An easy way to draw autumn. Autumn landscape with children: step by step drawing

funny idea- make an imprint of dad's huge shoes, and inside the imprint of children's legs. The soles of the shoes must be dipped in paint and left an imprint on a piece of paper. “Followed in the footsteps”: everything is simple, but very touching.

There are a lot of options for postcards for February 23 for the smallest.

Handprints, toes and feet can be done with your mother, brother or grandmother.

A print can be taken as the basis of a drawing and turned into something more. For example, for a fisherman dad, you can make a postcard with a funny fish.


A postcard for February 23 can be cut out of paper in the shape of a star. To do this, you can use colored paper, leftover wallpaper or scrapbooking paper. Draw two pieces of stars according to the template, cut them out, and then glue them together. When the glue is dry, poke a small hole in the corner and insert tape or coarse thread.

Postcard - shirt

This postcard looks amazing! There are a lot of options for the design of such a voluminous postcard.

The simplest is to fold rectangular sheet paper in half, cut off a strip of paper from the top of the back of the card. Then make two small incisions in front on the sides and bend to the center of the edge. Thus, you will get a shirt collar.

Of course, the kids will have to help a little with the design and prepare in advance the complex details.

Cut out a detail for a tie in advance, and take a couple of small buttons for a collar. You can fantasize as much as you like, add a jacket to a shirt, a business suit or military uniform.

By the way, you can make a postcard for February 23 with your own hands using only the shape of the tie itself. You can color it, make an application on it and attach it to a tape with glue, and write the text and congratulations on the back.

master class: do-it-yourself volumetric postcard for February 23

Instead of a tie, you can try to make a pasta butterfly, which you will first need to paint with paints.

You will need:

  • colored cardboard and paper
  • farfalle pasta ( pasta in the form of bows)
  • dye

Master Class

  1. Color the pasta different colors and let them dry by laying them on a piece of paper or newspaper.
  2. Take a piece of A4 paper and fold it in half. Stepping back from the edge of the folded sheet 2 cm, draw two lines.
  3. Make two cuts on the sides so that you get a rectangle. Unfold the sheet and fold it to form the collar of the shirt.
  4. Unfold the shirt, draw the sleeves and cut them out along the outline.
  5. Glue the silhouette of the shirt to a sheet of cardboard, and then decorate it beautiful butterfly from pasta.

Postcard - tablet

Another idea for those who are older. Does your dad constantly spend time on the Internet and simply cannot live without a tablet? Give him voluminous postcard for February 23, made by yourself in the form of a small tablet with your favorite photos. Here you can print the details of the templates: iPad tablet template, and find the icon images on the Internet.

One of the favorite men's holidays in my family is February 23, and my children and I always make postcards for February 23 with our own hands to our relatives and friends. Perhaps someone will say that it is easier to buy ready-made cards, but the children really like to make them, so we do it together.

By the way, I heard a version from several acquaintances that only those who served in the army should be congratulated, but I do not support this point of view - every man is the defender of the fatherland.

What to portray

To make a beautiful one with a child with your own hands, first of all, you need to choose the plot of the product. If the man to whom the present is intended served in any army, then you can choose any suitable symbolism.

Similar variant:

And if not, then you can just pick up a courageous symbol - for example, my son often draws horses for his grandfather, my brother receives cards with a tank because of his addiction to a famous game.

Select art style work, and proceed - production will not take much time, and your loved ones will be happy with such a gift for a long time to come.

Application option

Various inscriptions for download:

Making an application is quite simple - you can look at the photo of the postcard you like and repeat. But if you want to definitely do everything from scratch, then follow the instructions.

  1. On plain paper (it can also be in a box), first sketch a future postcard - determine in advance the shape and color of all elements, location and composition, work out the shape.
  2. Make a pattern for each element (especially if you are doing it with a child - it is easier for them to circle the finished pattern). To do this, draw all the elements on one sheet of thick paper or even cardboard (if you plan to use the pattern repeatedly), mark the front side and cut it out with a sharp breadboard knife or good scissors.
  3. Pick a base for your postcard. It can be a piece of thick cardboard or even ordinary white drawing paper, special paper or a piece of paper from a watercolor album.
  4. Give the blank the desired shape - cut the corners, cut off the edges, make a creasing - a groove along which the postcard will fold. To do this, you need to draw a line along the ruler with any non-writing pointed object. The most commonly used is the old ball pen.
  5. Pick up colored paper for the application and cut out the desired elements. You can use plain colored paper, you can buy shiny or velvet, neon or glitter.

    We always have scrapbooking paper at home and I let the kids take a few sheets for their postcards. And if you really need some color of paper, which was not at hand, then you can always just mix paints and paint the desired leaflet.

  6. Sequentially lubricate the elements with glue and glue in right places, gently smoothing with a dry, clean cloth.
  7. Put the appliqué under the press in order to remove excess waves from the glue.
  8. Don't forget to sign the postcard.

Another option (it is better to make such a postcard from thick cardboard):

Volumetric work techniques

A beautiful do-it-yourself postcard to your beloved dad on February 23 can be voluminous. Think about how you or your child would like to give volume to the card - it can be quilling, voluminous appliqué, or even a card that becomes voluminous when unfolded.

I sometimes help kids make scrapbooking cards, but much more I like to watch what they come up with themselves - so if the child is not averse to dreaming up, be sure to listen to his desires.


In this technique, it is easiest to make a voluminous postcard, especially since you don’t have to come up with any special plot, quilling is very attractive in itself, so it’s enough just to depict the date of the holiday in this technique. However, if you want, you can schematically depict something .

To make greeting cards using the quilling technique, you will need to purchase or make a blank for a postcard, as well as strips of quilling paper - you can buy them ready-made. You can choose colors to your taste - it can be classic shades khaki, symbolizing a military uniform, or any other that seems appropriate.

paper cutting

Volumetric postcards are always very effective, and therefore it is not surprising that a child may want to make just such a postcard. Do-it-yourself voluminous postcard for February 23 can be quite complicated - if you have chosen this option, then it is better to watch a video tutorial.

Or you can use a hand-made sketch - especially when you plan to make a folding card.

For example, you can draw on paper some plot that is not too difficult to cut out, and make a postcard that can be placed on a table or shelf. Another one is glued to the carved part - the back, and a beautiful curly congratulation is obtained.

You can try to make a postcard, where the three-dimensional structure will be in the middle - for example, cutting and gluing a ship on the waves is not too difficult.

And you can just do voluminous application- the cut out elements are glued not to glue, but to special adhesive pads and springs, and then, decorative elements slightly off paper.

And a few more ideas for inspiration:

Now you know how to make a card that every father will be happy to receive!

Undoubtedly, you can go to any store that sells greeting cards, congratulations can not be counted, because February 23 is the day of the defenders of the Fatherland. However, if you make a gift with your own hands, then it is doubly pleasant. After all, by giving such a thing, a person gives a part of himself. How to make postcards from February 23 with your own hands beautifully and tastefully?

Here are some interesting ideas with which you can prepare postcards yourself for February 23. At the same time, the materials are very affordable. Surely you will be interested.

The first postcard is called "Military equipment". To make it, take paper. The sheet should be dense and white. Bend it in half. Next, you need to add different parties by making an accordion. Cut off strips of colored paper (3 pieces): one blue, the second red, the third green. The first two are glued on one of the sides, thus making the Russian flag. But the green one is glued on the second side, on which various figures will subsequently be placed.

Now we take multi-colored paper and draw equipment, but not any, namely military. For example, it can be a tank or a ship. Don't have to do large images. The main thing is to make a leg, grease it with glue, attach it to a postcard. Then we take gold foil, cut out the numbers 2 and 3 from it, various stars and attach it.

Now we will have a postcard for February 23 "Air". We take cardboard. It must be thick and white color. From it we cut out the desired rectangle. Next, you need multi-colored sticks, they are usually available along with sweets. Glue them to form a frame. After we make an airplane and glue it in the very center. You will need pencils with which clouds are drawn and congratulations are written.

If you are still wondering how to beautiful postcard on February 23 with your own hands, here interesting idea. It's called "Military Shirt". Prepare the paper to be folded in half. Now again so that you get folds - 4 pieces. The top ones are the sleeves. We bend them like airplane wings. We turn over, find the edge below, bend it. Flip. Bend the corners from above to the center, the shirt has a collar.

Instructions for making a military shirt

Now we find the edge below, bend over, pack it under the collar. We decorate with a tie, pockets, shoulder straps and so on to get military postcard for the holiday, Take paint. On the other hand, glue some beautiful leaf, then write some poem or just a congratulation there. Now you can take the foil, make stars out of it and decorate.

Nautical postcard will appeal not only to sailors. So, take the blue paper. Now we need to draw the waves. Next you need clouds. They all need to be cut out. On white paper, you need to draw, and then cut out the sails. Brown is useful for the base. Yellow is for the sun. Light cardboard is required blue color. It needs to be glued on. It turns out cool postcard which you made with your own hands for the Defender of the Fatherland Day, and write a congratulation on the other side.

Nautical postcard

To make an order, take a sheet of cardboard, fold it in half. Now prepare red paper, draw a star on it and glue it on the front side. The size of this item can be completely different. It can be big or very small. Then draw on yellow paper circle, which should coincide in the center of the star. Glue, draw 23, attach foil, shiny paper. Now the main thing is congratulations.

If you still have a question about how to make postcards for February 23 with your own hands for grandfather, then a star will help you. Draw a star on red paper. We leave allowances. When cut out, bend them inside. We outline the rays. The product needs to be bent along them, then our star will be voluminous. Next, we cut out exactly the same object from cardboard and glue the red one to it. We decorate with something along the contour, and on the other side we write congratulations on the day of the defender of the fatherland.

And here is an unusual card for dad. We take cardboard, red, cut out 3 stars. They must be different. Glue a bead in the center of each of them. We take white cardboard and bend it in half. Glue decorative tape to the corners. In the center we will have stars. The middle is perfect for greetings. It is not necessary to take paper, the fabric will look beautiful too.

Unusual postcard

The original postcard for February 23 will appeal to all men. We take cardboard, draw the shape of a star. We glue it very well, now we take matches and glue it. You need to do this quickly, otherwise the glue will dry out. In this case, the matches must be laid very tightly. Cut out any pictures where present military theme. We are waiting for our workpiece to dry. Glue on top. If there are no drawings, we will draw them ourselves.

We present you a very original postcard on February 23 for a friend that you can make yourself. Take the sheet. Bend it in half. Bend the ends back. Take sheets of paper: green, red and blue. In addition, you will need a branch, bronze, which you can draw yourself. Make a pedestal. It is glued to the fold. It remains to make figures various equipment and attach them. After that, you only need to make different stars, as well as numbers.

original postcard

Here is another volume greeting card for my brother on February 23rd. You will need cardboard or paper, dyed on both sides. A sample of a sailboat neatly presented below on 2 sheets is cut out, after which the ship itself is glued together. And below you need to cut the anchor. It remains only to attach a wish for the holiday.

Next, here is a curly congratulation. It is only necessary to pre-make the blank below. Then it just needs to be cut off. Then we take some beautiful paper or a magazine, we make a star from it, glue it on the outside.

We present to your attention a postcard for the holiday, made in the form of St. George's ribbon. Take cardboard red or burgundy. After that, you need a special mesh for flowers, called floral. It can be gold or brown. Cut out a square. Now we need paper - orange and black. We build from it St. George ribbon. We attach the square to the cardboard, and glue the tape on top. After that, we need corrugated cardboard, preferably gold, but white is also possible. We make a star out of it.

St. George ribbon postcard

Then we take the foil and cut out exactly the same object, after which we paste it on top. Or you can paint with bronze paint. On the left we will write congratulations, for which you can use a printer or the same paint. Now it remains only to attach the star on top of the ribbon.

Anyone can make an application himself. To do this, first think about what we will produce. Let's make an airplane. To do this, take blue paper, and also white and yellow. On white paper, draw an airplane and clouds. On yellow - the sun. Then cut it all out. Glue the sun, the plane is on top, and the clouds are nearby. It remains only to sign our application.

We will make a volumetric postcard with our own hands. Why do we need double-sided cardboard. Bend it in half and turn it upside down. Make 2 cuts, which should be exactly perpendicular to the fold. Next, bend this small square. Open the card and this square must be bent inward. Get a step. Then draw any figure. It could be a soldier or a sailor. Then we attach equipment on the topic, that is, an airplane or a submarine. Then we make the Russian flag and add it. We draw the number 23 and sign.

This postcard is very stylish. Take pasta in the form of bows. Then they need to be painted. Next, take a brush and decode them. After which it will be required colored paper preferably blue. From it you need to make a rectangle, bend it in half, in length. You should get a rectangle measuring 5 by 10 cm. Step back one and a half centimeters from one edge and draw a line.

Where the fold is, step back 3.5 cm. We will have a small rectangle, it must be cut off, after which a drawn line will remain, which must be cut another centimeter. You will get a collar, then mark 2.8 cm on the fold line and draw a line. From below you need to measure 4.5, make a line. This will be the sleeve. Cut out, unroll. Then you need cardboard. Colored paper is glued to it. The finished shirt is attached on the left. Now take PVA and make a butterfly out of one pasta. Attach the rest to the second side. Next, buttons and congratulations are made.

Now it will also be a very interesting and beautiful postcard. All you need is not very big artistic ability, as well as paints, pencils, and a piece of paper. You should draw a tank on it. First, the caterpillars are drawn, do not forget about the wheels and the muzzle. On this machine, you need to write the number 23 and stick a foil star. But that is not all! Carefully cut out your creation, turn it over reverse side and glue the magnet. Then you can attach your tank to the refrigerator. They will surely see him there!

In addition, we can say that if you have Photoshop skills, then you yourself can make a beautiful postcard for Defenders of the Fatherland Day on your own.

The men's holiday is approaching and I want to please the stronger sex with pleasant surprises and gifts. Crafts for February 23 is an opportunity to show imagination and please loved ones. Involve a child in creativity, make a gift for dad, grandfather with your own hands. Any father will be pleased with a touching craft or a children's card from his son or daughter.


drinking a gift in the store on February 23 is not a big problem. In each store before the holidays, the corresponding goods are laid out. It seems to us that a handmade gift will be much more pleasant and memorable than just a purchase. And your men, whether it be dad, husband, brother, will definitely like your and your child's efforts.

It's a good idea to make a photo frame for dad as a gift on February 23rd. Only one child can not cope with this work. If you take part in creativity, he will succeed.

For work you will need:

  1. Colored cardboard.
  2. Thicker cardboard (you can take any color).
  3. Colored paper for application or colored cardboard.
  4. Scissors.
  5. PVA glue.
  6. Ruler.

Take a cardboard Green colour, stepping back from the edge 4-5 cm with a ruler and a pencil, draw a frame for the photo. First, we figure out which photo will fit here, all our calculations depend on it. Drawn and attached photo. If everything works out, carefully cut out the frame.

We cut out the details for the design of the frame, drawing them by hand or printing them out on a printer.

We glue the colored appliqué to the frame and start making the frame itself. We cut out a rectangle from thick cardboard, equal in area to the frame, we get the back of the product. We glue the two parts of the cardboard and glue the leg for stability. The gift is ready.

You can decorate the frame by gluing a shell, a beaded fish, an anchor, a steering wheel - on the theme of the sea.

If you don't know what to give young man on February 23, yes a good option, here is a tank:

Made from corrugated paper double sided tape or glue.

It turns out such an interesting gift:

Another tank, but with a different "content".

The same materials are used, only there is more sweetness.

Received an original gift:

crafts from salt dough made with the child on February 23, you can give at home and at work, at school and in kindergarten. These gifts do not require large expenses, but they will delight you with care and attention.

Salt dough is easy to make. From the dough you can make a figurine, a key chain, a fridge magnet.

One of the many recipes for salt dough:

  1. Flour - 300 grams.
  2. Salt ordinary, large - 300 grams.
  3. Water - 200 grams.
  4. Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. spoon.

Knead the dough by adding water gradually. When it is ready, roll it out on the table and squeeze out the details with molds. Even small children can cope with such simple work. We dry the blanks in the oven. You can paint with either paints for food purposes or acrylic paints. It is up to you whether you give for food or for beauty.

Our next craft for February 23 is a salt dough keychain. We make for dads, grandfathers, brothers and mothers (after all, there are mothers in the military).

We collect every little thing: coins, nuts, buttons, screws, cloves - all this will come in handy for us to work with the dough.

Cut out letters from cardboard: "P", "M" or initial name, for example, Sasha. We make a hole in the corner with a hole punch or scissors.

We spread the “sausage” from the dough on cardboard, evenly distributing it over the surface of the letter.

We make a through hole for the ring with an awl or scissors.

We paint the keychain in any color, best of all with acrylic paints. If the paint is not waterproof, cover the top of the keychain with varnish (you can use nail polish).

Leave to dry or dry in the oven. When it dries, we pass the ring through the hole and you can give it.

We got an original steampunk keychain. What is "steampunk"? Science fiction and mechanics, very interesting style.


First, let's come up with the design of our paper postcard. It will be simple to perform or complex - you decide. The main thing is that she beautiful congratulations from 23 February.

Volumetric postcards in kindergarten and at school:

Let's start with the original postcard, on which we will write congratulations and wishes. Let's make postcards different techniques. You can make such a postcard using the origami technique. For a postcard, you will need a rectangular sheet of colored paper. Take A4 paper for testing, fold according to the instructions, you will understand which sheet size is more suitable.

Fold the rectangle in half along the sheet. The paper folds like a book, there is nothing difficult to work with.

We unfold the sheet and fold it again, from the sides to the center.

We got a rectangle: on one side there is a sheet, and on the other - a vest.

The photo shows that you need to bend inward, this is a mistake. Bend the corners outward so that the corners protrude slightly beyond the fold. We made “sleeves”, turn the work over and bend it 2 cm in the opposite direction.

This is how the “collar” turns out, we will send a square of the shirt to the corners of the collar.

A tie or bow tie can be cut out and glued onto the “shirt”, or you can make a tie, as in the video.

Do not forget to write congratulations and wishes inside the sheet. We hope that your man will be satisfied. And if you add a small gift (for his hobby), it will be just wonderful.

Here is such an interesting postcard you can make with your child. Very interesting technique requiring only perseverance and patience.

For work you will need:

  1. A set of paper ribbons (you can cut it yourself).
  2. Cardboard.
  3. PVA glue.
  4. Tweezers.
  5. Scissors.

Special tool for twisting ribbons (you can do it yourself).
How to make a twisting tool: in wooden stick(pencil, art brush stick) stick a needle with a large eye and bite the eye in half.

The scheme of work on the postcard:

Cut out the base from cardboard, cut thin strips, winding them around the tool, fix the edges, and then glue onto the base.

Even for postcards, any CDs are suitable. For this postcard, we cut out a star from red cardboard, paste a CD-ROM over the star and inscriptions and clippings from magazines or drawings.

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