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With their help, you can improve shaky health, restore strength, eliminate pain different nature. Some of them can be drunk for pleasure, others - to be taken only in small quantities as prescribed.

Reference. In most cases, vodka can be replaced with medical alcohol or quality.

For rubbing, you can even use selected "heads"- the strongest first moonshine, abundant fusel oils. Get acquainted with the best recipes, apply them for healing and pleasure.


When insisting on chestnut use whole fruit(chestnuts), some brown shells of ripe fruits and tree inflorescences (white or pink candles). It should be noted that such tinctures are medicinal, they are used inside- drops or rub sore joints, bruises, etc.

From the skin of the fruit

It is this mixture (sometimes mixed with an infusion of flowers) that is considered the most helpful for oral administration.

It is necessary to remove and dry brown skins from 50 chestnuts. Pound and pour 500 ml of vodka (good moonshine).

Keep for two weeks in the dark, shaking daily. Strain through a thick cloth. The medicine is ready!

It is used for rubbing, including thrombophlebitis (gently and gently), for lotions for gout. They also drink (before meals) with a small amount of water according to the scheme: month of admission, month - break etc.

Doses for oral administration in diseases:

  • Joint diseases, such as arthrosis, contracture, gout, arthritis - twice a day, 40 drops.
  • Inflammation of the prostate(not an adenoma!) - 7 drops 4 times a day.
  • Hypertension- morning and evening, 25 drops for 3 weeks. Then - 6 days break, and a repetition of the course.

From flowers

20 g of chestnut flowers pour 500 ml of vodka, also insist 2 weeks, strain and treat:

  • Thrombophlebitis - 4 times a day, 40 drops for two weeks. Take a break for a month and repeat.
  • Sand in the gallbladder. To drive him out, you need to drink 40 drops of tincture 3 times a day for 9 days. After a two-week break, repeat the course.

Carefully. Be sure to get an ultrasound first. If it turns out that you have gallstones, this treatment is absolutely contraindicated for you.

From ripe fruits

Finely chop 300 g of ripe chestnuts. Everywhere there are recommendations - pass through a meat grinder.

Chestnuts are very dense and strong, it is unlikely that you will succeed without breaking the meat grinder. The best way- put them in a bag and beat well with a hammer on a hard surface. Then pour vodka in an amount of 1 liter. Insist 7 - 14 days.

This is a great tool for the treatment of sciatica, thrombophlebitis, salt deposits. Perfectly helps with inflammation of the muscles due to drafts or sudden physical activity(krepatura) and sprains.

sea ​​buckthorn

Possessing a sweet and sour mild taste and delicate aroma, sea buckthorn is very useful for raising immunity during colds. The daily intake is 30 ml before dinner. Have to take:

  • 3 cups of ripe sea buckthorn berries;
  • 75 g of sugar or 3 tablespoons of honey;
  • 500 ml of vodka.

Pour the berries into a jar, crush them there, add sugar (honey) and vodka. Shake well to dissolve the sweet component. Leave to infuse from three weeks to a month, strain.

Warning. Tincture is contraindicated in cholecystitis, pancreatitis and other gastrointestinal problems.


Galangal root (aka Potentilla erectus) has been on vodka for a long time applied to:

  1. Treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Getting rid of male problems (prostatitis, impotence).
  3. Liver cleansing.
  4. Raising immunity.

The recipe is simple: the crushed dried root is poured with vodka, put in the dark at room temperature for 21 days. Shake daily. The finished drink has a beautiful reddish tint.

The only drawback is the harsh taste and pungent smell. I mean, not everyone likes it. But these properties can be toned down by adding licorice and unground roasted coffee beans. Proportions:

  • 500 ml of vodka or moonshine;
  • 1 st. a spoon without a slide of crushed galangal root;
  • 5 coffee beans;
  • a teaspoon of licorice root.

This drink is served at the table and drunk, knowing the measure.

Pomegranate - tasty, beautiful, healthy

Cleans vessels, favorably affects the functioning of the entire cardiovascular system and protects the brain from senile dementia - all this is about a pomegranate, and also about a tincture on it. Necessary:

  • 4 grenades;
  • 750 ml of vodka (moonshine);
  • cinnamon stick;
  • zest from 1 lemon;
  • 350 g of sugar;
  • 2/3 cup of water.

We extract seeds from pomegranate and separate the juice.

Advice. To get juice, we put the grains in a strong plastic bag, put it on a strong base and go through it with a rolling pin. Thus, we extract the juice, and crush the seeds.

We put the whole mass in three liter jar, add vodka, cinnamon, zest and leave it warm and dark for 3 weeks.

We shake. Then we filter, add syrup from water and sugar, and insist in a glass for a month.

Note. There is a male and female version of this tincture.

Men who are not too fond of sweet alcohol dilute it with vodka 1: 1. Or just cook without adding sugar.

A women's cocktail is a pomegranate diluted with pomegranate or cranberry juice. Not strong, but very tasty!

Fine in color and taste, the drink can be consumed regularly and little by little.

Raspberry vitamin

Raspberries is a storehouse of vitamins. This is the first remedy for colds, for immunization of the body. And if we prepare jars of jam for the winter for children, then why not prepare some delicious bottles of alcohol containing raspberries for adults. Moreover, vitamins are perfectly preserved in an alcohol environment.

If you make a raspberry tincture, then you will not find a person who would not like it. In fact, the whole recipe is to mash raspberries, pour vodka over it and insist, stirring, a week. Try.

If it seems that the raspberry aroma and taste are not pronounced enough, drain the vodka, squeeze out the rest. Then add fresh mashed raspberries and insist again.

Important. Make sure that the tails or twigs do not get into the drink, otherwise it will lose its softness and become bitter.

The question - to wash or not to wash raspberries, probably, everyone decides for himself. In our country, for example, raspberries are not washed, because a huge amount of juice will certainly go into the water along with usefulness. Raspberry is a soft berry, easily crumpled.

Even if we assume that microbes “sit” on it, vodka will destroy them. It is necessary to pour raspberries in portions into a bowl from a box or bucket (what do you have it in) and select rotten, dirty, spoiled ones. And use clean, beautiful sweet berries for their intended purpose.

Normal proportion: 2 liter cans of raspberries for one liter of vodka. Moreover, vodka should be soft. If you are engaged, then you know which distillation gave the most delicious alcohol, and insist on it. Go to the store, buy vodka not lower than Premium class.

heady oranges

All citrus fruits possess excellent health benefits. Even their smell is invigorating and uplifting. And the fruits themselves saturate the body with a vitamin cocktail, which is especially important in winter, when we lack sun and heat so much.

This is where the orange "sun" comes to the rescue - an orange that is perfect for eating fresh and for use as an ingredient for orange vodka.

Let's try the recipe with whole oranges. You will need:

  • large oranges - 2 pcs;
  • vodka (moonshine) - 2-2.5 l;
  • honey - 2/3 cup (170g by weight).

Advice. The best solution is to buy oranges pitted, they are in bulk in supermarkets today! hallmark such fruit is the presence of a "navel".

  1. Cut the oranges into small pieces along with the zest. Bones are removed if possible.
  2. Honey is pre-dissolved in a part of vodka, poured from the total amount according to the recipe.
  3. Pour oranges with vodka and dissolved honey.
  4. Keep for a week at room temperature.
  5. Drain and insist another week. During this time, the precipitate should settle.
  6. Carefully drain the vodka with a straw from the sediment (decant).
  7. Filter and consume.

It is pleasant to drink such a tincture as an independent drink, but it is especially good. as an additive to cocktails.

Thyme - folk healer

This miracle herb has long been used by herbalists to treat such diseases:

  • acute colds and viral infections;
  • high pressure;
  • pain in muscles and joints of inflammatory origin;
  • depression, anxiety;
  • cardiovascular problems.

Vodka tinctures were especially popular due to the fact that can be stored for a long time without losing healing power. Here are two recipes.

homeopathic remedy

Take 35-40 g of dry thyme and 150 ml of vodka (moonshine). The mixture is infused for 10 days in a cool dark place, filtered and filtered. Use the remedy 20 drops three times a day for all of these diseases.

They also make lotions on sore spots. But for lotions, it is worth insisting for 3 weeks and only then filtering.

For prevention

Using this tincture, you can prevent the appearance of diseases, calm down, get rid of colds and bronchitis faster. Take:

  • 3 liters of moonshine;
  • 1 teaspoon of lemon balm with mint or one of these herbs that you prefer;
  • 2 teaspoons of dry thyme;
  • half a glass of honey.

Mix everything in a three-liter jar and leave for 5 days. Strain and heal. 50 ml drink per day relieve stress, have a calming effect, help to fall asleep, and also - cure respiratory diseases and colds. Better to use in the evening.

Beaver stream tincture

Beaver stream is called beaver endocrine gland, which in the old days was credited with miraculous healing properties.

But if something is in doubt from the point of view of today's medicine, then positive influence on potency - a scientifically proven fact.

The tincture is also useful for women - it relieves candidiasis and other women's problems.

The beaver stream is located under the skin on the belly of the animal. Next to it are the genitals and the steam gland. It is carefully removed, rid of fat, blood and dried for a month - dried in the air. Only after that do the tincture.

Reference. Dried beaver stream has a more pronounced effect.

  1. The jet is ground and poured into a jar. Pour vodka or moonshine (you can - diluted alcohol) with a strength of up to 50 °.
  2. Infuse for 3 days, stirring and shaking every day.
  3. Filter, filter, dilute with vodka to get the color of cognac.

Approximate proportions - half a liter of vodka per 100 g of beaver stream. But it is difficult to say how much exactly the remedy will turn out, since both the size of the gland and its “saturation” affect this.

This tincture has an unpleasant odor and taste. Therefore, it is advised before taking it. brew coffee, cool it to a state in which you can drink without burning yourself. Take a sip of coffee, then swallow the tincture and immediately drink coffee. Then the nasty taste is not felt so much, coffee interrupts it. It also works the same chicory.

Men are recommended to be treated for 4 months. Two weeks - 5 drops 1 time per day. Then 2 weeks - 5 drops, but already twice a day. The second month - 2 times a day, 10 drops. The third month is a break. The fourth month is an individual selection.

Preparation and application on video

Look at the video below the right recipe preparation of tincture from beaver stream:

How and why is the beaver stream taken, methods, dosage, how to take it internally and externally:

Use the remedy depending on the severity of the problem - from 5 to 50 drops during or after meals. Usually - 3 times a day, you can even before bedtime. In this case, it is better to drink chicory, but in a small amount, since chicory, although it does not contain caffeine, is invigorating.

Women use the remedy like men in the 4th month. Additionally, you can do microclysters(no more than 1 ml of tincture per 100 ml of warm water).

Before you start preparing the tincture, make sure that you do not have contraindications to their use. The world of traditional medicine using alcohol is so diverse that you are sure to choose the drink that is ideal for you and for recovery. And if you're lucky - then for the pleasure of tasty and healthy alcohol. And be sure to follow our advice:

  1. Choose raw materials carefully. The best will be self-grown or harvested away from highways, landfills and environmentally disadvantaged areas. Pharmacy medicinal plants can also be used, there is hope that they are being tested.
  2. Vodka should be exceptionally high quality. If this is a store product, then it is purchased at a reliable point. And even better - self-made moonshine.
  3. Follow the recipes but also be creative. Sometimes it helps to create an incomparably delicious product, the recipe of which will be asked from you by everyone who tries your masterpiece.

you took for yourself necessary information and going to use the recipes? Share in the comments. We are waiting for your likes.

Modern man is unique because he is always ready for force majeure. He knows where to buy groceries, which movie show is the smallest, and what kind of nest egg is needed for a rainy day. In particular, what is always at hand modern man? A certain amount of money, a pack of soothing tea, spare socks, and a few bottles of alcohol at the home bar. Directly the type of alcohol depends on the personal preferences of each person. But in one most of people converge: purchased alcohol does not always indulge in quality, but homemade tincture is always tasty and healthy (at least not harmful). So the question arises: "What to insist on vodka to get a good result?"

home bar

There are often reasons to gather at a good table, and everything would be fine if you didn’t have to stock up on food in advance, choose alcohol, which means spending quite a lot of money. Therefore, a home bar always helps out. First, you can save on ingredients. Secondly, you can diversify the range of drinks. Thirdly, you can be sure of the quality of the latter. Some methods of preparing homemade tinctures suggest an interesting recipe, and the taste promises to be much richer than that of a store-bought counterpart. It is easier and more rational to take vodka as a basis, but in itself it does not appeal to everyone without exception. So the question arises of what to insist on vodka. There are a great many recipes, and with imagination, you can achieve an interesting taste and optimal strength. It is not for nothing that all cocktails are based on a certain proportion of white. By the way, for homemade tincture, the strength of vodka is not enough - only 40%. So, you have to increase the degree (at least up to 45). If you act on the basis of home remedies, you can purchase a couple of vials of ethyl alcohol. This fast way, but if you have berries, sugar or any other strong alcohol, then you can do without pharmaceutical additives.

A bit of theory

Before insisting on homemade vodka, it would be good to know what such a natural product is. When mixing vodka with ethyl alcohol a water-alcohol solution with a strength slightly above 50% will be obtained. But even this is not enough, since tinctures usually have a strength of up to 60%. So it turns out as a result of insisting the solution on berries, fruits and herbs. You can also add sugar or sugar syrup and other ingredients to the solution. Of course, the process is not limited to simple mixing of the components. The process takes an average of three to seven weeks. It should be noted that tinctures are radically different from liqueurs, just because the latter are obtained in the process of fermentation or addition of fruit drink to alcohol. But in tinctures, aromatic substances and essential oils go directly to alcohol. For their preparation, you can use strong alcohol, for example, gin, rum, bourbon or whiskey. But it is easier to work with pure alcohol, since you do not have to remove the original taste of the drink.

If you correctly insist vodka on herbs, roots, seeds or berries, you will get a bitter tincture. The same will be the effect of using a peel or leaves as a base.

For the spicy taste of the drink, a tincture with spices is prepared, followed by filtration or distillation in a moonshine still.

Lovers of sweet drinks with a relatively low strength (from 18 to 25%) use fruits, berries or roots with the addition of sugar or syrup in the proportion of 200 g of sugar per liter. Remember that if the amount of sweet exceeds 500 g per liter, then the result will not be a tincture, but a liquor.

For a sweet tincture, the berries need to be slightly frozen to destroy the structure of the fibers and get more juice. For infusion, darkness and room temperature are needed. True, you can leave the tincture in the sun, but then the drink will become lighter, and the taste will be a little smoky. The temperature directly affects the speed of cooking. The elementary rules of physics and chemistry apply here. To give the finished drink a caramel hue, fruits must be fried before use.

By the way, during the infusion, do not open the lid, as bacteria and oxygen can penetrate inside. But there are exceptions when tinctures, on the contrary, need to be saturated with oxygen.

Basic Recipe

So, what to insist on vodka? This question is of particular concern to those who have not done anything similar before. It is worth starting with a basic recipe. You can insist on berries or chopped fruits. Fill the container two-thirds with berries, and fill the remaining space with alcohol or vodka right up to the lid. This way the alcohol won't oxidize. Close the lid tightly or use a cloth to cover. Every three or four days you need to shake the drink, and then filter it with a funnel with a filter or ordinary gauze, cotton wool. The finished drink must be poured into a clean bottle and refrigerate for several weeks. This method is used to prepare, for example, nutcracker and rowanberry.

For the basic recipe for spicy tinctures, the algorithm of actions is similar, but at the end it is advisable to filter the drink by distillation.

Finally, for a sweet drink, bitters are initially prepared, and then about 250 ml of sugar syrup per liter is added to it. By the way, sugar can be replaced with honey. The most popular sweet tinctures with honey include pepper, horseradish and cranberries.

What is most often cooked at home

When deciding the question "on what to infuse vodka" the main factors will be your own taste and desired result, but still there are some of the most popular drinks that can most often be found in the home bar of an ordinary Russian. That's where they should be guided. They are economical in the selection of ingredients, so you can cook them almost at any convenient time.

So, bitter cherry tincture. Ideal for berry season. It will take 1.5-2 kg of cherries, which need to be dried a little in the oven over low heat. You can add water if necessary. Then the cherry must be poured under the neck with alcohol or vodka. The infusion process will take almost three months, and the infusion must be shaken periodically.

Remember about hydrocyanic acid in cherry stones. It becomes harmful after six months of infusion, so that with timely filtration, the bones can not be reached. They also improve the taste of the tincture. If you fill the berries with alcohol, then after insisting, you will still need to dilute the drink with water to the optimum strength.

Spicy cinnamon tincture is in good demand - it will warm you on cold evenings. So, what can you insist on vodka to get a full-fledged analogue of mulled wine? For a liter of vodka, you need a few tablespoons of dried blueberries, a little crushed almonds, a teaspoon of ground cinnamon and lemon zest. Carnation and star anise are also useful. The infusion process will take two weeks (according to the basic recipe).

Favorite sweet tincture - voronets - is made with honey, cinnamon, cardamom, nutmeg and cloves. The tincture prepared according to the basic recipe should be placed in the oven in a tightly closed container and kept at a temperature of 50 degrees for 5 hours. Then the drink must be filtered and placed in a dark place so that it has time to brew.

I must say that, having studied the principles of preparing basic tinctures, you can prepare almost any drink, but you still need to experimentally test the algorithm of actions. Nobody canceled the share of fantasy, because even a strict recipe can turn into a failure, and it is impossible to spoil porridge with butter!

By the berries!

Best time to start filling the home bar is autumn, when the harvest of berries baffles many housewives. It seems that there is simply nowhere to put good. After all, a couple of cans of jam, compote and jam from one type of berry is enough. But homemade tincture is useful not only for consumption in the circle of loved ones, but also for treating guests. The drink is strong and natural, and even healthy, if, of course, you know when to stop. Otherwise, a preventive reception can turn into an immoderate libation. For medicinal purposes, you can take a tablespoon of vodka tincture a couple of times a day. This dose improves blood circulation, normalizes blood pressure and relieves stress.

It has a pleasant copper color, rich taste and sweet berry aroma. For 10 liters of tincture you will need 6 kg of berries, half a kilogram of sugar and, of course, vodka. Before cooking, rowan should be washed, cleaned of tails and poured into jars for two-thirds of the total volume. It is necessary to insist the drink at room temperature, periodically renewing the vodka, since the berries strongly absorb the liquid. Ryabinovka is infused for a month. Then the liquid is drained, and the berries are again filled with vodka. The new infusion must be kept for another month and a half, and then the first infusion should be mixed with the second. The drink should rest for a week, and the longer the "rest", the tastier the result.

A similar algorithm of actions is observed if you want to make cranberries. So, how to insist vodka on cranberries? Here you need to consider that cranberries are tasty, but sour. That is, sugar should not be spared, and one should be guided by the volume of berries. For example, for 2 cups of cranberries you will need a glass of sugar, 0.5 liters of vodka and 0.5 cups of water. By the way, instead of a sweetener, it is quite possible to use honey. With it, the tincture will be healthier and more aromatic. In addition, the natural product can be consumed not only during the feast. Cranberry is a hoppy but delicious cold remedy.

So, the berries need to be washed and dried, and then passed through a meat grinder or mashed in puree. Pour vodka directly into this mass. Pour into a jar, tightly close the lid and leave for three days (or a week), and then the resulting liquid must be filtered. To do this, take a colander, place it over a saucepan, cover it with folded gauze. We carefully monitor that not a single grain slips through the fabric! At the end, we twist the edges of the gauze and squeeze it in the palms. Sugar is dissolved in water and added to the tincture. All! If desired, the drink can be poured into beautiful bottles and set aside until arrival. dear friends. Why girlfriends? Because the product turns out to be weak - only 15-20 o, which means that women will like it more.

Nuts for your feast

Now, not everyone can afford to have a supply of nuts at home - a painfully expensive product. But if you have your own hazel, you can insist nuts on vodka and get a very interesting result. For example, pine nuts tincture is generally a remedy for many ailments. But it is undesirable to get involved in it either. To prepare the drug, you will need a glass of unpeeled pine nuts, about 150 g of sugar and half a liter of vodka. Pour the fruits with vodka, sprinkling with sugar. The drink should be infused in the dark and warm for about two weeks. Shake the container daily to make sure the sugar dissolves completely. After insisting, do not throw away the nuts, but re-add vodka. The second and first infusion should be mixed and allowed to rest a bit.

The cooking process, as you can see, is simple, the main thing is to observe the proportions and exposure. In moderation, you can use tincture for pleasure and to increase immunity, as well as to prevent stomach diseases. Since they like to insist vodka on pine nuts in different countries, then the drink became known as "Kedrovka".

Experienced lovers of such a product are advised to boil pine nuts twice for five minutes, and after the first boil, the water must be drained and a new one added. Why is this needed? Yes, just boiling removes the resin from the pine nuts and thereby makes the tincture tastier. Boiled nuts should be thrown into a colander and only then poured into a jar. You need to insist nutcracker for almost a month at room temperature, and then filter it through gauze or a layer of cotton wool. Sugar or honey is added to taste - and the tincture is ready. In an airtight container and in the cold, it can be stored for up to three years.

Also, a very tasty drink will turn out if you insist vodka on walnuts. To do this, you need nuts in the shell, vodka and, of course, sugar. By the way, partitions can not be thrown away, but used along with the cores. So, you will need 400 g of nuts, 0.5 l of vodka, sugar (honey) to taste. The process is not difficult. Nuts need to be carefully chopped, scalded with boiling water and poured with vodka. Leave for 3-4 days, shaking occasionally. Sugar is added at the very end, and the tincture is mixed until it is completely dissolved. The color of the tincture depends on the time of infusion and the number of partitions, so if you want to achieve a cognac color, you will have to be patient and wait a month.

On roots and herbs

If you insist on ginger root on vodka, you get a rather interesting drink - it does not feel alcohol at all, the aftertaste and aroma of spices are pronounced. The classic is prepared from a liter of vodka (40-45%), 50 g of fresh ginger and 100 g of honey. The latter softens the burning taste of the tincture, sugar is not so effective. So, the root needs to be washed, peeled, grated, put in a jar for infusion. Add vodka and honey, mix, cover with a lid and take the container to a dark place for 2 weeks. Shake periodically. Strain the finished tincture through gauze folded in several layers, and if you want the drink to become more transparent, filter it through cotton wool as well. All. It remains to bottle, seal hermetically and send for - up to two years).

In general, vodka is the most effective basis for medicinal plants, since alcohol draws the maximum of useful raw materials from medicinal herbs. For example, from anise and wormwood. Ready? You will need vodka (3 l), anise (100 g) and wormwood (50 g). The infusion takes place in two stages. First, you need to insist anise for a couple of weeks (2 liters of alcohol are used for it), and then a couple more days - wormwood (filled with the remaining liter). As a result, two infusions are mixed, and the resulting mixture is bottled.

original danger

A fly agaric mushroom is notorious, but we must not forget that it really is deadly poisonous. At the same time, on the basis of this gift of the forest, you can prepare a tincture - for healing purposes, of course. Only the question arises: "How to insist fly agaric on vodka?"

This fungus is found throughout Russia. It evokes associations with witchcraft and secret rituals. Today, the medicinal effect of the fungus has been scientifically confirmed, and it is widely used in medicine.

Fresh mushrooms must be cleaned of debris, rinsed well under running water and chopped. The raw materials are spread on gauze and the juice is carefully squeezed out. The resulting liquid is poured into a jar and the same amount of vodka (1: 1) is added. Insist in a cool dark place. They drink such a remedy with teaspoons, not glasses!

Knowing how to insist fly agaric on vodka, you can subsequently use both infusion and gruel. In particular, gruel is used to treat joint pain, and is also effective for bruises and injuries. Compresses should be done at least once a day.

For prevention

In conclusion, you also need to tell how to insist propolis on vodka. This drink is very beneficial for health. Its composition is truly unique:

  • antioxidants - compounds that have the effect of an antibiotic, but only it is gentle and practically harmless;
  • acids;
  • nutrients;
  • vitamins.

An interesting feature is the property of propolis not to lose its usefulness over time.

According to the reviews of many people, this is a real panacea for many diseases, chronic dysfunctions of the body. To prepare the tincture, you will need real propolis (70-80 g), which must be frozen and then crushed. Ground propolis is poured with vodka (0.5 l) and placed in the dark for a couple of weeks. During this time, part of the nutrients will be transferred to the solution, and it can be used for prevention and treatment.

Tinctures are made by infusing vodka on various fruits, seeds, spices, fragrant and medicinal herbs. Fresh or dried fruits and plants are infused in alcohol until the essential oils and biologically active substances turn into alcohol. The duration of infusion ranges from 2 to 6 weeks, if necessary, the infusion time can be reduced to 7-10 days by raising the temperature to 50-60 ° C. Tinctures contain up to 30% sugar with a strength of up to 45% vol. Alcohol, they are less sweet, but stronger than liqueurs, have a pleasant taste and can serve as both an alcoholic drink and a healing elixir.

Keep the tincture in tightly closed dark-colored bottles.

Blackberry tincture

Alcoholic blackberry juice (blackberry - 2.5 kg) - 2 l, sugar syrup - 1.4 l, vanillin - 0.05 g, citric acid - 3 g, water.

Alcoholic blackberry juice with a total content of extractives of not more than 200 g is sweetened with 66% sugar syrup, flavored with vanillin. Add citric acid to bring the acidity to 0.4 g/100 ml. The resulting tincture is dark red, sweet and sour, with a blackberry flavor, with a strength of more than 20%.

Ginseng tincture

Vodka - 0.5 l, a piece of ginseng, honey - 1 teaspoon.

Steep vodka on a piece of ginseng root for 2-3 days. Honey can be added if desired. You can add vodka to the tincture 2-3 times.

Loja flower tincture

Vodka - 1 l, sucker flowers - 100 g, honey - 1 tbsp. spoon.

Infuse vodka on the flowers of sucker (pshat) for at least 3 weeks. Before use, mix with bee honey.

Tincture with mint, anise and nuts

Vodka - 2 l, mint - 40 g, anise - 40 g, nuts - 40 g.

Put mint, anise, nuts in vodka, put for 12 days in a warm place. After that, after straining, you can use it. Then you can again pour half the proportion of vodka into the thick and leave it warm for 1 month.

Nut tincture

Vodka - 0.5 l, young walnuts - 400 g, honey - 1 tbsp. spoon.

Finely chop young walnuts and infuse vodka on them highest quality. Mix with honey before use.

Tavern tincture

For 1 bottle of vodka - 2 tablespoons of honey, 5 blades of bison, 5 blades of thyme, 1/2 teaspoon of oak bark, coriander, thyme.

Pour honey with vodka and stir well. Pour into a bottle and add herbs to it. Close the bottle well and keep in a cool place for 2-3 months. After that, strain through cheesecloth into another bottle, close the cork and refrigerate.

Lemon tincture

For 1 bottle of vodka - 2 lemons medium size. This is a traditional tincture made from lemon peels.

Wash the lemons, wipe with a dry towel. With a sharp knife, cut off all the yellow skin, trying to do it as thin as possible, since the slightest presence of white skin gives the vodka an unpleasant bitter aftertaste. Infuse for several days in a warm place, then filter. It does not need dark dishes.

Tangerine tincture

0.75 l of vodka, 6 tbsp. tablespoons dried tangerine peel

It has a very beautiful, sunny color and excellent taste.

Grind the tangerine peel, pour high-quality vodka and insist for a week. Refrigerate before use.

Sea tincture

For 0.5 l of vodka - 20 g of seeds from equal weight parts of sage, peppermint, galangal and ginger.

Infuse for 1 month, then strain and bottle.

Amateur tincture

For 1 bottle of vodka - 6 medium cloves of garlic, 1 pod of red pepper (hot).

Finely chop the garlic, pour into a bottle, add red pepper, pour vodka, cork tightly and let it brew for 3 weeks. Then strain into another bottle, add juice from half a lemon, close tightly. Keep refrigerated. A component of this tincture can also be 1 bay leaf, which gives it a piquant taste.

Tincture “Hunting”

For 1 liter of strong vodka, take 30-40 g of juniper berries, 2 g of ground black pepper, 50 g of dill seeds, 10-12 g of table salt, 40 g of horseradish.

This is a very sharp, strong tincture with a sharp taste and smell.

Infuse for 2 weeks in a warm place, periodically shaking the contents. Then strain and filter.

pepper tincture

2 liters of vodka, 70 g of pepper, 200-300 g of sugar, 3-4 glasses of water.

Pour pepper into vodka, put in a warm place for 2 weeks, strain, dilute with weak syrup, pour into a bottle below the neck, cork, put in a warm place for several weeks. Then carefully drain, bottle.

Rowan tincture

This tincture is prepared on cognac or vodka. Rowan berries should be collected after the first autumn frosts, cleaned of stems and poured into bottles at 2/3 of their height. Pour cognac or vodka, cork and insist for at least 3 weeks in a dark place until the drink becomes dark brown and has a strong rowan aroma. Strain. Store in well-corked bottles. Does not need dark dishes. To improve the bouquet, you can use this method. The first infusion of cognac or vodka, which has stood for 2-3 weeks, is drained, and the berries are again poured with the same amount of vodka or cognac. After 3 weeks, drain and mix with the filtered first tincture.

Caraway tincture

Vodka - to taste, 800 g of cumin, sugar - to taste, 3 liters of water.

First prepare caraway water, that is, overtake it in a cube, putting caraway seeds.

When used, caraway tincture is sweetened and added to vodka.

French tincture

To prepare this tincture, a mixture of the following herbs is taken: cardamom, galangal, ginger, cloves, cinnamon and anise, taken at 43 g per quarter (containing about 3 liters) bottle of vodka.

Black currant leaf extract

One of the most delicious is a tincture of young, not yet blossoming buds and blackcurrant leaves (older leaves, collected in early summer, also give a good product). Prepare and store in dark bottles. It is necessary to collect buds and leaves in dry weather; it is best to put them in a sieve, rinse lightly from dust and, scattering them on fabrics, let them dry slightly. Then fill cleanly washed bottles with them almost to the top, pour vodka, cork tightly and put in a warm room for a day. After this, filter through a glass funnel lined with white filter paper or cotton wool. Cotton should not be squeezed out, as the turbidity can turn into tincture and straining will have to be repeated.

With this method, the tincture retains the aroma of a fresh leaf. Wormwood, mint and other tinctures are prepared in the same way.

Healing tincture

1 bottle of vodka, 10 g of propolis, 50 g of pitted prunes per teaspoon of lime blossom, sweet clover, thyme, mint.

Finely chop dried prunes, mix with linden blossom, sweet clover, thyme, mint and pour over vodka. Close the bottle tightly and put in a warm place for 2 months. After that, strain the tincture, add propolis to it, cork and let it brew for a month.

apple tincture

2.5 kg of apples, 1.5 l of vodka, 7.5 l of water, 2 kg of sugar.

Put peeled and chopped apples in a large bottle, pour vodka and chilled water. Tie the throat of the bottle with gauze, put it in the sun for 2 weeks and shake it daily. When the apples float to the top, strain the liquid through cheesecloth, add sugar, put in the sun for 2 days, and then take it out for 10 days in a cold place, then strain, bottle, cork, tie the corks with ropes and keep in a cold place.

The drink can be consumed after 3 weeks.


Common anise - 4 g, star anise - 0.2 g, cumin - 0.5 g, coriander - 0.2 g, dill (seeds) - 0.5 g, vodka - 2.5 l.

The components are insisted for 2 weeks, filtered, poured into bottles. Refrigerate before use.

Orange peel tincture

Orange peel - 180 g, vodka - 2 l, sugar syrup - 3 l, citric acid - 2 g, tartrazine - 20-25 g.

Pour orange peels with strong vodka, put in a warm place for 1-2 weeks, strain, sweeten with 66% sugar syrup. Simultaneously add citric acid, tartrazine to make a sweet, fresh orange peel color tincture with an acidity of 0.02 g/100 mg and an orange flavor.

Barberry leaf tincture

Vodka - 1 l, barberry leaves - 200 g.

Place the crushed dried barberry leaves in a bottle, pour in vodka, cork and keep at room temperature for 7 days. After a week, drain the tincture, filter well until transparent. Consume in small quantities. This tincture is traditional medicine used as a hemostatic agent for uterine bleeding with a dosage of 30 drops 3 times a day for 2-3 weeks.

Wormwood tincture

Vodka - 1 l, wormwood - 50 g, sugar - 50 g.

Fresh or dried wormwood is poured with vodka, insisted for 2 weeks, filtered, sugar is added. Bottled and corked.

Relieves nervous tension.

Birch bud tincture

Vodka - 0.5 l, birch sticks - 50 g, honey - 1 teaspoon.

Take birch sticks, insist vodka on them for 10 days. Before use, if desired, add bee honey.

Birch tincture with propolis

Vodka - 1 l, propolis - 200 g, birch sap - optional.

To prepare birch tincture, it is necessary to grind propolis, pour it into a bottle and pour vodka, shaking for half an hour. Then insist, periodically shaking, for three days. If desired, the tincture can be diluted with birch sap before use.

Cowberry-cherry tincture

Cognac - 150 ml, vodka 2 l, cranberries - 3.5 kg, cherries - 600 g, sugar syrup - 2.5 l, citric acid.

Pour fresh lingonberries and cherries into a bottle, top up with selected cognac, vodka and insist. Then sweeten with 66% sugar syrup, citric acid, bring the acidity of the tincture to 0.5 g / 100 ml. The resulting forest tincture is sweet and sour, with a pleasant slight bitterness, a complex aroma of lingonberries and cherries, reddish-brown.

Cherry tincture

Vodka - 0.5 l, cherry juice with sugar - 250 ml, water - 250 ml.

Washed cherries without stalks put in a bottle with a wide mouth, cover with sugar up to the neck, cover with gauze, tie and put in the sun for 30-49 days. The resulting cherry juice (0.7 kg of sugar per 1 kg of cherries) mixed with boiled water and vodka.

Cherry stem tincture

Vodka - 1 l, cherry stalks - 250 g, sugar - 100 g.

Rinse the stalks, dry, pour into a bottle with a wide mouth, cover with sugar syrup, shake, tie the neck of the bottle with gauze and keep in the room for 30 days. After that, pour vodka into the bottle, mix, leave for 2 days, strain through cheesecloth.

mint tincture

Vodka - 1 l, mint leaves - 50 g.

Fresh mint leaves, collected in dry weather, are crushed, poured with vodka, insisted for 2 weeks. Strain and bottle. The tincture has a beautiful green-emerald color, enhances appetite, improves digestion.

“Erofeich” (one of many recipes)

2 g of flowers and herbs: oregano, St. John's wort, lovage (dawn), sage, wormwood, lemon balm, yarrow, thyme, young leaves of strawberries, apple and pear, hawthorn flowers, 0.5 g of cardamom and anise (total 14 components) , 1 liter of good vodka.

Infuse for 2-3 months, drain, filter, pour into dark bottles and cork. The tincture raises the tone, relieves nervous tension.

Walnut partition tincture

Vodka - 1 l, honey bee - 2 tbsp. spoons, partitions from walnuts, water - 0.5 l.

Partitions of walnuts put in vodka and leave for 2-3 days. Then mix with cold boiled water and honey.

English Pepper Tincture “Bitter Tears”

Vodka - 2 l, pepper - 70 g, sugar - 200-300 g, water - 3-4 cups.

Take vodka, add English or simple pepper, put in a warm place for 2 weeks, strain, dilute with weak sugar syrup, strain, pour the tincture with pepper into the bottle below the neck, cork it, put it in a warm place for several weeks, so that the mixture is infused, drain carefully and bottle.

Orange colorless bitters

Vodka - 1 l, dried orange peel - 2.4 g, sugar - to taste.

Pour dried orange peels into the bottle, add vodka. Leave for 2 weeks, shaking occasionally. Then add sugar to taste.

Ancient tincture on sage, ginger, kalancha

Vodka - 2 l, sage - 25 g, ginger - 25 g, kalancha - 25 g, water - 1.5 l.

Pour vodka over ginger, kalancha and sage. Then put to brew for 18 days. After this period, add spring water to the tincture and filter.

Healing tincture

Vodka - 0.5 l, various medicinal herbs - 51.5 g, granulated sugar - 50 g.

To prepare the elixir, you need to take 1/2 g of: celery seeds, cumin, anise; 1 g each: elderberry flowers, sweet peas, cloves, black pepper, nutmeg, cardamom, St. John's wort; 2 g each: cinnamon, rose petals, ginger, fragrant tea, coffee, rum essence, cherry essence, mint drops, pear essence, plum essence, barberry essence; 3 g each: partitions of nuts, tarragon (tarragon), thyme (urtsa); 4 g each: cilantro, parsley seeds, dill seeds. Boil all the listed components of the drink over low heat, cool, strain. Then add sugar, strong vodka to the mixture, pour into bottles, cork and put on aging. The drink relieves the general weakness of the body.

Apple-honey tincture

Vodka - 1.5 l, apples - 1.5 kg, sugar - 200 g, natural honey - 50 g, water - 1.5 l.

Infuse vodka on apples for several days, add sugar, honey, water - to taste. Prepared tincture with a strength of not more than 25%, with sugar 3 g / 100 mg, acidity 0.23 g / 100 ml, yellow color with a golden hue sweet and sour taste and the aroma of apple with honey.

Herbal honey tincture

1 liter of vodka, 4 tbsp. spoons of honey, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of oak bark, coriander seeds, dried thyme, lemon balm, bison.

Stir honey with vodka and pour herbs over it, cork the bottle, put in a cool place for 2-3 months. Strain, pour into bottles, cork. Store in a dark, cool place.

Gooseberry tincture

2 kg of gooseberries, 2 liters of vodka, 2-3 slices of rye bread, jam syrup.

Pour gooseberries into a bottle, pour water, spread bread thick jam, dry on a wire rack and add to the bottle. The bottle is tightly corked and placed in a dark, cool place for 4 months.

Pear-currant tincture

100 g dried pears, 100 g raisins, 100 g young currant leaves, 2 liters of vodka.

Place in a bottle, put in a dark place for 1 month, shake occasionally. Filter the finished tincture, bottle, cork.

Apricot tincture

2 kg apricot, 250 g sugar, cinnamon, cloves, 1 liter of vodka.

Apricot pulp is cut into slices, the kernels are crushed in a mortar, sugar is added, cloves 5-6 pcs. and cinnamon on the tip of a knife, pour vodka and insist 1 month. Then filtered, bottled, corked and placed in a dark, cool place.

Healing walnut tincture

0.5 l of good Cahors, 2.5 cups of walnut kernels, 5 lemons, 750 g of aloe leaves, 1 kg of honey and butter.

Nuts, lemons with peel, but pitted, aloe leaves are passed through a meat grinder, everything is mixed. Store in a dark, cool place. For diseases of the lungs and bronchi, take 3 times a day before meals, 1 tablespoon for 10-15 days. On the recommendation of a doctor, repeat the course after 2 weeks.

Beet tincture

0.5 l of beetroot juice, 0.5 kg of honey, 0.5 l of vodka.

Mix thoroughly, put in a cool dark place for 3-4 days, shake occasionally. To remove kidney stones, take 1 tablespoon diluted in 0.5 cups hot water, within a month. On the recommendation of a doctor, the course is repeated after two weeks. The tincture is stored in a dark, cool place.

Vitamin tincture

1 cup beetroot juice, 1 cup carrot juice, 1/2 lemon juice, 1/2 cup cranberry juice, 1 cup honey and 100ml alcohol.

Mix thoroughly and infuse for 3-4 days in a dark, cool place, shake occasionally. With hypertension and as a general tonic, take 1 tablespoon three times a day before meals for 1.5-2 months.

Garlic tincture

350 g minced garlic, 200 ml alcohol (96% vol.)

Insist 10 days. Take with milk (1/4 cup) 3 times a day from 1 to 15 drops, increasing with each dose by 1 drop, and then decreasing to 1 drop. The remaining tincture is taken 25 drops per day. Garlic tincture is an excellent cleansing and restorative agent that helps to remove lime and fat deposits from the body, relieve vascular spasms, and actively improves metabolic processes.

You can watch a video on the Internet, what kind of alcohol tinctures exist at home. Drinks can act as a healing agent or an alcoholic beverage. You can find a wide variety of recipes for alcohol tinctures at home.

3 groups of healing drinks

By tincture is meant strong alcoholic drink, obtained as a result of the process of infusion of vodka with various components. There is also added sugar. This process is rather complicated. In no case should the name of this drink be confused with liqueur. The second is obtained by fermentation and combining alcohol with fruit drink, and in the first, the active components themselves turn into alcohol. not only tasty, but also useful.

There are many recipes for alcohol tinctures at home with photos. But before you cook them, it is important to know how they are classified.

Tinctures are bitter. They have a strength of up to 60%. Such a remedy appears as a result of infusion of alcohol with herbs, seeds, leaves, berries and roots.
You can find spicy tinctures. Usually they have the same strength as bitter. Such funds are obtained in the process of infusion of alcohol with various spices.
There are also sweet drinks. Their strength is up to 25%. This product contains up to 310 grams of sugar per liter of liquid. Here alcohol is infused with various fruits, berries and roots.

The basis

Having remembered the basic recipe for bitters, then you can prepare any drink. To prepare it, it is necessary to mark 2/3 clean and dry berries or fruits in the dishes. Then they should be filled with alcohol. The dishes must be tightly closed and placed in a dark place for certain time. Shake the drink every 3. Then the tincture must be filtered and poured into another container. After that, the drink must again be placed in a dark place for a month.
The basis of the recipe for spicy tinctures is very simple. It is necessary to pour prepared spices with a liter of alcohol. You need to infuse the drink for a certain time. Then it must be filtered.
For sweet tinctures, you will first need to prepare a bitter drink, and then add 310 ml of sweet syrup per 1 liter of tincture to it. The syrup is easy to prepare. To do this, it is enough to combine sugar and water in equal proportions and heat a little, without bringing to a boil. Sweet tincture can be poured into containers and stored in a dark and cool place.

Helpful Hints

Before starting cooking, the berries must be slightly frozen. Thus, they will be able to give much more juice.
Tinctures should be stored in a dark and warm place. If left in the sun, the color will be lighter.
If the infusion temperature is high, then the substances will interact faster with alcohol.
If desired, fruits or berries can be fried. This will give the tincture a noble shade.
You need to wait until the very end of the infusion and you can’t open the lid, because oxygen can get there, which negatively affects alcohol. Prepare the real one.

Best Recipes preparation of tinctures

Recipes for alcohol tinctures at home from berries are very popular.

Berry tincture

Cranberries contain a large number of vitamins and nutrients. They have a very positive effect on the human body. The berry has anti-inflammatory properties, is able to strengthen nervous system, normalizes the digestive system.

Cranberries can be used to make liqueurs and tinctures. They are very fragrant. Many have already studied recipes for alcohol tinctures at home with cranberries. They can act as the perfect drink for holiday table.

310 grams of berries;
500 ml of alcohol;
3 art. l. Sahara.


1. First of all, the berries must be washed.
2. Then the cranberries need to be scrolled in a meat grinder.
3. The resulting berry mass should be placed in a separate cup.
4. It is necessary to fill the cranberries with alcohol. You can also add sugar and water to it.
5. The bowl should be covered with a lid and put away in a dark place for 21 days.
6. At the end of the time, the product must be filtered and put away in a dark place for 5 days. Cranberry tincture is ready!

Jam tincture

500 ml of jam;
500 ml of vodka.


1. The jam itself is sweet, so no need to add sugar. Jam must be put in a glass dish. Fill it with vodka and mix everything.
2. The dishes must be closed with a lid and left to infuse for a couple of months. It is recommended to shake the drink every three days.
3. At the end of the infusion, the drink must be filtered. Sometimes you have to filter several times until the tincture brightens.
4. The drink is ready. It is better to store such tincture in a glass container in a cool place. In no case should air get inside the jar.

Jam tincture with spices

Many people prefer to prepare such a tincture from freshly brewed jam. On the Internet, there are recipes for alcohol tinctures at home, where you can download them for free without any problems.

510 grams of jam;
510 ml of cognac;
cinnamon on the tip of a knife.


1. Jam must be transferred to a glass bottle. You also need to add cinnamon and a little cloves there. After that, all the contents must be filled with an alcoholic drink.
2. The jar must be properly closed so that air does not enter.
3. The drink should be infused for 2 months in a dark place.
4. After that, the tincture must be filtered with gauze. Then the drink must be bottled. The tincture should insist another week. After which it can be used.

Tincture of pine nuts on alcohol

The pine nut is a symbol of Siberia. It grows exclusively in the taiga. This is a very unique plant. It can live up to a couple of hundred years. It has long been known about useful properties cedar. Nuts can be used in any form. They contain biological components necessary for a person. There are healing recipes for alcohol tinctures at home on pine nuts. and keep warm cold winter.

What is the use of cedar?

Tincture on pine nuts normalizes the work of the digestive tract.
It renews the skin after damage. Participates in the accelerated process of wound healing.
Eliminates salt complications.
Cedar tincture cleanses the blood and renews the process of its receipt.
It can strengthen the immune system.
Favorably affects the male reproductive system.

Cedar tincture is used in the treatment of various ailments. But before using it is necessary to consult a doctor.

A simple way to prepare cedar tincture

Only whole nuts must be selected before cooking. The best time to buy them is autumn. The shell must be beautiful Brown. If the nut is of a different color, then it is better not to take it.

Pine nuts;


1. First of all, prepared nuts must be scalded with boiling water. After that, the nuts need to be washed. Such actions need to be carried out several times.
2. It will help get rid of various products oxidation. Nuts should be dried in a dark place.
3. Now, if you wish, you can put whole nuts or chopped nuts in the prepared dishes. They should fill almost the entire container.
4. Then the nuts should be poured with alcohol so that it covers the nuts for a couple of centimeters.
5. Now the dishes must be tightly closed with a lid and placed in a dark place for 14 days.
6. After the time has elapsed, the tincture must be filtered using gauze.
7. It is very important to know that you need to store such a drink in a dark place. Cedar tincture can be used orally, 20 drops per 55 ml of water, and for external use, the drink must be diluted at the rate of 2:7. It is recommended to take the tincture a couple of times a day after meals.

Contraindications of cedar tincture

Pine nut tincture has a number of contraindications.
You can not use the tincture inside with individual intolerance to one of the components.
It is not allowed to use cedar tincture for pregnant and lactating women.

Alcoholic tincture of cedar is considered a unique tool that helps to cope with many diseases. will refresh you in the hot summer.

Tincture of cedar and honey

You can prepare an equally healthy tincture of cedar with the addition of honey.

Pine nuts;


First you need to prepare the nuts and choose only high-quality raw materials. We need to take 250 grams of nuts and pour 500 ml of alcohol. The container should be tightly screwed with a lid and put in a dark place for 14 days.

Then the drink must be filtered. Then you need to take a couple of large spoons of honey and melt in a water bath, if it is candied. Dilute it a little with water and cool. Pour the prepared tincture with this mass. Mix everything thoroughly and pour into a dark bowl. Leave the drink for a few more days in a dark place. Ready tincture should be stored in the refrigerator.

I would never have thought that I myself would prepare a liqueur from homemade berries and fruits. Sweet and tasty vodka based on fresh berries, which has taken all the juice accumulated over the summer. Pouring is no longer just alcohol, but a delicious, low-alcohol gourmet drink made at home. I already imagine how I will buy beautiful glasses for liquor and a beautiful decanter. Everyone has their own liqueur recipe, I tried several and will describe all my experiments and variations in one post. I don’t see the point in writing a hundred recipes for homemade liquor, because the principle of preparation is the same and the recipe is universal. You need to mix vodka, berries and sugar, and time will do its job. Whether you mix everything at once, or alternate in stages, the result will be one, stunning homemade liqueur according to the simplest recipe. And most importantly, your guests will be surprised again, each of them will want to receive such a hotel from you when leaving you home.

I would like to note right away that the liquor does not require pharmaceutical precision, which immediately sweeps aside all obstacles with measures of weight (usually vodka: berries: sugar goes in proportions 1: 1: 1 and quite a bit of water to dilute the sugar, if you need not a strong liquor, for stronger water, we exclude and manage with vodka). You can start insisting on the liquor already at your own dacha, then transport it home if you do not live in your own country house(ah, dreamily rolled her eyes up and sighed, somewhere there is my future cellar with wooden racks, on which jars of jam and bottles of liqueurs and tinctures are arranged in even rows like in a showcase).

Do not bother with kg, take a convenient container, for example, a three or a liter jar and measure everything with it (one jar is one part of a particular product).

If you use 1 liter of vodka, then at the end you will get almost three times more liquor, due to the juice of the berries and the sugar that you add.

Berries of different acidity require different amounts of sugar. By default, stick to the recipe, but the second time you decide for yourself whether to leave as much as there is or reduce, depending on the sweetness of your liqueur. I even add a little sugar to cranberries or lingonberries.


  • berries one part (I have a liter jar of berries, about 800 grams of raspberries or 900 grams of cherries fit in it)
  • vodka (for a liter jar of berries, it took a little less than a liter of vodka, about 800 ml)
  • sugar one part (I usually measure sugar with the same jar)
  • 1/10 water from one part of the berries (you can completely exclude it, but I don’t drink strong alcohol, so I follow the recipe and usually add it, i.e. if you use a 1 liter jar, then you need 100 ml of water.)


In general, you can follow simple recipe, mixing everything at once in one large container and closing it with a tight lid (if you like it stronger, then don’t add water at all, only vodka, sugar, berries in equal proportions), remember that the size of your container increases three times, you have three parts different product. I divide everything into three parts and lay it out by eye in three identical jars.

It should be remembered that here you will have to shake your liquor well every three days so that the sugar that has fallen to the bottom of the jar mixes with vodka and melts, this is of course a hassle, there is a lot of sugar and it does not dissolve so quickly in vodka. Do not worry, time will do its job and in a month and a half your liqueur will be ready, the longer it takes, the steeper the liqueur.

I put as much sugar in the liqueur as I do berries

There is another way that I liked, there is no need to constantly shake and turn your liquor in the hope that the sugar is about to mix with vodka and dissolve (this moment always annoyed me and it seemed that it would never dissolve, although this is not so , still irritated by the constant shaking of the bottle or jar).

So method 2:

Put clean and dry berries in a jar, they should not reach the edge of the jar by at least 3-4 cm, fill with vodka, close the lid tightly and put it away for 4-5 weeks in a dark place, I have a kitchen cabinet. Pouring now needs room temperature, no need to put it in the refrigerator and take up shelves. If you have a summer terrace and want to put it there, no problem, the tincture will infuse there too, diffusion will do its job at low temperatures, but still you should make sure that it does not freeze into ice from autumn night frosts, which can be.

Usually everyone writes that, depending on the tenderness or elasticity of the skin of the berries, they are dried before pouring vodka or pierced so that they give their juice more easily, I never do this and you don’t bother, everything is much simpler, read on. I don’t pierce or wilt cherries, I also fill cranberries and lingonberries with vodka right away, as well as the most delicate raspberries. In five weeks, vodka penetrates into the berry and nourishes it so that it becomes like a dried one and will easily give up its juice later.

After 4-5 weeks, your berries gave the juice to the vodka and it turned into the color of the berries. We drain the resulting berry-vodka infusion, for now we will pour it into a bottle and close it, put it in the same place where the jar of berries stood, this is half of our liquor, have you noticed how much vodka the berries have absorbed?

We continue to prepare the second part of the liquor, then mix both in one bottle.

So, from the jar of berries you have only berries filled with vodka, they even continue to exude it from themselves. Our task is to cover them 1:1 with sugar. It’s easier to do this in a container twice as large, and if you are not going to dilute your liquor with water for the smallest strength, then it’s worth it eat (this is the case when water is not used at all in the recipe, i.e. it is excluded from the recipe at this stage). I, as I said above, add it and do such manipulations.

I divide the berries from the jar into two parts and fall asleep with sugar (half of the berries, half of the sugar), then I transfer the remaining second half of the berries to the jar where the sugar was, because we had a jar of sugar equal to a jar of berries. It turned out two cans of sugar: berry 1: 1. I fill them with boiling water of the same water (do not forget to divide the water into two cans).

Boiling water will help dilute the sugar and slightly remove the degree in the liqueur. You can exclude water, but then the sugar will dissolve longer, you will have to go to the jar longer and shake it from time to time.

Another little secret, this is the one that will help you avoid the hassle of "piercing" or drying in the sun, dense berries such as cherries or cranberries, making liqueurs.

Our vodka-infused berries have become liquid and very alcoholic-juicy. When you fill them with sugar, you can lightly press them down and put their vodka juice in. This will simplify and speed up the task of dissolving the sugar, especially for those who do not add water to the pour. Excess moisture for melting sugar in our case is always good.

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