Description of Mtsyra as a romantic hero. Mtsyri as a romantic hero


In Lermontov's poem "Mtsyri", a young man who escaped from the monastery is shown as a romantic hero. The author develops in his work the ideas of protest and courage. Mikhail Yuryevich almost completely excluded from his creation the love motive that played big role in his poem "Confession". This motive in "Mtsyri" was reflected only in a fleeting meeting of the protagonist with a Georgian woman, which took place near a mountain stream.

Defeating the impulse of his young heart, Mtsyri for the sake of the ideal of freedom refuses personal happiness. In the poem, the patriotic idea is inextricably linked with the theme of freedom. This is also observed in the work of the Decembrist poets. Mikhail Yurievich does not share these concepts. In his work, the "fiery passion" merges the thirst for will and love for the Fatherland. Mtsyri is very attractive as a romantic hero. The plan for analyzing this character should include his relationship to the monastery. We will talk about this now.

Mtsyri's relationship to the monastery

The monastery for our hero is a prison. The cells seem stuffy to him, and the walls are deaf and gloomy. The monk guards appear to the protagonist as miserable and cowardly, and he himself is a prisoner and a slave. The impulse to freedom is due to his desire to find out why we were born into the world, "for will or prison." For the young man, the few days he spent in peace after escaping from the monastery turn out to be a will. Outside the blank walls he lived full life, but did not vegetate. The hero calls the time. It is during the days spent at large that the image of Mtsyra is fully revealed. As a romantic hero, he manifests himself behind the walls of the monastery.

Patriotism of the protagonist

Least of all, the freedom-loving patriotism of the protagonist is similar to the love for expensive graves and beautiful native landscapes, although Mtsyri yearns for them. He truly loves his Fatherland, wants to fight for her freedom. With undoubted sympathy, Mikhail Yurievich sings of these youthful dreams. The work does not reveal the aspirations of the protagonist to the end, but in hints they are quite palpable. The young man remembers his acquaintances and his father mainly as warriors. It is not by chance that this hero dreams of battles in which he is the winner. No wonder his dreams are drawn into the world of battles and worries.

Character of the main character

Mtsyri as a romantic hero is shown brave and courageous. He himself is convinced that "in the land of the fathers" he could be one of the "dares". And although this hero was not destined to experience the rapture of battle, he real warrior according to his nature. Since young years Mtsyri was different severe restraint. Proud of this, the hero says that he has never known tears. Only during the escape, the young man gives free rein to tears, since no one sees them. The will of the protagonist was tempered by loneliness in the monastery walls. It is no coincidence that it was on a stormy night that Mtsyri decided to escape: the timid monks were frightened by the revelry of the elements, but not this young man. By the storm, he had only a feeling of brotherhood.

Resilience and masculinity of a young man

The stamina and masculinity of Mtsyri manifests itself with the greatest force in the episode of the battle with the leopard. The grave did not frighten him, since he understood that returning to the monastery would be a continuation of suffering. The tragic ending created by the author shows that the spirit of the hero does not weaken due to the approach of death. His freedom-loving patriotism does not disappear in front of her face. Mtsyri do not force to repent the exhortations of the monk. He says that he would trade eternity and paradise again for a few minutes spent among loved ones. It is not Mtsyri's fault that the circumstances could not be overcome, and he could not get into the ranks of the fighters. The hero tried in vain to argue with his fate. He was defeated, but internally not broken. Mtsyri is goodie Russian literature. His integrity, masculinity, courage were a reproach to the inactive and timid representatives noble society, modern Lermontov.

The role of the landscape in revealing character

The Caucasian landscape serves to reveal the image of a young man from the poem "Mtsyri". Like a romantic hero, despising the environment, he feels kinship only with nature. Growing up within the walls of a monastery, he compares himself to a hothouse leaf. Breaking free, he raises his head along with the flowers at sunrise. Being a child of nature, Mtsyri falls to the ground and, like the hero of fairy tales, learns the secret of the prophetic chirping of birds, the riddles of their songs. He understands the thought of those eager to meet the disconnected rocks, the dispute with the stones of the stream. The young man's gaze is sharpened: he notices how the fur of the leopard shimmers with silver, how the scales of a snake shine, sees a pale strip between earth and sky and the teeth of distant mountains. Mtsyri, as the romantic hero of the poem, thinks that through the blue of the sky he could see the flight of angels.

Traditions of romanticism and new features of Lermontov's poem

Of course, Mikhail Yuryevich's poem continues the traditions of romanticism. This is indicated, in particular, central image works. Full of fiery passions, Mtsyri as a romantic hero, lonely and gloomy, reveals his soul in a confession story. In this, Mikhail Yuryevich followed tradition. All this is typical of romanticism. Nevertheless, Lermontov, who wrote his poem during the years when he worked on realistic work"Hero of Our Time", in "Mtsyri" introduced features that were not characteristic of his earlier poems. Indeed, the past of the heroes of Boyar Orsha and Confession remains unknown to us. We don't know what social conditions influenced the formation of their characters. And in the work "Mtsyri" we find lines that the childhood and adolescence of the protagonist were unhappy. This helps us to better understand his thoughts and experiences. It should also be noted that the form of confession, so characteristic of poems in the style of romanticism, is associated with the desire to "tell the soul", that is, to reveal it as deeply as possible. Such detailing of experiences, the psychologism of the work are natural for Lermontov, since he simultaneously created a socio-psychological novel.

The combination in the confession of numerous metaphors of a romantic nature (images of flame, fire), with the poetically sparse and precise speech of the introduction, characteristic of realism, is very expressive. The poem begins with the lines: "Once upon a time a Russian general ..." The work, romantic in its form, testified to the fact that realistic tendencies were becoming more and more distinct in Lermontov's work.

Lermontov's innovation

So, we opened the topic "Mtsyri as a romantic hero." Lermontov entered domestic literature as a successor of the Decembrist poets and the traditions of Pushkin. However, he also introduced something new into the development of the Russian artistic word.

Belinsky said that we can talk about the so-called Lermontov element. The critic explained that it meant, first of all, "an original living thought." Of course, it is also felt in the creation of such an image as Mtsyri. As a romantic hero, this young man was briefly characterized by us. You saw that there are some realistic features in the work.

In almost every one of his works, the famous Russian writer Lermontov tried to take into account the experience of Byron and not just experience, namely creativity to work. Of course, many may ask the question, who is this? But, only not those who are familiar with the work of the poet. After all, people who are well acquainted with the work of Mikhail Yuryevich know that this person is very long years was his idol. That is why, almost every hero can be referred to as Byronic heroes. Let's be clear though and say that Byronic hero- this is actually a romantic image that has the most superior qualities, a rebel hero with a natural nature and a difficult fate.

This is a man who tries to live honest life without succumbing to any circumstances of fate.

Experts and critics in the field of literature are sure that it was precisely these qualities that attracted Lermontov so much because he himself was such a character by nature.

The romantic hero "Mtsyri" was no exception, whom Lermontov, with all his authorial strength, tried to make an ideal. romantic hero.

About the life of the protagonist this work we learn as if from the first mouth, since the writer chose confession as a form of narration of this work.

It should be noted that confession is the most popular genre romantic style. It will also be important to take into account the fact that confession is usually filled with tragic fate. Our hero is no exception, it is his tragic and to some extent unfair fate that attracts the author, and the author is also seriously attracted by the frankness of the hero. He honestly and truthfully tells his whole life, as if purifying his soul from the suffering and torment that has tormented him for so many years.

Oddly enough, but it is romanticism that attracts a large number of readers, because it is so lacking in everyday life.

In the 18th - 19th century in Russia full swing romanticism develops, which replaced the classical traditions. If before this literary works were aimed at the development of the public side, and I wanted to show a certain ideal of the device, then for the romantic side, something completely different becomes the main thing. In the work of such writers, it is mainly the person himself, his thoughts, goals, how he lives and what he thinks about.

Romantics are confident in their belief that any person is unique and special, and he himself represents in the first place main value Therefore, writers try to pay attention to the feelings and experiences of their characters. In this way, a character full of romanticism is created, and accurate characters are created very quickly. literary rules, which did not exclude our famous writer.

The life of Mtsyra, or rather about its main points, can be learned from him himself, since Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov chose the form of confession for his poem. After all, such a genre helps very well to reveal the whole essence of the human soul, and the work itself comes out colorful and bright. Mtsyri lives in an unusual place, in a monastery in the Caucasus. This place at that time was considered quite unusual, where there is liberty and free thinking.

The very character of the hero is visible even in how little is allocated to what the life of a young man was like before he got to the monastery, everything is very short and concise. Staying in a monastery is a mystery, very characteristic of such poems. When he was still a child, he was captured. The Russian general captured him and settled him in a monastery, where the young Mtsyri lived for many years. But the young man is not a simple monk, he has a completely different character, he rebels from such a life. He cannot forget his motherland, renounce the place where he was born and where he wants to return without fail at any cost.

How long did our hero think about his escape? After all, it goes without saying that the monks did not think to harm him, to cause any harm. But the way they live is all alien to a young man, since he wants a completely different world for himself and for his sake he can go to any risky business. He runs - this is a rebellion against the rules. As the work shows, this happened during a stormy stormy night, when the clergy pray that God would stop being angry with them. For a young man, thunderstorms are joy, he wants to join the stream of stormy elements and become free!

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An important stage of learning is such a form of knowledge testing as an essay. "Mtsyri" is the romantic hero of Lermontov's poem. Mikhail Yurievich created unusual character with a tragic fate, who is endlessly in an unusual environment for him. The name of the protagonist also hints at this. After all, this word is translated from Georgian as “monk, novice” or “stranger, foreigner”.

Consider possible variant school work"An essay based on the poem" Mtsyri ". As it appears to the reader from the first lines.

The main idea of ​​the story

Lermontov portrayed a very strong in spirit a person who is ready to sacrifice everything, even life, for the sake of his ideals and goals.

The main idea of ​​the work is protest and courage. The love motive is almost completely absent; it is reflected only in a short meeting of the hero with a Georgian woman near a mountain stream.
Not only the main character strongly attracts the attention of the reader, but the plot of the story itself.

When Mtsyri was still a child, a Russian general sent him to a Georgian monastery for education. Nothing is known about the boy's relatives, and he himself was taken as a prisoner. Main character could not withstand such a blow of fate, because he was left an orphan in a completely non-native place. Because of this, the disease began to slowly kill him. Mtsyri was approaching death faster and faster. But he was lucky: one monk who became attached to him saved the boy. The young man grew up, learned the language and was preparing for the tonsure. "Mtsyri as a romantic hero" - an essay about a real person.

Storm escape

But suddenly a fatal event happens: on the eve of the tonsure, Mtsyri arranges an escape. That night was terrible, with might and main a thunderstorm raged. The act of the protagonist and the weather even complement each other. The hero, of course, is being searched for. The search lasted for three whole days, but all in vain. In the end, he is found unconscious, he is again beginning to be destroyed by the same ailment that struck him in childhood. An essay on the theme "Mtsyri as a romantic hero" should colorfully reflect this moment. The monk who was involved in his upbringing is again trying to save the protagonist from the paws of death. Mtsyri confesses to him, his confession is filled with notes of pride and passion. It reveals the character of the protagonist.

Life in the monastery

"Mtsyri as a romantic hero" - an essay about involuntary imprisonment.Of course, the most important point remains the question of Mtsyri's escape. Why did he do it? What are the reasons? Do not forget that our hero spent his life in this monastery against his will. He became a prisoner, and the monastery became a prison. Such a life was not life for him at all. In his opinion, it is better to die in freedom than to live in captivity all the time. How much the hero was deprived of! Mother's lullabies, games with peers. He was never a monk at heart, he was forced to be evil fate. Therefore, he dreamed of getting, at least for a short moment, everything that he had lost.

Mtsyri knew that he was taking a very big risk, because he had no one and nothing in that world unknown to him. But that didn't stop him. The hero wasted no time when he finally got what he wanted for so long. He looks with complete delight at the world, which he was deprived of. And only here we see the real Mtsyri. His gloom and silence disappear somewhere, and we see that the hero of the poem is not only a rebel, but also a romantic. These character traits just revealed themselves against the backdrop of the beautiful Caucasian nature.

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He is shown courageous and courageous, he feels like a warrior, although he did not happen to be in battles and battles. Very important point in the narrative are the tears of the protagonist. He was very proud of the fact that he usually did not give them free will. But during the escape, Mtsyri could not restrain himself, even if no one saw him. The hero even compared himself to a thunderstorm. While the monks cowardly hid from her, he decided to escape. He seemed to become part of this stormy night.

Resilience and patriotism

The courage and steadfastness of the young man is manifested not only in the escape itself, not only in the fact that he decided to take such a risk, but also, for example, in the episode of the battle with the leopard. To analyze the main plot of the poem, you can write the essay "Mtsyri as a romantic hero." Briefly, the author expresses his attitude to important life things. He was not afraid of death, because returning to the monastery, returning to his captivity was much more terrible for him. tragic ending only emphasizes the strength of mind, patriotism and love for the will of the protagonist. And maybe he couldn't beat fate. He could only change her for a brief moment. But all this did not break inner world hero.

Mtsyri is a deep patriot, because his main goal after escaping is the road to his homeland. Yes, he understands that no one is waiting for him there, but this is not the main thing. It is important for him to at least just set foot on his native land.


The steadfastness and strength of Mtsyri's patriotism is also proved by the episode of the meeting with the girl. He felt the birth of the first love, he had only to follow the girl. But the desire to get to the Motherland is stronger. Despite everything, he continues to move forward.

The role of the landscape

The image of Mtsyra is perfectly revealed not only by its internal qualities, but also by the surrounding landscape. Mtsyri is a romantic hero, so he fully and completely feels unity with nature. He identifies himself now with a thunderstorm, now with a small leaf. Either he raises his head like flowers at sunrise, or he learns the secrets of birds, listening to their chirping. He understands every pebble, every twig and blade of grass, notices all the shades of nature. He feels like an extension of her.

But nature is very strong and dangerous. Despite his unity with her, she also becomes an obstacle. That dark forest in which the hero is lost. He did not give up until the very end, but how strong was the despair, when the whole truth reached Mtsyra - he walked in circles.
Nature gave Mtsyri almost everything that he so desired: a sense of freedom, a sense of life. But main goal it is not given to the hero to achieve, since he is not able to overcome the weakness of the body.

Traditional features of romanticism in the poem

The poem by Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov is undoubtedly filled with the traditions of romanticism, which proves the main one as a romantic hero "- an essay on the school curriculum that reveals the character. He is full of passions, lonely, one with nature, and not with the environment. He gradually and completely opens his soul All these are signs of romanticism.

The form of confession is also characteristic of poems in the style of romanticism. After all, we read the soul of the hero through his own experiences, they are very detailed, which only helps to penetrate him deeper. In addition, there are many metaphors and images in confession. The essay on the topic "Mtsyri as a romantic hero" should reflect the fact that the hero's childhood was unhappy. Thanks to this, we better understand our hero, his inner world.

Lermontov is proud of his character. After all, slavery makes people weak, kills their willpower. Fortunately, this did not happen to Mtsyri. His character is the opposite modern society where the author lived. The hero of the poem reflects struggle and strength, but, unfortunately, there are too few of them to defeat society.When the strength leaves the hero, he does not change himself. His death is also a protest. Finally he gets what he wanted - freedom. His soul will undoubtedly return to his homeland.

Mtsyri will forever remain a symbol of unbending will, courage and perseverance that will help a person achieve his goals, no matter what. The essay on literature "Mtsyri - a romantic hero" is part of school curriculum in high school.

Mtsyri as a romantic hero of Lermontov's poem essay


1. Romantic images of Lermontov.

2.1. Hero's past.

2.2. Life in captivity.

2.3. The desire for freedom.

3. The tragedy of Mtsyra.

A wonderful writer and poet who created many vivid romantic images. This is a bored traveler, and a jealous avenger Arbenin, and a freedom-loving rebel Mtsyri. These heroes are not similar friend to each other, they are close in one thing - they are in constant search, they love freedom, they fight for their ideas.

Mtsyri - main character poem of the same name. Like all romantic heroes, he is a little dreamy and enthusiastic. But at the same time, Mtsyri is the son of the highlanders. As a child, he was captured by a Russian general after a battle. During a difficult journey, the boy fell ill and was left in the care of the monks. Those went out Mtsyri and brought up as a Christian. The child forgot his language and his culture, he was forcibly prepared for the tonsure.

The monastery for a young man began to be identified with a prison. He understands that the past and the present have been taken away from him, that decisions are made for him, that he is not free in his choice. At night, the young man dreams of vague pictures from his past life. He wants to break free, he longs to see the life hidden behind the walls of the monastery. And Mtsyri decides to escape.

For several days the monks searched for the fugitive, and finally found him half dead in a clearing. Young man transferred to a cell where he confesses before his death. Mtsyri tells how well he breathed in the wild. Seeing his native expanses, he finally remembered his family and his language, his father and brothers with weapons in their hands. The young man feels nature very subtly and admires its beauties. For him, to live means to rejoice in every blade of grass, in every sunshine. Here, at liberty, a young man for the first time experiences romantic feelings for a Georgian girl, whom he accidentally meets by a water stream. His heart draws him to her, but he restrains his impulses and sets off in search of his home.

Although Mtsyri is a romantic hero, first of all he is a freedom-loving patriot. Love for the native village and beautiful girl are inseparable for him, the thirst for freedom and personal happiness merge into only wish his heart. The young man is strong and courageous, he fearlessly enters into battle with a wild animal and wins, despite exhaustion and bloody wounds. The hero is absorbed in one thought - to find freedom, to find his home. But these aspirations are not destined to be fulfilled.

The young man again sees the walls of the hated monastery! Mtsyri understands that he will be in prison again. Like all romantic heroes, the young man is alone in his grief, he extra person. His hopes of finding happiness in his native village are unrealizable even because no one is waiting for him there. Mtsyri's relatives died, and for his fellow villagers he will seem like a stranger, not like everyone else. Before his death, the young man asks to be buried outside the walls of the monastery, in the wild, and regrets that he managed to feel happy for only one moment. This is the whole tragedy of the romantic image of Mtsyra. His unbridled desire for love and freedom is shattered by the reality of a cruel world. swallowed clean air independence, he again becomes a slave and dies behind bars.

Romanticism is one of the main literary directions XIX century. The main thing in romanticism is the spiritual, creative development of a person striving for an ideal, through fictional events, against the backdrop of raging emotional passions. Mtsyri's poem is one of the brightest works of Russian romanticism.

Lermontov deviated from the canons of classicism, introduced a free compositional construction works. The action of the poem does not take place in one place, in one day and with the same persons. The poem covers three days of Mtsyri's life, a change of landscapes, background, escape, a meeting of a Georgian woman, a fight with a leopard, a return, a confession. The main principles of classicism are violated, so the poem - This bright work romanticism.

The basis of the work of romanticism is the conflict between the real world and a fictional, ideal world. The real world of Mtsyri is a monastery, his prison, and he rushes to freedom, not knowing what it is, but dreaming about it.

Mtsyri's conflict is his isolation from the real world where he lives and dreams about fictional world freedom where he has never been.

Dramatic plot - protagonist lonely and unhappy, the desire for an ideal leads to the tragedy of a strong personality. Mtsyri dreams of freedom, he strives for a fictional world, for him the ideal is his native places, the memory of them, but in reality he is a prisoner imprisoned in a monastery. a strong personality dies, this is the tragedy of Mtsyri.

The use of bright, emotional means of artistic expression that convey human passions. Lermontov uses vivid epithets that convey state of mind Mtsyri, personifies nature with a living being, metaphors describing the monastery, the state of a monk, after Mtsyri's confession, comparisons give us an image of the passion of a young man.

The author's attitude to reality is expressed through the main character-rebel. Mtsyri is the hero-rebel, rushing to freedom. He is a prisoner of the soul, but his spirit breaks out and he finds peace. We see everything that happens through the eyes of a young man, we feel nature, passion, pain , disappointment through the sensations of a young man.

Feelings come first, the denial of rationality, rationality, against the background of natural phenomena. Mtsyra's mind is captivated by the idea of ​​​​freedom, he is a prisoner of his dreams. the escape is unreasonable, he loses his way and goes back to prison, but the mind is silent, he is driven by the soul, thirsting for freedom.

The confession of the fugitive is amazing, three days made the young man truly free. His rebellious spirit escaped from the body of a humble captive. , his spirit is broken. But he is happy, he saw for three for as many as he had not seen in his entire life.

Mtsyri's life is short, three days of freedom and finding peace. Mtsyri dies in harmony with himself, his spirit is free, his grave looks at the mountains of his native Caucasus, the wind shakes acacias and brings the sounds of a distant homeland.

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