Opera theaters of the world list. Metropolitan Opera in New York


Despite the fact that cinema has existed for a long time, theaters are as popular as in the old days.

And can the picture be compared with the performance of an actor “live”, when the feeling of the spirit of the performance literally hovers in the hall?

And ballet, and opera, and comedy, and musical, any production can stir up all the senses.

So today we will talk about theaters, and although this rating is called the top of the best theaters, there are no best or worst here and the division is conditional.

Each theater is unique and unrepeatable, with its atmosphere, actors, history.

So if you don’t see one of the famous theaters here, don’t rush to conclusions, it’s impossible to tell about all of them, and the division, as mentioned above, is conditional.

La Scala

1. Let's start with Italy, because it can be called one of the cradles of the theater, because here, along with Greece and France, many theatrical traditions. There were theaters here in Roman times and in the Renaissance, so the contribution of this country to theatrical art undeniable. La Scala in Milan is deservedly considered the best theater in Italy.

It was built in 1776-1778, and owes its name to the church "Santa Maria dela Scala", which was located on this site before the theater.

There is a legend that when laying the foundation, an ancient block with the image of the mime Pylades was found, as if the blessing of the ancient gods to the future theater. The theater hall can accommodate up to 2,800 people. By the way, it is customary to come here dressed in black.

IN different times the works of Bellini, Verdi and Puccini were very fond of here. Also in "La Scala" balls were held and even once there was a bullfight.

Grand Opera

2. In France, the Grand Opera is considered the most famous theater, although its official name is the National Academy of Music and Dance. Founded in 1669 by the poet Perrin and the composer Camber with signature Louis XIV. This theater has survived the centuries, French Revolution, has changed many names, but has remained one of the best.

The building in which it is located today was built by the architect C. Garnier in 1875. The hall can accommodate 2,130 people. It is difficult to enumerate the performances staged on the stage of the Grand Opera for three and a half centuries.

Initially, these were works French composers, then Italian and German. In the twentieth century, Stravinsky's opera "Mavra" was premiered here.

Vienna Opera

3. "Vienna Opera" is also impossible to ignore. Austria has always been proud of its composers, which is why Mozart's operas are so popular here. It also hosted the premiere of the entire Wagner cycle "Ring of the Nibelungen".

The Vienna Opera was built in 1869, interior decoration strikes with luxury and majesty.

At the end of the 19th century, this place was the focus cultural life Europe. Until now, according to tradition, the world-famous “Opera Ball” is held here every year, where people from all over the world come together.

covent garden

4. The most famous theater in England is London's Covent Garden. It was founded in 1732. In the form in which it appears now, it has been preserved since the last restoration in 1856. Is different high level acting and related fees.

In the 19th century they sang here best performers of that time, such as Malibran, Tamburini, Giulia Grisi.

The building itself is shrouded in mystery and legends about ghosts, so suitable for "Foggy Albion". Designed for 2,250 seats.

Metropolitan Opera

5. The New York Metropolitan Opera is the most famous theater in the United States and at the same time the most modern of all listed here.

It was founded in 1883 and is distinguished by the absence of such luxurious decoration as in other theaters. But here many modern technologies, like, for example, the running line in the back of the chair.

Initially, the Metropolitan Opera liked to stage Wagner. As well as in England, operas are staged here in the original language. The fees for performers here are more modest than in other places, but singing on this stage is still very prestigious.

The hall is large and can accommodate 3,625 people. Interestingly, the theater is not state-owned and is funded by private individuals and donations from firms.

6. In Russia, one can put “ Grand Theatre". It was founded in 1776, the building where it is now appeared in 1825.

Here were the premieres of Tchaikovsky's operas - "Mazepa", "Voevoda", "Cherevichki" and Rachmaninov - " Miserly knight”, “Aleko” and “Francesca da Rimini”, and Rachmaninoff acted as a conductor.

On the stage of the Bolshoi Theater, performances are also given by visiting troupes from La Scala and Vienna Opera". Designed for 2,155 seats.

7. “sydney opera” is a masterpiece more architectural than theatrical.

This place has become a symbol of Australia, both performances and various shows are held here, there is no usual theatrical design, and the repertoire is not classical. But maybe this is such an idea of ​​​​the creators of the theater of the future, because the Sydney Opera House was built only 37 years ago. By the way, Queen Elizabeth herself opened it.

8. Another non-classical theater - "Broadway".

It's not a building, it's a tradition. Once "Broadway Theater" meant that it was one of small theaters located on the corresponding street in New York, today this concept has a completely different meaning.

I invite actors to Broadway for one or more seasons, there is no permanent troupe, and performance is on as long as it is of interest to the public. That is why many are drawn here, because of the diversity. The traditions of the “Broadway theater” were formed about a century ago.

Arena di Verona

9. “Arena di Verona”, this theater has no analogues in the whole world, because it was built during the time of Emperor Augustus in the first century AD. This is an oval Roman amphitheater, and what is most interesting, it is functioning.

Arena di Verona. Photo – Ennevi

For three hundred years, performances have been given on this stage, and in Roman times, gladiators died here and tournaments were held.

Since 1913, an opera festival has been held here every summer. They put on mainly spectacular productions, such as "Aida", which opened the first of these festivals, "Turandot", "Carmen". "Arena di Verona" can accommodate up to 16,000 spectators at the same time, which is beyond the power of any hall of classical theaters.

10. The largest theater South America is the Teatro Colon. It was founded in 1857.

It is located in the city of Buenos Aires and can accommodate up to 2,478 people at a time. At the time of construction, the first building of the theater was the most advanced among operas, gas lighting and special effects devices were used here.

The modern building opened in 1908, in addition to seating, it is designed for 500-1000 standing people. Russian performances are often staged here, such as "Boris Godunov", "Sadko", "Eugene Onegin".

Someone travels to see new places, someone - to recharge their impressions from a change of scenery. But there is a group of people who travel to other countries solely for the sake of visiting theaters and performances.

Opera and ballet are especially popular. World famous theaters of the world, which host premieres the best productions, attract many tourists.

The building of one of the most outstanding theaters in the world was designed by two famous architects from Vienna: A. Sicard and E. Vann der Nüll. The building began to be built back in 1861, and just then the style was fashionable in architecture early renaissance, so it is very clearly expressed in this structure.

The facade of one of the most beautiful theaters in the world is very interesting, because if you look closely, you can see the motifs of Mozart's opera The Magic Flute in it. The patrons of art - 5 muses - were created by the most talented sculptors.

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The auditorium is also striking in its scope: it can accommodate exactly 2200 guests, has a perfectly smooth parquet floor, high ceiling and excellent acoustics. The stairs in the hall are decorated with sculptures by J. Gasserian, which fit very elegantly into the environment. Today this place is unusually famous all over the world, thanks to the Vienna Opera Ball, which is held here annually.

La Scala (Milan, Italy)

Many consider it the most beautiful theater in the world. This architectural structure It takes its name from the church that once stood in its place. And she, in turn, was named after the progenitor of the rulers of Verona - Beatrice della Scala - "Santa Maria de la Scala."

The architect of the outstanding theater was the Italian D. Piermarini, who began to build the building back in 1776. After only two years, the first performance was played in it. Unfortunately, like many historical buildings Europe, the times of the Second World War were not the best for La Scala. But, despite the devastation, already in 1946 the theater was restored.

This member of our TOP theaters in the world delights with its grandeur: the depth of its stage is 30 meters, the grate is exactly the same height. To change the scenery, a complex system with cables and counterweights is used, and almost all mechanisms are manual. Perhaps that is why, on the day of the premiere in honor of the opening of the season, the minimum ticket price is 2000 Euros - but it's worth it.

Sydney Opera House (Australia)

The building of the next of the most beautiful theaters in the world is one of the most famous that has ever been built in the style of expressionism. Compared to other world theaters, the Sydney Opera House was opened recently - in 1973. The sail-shaped roof is the hallmark of Australia, which cannot be confused with any other on the planet.

The Sydney theater was erected on the site of the former tram depot, and the most interesting thing is that Grand opening The opera was hosted by Queen Elizabeth II of England. Initially, Australia planned to build this great architectural structure in 4 years and spend 1 million dollars on it. However, the construction of one of the largest theaters in the world lasted for 14 years, and the cost budget increased by 7 times.

Inside the building consists of two halls: Concert hall(with a capacity of 2678 people) and, in fact, the Opera Theater (designed for 1507 spectators). The acoustics here are great, as the engineers saw fit to build additional ceilings to enhance and reflect the sound. Any concert is a real masterpiece!

Opera Garnier (Paris, France)

Palais Garnier is another guest of honor in the world theater rating, which travelers rush to see. This masterpiece of architecture was erected in 1862 and is prominent representative eclecticism. It was built in the style of the so-called beaux-arts, and deservedly is an icon of world art.

Until 1989, the theater was called the Paris Opera, but after the opening of the Bastille Opera, the theater was renamed in honor of its architect, Charles Garnier. It was Napoleon III who contributed to the construction of one of the most beautiful theaters in the world. In 1858 he simply refused to attend old theater and demanded to build a new one - worthy of the French capital.

The area of ​​the great Paris Opera is 21.7 thousand square meters. square meters. Inside there is a chic front staircase, a museum-library, a theater foyer and a huge theater Hall, which has 1900 velvet chairs. The building of this beautiful theater is illuminated by a crystal chandelier weighing as much as 8 tons.

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Odessa Theater (Ukraine)

The history of the Odessa Opera and Ballet Theater was very interesting, because the very first building was built in 1810, but because of the fire that happened in 1873, it completely disappeared. After 11 years, two excellent architects - F. Felner and G. Gelmer designed a new building, which was conceived in the Baroque style with a domed roof, graceful arches and majestic columns.

The appearance of the building leaves no doubt that it rightfully occupies one of the places of honor among the most beautiful theaters in the world. The interior was created in the Rococo style, the ceiling depicts Shakespearean characters and the walls are decorated with bronze ornaments and stucco. The hall is illuminated by a huge chandelier, which is made of crystal, and small lamps and candelabra complete the picture. The Odessa theater accommodates 1664 guests, and the chic atmosphere allows everyone to feel their aristocratic roots.

Art enlightens a person, but when it is presented in such beautiful places as the most beautiful theaters of the world - you want to absorb it with even greater force. We hope that information about the theaters of the world will help you make friends with Melpomene.

From the very beginning of human civilization, the theater has served as the main source of entertainment. Today, theater and opera performances have not lost their popularity and significance, and thousands of people around the world visit theaters every day and enjoy it. beautiful view art.

The building of any theater is a unique world with its own history, traditions and secrets. Let's talk about those of them that are known to the whole world.

Teatro alla Scala is rightfully the most famous theater peace. And most of all it is associated with opera, although dramatic performances and ballet also occupy a significant place in the repertoire.

La Scala, photo by Rudiger Wolk

It was built in 1778. The horseshoe-shaped hall has five tiers of boxes. Works performed on the stage of La Scala famous composers Bellini, Rossini, Donizetti, Verdi. The theater is famous for its impeccable acoustics.

For many people, Australia is associated with the building of the Opera House in Sydney. It is easily recognizable and is one of the main attractions of the country. This is perhaps one of the most iconic theaters of our time.

Sydney Opera House, photo by Shannon Hobbs

The opening took place in 1973. During construction, the main emphasis was placed on acoustics and visibility. That is why every theater spectator feels as if he has bought a ticket for the best place in the hall.

The theater building is home to the Sydney Symphony Orchestra, the Sydney Theater Company, the Australian Ballet and the Australian Opera. More than 1500 performances take place here every year.

3. Bolshoi Theater

The Bolshoi Theater in Moscow is one of the leading theaters in Russia and around the world. Together with the best symphony orchestra he survived fire, war and revolution.

Bolshoi Theater in Moscow, photo by jimmyweee

At the entrance, visitors are greeted by a statue of Apollo in a chariot, anticipating the grandiose performances taking place in the theater. Has great fame ballet troupe theater. Yuri Grigorovich staged here the legendary " Swan Lake” and “Golden Age”. The big one was opened after large-scale reconstruction in 2011.

4. Vienna State Opera

Built in 1869, theater for a long time had a reputation as a center musical life Vienna and all of Austria.

Vienna state opera, photo JP

During World War II, the building was bombed and almost destroyed. The staircase and some other parts have been miraculously preserved. It was restored only in 1955. Today it continues to be one of the world's major opera venues. Under the arches of the Vienna Opera, traditional balls are held annually.

The Palace of Catalan Music is located in. The building was officially opened in 1908 and almost immediately became a symbol of the city. The magnificent glass ceiling, rich paintings, stained-glass windows and sculptures turned it into a real work of art. This is one of the few theaters included in the list. cultural heritage UNESCO.

Palau de la Musica Catalana, photo by Jiuguang Wang

The palace is one of the main theatrical and musical venues in Barcelona, ​​where many world celebrities perform. Important international meetings and conferences are also held here, and excursions are organized for tourists.

Theater Les Celestins is the main center of art in the city of Lyon in France. This is an opera house that is suitable for grandiose performances and can accommodate more than 1000 people. The hall in the form of a horseshoe is divided into several levels, so even the spectators sitting far from the stage can see and hear everything well. The interior is designed in royal style with red and gold tones. Outside, the building is more austere, decorated with statues.

Les Celestins in Lyon, photo by Mirej

For more than two centuries, Les Celestins have been performing on the stage best plays, operas, drama performances and concerts.

The Covent Garden Theater is well known all over the world. It hosts performances by the Royal Opera and the Royal Ballet. Stars of the world have performed in this majestic building. classical music since 1858.

Royal Opera House Convent Garden, photo

Previously, one could enter the theater only before the start of the performance with a ticket. Today you can see it by taking a short tour.

Another world-famous stage is the musical theater of the Metropolitan Opera on Broadway in New York. This best theater. Celebrities such as Enrico Caruso and Placido Domingo played their leading roles here.

The Metropolitan Opera House, photo by Blehgoaway

The Met puts on over 200 performances each year. From time to time they are broadcast on television and radio.

9. Odeon of Herodes Atticus

If you want to visit the theater, which is as old as the art itself, go to the Odeon of Herodes Atticus in. This is a classic ancient amphitheater, built in 161 AD. e. Initially, there was a roof over it, but it was destroyed.

Odeon of Herodes Atticus in Athens, photo Yucatan

The theater has a capacity of 5,000 people and still hosts performances, ballet and other events on its stage. Even Elton John gave his concert at the Odeon.

10 Chicago Theater

The Chicago Theater was built in 1921 in the so-called "golden age of entertainment" and was the first of its kind luxury theater for showing movies, musicals and various shows. Gradually he became calling card Chicago. Today Chicago theater is a mixture of different genres and styles, from performances and comedies to dance shows and pop concerts.

The Chicago Theatre, photo by Leandro Neumann Ciuffo

There are still a huge number of theaters in the world, each of which is worthy of attention. During your travels around cities and countries, be sure to visit theaters, and it doesn’t matter if they are famous all over the world, or are known only in small town. In any case, you will get a unique opportunity to touch beautiful world theatrical art.

On August 3, 1778, the building of La Scala, the most famous and beautiful opera house in the world, was opened. We offer to look at the beauty of decoration famous theaters of the world in our photo collection.

It is customary to pronounce the name of this theater exclusively as "Opéra de Paris" - with a French pronunciation. One of the most famous opera houses in the world, which was opened in 1862. The Paris Opera is located in the Palais Garnier, which was designed by the famous french master Charles Garnier. The building is considered the standard of the eclectic style of architecture and impresses with the richness of its halls and chambers. But this theater is loved not only for its architectural gloss. One of the best opera houses would not have become such without the most talented choreographers and conductors.

Opera Garnier. Ceiling

Grand Opera. Lobby

Grand Opera. Lobby

Parisian opera. Parterre

Grand Opera Paris. Genre drawing.

La Scala

This legendary Milanese theater is now the most recognizable and revered in the world. The annual audience numbers tens of thousands of spectators; the best masters(conductor Daniel Barenboim and choreographer Makhar Vaziev), and the decoration of his inner chambers and appearance were designed by the architect Giuseppe Piermarini.

La Scala. Mezzanine

La Scala. Mezzanine

La Scala. Exterior

La Scala. Parterre and mezzanine

London Royal Albert Hall of Arts and Sciences in Kensington, or as ordinary Londoners call it - Albert Hall. It is the most famous and prestigious concert hall and Europe. Events at the Albert Hall are held almost daily. It is the main venue for international music festivals, symphony concerts. Known British group The Beatles played one of her best concerts here.

Royal Albert Hall. Mezzanine

Royal Albert Hall. Scene

Royal Albert Hall. Scene

Royal Albert Hall. Scene

Royal Albert Hall. Exterior

Musical theater in downtown New York, opened in 1880. Performances are held daily, in the summer the theater goes on tour. He became widely known, among other things, for his charity concerts in city parks, which gather tens of thousands of spectators. Metropolitan Opera is based on the program of world classics, among which there are many Russian composers. The new opera building was opened immediately after the demolition of the old one, in 1966. The walls of the theater are decorated with frescoes. Belarusian artist Marc Chagall.

Metropolitan Opera. Exterior

Metropolitan Opera. Auditorium

The Sydney Opera House is certainly one of the most famous architectural objects of our time. The building looks like a giant sailboat and is recognized as the greatest building of the second half of the 20th century. The opera was opened in 1973 with the participation of Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain.

Sydney Opera. Exterior

Sydney Opera. Interior

Sydney Opera. Exterior

Sydney Opera. Interior

Sydney Opera. Exterior

The "external" history of the creation of Moscow theaters is no less interesting than the intrigues that unfold inside, on the stages.

Bolshoi Theater in 1932


On March 28, 1776, Empress Catherine II signed a "privilege" for the maintenance of performances, masquerades, balls and other entertainment for a period of 10 years to Prince Peter Urusov. This date is considered the founding day Bolshoi Theater. The content of the "entertainments" was financially burdensome - therefore Prince Urusov shared his "privilege" with the Russified Englishman Michael Madox, a tightrope walker and theatrical mechanic. The first theater building was built on the right bank of the Neglinka River - it overlooked Petrovka Street, so the theater was called Petrovsky. Its opening took place on December 30, 1780 - the ballet "Magic School" was given. Alas, Medox got into debt - the theater went bankrupt and in 1802-1803. was given at the mercy of Prince M. Volkonsky. In the autumn of 1805, the building burned down, the troupe performed on other people's stages. Three years later, the artists were given the new Arbat Theater. But he also died in a fire during the war of 1812. In 1819, a competition was announced for the design of the Bolshoi building - Andrei Mikhailov, professor of the Academy of Arts, won, but his version came out too expensive. The architect Osip Bove improved it and, more importantly for the city authorities, made it cheaper - as a result, the residents of the capital received a building with a facade decorated with a portico with columns, and Apollo “parked” at the top on a chariot harnessed by three (!) Horses. The new Bolshoi surpassed the St. Petersburg theater in size. Lermontov in his youthful essay "Panorama of Moscow" described how on the portico "... the alabaster Apollo rises ... looking with annoyance at Kremlin wall which jealously separates it from the ancient shrines of Russia!..” But this building also burned down - on March 11, 1853, an unprecedented fire broke out here. Reconstructed, or rather, rebuilt, the Bolshoi Theater opened on August 20, 1856 with Bellini's opera The Puritani - they were in a hurry for the coronation of Emperor Alexander II. ), to improve the acoustics, they finished the walls with resonant spruce and strengthened the piles and foundation many times...

Big theater/


First electric

Another of the most beautiful "Temples of Melpomene" of the capital - Theatre. Yermolova- located in the former passage. This commercial building in the center of Moscow at the beginning of Tverskaya owned by a merchant family Postnikov. The house was built in 1802 and was at first known as the Palace of the Long Arms . Later, offices, a hotel, and various shops were located in it ... By the way, the Postnikovsky passage was the first building in Moscow with electric lighting. The date of signing the contract for electrical work in it (July 31, 1887) is considered the birthday of the entire energy system of the capital! In 1936-1938. the building was rebuilt for theatrical needs - the Meyerhold Theater was located here. Not for long. And for a long time since 1946, the building was occupied by the Theater. Yermolova - and remains there until now. Noteworthy is not only the h-udo-building itself, but also new artistic director- since 2012 Oleg Menshikov has been in charge of Yermolovtsy.

At the Theatre. Ermolova was once ... a hotel!


On Bersenevskaya embankment in 1961, in the once former club of the Government House, officials allocated a place for variety theater. Before moving to famous House on the embankment, the artists huddled on Mayakovsky Square - in a room in which there was once a restaurant, and after the Theater of Satire. Despite the youth of years (compared to other "temples of Melpomene"), the Variety Theater from its very move has acquired all sorts of legends. One of them says that the ghost of Malyuta Skuratov was seen several times near the building. The guards - by the way, when they saw Malyuta with their own eyes, as a rule, they immediately quit - claimed that the ghost appeared from the mansion, which until 2014 housed the Institute of Cultural Studies. Like, from this mansion there are secret passages directly to the Kremlin itself, from there Malyuta came to take a walk along the embankment.

: House on the embankment. Our days.

AiF/Eduard Kudryavitsky

Cakes and spectacles!

Theater history "Moscow Operetta" unusual for the capital, because it was "provoked" by a private initiative. At the dawn of the twentieth century the building on Bolshaya Dmitrovka, which belonged to the princes Shcherbatov, was bought by the merchants Solodovnikovs, who made every effort to use the best Russian artists, to convert the newly bought property into a theater, which has become one of the most beautiful and ... delicious (they came here from the provinces for the famous coffee cakes!) in the city. With such awe and love, they arranged everything that the Operetta Theater was not particularly affected even by the whirlwinds of the Russian revolutions. By a resolution of the Moscow Council of Workers', Peasants' and Red Army Deputies, it was preserved and, having "updated" the repertoire, at the end of 1927 it again opened the post-revolutionary doors. “A rich theater is spiritually and visually,” theater-goers say, “especially the painted lamps are impressive.”

The operetta theater was a private home.


Moscow academic theatre. Mayakovsky(Bolshaya Nikitskaya st., 19/13) was founded in 1922 as the Revolution Theater ( modern name appeared in 1954). The building, known as the Paradise Theater, was built in 1886 according to the design of the architect K. Tersky. At first, European megastars performed in it - even Sarah Bernhardt, who called our theater "the most comfortable in the world." After the revolution, Vsevolod Meyerhold staged performances here, later - Andrey Goncharov.

Theatre. Mayakovsky


And finally, real theater-goers should not pass by the Aquarium garden with the Theatre. Moscow City Council. Garden and theater "Aquarium" in late XIX- early XX century. occupied a significant place in the life of theatrical Moscow: Zimin's private opera began its life here, in summer theater Theater "Buff" performed. In 1921, there was a performance every day, in which Leonid Utyosov played four (!) Roles. In 1959, specially for the Theater. Moscow City Council built a new building for 1200 seats. Walk nearby - suddenly you will hear the songs of Utyosov. There is a very special atmosphere here. When the enterprising Frenchman Charles Aumont rented the garden and the theater in 1898, Chekhov enthusiastically wrote: "... Aumont's not bad at Aquarium!" And Chekhov can be trusted ...

Theatre. Moscow City Council

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