Outline of a drawing lesson (middle group) on the topic: Summary of a CTD lesson (drawing) “A portrait of a sweet mommy. Abstract of the GCD for drawing in the senior group "Sweet Mommy Portrait


Abstract GCD for drawing in senior group"Portrait of Mom"

Artistic and aesthetic development:To learn to draw a portrait of a mother, observing the shape, proportions, and location of parts of the face in the drawing; convey characteristic individual characteristics your mother (eye color, hair color).

cognitive development: to expand children's ideas about the holiday "March 8"

To form children's knowledge about the genre of painting - portrait.

Social and communicative development:Cultivate love, care, tender attitude towards oneself close person; aesthetic attitude to the image of the mother.


And you solve it;

Who puts a patch on the heel?

Who irons and mends the linen?

Who cleans the house in the morning

Breeds a large samovar,

Who walks with his little sister,

And takes her to the boulevard?

Who reads fairy tales to us at night?

Riddle, who will guess? (Mother).

caregiver : Who loves you guys very much?

Who loves you so tenderly?

Without closing your eyes at night,

Who cares about you?

Guys, I brought a ball of thread, but it is unusual, it contains a lot of kind, tender words about mom. Let's pass it to each other and say these magic words dedicated to mom, and we will hold the thread from the ball in our hands.

How many kind and affectionate words you said about mom, what we have big circle turned out good. Even in group became brighter and warmer from such beautiful words.

Please take a seat on the chairs.(Children sit down).

Guys, who needs a mom? (Children's answers).

It turns out that everyone need mom ! And a mammoth, and a mouse and a kitten, and even a frog. Mom is the most beautiful word on the ground. It is the first word a person utters.

How do you read, whose mom is the best?

2. Conversation. Introduction to the topic.

Guys, today we will draw a portrait of the person you love most - mom.

Before we start drawing, let's remember what a portrait is? (children's answers)

What shape is the human head? (children: oval). Draw an oval in the air.

Where are the human eyes located and what shape are they? (the eyes are located below the forehead and also have an oval shape, where is the nose, mouth?

(children call the location of the parts, and the teacher performs a linear drawing on the board)

caregiver : let's drawportrait of my mother! Let's remember our moms with a ball game. I toss the ball to you with a question, and you return the ball to me with the answer.

How is your mother's name?

What color are your eyes mothers?

What hairstyle does your mom wear?

What hair color?

What is she likes to wear jewelry? Etc.

(Children's answers).

Children sit at tables.

Didactic game "Call it affectionately."

Eyes - eyes Eyebrows - eyebrows

Nose - spout Lip - sponge

Cheek - cheek Lips - lips, lips

Forehead - forehead Ears - ears

Hair - hairs, etc.

3. Oral drawing of the face (with the help of a finger).

What shape is the head? (circle your fingers around your head).

(With the help of the palms, we limit the face, find the eyes, their location).

What is above the eyes? (Brows)

Between the eyes and chin is the tip of the nose.

Where is he located? (Middle)

What is in the middle between the tip of the nose and the chin? (Mouth-lips)

The head goes into the neck.

4.Display step by step drawing portrait.

1. First, draw a face with thin lines - an oval.

Here Oval face it looks like an egg.

The teacher draws an oval on the blackboard with chalk and in the middle of his eyes, explaining that the distance between the eyes is small, no more than one eye.

Inside the eye is a colored circle and a small pupil.

People's eyes are different colors. For example, I have brown, so my circle will be brown.

Let's not forget to draw eyelashes, on upper eyelid they are longer than on the bottom.
3. What is above the eyes? (brows).

These are arcuate stripes.

4. Drawing the nose - the nose is in the middle, starting at the eyebrows. Drawn with a smooth curved line. The crown of the nose is rounded off and drawn on the side
wings of the nose and nostrils.
5. The mouth is below the nose. Children, look at each other. You can see that the upper lip is different in shape from the lower one. On upper lip like two waves, and on the bottom one (draw lips).

6. On the sides at the level of the eyes and nose, draw the ears ...

We lengthen the neck, round the shoulders.

8. Then lush hair. Here is the portrait ready.

It remains to paint the portrait.

To get started on our own work, we will warm up a bit.


I love my mom

I will always help her.

I'll chop wood: like this / 2 times

And I will sweep the floors: like this / 2 times

I love my mom

And I will always help her:

I wash, rinse.

I shake off the water from my hands: like this / 2 times

I love my mom

If mom goes to bed

I won't interfere with her.

I walk on tiptoe

Or I’ll sit down and just sit and look at my mother.

Now imagine your mother and start drawing.

caregiver : we remembered our beloved mothers . Where do we startdraw a portrait?

Children : select the desired shape of the hairstyle, eyes, eyebrows, nose, lips. Then, let's draw with a simple pencil oval of the face, in the middle of the face are the eyes (we draw them in the form of two arcs, eyebrows, nose, mouth, eyebrows, ears, hairstyle, neck, shoulders.

caregiver : Right. Inside the round iris of the eye, it is necessary, with a simple pencil,draw a round pupil

caregiver : Today we are drawing a sketch. Then color with colored pencils.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - start paint .

(children draw, the teacher approaches each child, gives advice and analyzes individually, pointing out mistakes).

caregiver : And now let's get to work with colored pencils. We begin to paint over the most difficult - the face. You need to decorate carefully, without rushing. First, paint over the iris. She is at mymothers in blue. (Then eyebrows, eyelashes). My mother paints her lips with a bright, carrot color. And yours?

Children : pink, lilac, red. Burgundy. brown.

Educator: (shows) . Then we paint over the hair. Mymom hair black. What about yours?

Children : purple, yellow, white, brown…

caregiver : Draw beads or a chain. The portrait is ready!

1, 2, 3, 4, 5,

Let's start drawing!

(Performance of work by children, help those who find it difficult, individual analysis throughout the lesson).

Educator: today we drew " Portrait of a beloved mother» .

Outcome of the lesson:

Art gallery "Portrait of my mother"

caregiver : Now I invite you to art gallery where you were the artists. Guys, let's play with you word game“Pick up a word” What glory can be said about mom?

Children: Sweet, sweet.

caregiver : for example: my mother is the most cheerful.

Take a heart and attach it with a magnet to the portrait of your mother, and say a kind word.

Children: My mom is the smartest, sweetie.

Here are the guys we looked at, the paintings where you were also artists. And now we will listen to how poets talk about mothers in their poems.

caregiver : I was pleased to communicate with you, I realized how dearly you love your mother. I don't think you'll ever upset your mother. Treat her with tenderness and love.

Cute mommy portrait

Synopsis of directly educational activities in the preparatory group

Target: formation of ideas about characteristic features portrait painting, education of love and respect for the image of the mother.

Expand knowledge of the portrait genre; make children want to draw a portrait of their mother, convey some features of her appearance (eye color, hair color); learn to correctly position the parts of the face; to fix the techniques of drawing with paints with the whole brush and its tip.

To enrich the sensory experience through the aesthetic perception of portraiture, to develop artistic and creative abilities in children.

To cultivate a feeling of love and respect for the mother through communication with works of art in which the image of a mother is the main thing.
Material: Levitsky D.G. “Portrait of E.I. Nelidova" (in full height), Rokotov S. “Portrait of E.V. Santi" (to the waist), "Portrait of A.P. Struiskoy "(breast), Vasnetsov A. "On arable land. Spring”, Leonardo da Vinci “Madonna Lita”, a portrait drawing scheme, a ball, photographs of mothers, a recording of a lullaby.

Preliminary work: looking at reproductions of paintings portrait genre, learning poems and songs about mom, reading poems and stories about mom, designing the photo exhibition “Together with mom”, drawing a portrait of mom with a simple pencil, finding the color of a person’s skin and coloring a portrait of mom.

Integration of educational areas: " Artistic creativity”, “Communication”, “Cognition”, “ Fiction”, “Socialization”, “Music”, “Physical culture”.
Move directly educational activities


"Simple Word"

In the light of kind words

Doesn't live long

But all the more expensive and important - one thing:

Of two syllables

The simple word "mom"

And there are no words dearer than it!

Children, today we will draw a portrait of the dearest and most beloved person for everyone - a portrait of our mother. You know what your mom's eyes are like, what hair color, what hairstyle, what favorite dress. Let's get acquainted with how women are depicted - mothers by artists.

If you see that one of us is looking from the picture,

Or a prince in an old cloak, or like a climber,

A pilot or a ballerina, or Kolka, your neighbor,

Necessarily picture is called - PORTRAIT.

Let's remember what portraits are:

In full growth;



Examination and conversation on the picture.

Before drawing a portrait of mom, we will look at a reproduction of paintings dedicated to the topic of our lesson. I bring to your attention a reproduction of the painting by the remarkable Russian artist A. Vasnetsov “On arable land. Spring”, written a long time ago. Consider it carefully and answer the following questions:

Who do you see in the picture?

How is the woman depicted by the artist dressed?

What is she doing?

Why is the child here on the field?

Why is this woman forced to work in the fields and take her child with her?

Imagine a child crying: why? Most likely he was hungry. Mom will leave her hard work to feed him.

Educator: Now let's look at another reproduction of the picture. Before you is the "Madonna Lita" of the great Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci. (The word "Madonna" means "Our Lady. Mother of God") . Look into the mother's face:

What is it? What is the expression of this woman's gaze? What is she thinking about now? ( During feeding, thoughts should be kind, and then the kindness of the mother will be transferred to the baby not only with a gentle look, but also with milk. ).

Or maybe a mother dreams about the future of her baby? How does she present him?

Notice the hands. How are they holding the baby?

Can we say that the baby and his mother are happy?

And when the baby wants to sleep, how will mom calm him down?

Maybe this mother sings to her baby the same lullaby that your mothers sang to you when you were little? Can you sing your mother's song? Or maybe mom sings such a lullaby!?

(Lullaby sounds.)

Before drawing a portrait of mom, we will repeat where you need to draw body parts:

What shape is the head? Circle your head with your finger.

Put your hand on your forehead. The eyes of a person are located below the forehead, on

middle of the face.

What shape are they? Oval, with sharp corners.

Inside the eye is a colored circle and a small black pupil. What kind of eyes does your mother Yulia have? Your mom is brown-eyed. And your mother Ira? Etc.

Let's not forget the eyelashes. What is above the eyes? Eyebrows are arcuate stripes.

The nose of a person is the same color as the face. Therefore, you need to draw only the tip of the nose in the middle of the distance from the eye to the end of the face.

Below the nose are the lips. Look at each other. You can see that the upper lip is different in shape from the lower one. There are two waves on the top, and one on the bottom.

Show your chin. Where it is located?

Didactic ball game "What kind of mother?"

(The teacher throws the ball to the child and asks a question. The child returns the ball and answers.)



If you enjoy life?


If he wishes well?


If he does everything?


If mom has long hair?

long haired

If mom has white face?


If mom has a round face?


If mom has black eyebrows?


If mom has big eyes?


If mom is busy with housework?


Fizminutka: "We help moms together"

We help moms together:

We wash ourselves in a basin,

Both shirts and socks

For son and daughter.

(Forward bends, hand movements imitating rinsing)

We will deftly stretch across the yard,

Three ropes for clothes.

(Sipping - arms to the sides)

The sun is shining - chamomile,

Shirts will dry soon.

(Sipping - arms up)
Practical work of children.

Now look closely at the photo of your mother. You will draw a chest-length portrait of your mother - head, neck, shoulders. You have already begun to draw a portrait of your mother in the last lesson, drew with a simple pencil and made beautiful colour skin. Today you draw small parts, you will paint with the tip of the brush. Determine the color of the hair, eyes, hairstyle, top of the dress. Try to draw it all the same as your mother.
Summary of the lesson.

Do you think your mothers recognize themselves in portraits?

Children, you tried very hard and painted a portrait of your mother very similar.

And now Vova will read a poem about mom to us.
"My mom"

One day I told my friends:

There are many different mothers in the world,

But not to be found, I vouch

A mother like mine!

She bought for me

On the wheels of a horse

Saber, paints and an album...

But is that the point?

I love her so much, my mother, my mother.

Program content:

Learn to draw a portrait of mom, conveying her individual characteristics: eye color, hair

Learn to follow the sequence when drawing,

encourage children to convey their attitude, their feelings for loved ones in the image.

Course progress.

1.Organizing time

The teacher offers a small warm-up:

"We clap-clap with our hands,

We kick top top.

Shoulders chik-chik,

Eyes in a moment.

Let's take hands

And smile at each other


- Now tell me.

Who loves you, kids,

Who loves you so tenderly.

Without closing the eyes of the night

Is everything taking care of you?

(Mom dear)

In the light of kind words

Doesn't live long

But all kinder and more important - one thing:

Of two syllables

The simple word "mother"

And there are no words dearer than it!

The most beautiful word in the world is mother. This is the first word that a person speaks, and it sounds equally gentle in all languages! Mom has the sweetest and kindest heart.


And who knows what holiday is coming up? (Mothers Day)

Children today we will draw a portrait of the dearest and most beloved person for all - a portrait of our mother.

Children sit at tables.

If you see that one of us is looking from the picture,

Or a prince in an old cloak, or like a climber,

A pilot or a ballerina, or Kolka, your neighbor.

Be sure the picture is called ... (portrait)

Before drawing a portrait of mom, we will look at the portrait of this actress so that you depict the eyes, nose, mouth on the face in the right places.

What shape is the head? (circle your fingers around your head).

(With the help of the palms, we limit the face, find the eyes, their location).

What is above the eyes? (Brows)

Between the eyes and chin is the tip of the nose.

Where is he located? (Middle)

What is in the middle between the tip of the nose and the chin? (Mouth-lips)

The head goes into the neck.

1. First, draw a face with thin lines - an oval.

Here is an oval face, it looks like an egg.

The teacher draws an oval on the blackboard with chalk and in the middle of his eyes, explaining that the distance between the eyes is small, no more than one eye.

Inside the eye is a colored circle and a small pupil.

People's eyes are different colors. For example, I have brown, so my circle will be brown.

Let's not forget to draw eyelashes, they are longer on the upper eyelid than on the lower eyelid.
3. What is above the eyes? (brows).

These are arcuate stripes.

4. Drawing the nose - the nose is in the middle, starting at the eyebrows. Drawn with a smooth curved line. The crown of the nose is rounded off and drawn on the side
wings of the nose and nostrils.
5. The mouth is below the nose. Children, look at each other. You can see that the upper lip is different in shape from the lower one. There are two waves on the upper lip, and one on the lower lip (draw lips).

6. On the sides at the level of the eyes and nose, draw the ears ...

We lengthen the neck, round the shoulders.

8. Then lush hair. Here is the portrait ready.

It remains to paint the portrait.

To get started on our own work, we will warm up a bit.


I love my mom

I will always help her.

I love my mom

And I will always help her:

I wash, rinse.

I love my mom

If mom goes to bed

I won't interfere with her.

I walk on tiptoe

Now imagine your mother and start drawing.

Guys, draw with thin lines so that extra or inaccurate lines can be easily removed with an eraser.
(Children draw, the teacher approaches, advises, helps, there is musical accompaniment).

I pay attention to the landing of children at the tables (posture, legs).

7.Result of work

The drawings are posted on the board. Everyone comes and looks at the work.

What do you think, Egor, in which portrait are the parts of the face correctly located?

In which portrait is the mother kind and cheerful? (Kind because it rejoices)

All of you tried. Moms turned out very beautiful, because you love them very much.



Drawing on the theme "Portrait of Mom" ​​senior group

Program content:

Learn to draw a portrait of mom, conveying her individual characteristics: eye color, hair

Learn to follow the sequence when drawing,

Encourage children to convey their attitude, their feelings for loved ones in the image.

Course progress.

1. Organizational moment

The teacher offers a small warm-up:

"We clap-clap with our hands,

We kick top top.

Shoulders chik-chik,

Eyes in a moment.

Let's take hands

And smile at each other


- Now tell me.

Who loves you, kids,

Who loves you so tenderly.

Without closing the eyes of the night

Is everything taking care of you?

(Mom dear)

In the light of kind words

Doesn't live long

But all kinder and more important - one thing:

Of two syllables

The simple word "mother"

And there are no words dearer than it!

The most beautiful word in the world is mother. This is the first word that a person speaks, and it sounds equally gentle in all languages! Mom has the sweetest and kindest heart.


And who knows what holiday is coming up? (Mothers Day)

Children today we will draw a portrait of the dearest and most beloved person for all - a portrait of our mother.

Children sit at tables.

2. Display finished sample or portrait paintings

If you see that one of us is looking from the picture,

Or a prince in an old cloak, or like a climber,

A pilot or a ballerina, or Kolka, your neighbor.

Be sure the picture is called ... (portrait)

Before drawing a portrait of mom, we will look at the portrait of this actress so that you depict the eyes, nose, mouth on the face in the right places.

3. Oral drawing of the face (with the help of a finger).

What shape is the head? (circle your fingers around your head).

(With the help of the palms, we limit the face, find the eyes, their location).

What is above the eyes? (Brows)

Between the eyes and chin is the tip of the nose.

Where is he located? (Middle)

What is in the middle between the tip of the nose and the chin? (Mouth-lips)

The head goes into the neck.

4. Demonstration of a phased drawing of a portrait.

1. First, draw a face with thin lines - an oval.

Here is an oval face, it looks like an egg.

The teacher draws an oval on the blackboard with chalk and in the middle of his eyes, explaining that the distance between the eyes is small, no more than one eye.

Inside the eye is a colored circle and a small pupil.

People's eyes are different colors. For example, I have brown, so my circle will be brown.

Let's not forget to draw eyelashes, they are longer on the upper eyelid than on the lower eyelid.
3. What is above the eyes? (brows).

These are arcuate stripes.

4. Drawing the nose - the nose is in the middle, starting at the eyebrows. Drawn with a smooth curved line. The crown of the nose is rounded off and drawn on the side
wings of the nose and nostrils.
5. The mouth is below the nose.Children, look at each other. You can see that the upper lip is different in shape from the lower one. There are two waves on the upper lip, and one on the lower lip (draw lips).

6. On the sides at the level of the eyes and nose, draw the ears ...

We lengthen the neck, round the shoulders.

8. Then lush hair. Here is the portrait ready.

It remains to paint the portrait.

To get started on our own work, we will warm up a bit.


I love my mom

I will always help her.

I'll chop wood: like this / 2 times

And I will sweep the floors: like this / 2 times

I love my mom

And I will always help her:

I wash, rinse.

I shake off the water from my hands: like this / 2 times

I love my mom

If mom goes to bed

I won't interfere with her.

I walk on tiptoe

Or I’ll sit down and just sit and look at my mother.

Now imagine your mother and start drawing.

6. Independent work of children.

Guys, draw with thin lines so that extra or inaccurate lines can be easily removed with an eraser.
(Children draw, the teacher approaches, advises, helps, there is musical accompaniment).

I pay attention to the landing of children at the tables (posture, legs).

7.Result of work

The drawings are posted on the board. Everyone comes and looks at the work.

What do you think, Egor, in which portrait are the parts of the face correctly located?


In which portrait is the mother kind and cheerful? (Kind because it rejoices)

All of you tried. Moms turned out very beautiful, because you love them very much.


Continue to acquaint children with the genre of fine art - a portrait; offer to consider reproductions of works of portraiture depicting women;

Learn to understand means of expression art (color, line, rhythm, composition) in creating the mood of the image;

While maintaining the immediacy and liveliness of children's perception, help children expressively convey the image of their mother;

Bring up good feelings desire to bring joy to a loved one.

Visual range: a selection of reproductions of paintings by artists different eras and peoples depicting a woman-mother: O. Renoir "Madame Cherpentier with her children", Lucas the Elder "Madonna and Child under an apple tree", B. Kustodiev "Morning", A. Venetsianov "On arable land" and others. A selection of reproductions should emphasize different emotional condition women in the pictures - anxiety, calmness, joy, photos of mothers.

musical series: lyrical song "Mom" by Zhanna Kolmagorova performed by the ensemble "Fidgets"

Materials: sheet of A4 paper, gouache, palette, brushes of different thicknesses.

Preliminary work: looking at photos in a family album, reading poetry and prose about mom, talking, drawing a portrait of mom with simple pencils; acquaintance with reproductions of artists; games and exercises to distinguish painting genres. Children should carefully observe their mothers at home, their gait, gestures, facial expressions.

Guys, tell me, please, what holiday will we celebrate soon?

Tell us about your mothers, what are they like? (Answers of children). Unfortunately, we don’t have much time, and all children want to know about their mother, because every person in the world could talk about their beloved mother for a very long and interesting time. How can you describe a person without words? (Children's answers.)

By correcting the answers of the children, try to bring them to the understanding that by drawing a portrait, you can tell about a person without words.

How can you use color to show that your mom is cheerful?

What colors will we use in the drawing?

But sometimes she gets a little angry, and then her eyebrows frown. How to depict this in a picture?

See how, with the help of the simplest means, just by lifting the corners of the lips, eyebrows or eyelids, you can convey sadness, joy, laughter, attention, etc.

Mimic gymnastics" using mimic tables.

And now we will look at reproductions of paintings famous artists. Drawing a portrait, artists convey facial features, skin color, eyes, lips, hair. By the face, we can learn about the character, mood of a person. We admire his hair, clothes, jewelry.

What can be said about the painting by A. Venetsianov "On arable land"?

What is the mother thinking about in the painting by L. Cranach the Elder “Madonna and Child under an Apple Tree”?

How does the baby feel in the painting by B. Kustodiev “Morning”?

What does the look of the mother express in these pictures? (Tenderness, care, kindness to their children).

On the eve of March 8, we can also arrange an exhibition of portraits. To do this, each child will draw a portrait of his mother. And now I want to read a poem written by Tatyana Timofeeva:

I love very much

My dear mother.

I'll draw a portrait of her

And I will give for the holiday.

Just close my eyes -

Mom's image in front of me:

Hair softer than silk

Bangs fall on the eyes,

Slightly noticeable wrinkles

And blush on the cheeks

Teeth white as ice

And a smile on your lips.

The portrait was a success,

I really like him.

Admire your mom

And now let's get to work. (The song “Mama” by Zh. Kolmagorova sounds quietly).

It is advisable not to immediately start working with paint, but first, with a dry brush, do the simplest compositional searches for the future image. Then invite the children to make a sketch with a brush moistened only with water, without paint. When drawing, children represent their mothers and try to convey both their feelings and their mother's mood using available means (image size, color, line, clothing details, facial expressions). Work should not be signed: every mother should try to recognize herself. The exhibition can be arranged not only in a group, but also in music hall where the matinee will take place.


Korchalovskaya N.V., Posevina G.D. " Complex classes development creativity preschoolers. 2nd edition. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2004.

Anna Shkurkina
Abstract of a drawing lesson in the senior group "Sweet Mom's Portrait"

Abstract of a drawing lesson in the senior group.

Subject: « Cute mommy portrait» .

Tasks: To instill love for the family. Learn how to make a whole out of parts (Lay out the figure of a man from geometric shapes) . Develop the ability to find cause and effect relationships. Learn to arrange full page portrait. Paint oval face with a simple pencil. Bring the job you started to the end.

Required material: Pencil, gouache, brushes (thin and thick, White list paper, water cup.

Cognitive and communicative

1. Organizational moment: The artist Tubik comes to visit the children. Mystery about mom.

2 Reading a poem "Mom's Smile".

3. Looking at the album "Our Mothers".

4. Conversation Where do our mothers work?.

5. Considering the circuit "How draw a portrait» ?

Tube is upset that he can't draw portraits mothers of our children because he does not know them.

Problem situation: How to help Tube?


Di "Professions", (Who do our mothers work)

Di "Who needs what",

Di "Miracle Flower" - "Flowers for mommies» .

Phys. culture/health: Hand massage "Piano".

Motor gymnastics: "Matryoshka"(flash drive).

Finger gymnastics: "Our Scarlet Flowers",

Visual gymnastics "Far close".

TRIZ: We buy flowers because....


1. "Mom's portrait» .


Exhibition of drawings "My beautiful mommy» .

Reflection: What do you think Tube liked portraits?

Related publications:

Purpose: To consolidate the knowledge of children about portraiture, its features. Objectives: Educational: - Continue to learn how to draw a portrait by passing.

Tell me, guys, what holiday is approaching? Children: International Women's Day - March 8. Educator: That's right, the long-awaited has come.

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Abstract of the GCD for drawing in the preparatory group "Portrait of a friend" Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 27 "Fairy Tale" Abstract of the GCD on drawing in the preparatory.

Topic: “Now I will draw a portrait of my mother” Educational areas: "Cognitive development", "Social and communicative", "Artistically.

Synopsis of a lesson on artistic and aesthetic development (manual labor) in the senior preparatory group"Portrait of Autumn" Age: children 5-6.

Mother is the name of God on the lips and in the hearts of little children. (W. Tekker on November 17, 2016, a thematic lesson was held at MBDOU d / s No. 14.

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