The difference between anime and cartoons. Ability to be creative


To put it simply, yes. But the Japanese are used to always and everywhere going their own way, so they created not just their own animation, which differs visually from the rest of the world, but over the years they came up with many of their own laws and standards.

It is ironic that one of the most recognizable attributes of Japanese animation - the disproportionately large eyes of most characters - was originally borrowed from the creations of the studio, namely cartoons about Mickey Mouse and Bambi.

Frame from the anime K-On!

Over time, many more standard tricks and moves have been added: a simplified display of emotions, an increase in head size when the character is angry or laughing hard, static background plans(limited animation), multi-colored hair, and much more that anyone who knows even a little about anime will recognize. In addition, most of the series have acquired a clear structure with an opening screensaver for the title track, summary previous series and some other attributes.

Is anime for kids or adults?

Actually for everyone. It is logical that a significant part of the cartoons is made exclusively for children. This anime is called kodomo. Of the vivid examples familiar to adult Russian viewers, one can immediately recall "Maya the Bee" and "".

Frame from the intro of the series "Pokemon"

But there are many other types of anime, each of which is intended for a specific audience. Shounen - for teenage boys. They most often have a very dynamic plot, a lot of rivalry, humor and beautiful girls. Shojo is for teenage girls. Here, basically, either love stories or girls with magical powers(maho-shoujo) A striking example- the well-known "Sailor Moon". Seinen - for adult men. And no, this is not erotica, but simply more serious, dramatic and dark plots. Josei is for women. Most often about household worries, problems in school life heroines and, of course, love relationships.

« Fullmetal Alchemist» - famous shounen series

Of course, no one forbids men to watch josei or women shonen, the division is very arbitrary: according to similar plots and drawing scenes and characters. Anime for adult men and women is often more realistic and drawn in great detail, while for teenagers, more grotesque and dynamics are used.

There are also cyberpunk and steampunk anime for fans alternate realities, fur - for fans of robots, and also well-known erotic and pornographic hentai. Almost every cinematic genre can be found in anime.

What to watch for someone who has never seen anime?

First you need to decide whether you want to watch a full-length cartoon for one and a half to two hours or sit down for a long time watching some series. If you decide to take on full-length movies, then a win-win option would be to start with the work of Hayao Miyazaki. His work is often called the pinnacle of anime development.

Why does everyone love Hayao Miyazaki so much?

Miyazaki is a storyteller and even a magician. In each of his cartoons, he creates a world, full of miracles, adventure and incredible characters. But in this almost childish atmosphere, he weaves touching and serious stories for which there are no age restrictions. Therefore, it is equally loved by both adults and children.

"My Neighbor Totoro"

It is difficult to find a person who would not be familiar with the images from his cartoons. The cute trolls from My Neighbor Totoro or Faceless from Spirited Away will be recognized even by those who don't watch anime at all. And you can also combine the features of a cat and a bus in one character, and it will turn out very cute.

Which Miyazaki cartoons should you watch first?

Spirited Away

  • Fantasy, adventure, fairy tale.
  • Japan, 2001
  • Duration: 124 min.
  • IMDb: 8.6.

The evil sorceress Yubaba turns Chihiro's parents into pigs. And the girl herself finds herself in the world of ghosts and is forced to work as a maid for Yubaba. Chihiro will have to figure out how to save his parents and not forget his name, stolen by the sorceress, and also meet a true friend.

Spirited Away was the only animated film to win the Golden Bear at the Berlin Film Festival in the category " Best movie", but not " Best Animation". In 2003, he also won an Oscar for Best Animated Feature Film.

My neighbor Totoro

  • Fantasy, adventure, comedy, fairy tale.
  • Japan, 1988
  • Duration: 88 min.
  • IMDb: 8.2.

A story about two sisters who moved into an old country house. In the forest they meet spirits: small, large and huge, whose name is Totoro. The spirits turn out to be very sweet and friendly and more than once help the girls not only to set up a household in the garden, but also to meet with their sick mother.

Walking castle

  • Fantasy, romance, fairy tale, steampunk.
  • Japan, 2004
  • Duration: 120 min.
  • IMDb: 8.2.

The pretty girl Sophie is turned into an old woman by the Witch of the Waste, after which she ends up in the castle of the handsome but arrogant wizard Howl. This castle can move like a hut on chicken legs in Russian folklore (according to Miyazaki, he took the prototype from Russian fairy tales). The demon of fire Calcifer, who serves Howl, helps the castle to walk. The girl (in the body of an old woman) becomes a cleaner at the castle, and she and Calcifer decide to help each other.

And what to watch from the series?

Everything is not so clear here. There are many different ratings on fan sites and movie sites in general, and each of them offers its own selection of the best and most interesting anime series. Here are examples of the most common ones.

Death note

  • Thriller, psychology, mysticism.
  • Japan, 2006
  • Duration: 1 season.
  • IMDb: 9.0.

This series raises one of the most important philosophical questions: whether it is possible to achieve the good for all by killing some people. The protagonist has a notebook in his hands in which you need to describe a person, then he will die almost immediately. Can such an ideal tool be used solely with good intentions?

The same story is expected to be released on Netflix soon.

Fullmetal Alchemist

  • Adventure, drama, comedy, steampunk.
  • Japan, 2003
  • Duration: 1 season.
  • IMDb: 8.7.

Brothers Alphonse and Edward try to revive dead mother with the help of alchemy, but their experiment fails. As a result, Edward loses his leg, and Alphonse completely loses his body. To save his brother, Edward sacrifices his hand, and Alphonse's soul is attached to the metal armor. Edward is later invited to become a state alchemist and is given artificial armored limbs. Using his position, Edward tries to return the body to himself and his brother and resurrect his mother.

Cowboy Bebop

  • Adventure, space western, science fiction.
  • Japan, 1998
  • Duration: 1 season.
  • IMDb: 8.9.

This is a post-apocalyptic space cowboy series. The main characters Jet Black and Spite Spiegel work as bounty hunters. They fly to spaceship"Bebop", named after classical genre music, and catch criminals on different planets. But at some point, the crew of their ship grows greatly: they find the gambler Faye Valentine, the hacker Ed and the smartest dog Ain. In this composition, they continue their space adventures.

Soon the anime "Your Name" will be released in Russia. What is special about it?

Appearance full-length anime on big screens in Russia - a rare case. But the creations of the author Makoto Shinkai are now insanely popular in the world. "Your Name" has already topped the list of highest-grossing anime, surpassing even Miyazaki's creations.

  • Romance, drama, adventure, mystery.
  • Japan, 2016
  • Duration: 107 min.
  • IMDb: 8.5.

This is very beautiful story about a country girl and young man from Tokyo, who sometimes switch bodies suddenly in their sleep. After the first surprise, young people begin to help each other in life and leave tips on mobile phones. But one day the girl disappears, and the young man decides to find her at all costs. History acquires first a mystical, and then a philosophical connotation.

What else to see at Makoto Shinkai?

Almost all the work of this author is united by the theme of love, overcoming any obstacles and distances. Given that Makoto Shinkai takes on most of the work - writes the script, draws, directs - the stories are very personal and deep. In addition, the author works out to the smallest detail not only the plot itself, but also the picture. For example, in the work "Your Name" you can repeatedly see glare, which usually appears when shooting on a sunny day. This creates the feeling that the landscapes are not painted, but filmed.

Makoto Shinkai does not have many full-length works, but still, one of the most successful ones stands out among them.

five centimeters per second

  • Romance, drama.
  • Japan, 2007
  • Duration: 61 min.
  • IMDb: 7.8.

Three stories that tell about ten years of the life of the protagonist Takani Tohno. In the first, he parted with his close friend after elementary school. They correspond for a long time, but then she moves even further. The characters decide to meet last time, but a heavy snowfall tries to ruin their plans.

The second story is about his classmate who fell in love with Takani from the first day, but did not dare to confess her feelings until half a year was left before graduation.

In the third, Takani Tohno is already an adult. A few years after graduating from university, he breaks up with a girl and quits his job, without fully understanding why. But at one point he finds himself exactly in the place where he walked with his girlfriend as a child. But again there are trains that can destroy everything.

So what is the correct way to pronounce the word "anime"?

There is no exact answer to this question. IN Japanese there is no power stress familiar to the Russian ear, so both options are acceptable. But according to the rules of the Russian language, the stress on the last syllable is preferable.

The work of a modern animator

Have you ever wondered what is the difference between these concepts? Let's figure it out together.

In dictionaries and encyclopedias, animation and animation are under the same definition as one of the types of cinematography.

There are graphic, hand-drawn and puppet, three-dimensional animation. Those who work in this industry are called animators or animators.

What is animation and animation today?

The history of its development is closely connected with the emergence and development of special graphic programs and software packages. In addition, from the French "animation" - animation, animation.

cartoon(from Latin multiplicatio - multiplication, increase, increase, reproduction) - they call a set of techniques that create the effect of moving objects from static images - frames or drawings.

Animation example

Animation creation- a much longer and laborious process and, of course, more expensive.

Technologically, this process can be described as follows: on each subsequent frame (drawing), the character and the objects surrounding him (if they also need to move) are presented in a slightly different phase of movement. Individual frames (drawings) are photographed and then projected onto the screen at 24 frames per second for videos with sound and 16 frames per second for videos without voice acting.

IN technological process creating animated and animated videos and their main difference lies. For animation, it is necessary to create each individual frame exclusively manually, to work with animation, it is enough to create a storyboard, and the movement of characters and objects, as well as the creation of intermediate scenes, can be entrusted to special software.

Each frame is hand drawn.

If we only need a screenwriter, illustrator and animator to work on an animated video, a much larger team of professionals is required to create an animated video.

Getting started with character animation or animation is almost no different. It all starts with developing a general concept, writing a story, creating a script and breaking it into scenes and episodes. Then we create a storyboard. And already at the next stage it is easy to trace the main differences between the animation .

An animator takes over. His task is to distribute the scenes among the animators. Each of the artists will be responsible for the main positions of objects and characters in the scene. In our work, we also cannot do without junior animators - their task will be intermediate episodes. Also, a separate artist prepares the background on which the action of our animation unfolds.

Finished contour characters and objects are transferred for coloring, then transferred to transparent plastic and outlined with pen or ink. Then the operator uses a special camera to photograph each frame. And at the end of the work, the resulting images are synchronized with the sound.

What is the result?

If you look at it as a whole, then we can safely assume that it is a subspecies of animation. Since the work of animators both there and there is approximately the same in essence, but differs in the degree of workload on different stages development.

Animation implies a more thorough study of the character, which, subsequently, greatly simplifies the work of bringing it into motion. To some extent, it is easier for an animator to work out the character himself, but enormous efforts are spent on animating him. Separately, it is worth considering the environment of the main character and the background of the video.

Much more resources are needed to prepare the animation background, especially if the background also has moving components. Do not forget that each movement is drawn by the artist manually.

See the video for more on the topic.

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Japanese animation differs significantly from the animation of other countries, including American. This is primarily due to other cultural traditions graphics and plot. The anime does not feel the tradition of the musical, as in American films, but, on the contrary, everything is much more serious here, and the plots are more dramatic. This is considered one of the strongest places in anime. There are stories for every taste - for adults and children, for boys and girls, about animals and giant robots. Yes, it's impossible to list everything. In the West, only three main plots can be distinguished: a fairy tale for children (most often in classic plot), the so-called "victim-hunter" and stories about superheroes. Usually anime is designed for a more adult audience than cartoons from other countries and carries much more semantic load. On the other hand, what to show your child is a bloody action movie filled with philosophical reflections about life and death or a fairy tale filled with funny characters and songs?

At the same time, anime creators are less inclined to technical experiments than animators from other countries, but they pay a lot of attention to creating attractive and interesting images characters, plot development. Therefore, designers in anime are considered much more important than animators.

Another feature that distinguishes manga and anime from their Western counterparts is a developed symbolic-graphic language that allows you to convey rather complex emotions or express the character of the hero with a few strokes. Instead of changing the character's facial expression plausibly, it is terribly distorted and a specific icon is put on. For anger and tension, a cross is used. For embarrassment - red shading or circles under the eyes. For fear or embarrassment - a drop. Also in anime quite often strong distortions are used, designed to make the situation comical or to emphasize its frivolity. The characters are depicted very schematically and are quite distorted. Sometimes it comes to the point that instead of a face a circle is drawn, and instead of eyes - just crosses.

And yet the most basic difference remains the pattern. The most interesting thing about the drawing is that foreign animators usually criticize the only element that unites two different style- big eyes. The eyes of Western cartoons are no less (if not more) than those of Japanese ones. And how could it be otherwise, if the anime borrowed these big eyes from Disney animators.

What is the reason for the normal attitude towards large eyes in one case and their rejection in another? I think the whole point is that Western animators have taken the path of caricature drawing, and Japanese - realistic. And the fact that on a deliberately caricatured deformed character looks quite natural, on a person's face it looks a little unnatural.

In addition, the eyes of anime characters stand out much more strongly than those of Western ones and due to a large number glare, and due to color, and due to more detailed drawing that makes you pay more attention to them close attention. Some people like it, some don't. But in any case, big eyes always give the character a sweeter and more benevolent look than small ones. However, there are works that use "realistic" drawing - the nose, mouth and cheekbones, as well as other details of the face, are depicted and shaded with greater accuracy, for example, in the anime "Monster".

In the eyes, you can often make a conclusion about the character as a whole. They usually reflect the age and openness of the character. Positive, cheerful, friendly protagonists are often depicted with large, shiny, full of life eyes; closed, gloomy or negative eyes are narrowed, sometimes half-closed or shaded with bangs - they are often drawn like the eyes of some vigilant bird of prey or snake; cunning or emphatically polite characters have fox eyes - as if they were closed all the time, as if the character is constantly smiling, but ordinary dormouse can have approximately the same shape; if the character is not romantic, but not evil, cunning or withdrawn, artists can supply enough big eyes, but with small pupils-points; in addition, if a character is suddenly deprived of a will or even a soul by a magical method, his eyes lose their luster and become lifeless - all glare disappears from them. In children, the eyes are usually depicted as very large, while the elderly (with extremely rare exceptions) have small eyes, with a small pupil. Glasses are an additional means of expressiveness, being an indispensable attribute of erudite (as opposed to eccentric geniuses), various prudes or otaku guys. Black glasses, colored or deliberately shiny, of various shapes and sizes, adorn the faces of perhaps one quarter of all famous anime characters, being their highlight.

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Asked Explain to me, unreasonable! How is anime different from cartoon? given by the author oversleep the best answer is Our country has long been penetrated cartoons from Japan.
The paradox is that even now many people think that “drawn means for children”. And that's why most people treat it as something frivolous and look at the passion for Japanese animation as childish. And such a belief is deeply rooted in the mind, so it is quite difficult to convince people otherwise:
"Anime is not cartoons!" .
And now you can start digging deeper.
I would like to start ... with a difference in psychology. We Europeans think in terms of abstractions. We are taught letters from birth, and these letters add up to words, which then, thanks to our brain, turn into concepts of real world. The Japanese, on the other hand, have been accustomed to thinking in images since childhood - a hieroglyph is a ready-made image, in contrast to an abstract set of characters. And another role in the spread of manga, and then anime, was played by the hieroglyph - the writing turned out to be very complex and ambiguous - not every genius can memorize so many hieroglyphs. Much easier to create more illustrations and fewer hieroglyphs. So under these conditions, it is not surprising that Japan is the leading power in the production of animation and comics.
Anime (["anʲɪmə, ənʲɪ" mɛ] cf., non-cl., Japanese アニメ (i), from English animation - animation) - japanese cartoon. Unlike animation in other countries, which is intended mainly for viewing by children, most of produced anime is designed for teenage and adult audiences, and due to this it has a high popularity in the world. Anime is often (but not always) distinguished by the characteristic manner in which characters and backgrounds are drawn. It is published in the form of television series, as well as films distributed on video media or intended for film screening. Plots can describe many characters, differ in a variety of places and eras, genres and styles.
(Anime Styles)
Anime is nice to watch for both adults and children, because in anime they are affected human feelings, relationship, true love, friendship and beautiful life, and much more. When you watch anime, you worry about the characters, you need to think a lot to understand the meaning of one or another of their actions. Unlike cartoons, where everything is immediately clear! Great voice acting (seiyuu are actors who voice anime) and an atmosphere that can convey the whole gamut of feelings in a form unspoiled by stereotypes. Anime is anime. They excite the imagination, strongly catch and, most importantly, very skillfully and gently play on the strings of the soul. Anime is unpredictability, always paired with mystery. But nothing excites the mind like the unknown. Sometimes there is even a feeling that anime is something formless, meaningless and, at the same time, incredible and enjoyable. Of course, this is not the case, because anime knows its viewer by sight. It is impossible to be indifferent to anime. Anime is designed for the imagination and for older people. If you think that anime is only for children, then you are wrong. There are historical anime, anime about the war. There is also hentai.
And not everyone can draw anime-style pictures! Give it a try and we'll see how it goes for you!
Anime itself can be treated differently. However, I can bet that hardly anyone has ever watched or heard about< воинов в матросках >. Moreover, non-addicted people often tend to believe that< Сейлор Мун >the only representative of anime. It's no secret that they just don't distinguish between different anime, naming everything they see.< сейлормуном >.
(one of the sources -)
Dima Glushchenko
This is comparable to how blacks were considered useful only as slaves, or how in the Middle Ages it was believed that any woman could not be smarter than even the most stupid man, otherwise they were burned (women). Also, you write about anime that is "Much better" than cartoons, although they are the same thing, cartoon films from Japan are the same as ordinary cartoon films. Anime is a genre of animation.

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