What is go go dancing. Dance Go Go


Popular modern dances today have many different trends and trends. Each style is unique in its own way and differs from the other in its staging and manner of presentation. So, one of the new trends in modern dance, in which several styles are mixed at once, is the incendiary dance go go dance.

So what is go go?

Give specific definition this direction in dance, unfortunately, is impossible, since it contains a complex of movements from different dance styles. In the course of the dance, you can see both rhythmic energetic movements and flexible plastic movements. erotic character, and beautiful short dance sequences, smoothly passing from one to another. The main task of someone who dances go-go dances is the ability to turn on the entire audience present, make everyone look at themselves and move to the beat of the music. It is important to listen to the music, put aside any restrictions and improvise, then the dance will turn out to be dynamic and varied.

When did dance direction go-go?

The starting point for the emergence of the go-go direction can be considered the day when the first disco took place in Hollywood in a fashionable and popular nightclub. That night, all visitors to the establishment were entertained beautifully dressed girls placed in makeshift cages and dancing incendiary dances to fast music. After that, go-go dances could already be seen in many clubs in America, and today they are danced in almost every entertainment establishment worldwide. Many clients for this bright show and the drive that the dancers demonstrate, they are ready to go to discos at least every day. In Russia, today this dance direction is at the peak of popularity, and with it a large number of wishing to master this technique of dance.

What is gogo technique and where do you learn it?

First of all, you should know that the main qualities that a go-go dancer should have are: improvisation; the ability to keep the rhythm; hear music; move plastically; switch from one style and switch to another with lightning speed - all this is taught in modern schools dance, where you can go to master this technique. IN dance school they will talk in detail about what go-go is, how to dance it, and many other points.

Classes at the dance school will be useful both for those who plan to use go-go just for themselves, and for those who want to do it professionally. In the process of studying, you will not be able to relax, you will have to sweat a lot. You will need to master various dance styles - this will help you learn how to move under different music and make the right transitions between styles. You will also need to develop good stamina, physical form, develop flexibility and plasticity. Regular practice will help you as soon as possible get great results.

However, in addition to owning the technique of sexy go go dance, you need to have good stretch, this can be of great help. If everything is ok with technique and stretching, in order for the image to look complete and concise, you should choose the right clothes for it. In such a case, you can’t do without beautiful shoes, for example, tight knee-high boots may come up, as well as without an outfit that will emphasize beautiful figure and focus on the "charms of the figure." These can be short shorts, skirts, tight leggings, etc.

Having learned to dance gogo, you can, without fear, go to the dance floor of any nightclub and be sure that all admiring glances will be directed only in your direction!

Many have heard about such a direction of dance as go-go. Yes, heard. We have all seen these wildly energetic girls and boys more than once in a variety of nightclubs and even at the opening act for ordinary corporate parties. Despite the apparent ease of such work, the dancers of this genre experience great stress, associated primarily with great physical labor and a bunch of stereotypes that, like a rain of abundance, fall on them. beautiful bodies.

Our editorial staff found out what representatives of the go-go genre face in their work, what their training consists of and how they fight the stereotypical thinking of employers. But first things first. To begin with, we go to the dance teacher in one of dance studios. Elena Kostritskaya, a beautiful and fit girl, agreed to tell us all the "secrets" of her craft.

Elena, I'll start traditionally: what is go-go? What is the style, how is it danced?
Go-go is club dance, - turns on Len's teacher tone. - It is divided into two types: dances performed by girls in clubs, and the direction itself, which is taught in studios. These are two different things. In clubs, it's more relaxed, sexy, there is usually much less space involved. The go-go that is being taught is more of a choreography. In the classroom, we learn to feel the music, learn to coordinate movements.

Why do you usually order go-go girls? For what events?
Now fashionable to order live show: someone sings, musicians play, we dance. These are birthdays, corporate parties of companies, presentations. They don’t invite you to weddings, the girl laughs. - Order to look at beautiful girls to create the right atmosphere to captivate guests.

When they place an order for go-go girls, do they usually understand what awaits them?
Whenever an order comes in, I ask again: “Are you sure you want this?” Lena laughs and emphasizes the word “this”. There are times when they don't understand. Although now basically everyone knows what go-go is.

There are a lot of stereotypes about your profession ( Lena nods). Many people think that this is a rather frivolous activity. So the question arises: how difficult and serious is your work?
Yes, there are stereotypes. But I believe that easy work absolutely not. Dancing is very difficult. This is a big exercise stress especially on the lower back. Dance has to high heels. It can be very uncomfortable, and at the same time you have to smile, pretend that everything is fine.

Since we are talking about stereotypes: do they often confuse go-go with striptease?
Before yes. Three or four years ago, they were constantly confused. Now this happens too, but very rarely. People are already more enlightened.

In general, why are these two genres confused?
Simply because they are not aware. Go-go girls have revealing outfits, just like the representatives of the strip industry. And we also have a hint of sexuality, but without it, it’s still nowhere. But this is just a hint.

Emotionally difficult to work?
It all depends on the event. When people look at you and perceive you correctly, there is an exchange of energy between us. And in general, with experience, you understand when they look at you and discuss, even if negatively, it's still good.

What do you need to do to become go-go dancer? Probably not every girl can dance? I'm talking about external data and professionalism.
Moscow clubs have certain criteria, but even there they make exceptions. Height is not the most important thing, there are heels! In other cities, the requirements are slightly lower. It doesn't have to be a girl long hair, meter seventy, etc. The main thing is the figure and the ability to move.

Go-go is still improvisation or ...
Yes, this is exclusively improvisation, - without listening to the question, the girl answers. - There are some universal links that we are learning, but the real go-go dance in classic version is improvisation.

The rehearsal room began to gradually fill up with young girls, everyone is preparing for the next training session. Someone came with a schoolchild who disappeared somewhere during the rehearsal. Mommy go-go. Interesting. Watching the newcomers, I suddenly became interested:
Do you think there is competition between dancers?
- Competition?... - Lena thought a little, - probably... no. I've only encountered this once. Moreover, the motive of the girl who competed with me is still not clear to me. Usually there are more friends than competitors.

Literally in the next 15 minutes, I realized what such a colossal physical labor Elena explained. These girls have strength training, like soldiers in the army. Push-ups, press, stretching - a small part of what I had to see.

“Oddly enough, I started my dancing activity with fitness. It was there that I realized that just fitness is boring. Therefore, a year ago I came to the dance studio, - Nastya Gorokhova, one of Elena's students, says during a break. - At first I went to strip plastic surgery, then I started doing go-go. Literally six months later, I started performing.”
How does your young man feel about your activities? What about your loved ones?
He likes. He had prejudices, but we found a compromise with him. And friends are delighted, they are interested and come to performances, - Nastya joyfully reports.

Expert opinion

Victoria Tsitovich () in the entertainment industry for over 10 years. She started working when go-go girls were also called "animators". Vika knows everything about this genre and even more.

Victoria, how is the go-go genre represented in the entertainment industry today?
Go-go, first of all, is a dance, a dance of emotions, internal state and understanding of music. To become a go-go, it is not necessary to be a professional dancer, I would even say that not every pro can be a cool go-go and vice versa. Now it is not so difficult to get into this industry. Sometimes it is enough to have a beautiful figure and attractive appearance, and the ability to work as an animator is the second point. Predominantly girls work in this market. There is a shortage of young men, but they are there, and it's great!

What is a customer today who chooses dancers of this genre?
For me, customers are divided into two types - those who want exactly go-go, and those who want to see animators at their event. The first ones just want the dance decoration of the party. The second is to work with guests. And this includes dancing, and assistance in holding competitions, organizing master classes, holding flash mobs. Here I always try to clarify what exactly is expected of us.

When and where is the performance of such artists appropriate?
Events where artists of this genre can be in demand are very diverse. On the issue of relevance. We had a curious case: we were invited as a go-go to a teenager's birthday. As a result, we had to entertain the youth with competitions and jokes, since dancing was not very appropriate. I will say this, if you invite experienced artists, they will find a way out and will always be "to court"!

Have you ever faced misunderstanding and prejudice of the public towards your occupation?
Rarely, but it happens that the dancer feels out of place. Again, in such a situation, he must find contact with the viewer. Many viewers are simply embarrassed to show their interest or complex for certain reasons. For example, when working at a banquet, you literally have to pay attention to everyone personally. Previously, we were confused with strippers, but this was when this direction was not so developed. The very phrase that I work in a nightclub caused a lot of distrust. Now everything is much easier. Almost every second girl in our country is a go-go, so there are no more suspicions about this.

Well, it seems that all the secrets have been revealed, and the stereotypes have been debunked. So before you raise handset and dial the artist's number, ask yourself again who you would like to see at your holiday.

Nina Kataeva

The popular direction of disco in the 60s gave the world a bright phenomenon - go-go dancers. Although the rhythms have long accelerated and the melodies have become more diverse, on all continents, beautiful bodies continue to move to the beat of the music and ignite the crowd.

What is go-go?

"In abundance" - this is his literal translation of a French word that has nothing to do with music. An analogue can be Russian dialect"a lot, a lot". However, it was "go-go" that became synonymous with the diversity and abundance of dancers in clubs.

The first dancer, Carol Doda, began her career at the Condor Club. She staged theatrical performances on stage, danced topless and attracted crowds of visitors, which earned her a promotion - an invitation to the Hollywood Whiskey A Go Go club.

Since 1965, beautiful caged dancers have become the norm in club life Worldwide. The demand for dancers grew, but also spread to the field of burlesque and striptease, which contributed to the opening of go-go bars. The phenomenon has spread throughout Asia, and now Vietnam and Thailand are attracting tourists with a motley go-go industry.

The main differences between go-go and striptease

Many believe that the sight of a half-naked girl in a nightclub is intended to stimulate the sexual appetites of men. Of course, scantily clad bodies can evoke such a reaction, but the main role of go-go girls and guys is to get the crowd moving instead of sitting out their pants at the bar.

Go-go girls wear push-up bras to enlarge their breasts from size A to C, but will never rip them off in front of a visitor.

This is what separates the real girls from the go-go movement from the strippers:

  • dancers don't give private dances, and most likely will be fired for any attempt to charge for such a service;
  • dancers don't take off their clothes though for successful career go-go must look sexy;
  • dancers have experience, and at other times they can do ballet, hip-hop and even teach children folk dances;
  • go-go dancers work in clubs, casinos, concert venues and in bars, but not in strip clubs.

The Science of Dance

Sometimes you just need to turn on the music to perform a sexy dance, and ...

There are several skills that a go-go dancer should have without any training:

  • move seductively, and it really comes from nature: the ability to passionately throw back your hair, smoothly move your hips, make waves with your whole body - professionals are able to become the conductor of the dance floor with one wave of their hands;
  • love music, know its features, rhythm, to use melody, vocals, sound transitions to illustrate movements. Ability to easily adapt to any dance style every dancer needs, because go-go music can include elements of disco, R&B, trance or house dance;
  • be able to control their own body: dancers know what position their arms and legs are in, and the slightest movement is overall composition dance;
  • radiate self-confidence and energize people - the crowd will follow a person whose every movement is filled with determination to wake up the dance floor, therefore dancing in cages will not suit shy and bored people;
  • observe sobriety - for a dancer, nightclubs become work, and one should not indulge in general alcoholic fun, which will affect the coordination of movements.

It can be concluded that not every girl who studies the science of go-go dance with the help of lessons is able to easily find a job and make a career in clubs.

Appearance or talent?

Sometimes one gets the impression that any slender platinum blonde with ample breasts can perform go-go dances and get big money.

Appearance is important, but it only concerns the stage image of the leader of the dance floor - a flash man who makes other bodies move. Any club owner will give preference ordinary girl with natural talent, a good sense of rhythm and the ability to build a show instead of a beauty with perfect shapes.

It is important to remember a few rules that relate to the appearance of club dancers:

  • dress openly and with fantasy, adding glitter, bright colors and emphasizing all the best that is in the body. For what? To become a magical personification of club culture: freedom, beauty, looseness;
  • maintain the perfect look with make-up, accessories: skillfully hide problem areas and demonstrate strengths, while not forgetting that cosmetics and hairstyles must withstand heavy loads;
  • adhere to the dress code: neon wigs, shining bras, leather, latex, mesh, silk, furs - all costumes and attributes come from burlesque.

How is a go-go dancer's day going?

If night work in the club is the main one, then the girl most likely wakes up late - in the afternoon. Then he has breakfast, does household chores and goes to Gym. Dancers need to keep fit to attract a crowd perfect view legs, buttocks, chest.

After 1-2 hours of training, she can go to the shops to look for new outfits - the image is quite expensive and needs to be maintained. On the day when you don't have to go to the gym, dance lessons usually take place, as professionalism must be maintained and increased in order to surprise promoters at castings.

Search new job it is necessary from time to time, therefore it is worth updating the repertoire with new dance compositions and movements. Typically, the promoter gives each candidate for a vacant seat only five minutes to demonstrate their skills.

After auditions, castings and purchases, the dancer can go to a SPA club or visit a beautician. In the evening, she needs to find time for an hour's sleep, which will give energy and freshness for a nightly performance.

Trinity Dance invites you to go-go lessons at the dance school in Moscow! In go-go dance lessons, special emphasis is placed on the dance base - everything that ultimately makes up the dance. At first you will learn just separate movements, later you will be able to use them in your dances as easily as if you always knew how to move like that! The whole point of go-go classes is that they are focused on mastering a variety of styles. modern dance, as well as to study general movements and the ability to mix them arbitrarily to absolutely any music.

Go-go dancing as a style, and before as a profession, appeared in California, when girls were invited to The Whiskey a Go-Go club to dance incendiary right on the bar counters. Such a bait, invented by the club managers, turned out to be effective, the visitors liked the lighter girls, the companies had fun - and left more money at the register.

Time passed, but go-go as a dance did not lose its original function, strengthening the status of an inseparable attribute of events in clubs and similar establishments. Go-go dancing is always business card parties, her face, they allow you to maintain the atmosphere conceived by the club promoter: still, their energy is able to enliven any party, set the right rhythm for the party. Go-go girls are designed to draw attention to themselves and ignite the party goers with their dance and their beauty!

Come to us for go-go dancing in Moscow

We invite you to our go-go dance classes, we have more than 10 branches in Moscow - you can always find a hall near your home, work or study.

At the lessons, special attention is paid to the style and professionalism of performance, different aspects the ability to move well to the music: the plasticity of the whole body, the effect of slowing down and accelerating, the correct transitions of dance from one style to another, work with emotions in dance, with environment, with space, with the viewer. The program includes work on the plasticity of the body, and stretching, and the development of sharpness and sexuality, and the development of flexibility, attention is paid to overall good physical fitness.

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