The difference between art and creativity. A good work of art is interpreted


Many consider the words “art” and “creativity” to be synonymous. And indeed it is in in a certain sense related concepts. However, replacing one with the other would be wrong. Let's try to consider the issue in more detail and find out how art differs from creativity.

Art is an expression of the phenomena of reality in artistic image; craftsmanship at its highest level. Art products are aesthetically expressive. They represent the fusion of truth and beauty.

Creation- a process in which, as a result of the interaction of a person with reality, something unique, new, related to the material or spiritual sphere is created. Creativity entails changes both in reality and in personality.

So, in both cases, a certain product is created. But what is the difference between art and creativity? First of all, in the level of performance of this product. Art presupposes the birth of an unsurpassed masterpiece, bright, strong, not amenable to replication and serial production. The creative product is not necessarily perfect. An example is a drawing of a child. This is undoubtedly creativity, but not art at all (although there are exceptions).

Another important distinguishing criterion is the ability of what is created to evoke a response from others. The object of art reflects what is interesting not only to the author, but also to other people. This work has a powerful effect. It awakens powerful emotions. It can be tears or laughter, nostalgic sadness or sudden inspiration.

Art contains harmony. A person who perceives a product of art feels a need for creation, a desire to act in a positive way. Creativity does not always have such a powerful impact. Moreover, its products may not be submitted to the public at all and be created solely for personal purposes.

What is the difference between art and creativity? It also consists in the fact that being creative is accessible even for a person with mediocre abilities. The desire to create something more or less valuable, investing a part of yourself in it, is inherent in human nature. But only those who, thanks to their talent and, of course, diligence, are able to present creative energy in its highest manifestation, can be called people of art.

Terenty Travnik.

and meetings I am often asked about what creativity is different from art. What is their difference? I wrote a lot of articles on this topic, but krateo I will say this.

*Art breeds,

creativity grows;

*Art Begins,

creativity completes;

*Art demands,

creativity gives;

*Art is noticeable,

creativity is elusive;

*Art is bright,

creativity deep;

*art talking,

creativity silently;

*art glitters,

creativity warms;

*Art excites,

creativity comforts;

*Art offers,

creativity teaches;

*Art separates,

creativity collects;

*Art from Opportunity,

creativity from need;

*Art spontaneously,

creativity consistently;

*Art argues,

creativity empathizes;

*Art Begins

and throws

creativity continues

and ends;

*Art attacks,

creativity protects;

*Art is selfish,

creativity is sacrificial;

*Art is wrong,

creativity corrects mistakes.

*Art is humane,

creativity Divine;

The first reincarnates into the second; two necessities of human experience, between them lies a mystery, an eternal glow of unexpressed possibilities leading to Divine love.

With gratitude...

For me art and creativity are two sides of the same coin, art This is the state of the unconscious person. Art and creativity are, I would say, two states of seeing one moment, just one "before" and the other "after". People art- Very extraordinary people, and they have a basic task, to translate their unconscious, located in the area art into creativity, through the work of the mind, lower it into your heart. If this does not happen, then sooner or later either a diminution in the art of your talent, or the destruction of a person's personality, a person's psyche is disturbed. Art is a work for self-realization, self-knowledge, and creation It is first and foremost a responsibility. When knowledge, experience and responsibility have come to a person, then he already uses it to creations bringing joy to yourself and others. That's why creation sometimes it is imperceptible, small, but extremely promising and bearing great fruit in the future. Art is bright and outrageous. Art, I would say, discharges the spatial situation and calls for more "condensed" people to think about life. Creation more fundamental and correct. Art sometimes unprincipled, sometimes vicious, often has no moral evaluation at all, creation has and should have. In order to "to stir up" The environment of the mind does not need a special one, but in order to grow the good, it must be grown already from the dregs, there is no other way. The spirit breaks out or is born out of embarrassment, mistakes, i.e., experience grows on mistakes, and creativity from art. Intelligence is based on art and implies any, from the point of view of many people, barbaric methods, but justified, art must be free. Creativity is not free, but this does not spoil it, it is simply regulated by internal balance and internal moral imperative, moral impulse. Testify yourself in creativity, this is a big qualitative breakthrough. For example, to become the greatest doctor or physicist or mathematician is creation, A art implies, disputes, quarrels and even wars. Wars are fruit art, temptations, arts. Never due creativity there would be no war because creation, this is a completely different qualitative fundamental take-off. Indeed, genius and villainy are two incompatible things. Genius is a state creative worlds , there can be no villainy, but art is talented, art is gifted, art has some vibrations inherent in bends and gossip mental states person. Maybe art, so it's good that it contains everything, it's like clay. Clay, it is clay, and what is clay do: a vessel, a sculpture, a figure, or just cover up the cracks in the house between the stones so as not to blow, this is already creative act. When clay acquires meaningfulness, it becomes a work when art acquires meaning, it becomes no longer art, but with a worldview, a position, I would say a serious position. Saint Andrei Rublev is a man creativity because he painted icons, but came to this from the world art. Creation is a positive line creativity it is very difficult to stay, because each of your new steps requires responsibility and awareness, it is very difficult to develop in yourself, so many people, having reached creativity, greatly reduce their potential. Creation requires large energy costs, so each step is done thoroughly, thoughtfully, without haste. Man in creativity begins to create worlds by itself. I think that highest form creativity is"doing nothing", being in a state of gratitude, blessings, thanksgiving.


Creativity in art is the creation of a reflective real world, surrounding a person. It is divided into types in accordance with the methods of material embodiment. Creativity in art is united by one task - service to society.


The modern system of division of art, as well as related to it, suggests three separate categories.

The first group includes art forms perceived visually. These include:

  • Creativity is decorative and applied.
  • The art of architecture.
  • Creativity in the visual arts.
  • The art of sculptural images.
  • Painting.
  • Art photography as a kind of creativity.

The second group includes types of art of a long-term nature. This:

  • Fiction literature as an extensive layer of culture, consisting of numerous creative methods for creating works.
  • Music in all its diversity as a reflection creative processes in art.

Some types can be correlated with each other, as, for example, a musical opera is synthesized with literature when creating a libretto.

The third group consists of spatio-temporal types of creativity, perceived both visually and by ear:

  • Theatrical art.
  • Art of choreography, musical, ballet.
  • Cinematography.
  • circus genre.

Creativity in the art of individual forms

Comprehensive art picture cannot be created on the basis of one kind of art. Even such academic types as painting or sculpture need additional funds - the paintings must be placed in a beautiful frame, and the sculpture must be properly lit.

Therefore, a fairly wide field arises for the application of various creative processes in art, some may be fundamental, others auxiliary, but in any case, both will be useful. Examples of creativity in art can be cited ad infinitum. There are several gradations here, but they all obey one general formulation: great art requires high standards of creativity, cultural categories the smaller ones are content with a lower creative level.

The situation is different in the field of science. It's absolutely unacceptable low level professionalism. and art are incomparable things. Science does not forgive mistakes, but art is able to turn any relative shortcomings into good.

Talent and Technology

Creativity in the art of small forms, such as small plastic arts in the arts and crafts or stage sketches in the theater, does not require high vocational training. To succeed in this kind of creativity, it is enough to have a certain talent and master the technologies for making art products or to have the ability to theatrical performances. In literature to write short story or an essay, it is not necessary to be a writer, it is enough to have good taste and be able to correctly express your thoughts.

One of the areas of culture where a person can successfully apply his creative potential, is Artistic value products of folk art crafts can be quite high if the masters of their craft work. In addition to the virtuoso manufacture of crafts, you must first select the right material, and only an experienced craftsman can handle this task.


Creativity in the art of an artist of arts and crafts is the creation of artistic household items. As a rule, these products belong to folklore, regardless of whether they are used for their intended purpose or placed as exhibits at an exhibition. Materials in the manufacture decorative items natural are used: bone, stone, wood, clay.

Raw material processing methods are also relatively simple - these are handmade using a simple tool, and the techniques used today have come to modern world from the distant past.

local affiliation

Folk arts and crafts, which form the basis of decorative and applied arts in Russia, are distributed by region, each type belongs to a specific area:

  • bone carving - Kholmogory, Khotkovo;
  • embroidery - Vladimir gold embroidery;
  • metal art products - scarlet silver of Veliky Ustyug;
  • - Pavlovo-Posad shawls;
  • lace weaving - Vologda, Mikhailovskoye;
  • Russian ceramics - Gzhel, Skopino, Dymkovo toy, Kargopol;
  • picturesque miniatures - Palekh, Mstera, Kholuy;
  • wood carving - Bogorodskaya, Abramtsevo-Kudrinskaya;
  • painting on wood - Khokhloma, Gorodetskaya, Fedoskino.


The art of creating relief sculptures is rooted in the Middle Ages. Sculpture like art embodies the real world in artistic images. The material used to create sculptures is stone, bronze, marble, granite, wood. In especially large-scale projects, concrete, steel reinforcement, and various plasticized fillers are used.

Sculptural sculptures are conditionally divided into two types: relief and volumetric three-dimensional. Both are widely used to create monuments, monuments and memorials. Relief sculptures, in turn, are divided into three subspecies:

  • bas-relief - low or medium relief image;
  • high relief - high relief;
  • counter-relief - mortise image.

Each sculpture can be classified and categorized as easel, decorative, monumental. Easel sculptural images are, as a rule, museum exhibits. They are on the premises. Decorative are placed in in public places, parks, squares, garden plots. always stand in visited public places, in city squares, central streets and in close proximity to government institutions.


Utilitarian architecture appeared about four thousand years ago, and signs of artistry began to acquire shortly before the birth of Christ. Architecture has been considered an independent art form since the beginning of the twelfth century, when architects began to build Gothic buildings in European countries.

Creativity in the art of architecture is the creation of buildings that are unique from an artistic point of view. good example creativity in the construction of residential buildings can be considered the projects of the Spanish architect Antonio Gaudi, which are located in Barcelona.


Spatio-temporal varieties of art are the most sought-after and popular categories accepted in society. Literature is a type of creativity in which the fundamental factor is art word. Russian culture eighteenth-nineteenth centuries knew many brilliant writers and poets.

Creativity in the art of Pushkin Alexander Sergeevich, the great Russian poet, was extremely fruitful, for his short life he created a range immortal works in verse and prose. Almost all of them are considered masterpieces of literature. Some are on the list brilliant creations world importance.

Lermontov's work in art also left a noticeable mark. His works are textbook, classical in their essence. The poet also died early, at the age of twenty-six. But he managed to leave behind an invaluable legacy, masterpiece poems and many poems.

The brilliant Russian writer Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol left his mark on Russian literature of the nineteenth century. The writer lived and worked during the heyday Russian society. Art in Gogol's work is represented by many highly artistic works included in the Golden Fund of Russian culture.

Choreography and ballet

Dance art originated in Rus' in time immemorial. In the language of dance, people began to communicate first at festive festivities. Then the dances took the form of theatrical performances, professional dancers and ballerinas appeared. At first, the dance floor was a booth stage or a tent circus arena. Then studios began to open, in which both rehearsals and ballet performances took place. In everyday life, the term "choreography" appeared, which means "the art of dance."

Ballet quickly became popular view creativity, especially since the dances were necessarily accompanied by music, most often classical. The theatrical audience was divided into two camps: lovers of dramatic or opera performances and those who prefer to watch a dance performance on theater stage with musical accompaniment.


most popular and massive view art is cinema. It has been supplanted by television in the last half century, but millions of people still go to cinemas. What explains such a high demand for cinema? First of all, the versatility of this art form. Any literary work can be filmed, and it will become even more interesting in a new reading. Ballet performances, popular science stories - all this can also be shown to the moviegoer.

There is a whole industry of film production, which is based on the film studios of the first size, such as Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 20th Century Fox, Paramount Pictures and a few others. All large firms for the release of films are located in Hollywood, a special area of ​​the American city of Los Angeles. Hundreds of smaller film studios are scattered around the world. "Dream Factory" - this is the name of world cinema, and this is a very accurate definition.

To the question Please tell me the difference between art and creativity? given by the author Detached the best answer is Art (from arts to create) - the process or result of expression inner world in (artistic) imagery, the creative combination of elements in a way that reflects feelings or emotions.
For a long time, the view was considered art. cultural activities that satisfies a person's love for beauty. Along with the evolution of social aesthetic norms and assessments, any activity aimed at creating expressive forms in accordance with aesthetic ideals has gained the right to be called art.
On the scale of the whole society, art - special way knowledge and reflection of reality, one of the forms public consciousness and part of the spiritual culture of both man and all mankind, a diverse result creative activity all generations.
The concept of art is extremely broad - it can manifest itself as an extremely developed skill in a particular area.
Creativity as the spirit of human freedom; freedom as creativity of the human spirit; spirit as the freedom of human creativity. The main criterion that distinguishes creativity from manufacturing (production) is the uniqueness of its result. The result of creativity cannot be directly deduced from the initial conditions. No one, except perhaps the author, can get exactly the same result if the same initial situation is created for him. Thus, in the process of creativity, the author puts into the material some possibilities that are not reducible to labor operations or logical conclusion, expresses in end result some aspect of your personality. It is this fact that gives the products of creativity an additional value in comparison with the products of production.

Answer from Boris smirnov[newbie]
Everyone has creativity or the ability to create, and art is highest degree creativity. That is, the already professional level of creation is close to art!

Answer from Lana[guru]
Art - general concept, and creativity - specifically someone: the artist Ivanov, the writer Petrov, etc.

Answer from Neurologist[guru]
Art is when the ability to take something and turn it into a qualitatively different one. And creativity - when it is something to be produced.

Answer from groan[guru]
Either an essay or a review, you decide))

Answer from Olga Goldobova(Klinovitskaya)[guru]
I think art is more specific, and creativity is inspiration, the ability to create.

Answer from Ella Kuznetsova[guru]
Creativity is a process. Art is the result of creativity.
But creativity can be not only artistic (not only creating works of art). There is technical creativity, for example. In addition, in the most various works a person can show creativity offering a new, unconventional solution.

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