Why did the fate of d 503 end in this way. Tasks for working with text


D-503 admires the Hourly Tablet, which regulates all life in the One State:

The tablet... Right now, from the wall in my room, her purple numbers on a golden field look sternly and tenderly into my eyes. Involuntarily, I recall what the ancients called an "icon", and I feel like composing poems or prayers (which are one and the same). Ah, why am I not a poet to sing of you with dignity, oh Tablet, oh heart and pulse United State.

All of us ... as children, at school, read this greatest of the monuments that have come down to us ancient literature- "Schedule railways". But even put it next to the Tablet - and you will see graphite and diamond side by side: in both the same thing - C, carbon - but how eternal, transparent, how the diamond shines ... The Tablet of the Hour - turns each of us into a six-wheeled steel hero in reality great poem. Every morning, with six-wheel precision, at the same hour and at the same minute, we, millions, get up as one. At one and the same hour, we start work for one million and we finish work for one million. And, merging into a single, million-handed body, into one and the same second, appointed by the Tablet, - we bring spoons to our mouths - and at the same second we go for a walk and go to the auditorium, to the hall of Taylor's exercises, we go to sleep...

However, in such a state there is still no absolute solution to the problem of universal happiness, the personal has not yet been completely overcome: twice a day - from 16 to 17 hours and from 21 to 22 "a single powerful mechanism crumbles into separate cells" - a personal watch.

D-503 - the same screw, number, like the others, which is a product of a rationalized state, with straightened, mathematically verified feelings, which is emphasized by the speaker portrait detail: "drawn straight eyebrows". However, the planar, “rectified” dimension is not its only dimension, it has something that potentially distinguishes it from others, it contains something special, poetic a beginning that is already contained in his poeticization of the Tablet of the Hour, inspired admiration for its mathematical perfection and harmony. It is no coincidence that the emotional R-13 invites the main character to “arrange” him into a poet:

You, my dear, should not be a mathematician, but a poet, a poet, yes! Hey, go to us - in the Poets, huh? Well, if you want, I'll arrange it in a moment, huh?

Something must happen to such a person in the United State, he is marked, doomed to stand out from the crowd. And indeed, D-503 becomes a dissident, a criminal - from the point of view of the United State. Change psychological state the hero of the novel is manifested in his behavior: at the beginning of the novel, D-503 is a respectable, that is, a unified number. A drop of wild blood that speaks in the hero pushes him to rash acts, seditious thoughts in relation to the United State. In the novel, the novel itself appears, love line. Love for D-503 turns from a medically useful procedure for a pink coupon into a passion that captured and revived him:

Instead of a harmonious and strict mathematical poem in honor of the united State, I have some kind of fantastic adventure novel coming out.

Moreover, the motives that were decisive in this transformation were not political, but personal: psychological, emotional and sensual. So, D-503 has an innate emotionality, the Hourly Tablet reminds him of a poem, he listens to Scriabin's music performed by I-330 and for the first time feels "slow, sweet pain" feeling the burn in your blood "wild, rushing, scorching sun". Decisive in the history of the state fall of D-503 was his love for I-330, the experience of a stunning shock from this love.

D-503 becomes one of the conspirators - MEFI 9, he takes part in an attempt to capture the "Integral" in order to break out of the United State, but the plot was revealed. D-503 again becomes an obedient executor of the will of the Benefactor, and I-330 is destroyed, since the state is powerless to overcome its resistance.

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  • 1.5. Image D-503. Characteristics of the main character

At the very beginning of the novel, we see how delighted the hero-narrator is with the daily march to the sounds of the Musical Plant: he experiences absolute unity with the rest, feels solidarity with his own kind.

The narrator in Zamyatin's novel, number D - 503, is "only one of the mathematicians of the United State", but it is precisely the mathematician who idolizes "square harmony", "mathematical infallible happiness", "the mathematically perfect life of the United State", an apotheosis " logical thinking". His cherished dream- “integrate a grandiose universal equation”, “unbend a wild curve, straighten it along a tangent - an asymptote - along a straight line. Because the line of the United State is the straight line, the wisest of the lines.” The ideal of life behavior is “reasonable mechanicalness”, everything that goes beyond it is “wild fantasy”, and “fits of inspiration” are an unknown form of epilepsy. It is fantasies that frighten the Zamyatin hero most of all, weigh him down: these are “criminal instincts”, especially tenacious in the “human breed”, violating, exploding from within the “algebraic world” of the number D - 503. All fantasies, any manifestations of the pitiful freedom of the “I” expressed in the slightest deviation from countless prohibitions, legalizations, the daily routine, are perceived by the builder of the Integral as placing oneself in the position: - 1, as a transformation into an irrational, imaginary number.

Most often, Zamyatin puts into the mouth of the protagonist evidence of the truth of the happiness of all numbers, who is constantly looking for more and more confirmation of the correctness of the One State. He finds an aesthetic justification for lack of freedom: “Why is the dance beautiful? Answer: because it is not a free movement, because the whole deep meaning dance precisely in absolute, aesthetic subordination, ideal unfreedom. An engineer, he looks at the dance from this point of view, the inspiration in the dance allows him to conclude only that "the instinct of unfreedom has been organically inherent in man since ancient times."

But more often this evidence is based on the language familiar to him. exact sciences: “Freedom and crime are as inextricably linked as ... well, like the movement of an aero and its speed: the speed of an aero = 0, and it does not move; man's freedom = 0, and he does not commit crimes. It is clear. The only way to save a person from crime is to save him from freedom. Likening laws human life laws of physics, justifies the hero and lawlessness individual, and the happiness of being like everyone else: “... to assume that the “I” may have some “rights” in relation to the State, and to assume that a gram can balance a ton is exactly the same thing. Hence - the distribution: a ton - rights, a gram - duties; And natural way from insignificance to greatness: forget that you are a gram, and feel like a millionth part of a ton ... ".

Zamyatin depicts the spiritual evolution of the hero, traces how D - 503 comes from realizing himself as a microbe in this world to the feeling of the whole universe inside himself. The hero is haunted by noses, which, for all the same numbers, retain different forms; personal hours that everyone spends in their own way and much more. And although the hero seeks to drive away these inappropriate thoughts from himself, in the depths of his consciousness he realizes that there is something in the world that is not amenable to logic, reason. Moreover, in the very appearance of D - 503 there is something that prevents him from feeling like an ideal number - hairy hands, "a drop of forest blood." Thus, in D - 503 there were tiny rudiments of human nature, not subject to the One State. However, turbulent changes begin to occur to him from the moment when I - 330 enters his life.

First sensation mental illness comes to the hero when he listens to Scriabin's Music performed by her. Perhaps this music was for Zamyatin not only a symbol of spirituality, but also a symbol of irrationality, the unknowability of human nature, the embodiment of harmony, not verified by algebra, that force that makes the most secret strings of the soul sound.

The main detail of the portrait I - 330 in the perception of the hero is the X, formed by the folds near the mouth and eyebrows. X for mathematics is a symbol of the unknown. Thus, clarity is replaced by uncertainty, clear wholeness is replaced by painful duality. The hero's perception of the world is also bifurcated. The clear cloudless sky gradually turns into a heavy cast-iron sky in the hero's mind. The speech of the hero also changes. Usually logically built, it becomes confused, full of repetitions and inconsistencies. And the point is not only in confusion, in the emotional extreme stress experienced by the hero, but also in the fact that the words of love, jealousy are unfamiliar to him. D - 503 is accustomed to relationships with women as a "pleasant and useful function of the body", as a duty to the United State. Loving the I - 330 is something else entirely.

The love story D - 503 to I - 330 may seem purely personal, private against the background full value collisions in the state of the future - the construction of the Integral and a conspiracy against it. But it is no coincidence that it permeates the entire story. It is in her, this reliable human drama, finds a figurative embodiment the main idea Zamyatin - his anxiety about a person, his hopes and doubts about a brighter future.

In fact, what happens to the hero of Zamyatin is something that is forever repeated on earth, and repeated many times in literature: a beautiful, alluring woman pushes him out of the usual rut of the generally accepted life into another reality, into a circle of unknown joys and anxieties, which appears dangerous and enticing. simultaneously. However, for this world in which Zamyatin's heroes exist, this is not just another drama of the meeting of a man and a woman - it is a shock to its very foundations, a refutation of its fundamental prohibitions on the private life of "numbers". And the usual earth history Zamyatin is filled with ontological meaning. The love of two specifically for each other, regardless of the “pink coupons” and the Table of Sexual Days, is a manifestation of true being in the world, organized and emasculated by the “beneficent yoke of the mind”, this is the message that human being exists irremediably outside the One State and will never be defeated.

The scenes of love meetings, which are key in the narrative, combine emotional, sensual intensity and a clear, as if graphic, verified drawing: “She was in a light, saffron-yellow, ancient dress. It was a thousand times angrier than if she was without everything. Two sharp points - through a thin fabric, smoldering pink - two coals through the ashes. Two gently round knees ... "This is not erotica - this is forever alive human nature appears in its bodily fullness.

Nervous, excited story about love experiences D - 503 is constantly intersected by the narrative about the construction of the Integral, about the everyday life and celebrations of that world ruled by the United State with its merciless logic of mathematical equations, physical constants, and proof theorems. All this is stated in a dry and strict language, as it were, of a report, a reportage. The verbal fabric itself here conveys an atmosphere of an almost mechanical existence devoid of joys and passions. And at the same time, the author's irony is guessed here, a hidden mockery of the social structure, which makes people simply functional units of the labor collective. The right of each number to any number was for him proof of the equality, sameness, interchangeability of people. Loving the I - 330 is something else entirely. “... There was no Single State, there was no me. There were only gently sharp, clenched teeth, there were eyes wide open to me - and through them I slowly entered deeper and deeper. And silence - only in the corner - thousands of miles away - drops drip in the washbasin, and I am the universe, and from drop to drop - eras, eras ... ". There is a radical change in the attitude of the hero. He does not feel himself a particle of the universe at this moment, but vice versa - he feels the universe in himself. After that, the doctor makes a diagnosis: “Apparently, you have formed a soul.” The plane, the mirror surface become voluminous. Habitual two-dimensional world is collapsing. What seemed irrational suddenly becomes reality, only different, invisible. “... This ridiculous “soul” is as real as my unif, as my boots - although I don’t see them now. And if boots are not a disease, why is the “soul” a disease?

The feeling of loss of balance is further aggravated in the hero of the novel in connection with a visit to the Ancient House. And the cloud on the surface of the sky, and the opaque doors, and the chaos inside the house, which the hero can hardly endure - all this confuses him, makes him think about something that never occurred to him: “... after all, a person is arranged just as wildly, like these ridiculous "apartments" - human heads opaque; and only tiny windows inside: the eyes." The fact that he does not inform on I-330 testifies to the profound changes that have occurred to the hero. True, with his usual logic, he tries to justify his act by objective circumstances (illness, the fact that he was detained in the Medical Bureau), and yet the usual clarity of thought has been lost.

In connection with the internal transformation of the author of the text, the narrative perspective chosen by him and metaliterary reflection are subjected to transformation. At first, only a consistent reproduction of reality was assumed. The author who acquires a soul ceases to feel like a copyist, begins to see in himself not just the creator of the text, but also the creator of reality itself - reality of the “second order”. With the change in the point of view of the author of the text from the objective - narrative becomes subjective - lyrical, the planned objectified description turns into a diary. In Zamyatin's novel, independent being receives the image of a text. Being an important subject of detailing the work (the manuscript lies on the table, it opens, a tear falls on it O - 90, he throws his stockings on it I - 330, the hero is forced to hide what is written from prying eyes), the image of the text acquires a plot-forming role: it affects fate actors, including the fate of the creator himself. The manuscript is read, reported about, it becomes the reason for the failure of the conspirators, the basis of the assumptions I - 330 about the betrayal of D - 503, the metaphorical embodiment of the internal transformation of D - 503.

“Stockings - thrown on my table, on the open 193rd page of my notes. In a hurry, I touched the manuscript, the pages fell apart and could not be put in order, and most importantly - if they were folded, anyway - there would be no real order, anyway - there would be some thresholds, pits, Xs. The fall of the manuscript symbolically expresses the disorder, the irrationality of the universe. When falling, the manuscript breaks up into separate, unrelated fragments, thus losing its artistic integrity, but at the same time, the “fallen” manuscript begins to adequately reproduce the structure of the world that has disintegrated into chaotic fragments. The author, the creator of the manuscript, changes his appearance twice in the novel: first he is spiritually resurrected, then he spiritually dies. After the appearance of an "incurable soul" in D - 503, a tragic story his "death". The multidimensionality of his consciousness that had arisen is reduced to one-dimensionality with the help of Great Operation used in the One State as radical method"ideological" impact on the inhabitants and the general answer to all the questions asked by D - 503. Anticipating this, D - 503 says goodbye to readers: "I'm leaving - into the unknown. These are my last lines. Farewell - you, unknown, you, beloved, with whom I have lived so many pages, to whom I, who have fallen ill in soul, have shown myself to the last screw, to the last broken spring ... I'm leaving ”; "I can't write anymore - I don't want to anymore!"

novel we zamyatin originality

D-503, D - male "number", main character-narrator, author of the notes that make up the text of the novel; the position of the hero is twofold: he experiences spiritual evolution and at the same time registers with alarm the ongoing changes as undesirable (up to a certain point) deviations from the “norm”. D - engineer and mathematician, designer and builder spaceship"Integral", the name of which symbolizes the ultimate goal of the United State - "to integrate the infinite equation of the Universe." At the beginning of the novel, D appears as an unconditional adherent of the totalitarian ideology - "ideal unfreedom". At the same time, attention is drawn to his hairy hands - an atavism that is clearly opposed to the general "orderliness". Hearing I-330 play the piano, D can't laugh at ancient music like the rest of the "numbers", and it worries him. He calms down only in the arms of the O-90. When soon I sets up a date with him, D agrees, although the heroine "annoys, repels, almost frightens" him. In the Ancient House, the hero with fear feels "caught in a wild whirlwind ancient life". However, he refuses to offer I to skip the obligatory lecture. The next morning, in the carriage of the underground road, D meets one of the Guardians (i.e., a secret police officer), S-4711, to whom he tells that he was from I-330 in the Ancient House - although he does not make a formal denunciation. In the evening, intending to nevertheless make a denunciation, the hero meets 0-90, spends time with her, and the time allotted for the denunciation turns out to be lost. In a conversation with a poet, R-13 D defends "knowledge"; however, the interlocutor says: “Your knowledge is the very thing - cowardice, you just want to fence off the infinite with a wall, but you are afraid to look behind the wall.”

In his notes, D tells of the customary ritual of execution of sentences against criminals against the One State: he sees in executions an analogue of the majestic sacrifices of ancient times. D receives a letter from I, who "signed up for him" (i.e., made the required request for a sexual relationship) and invites the hero to her place. Appearing to her, D, under the influence of “temptation”, for the first time clearly realizes his own “bifurcation”: “We, on earth, all the time walk over the bubbling, crimson sea of ​​fire hidden there - in the belly of the earth. But we never think about it. And suddenly the thin shell under our feet would turn glass, suddenly we would see... I became glass. I saw - in myself, inside ... There were two of me. One is me, the former one, D-503, numbered D-503, and the other... Previously, he only stuck his shaggy paws out of the shell, but now he crawled out all over, the shell cracked, now it will shatter into pieces and... what then? » However, realizing that in five minutes he should be at home (it is forbidden to appear on the streets after 22.30), the hero literally runs away from I. D spends a sleepless night and admits to himself: “I am dying. I am unable to fulfill my obligations to the One State." The hero experiences a crisis of faith and for the first time sees himself in the mirror distantly, as some kind of “him”. R-13 tells D the idea of ​​his poem about the “returned paradise”, in which people of the United State now live, who do not distinguish between good and evil, like Adam and Eve. The poet's idea is full of irony in relation to a totalitarian society, but D takes the parodic panegyric as true. I calls the hero, sets up a date with him, takes him to the Medical Bureau, where D receives a fictitious medical certificate; then they fly to the Ancient Home, where their long-awaited rapprochement takes place. D returns home alone as I mysteriously disappears. 0-90, who came to the hero in the evening, tells him: “You are not the same, you are not the same, you are not mine!” D, who now lives not in the "reasonable", but in the "ancient, delusional" world, understands the validity of O's words, but cannot explain anything to her.

At his workplace - on the boathouse where the "Integral" is being built, D feels that he, "a poisoned criminal, does not belong here", since the idea of ​​the One State (and, accordingly, the ship) has ceased to be the meaning of life for him. After not seeing I for several days, D wanders around her house and misses the start of the obligatory lecture. The hero tells the meeting "guardian" S that he is going to the Medical Bureau. S accompanies him; in Bureau D he meets a doctor he knows, who tells him: “Your business is bad! Apparently, you have formed a soul. Moreover: according to the doctor, an epidemic of this disease threatens humanity. The hero goes to the Ancient House along the Green or Glass Wall, which separates the ideal world of the United State from the "wild green ocean" - the realm of the natural elements. In the House, D looks for I, but sees from the window of S. Trying to hide from him, D enters wardrobe turning out to be an elevator; descends into an underground corridor and meets a familiar doctor behind one of the doors. Appearing I takes the hero out into the street, making an appointment for the day after tomorrow. D finally realizes that mathematics cannot fully explain the world: the area of ​​irrational numbers is associated for him with the "soul".

The hero receives a letter from O, who is ready to sacrifice her love for his well-being, as well as a note from I, which asks D to imitate a love date with her (draw down the curtains on the transparent walls). D is present at a lecture on "childhood" where he sees O but does not speak to her. Returning home, he finds O in his room: she is ready to part with him, but wants to have a child from him. D uses the "pink slip" (permit for sexual intercourse) sent to him by I along with the note. A few days later, the hero again goes to the Ancient House; on the way he meets S, who advises him to be careful. During the next mass walk, a certain woman tries to prevent the guard from beating a state criminal. D, who thinks that this woman is I, rushes to her aid; he manages to avoid arrest only thanks to the intervention of the same S, who supposedly happened to be nearby.

During a long-awaited date with I, for some reason, she asks D a question about how soon the "Integral" will be completed, and also hints at something that should happen on the Unanimous Day holiday. The hero compares this holiday, which he loves since childhood, with the Easter of the ancients; it is a day of demonstration of unanimity, when fictitious "elections" of the head of state - the Benefactor - are made. During elections, I defiantly votes "no"; saving her, the poet R carries I in his arms, but D, out of jealousy, tries to prevent him and saves the heroine himself. Writing down his impressions of this day, the hero reflects: “Have the saving age-old walls of the United State collapsed? Are we homeless again, in a wild state of freedom - like our distant ancestors? On the way to work, D sees “leaflets” on the walls with one word “Mephi” (an obvious association with Mephistopheles). After work, meets with I in the corridor under the Ancient House; she leads D beyond the Green Wall - into the realm of the "elements" and overgrown with wool forest people. I introduces the hero to them as a like-minded person. Speaking to them, D, who has lost his head, shouts: "We must all go crazy, we must all go crazy - as soon as possible!" The next day, having come to him, I reports that the city is preparing for some large-scale medical events. Looking at D's hairy hand, the heroine suggests that it must have "a few drops of sunny, forest blood" in it. To I's proposal to capture the "Integral", D at first refuses, but then agrees.

Having learned about the forthcoming operation to “remove fantasy” for all “numbers”, D believes that this is the universal happiness he is looking for, however, after a date with I, he realizes that he “does not want salvation” without her. Before the test flight of the Integrad, D sees the first column of operated patients on the street - people who have had their fantasy removed: "not people - but some kind of humanoid tractors." During the flight of the ship, D, realizing that the plot was uncovered by the Guardians, orders to stop the engines in an attempt to arrange a disaster, but his assistant manages to give another command, and the ship remains unscathed. The hero, who has barely come to his senses, is summoned to himself by the Benefactor - the head of the United State; he accuses D of preventing people from realizing the ancient dream of paradise, but the most terrible thing that the Benefactor says is for D the idea that I did not love him at all and that he was only interested in the conspirators as the builder of the Integral.

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Characteristic literary hero D-503 - the hero of the novel by E. I. Zamyatin "We" (1920). A resident of a fantastic state of the future, which embodied the technocratic utopia of a mechanized and totally organized society, where all connections and relations between people are “integrated”, D-503 (the inhabitants of this state are deprived of their own names and exist under “numbers”) is the first incarnation of what then became traditional type the hero of a dystopian novel (or dystopia). Like Winston Smith (“1984” by D. Orwell), whose image arose under the direct influence of Zamyatin, like the heroes of the novels “O wonderful new world” O. Huxley, “451 ° Fahrenheit” R. Bradbury, D-503 violates the laws of a utopian society, the justice of which he had no doubt before, goes through trials and finally capitulates, giving himself (morally and physically) to the mercy of the winner - United State. Despite the novelty of the image created by Zamyatin, it imprinted the “archetype” of the hero-traveler, leading the reader through the described events, of which he is a witness and participant. (Among the literary predecessors of the hero, Gulliver, Candide is sometimes called.) On the one hand, D-503 is objectified in what is happening; on the other hand, it acts as a chronicler of events shown through the prism of his subjective perception. The entire text of the novel is a synopsis of a poem conceived for the glory of the State, this “single mighty million-celled organism”, a task that the hero, as it turns out later, did not cope with. By occupation, D-503 is a mathematician, the creator of the interplanetary ship "Integral", designed to subordinate the entire universe to the "benevolent yoke of the mind"; by nature - a philosopher, prone to reflection. “Fed from childhood by the Taylor system”, he enters the plot as an optant of “we”, convinced of the expediency of an organized society, for which “only the reasonable and useful is beautiful: cars, boots, formulas, food”. The hero sincerely does not understand how in the ancient XX century people lived in a “wild state of freedom”, slept and ate when they wished, went anywhere. Love for a woman changes the whole life of the hero. The awakened feeling leads him out of the state of totalitarian eudemonism, makes him an apostate, “ fallen angel and encourages crime. D-503 penetrates the Green Wall encircling the One State, and discovers that there, behind the wall, another life flows, inhabited by wild and free people. Having known love, the hero discovers that he “ceased to be a term”; he becomes aware of himself as a person (“I was I, separate, world”) and comes to the “criminal” conclusion that “we” is not necessary. Now he is not a “number” and not a “molecule”, but a “simple human piece”. However, this “human piece” has a soul, which number D-503 was deprived of. The presence of the soul in the system of concepts of "Taylorism" is a serious disease. The hero's illness is cured by a brain operation, which he was subjected to along with other inhabitants of this State. At the end of the novel, D-503 watches blankly as his lover is tortured in gas chamber. Now he is completely healthy. It seems to him that “some kind of thorn has been pulled out of his head, it’s easy, empty in his head”, there are no fantasies - only a cold mind and the belief that “reason must win”. Zamyatin’s novel was a direct response to the ideas of “mathematical civilization” that hovered in the circles of the futurists: V. Khlebnikov has a “made-up humanity” inhabiting the city of Solntstan, where people instead of faith have a measure where “only numbers remain”. (From this point of view, it is noteworthy that D-503 is a mathematician.) However, over time, the novel was overgrown with allusions not envisaged by the author (for example, the Green Wall was associated then with “ iron curtain”, then with the “Berlin Wall”), and became the mirror in which totalitarian regimes The 20th century received a merciless reflection. In this context, Zamyatin's hero, described rather schematically, became a vitally recognizable character.

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D-503 (We are Zamyatin)

D-503 is the main character and narrator in E. I. Zamyatin’s novel “We” (1920), the author of notes, a talented engineer, mathematician and builder of the “Integral”. This is a resident of a fantastic and utopian state that exists in the distant future. D-503, like all inhabitants of the United State, is deprived own name, but endowed with a unique number. From his notes it becomes clear that he passed hard way, breaking the laws of a utopian society, going through trials and finally surrendering to the winner - the One State. There are two women in D-503's life: O-90 and I-330. The first was recorded on him long ago and is considered his family, and he met the second by chance, walking along the march of the Musical Factory's trumpets. She invited him to her place, after which he could no longer part with her.

By nature, D-503 is a philosopher prone to reflection. He talks a lot, trying to prove the expediency of an organized society. In his opinion, “we” are from God, and “I” are from the devil. He does not understand how in the distant 20th century people lived in a “wild state of freedom”: they ate as they wanted, walked on their own

on their own, waking up whenever they wanted. In the United State, everything is regulated. Everyone wears the same uniform, everyone does everything together and at the same time, and violators of established laws get hit by the Benefactor's Car.

Everything changes when I-330 appears in D-503's life. She leads by no means a virtuous way of life: she smokes, drinks liquor, does not meet at the appointed time. She even made him take a sip alcoholic drink. All this is contrary to the laws of their society. On his first visit, he is surprised when I-330 asks him to stay, thereby violating the rules. He refuses and wants to denounce her to the Guardian Bureau, but instead he falls ill. Soon, D-503 has a soul, which is not typical for the inhabitants of the State. He begins to look for meetings with I-330, he cannot do without her. Not denouncing her, he himself becomes a criminal. At the end of the novel, he nevertheless surrenders to the mercy of his Benefactor, undergoes an operation to remove his soul, and I-330 is executed as a conspirator. D-503 is confident that reason will prevail.

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