Trial exam literature. Exam tests in literature


The unified state exam in literature is one of the most difficult. According to statistics, no more than 5% of students choose it. The thing is that the tasks are drawn up with the expectation of the program of specialized humanitarian classes and schools. Previously, before the introduction of the Unified State Examination, an exam in the form of an essay was mandatory and 2 grades were immediately given for it - in literature and the Russian language. Now, passing the unified state exam in literature is a rather difficult task for a graduate regular school, since the questions cover topics studied in specialized classes, and the structure of the ticket itself changes annually.

Most teachers are unanimous in their opinion that for successful passing the exam in literature in the 2017-2018 academic year, it’s not enough just to read all the works from the list school curriculum and be able to express your thoughts correctly. Required professional training, taking into account the specifics of current this moment KIMov.

In this article we will tell:

Having successfully passed the unified state exam in the Russian language, mathematics at a basic or specialized level (depending on the requirements of the university) and literature, a graduate can choose various directions for himself.

In 2018, such a set of subjects will provide an opportunity to enter the vast majority of creative areas:

  • faculty of journalism or military journalism. Journalism is the most popular humanitarian field with great job prospects. In most universities huge competition for this specialty. In addition to literature, in most cases, a certificate in a foreign language will also be required;
  • consistently high competition for places and universities that produce translators (respectively, it is necessary to pass the exam in a foreign language);
  • linguistic and philological faculties;
  • to universities that train translators (accordingly, passing the exam in a foreign language is required);
  • faculty of journalism or military journalism (some universities also required a certificate in a foreign language);
  • faculties teaching creative specialties: graphics, painting, sculpture, restoration, design, vocals, choreography, theatrical art and others (in many universities, an additional creative competition is mandatory);
  • faculties that provide education as a producer, sound engineer, cinematographer (a certificate in mathematics of a specialized level is required).

Decide on a list necessary items worth even before the start of 2017-2018 school year, having familiarized with the requirements for applicants of a particular faculty, which can be found on the official website of the corresponding higher educational institution.

All the changes that will be made in 2018, as well as the most up-to-date information about the Unified State Examination in Literature, can also always be found on our portal.

Changes in the exam in literature in 2018

As part of the improvement of KIMs, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation has developed a radically new promising model of USE tickets in literature and, most likely, already in 2018 graduates will have to face a number of innovations:

  1. Questions with a short answer are completely excluded from the tickets.
  2. The number of tasks of the participant's choice has increased.
  3. In tasks for comparison, it will be necessary to compare the text with only 1 work (previously there were 2).
  4. Essays will be checked more carefully, and the verification criteria will be tightened.
  5. The minimum length of a detailed answer is 50 words, and essays - 250 words (essays that are less than 200 words are rated at 0 points).

You can also learn about innovations in the USE in literature by watching a video interview with Dmitry Bak, professor at the Russian State University for the Humanities:

You have 235 minutes to complete all tasks.

The minimum passing score is 32 points.

To get an “excellent” rating, you need to score more than 67 points.

When evaluating the essay, the members of the commission will rely on the following criteria:

  1. Depth of understanding of the problem and the presence of their own thoughts. The content of the answers is the main thing. Correct spelling and punctuation do not affect the answer, but speech errors, violation of lexical norms, will take away points.
  2. The level of theoretical and literary knowledge of the examinee.
  3. Validity of the quoted excerpts from the works.
  4. Logic and consistency of presentation.
  5. Compliance with the norms and rules of the Russian language.

List of works for passing the exam in literature

One of the most pressing issues that concerns 11th graders is the list of works that need to be thoroughly studied in order to successfully pass the exam in literature in the upcoming 2018.

Indeed, the main difficulty of the exam is the need to possess a sufficiently large amount of information, because in USE codifier listed in the literature:

  • over 150 poems;
  • 11 novels;
  • 9 poems;
  • 6 plays;
  • 4 stories;
  • about 20 stories.

A complete list of works can be found in the "codifiers" section of the official USE website.

Preparation for the exam in literature

It is important to understand that high-quality preparation for the exam is not only about getting to know the meaning of various works, because in order to successfully pass the literature exam in 2018, you will need:

  • deep understanding of the essence of the problems raised by different authors;
  • possession of information about the portraits and characters of the characters;
  • the ability to draw parallels between the plot of the work and the spiritual experiences of the author;
  • Availability own opinion and the ability to defend and justify it;
  • knowledge of the history of literature.

That is why, read novels, novellas, poems, plays, stories and other literary works it is necessary in the original, and not according to criticism, but in the process of reading, pay attention to the little things and lead reader's diary, in which to write down the basic information that will be needed in preparing for the exam and writing essays.

  1. Write as many practice essays as possible, building for yourself certain templates for various topics.
  2. Create a card for each writer with key dates and important information.
  3. Think about the problems of the works.
  4. Do not be lazy to write out phrases that can be used in essays.
  5. If something is very difficult to remember, use diagrams and sketches.

Pupils to take exams at the end of school. Now only about 5% of graduates pass it. This is because literature is needed for admission to not the most popular specialties: philologist, linguist and teacher of Russian and literature.

Before the introduction of the Unified State Examination, literature was obligatorily surrendered at the end of school in the form of an essay and an assessment was given in two subjects at once: literature - for the quality of the text and disclosure of the main idea, one's own opinion and knowledge of the opinions of critics, and in Russian - for the absence of errors.

Check out general information about the exam and start preparing. Compared to last year, the KIM USE 2019 version has changed. Now in task 17 you have to choose one essay topic out of four (it was out of three). Maximum primary score for the entire test they raised a lot - from 42 to 57. The rest of the changes are not very serious, you can familiarize yourself with them.

EGE assessment

Last year, in order to pass the Unified State Examination in Literature, at least for a three, it was enough to score 32 primary points. They were given, for example, for correctly completed tasks No. 1-7, 10 and 11.

How it will be in 2019 is still not known for sure: you need to wait for an official order from Rosobrnadzor on the correspondence of primary and test scores. Most likely it will appear in December. Given that the maximum primary score has increased greatly, it is very likely that the minimum score may also change. Let's take a look at these tables:

USE test structure

In 2019, the USE test in literature consists of two parts, including 17 tasks.

  • Part 1: Consists of two sets of tasks. The first refers to a fragment of the epic, or lyroepic, or dramatic work: includes seven tasks (1–7) with a short answer and two tasks (8, 9) with a detailed answer in the amount of 5–10 sentences. The second relates to the analysis lyrical work: includes five tasks (10–14) with a short answer and two tasks (15, 16) with a detailed answer in the amount of 5–10 sentences.
  • Part 2: 4 essay topics (17.1–17.4), from which you need to choose ONE and write a text of 200 words or more.

Preparation for the exam

  • Pass the USE tests online for free without registration and SMS. The presented tests are identical in their complexity and structure to the real exams held in the corresponding years.
  • Download demo versions of the Unified State Examination in Literature, which will allow you to better prepare for the exam and make it easier to pass it. All proposed tests are designed and approved for preparation for the exam Federal Institute pedagogical measurements (FIPI). In the same FIPI, all official USE options.
    The tasks that you will see, most likely, will not be found on the exam, but there will be tasks similar to the demo ones, on the same topic or simply with different numbers.

General USE numbers

Year Min. USE score Average score Number of applicants Did not pass, % Qty
100 points
exam length, min.
2009 30
2010 29 57,59 54 313 5 422 240
2011 32 57,15 39 317 5 355 240
2012 32 56,3 46 030 4,8 324 240
2013 32 58,4 44 420 5,6 457 240
2014 32 53,6 235
2015 40 56,9 235
2016 32 235
2017 32 235

A lot of changes planned and already tested in KIMs on literature at the USE-2018. All changes are bold and radical, many of them will not appeal to students who are used to placing the main emphasis on the test part with short answers and due to this, gain the main points.

The new model of the state exam is special in that everyone, without exception, USE assignments on literature will be creative in nature and test the ability of students to correctly express their thoughts, adequately build sentences and link them together in the text into a single semantic canvas.

What are the upgrade options?

Innovation begins with the fact that the test part of the exam is canceled completely.

  • the number of optional tasks has increased;
  • comparison tasks now require matching text with only one work (in previous versions there were two);
  • the requirements for essays and the criteria for their verification have been tightened;
  • the minimum amount of deployed response from now on it is not less than 50 words, and essays - not less than 250.

Mini-essays below the specified volume will receive 0 points.

The number of topics for a detailed essay has been increased to four.

KIMs- 2018 consist of two parts, total tasks - 17. 235 minutes are allotted for completion, the time limit is not exceeded.

A few words about writing

Creative tasks traditionally assessed by the examination committee. The main criteria for evaluating essays in literature 2018 are:

  • the ability to competently express thoughts, the presence of a reasonable own opinion;
  • level of knowledge on literary theory;
  • depth of understanding of the problem;
  • consistency and logic of the story;
  • compliance with all the rules of the Russian language.

The result is issued as "pass" or "fail", the minimum number of points is -32. "Five" corresponds to 57 points.

What is important for preparation

Everyone individually forms a plan for preparing for the exam, but the universal points remain:

  • reading fiction(works outside the program, including);
  • regular writing of short training essays;
  • self-study online on our website.

The unified examination in literature is complicated, but new model The exam will not raise doubts about knowledge if it is constantly updated and consolidated.

USE test in literature-2018 acquired the most creative character - in connection with the improvement of KIMs, the exam format has been updated, and the main focus is on testing the ability to correctly, consistently and beautifully express thoughts.

At the same time, according to specialists from the FIPI, it should not become fundamentally more difficult for graduates to pass the exam. After all, they are given wide choose topics for writing, the conditions of assignments for “immersion” in the context have been changed - you will have to compare half as much. And for those for whom writing essays is not a problem, the new USE model will appeal to them.

Exam Structure Changes

Radical changes have affected tickets for literature- now they do not contain tasks with open answers and, as a result, automatic verification of knowledge is excluded.

WITH 2018 The exam will be a "set" of five essays, which brings its format as close as possible to the standard school exam.

At preparing do not ignore the use USE demos on literature- last year's version has already lost its relevance, but a version corresponding to updated format. And do not limit yourself to a superficial study of the meaning of the work, learn to understand as deeply as possible the essence of the problem that the author raises, find a connection between the plot and the experiences of the heroes of the work, defend and justify your opinion that arose after reading.

Works required for the exam

Number of works :

  • poetry - more than 150 poems and 9 poems;
  • novels - 11;
  • plays - 6;
  • stories - 4;
  • stories - within 20.

A specific list can be found in .

How to prepare for writing an essay

Despite the small size of the examination essay, it is not easy for many to write it: excitement and lack of experience in creating written works.

To ensure that the exam runs smoothly, preparing certain rules must be followed:

  • write as much as possible, write regularly;
  • build your own unique template, on the basis of which you will create essays on different topics;
  • delve into the problems of the work;
  • write cards for each work or author;
  • write down all the successful phrases and quotes that can be used for writing;
  • train online.

Assignment authors: a leading specialist who is directly involved in the development of control measuring USE materials(Popova N.A.), and a specialist in the field of development teaching materials to prepare for the implementation of control measuring materials of the Unified State Examination (Maryina O. B.). Typical test tasks in literature contain 14 options for sets of tasks, compiled taking into account all the features and requirements of the Unified State Exam. The purpose of the manual is to provide readers with information about the structure and content of KIM in literature, the degree of difficulty of tasks. The collection contains samples of forms used in the exam to record answers. The manual is intended for teachers to prepare students for the exam in literature and high school students for self-training and self-control. Order No. 699 of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation study guides Exam publishing houses are approved for use in educational institutions.

To complete the task of part 2, select only ONE of the four proposed essay topics.
In the ANSWER FORM No. 2, indicate the number of the topic you have chosen.
Write an essay on this topic in a volume of at least 250 words (if the volume is less than 200 words, the essay is rated 0 points):
- open the topic, trying not to allow deviations from it,
- justify all the thesis formulated by you,
- substantiate judgments with text and use quotes (in an essay on lyrics, you must rely on at least three poems),
- do not distort the author's position, avoid factual errors,
- use theoretical and literary concepts to analyze the work,
- think over the composition of the essay and reason logically,
- follow the rules of speech,
- write clearly and legibly.

What is the meaning of the epigraph to the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov "Mtsyri"

Is Luka doing the right thing by creating illusions for the inhabitants of the rooming house? (Based on episodes of M. Gorky's play "At the Bottom".)

The role of heroes' dreams in Russian literature. (On the example of one or two works.).

Free download e-book in a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book Unified State Examination, Literature, 14 options, Typical test tasks, Popova N.A., Maryina O.B., 2018 -, fast and free download.

  • USE 2019, Literature, 14 options, Typical test tasks, Popova N.A., Maryina O.B.
  • USE 2016, Literature, Guidelines for assessing tasks, Zinin S.A., Novikova L.V., Belyaeva N.V., Gorokhovskaya L.N., Maryina O.B., Popova N.A.

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