Fairy tale snow white and the seven dwarfs. Scenario of a musical fairy tale for children of the senior group "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"


We all read in childhood a wonderful fairy tale about a beauty with snow-white skin and jet-black hair, telling about how little magical people sheltered her in the forest. We were worried about the fate of the princess and angry at the intrigues of the terrible stepmother when we saw the embodiment of the plot of the mentioned fairy tale in numerous adaptations (especially magnificent disney cartoon). But how many people know who is the author of "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"? Let's try to clarify this issue. In this case, there are definitely more authors than one. These are the brothers and Wilhelm. And also - albeit indirectly - all the people of the German land of Westphalia.

The life and work of Grimm

The weather brothers were born in the town of Hanau. Jacob - in January 1785, and Wilhelm - in February 1786. In addition to them, the family also had little brother and three little sisters. Father, Philipp-Wilhelm, worked first as a lawyer, and since 1792 as a judge in Steinau. It was he who instilled in his sons a love of reading and drawing. But in 1796, his father died, and Jacob, at the age of 11, became the head of the family. Soon the eldest sons went to Kassel to graduate from the Lyceum, go to university and become lawyers. This creative tandem appeared there - the author of "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs". Because at the university the brothers met new people, from whom they learned about folk songs and tales of the people of Westphalia.

Fabulous nav and political reality

In order to understand the fate and work of the Brothers Grimm, it is necessary, at least briefly, but to describe the political situation that developed at the turn of the 18th-19th centuries in Germany. Then the country was split into many principalities - each with its own language, ruler, minted coin, and so on. Little Westphalia was easily captured in 1806 by Napoleon's army. The kingdom was headed by Bonaparte's brother Jerome. He invited Jacob to become a librarian, to which he agreed. The author of "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" actively collects legends, songs and tales of the region.

After the French were expelled from Westphalia, the brothers serve as librarians in Kassel, and then, in 1840, accept an invitation from Friedrich Wilhelm of Prussia to move to Berlin. Even then, Grimm became known to the general public as the author of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, as well as 82 more fairy tales. In Berlin, they continued to create: to collect, like valuable pearls, samples folk poetry, rework folklore and explore Germanic linguistics. They died - Wilhelm in 1859, and Jakob in 1863 - while working on the first dictionary of the German language.

Oh those storytellers...

Now about the period when Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs appeared. The author, or rather, a creative tandem, published their first collection when they were still green youths, in 1812.

It was released in a modest softcover and included only eighty-three tales. Later, the authors repeatedly renewed the circulation, constantly replenishing the book with new stories. Now the collection "Children's and family tales Brothers Grimm" consists of 200 works.

What is significant about "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"

In this fantastic story, many motifs that are present in other stories of the Brothers Grimm are woven together. This is an evil stepmother who wants to get rid of her stepdaughter (compare with Hans and Gretel). The motif is also present in the fairy tale "Sleeping Beauty". The idea of ​​the insidious "gifts" of the stepmother - a belt, a comb and an apple, in which a reader familiar with Greek myths, easily recognizes the attributes of Venus. In the multifaceted work of the authors, there is a much deeper meaning than it might seem at first glance. On the lands of the former Roman Empire ancient myth defeated by the Germanic tales of the dwarves.

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs



Yana Dashtoyan

Nice dress


Maxim Kuzmin

Crown, gown, white shirt, bloomers tied with ribbons, stockings or stockings, boots or shoes

Snow White

Maria Yakimova

1. Dirty patchwork dress

2. Nice dress

3. headband with red bow


Nikita Dudorov

Crown or beret with feather, mantle, bloomers tied with ribbons, boots, 3 flowers

Evil queen

Olesya Zhukova

1. elegant dress, crown, cape

2. black cloak, wig and mask of an old woman.



Anastasia Chistyakova

Hat, coat, shirt, pants, boots. mustache, dagger, box


Ekaterina Danshova

Caps, waistcoats, shirts or jackets, short pants, striped leggings or stockings, shoes, picks, hammers, bags of colored stones


Sofia Loginova


Ksenia Popova

smart ass

Ulyana Telegina


Olesya Bukina

merry fellow

Maria Kalinina


Victoria Gracheva


Anfisa Kornilova

Squirrel mask and tail, dress


Angelina Solovieva

Fox mask and tail, dress


Daria Lapshina

Hat with long ears, tail, panties, jacket or jumpsuit


Elizabeth Rodina

Headband with ears and horns, dress, tail



Karina Domnina

Large oval or square foil with a face slit

1. A cardboard house for gnomes, 2 benches, a table with dishes for 7 people, cobwebs, a number of children's things, a blanket, a pillow, a broom, a sponge for dishes

2. bushes and trees, birds

3. well, towels, washcloths, soap, watering can, rake, flowers

4. Queen's throne, table, potion cauldron, red poisoned apple

5. baby in diapers

List of used literature:

1. Fairy tale "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" by the Brothers Grimm
2. N. V. Litvinov - Pesnya Skazochnika (VKontakte)
3. Song " winter fairy tale» music: Alexander Pinegin lyrics: Andrey Usachev
4. Song of the Evil Queen "If the kingdom is without deceit"
5. Snow White's song from the cartoon "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" "I know my prince will come" from the repertoire (Sveta Eremeeva)
6. Song of the Prince from the Musical "Cinderella" author of the play: I.Uvarova, Y.Daniel; songwriter: L. Fadeeva-Moskaleva; arrangement: E.Isenin
7. "Morning" Edvard Grieg (Snow White wakes up)
8. "Scene of the queen with a potion" A fragment of the play "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" music. S.Usachev
9. "Gnomes-Lilliputians" (music and lyrics by E. Ilyichev)
10. Dovakin - tanecved "m belosnezhka.mp3

(Storyteller rises to the stage)


Do you love fairy tales? If yes, then we will probably be friends with you. I am the Storyteller. I keep in mind many of the most entertaining stories. Take, for example, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

A long time ago, a princess was born in a kingdom. For her skin as white as snow, she was given the name - Snow White. The princess grew up as a sweet, kind girl, and everyone loved her very much. But hard times have come. The Queen, Snow White's mother, fell seriously ill and died. Her father, the king, married a second time. The new queen did not like Snow White terribly. The stepmother was very beautiful and very angry. She was annoyed by the beauty of Princess Stepdaughter. And when …

But anyway, let's see everything with our own eyes.

Do you agree? I can not hear! (YES) So, THE FAIRY TALE begins with me...

1 painting

Music sounds . The Evil Queen and the mirror come out. The queen approaches the mirror and begins to preen herself. (you can insert the Dance of Witchcraft Power)


Mirror, Mirror on the wall

(music of magic)


You, O Queen, are the most beautiful in our country

Music sounds. evil queen


If the kingdom is without deceit, then the kingdom is failing.

Who is in the crown, he is in the law, let the crown hold fear,

To me dark forces will always help

Deceit and malice, deceit and enmity.

My throne is impenetrable, I know, and I decorate it.

I'm smarter than everyone, I'm more beautiful than everyone.
And I will always be queen, always, always.

(sounds Evil laugh) The Queen hides behind a screen

2 picture

Music of Snow White's Dream. coming out Snow White draws water from the well and waters the flowers. Then she stops at the well

Snow White:

Do you want to know the secret? There is no secret at all. Leaning towards the well, whisper your desire. If the echo answers - you are lucky. Get whatever you want.

I want the prince to take me away from here!(echoes after Snow White)

The song "Prince and Princess"


Hello lovely girl! What is your name?

Snow White:

Snow White


How beautiful you are! I have been looking for such a girl for a long time. Will you agree to be my princess?

Snow White:

Oh yeah! I dreamed about you!


Then wait for me, dear Snow White! I'm going to my kingdom to prepare for the wedding! See you!

Snow White waves after him

3 picture


Mirror, Mirror on the wall

Who is the most beautiful in this country?

(music of magic)


Lips are like roses, skin is like snow, hair is blacker than nights.

You guessed it - it's about her. About your adopted daughter.

The queen is furious


Call my huntsman!

Under the muses the huntsman runs

Tomorrow take Snow White to the thicket, and bring her Heart back to me. I want to make sure she's not alive.


It will be done, my Queen!

(leaves with a bow)

4 picture


The next morning, the huntsman took Snow White into the woods. The girl was very pleased with the unexpected walk. She sang, laughed, joked. Watching her, the Huntsman realized that he was unable to carry out the order of the queen. And then he told the girl the whole truth.


Snow White, I have known and loved you since childhood. But your stepmother hates you and she ordered me to kill you.

Snow White:

OH! Nice little one! Let me go please!


I cannot kill you. This is beyond my power. Run, run away from these places, hide and never come back!!!

Snow White, frightened, runs behind the screen.

And I will shoot a doe, and I will put its heart in a box and give it to the Queen.

Runs out of the room


And the Huntsman brought the box with the heart of a doe to the Queen.

The queen calmed down for a while.

And poor Snow White, tired of running through the forest, lay down and fell asleep in a small green clearing.

5 picture

Music sounds. Snow White lies in the clearing. Forest animals approach her cautiously and wake her up. Snow White wakes up and stretches. Animals get scared, hide behind trees and bushes. Then cautiously look out from there.

Snow White:

Hello little animals! Come, don't be afraid! I won't offend you.The animals approach Snow White. She pets them. Scratches behind the ear

Let's get acquainted. My name is Snow White!


I am a squirrel, agile, fast

In a fur coat red, fluffy.

From branch to branch I jump deftly

Red back, tail, head

(Snow White petting a baby squirrel


I am the bravest animal in the forest

I'm not even afraid of the fox!

The fox sneezes, the hare hides behind a bush out of fear. Everyone laughs


And I Red fox


Bunny runs up to Snow White and complains:

Scared me like!..


Together we live in the forest and dance and sing.


Snow White, don't cry, don't hide your bitter tears.

You believe that kindness is your best feature.

Snow White

I was so scared and lonely! What do you do when you feel bad?

Animals sing a song to the motive "The sun came out"


When we feel bad we play -

We instantly forget about any grief!


Let's play hide and seek


Refers to Snow White

You Snow White to drive and seek!

Snow White covers her eyes with her hands and counts:

One, two, three, four, five, I'm on my way!

He opens his eyes and starts looking. The animals periodically peek out from behind the trees, giggle and run away to another place as soon as Snow White approaches them.

Snow White:

It's good with you, dear friends, but I need to find a place to hide from the evil queen.


We will help you, don't be sad

Hide where you can't be found!

The animals take Snow White by the hands and lead them to the dwarfs' house to the music.

Snow White

Oh! I can't believe my eyes! Which small house. This is probably my dream.Enter the house or move the screen house. What a mess!Comes to the table, picks up a cup. And what strange names on the cups: Sonya, Grumpy, Silent, Clever, Modest, Cheerful and Chihun. Well, you'll have to take care of them. Squirrel and fox help wash the dishes. The deer removes the web. Bunny folds things. And I'll sweep the floor

Snow White and the Beasts clean up to the music

Snow White:

Oh, how tired I am, lie down, rest a little.

Snow White lie down on the bench. Animals run behind the screen

Under the music "Hey-ho" gnomes appear. They go through the entire hall and go up to the stage.

6 picture

merry fellow:

Oh, look, we have a light on ...


(yawning) Maybe it's a ghost...


I've been telling you for 200 years, troubles cannot be avoided!!!

Smart ass:

Well, okay, Grumpy, well, we don't have to stand here all night. Let's go and see.They come closer to the table.


Are you sure this is our house? We have never been so clean in our lives.






Well, the dishes were stolen! I told you!

Smart ass:

They just washed it and put it, out, in the sideboard. Oh oh oh. Someone washed my cup!


All this is suspicious!


Well, here, you know, you're right. But who is this, and where is this one?

Smart ass:

Logically speaking, it is not here. If it's not here, then it's not there at all. Or he's upstairs.


(yawning) Oh bedroom. Maybe he's in my bed?


Now let's check.They go to the sleeping Snow White.


Oh, horror, this is a giant!


Quiet. He's sleeping. Now we will pounce on him and tie him up before he wakes up.

Snow White

stretching Oh!

Smart ass:

In my opinion, this is not a giant at all, but ... a young girl.


And what a beautiful one!

Snow White:

I'm sorry if I scared you. But I was so tired that I just took it and fell asleep. And you are gnomes. Is it true? Wait, now I'll guess who's name is. Dormouse, Grumpy, Silent, Clever, Modest, Cheerful and Chihun.


A-a-a-a-a (grumbler plugs his nose) how did you get here?(grumbler lets go of his nose) PCHHI!

Snow White

I'll tell you now.Gnomes sit in a circle

I am Snow White. Daughter of King Charles. For my beauty, my stepmother disliked me and even ordered the huntsman to kill me. But he turned out to be a very kind person and let me go. I ran through the forest for a long time. And then kind forest animals led me to your house.

merry fellow

Well, if that's the case, stay with us for now.


Nobody will find you here.

Snow White:

Well, now, until dinner is cooked, you have enough time to change and wash. Otherwise, there will be no dinner!


We will not!


No way am I going to wash my face!


We haven't washed in 300 years!

Smart ass:

No one has ever been harmed by water!



merry fellow

Grab it! Lead!


Don't scratch!


Stop doing that!

Bathing gnomes to the music. First, everyone together wash the grumbler. He fights back. Then everyone rubs each other in a circle with washcloths, lathers their hands and face, splashes, wipes themselves with towels.

Snow White

Knocks a ladle in a basin Dinner time! To the table!

The gnomes run and sit down at the table. They eat together with spoons from plates.

merry fellow

It's time to have some fun. Gnomes for tools! Music!

The gnomes grab the tools. Everyone is dancing together. Gradually, everyone is removed behind the screen

7 picture

Music sounds. The evil Queen and the mirror come out


Mirror, Mirror on the wall

Who is the most beautiful in this country?

(music of magic)


is silent


Well! Who did I tell?


I will not say.


Speak, you filthy glass!


Snow White is sweeter than all, all blush and whiter


Traitors. I was deceived! She should have died! Die, die! She will die no matter what the cost. I swear!

Music sounds. sorcery. The light is turned off. Special effects. queen m eats with a ladle in a cauldron and says magic words. Then he takes out a big red apple.


When Snow White takes a bite of this apple, she will be finished. She will fall asleep deep sleep similar to death. And only the flowers of faith, hope, love can wake her up. I'll take this apple to her myself!

And so that Snow White does not recognize me, I will turn into a harmless old woman. Ha ha ha!

The queen casts a spell, turns into an old woman, takes an apple and leaves with ominous laughter

8 picture


Morning has come. The dwarves gathered to work, to extract magic gems. And Snow White came out to see them off

Snow White:

Well, dear gnomes, go quietly to work.

The gnomes stand in line for a kiss. Everyone comes up and offers Snow White their foreheads. Silent runs around the circle and exposes his forehead for a second kiss. The queue reaches the Grump


What are these new customs? Well, you, this - look at the house, do not let anyone in. And then there are all sorts of "walk"! Your queen again.

Snow White:

She is not mine.

Smart ass:

Doesn't matter. Don't let. Okay, let's go.

Music sounds. Snow White waves to the dwarfs. Then it is taken to roll out the dough. The animals come out. Bunny is carrying a bucket of water. Chanterelle and squirrel knead the dough. The deer takes the towel. There is a knock on the door. Animals get scared and hide.

Snow White

Who's there?


It's me, the harmless old lady. May I come into the house and rest

Snow White

Certainly! Hello grandma.


My heart, let the poor get drunk old woman. The road, you know, is so long, and my years are not the same, I’m tired now ...

Snow White sat her grandmother on a chair and brought her water.


Thanks for respecting the old lady. I would like to thank you, but I have nothing but this apple. Take it, honey.

Snow White:

Thanks, grandma. What a liquid, beautiful1 Probably delicious?!

Beasts timidly lean out of their hiding places and whisper


Do not eat!

But Snow White bites the apple, sits down on the bed and falls asleep..

The Queen throws off her wig and cloak. Straightens up and laughs


Yes, beauty! And then you only hear from all sides, Snow White this, Snow White that. All! Enough! Now I will be the most beautiful in the world. Farewell, beauty! Have a good and eternal night.(Leaves).

9 picture

Gnomes come out to the music. and become a semicircle.

merry fellow:

I think this emerald is Snow White's favorite.


Most of all, most of all. Why did she give up your emerald?

merry fellow:

And then. What do you want to give her?

Animals come running and, out of breath, shouting at each other


Trouble! Trouble! Quicker! Quicker!

smart ass

Something happened!


Not only with Snow White!

merry fellow

Let's run!


B-e-g-i-m!They run in a circle to the music.

The evil queen runs across the road to the gnomes


This is the Evil Queen. Forward! For her!


For her! Grab her!(they catch up with her behind the screen or backstage).

The gnomes are returning to the house. Run up to Snow White. They gasp. They cover their faces with their hands. They cry.


She never knew how much I loved her.


(in turn) And I, Iya, and we!


Snow White was still beautiful. They built a wonderful bed for their Snow White. They put it in a forest clearing. Both day and night they were on duty near her, hoping that someday she would wake up. But Snow White did not wake up. The fame of the beauty sleeping in the most impenetrable thicket has spread all over the world.

Everyone sings the song "Princess sleeps for a hundred years ...)

Music sounds. "Prince and Princess". The prince enters. Bows. Goes to Snow White.


I've been looking for you for so long, Snow White! I brought you these magical flowers - faith, hope and love!(puts them on Snow White's arms. Moves away. Sits down on one knee, bowing her head in mourning.) Suddenly Snow White stirred and woke up.

Snow White

What a wonderful smell! Ah, what flowers!


HOORAY! She is alive!

Snow White:

Oh, how long I slept... Prince! You came back for me!


From now on, no trouble will touch you! I will take you to my castle. And you will finally become my princess!


Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah (the grumbler pinches his nose) there, in the Prince's castle, you won't forget us?(grumbler lets go of his nose) PCHHI!

Snow White:

Well, how can I forget you? I will visit you as often as I can.


And then it was time for the fun. Happy hearts are always filled with music. And all the forest animals, gnomes, the Prince and, of course, Snow Whitesang a happy song

Actors and performers artists of the Moscow State Children's Musical Theater:

Snow White I. Lapteva
Gnomes: Monday L. Bodrov
Tuesday N. Oleinik
Wednesday V. Shapoval
Thursday S. Repin
Friday S. Ivanov
Saturday B. Solovyov
Sunday V. Tuchinsky
Queen V. Dracheva
Mirror N. Makarov
Main performer
royal desires S. Menakhin
The leader of the people T. Piskunov
Cactus G. Grigoriev
Chamomile L. Petrovicheva
Huntsman M. Egorov
Raven V. Markov
Storyteller R. Plyatt

Creative Group:
Moscow State Children's Musical Theatre.
Dramatization - Sergey Bogomazov.
Director (radio) - Emmanuil Krasnyansky.
Composer - Eduard Kolmanovsky.
Choir and Orchestra of the Moscow State Children's Musical Theatre. Conductor - V. Yakovlev.
Artistic director - Natalia Sats

The tale of Snow White is an old one, as you can imagine. In our time, there are almost no kings and queens left, and various miracles are created not by wizards at all, but by people of labor and science - kind and wise. The tale of Snow White is found among many peoples of the West. There is a very similar fairy tale in Russian folk art. Pushkin wrote it down in verse from his nanny Arina Rodionovna. Remember her - this is "The Tale of dead princess and seven heroes"? Based on these tales, L. Ustinov and O. Tabakov made a play for children, and this play became the basis for E. Kolmanovsky's musical comedy. But for a musical comedy, a slightly different text is needed, it must be removed where the music should sound, and words for songs, for arias, for ensembles must be written. All this was done by the writer S. Bogomazov. This is how the children's musical comedy"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs", and on September 1, 1966, its premiere took place at the Moscow State Children's musical theater, which is directed by Natalia Ilyinichna Sats, who created this theater. You can go to the theater and see a performance on stage: to see what a sweet girl Snow White is, how courageous and proud the Leader of the people is, what an evil Queen who only admires herself or conjures so that everyone feels bad, but she alone is good! What a nasty sycophant The main executor of royal desires, ready to betray, kill, imprison anyone, just to please the Queen. Which good friend Snow White has a Cactus (although he is covered with thorns, but he has a good heart), what funny and cute Gnomes, how colorful, bright everything is, how much light, movement in this production, how well they dance at the ball ... Yes, all this can be seen in the theater, but not all the guys can visit it. That's why "Snow White" was recorded on the disc, so that more guys could get to know her. And music has colors too! If you listen carefully, you can understand what the music is talking about. She conveys and cheerful, joyful mood Snow White, who on the day of her birth everything seemed so bright and beautiful. She will tell you about grief poor girl, who almost died on the orders of her cruel stepmother, the queen. The music will sound sad and sad when Snow White, having bitten off a poisoned apple, falls dead ... And you will have fun, you will want to dance when Snow White is daydreaming: “I want to arrange a real ball in the palace hall ...” The ball will be only in her imagination, but you hear the music of this ball and, just like Snow White, you will see in your imagination how gently the gentlemen and ladies are circling in a waltz, how the polka rhythm of their heels is clearly tapping out (“Who invented you, polka, that’s a good fellow, and only!” ), how the spurs of the gentlemen who dance the mazurka ring, and how everyone rushes through the endless halls of the palace, holding hands and dancing a gallop!
But when the Queen begins to conjure, the music will sound menacing and scary. Courageous, heroic in sound will be the music when a fearless fighter for freedom, a defender of the oppressed, a leader ready to die for the sake of the people, appears before the Queen. “I won’t tell you anything about my unfortunate native people,” he will throw in the face of the Queen, although he has heavy shackles on his hands, and executioners stand behind him ... No wonder Snow White fell in love with such a young man!
The funny in the music of this comedy will not always be the same in character. For example, when the Chief Performer of Royal Desires sings his song, at first glance it will seem funny, but is it funny when a person sings about meanness, slander, about all the black deeds that he is capable of? No, it's not funny anymore, it's creepy. It’s as if there will also be a scene in which this Chief Performer will teach the Queen how to pretend to be a poor beggar ... it’s funny, but if you imagine that she learns humility in order to poison Snow White, it becomes completely not funny. Such "unfunny" laughter is called satire.
But the Gnomes are really funny, good and cute. Their names are strange: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Cheerful glorious Dwarfs will help Snow White when she is in trouble. The laughter they evoke is good, kind laughter. When they go to bed, they sing a lullaby to themselves. You will hear in it the familiar motive of the song "Chizhik-Pyzhik" and, probably, you will laugh. Their song will sound very cheerful, which they
they sing at the beginning, in the middle and at the end - a cheerful song that is always with them ...
So, listen, give free rein to your imagination, and it will help you imagine this country, and everything that happens in it, and the palace, and the hut of the gnomes, and all the participants in the action, their faces, figures, clothes.
The music of Kolmanovsky and the storyteller, the wonderful artist Rostislav Plyatt, will help you with this. They will lead you to this wonderful fairy tale. Composer Eduard Kolmanovsky is well known and loved by adults. They like his songs about the world, about our construction sites, about Soviet people, about friendship and love, and you have heard on the radio more than once his songs “Do the Russians want wars?”, “Biryu-sinka”, “I work as a magician”, “Waltz about the waltz”, “Crane”, “I love you , life..."
Eduard Savelievich showed very early musical ability. At the age of seven, he composed small pieces for the piano, and at the age of thirteen he wrote his first romance, The Singer, based on Pushkin's poems. Kolmanovsky was born in Mogilev in 1923, but musical education received in Moscow, graduating first from the Gnessin School, and in 1946 from the Moscow Conservatory, where he was his teacher in the composition class famous composer, Professor V. Ya. Shebalin. Eduard Kolmanovsky writes not only songs. He created a number of works for symphony orchestra: Lyrical Suite. Concerto for viola and orchestra, romances on poems by Pushkin, Lermontov by Robert Burns, musical comedy for adults "The Convent".
He writes a lot for theater and cinema. E. Kolmanovsky composed the music for the productions of the Moscow Art Theater Twelfth Night and The Road Through Sokolniki. If you see cartoons"Nut twig", " ugly duck”, “Stork”, “The Boy from Naples”, “Ali Baba and the Litter of Thieves” or a widescreen film about VI World Festival young people in Moscow, then remember that the music for these films belongs to the pen of E. Kolmanovsky.
T. Karysheva

Audio fairy tale Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs by the Brothers Grimm. The story can be listened to online or downloaded. The audiobook "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" is presented in mp3 format.

Audio fairy tale Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, content:

The magical audio fairy tale Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs created by the Brothers Grimm is a story that can be listened to online by the whole family!!!

A princess was born and for her snow-white skin they called the baby Snow White. Her mother died, and her father brought a second wife into the house. A very beautiful, but cruel woman disliked the girl, and when the king also died, the evil stepmother made her stepdaughter her servant.

The evil queen often looked in the magic mirror and asked who was the most beautiful in their country, and always received the answer that she herself was the most beautiful of all. When the stepdaughter grew up, the mirror said that now Snow White was the most beautiful of all, and the stepmother, angry, ordered the huntsman to destroy the ward and bring her heart. The huntsman released the girl, delivering the heart of a shot doe to her stepmother.

The fugitive hid in the house where seven dwarfs lived. Once the stepmother realized that she had been lied to, turned into an old woman and gave Snow White a poisoned apple, from which the girl fell asleep dead sleep. The Evil Queen fell off a cliff during a thunderstorm, and Snow White was awakened by a kiss from a handsome prince and they left, saying goodbye to the hospitable gnomes.

Like this a happy ending at our online audio fairy tale!

Musical fairy tale with the participation of children and parents senior group. "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" (based on the fairy tale by J. and V. Grimm). Scenario

material will be helpful music directors, teachers of additional education.
Goals and objectives: Involve children in theater culture. Create conditions for joint theatrical activities of children and adults. develop creative activity children literary word, music and dance.
Old lady -
Hunter -
Snow White-
Forest animals: Squirrel-
7 Dwarves
Props: musical instruments(drum, tambourine, spoons, rattle, metallophone), mallets for the Dwarves, a whisk for Snow White, a basket of apples, table setting, flowers for the Dwarves, a bouquet of natural flowers for Snow White,
Hall decoration: curtains - forest scenery, tree stumps, Gnomes room, presentation (ICT)

The course of the performance

Entrance. To the music, the children run after each other and stand in a semicircle.
The storyteller comes to the center of the hall.

Storyteller. Hello my good ones! Hello my pretty ones!
Oh, how smart you are, all ruddy, okay!
I am a storyteller, invited me to listen to my favorite fairy tales.
1 Child. There are many fairy tales in the world, sad and funny -
And we can't live without them.
2 Child. Fairy tales are loved by everyone in the world,
Adults and children love it!
Fairy tales teach us kindness and diligent work,
They say how to live in order to be friends with everyone around!
Storyteller. Everything can happen in a fairy tale, our fairy tale is ahead,
A fairy tale is knocking at the door to us, say, a fairy tale: “Come!”

The song "Fairy tale, fairy tale, come!"

3 Child. We begin the performance - we open the doors to the fairy tale.
Maybe you will recognize in someone what you hide from everyone.
Storyteller. A fairy tale is wisdom, magic, and today it is here.
Sit back and take a look at the characters.
Children sit on chairs. Snow White goes behind the pillar.

The storyteller comes out to the music.

Storyteller. Listen, look carefully
Don't miss anything!
Fairy doors open
Our show is about to begin!

Music sounds.

Storyteller. In one fairy forest lived seven Dwarfs.
They have a hundred freckles on their tiny noses.
And if the Gnome meets you in his forest,
Freckles on the nose will dance with joy.
You can already hear - the gnomes are coming, somewhere nearby they are singing a song.

7 gnomes come out.
Dance of the Dwarfs "Gnomes - Lilliputians"

1 Dwarf. Well, it's time to refresh yourself
And that is, I really want to.
2 Dwarf. And we are with you.

All the Dwarves sit down at the table and eat.

3 Dwarf. It's time for us to get to work.
We guys are masters, we work together in the morning.

The gnomes leave.

Storyteller. Meanwhile, in a fairy-tale kingdom, the evil stepmother the Queen decided to kill her stepdaughter Snow White.
She ordered the Huntsman to take Snow White into the wilderness of the forest.
And, having tied her alive under a pine tree, leave it there, to be eaten by wolves.
Here the Hunter went into the forest and took him to such a distance!
Snow White guessed and, of course, got scared.

Scene from The Huntsman and Snow White.
Snow White and the Huntsman come out, they stop in the "forest".
The music of the forest sounds, the heroes listen.

Hunter: Baby, do you hear, ordered
I'll kill you in the forest!
And a silver coin
Pay for villainy!
But don't be afraid, no, I won't touch
I even finger you!
I'll let you go, saving you
Like a daughter loving!
Snow White. Thank you, good hunter,
That you didn't touch me.
I will never forget
I will remember you.
Hunter. You go straight all the time
You will go out to the Gnomes in the clearing.
Gnomes know everything
kind people help.
Snow White. Thank you friend! Goodbye! (Waving hand)
Hunter. Farewell and be happy! (Waves back and leaves)

Scene "Snow White in the Forest".

Storyteller. Snow White is alone in the forest and she is very scared ...

To the music, Snow White sits on a tree stump and "trembles".

Storyteller. And here is Belchonok, agile and fast
In a fur coat red, fluffy.

Belka jumps out to the music.

Squirrel. From branch to branch I jump deftly,

Red back, tail, head.

Hedgehog runs out to the music.

Hedgehog. I am a prickly hedgehog, I walk without boots.
I love my friends, I won't hurt anyone.

Bear comes out to the music.

Bear. I'm a clumsy bear, in winter I suck my paw,
And in the summer I walk with my friends, I treat them to raspberries.
Storyteller. In this fabulous forest you can meet the Bunny and the Fox.
They have a lot of fun here, they all live together.

To the music, holding hands, the Fox and the Bunny jump.

Hare. Snow White, don't cry, don't hide your bitter tears.
You believe that kindness is your best trait.
Fox. We will cheer you up and surprise you with an orchestra!

Snow White and the Beasts take musical instruments.
Orchestra of Animals "Forest Orchestra"
Put down the tools and stand around Snow White.

Snow White: Ah, tell me what to do
And where should I go?
Where to find shelter,
New house me to get?!
Squirrel. Don't be afraid, Snow White
We will find a path in the forest!
Hedgehog. And a short way
We will bring you home!
Snow White. Thank you, you are kind!

They walk to the music, holding hands.
The animals lead Snow White to a small house.

Scene "In the house of the gnomes"

Snow White. Ah, what a wonderful house!
Who, tell me, lives in it?
Somebody vertically challenged -
Amazing people!
You can see little kids
They live here unsupervised!
I'll help them clean up
I'll sort it out here!
How many unwashed cups are there,
So much dirty laundry!
I'll take it here now
And then I'll rest.
He takes a whisk to the music, sweeps and dances.

storyteller. The hour of dinner was approaching, there was a clatter around the yard ...

In the distance, the bizarre music of the Dwarfs is heard. Snow White listens to the Dwarfs coming, hiding from them.
Gnomes appear to the music. The gnomes enter the house.

Gnome 1. What a miracle! Maybe I slept badly!?
Gnome 2. Who washed all the dishes?
Gnome 3. And cooked soup in a pot?!
Gnome 4. Who managed without us?
I'll give it to him now! (shakes fist)
Gnome 5. Still a must see! -
Suddenly the Bear climbed up to us!
Gnome 6. Yes! .. The bear washed everything here
And I cooked soup in a pot ... (laughs)
Dwarf 7. Enough brothers, all behind me!
We'll find where the alien is!

Sneezing, Snow White comes out.

Snow White. You probably live here?
Are you coming out of the woods?
Gnome 1. It's true, everyone lives here.
And what is your name?
Snow White. Called Snow White
People are kind to me.
Just kicked out of the house
evil stepmother, scolding.
You don't chase me
WITH good heart shelter!
I will help you
Boil soup, wash clothes.
Gnome 2. We will all be happy for you! Live a century, do not wait for a reward!
Here we will protect you and will not give you offense!
Gnome 3. We don't starve anymore! Let's sing and dance!

Dwarf dance with Snow White

Snow White. Now it's time for bed
Oh, how I want to sleep!
Gnome 4. Ah, of course, of course,
Of course you need to sleep!
Certainly at this time
Heading to bed!
Gnome 5. Where is Snow White
Should we put us to bed for the night?
We need Snow White
Give up your bedroom!
Gnome 6. Here again! From these women
Troubles alone!
My hands and sleep in the closet ...
Wonderful days!..
Dwarf 7. Stop grumbling! You can't princess
Sleep in a closet!
We need it out of respect
Give up your bedroom!

The light goes out. Everyone leaves.

Storyteller. The next morning, Snow White saw the Dwarves off to work.

The Gnomes come out to the music, Snow White gives them hammers.
Song of the Gnomes.

Snow White. Goodbye my good friends!
All Gnomes. Goodbye, Snow White!

The Gnomes leave to the music.

Storyteller. Meanwhile, the Evil Queen found out that Snow White was alive and decided to kill her. She pretended to be an old woman, took a basket of poisoned apples and went to the Dwarfs.

Scene "Old Stepmother and Snow White".
The old woman (hunched over) walks through the hall, approaches the house of the Gnomes.

Old woman. (Screaming, beckoning) Great apples, sweet apples!
Snow White. Hello, kind woman! Give me one apple.
Old woman. Bite it soon
And make a wish.
Wish will come true soon
(to the side) You will go straight to heaven...
The old woman gives the apple and leaves.

Snow White holds an apple in her hands and looks at it.

Snow White. I wish that soon
The Prince found me in the forest.
To take me to your castle
He led me to the Altar!

Sad music sounds.

Storyteller. I have only eaten an apple... (Snow White bites an apple)
immediately dropped dead... (bites an apple and falls)
The soul of Snow White is tender and bright.
She couldn't protect herself from evil.
A flower and a blade of grass - everyone feels sorry for the girl.
And sadness enveloped the fairy tale with a haze ....

And the gnomes, not knowing about the terrible misfortune,
Dreaming of home and delicious food.
And with a song, a cheerful forest path
In the evening they walk home from work.

Scene "Gnomes and Prince"
Gnomes go to the music.

Gnome 1: (excitedly) What's happened?
Gnome 2. What with her?
Gnome 3. We need to do artificial respiration!
Gnome 4. Or maybe put an injection?
Gnome 5. Or maybe she died?
Gnome 6.(in desperation) My heart will burst with grief!
Dwarf 7. How will we continue to live, how can we wake you up?
Storyteller. Seeing Snow White sleeping, the Dwarves wept bitterly.

The dwarves sit around Snow White and cry.

Storyteller: But one clear morning, the Prince appeared beautiful.

The Prince comes out to the music.

Prince.(I saw Snow White) How fresh, beautiful she is,
As if a dream had shackled her
Like the wind in the clear sky
Sleep enveloped her.
Only I was in a hurry in vain!
Cry clouds, blow the wind!
Let it touch the beautiful hands
My farewell kiss!

The Prince kneels before Snow White and kisses her hand.
A gentle awakening melody sounds.

Storyteller. Snow White woke up
The prince smiled.
Snow White.(To the Prince) What a terrible dream I had.
It's good that it didn't come true!

The prince takes Snow White's hand.

Prince: Snow White, be with me, become my wife forever!
Snow White: How are my Gnomes? They will be bored alone.
Gnome 6: Snow White, we agree, do not worry needlessly.

The Prince leads Snow White to the center of the room.

Prince. Let the years fly by
We will never forget a friend!
We will live long and love all our lives,
We will give the light of hearts to people.
Snow White. Open the door to the fairy tale.
You still believe in the miracle of magic!
The world will become stronger, the path will become brighter,
If you're a little better!
Storyteller. As usual, fairy tales have happy endings.
And Prince Snow White led down the aisle.

The Prince and Snow White are walking in a circle.
All the heroes stand behind Snow White and the Prince join hands and bow.

Storyteller. Everything happens in fairy tales, miracles in fairy tales.
Sleeping princess, the girl is beautiful.
Cinderella and princes, witches, kings,
Miracles will happen if you believe.
A fairy tale will teach us how to win evil,
How to cope with enemies, how to get happiness.
Good friends will always help us,
Faithful hearts will beat nearby.
Children take the stage.
Common song - dance "Visiting a fairy tale"
Children orderly leave the room.

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