Arrived on vacation the meaning of the picture. Life is short, but art is long, and life wins in the fight


Fedor Reshetnikov - most talented artist, whose paintings have always been interesting in their stories and characters. Most often, the characters of his canvases are children who appear before the audience as if it is a reality and these people are very close. One of his paintings, which is interesting in its plot, talented in its image and real in its characters, is called "Arrived for the Holidays."

The artist depicts children, as it was the hardest for them to endure terrible years wars, when boys and girls had to forget that they were children and work together with adults. But even in the post-war years, these children had a very difficult time, so many of them behaved quite like an adult. For many children, the war took away not only childhood, but also the closest people - parents. Therefore, so many boys and girls ended up in orphanages in those years. The painting by Fyodor Pavlovich was painted in 1948.

The hero of the painting by Fedor Reshetnikov was more fortunate, because he has people who are waiting for him at home for the holidays. These are his grandparents. They can no longer raise their grandson on their own, but they have him in good health. educational institution and from it it is sure to turn out not only wonderful person but also a good officer. The central place in the picture is given to only two heroes, although there are more of them in the plot.

Right in the foreground close-up the boy and his grandfather stand out. The background of the picture is uplifting, as a Christmas tree is visible, shimmering with multi-colored lights, large and bright toys. A tall and green beauty tree that brings to every home Christmas mood, put in the very corner, but it still pleases the inhabitants of this apartment. Nearby is a huge and bright window with non-row and light curtains. white color and small blue flowers.

Right next to the window is a large table covered with a snow-white tablecloth. smart girl sets the table, puts the dishes, but at the same time she looks at her older brother with great curiosity. She has not seen him for a long time, she missed him, so she is interested in every moment that will be spent with her brother, who came to new year holidays. She is smartly dressed: a blue dress and a white apron, on short haircut bow tied.

There is a soft and colorful carpet on the floor in the room, and the second wall in the apartment, which the artist depicted, of blue color. On it hang a large antique clock and small picture, with which, perhaps, these people have some memories associated, so they sacredly cherish it. An unusual atmosphere reigns throughout the house: joy and celebration. Every detail that the auto painting has drawn accurately and in great detail helps to create it. good mood from the canvas.

But still, the main character of this whole story is a boy who, after a long study, finally returned home. By the way his face shines and his eyes sparkle, one can understand that he finished this quarter well and joyfully hurries to inform his relatives about it, but especially his strict and fair grandfather. He clearly and proudly raises his hand to his head to salute the person he loves and respects. The boy is dressed in Suvorov military uniform, in his hands he has a small suitcase where his personal belongings are stored.

The grandson is met by his grandfather, who is very glad to meet him. Perhaps, a tear of joy even appeared in his eyes, but he tries to hide all this behind his severity and seriousness. Old man listens attentively as his grandson makes a report, and joy and pride overwhelm this adult man. Grandfather is dressed in warm dark pants, a light yellow shirt and a dark-colored warm vest, in which the back is made of black satin. Most likely, he put on this vest to look festive and smart. Gray hair and the same color thick beard skillfully hide the excitement of the grandfather, who missed his grandson very much, but tries to restrain his emotions.

Deep in content and varied in color use, Fyodor Reshetnikov's painting is touching and joyful. In it, the artist conveyed the whole story of the life of one family. Probably, this family had to go through a lot of misfortune and grief, but they were able to cope with everything, survive and live on. And it is worth hoping that this boy and his sister really became real people who never offended their grandfather and other people who took care of them.

This excellent canvas shows that the continuity of generations exists, so parents, and indeed older generation should think about what kind of people they will raise from their children, what kind moral qualities they will possess and how spiritually advanced they will be. This picture makes you not only smile involuntarily, but also believe in a brighter future.

Arrived on vacation

The work “Arrived on vacation” Fyodor Pavlovich Reshetnikov wrote in 1948. Almost immediately, this canvas gained popularity among Soviet viewers.

In the foreground, the paintings are old man wearing glasses and, obviously, his grandson, a Suvorovite, reporting to him about his arrival. Judging by the decorated Christmas tree, the boy arrived for the New Year holidays. On the eve of the holiday and from the joy of returning home, happy lights shine in the eyes of the child. Judging by the straight posture, grandfather is a former military man and accepts a report in accordance with military rules. He is pleased with the report and bearing of his grandson. On the wall, behind the boy, hangs a portrait of a man. It is possible that this is his father, who died in the war for the liberation of the Motherland. This means that the child’s decision to become a hereditary military man, to follow in the footsteps of his father and grandfather, was balanced and thoughtful. In this family, even epic heroes, as evidenced by the painting by V. Vasnetsov "Three heroes", hanging on the wall.

In the background of the canvas is a girl dressed in a formal school uniform. Apparently, she had recently returned home after classes and was going to start doing homework. But her brother's arrival changed her plans. Obviously, the young mistress will now hide in a briefcase school supplies and will cover festive table to celebrate the return of the Suvorov brother with the whole family. The cat, sensing the approach of dinner, settled down at the table in a businesslike way.

F. P. Reshetnikov authentically conveyed the joyful feelings of the boy who arrived home for the holidays. Everything pleases him, meeting with his relatives, approaching the New Year, a picture on the wall, a carpet in the center of the room, and even a knitted rug at the doorstep. The author of the picture managed to assure the viewer of the happy future of this family.

Asked often in 8th grade.

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New Year holidays at school and at the Suvorov Military School. The boy, for success in preparation, was released for the holidays.

New Year holidays at school and at the Suvorov Military School. The boy, for success in preparation, was released for the holidays. Perhaps this is the same Mitya, who received a deuce and was sent to the Suvorov School for correction, with its much more strict discipline.
And here we have a slender, fit boy, in full Suvorov uniform, with a government suitcase and excellent bearing, so to speak, a "military bone."
He gives a report on the arrival of his grandfather, as he was taught at the school, and the grandfather, standing at attention, accepts his report. It can be seen that the grandfather, who maintained a straight posture, was once a military man himself and happily recalls the past. The atmosphere in the room is clearly festive. Sister, in the front school uniform prepares the table, putting away notebooks and textbooks, a decorated Christmas tree stands nearby, dressed up with toys and garlands. A cat sits on a chair, waiting for handouts, but understands that there is still nothing edible on the table and he patiently waits.
A simple table, a wooden chair tell us about a simple family, and the portrait of a man hanging on the wall probably speaks of his father, whose memory is kept in the family where he did not return from the war. Suvorov schools most often accepted children whose fathers were military men and died in the war. Such guys received full state support, which, of course, greatly facilitated financial situation families left without a breadwinner.
It can be seen how happy the boy is to have returned to his family, that the surroundings are familiar, it is clear that he loves his grandfather and gladly gives him a report.
As usual, on the floor, in front of the entrance, there is a rug, possibly knitted by the hands of the mistress of the house, but next to it lies a beautiful, colorful carpet.
We are happy for the boy, for his family and wish that everything in their life turned out well.

It's hard to believe, but the picture of the artist Fyodor Reshetnikov once broke all records of popularity. His canvas "Arrived for the holidays" Soviet painter wrote after the Great Patriotic War Then it was 1948.

This conversation piece the inhabitants of the country liked it so much that soon a postcard with her image was issued in a huge circulation. Obviously, in the post-war years, the audience was especially captivated by the optimism and life-affirming spirit of this work.

The artist depicted an ordinary everyday scene. On the eve of the New Year holidays, a student of the Suvorov Military School unexpectedly arrives home. It is immediately noticeable that a handsome boy in a black uniform overcoat with red shoulder straps is already accustomed to discipline.

He is neatly dressed, smart, in his hands is a suitcase with things. In the room where the Christmas tree has already been decorated for the New Year, the young Suvorovite is met by his grandfather with a gray beard. It seems that the boy entered unexpectedly and jokingly gives his grandfather a report of his arrival. The face of the little cadet expresses joy, mischievous sparks in his brown eyes.
Grandfather decides to play along with his grandson.

He takes the report at attention, in his bearing it is felt that once his grandfather was a military man. This scene is filled with good humor, the warmth of meeting loved ones. Grandfather, of course, is very proud that his grandson is a good student, he will make an excellent officer in the future. It is clear that after accepting the report, the grandfather will hug his beloved grandson tightly.

This playful meeting is being watched by the Suvorov's sister. She is a schoolgirl, in a uniform dress and a pioneer tie. Obviously, the girl did her homework at the table, her textbooks and notebooks are there. Seeing her brother come in, the girl jumped up from her chair and smiled happily. She is also proud of her brother's success and is happy that New Year they will meet together.

The artist very expressively depicted the room in which the events take place. This room is in an old house with hardwood floors, high ceilings and a large window. Festive atmosphere creates not only Christmas tree, but also a carpet on the floor with a bright pattern, a white tablecloth on the table. Even a snow-white cat on a chair makes this house cozy.

However, the recently ended war affected the fate of this family. On the wall we see a portrait of a military man, this is the father of a boy and a girl who died at the front. It was the children of the fallen soldiers who were sent to Suvorov schools after the war. Mom is not in the picture either. Perhaps she is at work and will be very happy when she returns and sees her son. But it is possible that the grandfather alone brings up his grandchildren, and the war also took the mother.

Despite this, the artist managed to create a picture permeated with optimism, showed that a wonderful generation is growing up and a worthy successor to those who won the war. The painting "Arrived for the holidays" can be seen in the Tretyakov Gallery.

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Why Fyodor Reshetnikov's painting "Arrived for the Holidays" became the most replicated painting Soviet Union?

Announcement of laureates Stalin Prize in the field of literature and art - this is not a joke to you. The whole of Moscow was waiting for the event, and everyone who fell into the coveted lists had already prepared banquets in advance, so on the evening of Saturday, April 9, 1949, in Moscow restaurants, there was nowhere for an apple to fall from the titled order-bearing public. Everyone gathered by nine o'clock in the evening, when the announcer Levitan began to read out the list on the radio.

The writers, as usual, were waiting for the announcement of the laureates in the restaurant of the Central House of Writers.

Actors - in the "Metropol".

But the artists - who is where. Those who were richer feasted at the Savoy Hotel, while those who were poorer occupied tables at the Priboy, which is near Yakimanskaya Embankment.

- Oh, Fedka, bring some vodka, now we'll go for a walk!
- Bring champagne!
Hush, comrades, hush. Now they will read!

And now the thunder of the chimes was heard, and Yuri Borisovich Levitan in a solemn voice began to announce long list laureates. The first were writers, followed by poets, then cinematographers, actors, musicians.

Finally, painters. Levitan rumbles: the first prize in the field of painting - Kukryniksam for the monumental painting "The End".

- Well done, Kukryniksy, - the people sigh, - they deserve it. Throughout the war, they plowed like hell, every day according to a drawing in the Pravda newspaper. Deserved.

Second Prize - Alexander Gerasimov for the monumental painting "Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin at the coffin of Comrade Zhdanov."

Well, everything is clear here too: Alexander Mikhailovich is the president of the USSR Academy of Arts.

No questions, we drink to Comrade Finogenov.

Fedor Reshetnikov. self-portrait

Then Krivonogov - for the painting "Victory". Good picture and a good artist. A front-line soldier, he walked the whole war all the way to Berlin. And he painted not leaders, but infantry calcined by fire. Let's drink, comrades!

Finally, Fyodor Reshetnikov is also announced. The second Stalin Prize - and for some reason for two paintings at once. For the portrait "Generalissimo of the Soviet Union I.V. Stalin" and for the painting "I Arrived on Vacation".

Artists look at each other, do not understand anything.

- What kind of Reshetnikov? – the gray-haired academicians are perplexed.
- Yes, a cartoonist, "Chelyuskin" ...
- Well, well ... Since the "Chelyuskin" ... He deserved it! But all the same, it is somehow incomprehensible: is it possible to put a portrait of Comrade Stalin himself next to it with some kind of everyday picture?
- So Comrade Stalin himself put it, you need to understand!

The picture at first glance is really everyday and frivolous: a rosy-cheeked Suvorov boy, who came home for the New Year holidays, bravo reports to his grandfather about the arrival. But the front-line soldiers look at her and their heart aches: after the war, the Suvorov School, as a rule, took children whose parents died at the front. That is, both the father died and the mother, leaving the brother and sister in the care of their grandfather.

Somehow she hooked Comrade Stalin, since back in 1948 he ordered Reshetnikov's drawing to be printed on new Soviet New Year's postcards.

Here it is worth, of course, to clarify that until 1947, the day of January 1 was the most common working day, and there was no official new year holiday did not exist in nature. No, of course, people organized feasts, Christmas trees were held in schools and New Year's parties, but - purely unofficially. It is surprising that the post of the USSR also issued New Year's Greeting Cards, but without any hint of Christmas symbols.

But then our soldiers from the liberated countries of Europe began to bring home colorful foreign Christmas cards. And so, in order to stop the "ideological offensive", the party leadership decided to issue their own, correct "open postcards", the first of which was a reproduction of Reshetnikov's painting.

As a result, the total circulation of postcards with a reproduction of the picture "Arrived for the holidays" exceeded 13 million copies!

This picture became a record holder - neither then, nor after that, postcards in such a gigantic quantity were no longer produced in the world.

And after all, everyone saw something so close and dear in this simple everyday picture. Soviet people- something that, perhaps, we, their descendants, no longer see.

Fedor Reshetnikov. Arrived on vacation

Fedor Pavlovich Reshetnikov himself did not remember his parents.

He was born in 1906 in the village of Sursko-Litovskoye, which once stood near the city of Yekaterinoslav.

As soon as Fedya was three years old, his father, during another drinking bout, fell off the scaffolding in the church, where he painted the ceiling with marvelous angelic faces. But the angels did not save him, Pavel Reshetnikov crashed to death, and then his mother passed away. It was as if she had dried up from some kind of disease, and from what - no one really knew.

The boy was brought up by his elder brother Vasily, who also worked in the artel of Bogomazov - they walked around the villages and painted churches. Little Fedya was assigned as an apprentice - he washed brushes, rubbed and diluted paints, dreaming of learning to draw himself.

Then in Russian empire came World War followed by a revolution and a civil war. No one built churches anymore, earnings fell, and the brother simply put Fyodor out of the house - they say, it’s enough to be a freeloader already, it’s time to earn a living yourself. And Fedya went to towns and villages. He begged, stole, worked as a painter, carpenter and miner.

In the late 1920s, fate brought him to Moscow, where he somehow miraculously entered the VKhUTEMAS - Higher Artistic and Technical Workshops.

In 1932, Reshetnikov took part in the heroic raid of the Sibiryakov icebreaker. On the ship, he published "The Arctic Crocodile" - a cheerful wall newspaper, which was loved by all polar explorers. In the conditions of the polar night and the eternal cold, the reserve of vivacity and Have a good mood you begin to appreciate even more than a bar of chocolate, and only God knows how Fyodor with his biography turned out to have so much inexhaustible optimism.

F. Reshetnikov. Repair "Sibiryakov" in the ice. Coal. 1932

Two years later, Reshetnikov was called on an expedition on the Chelyuskin. The expedition was faced with the task of entering the Bering Strait by all means before the onset of winter. But multi-year pack ice squeezed the icebreaker so much that the hull cracked and water poured into the holds. The icebreaker sank for two hours while the expedition members landed on the ice.

And already on the fourth day after the death of Chelyuskin, the first issue of the wall newspaper “We will not give up!” with drawings by Reshetnikov. Reshetnikov worked in truly inhuman conditions - either hunched over, squatting, or lying on his stomach ... But the Schmidt camp enthusiastically reacted to each new drawing.

F. Reshetnikov. O. Yu. Schmidt on the outskirts of North Pole. Pencil, watercolor. 1932

Then there was the war, and Reshetnikov worked as an artist for the front-line newspaper Krasny Chernomorets. It was then that he discovered the children's theme. Just once I saw with what joyful faces the Suvorovites were going home - however, only those who had a house left and at least one of their relatives ...

He himself did not have such a house.

Nobody expected his return.

Perhaps that is why the drawing with the little Suvorovite turned out to be so warm - Fyodor Reshetnikov expressed all his longing for home and family in this picture.

In 1952, Reshetnikov drew, perhaps, his most famous painting"Double again!" Entire generations of Soviet schoolchildren wrote compositions based on this picture, denouncing a negligent student.

But few people know that original intention the picture was completely different - then Reshetnikov decided to paint a picture about an excellent student who reports to his mother about the next five. The artist went to the nearest Moscow school to look for such an excellent student. The teachers, of course, went to meet the Stalin Prize winner and put the artist in "Kamchatka" - on the farthest desk.

Fedor Reshetnikov. Again deuce

But then Reshetnikov never found an excellent student. The guys at the sight of a serious unfamiliar uncle were embarrassed and thought that a check had been sent to the school from the city department. From excitement, even the excellent student was disgraced, who, standing at the blackboard, could not solve even the most simple problem. He was prompted, but the boy did not hear anything. He just stood with his head down and silently turned the chalk in his hands.

The sight of the unfortunate child struck the artist. He abandoned the previous idea and drew his own "deuce", where an ordinary boy - lively and intelligent - was scolded by his relatives for a bad grade. It’s just that the boy was very carried away by the new skates that stick out of his old briefcase - so it turned out that nothing happened ...

already working on new painting, Reshetnikov suddenly remembered how other critics literally dismantled his picture with the Suvorovite literally by the "bones". Most of all, he remembered stupid questions, but why is Vasnetsov’s picture “Three Heroes” hanging on the wall of the room?

Then Reshetnikov could not find a funny and witty answer, but now he had an idea how to confuse critics even more.

And on the wall of the room in the painting "Again the deuce!" he again painted a reproduction - but this time with his own own picture"Arrived for the holidays."

And here is a reproduction of the painting “Again, a deuce!” he placed in the painting "Reexamination" in 1954. It’s summer outside, but the loser we already know is forced to stay at home and study in order to retake the exam - in those years, all students passed the exams after the fifth grade.

Fedor Reshetnikov. Resit

And again, critics were perplexed: what do these nomadic reproductions mean?

But the task is simple: the son of the Russian icon painter Fyodor Reshetnikov painted his trinity of Russian heroes.

Professional military Dobrynya.

Hooligan Alyoshka, who does not want to take up the mind.

Stubborn Ilya, sitting at home with books, while the rest of the guys are chasing football in the yard.

Bogatyrs, who were to crush all the filthy idols.

And so it happened.

Who now remembers all these countless portraits of leaders, for which the authorities so generously showered with gold? And the Russian guys - here they are. Well, so what that losers, they will show themselves yet, give it time.

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