Notre Dame Cathedral of Quasimodo and Esmeralda. Esmeralda is the heroine of the novel Notre Dame Cathedral.



Date of death: A place of death:

Paris, Place Greve


Paquette Chantefleurie (mother, deceased), father unknown (possibly gypsy)



Role played by:

Patsy Ruth Miller, Maureen O'Hara, Gina Lollobrigida, Demi Moore (voice actress)

Esmeralda(fr. Esmeralda) is the main character of Victor Hugo's novel Notre Dame Cathedral, as well as films, performances, musicals, ballets and poems based on this work.

Esmeralda in the original novel

In Victor Hugo's novel, Esmeralda's story is revealed gradually. For the first time, Esmeralda appears as a beautiful young girl living in the Parisian Court of Miracles (the abode of beggars and criminals), earning money by dancing and performing with a trained goat Jalli. The poet Pierre Gringoire, the priest Claude Frollo and the ugly ringer Quasimodo fall in love with her. Frollo, with the help of Quasimodo, tries to steal Esmeralda, but she is saved by the officer Phoebe de Chateauper. Esmeralda falls in love with her savior.

In the novel we see detailed description appearance of the heroine: “She was short in stature, but seemed tall - her slim figure was so slender. She was swarthy, but it was not difficult to guess that during the day her skin had a wonderful golden hue, inherent in Andalusians and Romans. The small foot was also an Andalusian foot, so lightly did she step in her narrow elegant shoe. The girl danced, fluttered, whirled on an old Persian carpet carelessly thrown under her feet, and every time her radiant face appeared before you, the look of her large black eyes blinded you like lightning. The eyes of the crowd were riveted on her, all mouths gaping. She danced to the rumble of a tambourine, which her round virgin hands raised high above her head. Thin, fragile, with bare shoulders and slender legs occasionally flashing from under her skirt, black-haired, quick as a wasp, in a golden bodice tightly fitting her waist, in a motley swollen dress, shining with her eyes, she seemed to be a truly unearthly creature ... "(" Notre Dame Cathedral, III Besos para golpes (18)

The image of Esmeralda in the novel is complex and tragic. She is the embodiment of chastity and naivety, not at all like the rest of the inhabitants of the "Court of Miracles". Even the fact that she has to make a living by dancing does not corrupt her. She has kind heart: she brings water to Quasimodo when he is tied to the pillory; in order to save Gringoire, whom she does not know, from death, she agrees to formally be called his wife. But her openness and naivete almost lead to disaster: for the first time in her life, having fallen in love, she is ready to give herself to Captain Phoebus, even though she is sure that with the loss of innocence, the opportunity to ever meet her parents will leave her.

The girl knows that the gypsies who raised her are not her parents, she passionately wants to find her real mother and wears an amulet around her neck, in which a tiny children's embroidered slipper is kept - the only thing that she inherited from her real mother: Esmeralda hopes to find it someday, but, according to the order given to her with a slipper, for this she needs to preserve her virginity. Gradually, the reader discovers the story of the origin of Esmeralda.

The girl's mother was called Paquette Chantefleury, she was the daughter of a famous minstrel from Reims. But the minstrel died, leaving his little daughter and wife penniless. They made a living by embroidery and lived extremely modestly. Paquette blossomed early and began to attract the attention of noble men. She fell in love with one of them and became his mistress, as soon as she was 14 years old. But the windy signor soon left the girl, and she "went from hand to hand", sinking lower and lower: from aristocrats to simpler men. Paketta, who had become an ordinary prostitute, was saved from complete degradation by pregnancy: at the age of 20, she gave birth to a lovely girl, whom she named Agnes. After the birth, the faded girl became very prettier, and her “services” again turned out to be in price. Everything that Paquette earned, she spent on outfits for her adored baby.

Once a gypsy camp arrived in Reims, and Paquette, like many other mothers, could not resist going with her daughter to the gypsies to find out the future of her child. beautiful girl delighted the gypsies, and a few days later they stole it, throwing Paquette into the cradle of an ugly, hunchbacked and lame boy of about four. The unfortunate Paketta turned gray in one night from grief and became mentally damaged: having found traces of fires and blood stains at the place where the camp that had disappeared in one night stood, she decided that the gypsies had eaten her child.

Soon Paquette disappeared from Reims. Some said that she drowned herself, others said that she was seen on the road to the capital. The archbishop of Reims ordered the ugly foundling to be sent to Paris and placed in a manger near the orphanage (this child was Quasimodo).

... Esmeralda is sentenced to death on a false charge: Claude Frollo, tormented by jealousy, wounds Phoebus during his meeting with Esmeralda, and hides. Quasimodo takes her out of the noose and hides her in the Cathedral. There she lives for some time, without stopping thinking about Phoebe (whose wound turned out to be light, but who had already managed to forget the gypsy). Quasimodo understands that she will never be able to reciprocate his feelings, but is already happy because he can protect her.

Claude Frollo and Gringoire rescue the girl from the besieged cathedral, thereby saving her from death. They ferry her across the Seine. Claude puts her before a choice: either she will agree to be with him, or she will be hanged. Esmeralda refuses to flee the city with the "killer" Phoebus. The archdeacon leaves her to the old woman Gudula, and goes for the guards to extradite the gypsy. Gudula is a recluse who fiercely hates the gypsies because they once stole her only daughter, keeps Esmeralda. Gudula, curses the girl and shows her her daughter's slipper, at this moment Esmeralda shows exactly the same bootie. Here it turns out that Gudula is Paquette Chantefleury, Esmeralda's mother, but it turns out too late. Paquette hides the girl from the soldiers, but, seeing Phoebe among them, Esmeralda, not thinking about the consequences, naively calls him. The girl was immediately hanged, and her mother died, unable to bear the second loss of her daughter.

In productions and film adaptations of the novel, the details of the heroine's birth are usually omitted and she is portrayed as a gypsy (only in the 1923 film adaptation with Patsy Ruth Miller in leading role the details of the birth of the heroine are preserved, the image of her character from the original source is also preserved, except that she is not afraid of her pursuer). The image of brilliant purity and innocence invented by Hugo is often omitted, instead Esmeralda appears in the image of a fatal beauty.

Esmeralda in the musical "Notre Dame de Paris"

Esmeralda in the musical is not a stolen Frenchwoman, but an orphaned gypsy girl from Spain. If the novel meant that everything positive in it - from French descent, then in the musical it is her personal qualities, which are also possible for a simple gypsy. In the musical, she does not have a trained goat, she earns only by dancing. Many researchers of Hugo's work [Who?] believe that the presence of Jali in the musical is fundamentally important, because there is an opinion that the goat embodies tragedy (“tragedy” in Greek is “goat song”).

Esmeralda in film adaptations

In the film "Notre Dame Cathedral" (1956)

Gina Lollobrigida in this film is considered the most successful screen incarnation of Esmeralda. One of the reasons for the success, apparently, is a serious work on the external component of her image: on the one hand, he uses associations with gypsy ( bare feet, bright scarf, torn hem), on the other hand, reflects her character (both Esmeralda's dresses are pure "fiery" colors, red and yellow, their style emphasizes her youthful fragility and impetuosity of her movements). The ending is partially changed compared to the original: Esmeralda was killed by an arrow during the storming of the cathedral. Her last words: "Life is beautiful" (fr. C "est beau, la vie).

Many years later, Lollobrigida created a sculpture depicting Esmeralda in dance.

Animated by Walt Disney Studios 1996

In the cartoon, Esmeralda is a purebred gypsy. This beautiful girl who makes a living by dancing. It is believed that the prototype of her image was two famous actresses: Gina Lollobrigida and Demi Moore (voice actor of the heroine in the original). It is also interesting that in the first sketches (during the creation work) Esmeralda looked exactly 14-16 years old, in the final version she was depicted a little older (in fact, she is 16 years old in the book, and in the cartoon 18-19 years) perhaps because the heroine does not look more fragile in comparison with other characters (Judge Claude Frollo and Captain Phoebus). In the cartoon, she is slender, with bronze skin, blue-black long, curly hair, and green eyes; in the book version, her skin is also bronze, but lighter - this may indicate that her father could be a gypsy. She has a lively and independent personality. She is brave, smart, proud and strong, very kind and fair. If you look closely, you can see that with her hair loose, Esmeralda looks much younger than with her hair gathered in a ponytail. She is also one of the most beautiful girls living in France.

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An excerpt characterizing Esmeralda (character)

- When are you going to sleep? answered another voice.
“I won’t, I can’t sleep, what should I do!” Well, the last time...
Two female voices they sang some kind of musical phrase that was the end of something.
- Oh, what a delight! Well, now sleep, and the end.
“Sleep, but I can’t,” answered the first voice, approaching the window. She apparently leaned completely out of the window, because the rustling of her dress and even breathing could be heard. Everything was quiet and petrified, like the moon and its light and shadows. Prince Andrei was also afraid to move, so as not to betray his involuntary presence.
– Sonya! Sonya! – the first voice was heard again. - Well, how can you sleep! Yes, look what a charm! Ah, what a delight! Wake up, Sonya, - she said almost with tears in her voice. “There has never been such a lovely night, never.
Sonya reluctantly answered something.
- No, look at that moon! ... Oh, what a charm! You come here. Darling, dove, come here. Well, see? So I would squat down, like this, I would grab myself under my knees - tighter, as tight as possible - you have to strain. Like this!
- All right, you're going to fall.
There was a struggle and Sonya's dissatisfied voice: "After all, the second hour."
Oh, you're just ruining everything for me. Well, go, go.
Everything fell silent again, but Prince Andrei knew that she was still sitting there, he sometimes heard a quiet stir, sometimes sighs.
- Oh my god! My God! what is it! she suddenly cried out. - Sleep like sleep! and slammed the window.
“And it doesn’t matter to my existence!” thought Prince Andrei while he listened to her conversation, for some reason waiting and fearing that she would say something about him. “And she again! And how on purpose! he thought. Such an unexpected confusion of young thoughts and hopes, which contradicted his whole life, suddenly arose in his soul, that he, feeling unable to understand his state of mind, immediately fell asleep.

The next day, having said goodbye to only one count, without waiting for the ladies to leave, Prince Andrei went home.
It was already the beginning of June, when Prince Andrei, returning home, drove again into that birch grove in which this old, gnarled oak struck him so strangely and memorable. The bells rang even more muffled in the forest than a month and a half ago; everything was full, shady and dense; and young spruce trees scattered throughout the forest did not disturb the general beauty and, imitation of the general character, tenderly turned green with fluffy young shoots.
The whole day was hot, somewhere a thunderstorm was gathering, but only a small cloud splashed on the dust of the road and on the succulent leaves. The left side of the forest was dark, in shadow; the right one, wet and glossy, shone in the sun, slightly swaying in the wind. Everything was in bloom; the nightingales chirped and rolled now close, now far away.
“Yes, here, in this forest, there was this oak, with which we agreed,” thought Prince Andrei. “Yes, where is he,” thought Prince Andrei again, looking at the left side of the road and without knowing it, not recognizing him, admired the oak he was looking for. The old oak, all transformed, spread out like a tent of juicy, dark greenery, was thrilled, slightly swaying in the rays of the evening sun. No clumsy fingers, no sores, no old distrust and grief - nothing was visible. Juicy, young leaves broke through the tough, hundred-year-old bark without knots, so that it was impossible to believe that this old man had produced them. “Yes, this is the same oak tree,” thought Prince Andrei, and a causeless, spring feeling of joy and renewal suddenly came over him. All the best moments of his life were suddenly remembered to him at the same time. And Austerlitz with a high sky, and the dead, reproachful face of his wife, and Pierre on the ferry, and the girl, agitated by the beauty of the night, and this night, and the moon, - and he suddenly remembered all this.
“No, life is not over at the age of 31, suddenly, Prince Andrei decided completely, without change. Not only do I know everything that is in me, it is necessary that everyone knows this: both Pierre and this girl who wanted to fly into the sky, it is necessary that everyone knows me, so that my life goes not for me alone so that they do not live so independently of my life, so that it is reflected on everyone and that they all live with me together!

Returning from his trip, Prince Andrei decided to go to St. Petersburg in the fall and came up with different reasons this decision. A whole series of reasonable, logical arguments why he needed to go to Petersburg and even serve, was every minute ready for his services. Even now he did not understand how he could ever doubt the need to take an active part in life, just as a month ago he did not understand how the idea of ​​leaving the village could come to him. It seemed clear to him that all his experiences in life must have been lost in vain and be nonsense if he had not put them to work and had not again taken an active part in life. He did not even understand how, on the basis of the same poor rational arguments, it had previously been obvious that he would be humiliated if now, after his lessons in life, he would again believe in the possibility of being useful and in the possibility of happiness and love. Now my mind was telling me something else. After this trip, Prince Andrei began to get bored in the countryside, his previous activities did not interest him, and often, sitting alone in his office, he got up, went to the mirror and looked at his face for a long time. Then he turned away and looked at the portrait of the deceased Lisa, who, with curls a la grecque [in Greek] fluffed up, tenderly and cheerfully looked at him from a golden frame. She no longer spoke the former terrible words to her husband, she simply and cheerfully looked at him with curiosity. And Prince Andrei, with his hands folded back, paced the room for a long time, now frowning, now smiling, rethinking those unreasonable, inexpressible in words, secret as a crime thoughts connected with Pierre, with fame, with the girl at the window, with the oak, with female beauty and love that changed his whole life. And at those moments when someone came to him, he was especially dry, sternly resolute, and especially unpleasantly logical.
- Mon cher, [My dear,] - Princess Mary used to say entering at such a moment, - Nikolushka cannot go for a walk today: it is very cold.
- If it were warm, - at such moments, Prince Andrei answered his sister especially dryly, - then he would go in one shirt, and since it is cold, you need to put on warm clothes, which are invented for this. That’s what follows from the fact that it’s cold, and not just to stay at home when the child needs air, ”he said with special logic, as if punishing someone for all this secret, illogical thing that was happening in him, inner work. Princess Marya thought in these cases about how this mental work dries men.

Prince Andrei arrived in St. Petersburg in August 1809. It was the time of the apogee of the glory of the young Speransky and the energy of the coups he carried out. In this very August, the sovereign, riding in a carriage, was thrown out, injured his leg, and remained in Peterhof for three weeks, seeing Speransky daily and exclusively. At that time, not only two decrees, so famous and alarming to society, were being prepared on the destruction of court officials and on examinations for the ranks of collegiate assessors and state councilors, but also a whole state constitution, which was supposed to change the existing judicial, administrative and financial order of governing Russia from state council before the municipal government. Now those vague, liberal dreams with which Emperor Alexander came to the throne, and which he sought to realize with the help of his assistants Czartoryzhsky, Novosiltsev, Kochubey and Strogonov, whom he himself jokingly called comite du salut publique, were now realized and embodied. [committee of public safety.]
Now Speransky for the civilian part and Arakcheev for the military have replaced everyone together. Prince Andrei, soon after his arrival, as a chamberlain, appeared at the court and went out. The sovereign twice, having met him, did not honor him with a single word. It always seemed to Prince Andrei even before that he was antipathetic to the sovereign, that his face and his whole being were unpleasant to the sovereign. In the dry, distant look with which the sovereign looked at him, Prince Andrei found confirmation of this assumption even more than before. The courtiers explained to Prince Andrei the inattention of the sovereign to him by the fact that His Majesty was dissatisfied with the fact that Bolkonsky had not served since 1805.
“I myself know how powerless we are in our likes and dislikes,” thought Prince Andrei, and therefore there is nothing to think about personally presenting my note on the military regulations to the sovereign, but the matter will speak for itself. He passed on his note to the old field marshal, a friend of his father. The field marshal, appointing him an hour, kindly received him and promised to report to the sovereign. A few days later it was announced to Prince Andrei that he had to appear before the Minister of War, Count Arakcheev.
At nine o'clock in the morning, on the appointed day, Prince Andrei appeared in the reception room of Count Arakcheev.
Personally, Prince Andrei did not know Arakcheev and had never seen him, but everything that he knew about him inspired little respect for this man.
“He is the Minister of War, a confidant of the Sovereign Emperor; no one should care about his personal properties; he was instructed to consider my note, therefore he alone can set it in motion, ”thought Prince Andrei, waiting among many important and unimportant persons in the waiting room of Count Arakcheev.
Prince Andrei during his for the most part adjutant, the service saw a lot of adoptive important persons and various characters these receptionists were very clear to him. Count Arakcheev had a very special character in his reception room. On the unimportant faces waiting in line for an audience in the waiting room of Count Arakcheev, a feeling of shame and humility was written; on more official faces, one general feeling of awkwardness was expressed, hidden under the guise of swagger and ridicule at oneself, at one's position and at the expected person. Some walked thoughtfully back and forth, others laughed in whispers, and Prince Andrei heard the sobriquet [mocking nickname] of Sila Andreich and the words: “uncle will ask,” referring to Count Arakcheev. One general (an important person), apparently offended by the fact that he had to wait so long, sat shifting his legs and smiling contemptuously to himself.

Esmeralda... This name has become a household name, personifying purity, beauty and kindness. But is she so innocent and pure?.. And is she so kind to those around her, with whom she lives side by side? The desire to understand her actions and motives prompted her to write this analysis.

II. Esmeralda - Clopin Troyulfou
III. Esmeralda - Quasimodo
IV. Esmeralda - Claude Frollo
V. Esmeralda - Pierre Gringoire
VI. Esmeralda - ROCK.

I. Esmeralda - Phoebe de Chateaupert
The story of their acquaintance, and as a result, of her falling in love, corresponded to all the dreams of a young girl: They try to kidnap her, but then He comes to the aid of the gypsy: in a uniform, with spurs, and also very attractive. Naturally, Esmeralda immediately falls in love with him, or rather, with his cover, not seeing his true face at all. She is ready to say goodbye to virginity, for the sake of him she is ready to refuse to meet her mother. However, when Claude thwarted them by hitting Esmeralda with Phoebus' dagger, he quickly forgets her and returns to Fleur-de-Lys, promising to execute the gypsy. And the girl justifies all his actions, by the fact that he can be sick, leave, and seeing him with his bride, she convinces herself that this is his sister. Thus, she absolutely does not want to see the truth. She invented, added to a beautiful uniform a no less beautiful soul, in which she was very mistaken. She believed that Phoebus would save her, until the very moment when Phoebus almost took her to the gallows with his own hands, but even then she was not angry with him, but blamed everyone else, but not him ...

II. Esmeralda - Clopin Troyulfou.
The girl has a very tender and trusting relationship with her tutor: Clopin replaced her father, guarded her. Thus, they developed almost family attachments to each other, but in the scene with Gringoire, when the inhabitants of the Court of Miracles wanted to hang the poet, she managed to surprise everyone by taking the writer as her husband, saving the vagabonds from the desired spectacle - the execution of the poet. Nevertheless, Clopin and the beggars, according to Gringoire, "... revere Esmeralda, like the Mother of God ..." And in the end it becomes clear why, Esmeralda is a born Parisian and a noblewoman! ..

III.Esmeralda - Quasimodo
Their relationship changes quite dramatically on the pages of the book with a light suggestion from Claude. She hates him and is afraid in the scene when the hunchback was supposed to kidnap her at the instigation of Frollo. However, their relationship abruptly becomes almost reversed when the gypsy gives Quasimodo water the day after the punishment. Their friendship is then strengthened on the day of Esmeralda's execution, when the ringer rescues her and brings her to the Cathedral. There, thanks to his care and attention to the girl, their relationship becomes very strong. However, for Quasimodo, Esmeralda is not a friend, but a lady of the heart, for whom he has feelings comparable in strength only to feelings for Claude.
For her sake, he hides his feelings, showing her love not with words, but with noble deeds. The ringer agrees to bring Phoebus to her, whom Esmeralda saw one morning on the street, forgetting about her ambitions, but for what? - in order for the girl to smile and rejoice, but the cruel refusal of the captain plunged her into deep sadness, and as a result, she insulted sincere feelings And Noble act Quasimodo. The hunchback prefers to endure Esmeralda's insults, but not upset her. Around the same time, he composes poetry, albeit without rhyme, albeit, but they vividly expressed his insight. Most accurately expressed in the first lines, where there is a direct indication and description of Quasimodo's feelings at the moment when Phoebus laughed in response to his call:
"Don't look at the face, girl,
And look into the heart
The heart of a beautiful youth is often ugly
There are hearts where love does not live."
But these words are not perceived by her, why?! Because Esmeralda has taken possession of a certain stereotype: Quasimodo cannot say anything of any worth. And she is true to this stupid assertion, therefore, naturally, these words denouncing, and therefore discrediting the “bright” Phoebus, are not understood. She cannot see the whole truly gigantic nature of Quasimodo: "For that drop of water, for that drop of pity, I am ready to pay with my life."
She is too illegible in people and in the relationship of Phoebus - Esmeralda, Esmeralda - Quasimodo, this is most pronounced. When the vagabonds storm the Cathedral, Quasimodo is deaf and does not hear that they have come to rescue Esmeralda. She is also deaf, but in her own way: she does not want to hear the truth about Phoebe. Esmeralda's deafness and Quasimodo's deafness are purely opposite, and this is also one of the contrasts of the novel: she can, but does not want to hear the truth, he wants, but cannot...
IV. Esmeralda - Claude Frollo.
From the very appearance at the beginning of the novel, this person, as it seems to her, is fraught with some kind of danger to her, and she quickly convinced herself of this, first herself, then Claude. But first things first.
Her sense of fear is the basis for her prejudice against the priest. It is not so much the man that frightens her as the cassock. Black in general good foundation for fear, but for someone as imaginative as hers, better option and you can't imagine! And the image of an evil priest fits the black color perfectly.
I read that it is the archdeacon who is called the root cause of troubles. I do not at all agree with this statement - in my opinion, the beginning of all misfortunes is ... Esmeralda! Yes, yes, this sixteen-year-old child! Making Frollo believe that he is dangerous to her was a major mistake. He was emotionally exhausted, and at the same time, constantly hearing from Esmeralda what could harm her, what was fraught with danger for her, he certainly believed her! Yes, which of us would not believe if we heard this at every meeting for several months! Claude is generally a very receptive person, and in this state he believed everything ...
Unable to wait any longer, he informs her in the spiritual court that she killed the captain, seducing and bewitching him before that. He vaguely hoped that the court would give it to him. But she was tortured! HER! Unfortunate, he tore his chest with the dagger of his infinitely beloved Esmeralda! When the girl screamed in hellish pain, he plunged it deep into himself.
Realizing that he can no longer hide his love, he runs to her, into a stone bag, where, according to V. Hugo, “the long years her mother" to confess to her, hoping that she would understand him.
Esmeralda's love for Phoebus and Frollo's love for Esmeralda are similar: they are blind and doomed to an unhappy end.
Claude runs headlong into this damp dungeon to express all tenderness to her, to hear the cherished “I let you love me”, to get some healing ointment for his tormented soul. And what did he get by opening the soul of the one for whom he “would have abandoned all the kingdoms of the world in order to imprint a kiss on her leg and die”? He received only another batch of ridicule and bullying. The girl did not appreciate his love, listening, but not hearing his confession. Yes, he brought her numerous sufferings, but to mock a person like that?! I don't understand. Esmeralda certainly did not behave like a kind, but rather like an evil and Cruel person. In the end, she could have acted more humane - Claude came to her with open heart, he poured out his soul to her, showed himself real, he was sincere, and what did he get in return? - "Oh, my Phoebus!"
“Man to man should not be a beast,” says V. Hugo, but she violates this law. Behind the pretty shell of a girl lies great faith into prejudices and at the same time the desire to destroy them, love and cruelty at the same time, a vision of external ugliness and at the same time a refusal to see the inside, sensitivity and innocence.
Esmeralda treated Claude rather rudely and cruelly for a girl of sixteen. A man who is ready to be ridiculed because he does not act like others (remember the scene when the gypsy gives Quasimodo a drink, tied to a pillory), can't even find one good word for another person? After all, Claude did not demand mutual love from Esmeralda, no, he said: "Humiliate me, beat me, but just let me love you! What does it cost you?" And she? Her "kind" heart was only enough to wickedly laugh at him? Didn't she realize that in front of people, Claude couldn't behave differently towards her? Did she really not understand that the rank of archdeacon obliges him to a certain behavior, and especially with a gypsy? And that the ban on appearing on the porch is also one of the means of protection from this all-burning love?!
It was impossible for Claude to love women, but he violated this law for her sake, he, again for her sake, trampled down everything that was dear to him, he was ready to throw everything he had at her feet, for the sake of her smile alone! And she? She only once again humiliated and laughed at him, also so viciously:
She interrupted him with a terrible, harsh laugh:
“Look, my father, you have blood under your nails!”
She signed the death warrant with her own hands. To whom? - To yourself. And myself, and Claude, and Quasimodo, and Jean, and Clopin. The gypsy listened to him, but did not hear, saw these Tantalus torments, but the thought of pity for this man did not rush, did not even leave any noticeable trace in her soul. And why? - Everything is very, very simple: she still believed that even speaking about love, the priest wishes her harm. The girl convinced herself too much of the deceit of this man that now she could not break this truly unshakable stereotype. To do this was impossible for anyone. Esmeralda, refusing such strong love, love Frollo, made another mistake, but for what, for what? -For the love of Phoebus, because of the belief that he will save her. Note that the girl never thought that he could refuse her. To believe in this, or in order for such a thought to flash through your head, you need to be not so gullible and childishly naive.
In this love story, one cannot draw a clear conclusion, everyone determines it for himself, but one cannot help saying that if they had been together, that is, if they had preferred Esmeralda Phoebe Claude, the story could have ended much more happily ...

V. Esmeralda - Gringoire.
The story of their "wedding" is quite unusual: Esmeralda, in order to save the unlucky poet from the noose, agrees to be called his wife. Agree, a very bold and extraordinary act for a young girl?! Once again, the author convinces us of the eccentricity and unpredictability of the young dancer. Here her sympathy and generosity are revealed, which did not extend to everyone (see point IV).
Gringoire, unlike other men, is not in love with her, but with her goat. Strange. Unclear. But perhaps this is what helped save Esmeralda, with whom Djali was always. After all, it was at the suggestion of Gringoire that it was decided to lay siege to the cathedral, and the girl, unnoticed by anyone, to escape from it with Frollo. It seems like a "happy ending", but ... Again panic fear to a man in a cassock prevents her from saving her own life.
I must say that Pierre Gringoire is also not the most “white and fluffy”: he forgets or remembers with extreme reluctance about the one thanks to which he is still alive.
So let's leave the poet, let's not touch and condemn him for, even if very strange, but still affection. Everyone has their own choice...

VI. Esmeralda - Rock.
From the very beginning of the work, it is Rock, Fatalite that controls her fate: a fatal beauty, a fatal meeting with the captain, fatal blow, fatal rendezvous with the archdeacon, fatal salvation, and no less fatal death. Isn't Fatalite too much power over a girl's life? No. All these are steps of one ladder - if it weren't for it, there would be no rest: no meeting, no salvation, no death.
Everything in the life of a gypsy is controlled by fate.
Anarkia. fatalite. Rock. Even the words themselves inspire you with an incomprehensible fear, a sense of predetermination of your life. Scary. Frightening. But nevertheless, it is Anarkia who distributes destinies between us and Esmeralda, she also chose such a fate without looking, without thinking about what such a combination of different, opposite characters can give if you put them together. And yet the ruthless hand of fate made just such a choice.
Fate is like a person conducting experiments. But only Fatalite puts them on people, tasting like a confectioner different combinations and throwing the bad ones in the landfill. Dump of life.
Anarkia acted no less mercilessly with Esmeralda, but all the rest, connected with her events, like strong ropes, fall to where the girl drags them along by the will of fate.
Only Phoebus de Chateauper manages to avoid such a “beautiful” fate - he had no feelings towards the gypsy, and therefore he remains on earth, and does not die. But his cowardice, as well as the fear of being ridiculed in court because of Esmeralda's defense, largely determine his miserable future existence.
...Yes, many lives, including the life of Esmeralda herself, are subjected to the irrevocable lottery of fate...
Before meeting the girl, each of the heroes lived relatively calmly and, as everyone believed, happily. Her appearance revealed the true face of each of them: Phoebus-de-Chatoper - low and petty, Quasimodo - noble and reliable in helping, Claude Frollo - a passionate and loving nature, Fleur-de-Lys - a capricious and terribly stubborn girl ... This list of qualities revealed in each of them can be continued for a very long time. But one thing is clear: many only fancied themselves happy: Claude - as a clergyman, Quasimodo - among the bells, considering them almost the main ones in his life, Phoebe de Chateaupere - did he become happy when he met Esmeralda ?! I think no. He believed that in vain he contacted "this gypsy brat", which brought him a lot of trouble (a wound jealous of Fleur-de-Lys, testimony to the court).
One thing becomes clearly visible: by the evil will of fate, Esmeralda becomes deaf to people who tried to open her eyes to the beloved Phoebus.
Anarkia intervened in the lives of people, binding them in such a way that it is worth falling into the abyss of non-existence alone, as the rest fly there as well. Falling into the hands of death, the gypsy dragged both the archdeacon and the ringer with her.
Each of them lacked quite a bit to be truly happy: Quasimodo would never become a handsome prince, Claude Frollo - young, Esmeralda - a noble and rich lady. Therefore, these three were doomed to eternal torment, because... Because everything is Fatalite's will. So ordered the ruthless Anarkia and there's nothing to be done.

“... And serene angels look at human suffering and smile with their meek, indifferent smiles ...” (Victor Hugo, 1834)


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First historical novel in French, "Notre Dame Cathedral" has inspired many directors. Victor Hugo wrote his work to protect a cultural monument from demolition. Following the release of the novel in France, and then throughout Europe, a movement began for the preservation and restoration of Gothic buildings.

The directors paid attention to romantic story, putting it on the same level in popularity with the play "Romeo and Juliet"..

"Esmeralda", 1905

The first attempt to bring history to the screen was made at the beginning of the 20th century. Alice Guy-Blaché and Victorina Jasset made a silent short drama film. The plot is based on the story of the life of the gypsy beauty Esmeralda and the hunchback bell ringer Quasimodo.

Hugo's novel was first filmed in 1905.

This is the only film adaptation that preserves the details of Esmeralda's origin and character from the original source. Unfortunately, this film is no longer available.

The Hunchback of Notre Dame, 1923

American Wallace Worsley, inspired by Hugo, made a drama with elements of a horror film.

According to the plot, the archdeacon of the cathedral persuades Quasimodo to kidnap the beautiful Esmeralda. The hunchback agrees, but this crime fails - the girl is saved by the officer Phoebe de Chateauper.

Hugo's novel inspired Wallace Worsley's horror film

Especially for filming, a detailed model of the cathedral was created, measuring about 75 meters in height and 50 meters in width. About 4,000 extras were involved in the film, for whom the appropriate costumes were specially made. In total, 1 million 250 thousand dollars were spent on the production of the film, which at that time was a huge amount.

The Hunchback of Notre Dame, 1939

Quasimodo, in love with Esmeralda, tries to save her, kidnaps her and locks her in his tower. But from there the unloved husband rescues the beauty. By the way, despite the marriage, the girl remains immaculate, as she keeps an amulet that will help her find her parents. And the amulet depreciates after the loss of virginity.

"Notre Dame Cathedral", 1956

This is perhaps the most famous and beloved film adaptation of the audience. The large-scale project was staged by the winner of the Grand Prix of the Cannes Film Festival, director Jean Delannoy. Location shooting, luxurious costumes and a great game famous actors Gina Lollobrigida, Anthony Quinn and Alain Cuny were appreciated by both critics and viewers.

Gina Lollobrigida is considered the best screen incarnation of Esmeralda

Gina Lollobrigida in this film is considered the most successful screen incarnation of Esmeralda. One of the reasons for the success, apparently, is that the actress decided to play a barefoot gypsy.

The Hunchback of Notre Dame, 1996

The animated Disney film was directed by Kirk Wise and Gary Trousdale, who directed the 1991 animated film Beauty and the Beast. To adapt the novel for children, the creators changed the characters of the main characters, making them kinder. Frollo's position was changed from archdeacon to judge. Quasimodo had assistants - three gargoyles. And in the final, the ringer and Esmeralda survived.

Film animators visited real cathedral of Notre Dame, took many photographs to clearly reproduce the architecture and details, but inaccuracies were made in the cartoon's plot. interior decoration cathedral.

The Hunchback of Notre Dame is the first Disney movie to use the word curse.

The Hunchback of Notre Dame, 1997

The film, directed by Peter Medak, quite accurately conveys the love story unfolding in the novel. In this case, the main rivalry arises between Frollo and Quasimodo.

Abstract on the topic:

Esmeralda (character)


  • 1 Esmeralda in the original novel
  • 2 Esmeralda in the musical "Notre Dame de Paris"
  • 3 Esmeralda in film adaptations
    • 3.1 In the film "Notre Dame Cathedral" (1956)
    • 3.2 In the Walt Disney cartoons (1996 and 2002)


Esmeralda and Quasimodo

Esmeralda(fr. Esmeralda) is the main character of Victor Hugo's novel Notre Dame Cathedral, as well as films, performances, musicals, ballets and poems based on this work.

1. Esmeralda in the original novel

In Victor Hugo's novel, Esmeralda is the illegitimate daughter of a French prostitute from Reims, Paquette Chantefleury, who was stolen by Spanish gypsies. The kidnappers gave the girl the name Esmeralda, which means "Emerald", from birth her name was Agnes. In case the girl has to leave the camp someday, the foster mother gives her her children's slipper, which will help her find her real parents if she remains chaste.

Interestingly, the inhabitants of Reims, who knew about the tragedy of Paquette, assumed that the gypsies ate little Agnes. The myth of gypsy cannibalism was indeed very common in Western Europe.

In the novel, Esmeralda appears as an already matured beautiful girl and earns money for the camp by dancing and performing with a trained goat Jalli. The poet Pierre Gringoire, the priest Claude Frollo and the ugly bell-ringer Quasimodo, once planted by Paquette Chantefleury instead of her stolen daughter, fall in love with her. Frollo, with the help of Quasimodo, tries to steal Esmeralda, but she is saved by the officer Phoebus de Chateauper. Esmeralda falls in love with her savior.

The image of Esmeralda in the novel is complex and tragic. She is the embodiment of chastity and naivety, not at all like the rest of the inhabitants of the "Court of Miracles". Even the fact that she has to make a living by dancing does not corrupt her. She has a good heart: she brings water to Quasimodo when he is tied to a pillory; in order to save Gringoire, whom she does not know, from death, she agrees to be called his wife. But her openness and naivete almost lead to disaster: having fallen in love for the first time in her life, she is ready to give herself to Phoebus, even though she is sure that with the loss of innocence, the opportunity to ever meet her parents will leave her.

Esmeralda is sentenced to death on a false charge: Claude Frollo, tormented by jealousy, wounds Phoebus during his meeting with Esmeralda, and hides. Quasimodo takes her out of the noose and hides her in the Cathedral. There she lives for some time, without stopping thinking about Phoebe (whose wound turned out to be light, but who had already managed to forget the gypsy). Quasimodo understands that she will never be able to reciprocate his feelings, but is already happy because he can protect her.

In the end, Claude Frollo manages to steal the girl from the Cathedral and he puts her before a choice: either she agrees to be with him, or she will be hanged. Esmeralda refuses. The archdeacon leaves her to the recluse Gudula, who fiercely hates the gypsies because they once stole her only daughter, to wait for her fate. Here it turns out that Gudula is Esmeralda's mother, but it turns out too late. Gudula (aka Paquette Chantfleury) hides the girl from the soldiers, but, seeing Phoebe among them, Esmeralda, not thinking about the consequences, naively calls him. The girl was immediately hanged, and her mother died trying to protect her.

In productions and adaptations of the novel, the details of the heroine's birth are usually omitted and she is portrayed as a gypsy. The image of brilliant purity and innocence invented by Hugo is often omitted, instead Esmeralda appears in the image of a fatal beauty. Often in the appearance of Esmeralda, the meaning of her name is played up, making her green-eyed or dressing her in a green dress.

2. Esmeralda in the musical "Notre Dame de Paris"

Esmeralda in the musical is not a stolen Frenchwoman, but an orphaned gypsy girl. If in the novel it was implied that everything positive in her is from French origin, then in the musical it is her personal qualities, which are also possible for a simple gypsy. In the musical, she does not have a trained goat, she earns only by dancing. Many researchers of Hugo's work [ Who?] believe that the presence of Jali in the musical is fundamentally important, because there is an opinion that the goat embodies tragedy (“tragedy” in Greek is “goat song”).

3. Esmeralda in film adaptations

3.1. In the film "Notre Dame Cathedral" (1956)

Gina Lollobrigida in this film is considered the most successful screen incarnation of Esmeralda. One of the reasons for the success, apparently, is that the actress was the first to decide to play a barefoot gypsy, as in the novel. The ending is partially changed compared to the original: Esmeralda was killed by an arrow during the storming of the cathedral. Her last words: "Life is beautiful" (fr. C "est beau, la vie).

Many years later, Lollobrigida created a sculpture depicting Esmeralda in dance.

3.2. In the Walt Disney cartoons (1996 and 2002)

In these cartoons, Esmeralda, as in the musical, is a gypsy. This is a beautiful girl who makes a living by dancing. She possesses sharp feeling social injustice and is ready to stand up for her convictions. She has good character She is sensitive to people. As a tribute to her name, Esmeralda from the cartoon has green eyes.

This abstract is based on an article from the Russian Wikipedia. Synchronization completed on 07/15/11 16:39:41
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Esmeralda(French Esmeralda) - the heroine of Victor Hugo's novel "The Cathedral Notre Dame of Paris"(1831). Esmeralda is truly a genius of the pure beauty of world literature. Perfection is not only her appearance - from small flawless legs to dark huge eyes and lush black hair. Hugo repeatedly emphasizes that when Esmeralda appears, everything is illuminated with some kind of magical radiance: “She was like a torch brought from light into darkness.” But the soul of the heroine is no less beautiful. It is impossible to imagine that she could deliberately harm anyone. She does not hesitate to save the writer of mysteries Gringoire from the gallows, agreeing, according to gypsy laws, to recognize him as her husband for four years; she was the only one of the huge crowd who took pity on the unfortunate Quasimodo, dying of thirst at pillory and gave him a drink from her flask. If Esmeralda has a small flaw, then it belongs to the sphere of reason and intuition. She is completely blind and very trusting, it is not difficult to lure her into the set networks. The heroine is too passionate about her fantasies and dreams to really look at things and anticipate danger.

The ending is terrible. The real name of the heroine is Agnes Chantefleury, and she is not a gypsy at all. Gypsies kidnapped her at the age of one. They gave her this too. strange name- by the name of the bead that adorns the amulet on her neck. Esmeralda learned to sing and dance from the gypsies and, once in Paris, earns a living by giving performances (her faithful companion, the goat Dzhali, invariably participates in them). The good old gypsy woman predicted to Esmeralda that she would find her mother by the tiny shoe kept in the amulet, and this really happened, but only on the day of the death of the heroine. She turned out to be the evil rag Gudula, who hates gypsies and so many times sent curses to the careless dancer. First and the only love the heroine, by a tediously boring irony of fate, became an empty fanfaron Phoebus de Chateauper, a creature amazingly primitive, ordinary and deceitful. In general, love in this novel does not bring happiness to anyone. Esmeralda's enormous disinterested feeling is not noticed by Esmeralda (she is unable to overcome her disgust at his ugly appearance). The perverse, lustful attraction to her of Archdeacon Claude Frollo caused her tragic death.

Before the fateful meeting with Phoebus, everything was in a state of external peace. Esmeralda lived her dreams and hopes. Quasimodo only admired her from a distance. The intimidating face of Claude Frollo appeared before her quite often, but only frightened her without causing significant harm. Jealousy forced the archdeacon to take decisive action - first to Phoebus, and then to Quasimodo. Claude Frollo decided to destroy Esmeralda so that no one would get it. It is by his will recent months the life of the heroine turned into a living hell. At first, he arranged everything in such a way that Esmeralda was accused of killing Phoebus (although he did not die at all, but was only wounded by the evil archdeacon). Esmeralda ended up in prison, was subjected to horrific torture, but still preferred death to the love of Claude Frollo. Only by a miracle Quasimodo managed to save Esmeralda, literally tearing her out of the hands of the executioner. He transferred the condemned woman to the cathedral, where, according to the law, no one had the right to touch her, and asked her never to leave. But Claude Frollo again managed to deceive Esmeralda. Using her friend Gringoire, he lured her out into the street. And this was the end for the unfortunate heroine. This time she was hanged.

Hugo's novel is built on contrasts and oppositions: Esmeralda and Quasimodo - beauty and physical ugliness; Esmeralda and Phoebus - sincerity and deceit, selflessness and narcissism; Esmeralda and Claude Frollo - disinterested, sacrificial love and selfish, lustful death attraction...

Pride and feeling dignity naturally inherent in Esmeralda. She is beautiful when she dances or sings, "sings like a bird, jubilant and nonchalant." But, having fallen in love with Phoebus, she forgets about what is an organic property of her free nature. She is almost pathetic when she says to her insignificant lover: "I am your slave ... Let me be dishonored, tarnished, humiliated, what can I do." Love for Phoebus, beautiful in its essence, makes her sometimes cruel to those around her and those who really love her. Esmeralda is ready to force Quasimodo to spend all day and all night waiting for Phoebus, shows displeasure when she sees that the hunchback has returned alone, and even drives him away in irritation, completely forgetting what Quasimodo owes. In addition, she does not want to believe in the obvious and appreciate the delicacy of her ugly guardian angel: after all, Phoebus simply did not want to come to her and Quasimodo is absolutely not to blame for what happened. Esmeralda also forgets about the mother she so unexpectedly found. The distant sound of Phoebus's voice is enough, and Esmeralda reveals her presence, predetermining both her own death, and the death of her mother, and the death of Quasimodo, so devoted to her.

The image of Esmeralda became the main one in the opera libretto “Esmeralda” written by Hugo himself, the music for which was composed by many composers, including A.S. Dargomyzhsky. Esmeralda has become main character ballet of the same name Italian composer K. Puni.

Lit .: Treskunov M.S. Victor Hugo. Essay on creativity. M., 1961.

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