author identifies three ideological and compositional centers (around which the characters of the play are grouped): the past is associated with Ranevskaya and Gaev, the present with the merchant Lopakhin, the future with the young heroes Petya Trofimov and Anya Ranevskaya.


Answer the question: 1. "Stages in the development of the main conflict."

  1. "What place in the system of images of the play belongs to the cherry orchard?"

... Forgive me, such frivolous people,
how are you, gentlemen, so unbusinesslike,
I haven't seen any weird ones yet.
A.P. Chekhov

The action of the play takes place on the border of two centuries, when the old, obsolete era of serfdom and the widespread domination of the nobles is replaced by a new time, new people, new views on life. The time has come for capitalists and entrepreneurs. And the "noble nest", depicted in the play, is a fragment former life; both external and internal conditions show that it is doomed.

It seems to me that Lyubov Andreevna Ranevskaya, her brother Gaev, and also the neighboring landowner Simeonov-Pishchik can be attributed to the representatives of the "noble nest". The rest of the inhabitants of the estate cannot be attributed to the inhabitants of the "noble nest" either by origin or by conviction.

I would like to dwell in more detail on the characters of Ranevskaya and Gaev, since they are most fully disclosed in the play. Both Ranevskaya and Gaev, of course, belong to the era of the outgoing. If earlier they were considered the "top of society", to which their origin gave them the right, now, when their nobility does not give them any advantages, when the income from the peasants, from the garden has ceased, they are helpless in the face of reality. And the life that they led before, to which they were accustomed, would soon inevitably come to an end, and they, it seems to me, understand this very well. No wonder Ranevskaya exclaims: "I'm still waiting for something, as if a house should collapse above us."

Both Gaev and Ranevskaya are aristocrats in the full sense of the word: they are educated, intelligent, cultured. All those around recognize Lyubov Andreevna's femininity, kindness. " Good man. An easy, simple person, ”Lopakhin says about her.” “She is good, kind, glorious,” Gaev echoes him, but immediately adds: “Nevertheless, I must admit, she is vicious.” What is the matter here? Probably in the fact that she does not have a solid core of life, and all her feelings and spiritual impulses are very light, short-lived, and love affair further undermined her mental strength. As for Gaev, he is generally not very sympathetic: being an adult man, he cannot accept any important decisions, nor do anything useful for the society in which he lives, or at least for the family. His infantilism is already expressed in the fact that he cannot simply take care of himself, and the elderly Firs has to deal with this. The only thing Gaev succeeded in was heartfelt monologues, so sentimental that others simply feel uncomfortable for him. “Baba,” Lopakhin speaks briefly about Gaeva.

Relations between the inhabitants of the “noble nest” are very friendly, warm, because they are connected by common memories, upbringing, outlook on life. These relationships characterize them as kind and gentle people. But the attitude of Gaev and, to an even greater extent, Ranevskaya towards people dependent on them makes us look at them from a slightly different point of view. Ranevskaya, without hesitation, spends her last money on dinners at a restaurant, tips for lackeys, a Jewish orchestra, while her servants are almost starving. Varya dreams of a hundred rubles to go to the monastery, not to mention the fact that the estate is being sold under the hammer.

Ranevskaya is also insolvent as a mother. Yes, she treats her daughters with love and kindness, but she cannot raise them properly, provide them financially, or pay enough attention to them. I think that one can say unequivocally about her: she is a bad mother.

Ranevskaya's attitude to the cherry orchard is very interesting and somewhat strange: she talks about her deep love for him, that she cannot live without him, but, having received money from Anya's grandmother, she easily leaves him and goes to Paris to her lover. Does this testify to Once again about some lightness of her feelings? The ease with which she appropriates the money sent to Anya is also surprising.

To reveal the images of Gaev and Ranevskaya, Chekhov uses such a technique as parodic duplication. Dunyasha and Charlotte Ivanovna can be regarded as a caricature of Lyubov Andreevna, Yasha - of Gaev. These people, each of whom is a tragicomic character, reflected worst features representatives of the "noble nest", not covered by the culture, education, intelligence of the latter.

After analyzing the images of Ranevskaya and Gaev, we can conclude that their time has passed. Perhaps their unwillingness to give the garden to summer cottages is dictated to a greater extent not by contempt for all sorts of businesslike and hoarding, but by an elementary inability to any practical activity? I don't know, but that's probably not the point. The views of these people, their principles, habits have become obsolete, and no matter how we feel sorry for them, but the hopes of Lyubov Andreevna and Gaev on new life after the sale of the garden, most likely, will not be justified. Yes, the garden has been sold, their way of life, of course, will change, but the people themselves have remained the same. And the future is not for them, but for Anya, Petya. However, the future, bright, joyful, according to Chekhov, is still there. Therefore, the whole work can be regarded as optimistic, despite the sad end for the "noble nest". And most importantly, in my opinion, the play teaches the art of living, which has always consisted mainly of the ability to look ahead.

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