Stuart Sutcliff paintings. The tragic life story of Stuart Sutcliffe, "the fifth Beatle


Born in Edinburgh, Scotland in 1940, Stuart Fergusson Victor Sutcliffe grew up in Liverpool, England.

WITH early age he showed his extraordinary artistic talent. Earning money as a scavenger, Stewart entered the Liverpool College of Art. In his class, he was considered one of the best artists working mainly in abstract style expressionism.

1. 1961 Stuart Sutcliffe posing for a portrait in Liverpool, England.

It was in college that he met a classmate of John Lennon who became his neighbor. After Sutcliffe sold one of his paintings for a hefty £65 at the time, John convinced him to buy a bass guitar - despite the fact that the guy could barely play - and join Lennon's band, created by him with friends Paul McCartney and George Harrison.

2. 1960 Early version The Beatles, photographed by John Lennon: manager Allan Williams, his wife Beryl, business partner Lord Woodbine, Stuart Sutcliffe, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Pete Best.

The band's name has already changed many times. After joining, Sutcliffe and Lennon suggested the name Beetles ("Beetles"), by analogy with the group Crickets ("Crickets") on Buddy Holly's singing (Buddy Holly). Within a few months, the name evolved first into the Silver Beetles, then the Silver Beatles, and finally the Beatles.

3. 1960 The Silver Beatles - Stuart Sutcliffe, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, drummer Johnny Hutch and George Harrison - perform in Liverpool.

“He was not really a very good musician. He wasn't really a musician at all until we talked to him about buying a bass guitar. He picked up a few things and he did a bit of work. It was a little silly, but it didn't matter at the time because he looked so great." (George Harrison)

4. 1961 Sutcliffe plays bass with The Beatles at the Top Ten Club in Hamburg.

Together with a hastily selected drummer, Pete Best, Sutcliffe and The Beatles traveled to Hamburg to perform in clubs and gain experience.

7. Sutcliffe on stage with The Beatles at a club in Hamburg.

9. 1960 Sutcliffe performs with The Beatles at the Top Ten Club in Hamburg.

There, Sutcliffe fell in love with photographer Astrid Kirchherr, who became his fiancee two months later. It was she who came up with his haircut, which was later adopted by the rest of the group.

10. 1961 Astrid Kirchherr and Stuart Sutcliffe pose together in Hamburg.

11. 1961

However, relations within the group heated up. Paul McCartney wanted the guy to leave the band, because then he himself would become a bass player. Once the conflict even turned into a real fight on the stage of the Top Ten Club.

12. Sutcliffe plays bass behind John Lennon and George Harrison at the Top Ten Club in Hamburg.

13. 1961 John Lennon sings and plays guitar with Stuart Sutcliffe and George Harrison at the Top Ten Club in Hamburg.

In 1961, Sutcliffe left The Beatles to focus on painting and living with Astrid. He won a postgraduate scholarship at the Hamburg College of Art, dreaming of studying with the sculptor Eduardo Paolozzi.

14. 1961 Sutcliff plays behind George Harrison.

However, his career was cut short when on April 10, 1962, at the age of 21, after a series of severe headaches, he died of a cerebral hemorrhage.

15. 1961

Sutcliffe's face can still be seen on the far left side of the Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band.

When it comes to the members of the Beatles ensemble, we always remember only four world famous name, and we completely forget about those people who were part of the group at the dawn of its formation. One of these people, and remained in the shadow of his eminent colleagues, was Stuart Sutcliffe (Stuart Sutcliffe).

Stewart was born on June 23, 1940 in a family of employees. Although Sutcliffe was a creative person, he never had the desire to devote his life to music. He was more interested in painting, literature, films and mystical philosophy. While studying at the Liverpool College of Art, Stuart met with. The two soon became close friends and often spent their entire lives together. free time. Lennon wrote poems and stories that captivated Stuart. In turn, John was struck by Sutcliffe's intellect, deep knowledge in various fields of art. There was even a period when they rented a house together. Stewart attended the band's rehearsals, but he couldn't really play anything himself. John really wanted to best friend joined the band and played bass guitar. But the tool for students was an unaffordable luxury.

Various sources mention the incident of a fight in different ways, in which Stuart and John were beaten by hooligans. This is understandable, because the witnesses of those events have long been dead and this episode cannot be restored to the smallest detail. However, there is a fact of a fight, during which Stewart received a head injury. It is believed that this case later became fatal for him.

Sutcliffe was the top student in the class, his paintings aroused some interest. In the winter of 1960, at one of the prestigious exhibitions organized by John Moore (John Moore), Sutcliffe's painting was bought. In fact, the owner of the exposition, Mr. Moore, after the exposition closed, bought this canvas for 65 pounds sterling. turned up Lucky case and Lennon's perseverance led to Stewart buying himself a bass guitar and joining the band.

The ensemble began to participate in various competitions of youth groups. However, Stewart did not really know how to play his guitar. Often he stood with his back to the audience, imitating the game. When contest organizers approached the band with a request to replace Stewart on stage with another musician, John reacted sharply to these proposals with a phrase like - either we play with a full line-up together, or we all leave.

There is an opinion that it was Stuart who suggested renaming the ensemble to The Beetles (Beetles), and John replaced one of the letters “e” with “a” in the name. Only a few home rehearsal recordings of the band featuring Stuart Sutcliffe, made at home, have survived to this day. There are no professional recordings with him.

Soon Stuart Sutcliffe, as a full member of the Beatles, went with the group on their first foreign tour. On August 17, 1960, the Beatles took to the stage of the Hamburg club Indra in the following line-up: John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Stuart Sutcliffe,. The group played in this club for a short time. On October 4, after complaints about loud noise from residents of apartments located above the club, the Beatles moved to perform at another nearby club - Kaiserkeller (Kaiserkeller).

Once, Klaus Voormann, a student at the local art college, wandered into the Kaiserkeller. Seeing the Beatles on stage, he was simply fascinated by them. A few days later, Klaus reappeared at the club, but with his college friends Jürgen Vollmer and Astrid Kirchherr. Klaus's friends also liked the reckless Beatles, fervently beating the rhythms of rock and roll, from which no one could sit at their tables. Over time, the trinity met the musicians, and a very warm relationship developed between Astrid and Stuart. They both had a lot in common in their outlook on life, they loved french impressionists were fascinated by the occult. Gradually, a close relationship grew into love.

Jurgen and Astrid trained as photographers. It is thanks to these people that today we have those unique photos, which have preserved for us the atmosphere of the very first steps to fame of the then unknown Beatles.

In December 1960, when the Beatles returned to their homeland, Stewart stayed in Hamburg with Astrid. He was again drawn to fine arts. The group began to realize that they were "losing" the bassist and Paul McCartney at that time for the first time took up the bass guitar.

On their second trip to Hamburg in the spring of 1961, the Beatles began playing at the prestigious Top Ten club on the Reeperbahn. Stewart was still uselessly present on stage and from this the tension in the group only escalated. He continued to play in the group only due to the fact that he was a close friend of John, who, by seniority, was in charge. After completing a 3-month contract, the Beatles went home. At Christmas 1961, Stewart came home with Astrid to introduce his bride to his family. They were going to get married in the summer of 1962 after Stewart graduated from art college. At this time, Stewart began to increase dizziness and severe headaches. Obviously, the consequences of a head injury received during a long-standing fight affected.

A close friend of the Beatles, Horst Fascher, invited the Beatles back to Hamburg for the opening of a new establishment called the Star Club, which was to take place on April 13, 1962.

Literally a day before the arrival of the Beatles in Hamburg, Stewart had another attack. On April 10, 1962, Stuart Sutcliffe died literally in the arms of his fiancée Astrid from a cerebral hemorrhage.
The Beatles learned about tragic death friend immediately upon arrival in Hamburg from Astrid. Stuart was buried in his homeland.

Despite the fact that many reference materials the name of Stuart Sutcliffe is undeservedly silent about the history of the Beatles ensemble, he nevertheless stayed in the group for more than 2 years and was its full member. Members of the ensemble honored his memory in 1967 by placing Stewart's photograph in a collage of celebrities on the front cover of the Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band LP. In 1995, another photograph of him was featured on the cover of The Beatles' Anthology.

Johnny, Stuart, Astrid and... death.

"Don't let me down"
The Beatles song.

He never even thought of wanting to be a musician. Born in the 40th year in a rather provincial Edinburgh, Stuart from childhood was fascinated by one drawing. He was a deep introvert and contemplative, and when he entered the Liverpool College of Art, he focused exclusively on comprehending true craftsmanship.
But the neighbor of the semi-Scottish guy Stuart Sutcliffe turned out to be a local buzil and music lover, Johnny the Daredevil. somehow miraculously they became friends. Both spoke rather strange English. First view territorial features country "Whisky", and the second - due to a kind of Merseyside "cockney". By the way, a couple of years later, when the guys from The Beatles became famous and gave numerous interviews to metropolitan journalists, the latter could not understand almost a third of the words spoken by the Liverpool people ....
Lennon called his quiet friend Stu on all sorts of adventures, and every Saturday night he dragged him to the city. Sometimes skiffle stars Lonnie Donegan or Cliff Richard himself would visit Liverpool. Listening to them, Johnny himself caught fire with the dream of becoming a musician. True, at that time he had a 4-string guitar (not a bass) lying around at his house, and before meeting with Paul, as they say, he was sure that this was their complete guitar set.
In life frequent role chance plays. In the 60th year, one of Sutcliffe's paintings was bought for as much as 65 British pounds. While the guy was thinking about where to spend this treasure, the restless John in a couple of days persuaded the "root" to buy a bass guitar and join their band " The Quarrymen". Breaking down, Stuart gave in to his endless pressure and picked up the bass. He did not know how to play and only prevented James Paul McCartney from doing his job.
After a short rehearsal and hastily catching the handsome gouging Pete Best as a drummer, the guys went to Hamburg. There, in local taverns and dance floors, Merseysiders, having put on iron chains and seats from German toilet bowls (do not drag English ones with them), began to play their skiffle. Times were busy, and the band could "slack" on stage for up to 5 hours without a break. By the end of the evening, Paul and John were simply wheezing, and their unfortunate fingers had difficulty holding picks slippery with sweat. Only the indifferent Stu stood in thick cigarette smoke behind the backs of the guys tearing their throats, only occasionally singing softly into the microphone, and for the sake of catching guitar strings. According to the real living music, the conceited Paul was terribly annoyed by all this. A couple of times during the performance, he tried to pounce on Stewart, but the stern and pugnacious Johnny quickly cooled this creative impulse of the skinny and pampered McCartney ...
In August 1960, Stewart met photographer Astrid Kirchherr. “I always thought that only your Paul is from Scotland, but it turned out to be you,” said this rather pretty for a German fraulein, hugging her beloved Sutcliffe in September. All wonderful autumn days they walked around Hamburg, kissing at every crossroads. It was Astrid who came up with the hairstyle for Stewart, which was soon used by all the guys from The Beatles. By Christmas, the group rushed to their native Liverpool, and the enamored Sutcliffe remained in Germany.
A month later, returning to his homeland, Stewart was visited by John. “Listen, old chap, we are planning a small trip to the town of Litherland, near Liverpool in Lancashire, come with us,” he said from the doorway. The guy in love had other plans. He wanted to calmly draw, and then go to Hamburg to propose to Astrid .... But Johnny was extraordinarily persistent and gentle Stu, unfortunately, agreed. And now the Beatles are already performing their songs in some tavern of 20,000 shabby Literland. In the second part, when the local "dolbochis" got pretty drunk, bottles flew onto the stage, and the drunken "brothers" began to shout all sorts of he ... nu about the group's repertoire. To which John Lennon, who did not grow up in a school for Christian orphans, sent all these guys to ... a certain address. When the thugs ran up to the stage, demanding an explanation, Johnny, without any doubt, rushed at them ... His "double Merseyside" was known to quite a few Liverpool fighters ... As a result, Lennon was put under his eyes a pair of "lanterns"; lucky Paul was out of business at all, and Pete and George had their noses bled. But the poor fellow Stuart was unlucky, it was him who managed to break a couple of beer bottles on his head ... John, pleased with the fight, did not pay much attention to the broken top of his friend. You never know what happens in these fights dear to his heart ...
After recovering, Stu told Lennon that he was leaving the group and leaving for Hamburg. There he entered art school, and she and Astrid soon gathered to get married .... After the teachers said that they had not had the best student for many years ...
Meanwhile, the Beatles came to Hamburg for the second time. Now the halls were bigger, and the guys began to play in them for no more than 3 hours in a row. Considering that the real concerts of this group in 1965 continued exactly academic hour(45 minutes), the second German tour was also very serious test… Stuart naturally met up with friends and invited them to his wedding to Astrid. He also complained to John about incessant headaches, but the reckless Lennon only laughed in response. Soon the guys got ready to return to Liverpool and in a friendly way said goodbye to their collaborator friend ....
In love with Stu, Astrid Kirchherr was very worried about the condition of her fiancé. She insisted that Sutcliffe be treated at a local hospital. The girl tried to visit her beloved every day….. But the 21-year-old artist was increasingly in pain, until on April 10, 1962, he died of a cerebral hemorrhage….
Many years later, his mother began an investigation against John, even if he was killed in the 80s, but this did not lead to anything. They also interviewed old James. But he, citing forgetfulness, did not say anything new. He, a billionaire, did not want to stir up the past. Drummer Ringo Starr was not in the band then. And the handsome Pete Best, fired on August 16, 1962, flatly refused to talk about this topic .... Then everything, as always, was blamed on chance ... ..
. Some consider Stewart a talented avant-garde artist…. His canvases can be viewed on the Internet ... Perhaps he would become a significant figure in the art world…. But we already…..

Stuart Sutcliffe was born in the middle of June (23.06.40) in the town of Edinburgh, which is located in Scotland. His life was short (he died at the age of 21), but productive and eventful. Despite the fact that he died at a young age, Stewart managed to leave his mark on this world and left in the midst of creativity.

Childhood and adolescence

The Stewart family was small, but very close-knit. The father, who was an officer in the navy, was often away from home, and therefore, as a child, his son rarely saw him. But his life was brightened up by two sisters and his mother, a teacher at a school named Millie.

IN educational institution"Prescott" Stuart Sutcliffe went to Liverpool, and when he graduated, he entered the art college, which was located in the same city. By the way, it was in this educational institution that he met John Lennon, and this meeting became fateful for him.

Also in school years Stuart began to learn the art of painting and it should be noted that he was very good at it. It is worth noting that a good artist came out of him, but new friend persuaded him to try himself in the musical field as a bass player. So he joined legendary band The Beatles, originally called the Quarrymen.

The Beatles

To say that the guitarist came out of him as a genius is to say not quite the truth. Because the playing technique was not first-class, and the passion for painting prevented me from becoming a good musician. Tried to be in time everywhere Stuart Sutcliffe. The Beatles inspired him, but he could not live without a brush in his hands.

The composition of the group initially consisted of Lennon, McCartney, Harrison and Sutcliffe, and a little later, a wonderful drummer and professional Best joined them, and already in in full force The Beatles changed their place of residence and moved to Hamburg, where they gave their work to people until the end of 1960.


Already in the group British artist met a nice girl named Astrid Kirchherr, who was seriously interested in photography and at the same time received her education at the Hamburg College. This meeting influenced Sutcliffe's decision to transfer from Liverpool College to the Hamburg educational institution of the same profile.

He did not hesitate for a long time, and already in the fall (November), at the age of 20, he proposed to his beloved, and in the same month their engagement took place. This remarkable event happened when Stuart Sutcliffe visited Hamburg for the first time as a rock musician. On his second visit (in 1961), he finally stays in this town, where he continues to do what he loves - painting.

During this same period, he also decides to leave the group and leaves the musical group. Group The The Beatles begin touring without him.


Student Helen Anderson, who studied with Stuart together, recalled the work of a young artist in early period as aggressive, filled with dark gloomy shades.

But not all works were imbued with Gothic. Were among the paintings and unique early work, and a worthy place among them was occupied by the painting "Summer Painting", which was partially acquired by Mures. Interestingly, this work was not written on an ordinary canvas. It was depicted on school board, and in order to transport it to a new place, it was necessary to cut it into two equal parts. It is also reliably known that only part of the work (half of the painting) was included in the exhibition, and the second one was purchased by Mures.

In the summer of 1961, becoming a student at the prestigious Hamburg College, he got to the teacher Paolizzi. The teacher wrote flattering reviews about his talented student and even called him one of the most promising and gifted. Stuart Sutcliffe could become a famous and highly paid artist. Pictures of this young man were dynamic and mysterious.

Later works, usually untitled, were built in the spirit of Stael. The paintings were made using linear objects, and therefore it seemed that all the objects depicted in them had a closed

He often depicted people, in his collection there is even a portrait of his own mother. These paintings are more like sketches, but they look great. It is in such works real artist reveals the soul, these are imperfect lines, but they accurately convey the facial features of a loved one.

First exhibition and auction

Many connoisseurs of creativity young talent found a similarity of paintings made by Sutcliffe with the works of European masters of the United States of America, who were considered expressionists. But only one work was shown at an exhibition in the autumn of 1959 in Liverpool as part of the Moores show.

After the end of the show, the painting was bought for a very modest price, which amounted to the wages of a simple worker for 2 months.

Death of a gifted artist and rock musician

The lifestyle that the artist and musician led led him to a brain hemorrhage, from which he died on April 10, 1962.

The exact diagnosis and cause of death could not be established, but, according to some versions, it was suggested that head injuries were inflicted in a fight with hooligans, which led to death. And it happened after the performance of The Beatles during a tour of England. Few evidence speaks of an attack on the Beatles drunk company inveterate hooligans who were dissatisfied with the concert. Paul McCartney also suffered in this fight, but escaped with minor bruises, but Stewart was less fortunate, and he died from his brain injuries in the prime of life.

That's how tragically died Stuart Sutcliffe. The cause of death changed many times, but the fact was that the world would no longer see new paintings by this strange artist.


The musician managed to play only three works that became rock legends. They were included on the album Anthology 1. On the cover of this musical hit, a photograph of Sutcliffe flaunts at the top right. This mention of his work can still be found on the covers of old music albums, which is very pleasing to many fans who are fond of celebrity biographies.

Stuart Sutcliffe lived short life, but forever remained in the memory of many people. He is remembered by fans of The Beatles, and seekers unusual paintings to your living room. He could become a nugget who managed to reveal the true creative potential. It is not known how his life would have been without that meeting with hooligans. You can guess about it endlessly, but it's better to just study his paintings, which are filled with fears, dark corners and incomprehensible silhouettes. He saw the world a little differently than people who are used to living and working in gray offices. The guy was part of the famous musical group and maybe that's why his work is still in price.

"The Fifth Beatle" Stuart Fergusson Victor Sutcliffe was born in Edinburgh on June 23, 1940. His father, Charles (Charles), was a sailor. His mother, Millie, is a teacher. And he had two younger sisters, Joyce and Pauline.

When the family moved to the Merseyside area and settled at 37 Aigburth Drive, Stewart went to high school Prescot (Prescot Grammar School), and later entered the Liverpool College of Art (Liverpool College of Art). He immediately showed a talent that impressed both teachers and other students. Some teachers thought he was the most outstanding artist who graduated from this college. He became friends with Bill Harry (Bill Harry), although he studied at a different course. Among his friends were also John Lennon and Rod Murray (Rod Murray). They spent a lot of time together, relaxing in the local Ye Cracke pub or in the student hostel.

Stewart and Bill talked about literature, art, films and mystical philosophy. These same conversations continued at Ye Cracke with John and Ron. The College of Art and the Liverpool Institute were housed in the same building. Paul McCartney and George Harrison went to college. At recess, they met at the cafeteria or rehearsed in the hostel. John saw that the band needed a bass player and offered Stewart or Ron a job if either of them bought a bass guitar. Stuart's painting was presented at the John Moore exhibition, and the millionaire Moore bought it himself. Stewart used the proceeds to buy a Hoffner President guitar. But he couldn't play it. Another college student, David May, offered to teach him how to play "C'mon Everybody" if he would let him measure the guitar so he could make one himself.

The group performed at Saturday dances and became known as the Art College Band. They didn't have the money to buy amplifiers. Stewart and Bill were members of the Students' Union Committee, which they used to raise funds to buy an amplifier that the band could use at college dances and other shows. Stewart joined John's band. Although they became close friends, John treated Stewart at times with cruel sarcasm, not taking his participation in the ensemble seriously. John put it this way: "We said that Stewart could sit next to us, or eat with us. We told him he had to leave, and he did." John and Paul made fun of Stewart on stage while he was in their band.

It was obvious that Stewart would never be as good a musician as he was a good artist. However, he brought style to the band. He had artistic taste which appeared in his appearance. Stewart did not contribute to the band's music. His only number was the lead vocal on Elvis Presley's "Love Me Tender" ( Elvis Presley). Imeeno Stewart suggested calling the band the Beetles. And John replaced one of the "e" with "a". It was said that Stewart came up with such a name by analogy with the group Crickets (Crickets) singing along with Buddy Holly (Buddy Holly).

The group went to Germany. But Stewart's participation was coming to an end. Paul wanted him to leave the group. Then he himself would take the bass guitar. This confrontation led to a real brawl on the Top Ten Club stage, which left the audience enthralled as they thought it was part of the show. Astrid Kirchherr, a Hamburg student, fell in love with Stewart. In December 1960, the Beatles returned to Liverpool, while Stewart remained in Hamburg. Paul started playing bass guitar. Stewart took up art again.

Around this time, his mother, Millie Sutcliffe, began telling friends that she was worried about her son's health. He developed terrible headaches and fainting after an unfortunate fall down the stairs in Astrid's house. For Christmas in 1961, he came to Liverpool with Astrid. Friends noticed how sickly he looked.

The steward announced that he intended to marry Astrid in June 1962, when he graduated from college. While attending classes, he continued to suffer from headaches. In February 1962 he underwent a medical examination. He even had temporary blindness, but the doctors did not find any abnormalities, so he was simply prescribed painkillers. On April 10, 1962, Astrid found Stuart unconscious and called an ambulance. On the way to the hospital, Stuart died in her arms. He was 21, she was 23. Astrid sent two telegrams to his mother. The first is "My Stuart is dying." The second is "My Stuart is dead." The second came before the first. The father learned of his son's death only three weeks later, because he was on a voyage to South America.

The official cause of death was given as "cerebral palsy as a result of hemorrhage in right hemisphere brain". Astrid met with the Beatles the next day to tell them the terrible news. John burst into hysterical laughter. "It was his way of avoiding the perception of the truth," Astrid said about it. Millie buried her son in Liverpool. She arranged an exhibition of his work in 1964. Interest in him faded, there were not many visitors.25 years after his death, interest resumed, prices for his works rose at auctions.

The Beatles chose Stewart as one of the figures on the cover of Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band album.

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