A romance between a Sagittarius woman and a Libra man. Compatibility: Libra woman and Sagittarius man


The compatibility horoscope of zodiac signs is quite popular. What is it connected with? Most likely, people want to be completely sure of the correctness of the choice made regarding the partner. And the horoscope provides all the necessary information about it. It should be noted that the question of choice is very important, since it depends future life. Regardless of the veracity of compatibility horoscopes, this information should be taken seriously. IN this review we will talk about such a union as a woman-Libra, a man-Sagittarius.

What difficulties can arise with it?

A typical representative of his zodiac sign in his youth treats marriage in a completely different way, as a girl would like. If she falls in love, then in her dreams pictures will be drawn with a wedding dress and wedding rings. There is nothing wrong with this, because the union of such a couple as a Libra woman - a Sagittarius man can be successful. However, if the partner does not experience all the thirst for adventure, wandering and curiosity before the wedding, then he will try to do it after it. What is the best option? Let the girl choose.

To make a choice, the representative of her zodiac sign will spend some time. It is necessary in order to understand yourself and make a decision.

Marriage can be problematic

Speaking of such a couple as a Libra woman - a Sagittarius man, it should be noted that the partner does not demonstrate special desire marry. But this lasts until he realizes that he loves. It's not that he's so strongly opposed to marriage. He just needs time to fully enjoy freedom before losing it.

A girl can show her wisdom by allowing her partner to fully satisfy her thirst for adventure. Then you can be sure that he will fully satisfy his curiosity and be ready for life with his beloved girlfriend. However, there is also the possibility that he will forget to return or get lost somewhere. This probability also exists in such a pair as a Libra woman - a Sagittarius man.

Based on all of the above, we can say that the issue of marriage in this union is the main problem that confronts the partners of this particular combination of zodiac signs.

She doesn't like being alone

A lonely woman justifies the name of her zodiac sign. It is like a scale that is missing one bowl. Therefore, it is easy to imagine how hard it is for her to feel useless. She will not be able to find complete balance and harmony if there is no loved one nearby. And even if the girl is focused on a career, then a business partner is needed in this area.

He has nothing against her

What can be said about zodiac signs Libra and Sagittarius? The compatibility of men and women is quite good. He will not refuse close relationships, as he also does not like to be alone. A man can feel happier if there is a gentle one nearby, beautiful girl. He will not even mind if she keeps him company in numerous adventures. However, the moment a woman starts talking about acquiring property or looking for a job, he is off the hook. But over time, a man will be able to accept all this.

Excellent compatibility of the two signs

What conclusion can be drawn from all of the above about such signs as Libra and Sagittarius? The compatibility of a man and a woman will be excellent if she just stays next to him, without trying to remake him. It is necessary to understand right away that Sagittarius cannot be completely controlled, since he was immediately born with the energy inherent in the male sign. In addition, the male planet - Jupiter - rules it.

Libra, in turn, is under the control of Venus, but at the same time remaining a male sign. And this is the advantage of the Libra girl. After all, having an excellent mind, she is also irresistible, feminine. But even this powerful combination will not be able to drown out the male essence of Sagittarius. If she succeeds, then he definitely will not be happy. Isn't love and marriage built on happiness? Libra woman - Sagittarius man is not a couple in which relationships are built easily and simply.

This zodiac couple gets along great. This confirms their love. A girl will be able to cause a surge of passion in her chosen one even when she just looks at him, not to mention any smart argument. The first case resembles a tender, but at the same time rather ardent desire. The second situation can awaken a burning desire without tenderness. This is due to the realization that the girl is not inferior to him in intelligence. And this in a man, first of all, causes a feeling of a duel.

What does backward compatibility of zodiac signs mean?

What can be said about the reverse horoscope - Sagittarius woman, Libra man? The compatibility of these signs is such that no one will be bored. She will treat calmly all his adventures. He, in turn, is able to communicate with her on an intellectual level in such a way that she is always intrigued. The main problems of this couple include her love of independence. In addition, a woman simply does not like to stay in one place for a long time.

He feels the need for the girl to be reliable. If such differences are successfully overcome, then there will be a good opportunity to form long-term relationships.

She belongs to the category of bright optimists. Her main goal in life is freedom. And the love of a Libra man to a Sagittarius woman will seem like a kind of painful feeling. But this can be prevented. Just don't hold her, hide her in a cage. Otherwise, battles will begin that will not lead to anything good. In addition, the man himself loves independence. This will help the union to determine the boundaries of its freedom as quickly as possible.

Obstacles can always be bypassed

She prefers to enjoy life by staying an open person. Every day a woman tries to make a holiday, to create good mood to yourself and your loved ones. He chooses coziness with comfort, but he does practically nothing in this direction. A man may seem rather sharp, but this is only at first glance. Together they can talk for hours on any topic. Between themselves, they are able to fully express their feelings. If you try not to allow empty quarrels and insults, then you can form strong family. To do this, you just need to direct all your forces in this direction. If you try, then all obstacles will be bypassed by such a union as the Libra man - the Sagittarius woman. Their compatibility in love is excellent, as there are common ideals with experience.

Good luck will not leave this union

In this review, the union of Libra and Sagittarius was considered. They will be able to form strong relationships, as they have everything for this. Of course, understanding may not be enough, independence may manifest itself in full measure. But all these obstacles are quite easy to get around if maximum efforts are made by both partners. Good luck will accompany them in all endeavors, which is important in an alliance in which one of the partners is afraid of losing his independence.

This union is distinguished by vitality and longevity, despite all the criticism from the outside, because for many they look unsuitable for each other. A sophisticated Libra man is always balanced and diplomatic, famous for his ability to control himself. Next to him, the Sagittarius woman becomes more subtle and romantic in nature. Their aspirations and goals are close, therefore, throughout life together they almost do not have a reason for scandals.

2. Good Luck Compatibility: Good

From the very first day they met, they know how to interest each other, which makes the union especially strong. In the end, they become so attached to their partner that even a small separation becomes an unpleasant event. However, in spite of everything, this couple has its own nuances: they need to give their partner enough personal freedom and fully trust, even despite the intrigues of envious people, whom the union of a Sagittarius woman and a Libra man will have a lot of.

3. Sexual Compatibility: Good

Intimate life may not be too active, but filled with such love that nothing will stop them from enjoying every minute spent together. The Sagittarius woman, having a more temperamental nature, will try to find a special approach for her spouse, and the Libra man will share with his girlfriend the desire for experiments in bed.

4. Compatibility for wealth and family growth: Good

Their methods of work and goals are basically very similar, so it is not difficult for either a Sagittarius woman or a Libra man to find mutual understanding in professional field. Thanks to her determination and ability to go ahead and his ability to get his own way from other people, their Team work becomes incredibly productive.

5. For children: Medium

The Sagittarius woman and the Libra man perfectly understand each other in the matter of raising children. They almost always act together, which is an excellent example for the younger generation. However, the excessive authoritarianism of the Sagittarius woman and her desire to get into the personal affairs of all family members can cause problems, especially with teenagers.


Libra Man


Sagittarius woman

A Sagittarius woman and a Libra man get along well, despite the difference in temperament and dissimilarity of character. He is more calm, she is dynamic, but not aggressive, this relationship can be very productive. The man in this pair is full interesting ideas, and a woman with pleasure and enviable speed contributes to their implementation. A very unusual and intriguing union.

Libra man - in a relationship he has a lot of contacts, very superficial and inconsistent. They always have the problem of choice: the preferences of partners and moods - and at each new moment this choice turns out to be different. This is a game of feelings, when, for various reasons, it is difficult to stop at one partner.

Sagittarius woman - in a relationship, love is a kind of utopia: something that does not exist in nature, her own fictional world, in which, nevertheless, she manages to live. She pays too much attention to appearance, sometimes it's a way to escape from the rough reality.

This union has even more prerequisites for friendship than for love - however, love based on friendship is also possible. Mutual understanding, support, a reliable shoulder nearby and warm feelings for a partner, burning with a fairly bright fire - all this usually awaits a Libra man and a Sagittarius woman in this union. However, these relationships cannot be called boring, because their characters are so different. Emotional, contradictory Libra and a cheerful, restless Sagittarius woman are a very original couple in which both partners have a lot to learn from each other.

This union is distinguished by vitality and longevity, despite all the criticism from the outside, because for many they look unsuitable for each other. A sophisticated Libra man is always balanced and diplomatic, famous for his ability to control himself. Next to him, the Sagittarius woman becomes more subtle and romantic in nature. Their aspirations and goals are close, so during their entire life together they have almost no reason for scandals. From the very first day they met, they know how to interest each other, which makes the union especially strong. In the end, they become so attached to their partner that even a small separation becomes an unpleasant event. However, in spite of everything, this couple has its own nuances: they need to give their partner enough personal freedom and fully trust, even despite the intrigues of envious people, whom the union of a Sagittarius woman and a Libra man will have a lot of.

The Sagittarius woman is looking for something fundamentally new for herself in the Libra man, and the Libra man is looking for his own, related in the Sagittarius woman. This is undoubtedly a harmonious couple, since they are united by a double resemblance - and total time years (physical similarity), and a related element (psychological relationship). It would seem that Air and Fire are different elements, between which there can be no “friendship”. In fact, this is a myth, at least for the cheerful and self-confident Libra and Sagittarius. Both are charming, extraordinary and easy-going. They feel passion for each other as soon as they start a conversation. The Libra man at first does not trust the Sagittarius woman, who seems superficial to him. But with a close acquaintance, his doubts are dispelled like fog over water.

Libra-Sagittarius - interest in culture and social interaction, the level of education. Compatibility of Libra and Sagittarius is influenced by the fact that in the zodiac circle they are separated by only one sign. They not only understand, but also charge each other with optimism. A joyful smile rarely leaves the faces of Libra and Sagittarius, which, by the way, appears on everyone who communicates with them. Friendship always adds something new to the feelings of a man and a woman and only enhances their sexual experiences. So, it is friendship that will give Libra and his beloved Sagittarius genuine tenderness. It's great when people are joyful, open and free. Being physically close to someone you really love and who is also your friend makes you feel refreshed.

If desired, partners can achieve strong and long-term relationships

The Sagittarius woman is bright, original, strong and the most dangerous of all representatives of the element of Fire. Her character combines a thirst for freedom, self-confidence, impatience and the desire to always achieve what is desired. On the one hand, she looks completely self-sufficient and the man in her life is just a nice addition or servant, whom she can change at will. But on the other hand, she can become so dependent on few people as on the Libra man, who drives her crazy with her charisma and cold intellect. The influence of the Libra man on the Sagittarius woman is sometimes beyond her control.

Libra Man - Sagittarius Woman - These two know how to talk to each other. They can quarrel like any other couple, maybe even more often and stronger, but they openly discuss their grievances or jealousy, sexual desires, financial difficulties and mutual grievances. And sometimes just in a conversation, everything is decided by itself. Considering that Libra rules balanced judgments, and Sagittarius rules philosophy, some of their conversations can lead to very serious, almost Socratic statements about human relationships. Often disagreements between Libra and Sagittarius end in laughter and love.

Horoscope of compatibility. Libra Man and Sagittarius Woman

The compatibility of Libra and Sagittarius is not bad, these people create strong and harmonious unions. Both signs are intelligent, they read a lot, they are not afraid to dream and make plans that go beyond the generally accepted norms.

Libra and Sagittarius can talk for hours and never get bored of each other. The air sign inflates the fiery energy. He, in turn, pushes the indecisive partner to action, inspires him with self-confidence. Problems arise due to conflict and lack of tact in Sagittarius, excessive passivity of Libra. But, in most cases, they are quickly resolved.

Characters of signs

The compatibility horoscope of Libra Sagittarius signs is influenced by the features of their character. These people have much in common, although there are differences. They belong to the dual signs of the Zodiac, because their nature combines opposite features. Let's take a closer look at their characteristics.

Character Libra

People born under the sign of Libra are constantly tormented by inner doubts. They strive for justice, carefully weigh all actions, but are not sure of the correctness of their own actions. Therefore, they won the glory of indecisive, cautious personalities. If Libra believes that their freedom and legal rights have been encroached upon, they are able to act quickly and efficiently. In other situations, they try to avoid conflict, the spirit of competition is alien to them. Libra achieves its goals through compromise and concessions. Here short description The main character traits of this sign:

  • indecisiveness
  • Heightened sense of justice
  • Diplomacy and tact
  • Elegance, sophistication of manners
  • Kindness and innocence
  • Sociability
  • Sharp analytical mind
  • specific sense of humor
  • Love for comfort.

Libras are delicate and tactful, often acting as diplomats. They try to live peacefully with everyone, when they oppress their interests, show dark side of their nature, become cold and reasonable, harshly take revenge on the offender. If people of this sign are not pushed to action, and their desires are not stimulated, they become lazy, immerse themselves in their own inner world.

Sagittarius character

The Sagittarius zodiac sign is cheerful, freedom-loving and purposeful. These people always look to the future, live with ideas and dreams that they strive to bring to life. They are full of energy, never stop, do not become discouraged if they fail. The aspirations of archers are lofty, idealistic, they rarely act solely from material motives. Inborn optimism attracts people to them, causes sympathy. Here are the main character traits of Sagittarius:

  • Optimism and cheerfulness
  • Honesty and Straightforwardness
  • Energy and activity
  • Striving for new knowledge
  • Kindness and generosity
  • Generosity and openness
  • Living mind
  • Love for freedom
  • Inconsistency.

For all positive features, Sagittarius has a lot of negative ones. They do not know how to bring things to the end, they jump from one project to another. Completely devoid of tact, their straightforwardness can inadvertently injure even loved one. The love of freedom of Sagittarius plays with them bad joke, they often become unreliable partners, do not fulfill obligations, betray other people's secrets.

Sagittarius and Libra General Compatibility

Libra and Sagittarius sign compatibility is considered quite good. Both friendship and love are possible between them. Fire and air support life in each other, therefore they experience mutual attraction. When meeting a guy and a girl, they quickly find common topics for conversations. They are interesting to communicate, even after decades of joint family life. Both signs are intellectuals, they read and think a lot, they are happy to share their own thoughts. Their views on life coincide, both are looking for truth and justice, they do not tolerate deception.

Sagittarius and Libra get compatibility in marriage, complementing each other, they are able to smooth out the negative character traits of their partner. Sagittarius pushes Libra to action, deprives them of internal doubts and constant fluctuations. Libra smooths out Sagittarius's conflicting nature, his tactlessness and straightforwardness. They will always give wise advice, which Sagittarius will listen to, direct his energy in the right direction. The couple will achieve great success if they interact correctly.

Problems arise when Sagittarius reveals excessive activity. Libra next to him feel insecure, lose their inner balance. Unfair remarks from Sagittarius can drive an air sign into a deep depression. It is known that Sagittarius's attachments are too superficial, this becomes the cause of Libra's disappointment. In turn, the fiery sign gets tired of the constant indecision of the partner. He is ready to push him, but not all his life. The compatibility of Libra and Sagittarius can be shaken on the basis of everyday life, none of the signs likes to devote time to household chores.

Sexual compatibility of signs

The sexual compatibility of the signs Sagittarius and Libra is not ideal. They have different temperaments, attitude to bed fun. But this does not mean that the love union is hopeless.

Libra Sexuality

The air sign is an aesthete in love. For Libra big role plays a preliminary game, flirting, intimate atmosphere. Physical aspect love, on the contrary, is not so important. Women of this sign consider sexual intercourse itself a little “dirty”. Libra rarely find themselves in bed with random partners, they do not like to make love anywhere. Exceed in addiction to the surroundings they can, perhaps, Aquarius.

At the same time, Libras remain passionate natures. They are amorous, therefore, throughout their lives they change more than one partner. Even in marriage, they will easily go for treason when they meet another person and fall in love with him. In bed, Libra rarely plays the role of a leader, they prefer to submit. Sexual experiments are enjoyed with pleasure if they are compatible with their idea of ​​aesthetics and sophistication.

Sagittarius Sexuality

Sagittarius finds compatibility in love relationships easily, not very picky in his relationships. This does not mean that Sagittarius has sex without feelings, it's just that his loves are superficial, they come quickly, and they leave just as quickly. Representatives of this sign are skilled lovers, largely due to their rich sexual experience. But they don't give of great importance foreplay, tend to quickly move on to the main part.

LIBRA + SAGITTARIUS - Compatibility - Astrotypologist Dmitry Shimko

Compatibility Libra Man and Sagittarius Woman

Compatibility Sagittarius Man and Libra Woman

psychology. Libra Compatibility with Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces

Compatibility Horoscope - Libra

#Scales compatibility signs. #Sex. Reciprocity. #Astrology.

Compatibility Horoscope - Sagittarius

The fiery sign of the Zodiac is a passionate nature, with a stormy temperament. But often he replaces quantity with quality. He strives to enjoy himself, thinking little about the partner's feelings. At the same time, do not mind learning new things. If you offer Sagittarius a preliminary sexual game as an experiment, he will gladly accept it.

Compatibility in bed Sagittarius and Libra

If there are real feelings between partners, Sagittarius and Libra may well establish sexual compatibility. The air sign will take the initiative of the fiery one. He will gladly go to experiments, withstand the pressure and exactingness of a partner. Sagittarius will find in the face of Libra a passionate and at the same time obedient lover. They will never be bored together.

Problems in sexual compatibility Libra and Sagittarius arise when he and she do not love each other too much. then the difference in temperaments, approaches comes out. Libra lacks affection, Sagittarius lacks passion. Since the signs are prone to betrayal, their love union ends with trips to the left. If feelings are revived, the couple will again improve relations. Both know how to forgive and do not suffer from pathological jealousy.

Compatibility Libra Woman and Sagittarius Man

When meeting, a Libra woman and a Sagittarius man are able to like each other at first sight. They get carried away interesting conversation They won't even notice how time flies by. If a man is a traveler type of Sagittarius, he will like the intelligence of a woman, her ability to listen, pliability. He will understand that Libra will give him complete freedom. Secular Sagittarius, for whom the goal of life is success, will be carried away by the refined manners of a woman. Libra will be attracted to a man by confidence, determination and indefatigable energy.

The Sagittarius man and Libra woman will build their compatibility on mutual understanding. They travel together, have fun, read, visit, they are never bored. A woman is able to support everything, even the most crazy ideas of a man. She is an indispensable assistant in business contacts, because with her tact, the talent of a diplomat, she knows how to smooth out the rudeness and straightforwardness of a man.

Difficulties arise when Sagittarius gets too carried away with dubious projects. Libra loses confidence tomorrow, which leads them to internal conflict. A woman should not limit the freedom of a man, tie him to the house. This will only lead to distance, betrayal and collapse. family relations. Libra and Sagittarius will keep their compatibility of signs if they listen to such advice:

  • In any conflict, find a compromise
  • Listens to the opinion of the partner
  • Do not limit the freedom of a man
  • Do not bore a woman with conflicting ideas and adventurous projects.

The initiator of a compromise in a couple is Libra, they are always ready to make concessions in order to avoid conflict. A man should listen to the advice of a woman, they will protect him from many rash acts. A wife must respect her husband's right to freedom. main value for the Sagittarius. If a couple is united by true friendship, they will have no problems.

Sagittarius Woman and Libra Man Compatibility

To outsiders, the Libra man and the Sagittarius woman seem absolutely different people. In fact, they have a lot in common. Both are smart, fair, strive for knowledge and improvement. The guy sees in the girl the embodiment of a dream, an active, cheerful person. She is fond of the sophistication of Libra, the ability of a man to love and pay attention, to emphasize the importance of his chosen one in his life. Often relationships are established at the initiative of a woman, against which a man absolutely does not protest.

In family life, everything will go smoothly if the spouses truly love each other. Compatibility of Libra and Sagittarius allows you to achieve ideal relationship. The husband will give his wife the whole world. She will be able to appreciate his efforts, give self-confidence, push him to action, help him make the right decision. A prosperous couple lives in abundance, rarely quarrels, leads an active social life, travels and vacations together. In this marriage, harmony and mutual understanding reign.

Destroy the compatibility of Libra and Sagittarius can be life. A woman does not like to do household chores, and a man is in no hurry to take the initiative. The passivity of the scales can irritate the active Sagittarius. A man is outraged by a woman's excessive desire for freedom, her inconstancy and whims. To save a relationship, you should:

  • Distribute household chores
  • Avoid fights in relationships
  • Strives to find a compromise in any situation
  • Spend more time together.

A Sagittarius woman should have her own personal space, her love of freedom cannot be limited. A man should be more active, tolerant of the shortcomings of his half. A girl should learn tact from the scales, pay more attention to home and family. Then the compatibility of the signs Libra and Sagittarius will be preserved for life.

The Sagittarius woman knows exactly how to win over the Libra man. When she achieves this, they develop a whirlwind romance. Their relationship will be strong and almost perfect. They can marry and this couple rarely comes to divorce. If between them there was real love they can overcome all difficulties.

Even such an almost perfect couple will not interfere with the advice of astrologers. You need to find out not only the compatibility of signs, but also the characteristics of each other. It is possible that this will help to avoid the occurrence of acute moments and from almost ideal relationships to make them completely ideal.

The Sagittarius girl has a proud and obstinate character. Her sharp tongue brings a lot of problems in life, but she successfully deals with them. The girl of this sign is not alien to compassion and mercy. She does not tolerate when the weak are offended, and will always stand up for them. She can be called a real warrior. The girl of this sign has such a trait as honesty. She does not know how to deceive herself and does not forgive when someone does it in relation to her.

The Sagittarius girl does not know how to compromise. She always gets her way and never backs down. If she declared war on someone, then one can only sympathize with this person. She will grind it to powder and this lady will not be tormented by her conscience.

The Sagittarius woman is optimistic and independent. She knows how to finish what she started, but she is very absent-minded. Such a lady is hot-tempered. She does not know how to restrain her emotions and sometimes resembles a hurricane sweeping away everything in its path, but her ardor only attracts men, and does not repel them.

A woman of this sign is constantly striving for self-improvement. She knows how to be devoted friend and will always lend a helping hand to critical situation. Such a woman is extravagant and has an unbridled imagination.

Lady Sagittarius always strives to become a leader. This also applies to her personal life. At the same time, kindness, complaisance and tenderness - these feelings are not alien to her. At the right time, she knows how to show them.

The woman of this sign is an excellent conversationalist. She knows how to support almost any topic. It is interesting to communicate with her, so she is often in the center of everyone's attention.

Lady Sagittarius in love is somewhat frivolous and windy. If her lover is far from her and the couple expects a long separation, she will easily start an affair with someone else. She will not be tormented by remorse, because moral principles she is not burdened. For this reason, a woman of this sign is often left alone.

Despite her frivolous nature, the Sagittarius lady seeks to start a family, but only after she has reached certain heights. She will use any means to marry her lover.

In the family, a woman of this sign will take on the role of head. She is very jealous and will go to any lengths to make sure her husband is faithful or unfaithful. If a Sagittarius woman discovers treason, then she will not only break off relations, but also take revenge.

The lady of this sign is a wonderful hostess. She loves and knows how to cook, her house is always clean and tidy. The Sagittarius woman is a good mother and will never give offense to her child.

Characteristics of the Libra man

The Libra guy has wisdom and prudence. He is non-confrontational and prefers to compromise than to quarrel. Despite this, the guy of this sign has a controversial character. He is accommodating, but does not like to obey. Outwardly, he is cold and calm, but inside he can boil real passions.

The man of this sign is hardworking, but often lazy. Apathy often prevents him from achieving high altitudes. If a man of this sign manages to cope with it, then a grandiose life awaits him.

The Libra man is an optimist, but at the same time he can easily become depressed. It is unlikely that it will be protracted, because an optimistic mood also sharply overwhelms him, like depression.

The man of this sign hesitates for a long time before making a decision. Because of this, he often misses out on profits. Indecision and slowness prevent him from building a career. On this occasion, the Libra man is not upset, because he tries to see positive aspects in everything.

The representative of the stronger sex of this sign cannot live without love. If he is single, then he will always be in search of a woman for whom he will have this feeling. The Libra man enjoys female attention, so he easily starts an affair. At first, he can only experience attraction to a woman. Love comes later if a man realizes that he feels very good next to her.

The Libra man has difficulty making serious decisions. Someone has to push him to it. This also applies to marriage. A woman herself must take the initiative, otherwise she will have to wait a long time for a marriage proposal.

A man of this sign is demanding of his wife. His wife must impeccably housekeeping and take care of herself. The Libra man is rarely faithful to his beloved. He can have not only a wife, but also several mistresses. Not everyone can come to terms with this, so the marriage of a man of this sign often breaks up.

Compatibility in love between a Sagittarius woman and a Libra man

A pair of man-Libra woman-Sagittarius has practically perfect match in love. They are attracted to each other from the moment they met. Therefore, they quickly begin an affair. Basically it is the merit of a woman. If she feels interested on the part of a man, then she does everything to finally subdue him. A man is not against such a turn of events, because it is difficult for him to make a decision to start building relationships.

Sagittarius woman and Libra man complement each other and support in everything. If they are connected by love, then for them there are no insurmountable difficulties in the relationship. They can all endure and be together. Such love story has a happy ending.

If the signs of the zodiac are reversed, that is, the man was born under the sign of Sagittarius, and the lady is Libra, then they can have a strong relationship. Sagittarius men are perfect for Libra women. They understand each other well and quarrels rarely occur between them. They often marry. In family life, they also have everything in harmony. The Sagittarius-husband provides the family with a comfortable existence, and the wife takes care of the arrangement of their life.

Prospects for marriage and compatibility in it

The love story of Libra and Sagittarius can last a long time and lead the couple to a wedding. In family life, the couple will add up everything safely. They complement each other.

The Sagittarius woman will become a leader, and the Libra man will be freed from the obligation to make decisions, which will suit him perfectly. Only mutual betrayals can overshadow their relationship.

However, if their romance led the couple to the wedding, they may have learned to get along only with each other and not interfere with third parties in relations. If they succeeded, then their family will be perfect. She will support her husband in everything, and he will spend all his free time with his wife.

Positive features of the union

The union of Libra and Sagittarius has positive features:

  • They look at life the same way.
  • The couple has common hobbies.
  • They understand each other well.
  • Quarrels rarely occur in their relationship. All contentious issues both partners prefer to resolve peacefully.
  • They look at family life the same way.

Negative traits of the union

The union of Libra and Sagittarius has not only positive, but also negative features:

  • They have different outlooks on life. She restores order, but cannot maintain it for long. He can do any household chores, but only when asked to do so. A Sagittarius woman sometimes gets tired of doing this and irritation ripens inside her. The Libra man is also not happy with the mess in the house, but does not like to express dissatisfaction about this. This is the only moment due to which a quarrel can occur in a couple. This can also destroy their family if they do not learn how to organize life together.
  • Both partners are prone to cheating.

Compatibility in business and friendship

The Libra man makes an ideal business alliance with the Sagittarius woman. They use the same methods in their work. The partners also have the same working pace. In business, they achieve good results.

As for the compatibility of the couple in friendship, it can be described as good. They understand each other and enjoy spending time together. Their friendship will end if one of the partners descends to a lower social level. Neither Libra nor Sagittarius can bear this.

Both of these zodiac signs want to make a good impression on others. Friends of the Low social level spoil their reputation, so they do not hesitate to break off relations with them.

A friendship between a Libra man and a Sagittarius woman can lead to love relationship. When this happens, the couple may soon get married and she usually initiates this.

Sagittarius woman and Libra man make up almost perfect couple. If not for their tendency to cheat, then they could have an ideal family.

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