Presentation on the theme "Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart". Music project "My favorite composer - V.A


Mozart is a universal genius. Talking about Mozart is like talking about God...

Edvard Grieg

Oh, how difficult it is to master the lightness of Mozart!

Nathan Perelman

I am not quite sure that the angels, intending to give praise to the Lord, play Bach, but I am quite sure that for each other they play Mozart, and the Lord rejoices listening to them

Karl Barth

If a person feels bad, perhaps one should listen to Mozart. Because his sadness is very specific. It is always with a glimmer of hope, and a person should not lose it while he is alive.

Vladimir Spivakov

There is nothing more perfect than Mozart. The pinnacle of beauty.

Sergei Taneev

Quotes from the book: Mozart in a square. - M.: Classics-XXI, 2008.

Mozart is often referred to as a composer" pure music", as if filtered in terms of form, clarity of presentation, certainty in everything, including the embodiment of emotions. Trying on the verified evaluation criteria of classicism (such as squareness, symmetry of constructions, obligatory alternation of contrasts, smoothness of melody and voice leading) , musicologists of past centuries in literally dried up the idea of ​​his music. They did not dare to recognize the romantic nature of Mozart's personality, prone to extreme manifestations emotionality - expression, demonism, raids of impressionism, surrealism, mysticism. Any hints of personal confession, connection with life events or programmatic character music was immediately rejected as unfounded. Mozart's music was separated from all "suffering young Werther": they say, he created his creations, focusing only on abstract musical samples, striving for a hedonistic ideal.
Only at the end of the 20th century did the idea of ​​the fundamental principles musical thinking Mozart has changed radically, which is associated with global change"musical thinking" of the listeners themselves. Has begun new stage comprehension of the phenomenon of Mozart, now he touched on those works (especially early ones), which in the past almost did not pay attention.

Irina Yakushina,
"Mozart Universe"

V.A. Mozart - letter to his sister, Milan, August 24, 1771:
"A violinist lives above us, another one below us, next to us is a singing teacher who gives lessons, in the last room opposite us is an oboist. It's fun when you compose! Gives a lot of ideas."

If only everyone could feel the power / of Harmony! But no: then it would not be possible / And the world could not exist; no one would / Take care of the needs of a low life; / All would indulge in free art. / There are few of us chosen, happy idlers, / Neglecting contemptible benefits, / The only beautiful priests. / Isn't it true?..

A.S. Pushkin,
"Mozart and Salieri"

We know two things about Mozart: firstly, Salieri killed him, and secondly, he wrote amazing melodies for mobile phones.

B. Tarasenko
"That Mozart"
our days.

Mozart's name entered the spiritual life of mankind as a "symbol of music itself"

B. Asafiev

The last clavier concerto is also an indisputable product of brilliant skill and creative fantasy, fantasy, marked by the features of the “secondary naivety” already familiar to us. The richest and deepest connections between solo and tutti, the transparency of sound, the complete fusion of gallantry and learning - all this is so perfect that the question of style is not important here. This is the farewell affirmation of immortality.

A. Einstein

Most difficult composer? -

Svyatoslav Richter

"The music of Mr. Mozart already at the first performance delighted connoisseurs. The only exception was those who, out of self-love and vanity, never recognize the merits of other people's creations. Mozart's music<...>contains so many beauties and is so rich in varied thoughts that such a thing could only be created by a born genius."

Of course, there are some things from the early 1780s or late 1770s that I can stand - things like the Seraglio, for example - they go in one ear and out the other, but as background music I can tolerate it quite well. .<...>Well, of course, I was forced, and to be completely honest, in some cases I even liked to play them for my own pleasure. They give a certain pleasure to the performance, a little stronger than Clementi and a little weaker than Scarlatti. But whenever it came time to write a program for a performance, I successfully replaced Mozart with something from the late Haydn or early Beethoven, and in fact I never performed Mozart in public until I was twenty-five years old.

Glenn Gould

"My children conquered almost everyone"
Leopold Mozart,
private letter. December 1763,

Mozart (Johann Chrysostom Wolfgang Theophilus (Gottlieb) Mozart) was born on January 27, 1756 in the city of Salzburg into a musical family.

In the biography of Mozart musical talent was also found in early childhood. His father taught him to play the organ, violin, harpsichord. In 1762 the family travels to Vienna, Munich. There are concerts by Mozart, his sister Maria Anna. Then, while traveling through the cities of Germany, Switzerland, Holland, Mozart's music amazes listeners with amazing beauty. For the first time the composer's works are published in Paris.

The next few years (1770-1774) Amadeus Mozart lived in Italy. There, for the first time, his operas ("Mithridates - King of Pontus", "Lucius Sulla", "The Dream of Scipio") are staged, which receive big success public.

It should be noted that by the age of 17 the composer's wide repertoire included more than 40 major works.

The heyday of creativity

From 1775 to 1780, the seminal work of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart added a number of outstanding compositions to his cohort. After taking the position of court organist in 1779, Mozart's symphonies, his operas contain more and more new techniques.

In a brief biography of Wolfgang Mozart, it is worth noting that his marriage to Constance Weber also affected his work. The opera The Abduction from the Seraglio is imbued with the romance of those times.

Some of Mozart's operas remained unfinished, because the difficult financial situation family forced the composer to devote a lot of time to various part-time jobs. held in aristocratic circles piano concertos Mozart, the musician himself was forced to write plays, waltzes to order, and teach.

glory peak

The work of Mozart in the following years is striking in its fruitfulness along with skill. The most famous operas"The Marriage of Figaro", "Don Juan" (both operas written jointly with the poet Lorenzo da Ponte) by the composer Mozart are staged in several cities.

In 1789, he received a very lucrative offer to head the court chapel in Berlin. However, the composer's refusal further exacerbated the material shortage.

For Mozart, the works of that time were extremely successful. "Magic Flute", "Mercy of Titus" - these operas were written quickly, but very high quality, expressive, with beautiful shades. The famous mass "Requiem" was never completed by Mozart. The work was completed by the composer's student, Süssmeier.


Since November 1791, Mozart was ill a lot and did not get out of bed at all. Died famous composer December 5, 1791 from an acute fever. Mozart was buried in the cemetery of St. Mark in Vienna.

Biography test

Did you remember well short biography Mozart? Find out right now.

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Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756 - 1791)

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    Salzburg - birthplace of Mozart

    JANUARY 27, 1756 in the Austrian city of Salzburg, the seventh child was born in the family of Leopold Mozart.

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    Father Leopold Mozart (11/14/1719 - 05/28/1787),

    • talented musician Chapel of the Archbishop of Salzburg,
    • Austrian violinist, father and teacher V.A. Mozart, had a significant influence on his creative formation,
    • one of the leading European music educators,
    • composer and theorist.
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    Bright and brilliant way in music

    • Since childhood, his name has become a legend.
    • At the age of 4, he could learn the minuet in half an hour and play it.
    • At the age of 6 he toured Europe with his father Leopold Mozart.
    • At the age of 11 he composed his first opera.
    • At 14, he conducted the premiere of his opera at the theater in Milan.
    • At the age of 14 received honorary title Academician of Music of Bologna.
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    • Mother - Maria Anna, nee Pertl;
    • father - Leopold Mozart.
    • Despite his many years of overwork Wolfgang, the Mozart family led a modest lifestyle, often unable to pay off their debts.
    • Leopold Mozart was constrained and limited by his dependent position as a court musician.
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    Honor and dignity - Mozart's creed

    • The position of the court musician obliged to fulfill any whims of the owner.
    • But Mozart's character was independent and resolute.
    • The young composer valued honor and dignity most of all.
    • After going through many life tests, he did not change his views and beliefs.
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    Opera "Don Giovanni" (1787) Mozart's subtitle "Merry Drama"

    • The theme of Don Juanism was not new in music.
    • Mozart's Don Juan - charming, noble, courageous man with chivalrous courage.
    • With sympathy, Mozart revealed the emotional experiences of women offended by Don Juan - victims of his love affairs.
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    Opera-tale "The Magic Flute" (1791)

    • favorite work Mozart,
    • his "swan song", a kind of epilogue to the life of the great composer.
    • It was staged in Vienna 2 months before his death.
    • The opera was a resounding success.
    • Set design for the opera The Magic Flute
  • Ivanchina Natalia.



    Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart -brilliant Austrian composer.

    Research project.

    The project was completed by Natalya Ivanchina, a 3rd grade student of the State Budgetary Institution Secondary School No. 12 in Moscow.

    Head: Fedoseeva G.F.

    Objective of the project - explore life and creative way Austrian composer W. A. ​​Mozart.

    Project objectives: to replenish knowledge of the historical and general aesthetic plan, to explore the era, social environment, life in which W. A. ​​Mozart lived and worked. insight musical art, familiarization with musical compositions composer.

    Project plan.

    1. Introduction.

    2. Little Mozart.

    5. Youth, creativity, Paris...

    6. Vienna.

    7. Requiem.

    8. Works by W. A. ​​Mozart.

    1. Introduction.

    “The name of Mozart entered the spiritual life of mankind as a “symbol of music itself”.

    B. Asafiev.

    Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is a brilliant Austrian composer. The life of W. A. ​​Mozart is amazing and unusual. His bright, generous talent, constant creative burning gave absolutely amazing, one-of-a-kind results.

    Today, the composer's music sounds in concert halls, opera houses. The works of W. A. ​​Mozart are obligatory in the programs of conservatories, international competitions. Books and articles are written about Mozart, trying to reveal the depth and beauty of his music, to tell about his extraordinary talent, about his bright, interesting, but at the same time full of work and sorrows life.

    2. Little Mozart.

    Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born in 1756 in the ancient city of Salzburg.

    He was born into a musician's family, and his father, Leopold Mozart, who was the court musician of the Archbishop of Salzburg, himself could give his brilliant son a good education. Leopold Mozart played the violin, organ, led the orchestra, church choir, wrote music. In addition, the father of W. A. ​​Mozart was an excellent teacher.

    Mozart's mother was a very sociable, cheerful woman. She loved being surrounded by friends, neighbors, children.

    The elder sister of Amadeus Maria - Anna had a beautiful voice and hearing. Her father began to study with her on the clavier. It produced great impression on a little boy who was about three years old.

    Everyone who knew W. Mozart already in his earliest years looked at him as a miracle. At the age of three, he, with difficulty climbing onto a chair near the harpsichord, could repeat with both hands the piece just played by his father. At the age of four, he was already composing his own pieces, but, not yet knowing how to write notes, he “dictated” them, that is, he played the harpsichord to his father, and he wrote them down on music paper. By the age of six, W. Mozart had become a real virtuoso - harpsichordist and author of many compositions for various instruments.

    3. First concert tour.

    At the age of six, W. A. ​​Mozart made his first concert tour. At the age of seven, the little musician was already known in many European countries. According to his father, at the age of eight he knew and knew how to do everything that could be required from a professor of forty years. Wolfgang's musical talent was truly a miracle. But in all other respects he remained an ordinary child- a naughty, cheerful, kind and obedient son.

    The first concert tour lasted almost three years. The Mozarts visited Munich, Paris, London, Amsterdam, The Hague, Geneva. Concerts by Wolfgang and his sister Marie-Anne were a triumphant success.

    (Young W. A. ​​Mozart with his sister and father at a concert in Paris).

    He was given all sorts of exams. For example, they covered the keyboard with a handkerchief and asked him to play complex pieces. Wolfgang performed complex passages with one finger. He could determine the pitch of any sound, even turning away from the instrument.

    In addition, the father took the children to opera performances, introduced them to music. best composers of that time, continuing his musical education.

    In Paris, Wolfgang wrote his first compositions for violin and clavier, and in London, symphonies, the performance of which gave his concerts even greater fame.

    After returning to his homeland in 1766, having conquered Europe, little W. Mozart was called nothing more than a "miracle of the 18th century."

    In the meantime, orders for new works were received, and the little composer, along with adults, intensively composed music.

    4. concert tour to Italy.

    For three years, father and son visited Largest cities of this country: Rome, Milan, Naples, Venice, Florence. Italy met the Mozarts enthusiastically. Concerts young musician passed with resounding success. I was struck by the complexity and variety of these performances. Again, Wolfgang performed as a harpsichord virtuoso, accompanist, violinist and organist. His concerts gathered such a huge number of listeners that they paved the way for him to the place of concerts by force. To this were added performances as a conductor. The concert program was often presented from the works of the performer himself. During his stay in Italy, W. Mozart significantly expanded and enriched his knowledge. Strong impression left with a receptive boy the works of famous Italian composers, painters, sculptors. Especially often he attended operas, concerts, folk festivals, carefully studied the manner of Italian singing, instrumental and vocal music.

    In March 1773, Wolfgang left Italy forever. happy time childhood, full of various impressions, brilliant successes and bright hopes for the future, is left behind. A new streak of life begins.

    The creative result of the trip to Paris was five remarkable clavier sonatas, in which the maturity and talent of the composer are noticeable.

    6. Vienna.

    (Mozart's family: father, sister Maria Anna, on the wall is a portrait of the deceased mother).

    Wolfgang arrived in Vienna and enthusiastically set to work. He wrote, ran around the lessons, spoke to the public in the evenings. He was tireless!

    IN last years life from the pen of W. Mozart, brilliant works came out one after another. These were the operas: The Marriage of Figaro, Don Giovanni, The Magic Flute, which caused invariable delight and admiration. The heroes of his operas were living people, and the veracity of the images captivated the listeners.

    During this period, he wanted to work actively, write music, study performing activities. He participated in concerts, organized his own academies. This brought him the fame of the first virtuoso of his time. The game of W. Mozart was distinguished by great penetration, spirituality and subtlety. Contemporaries were especially struck by his talent as an improviser.

    8. Works by W. A. ​​Mozart.

    The main works of the composer:

    19 operas; requiem; about 50 symphonies; 5 concertos for violin and orchestra; concerts with orchestra accompaniment for flute, clarinet, bassoon, horn, flute with harp; sonatas for violin and clavier, sonatas for clavier; fantasies, variations, rondos, minuets for clavier.

    9. W. A. ​​Mozart Museum in Salzburg.

    Of great interest to classical music lovers is the Mozart House on Makarplatz, where the musician's family moved in 1773. The Mozart Museum has a small but interesting exposition, which is completely dedicated to the musician's work. There are many authentic interior items and musical instruments of that time, as well as personal belongings of the musician and his family.

    Museum exposition:

    Information sources:

    Journals from the cycle - "The Life and Work of Great Composers" Vol. 1.14, 30, 42.

    Sources of information and photo materials:

    http://www. liveinternet. ru/users/sdor/post172267584/

    http://venagid. en/1911-mozart-wohnhaus

    Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born in Salzburg on January 27, 1756. His father was the composer and violinist Leopold Mozart, who worked in the court chapel of Count Sigismund von Strattenbach (Prince-Archbishop of Salzburg). The mother of the famous musician was Anna Maria Mozart (nee Pertl), who came from the family of the commissioner-trustee of the almshouse of the small commune of St. Gilgen.

    IN total seven children were born in the Mozart family, but most of them, unfortunately, died at a young age. The first child of Leopold and Anna, who managed to survive, was the elder sister of the future musician Maria Anna (relatives and friends called the girl Nannerl from childhood). About four years later, Wolfgang was born. The birth was extremely difficult, and the doctors feared for a long time that they would be fatal for the boy's mother. But after a while Anna went on the mend.

    Family of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

    Both children of Mozart with early years demonstrated a love for music and excellent abilities for it. When her father began teaching Nannerl to play the harpsichord, her younger brother was only about three years old. However, the sounds heard during the lessons so excited little boy that since then he often approached the instrument, pressed the keys and picked up pleasant-sounding harmonies. Moreover, he could even play fragments musical works that I have heard before.

    Therefore, already at the age of four, Wolfgang began to receive his own harpsichord lessons from his father. However, the child soon got bored with learning minuets and pieces written by other composers, and at the age of five, young Mozart added to this type of activity the composition of his own small pieces. And at the age of six, Wolfgang mastered the violin, and with little or no outside help.

    Nannerl and Wolfgang never went to school: Leopold gave them excellent home education. At the same time, young Mozart always immersed himself in the study of any subject with great zeal. For example, if it was about mathematics, then after several diligent studies by the boy, literally all surfaces in the room: from walls and floors to floors and chairs, were quickly covered with chalk inscriptions with numbers, tasks and equations.


    Already at the age of six, the "wonder child" played so well that he could give concerts. The voice of Nannerl became a wonderful addition to his inspired game: the girl sang just fine. Leopold Mozart was so impressed musical ability his children, that he decided to go with them on a long tour of various European cities and countries. He hoped that this journey would bring them great success and considerable profit.

    The family visited Munich, Brussels, Cologne, Mannheim, Paris, London, The Hague, and several cities in Switzerland. The trip dragged on for many months, and after a short return to Salzburg, for years. During this time, Wolfgang and Nannel gave concerts to stunned audiences and also visited opera houses and performances by famous musicians with their parents.

    Young Wolfgang Mozart at the instrument

    In 1764, the first four sonatas of the young Wolfgang, intended for violin and clavier, were published in Paris. In London, the boy was lucky for some time to learn from Johann Christian Bach (the youngest son of Johann Sebastian Bach), who instantly noted the genius of the child and, being virtuoso musician, gave Wolfgang many useful lessons.

    Over the years of wandering, the "miracle children", who already had far from the best health by nature, were quite tired. Their parents were also tired: for example, during the stay of the Mozart family in London, Leopold became very ill. Therefore, in 1766, the child prodigies, together with their parents, returned to their hometown.

    Creative development

    At the age of fourteen, Wolfgang Mozart, through the efforts of his father, went to Italy, which was amazed by the talent of the young virtuoso. Arriving in Bologna, he successfully took part in the original musical competitions of the Philharmonic Academy, along with musicians, many of whom were suitable for his fathers.

    Mastery young genius so impressed with the Academy of Boden that he was elected an academician, although usually this honorary status was assigned only to the most successful composers, whose age was at least 20 years old.

    After returning to Salzburg, the composer threw himself into composing diverse sonatas, operas, quartets, and symphonies. The older he got, the more daring and original his works were, they looked less and less like the creations of musicians that Wolfgang admired in childhood. In 1772, fate brought Mozart together with Joseph Haydn, who became his main teacher and closest friend.

    Wolfgang soon got a job at the archbishop's court, like his father. He got a large number of orders, but after the death of the old bishop and the arrival of a new one, the situation at court became much less pleasant. gulpcom fresh air for the young composer was a trip to Paris and major German cities in 1777, which Leopold Mozart asked the archbishop for his gifted son.

    At that time, the family faced quite strong financial difficulties, and therefore only the mother was able to go with Wolfgang. The grown-up composer again gave concerts, but his bold compositions were not like classical music of those times, and the grown-up boy no longer aroused delight with his appearance alone. Therefore, this time the public received the musician with much less cordiality. And in Paris, Mozart's mother died, exhausted by a long and unsuccessful trip. The composer returned to Salzburg.

    Career heyday

    Despite money problems, Wolfgang Mozart had long been dissatisfied with the way he was treated by the archbishop. Without doubting your musical genius, the composer was indignant at the fact that the employer regards him as a servant. Therefore, in 1781, spitting on all the laws of decency and persuasion of his relatives, he decided to leave the service of the archbishop and move to Vienna.

    There the composer met Baron Gottfried van Steven, who at that time was the patron of musicians and had a large collection of works by Handel and Bach. On his advice, Mozart tried to create music in the Baroque style in order to enrich his work. Then Mozart tried to get a position as a music teacher for Princess Elisabeth of Württemberg, but the emperor preferred singing teacher Antonio Salieri to him.

    Peak creative career Wolfgang Mozart came in the 1780s. It was then that she wrote her most famous operas: "The Wedding of Figaro", "Magic Flute", "Don Giovanni". At the same time, the popular "Little Night Serenade" was written in four parts. At that time, the composer's music was in great demand, and he received the largest fees in his life for his work.

    Unfortunately, the period of unprecedented creative upsurge and recognition for Mozart did not last too long. In 1787, his beloved father died, and soon his wife, Constance Weber, fell ill with a leg ulcer, and a lot of money was needed for the treatment of her wife.

    The situation was worsened by the death of Emperor Joseph II, after which Emperor Leopold II ascended the throne. He, unlike his brother, was not a fan of music, so the composers of that time did not have to rely on the location of the new monarch.

    Personal life

    Mozart's only wife was Constance Weber, whom he met in Vienna (for the first time after moving to the city, Wolfgang rented a house from the Weber family).

    Wolfgang Mozart and his wife

    Leopold Mozart was against the marriage of his son to a girl, as he saw in this the desire of her family to find a "profitable match" for Constance. However, the wedding took place in 1782.

    The composer's wife was pregnant six times, but few of the couple's children survived infancy: only Carl Thomas and Franz Xaver Wolfgang survived.


    In 1790, when Constance again went for treatment, and financial condition Wolfgang Mozart became even more unbearable, the composer decided to give several concerts in Frankfurt. The famous musician, whose portrait at that time became the personification of a progressive and immensely beautiful music, welcomed with a bang, but the fees from the concerts were too small and did not justify the hopes of Wolfgang.

    In 1791, the composer had an unprecedented creative upsurge. At this time, Symphony 40 came out from under his pen, and shortly before his death, the unfinished Requiem.

    In the same year, Mozart became very ill: he was tormented by weakness, the composer's legs and arms were swollen, and soon he began to faint from sudden bouts of vomiting. Wolfgang's death came on December 5, 1791, her official reason- inflammatory rheumatic fever.

    However, to this day, some believe that the cause of Mozart's death was poisoning by the then-famous composer Antonio Salieri, who, alas, was not at all as brilliant as Wolfgang. Part of the popularity of this version is dictated by the corresponding "little tragedy" written by . However, no confirmation of this version on currently was not found.

    • The composer's real name is Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus (Gottlieb) Mozart, but he himself always demanded that he be called Wolfgang.

    Wolfgang Mozart. Last lifetime portrait
    • During the great tour of the young Mozarts in Europe, the family ended up in Holland. Then there was a fast in the country, and music was banned. An exception was made only for Wolfgang, considering his talent a gift from God.
    • Mozart was buried in a common grave, where several more coffins were located: it was so heavy financial position families at the time. Therefore, the exact burial place of the great composer is still unknown.

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