Shakespearean hero. Characters of William Shakespeare: the most famous


Poroikov S.Yu.
Characters of Shakespeare's characters. - M.: INFRA-M (Scientific thought), 2014.

doctor of philological sciences, prof. THOSE. Vladimirova;
doctor of psychological sciences, prof. L.A. Grigorovich

The characters of William Shakespeare's characters are considered. The general principles of constructing the plots of his tragedies and comedies are analyzed. A comparative analysis of the plots of Shakespeare's plays and dramatic works A.S. Pushkin, which absorbed the principles of Shakespeare's dramatic system.


William Shakespeare is the famous writer throughout the history of English literature, recognized as one of the world's greatest classics. Even contemporaries of the playwright noted the extraordinary power of the impact of his plays on the audience. Shakespeare's plays have been on the stage for more than four centuries. His works are always popular with readers around the world. In total published circulation, Shakespeare's books are second only to the Bible. What is the secret of the colossal popularity of Shakespeare's work?
Shakespeare's dramatic system is by no means simple. It is known that K.S. Stanislavsky, comprehending the "super task" of the tragedy "Hamlet", emphasized that his interpretation of the play is fundamentally different from the generally accepted one. The great Russian director did not have time to complete work on the production of Hamlet, despite many years of work. What key to unraveling Shakespeare's dramatic system did the founder of the acting system of the same name try to find?
Many other questions are connected with the name of the playwright. For example, the topic of the authorship of plays attributed to Shakespeare has been debated to this day. Many researchers have tried to find answers to such questions. Here is the opinion of one of the most famous connoisseurs and connoisseurs of the work of the British playwright - A.S. Pushkin, whose importance for Russian literature is as difficult to overestimate as the role of Shakespeare in English literature.
It is known that Pushkin was extremely receptive to the achievements of various cultures, both eastern and western. The writer did not go unnoticed by the phenomenon of Shakespeare. A number of Pushkin's letters and notes contain comments on the work of the British playwright. "Many of the tragedies attributed to Shakespeare do not belong to him, but only corrected by him," the writer states in the note "On Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet." Meanwhile, according to Pushkin, Shakespeare subjected borrowed sources to serious creative processing. In the playwright's plays, "many traces of his free and broad brush" are found everywhere. We note that Pushkin himself acted in a similar way when compiling cycles of fairy tales and "Little Tragedies". The writer processed a number of famous works, editing their plots.
It is estimated that the British playwright borrowed plots from thirty-four of his thirty-seven plays. In other words, in most cases Shakespeare acts not as the author of the works, but as the compiler of their respective versions. At the same time, the fact of borrowing in no way detracts from the merits of Shakespeare's creations. It was in the edition of the British playwright that the corresponding works received the greatest fame.
So, for example, the plot of the Danish saga "Hamlet", the hero of which avenges his father, served as a prototype for Shakespeare's tragedy of the same name. The closest Shakespearean version of this legend is found in Saxo the Grammar. It talks about a prince named Amlet, his murdered father, his usurper uncle, and how Amlet pretended to be insane, preparing a plan of revenge, which he successfully put into practice.
For comparison, one of the researchers of the playwright's work states that "Shakespeare's play" Romeo and Juliet "is a staging known history love, over which, long before its appearance, young people shed a sea of ​​​​tears. Romeo and Juliet was first published in 1476 in an Italian collection of short stories compiled by Masuccio Salernitano. Three decades later, Luigi da Porto revised the story, creating a version close to Shakespeare's version. An English translation of The Tragic History of Romeo and Juliet was published in 1562. Shakespeare not only strictly adhered to the plot of this story, but even retained the names of the characters. Meanwhile, this Touching story became known to the general public precisely thanks to Shakespeare.
It should be noted that the plays with the so-called "passing" plots had particular success with the public. Having based the play on a plot that was consistently popular, one could count on a guaranteed box office success for a theatrical production. Recall that in the days of Shakespeare in London there were several theaters that competed with each other in the struggle for audience sympathy and wallets.
As already mentioned, Shakespeare borrowed not only the plots, but also the characters of his plays. The characters in Shakespeare's plays were often mythologized images. For example, one of the figures of Celtic mythology served as the prototype of King Lear - Lear was the god of the sea, who had daughters. The plot of the play "Two Veronians" is largely determined by the variability of the character of its hero - Proteus. IN Greek mythology Proteus appears as a deity capable of taking on various forms. The characters in Shakespeare's Greek plays are Venus and Adonis, Troilus and Cressida, Pericles, and other legendary characters. A number of heroes of Roman and English Shakespearean plays are historical or semi-legendary characters.
Eight plays by Shakespeare are devoted to ancient Greek mythology, history ancient rome- five. In his work, the playwright widely used not only the works of ancient authors, but also folk tales and legends. Meanwhile, this alone testifies to the archetypal nature of the plots and characters chosen by Shakespeare. So, according to K. Jung, archetypes "were projected ... in legends and fairy tales, or on historical characters" . It is known that Jung himself resorted to analyzing the characters of the characters. ancient mythology in order to highlight archetypal characters. Myths reflect simplified images of real events and historical figures. Meanwhile, such a simplification emphasizes the most characteristic, universal phenomena of reality.
The presence of archetypal figures in Shakespeare's plays explains the power of the emotional impact of his productions on the audience. According to Jung, archetypes unconsciously evoke a strong emotional response in a person. Pushkin pointed out that the characters described by Shakespeare are typical. In a letter to N.N. Ryleev, the writer noted that the British playwright created a gallery of recognizable human characters: "I imitated Shakespeare in his free composition of types and simplicity." The characterological analysis of the characters in Shakespeare's plays shows that they correspond to known psychological types.
One of the reasons for the popularity of Shakespeare's plays is undoubtedly the psychological validity of the characters he created. In the article "On Shakespeare" Pushkin reveals one of Shakespeare's techniques realistic image characters: “The faces created by Shakespeare are not ... types of such and such a passion, such and such a vice, but living beings, full of many passions, many vices: circumstances develop their diverse and multifaceted characters in front of the viewer.” Indeed, the images created by Shakespeare are multifaceted. Each of Shakespeare's characters has a distinctive set of features. His characters are driven by certain aspirations. Characters tend to experience characteristic emotions and experiences. The features of the behavior of the actors in the plays are conveyed extremely vividly and naturalistically, down to the finest nuances. At the same time, with all the detailed description of the characters' characters, the integrity of their images is achieved.
Shakespeare strove for a reliable depiction of human characters. High degree naturalism Shakespearean heroes testifies to the highest level of psychological skill of the playwright. Through the mouth of Hamlet, Shakespeare testifies that the true purpose of the theater is to be a “mirror” reflecting the true human nature:
"Violation of the measure deviates from the purpose of the theater, the purpose of which at all times has been and will be: to hold ... a mirror in front of nature."
Shakespeare's desire to create believable characters emphasizes the fact that a number of his characters have real prototypes. A striking example is the cycle of English historical plays dedicated to the British monarchs, of which King Richard III is the most famous. Macbeth, the hero of Shakespeare's tragedy of the same name, was a real historical figure, the ruler of Scotland. An indication that Macbeth actually encountered something supernatural is found in Holinshed.
Exploring Shakespeare's characteristic literary and artistic devices, Pushkin revealed a certain "dramatic system", which he reports in the note "On Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet". Shakespeare's "system" interested the writer so much that he decides to create his own cycle of dramatic works. Pushkin turns to prose, already being a famous poet, which caused considerable surprise to some of his contemporaries. His first dramatic work was Boris Godunov. “I arranged my tragedy according to the system of our father, Shakespeare,” Pushkin writes in one of his letters to Raevsky. Indeed, in "Boris Godunov" and "Hamlet" one can trace the similarity of the revealed themes and the structure of the plots.
IN total Pushkin creates seven dramatic works. In addition to Boris Godunov, he writes five Little Tragedies, as well as Scenes from Knightly Times. A feature of these works is that their storylines are not reducible to each other. At the same time, the plots of Pushkin's works are based on the same principles that Shakespeare used in his plays. In this sense, the cycle of Pushkin's dramatic works is a kind of quintessence of Shakespeare's creative heritage, which has absorbed the essence of his dramatic system.
Simultaneously with the "Little Tragedies" in the Boldin autumn of 1830, Pushkin wrote "Belkin's Tales", and in the last years of his life he created a series of seven fairy tales. In these Pushkin cycles, different in genre, both similar principles of plot construction and types of characters can be traced. In addition, the idea of ​​one of Pushkin's works is conveyed by N.V. Gogol.
In The Author's Confession, Gogol testifies: being struck by "the ability to guess a person and a few features to suddenly expose him as if he were alive," Pushkin "gave me his own story, ... which, according to him, he would not give to anyone else. It was the plot of "Dead Souls". Realizing the importance of Pushkin's idea, Gogol in a letter to V. Zhukovsky considers " Dead Souls"No other than Pushkin's "sacred testament". In one work, Gogol managed to embody a whole gallery of recognizable human characters. At the same time, the author of Dead Souls himself directly points to the typicality of the images he embodied:
“Nozdryov will not be out of the world for a long time. He is everywhere between us and, perhaps, only walks in a different caftan.
Like Shakespeare, Pushkin borrowed the plots of most of his tragedies and fairy tales, subjecting them to a certain processing. Gogol did the same. In this case, the role of the authors was reduced to correcting the original samples in order to give them a literary and artistic form that would correspond to their individual creative intent. Thus, we can talk about the existence of a centuries-old tradition of depicting typical characters of characters associated with a certain kind of plot.
Priority in the description of typical characters could be given to Shakespeare. It was from him that Pushkin learned to "draw up types", purposefully structuring the corresponding types within the framework of special cycles of works. At the same time, there are reasons to believe that Shakespeare was not the founder of the corresponding tradition, but only its successor.
Let us remember that flourishing creative genius Shakespeare fell on the Renaissance - a period of passionary explosion medieval Europe. His contemporaries were such titans of thought and spirit as Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Raphael. In Shakespeare's plays, the general tendency for that time to assimilate the cultural heritage of the great ancient civilizations, which were the cradle of European culture, was refracted. Indeed, a stable set of plots and artistic images adopted by Europe from Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. Shakespeare's works corresponded common tradition the appeal of contemporary society to its cultural and historical origins. Mine creative way Shakespeare began by imitating the productions of ancient authors. His first play, The Comedy of Errors, is a reworking of the work of the ancient Roman playwright Plautus, Menechmas. It seems that it was precisely the borrowing of plots and images of heroes traditional from antiquity that allowed Shakespeare to reveal the layer of truly archetypal phenomena.
As already noted, plays with "passing" plots, where actors recognizable characters. Thus, the theatrical stage, whose history already counted two millennia by the time of Shakespeare, in fact, became a natural environment for polishing archetypal images and plots that were distinguished by a special force of influence on the viewer.
The action of Shakespeare's plays develops in a certain way, following the laws of ancient drama. In performances that are diverse in artistic style, costumes and scenery can be replaced, corresponding to a particular era. The theatrical production itself is colorful and many-sided. But the gallery of typical human characters and destinies remains unchanged. As Shakespeare testifies, the theater is a kind of projection real life, its reflection:
“The whole world is a theater. There are women, men - all actors. They have their own exits, exits. And everyone plays more than one role.
Each of Shakespeare's characters is assigned a certain role, according to his character and worldview. The key to understanding the characters of Shakespeare's heroes is to understand the aspirations that drive them. The motives of the characters predetermine the roles they play, the scenarios of their behavior, thereby influencing the development of plots. In this context, it is appropriate to mention the textbook statement of the outstanding Russian psychologist A.N. Leontiev that the hierarchy of motives is the core of personality. Note that the systematization of the types of characters reflected in Shakespeare's plays correlates with the well-known classifications of personality needs; ; ; .
Appeal to the works of the world fiction in order to describe the characters often found among literary heroes, – typical phenomenon in psychology. So, in order to classify psychological types, K. Leonhard conducted a characterological analysis of the characters in the works of over thirty writers, including Shakespeare, Gogol, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy. “Many writers are known to be excellent psychologists. Being very observant, they have the ability to penetrate into inner world man, - Leonhard pays tribute to the psychological mastery of the classics of world literature. “We are presented not with abstract reasoning, but with concrete images of people with their thoughts, feelings, and actions.” The use of literary characters as illustrative illustrations of psychological types has become commonplace. For example, in the Handbook practical psychologist Shakespeare's Hamlet is given as an example of one of the personality types.
In his works, Shakespeare raises questions, the answers to which are still being sought. ancient philosophers such as the problem of predestination or free will. For example, the theme of predestination runs like a red line through the whole tragedy "Macbeth". human destiny inevitability of retribution for deeds. The characters in the play The Merchant of Venice are faced with a choice, when their future life depends on the will of the heroes. The theme of unity and division pervades the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. The characters of the tragedy "Othello" are faced with the problem of distinguishing between the secret and the obvious. The heroes of the comedy Love's Labour's Lost face both solvable and insoluble problems. The play "Two Veronians" reveals the theme of interpersonal human relationships.
A special place among Shakespeare's plays is occupied by the tragedy "Hamlet". This is a deep and multifaceted work, raising all the questions listed above at once. In addition, an important role in the play is assigned to the theme creative development the personality of its protagonist. The theme of the relationship between man and the world around is also raised, which corresponds to the well-known problems of the role of the individual in history.
Similar themes are reflected by Pushkin in his dramatic works, as well as in the cycles of stories and fairy tales. The questions addressed by Shakespeare, and after him by Pushkin, are truly eternal. Finding answers to them is vital for every person, and therefore such topics will never cease to excite people. It seems that this is one of the reasons for the enduring demand for the works of both classics of world literature.
Shakespeare's characters live according to certain principles. The behavior of the characters in each of the plays is as different as their characters. The study of the principles followed by Shakespeare's characters makes it possible not only to describe their characters, but also to understand why certain traits appear in a certain situation. Pushkin's characters are guided by similar principles, which indicates the typicality of such behaviors.
The fates of Shakespeare's heroes develop in different ways. Some of them manage to achieve what they want. Someone, like the old woman from Pushkin's "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish", remains at " broken trough". The disclosure of life principles that predetermine human destinies, using the illustrative example of their heroes, is one of the major merits Shakespeare. What develops in tragedy? What is its purpose? Man and people are the destiny of man, - Pushkin notes in one of his notes. "That's why Shakespeare is great."
The plots of Shakespeare's plays are built on the basis of certain principles. Similar principles underlie the plots of works from Pushkin's cycles of tragedies, stories and fairy tales; . The fates of the heroes of both authors are formed not randomly, but in a natural way. They seem to be subject to certain laws that predetermine the natural course of things. Following these laws, the characters achieve success and find happiness. The fate of those who interfere with the natural course of things, violating it, ultimately turns out to be tragic.
Even a cursory review of what is reflected in Shakespeare's plays shows that their author is not only brilliant writer but also an outstanding thinker. It should be recognized that the scale of the creative heritage of the successor and successor of the Shakespearean dramatic system - Pushkin, has not been fully appreciated so far. This was pointed out by Baratynsky, who was the first to call Pushkin a "thinker". At the same time, the significance of Shakespeare and Pushkin as thinkers is comparable in scale to the figures of Tolstoy and Dostoevsky. It is no coincidence that Dostoevsky called Pushkin "a great and still misunderstood forerunner." Tolstoy considered Pushkin's prose "an unsurpassed school". Meanwhile, at the origins of this school is the great British playwright, in the figurative expression of Pushkin, "our father is Shakespeare."
The analysis carried out in this work shows that Shakespeare's plays were created in accordance with a single concept that constitutes an integral dramatic system. This system provides for the disclosure of certain topics, the selection of typical plots, the description of the corresponding types of human characters. The author of the corresponding works could be one person who realized his creative idea, following a certain system.
The characters of Shakespeare's heroes are conveyed extremely realistically, down to the finest psychological nuances. Such plays could be written by a person capable of subtly feeling and experiencing emotional states various people. This art could be mastered by an actor who has the art of transforming and getting used to the image, who knows how to feel "in the shoes" of another person.
In addition, the author of the plays knew the basic principles of dramaturgy and was well acquainted with the peculiarities of theatrical performances. This is a professional in his field, whose works successfully competed with the plays of other famous authors. So, for example, a few years before Shakespeare's Hamlet was staged at the Globe Theatre, a tragedy by the then popular playwright Thomas Kidd was already underway on one of the London stages, the plot of which resembled the story of the Prince of Denmark.
The author of the relevant plays is, beyond any doubt, a well-educated person who knows not only English but also English. ancient history and literature. This circumstance is noted by many researchers of Shakespeare's work.
The figure of the historical W. Shakespeare fully meets all the above criteria. It is known that Shakespeare began to write plays, having previously worked in the theater as an actor. While still at school, young William became interested in theater and participated in productions of plays by ancient authors. Seven years of study at the Stratford Grammar School allowed him to receive an excellent education for that time. Suffice it to mention such a detail that the teachers at the Stratford School were bachelors from Oxford University. All this gives quite good reason to assert that the plays attributed to Shakespeare really belong to him.


The characterological analysis of Shakespeare's heroes shows that they have certain sets of aspirations. There are seven types of characters that are characterized by needs of a certain kind. In each of these types, a certain variety of characters is distinguished, differing among themselves both in the types of aspirations and in the ways of realizing their intentions.
A gallery of similar psychological portraits is reflected in the cycles of Pushkin's dramas and fairy tales, which include seven works each. Similar types are also depicted by Pushkin in the Belkin Tales cycle. Similar types of characters are presented in " Dead souls» N.V. Gogol represented by the main character Chichikov, five landowners, and also Captain Kopeikin. Thus, the characterological analysis of the literary heroes of a number of classical authors reveals a certain tradition of depicting psychological types. Note that the characters in many of Pushkin's fairy tales and dramas are borrowed, as well as the heroes of most of Shakespeare's plays. The above gives grounds to say that such images are characteristic of world literature as a whole, and therefore are typical.
A comparative analysis of Shakespeare's plays and the cycles of Pushkin's works shows that the characters of both authors have characteristic scenarios of behavior. The characters of Dead Souls by N.V. Gogol. This indicates the typicality of the corresponding scenarios of behavior. These principles of behavior are revealed through well-known philosophical principles and laws, which indicates their universal nature.

2.2.1. The typical aspirations of the characters


The analysis of Shakespeare's plays carried out in this work shows that the works of the British playwright raise important philosophical and psychological issues that remain relevant today. Indeed, Shakespeare appears as one of the the greatest thinkers of his era.
The images of the characters created by the British playwright are distinguished by exceptional psychologism. The psychological realism of Shakespeare's heroes, in particular, is noted by the outstanding German psychologist K. Leonhard: “Again, Shakespeare has a lot of artistic exaggeration, and yet he creates an impressive picture of the psyche of people, which in reality there are quite a few.” Indeed, the characterological analysis of Shakespeare's characters shows that their images are psychologically well-defined. The mental states of Shakespeare's heroes, which are clearly revealed in their lines and monologues, are conveyed down to the finest nuances. A similar level of mastery of the author can be explained by his ability to "get used" to the image of another person. It is known that the playwright participated in the productions of his own plays as an actor.
The psychological authenticity of Shakespeare's characters is so deep that it sometimes boggles the imagination. It suffices to mention the fact that the behavior of a number of Shakespearean characters corresponds to well-known patterns characteristic of neurotic personalities. It is noteworthy that Shakespeare described such types more than three centuries before it was done within the framework of psychoanalysis.
Shakespeare's works feature a wide variety of characters. In each of his plays, as a rule, there are from two to three dozen characters. At the same time, the characters of Shakespeare's heroes are revealed not only in their diversity, but also in all their depth and versatility. Each Shakespearean character has a certain set of characteristic features that distinguishes him from other heroes. This approach allows you to create a realistic image of a living person, and not a schematic image. For example, in the psychologically most complex character of Hamlet, the protagonist of the tragedy of the same name, several dozen traits appear.
An analysis of Shakespeare's characters shows that the heroes of his plays are driven by certain motives (needs). Characters experience characteristic emotions and experiences. The characters of the characters, especially the main characters, are developed in such detail that even their thinking styles, the philosophy of life strategies can be traced. The features of the characters' behavior are conveyed so vividly and naturalistically that this allows us to correlate some of the characters' behavioral reactions with the characteristic defensive reactions described in psychoanalysis only in the twentieth century.
Given the diversity and completeness of the description of human characters created by Shakespeare, his plays are a kind of "atlas" human soul. With all the detail of the psychological description of the characters, the integrity of the created images is achieved. The characterological analysis of Shakespeare's characters reveals not only various mental phenomena, but also demonstrates the interconnections and conjugations existing between them. The multifaceted characters of Shakespeare's heroes reflect the fusion of various aspects human nature. At the same time, amazing naturalism of the created images is achieved. It is striking that in the description of Shakespeare's characters many famous theories personality, from Freud's theory to modern concepts, including existential analysis.
A comparative analysis of Shakespeare's plays and Pushkin's dramatic works, as well as Gogol's "Dead Souls", reveals the characteristic features of the characters, which are typical. The typicality of such images is indicated by the fact that Shakespeare borrowed most of the heroes of his plays. Psychological types in their pure form are hardly found in life. Types as such are rather an abstraction, a kind of coordinate system, convenient for the analysis of real human characters. Meanwhile, the characters of most of Shakespeare's heroes are conveyed with such skill that they are perceived as real faces, causing a lively response and empathy for their fate. It can be assumed that when working on the characters of the heroes, Shakespeare used specific prototypes, describing people known to him, his contemporaries.
The world created by Shakespeare is inhabited by fictional literary characters. This world is just as speculative and illusory as the world of the theatre. In this sense, Shakespeare is likened to Hamlet, staging a theatrical production of "The Mousetrap". In the scene of the "murder of Gonzago" the prince made available to him artistic means reproduces real events. Realizing the staging of the play in the play, Hamlet himself becomes the creator of an imaginary reality, like his creator Shakespeare. In this case, the author of the production appears as a subjective observer contemplating the reality he himself created.
At the same time, the action of Shakespeare's plays develops in accordance with certain laws that correspond to the natural nature of things, and therefore these laws are objective. The fate of the characters seems to depend not so much on the subjective will of the creator who created them, but on their own actions. Having acted in a certain way, the heroes come to a natural ending. Just as natural is the development of the plots of the plays, in which the fates of individual characters are formed into a common mosaic of the ongoing action.
The range of manifestations of human nature in Shakespeare's plays is extremely wide. Sometimes his heroes allow themselves low-grade humor, almost vulgar abuse. And at the same time, Shakespeare's characters are able to utter surprisingly deep, sublime monologues. For example, the tragedy "Romeo and Juliet" begins with a dialogue between the servants of the Capulets, making obscene jokes about each other. Just as frankly, they taunt the servants of the hostile Montecchi family. Meanwhile, the finale of the play has a completely different tone, tragic and sublime. The death of Romeo and Juliet appears as a sacrifice brought to heaven in the name of reconciliation of the heads of the warring clans.
Thus, in the structure of Shakespearean tragedy there is a transition from the low to the sublime, from the momentary to the eternal. Who made up the bulk of the audience that visited the theater in Shakespeare's time? Simple artisans, townspeople who gave a few pence to escape for a while from the captivity of everyday worries, the routine of everyday life. Having come to gawk at a theatrical performance, they see familiar scenes of the usual street life. Thanks to this, contact with the viewer is quickly established. Meanwhile, the subsequent action involves the viewer in a stream of other sensations and experiences, allowing them to rise above the routine of everyday life and think about enduring values.
The theme of the struggle between good and evil runs like a red thread through Shakespeare's plays. His works reflect the system of universal values ​​and ideals that underlies any civilized society. Following universal human values, in the end, makes a person a person. Suffice it to mention the image of Hamlet, defending the right to freedom of thought, freedom of will, professing humanistic ideals. In this context, the works of the British playwright acquire a special moral connotation.
The question of the authorship of the dramatic system implemented in Shakespeare's plays remains open. As the main version we are considering, its developer is Shakespeare himself. It is logical to assume that the British playwright could have based his system on the principles of constructing ancient drama. At the same time, the widest range of archetypal phenomena underlying human nature was reflected in Shakespeare's works. Shakespeare's plays describe both historical and mythological heroes, as well as plots characteristic of folk art. We emphasize that the opening of the deep layer of archetypes inherent in folk art, indicates that Shakespeare's work is truly folk.
According to another version, Shakespeare embodied in his plays a system suggested to him by another person. Just as Pushkin later handed over to Gogol the idea of ​​"Dead Souls". This version is supported by the statements of a number of researchers that Shakespeare could be associated with members of secret societies who were carriers of sacred knowledge. There are known assumptions that the philosopher Francis Bacon participated in the creation of Shakespeare's plays. So, Pushkin, according to the entries in his diary, in his youth was a member of one of Masonic lodges. Subsequently, Pushkin moved away from the ideology of Freemasonry. However, Pushkin did not succeed in completely avoiding the influence of Masons. This, among other things, is evidenced by the fatal role in the fate of the writer Georges Dantes, who is closely associated with the Masons.
It is symbolic that Shakespeare's Hamlet was assigned for surveillance by his former school friends Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. The name Rosencrantz is consonant with the name of the Rosicrucian order (rose and cross), which influenced the development of Freemasonry. It is curious that Hamlet was published in 1600, and the Rosicrucian manifesto was published no earlier than 1606. The manifesto uses the philosophical key of John Dee, a famous scientist and mystic, a contemporary of Shakespeare. Shakespeare created his first plays in the early 1590s, after moving to London. In those years, John Dee lived there. London at that time was limited to the size of a modern city, and its population was only about two percent of its current one. Moreover, the theater in which Shakespeare served was located not far from the Tower Ward, where Dee took root. Therefore, they may well have known each other. It is believed that John Dee served as the prototype for the wizard Prospero, the protagonist of Shakespeare's tragicomedy The Tempest.
The name Guildenstern is translated from German (the language of the Danish kingdom belongs to the German language branch) means "guild of stars". known to be influential secret societies, not excluding the Masons, sought to involve in their ranks the most prominent people of their time. Shakespeare, no doubt, was outstanding personality. The Globe Theatre, where his plays were shown, was the most popular theater in London in those years, if not in all of England.
In the study carried out in this work, a number of main provisions can be distinguished.
1. The analysis of Shakespeare's plays reveals topical philosophical and psychological issues. This circumstance allows us to speak of Shakespeare not only as a great writer and playwright, but also as an outstanding thinker.
2. There are seven types of plots in Shakespeare's plays that are not reducible to each other. Similar themes found their way into the works of other classical authors such as Pushkin. Such plots are traditional for the folklore traditions of various peoples and eras, which indicates their archetypal nature. The reflection of archetypes by Shakespeare testifies that the work of the great British playwright is truly folk.
3. The structure of the plots of Shakespeare's plays is revealed through the basic principles and laws of philosophy. The above, in particular, allows us to propose an independent way of systematizing philosophical categories based on the archetypal approach.
4. Shakespeare's characters are driven by certain aspirations that act as a motivating factor. When achieving their goals, the characters use characteristic strategies of behavior, both universal, successful in most cases, and not always successful, opportunistic. At the same time, the ways of realizing the intentions of the characters are associated with their character traits.
5. Characterological analysis of Shakespeare's heroes reveals a classification of human characters, including seven psychological types. The typicality of such images is indicated by their reflection in the cycles of Pushkin's works, in Gogol's Dead Souls. This is also evidenced by the fact that Shakespeare borrowed many of his plays. Known types of neurotic personalities appear as derivatives of the corresponding types.
6. An analysis of Shakespeare's plays shows that they are subject to a certain system. This system provides for the disclosure of characteristic themes, the selection of typical plots, a description of the corresponding types of characters of the characters and the ways of their behavior. All this points to the presence of a single idea when creating plays. Unique handwriting and art style plays also indicate that they were written (or edited) by the same person. The presence of numerous borrowings is consistent with the version that Shakespeare selected the plots of plays, following a certain system. A similar technique was used by Pushkin, following the Shakespearean dramatic system when writing cycles of tragedies and fairy tales.
7. Shakespeare's characters are extremely psychologically realistic. This testifies exclusively high level psychological skill of the author. In the conditions of medieval Europe, this fact can be explained by the fact that the author of the plays had experience of participating in theatrical performances. Work in the theater contributes to the development of acting talent, which involves the ability to get used to the image. This circumstance is consistent with the biography of the historical William Shakespeare, who participated in theatrical productions of his plays as an actor.
8. It cannot be ruled out that the dramatic system implemented in Shakespeare's plays was based on earlier traditions, including philosophical and religious ones. At the same time, a comparison of all the factors studied in this work allows us to conclude that the considered works attributed to Shakespeare really belong to him.


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1.1. Othello……………..………………………….……………………..11
1.2. Romeo and Juliet………………………….……………….……..25
1.3. Merchant of Venice………………….………………………………..37
1.4. The fruitless efforts of love………………….……………….……..49
1.5. Two Veronians………………….……………………………….……..60
1.6. Macbeth……………..………………………….…………………….72
1.7. Hamlet……………..………………………….……………………..83
1.8. Conclusions…...………………………………………………………...100
2.1. The typicality of the plots of Shakespeare's plays………………………..…..102
2.2. The typicality of Shakespeare's heroes.…………………………. ………..126
2.2.1. The typical character aspirations…………………………..127
2.2.2. The typical behavior of the characters …………………………...133
2.2.3. Archetypal character of Shakespeare's heroes.
2.3. Conclusions…...…………………………………………………….….242

Shakespeare is a writer who wrote a lot beautiful works that are known all over the world. One of these works is the play "Hamlet", where intertwined different fates and touched upon social and political issues of the 16th-17th centuries. Here in the tragedy both betrayal and the desire to restore justice are shown. Reading the work, the characters and I experience, feel their pain, loss.

Shakespeare Hamlet the main characters of the work

In his work Hamlet, Shakespeare created different heroes, whose images are ambiguous. Each hero of Shakespeare's tragedy "Hamlet" is a separate world, where there are shortcomings and positive sides. Shakespeare in the tragedy "Hamlet" created a variety of heroes of the work, where there are both positive and negative images.

Images of heroes and their characteristics

So, in the work we get acquainted with Gertrude, the mother of Hamlet, who was smart, but weak-willed. Immediately after the death of her husband, she marries his murderer. She does not know the feeling of maternal love, so she easily agrees to become Claudius' accomplice. And only after she drank the poison that was intended for her son, she realized her mistake, realized how wise and just her son was.

Ophelia, the girl who last breath loved Hamlet. She lived surrounded by lies and espionage, was a toy in the hands of her father. In the end, she goes crazy, because she could not endure the trials that fell on her fate.

Claudius - goes to fratricide, just to achieve his goals. Sneaky, cunning, a hypocrite, who was also smart. This character has a conscience and it also torments him, preventing him from fully enjoying his dirty achievements.

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern - a prime example what real friends should not be, because friends do not betray, but here, making a characterization of the heroes of Shakespeare's Hamlet, we see that these heroes easily betray the prince, becoming Claudius' spies. They easily agree to take the message, which talks about the murder of Hamlet. But in the end, fate does not play into their hands, because in the end it is not Hamlet who dies, but they themselves.

Horatio, on the contrary, is a true friend to the last. Together with Hamlet, he experiences all his anxieties and doubts and asks Hamlet, after he felt the inevitable tragic end, breathe more in this world, yes tell all about it.

In general, all the characters are bright, unforgettable, unique in their own way, and among them, of course, it is impossible not to recall in Shakespeare's work "Hamlet" the image of the main character, that same Hamlet - Danish prince. This hero is multifaceted and has extensive image that is filled vital content. Here we see Hamlet's hatred for Claudius, while he has a wonderful attitude towards actors. He can be rude, as in the case of Ophelia, and he can be suave, as in the case of Horatio. Hamlet is witty, wields a sword well, he is afraid of God's punishment, but at the same time, he blasphemes. He loves his mother, despite her attitude. Hamlet is indifferent to the throne, always remembers his father with pride, thinks and reflects a lot. He is smart, not arrogant, lives by his thoughts, guided by his judgment. In a word, in the image of Hamlet we see the versatility human personality, who thought about the meaning of people's existence, which is why he utters the well-known monologue: "To be or not to be, that is the question."

Characteristics of the characters based on Shakespeare's "HAMLET"

4 (80%) 3 votes

Characteristics of the heroes based on Shakespeare's "King Lear" - Lear

Dramaturgy of the 16th-17th centuries was an integral and perhaps the most important part of the literature of that time. This kind literary creativity was the closest and most understandable to the broad masses, was a spectacle that made it possible to convey to the viewer the feelings and thoughts of the author. William Shakespeare is one of the brightest representatives of the dramaturgy of that time, which is read and re-read to our time, plays based on his works, analyzes philosophical concepts.

The genius of the English poet, actor and playwright lies in the ability to show the realities of life, to penetrate the soul of each viewer, to find in it a response to his philosophical statements through feelings familiar to every person. The theatrical action of that time took place on a platform in the middle of the square, the actors in the course of the play could go down to the “hall”. The viewer became, as it were, a participant in everything that was happening. Nowadays, such an effect of presence is unattainable even when using 3d technologies. All the more important in the theater was the word of the author, the language and style of the work. Shakespeare's talent is manifested in many respects in his linguistic manner of presenting the plot. Simple and somewhat ornate, it differs from the language of the streets, allowing the viewer to rise above everyday life, to stand for some time on a par with the characters of the play, people of the upper class. And the genius is confirmed by the fact that this has not lost its significance in later times - we get the opportunity to become for some time accomplices in the events of medieval Europe.

The pinnacle of Shakespeare's work was considered by many of his contemporaries, and subsequent generations after them, to be the tragedy "Hamlet - Prince of Denmark". This work of a recognized English classic has become one of the most significant for Russian literary thought. It is no coincidence that the tragedy of Hamlet has been translated into Russian more than forty times. Such interest is caused not only by the phenomenon of medieval dramaturgy and literary talent the author, no doubt. Hamlet is a work that reflects " eternal image"a seeker of truth, a philosopher of morality and a man who stepped above his era. The galaxy of such people, which began with Hamlet and Don Quixote, continued in Russian literature with the images of “superfluous people” Onegin and Pechorin, and further in the works of Turgenev, Dobrolyubov, Dostoevsky. This line is native to the Russian seeking soul.

History of creation - Tragedy Hamlet in romanticism of the 17th century

Just as many of Shakespeare's works are based on short stories in the literature of the early Middle Ages, so the plot of the tragedy Hamlet was borrowed by him from the Icelandic chronicles of the 12th century. However, this plot is not something original for the "dark time". The theme of the struggle for power, regardless of moral standards, and the theme of revenge is present in many works of all time. Based on this, Shakespeare's romanticism created the image of a person protesting against the foundations of his time, looking for a way out of these shackles of conventions to the norms of pure morality, but who himself is a hostage to existing rules and laws. The crown prince, a romantic and a philosopher, who asks eternal questions of being and, at the same time, is forced to fight in reality in the way that was customary at that time - “he is not his own master, his birth is tied hand in hand” (act I, scene III ), and this causes him an internal protest.

(Antique engraving - London, 17th century)

England, in the year the tragedy was written and staged, was experiencing a turning point in its feudal history(1601), therefore, in the play there is some gloom, a real or imaginary decline in the state - "Something has rotted in the Danish kingdom" (act I, scene IV). But we are more interested in the eternal questions “about good and evil, about fierce hatred and holy love”, which are so clearly and so ambiguously spelled out by the genius of Shakespeare. In full accordance with romanticism in art, the play contains heroes of pronounced moral categories, an obvious villain, a wonderful hero, there is a love line, but the author goes further. romantic hero refuses to follow the canons of time in his revenge. One of the key figures of the tragedy - Polonius, does not appear to us in an unambiguous light. The theme of betrayal is addressed in several storylines and is also offered to the viewer. From the obvious betrayal of the king and the infidelity of the memory of the late husband by the queen, to the trivial betrayal of the friends of the students, who are not averse to finding out the secrets from the prince for the mercy of the king.

Description of the tragedy (the plot of the tragedy and its main features)

Ilsinore, castle of the Danish kings, night watch with Horatio, Hamlet's friend, meets the ghost of the deceased king. Horatio tells Hamlet about this meeting, and he decides to personally meet with his father's shadow. The ghost tells the Prince the gruesome story of his death. The king's death turns out to be a dastardly murder by his brother Claudius. After this meeting, a turning point occurs in Hamlet's mind. What was learned is superimposed on the fact of the unnecessarily fast wedding of the king's widow, Hamlet's mother, and the murderous brother. Hamlet is obsessed with the idea of ​​revenge, but is in doubt. He must make sure of everything himself. Feigning madness, Hamlet observes everything. Polonius, adviser to the king and father of Hamlet's beloved, tries to explain to the king and queen such changes in the prince with rejected love. Before, he forbade his daughter Ophelia to accept Hamlet's courtship. These prohibitions destroy the idyll of love, further leading to depression and insanity of the girl. The king makes his attempts to find out the thoughts and plans of his stepson, he is tormented by doubts and his sin. The former student friends of Hamlet hired by him are with him inseparably, but to no avail. The shock of what he learned makes Hamlet think even more about the meaning of life, about such categories as freedom and morality, about the eternal question of the immortality of the soul, the frailty of being.

Meanwhile, a troupe of wandering actors appears in Ilsinore, and Hamlet persuades them to insert several lines into the theatrical action, exposing the king in fratricide. In the course of the performance, Claudius gives himself away with confusion, Hamlet's doubts about his guilt are dispelled. He tries to talk to his mother, to throw accusations in her face, but the ghost that appears forbids him to take revenge on his mother. tragic accident exacerbates tension in the royal chambers - Hamlet kills Polonius, who hid behind the curtains out of curiosity during this conversation, mistaking him for Claudius. Hamlet is sent to England to cover up these unfortunate accidents. Spy friends are sent with him. Claudius hands them a letter for the King of England asking him to execute the prince. Hamlet, who managed to accidentally read the letter, makes corrections in it. As a result, traitors are executed, and he returns to Denmark.

Laertes, the son of Polonius, also returns to Denmark, the tragic news of the death of his sister Ophelia as a result of her insanity because of love, as well as the murder of his father, pushes him to an alliance with Claudia in revenge. Claudius provokes a duel with swords between two young men, the blade of Laertes is deliberately poisoned. Not dwelling on this, Claudius poisons the wine as well, in order to make Hamlet drunk in case of victory. During the duel, Hamlet is wounded by a poisoned blade, but finds an understanding with Laertes. The duel continues, during which the opponents exchange swords, now Laertes is wounded by a poisoned sword. Hamlet's mother, Queen Gertrude, cannot stand the tension of the duel and drinks poisoned wine for her son's victory. Claudius is also killed, only one remains alive true friend Hamlet Horace. The troops of the Norwegian prince enter the capital of Denmark, who occupies the Danish throne.

Main characters

As can be seen from the entire development of the plot, the theme of revenge fades into the background before the moral quest of the protagonist. The accomplishment of revenge for him is impossible in the expression, as is customary in that society. Even having convinced himself of his uncle's guilt, he does not become his executioner, but only an accuser. Unlike him, Laertes makes a deal with the king, for him revenge is above all, he follows the traditions of his time. The love line in the tragedy is only an additional means to show the moral images of that time, to set off the spiritual searches of Hamlet. The main characters of the play are Prince Hamlet and the king's adviser Polonius. It is in the moral foundations of these two people that the conflict of time is expressed. Not the conflict of good and evil, but the difference in the moral levels of two positive characters is the main line of the play, brilliantly shown by Shakespeare.

A smart, devoted and honest servant to the king and the fatherland, a caring father and a respected citizen of his country. He is sincerely trying to help the king understand Hamlet, he is sincerely trying to understand Hamlet himself. His moral principles at the level of that time are impeccable. Sending his son to study in France, he instructs him on the rules of conduct, which today can be given without changes, they are so wise and universal for any time. Worried about his daughter's moral character, he exhorts her to refuse Hamlet's courtship, explaining the class difference between them and not excluding the possibility frivolous attitude prince to the girl. At the same time, according to his moral views corresponding to that time, there is nothing prejudicial in such frivolity on the part of the young man. With his distrust of the prince and the will of his father, he destroys their love. For the same reasons, he does not trust his own son either, sending a servant to him as a spy. The plan for observing him is simple - to find acquaintances and, slightly slandering his son, lure out the frank truth about his behavior away from home. To eavesdrop on the conversation of an angry son and mother in the royal chambers is also not something wrong for him. With all his actions and thoughts, Polonius appears to be an intelligent and kind person, even in the madness of Hamlet, he sees his rational thoughts and gives them their due. But he typical representative a society that puts so much pressure on Hamlet with its deceit and duplicity. And this is the tragedy, which is understandable not only in modern society, but also in the London public. early XVII century. Such duplicity is protested by its presence and in modern world.

A hero with a strong spirit and an outstanding mind, searching and doubting, having become one step higher than the whole society in his morality. He is able to look at himself from the outside, he is able to analyze those around him and analyze his thoughts and actions. But he is also a product of that era and that binds him. Traditions and society impose a certain stereotype of behavior on him, which he can no longer accept. On the basis of the plot about revenge, the whole tragedy of the situation is shown when a young man sees evil not just in one vile act, but in the whole society in which such acts are justified. This young man calls himself to live in accordance with the highest morality, responsibility for all his actions. The tragedy of the family only makes him think more about moral values. Such a thinking person cannot but raise universal philosophical questions for himself. The famous monologue "To be or not to be" is only the pinnacle of such reasoning, which is woven into all his dialogues with friends and enemies, in conversations with random people. But the imperfection of society and the environment still pushes for impulsive, often unjustified actions, which are then hard experienced by him and ultimately lead to death. After all, the guilt in the death of Ophelia and the accidental mistake in the murder of Polonius and the inability to understand the grief of Laertes oppress him and shackle him with a chain.

Laertes, Ophelia, Claudius, Gertrude, Horatio

All these persons are introduced into the plot as Hamlet's entourage and characterize ordinary society, positive and correct in the understanding of that time. Even looking at them modern point view, one can recognize their actions as logical and consistent. The struggle for power and adultery, revenge for the murdered father and the first girlish love, enmity with neighboring states and obtaining land as a result of jousting tournaments. And only Hamlet stands head and shoulders above this society, bogged down to the waist in the tribal traditions of succession to the throne. Three friends of Hamlet - Horatio, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, are representatives of the nobility, courtiers. For two of them, spying on a friend is not something wrong, and only one remains a faithful listener and interlocutor, a smart adviser. An interlocutor, but nothing more. Before his fate, society and the whole kingdom, Hamlet is left alone.

Analysis - the idea of ​​the tragedy of the prince of Denmark Hamlet

Shakespeare's main idea was to show psychological portraits contemporaries based on the feudalism of the “dark times”, a new generation growing up in society that can change the world for the better. Competent, seeking and freedom-loving. It is no coincidence that in the play Denmark is called a prison, which, according to the author, was the whole society of that time. But the genius of Shakespeare was expressed in the ability to describe everything in semitones, without sliding into the grotesque. Most of the characters are positive and respected people according to the canons of that time, they reason quite sensibly and fairly.

Hamlet is shown as a person prone to introspection, spiritually strong, but still bound by conventions. The inability to act, inability, makes him related to " superfluous people» Russian Literature. But it carries a charge of moral purity and the desire of society for the better. The genius of this work lies in the fact that all these issues are relevant in the modern world, in all countries and on all continents, regardless of the political system. And the language and stanza of the English playwright captivate with their perfection and originality, make you re-read the works several times, turn to performances, listen to performances, look for something new, hidden in the mists of time.

Continuing to look at the site, I often wonder who, in fact, are the positive characters here, and who are the negative ones? And I can not clearly answer this question. It would seem that the most bad guys, later, they do very good deeds, and the heroes, it would seem, are positive - quite the opposite.

Types of William Shakespeare's Characters: The Most Famous
Characters of William Shakespeare: the most famous

Hamlet(English Hamlet) - the central character of Shakespeare's play "Hamlet, Prince of Denmark". In the play, he is the prince of Denmark, the nephew of King Claudius and the son of the former king, Hamlet.

Claudius - Hamlet's uncle who killed his father and became king of Denmark. Fearing Hamlet's revenge, Claudius sends him to England. When he returns, Claudius kills Hamlet with poison, setting him and Laertes off, but Hamlet manages to hit the king with a poisoned blade and Claudius dies.

Laertes(English Laertes) - fictional character William Shakespeare's play Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. His name is supposedly taken from Homer's Odysseus. Laertes is the son of Polonius, brother of Ophelia. Laertes is an original Shakespearean character, before him there was no such character in the stories about Hamlet.

The Ghost of Hamlet's Father(eng. Ghost of Hamlet "s father; King Hamlet, eng. King Hamlet) - a character in William Shakespeare's tragedy "Hamlet, Prince of Denmark." In the play, he is the ghost of the murdered King of Denmark Hamlet, the father of Prince Hamlet.

>Ophelia(Eng. Ophelia) is a fictional character in William Shakespeare's tragedy Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. A young noblewoman, daughter of Polonius, sister of Laertes and beloved of Hamlet.

Fortinbras(English Fortinbras) - the name of a fictitious minor character William Shakespeare's tragedy Hamlet, Prince of Denmark. He is the Crown Prince of Norway.

John Falstaff- a good-natured, overweight and slightly cowardly drunkard who spends all his time in a circle of revelers and depraved girls like him from the works of The Merry Wives of Windsor, Henry IV, Part 1 and Henry IV, Part 2

King Lear is the hero of William Shakespeare's tragedy of the same name. The tragedy is based on real events, it draws on the oldest British tradition of King Lear and his daughters.

Goneril and Regan the eldest daughters of King Lear from the tragedy "King Lear". Greedy and vile daughters, to whom their father, King Lear, bequeathed the kingdom, having retired. Having seized the kingdom by flattery and deceit, they hunt their father and want to kill him. They destroy the Earl of Gloucester, a friend of Lear, tearing out his eyes and kill his younger sister Cornelia, strangling her. When their crimes are revealed, Goneril kills herself with a dagger, having poisoned her sister before that.

Mercutio- Romeo's friend, the hunter for ladies' hearts from William Shakespeare's tragedy "Romeo and Juliet".

Tybalt(Tybalt, English Tybalt, Tybaldo, Italian. Tebaldo) is a character in William Shakespeare's tragedy Romeo and Juliet. He is the cousin of Juliet Capulet. Killed by Romeo, who took revenge on him for the murder of his friend Mercutio.

Juliet- a meek and naive girl, gradually turning into an experienced and mature woman, ready for anything for her feelings, into a true heroine of the play from the tragedy "Romeo and Juliet".

Romeo Juliet's lover from William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet.

Othello(eng. Othello, Italian. Otello) - the hero of William Shakespeare's tragedy "Othello, the Moor of Venice", written in 1603, as well as a number of secondary works on the same plot, in particular operas, films and game programs.

>Iago- lieutenant, assistant commander Othello from the drama "Othello". He hates the Moor and, wanting to take his place, with the help of intrigues inspires him that his beloved girl, Desdemona, is cheating on him with Cassio.

Desdemona- Othello's wife, killed by him out of jealousy

Shylock- a character in William Shakespeare's play "The Merchant of Venice", a greedy Jewish usurer, whose name has become a household name for greedy and stingy people.

Miranda- the heroine of William Shakespeare's play "The Tempest", a naive 15-year-old girl, the only daughter of Duke Prospero. She and her father became hermits on the island through the fault of her uncle Antonio, who wanted to take the throne.

Caliban(eng. Caliban) is one of the main characters in William Shakespeare's romantic tragicomedy The Tempest. Caliban is the antagonist of the sage Prospero, a servant who rebels against the master, a rude, evil, ignorant savage.

Richard- an ugly hunchback who is jealous of his brother King Edward IV from the tragedy "Richard III". When Edward dies, Richard takes over, killing his brother Clarence and Edward's children, who were to inherit the title. Everyone hates Richard, and uprisings rise in the country. Richard executes one of the leaders, the Earl of Buckingham, but the Earl of Richmond defeats him and takes the throne. “A horse, a horse, half a kingdom for a horse!” - this famous phrase is said by Richard, fighting with Richmond.

>Macbeth and his wife Lady Macbeth from the tragedy Macbeth. Warlord Macbeth, having defeated the rebellious MacDonald, meets witches, one of whom predicts him to be the king of Scotland. Believing the prediction, Macbeth tells everything to his wife and they meanly kill King Duncan, blaming everything on the servants. Having become king, Macbeth pursues the sons of Duncan and kills his comrade, the military leader Banquo, who, according to the prophecy of the witches, should become the ancestor of the royal dynasty. Then Macbeth kills all those close to thane Macduff (the witches foretold that he should be feared).

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Probably you like negative characters because they are the first beautiful, the second they all have sad story, thirdly, they must be smart, fourthly, he must be unhappy and lonely. But I think that the negative characters are mysterious, brave, but it's a pity that sometimes these characters often die at the end of the movie or at the end of the anime... But some heroes realize their guilt and start fighting for the side of good.

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William Shakespeare is rightly called the greatest humanist of the Renaissance. The creative heritage of the great playwright of all time includes 11 tragedies, 17 comedies, 10 historical chronicles, as well as poems and poems. In plays English writer reflected different eras and peoples. His works had a huge impact on the whole European literature. One of the most enigmatic creators of the word put the question before humanity: “To be or not to be?”, giving everyone the opportunity to look for the answer themselves. Each of his creations is multifaceted and unique. The author compares the tragic with the comic, sometimes violating the unity of the time of events and place.

The TOP-10 included the most popular and best works of Shakespeare, which are listed below.

"opens the top ten works of the great playwright of England. The work is a historical chronicle-dilogy, which describes the political and military events of the 15th century that took place in England. In the center of the plot is King Henry IV, whose coming to power was marked by cardinal changes for the country. Besides the king bright personalities the chronicle features Prince Harry, Sir Henry Percy, and one of the most comical characters, the jester knight John Falstaff.

is one of the most popular comedies by William Shakespeare. In the center of the witty, instructive and funny play is the obstinate and rude girl Katarina. Of the many applicants for suitors, only the young man Petruchio manages to tame the heroine with the help of all sorts of tricks and tricks. Comedy has deep psychologism, and the main idea of ​​the work, which the author wanted to convey to the reader, is that a person does not resist his destiny. Appearance says little about the inner content of human nature, and there is nothing in the secret world that would not become obvious.

"- the brightest and famous work English writer. The tragedy about the high and sincere feelings of teenagers to this day excites the hearts of young readers. The author was able to convey all the tragedy of the events in which the young Romeo and Juliet became participants. To prove the depth of their feelings, young people have to sacrifice their own lives. In all world literature, there is no "sader story in the world than the story of Romeo and Juliet."

"- one of the most popular plays of the master of the pen. In the center of the plot is the commander Othello and the daughter of the Venetian senator Desdemona. The heroes in love get married and end up on the island of Cyprus, where a black commander must serve, and his wife is ready to share his fate. Othello is madly in love with his wife and terribly jealous of her. Passion blinded the husband and seeds of distrust towards his wife sunk into his soul. The hero is sure that Desdemona is cheating on him. His unfounded suspicions lead to a tragic end.

« Richard III is one of the greatest historical plays ever written by Shakespeare. The English king Richard III comes to power, whose reign will not last long. The ruler appears before the reader as one of the most cruel historical figures. The ruling villain is devoid of all morality and is ready to commit more and more murders for the sake of the throne. On the other hand, the cold-blooded killer is presented as unusually talented person. The historical personality is exaggerated by the writer to a greater extent and has nothing to do with reality.

is one of Shakespeare's most hilarious comedies. Events take place in a fictional country, referred to as Illyria. Its ruler Duke Orsino is in love with Countess Olivia and is going to ask for her hand. But the further cycle of events and the appearance of new faces in the play brings confusion into the lives and feelings of the heroes. This happens through the fault of the twins - sister Viola and brother Sebastian, who accidentally end up in the country of Illyria after the shipwreck of their ship. Heroes are waiting for comical situations and incredible discoveries. The writer showed himself in this work as the greatest and witty master of the word.

"- the great tragedy of the English playwright, based on the story of King Macbeth of Scotland. This is one of the most sinister and bloodthirsty characters in Shakespeare's work. The brave Scottish warrior Macbeth, who won many victories in the military field, learns about the prediction from three witches that he is destined to become king. The knight is about to fulfill the prophecy and kills the real King Duncan of Scotland. A shadow of suspicion falls on the heirs of Duncan, who are forced to leave the country. Having realized his cunning plan, Macbeth receives the throne. But the legitimate heirs are not going to give up so easily and are plotting against the wicked ruler.

"- a popular Shakespearean comedy play about love. The work immerses the reader into the world of ancient Athens and the neighboring world of elves. Heroes become victims of the enchanted forest, once in which they do incredible, bizarre and absurd deeds. The juice of a magical flower growing in the forest inspires a person with love for the first person he meets. Amazing transformations and comic misunderstandings take place here, which at the end of the play will be resolved thanks to the king of the elves, Oberon.

"- a well-known tragicomedy of the great master of the word about morality. Lear has three daughters between whom he must divide his possessions. The old king asks each of his daughters about their love for him. The older daughters assure their father of their uncomplaining and strong love. When the turn comes to the youngest daughter, she is stingy with words of love. The king did not like this, and then he decides to expel the unloving daughter from the kingdom and deprives her of her inheritance. For rash actions Lear will have to pay. The older offspring show their true colors and leave their father with nothing. Meanwhile, the exiled daughter of the kingdom becomes queen of France. She forgives her father and takes him to her.

"- the best of the works of the English playwright, which received world fame. The tragedy was based on the legend of the Danish ruler. The plot of the play is tied to the fact that the main character Hamlet is eager to find the killer of his father and avenge his death. The tragedy affected many philosophical themes: about the meaning of life and the purpose of man, about love and hatred, loyalty and betrayal. The hero is deeply disappointed in love, friendship and doubts the rationality of the universe. Hamlet experiences unbearable mental suffering, which becomes one of the reasons for his death.

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