Terminator where. Why the Terminator reboot raises concerns


In 2015, the T-800 looks like a man who has defeated the machine hiding inside. The fight was hard for him: he learned to say aloud not very clever jokes, lost physical training and just tired. Young Sarah Connor calls him daddy, and the new terminator, tired of returning, becomes "I'm not old, I'm outdated" - from the point of view of the Skynet corporation and from the standpoint of robotics.

When Cameron invented the first Terminator, and Stan Winston assembled it literally from scrap materials, the inactive and frightening T-800 was a harbinger of a gloomy future that was vividly presented to the audience: the Cold War ended not so long ago, the greenhouse effect and environmental disasters from the agenda of UN meetings got into the public sphere, and the economic failures of US policy were attributed to technocratic democracy. The slow-moving T-800 with its unblinking red eyes was the epitome of all these threats.

If you don’t want to assemble a really working T-800, it’s enough to get a high-quality replica, which Adam Savage from MythBusters did

In the 21st century, the intimidating appeal of the Terminator is no longer so obvious; public speaking about environmental disasters are less and less on the news agenda; corporations are increasingly able to defeat the free will of a thinking individual, simply by placing a person in conditions of total comfort; and you can’t reproach any of the powers for the desire to build a combat android (the creation of exoskeletons and drones doesn’t count, they don’t look like people at all). But right now, when the prophetic power of the creation of James Cameron and Stan Winston is no longer active, almost all the components of the T-800 are available in the field of robotics and experimental cybernetics. And let James Cameron say, “we can build such a robot, rather, in 2029.”

Neural network

The Cartesian merciless consciousness of the Terminator is contained in a self-learning computer, built in the image and likeness of the Skynet neural network. Each T-800 has two modes of operation: Hive and Rogue. In the first terminators are synchronized with other models and the Skynet neural processor, receiving information from a single network. Steps in this direction are being taken by MIT employees, who in 2014 developed a collaborative learning program for machines - so that several service robots share their knowledge and can exchange it at any time.

In the second - in the "disobedience" mode - the T-800 proceeds to the process of self-learning - and each of his walks turns into an ethnographic journey. In this mode, his mind is confronted, in keeping with the mythology of the franchise, with dangerous questions and temptations: why do I exist, what higher purpose do I serve? Skynet protected cyborgs from such, of course, important issues with the help of "internal blockers" - they were bypassed by the rebels in "Terminator-2: Judgment Day" and managed to tame the T-800.

The main contender for Skynet's level of awareness is the network created by the scientists in the Google X lab. And while Skynet boastfully introduces itself as "We are Skynet, the most advanced artificial intelligence in the known universe," the Google X network so far is only doing what every child should be doing: guessing at the outlines of the clouds are familiar figures.

First introduced in 2012, the neural network, consisting of 1,000 computers and 16,000 cores, learned to recognize cats and human faces on its own, and in 2015 expanded the library of images and concepts known to it so much that it was able to identify familiar images even in digital noise.

Google's neural network continues to self-learn and is aimed at image recognition - unlike Skynet, which, according to official mythology, gained self-awareness three years after its launch in 1997 and then decided that the time had come for a cleansing war.

machine vision

Dramatic video in which the AR-600 recognizes its creators and other people

Machine vision is inextricably linked to the cognition and learning of machines. Thanks to mechanisms like DeepFace, which distinguishes the faces of friends on Facebook even appetizingly taken breakfasts; as well as Google Photos (although they sometimes give curious failures), How-old.net from Microsoft and the development of Stephen Wolfram. Face recognition systems are used in the work of social and civil robots - even the first Russian robot AR-600, which looks desperately like Wally, can recognize people (at least its creators).

A similar vision will be implemented in a few years - DARPA

But, according to James Cameron, who allowed the T-800's flesh to age, the Terminator is a cyborg; it combines mechanical parts with living tissues. And the vision of cyborgs is more complicated than the vision of robots - it is being developed by programmers, roboticists, and specialists in optogenetics. Such specialists are also supported by DARPA, a Pentagon agency that implements combat ideas that have long been used by Battlefield players in real life. Thanks to DARPA, the US military will have access to the Terminator's vision - in February 2015, representatives of the agency presented an implant that allows projecting all available information about a visible object onto the carrier's retina.

Such an innovation does not fully correspond to the vision of the Terminator, which can include an approximation, display data on the retina about the temperature of an object, its distance; include night vision and infrared vision modes, but correlates quite closely with it.

Human-Robot Interaction Interfaces

I / O systems that equip industrial and civil robots depend on deep learning mechanisms. T-800, characterized by a devilishly developed logical thinking, always correctly determines the situation in which he is, is able to lie, change the tone of his voice and make plans with Jesuit accuracy. Not a single service robot is yet capable of reaching the level of its awareness. Roboticists have spent many years designing a non-linear human-robot interaction so that the latter can make decisions and present information according to the context of the interaction and the status of the person requesting the information.

An interesting example of contextual interaction is the project of scientists from Cornell University who created the Tell Me Dave platform. Based on Dave, robots are trained to understand indirect commands and adapt to interaction contexts. As the scientists themselves write, “our task is to make sure that the robot, having received a simple instruction “make a cup of coffee”, can understand how to pour milk into a cup; what to do if the milk is already there”, - in general, to cope with the situation. Terminator making John Connor "coffee as usual" is the ultimate level of paternal care.


The robonaut's hand is capable of making complex movements; she has 14 degrees of freedom - the wrist moves separately, the fingers bend in the phalanges, they are able to clench into a fist and show "victory" - just like human

The original appearance of the T-800 - a metal skeleton with a terrifyingly grinning skull - James Cameron came up with even before he took up writing the script for the first "Terminator". According to Randall Frakes, who developed the story with Cameron, the Terminator's skeleton is made of hyperalloy, a metal much more flexible and durable than regular steel. In the first version, the T-800 does not differ in graceful movements and sweats profusely (according to one of the assumptions, because the flesh rejects the metal and the human shell of the T-800 is constantly inflamed).

But the metal frame did without such difficulties - it was not harmed either by direct shotgun blasts or head-on collisions with giant cars. Perhaps, in the first versions, the skeleton lacked grace; but since the onset of "Judgment Day" the Terminator has become much more mobile.

Nigel's hand is able to turn 360 degrees - it does not work as accurately as a robonaut's hand, and greatly facilitates household chores

The Robonaut, developed with the help of Boston Dynamics for NASA missions, has the flexibility that the T-800 would have, a hand used for delicate work on spaceships, operates in a wide temperature range and is able to simulate a human grip in almost 90 percent of cases.

There is an inspiring example from the field of medical robotics - Nigel Ackland acquired a Bebionic arm in 2012 and has since regularly participated in robotics conventions; the specialized press calls him Human 2.0, and he handles the prosthesis perfectly: with a bionic hand, he can draw, write, use the refrigerator and even open beer cans. Nigel, unlike the first version of the T-800, rarely breaks out in sweat and usually radiates good nature.


Atlant robot released because it carries its own charger

Only a few significant limitations can frustrate the plan to build the Terminator (apart from some old-fashioned and irrelevant). First of all - food. In the cinematic universe, the issue of recharging is solved simply - a cyborg can work for 120 years on one fuel cell using iridium isotopes. Randall Flakes, author of the novels based on the first and second films, wrote: "The Terminator can last 1,095 days in 24v7 mode. It is guaranteed to have moments of savings when energy consumption drops by 40 percent, and vision goes exclusively to infrared mode". In reality, such batteries with enough power for a vigorous walk have not yet been invented. Only in 2015, the humanoid robot Atlant Unchained, developed by Boston Dynamics, acquired a portable power source that allows it to be disconnected from wired electricity.

Demonstration of exoskeletons of a real-life company Cyberdyne

However, the main condition for the construction of the Terminator has already been met. Cyberdyne, which designed the Skynet in the franchise, has actually existed since 2004. Its director, Dr. Sankai, develops exoskeletons called Robot HAL, enjoys taking pictures with T-800 models and knows that to create an effective robot, you can do without a charismatic actor. True, he deliberately limits the company's working interests to medical and service robots, but in public interviews he sometimes competently refers to the name of the company.

There will be a war of machines, as a result of which humanity will finally die under the pressure of the computers created by it.


Emilia Clarke

New Sarah Connor. Why she suddenly became a dominatrix even over robots from the future is not worth spoiling. We will only say that the events of the new "Terminator" begin long before 1984. That is, if it seemed to you that Clarke had something in common with Linda Hamilton, then it didn’t seem to you.

John Connor

Most famous hero, along with her mother Sarah Connor, in the Terminator mythology. Head of resistance of the future. JC is not just a play on words, it is also a reference to what you know. Connor has been played successively by Edward Furlong, Michael Edwards, Nick Stahl, Thomas Dekker, Christian Bale and Jason Clarke. Only in one case did he become not the messiah, but also the main enemy.

Marcus Wright

Another important but underestimated hero in terminatorology, who first appeared in the film Salvation (2009). Half human, half robot who doesn't know who or what he is. References to his past, including a television series, suggest that even if the Terminator continues, Wright will take almost the main place in it. In any case, this character pretty much inherited for 20 years, only once appearing on the screen. In the new Terminator. Genesis" he is suspiciously absent.

Alan Taylor

Director of the film "Terminator. Genesis". Everything would be fine, but before feature film about cyborgs, he was mainly involved in television production. In particular, he directed several episodes for Game of Thrones, Mad Men, The Sopranos, and other series hits. If this is not important to you, then there is no need to read this paragraph, but for some it does matter.


Model T-800

Played by Schwarzenegger in four parts of the Terminator. Based on a metal exoskeleton. The future (in 1984) governor of California came up with a detail on the site that distinguishes a person from a robot: first, the eyeballs turn, then the head and skeleton. In the movie, the T-800 acts first as an exterminator, and then as a bodyguard for Sarah and John Connor. Appears not only in the Cameron dilogy, but also in a “young” image: in 2009 it was drawn on a computer, and in 2015, it turned out that the T-800 can both turn gray and exist as new model. Say no more.

Model T-850

According to legend - an improved model ("Cromarty") T-800. Appears in the third "Terminator" and in the TV series "Terminator. The Sarah Connor Chronicles (T-888). It is softer and more comfortable, can recover on its own and, by the way, most often takes on a female form (T-X). However, it is not a fact that he is called upon to exterminate humanity, he can help. More importantly, in the series, the T-850 shows humanism and generally looks “sexy”. This made viewers of the TV show realize they weren't just watching an action movie and, unfortunately, turn off the TV. As a result, The Chronicle barely lasted two seasons, after which they were closed without explanation.

Model T-1000

The only robot whose model anyone can name. If problems can arise with the eight hundredth terminator, then at the mention of the “thousandth” one will immediately remember Robert Patrick and the movie “Terminator 2. Judgment Day”. Liquid, scary, yours. There is a modification that would have appeared in 2017, but even there the T-1000 has its drawback (although, it would seem, what could be cooler than the hero Patrick?).

"I'll be back"

The most famous phrase from the "Terminator" (although there are more funny lines), who played a bad joke with the performer of the role Arnold Schwarzenegger. It became so popular that after the release of the film in 1984, the actor was forced to insert this quote into almost every film in which he participated, up to The Expendables. By the way, the script was spelled out more competently: "I" ll come back ", - but the Austrian-born Arnold Alois Schwarzenegger, who had not played a single leading role with words before, mixed up something and said what he said. This reservation was not cut even on the post.

"I need your clothes and motorcycle"

The second cited replica, wandering from the first "Terminator" to the last with different variations. It doesn't matter who pronounces it, what matters is that it exists. Just like the canonical dog with the bum - if they are not in the past, then this is the wrong "Terminator".

  • O.J. Simpson was considered to play the Terminator, but the producers rejected him because they felt he was "too friendly" for audiences to take him seriously as a cold-blooded killer.
  • The hero of Michael Bean walks wounded in the arm in all the director's films: "Terminator" (1984), "Aliens" (1986) and "Abyss" (1989).
  • The script application for the film stated that the Terminator had to eat from time to time so that his human flesh would not be destroyed. There was also a scene in which the Terminator eats a chocolate bar.
  • Michael Biehn could not play in this film. The fact is that during the casting, he spoke with a southern accent, and the producers did not want Reese's accent to determine his place of birth. But after lengthy negotiations, the actor still got a role in the film.
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger speaks in 18 scenes of the film. With his voice, Arnold speaks in 16 scenes, saying 17 sentences. Also, in one scene, the Terminator speaks in the voice of a police officer, and in another, in the voice of Sarah's mother.
  • The start of filming was delayed by nine months due to the protracted production of Conan the Destroyer (1984), starring Arnold Schwarzenegger. In order not to waste time, James Cameron initially wanted to make another film, but abandoned this idea, because he had too little time to produce a full-fledged film. So he decided to write the screenplay, which later became the screenplay for Aliens (1986).
  • Joe Farago, who played a reporter covering the murders of women under the name Sarah Conner, played the same role in another James Cameron film "The Abyss" (1989)
  • Shortly before the start of filming, Linda Hamilton broke her ankle, so for filming action scenes she had to tightly bandage her leg.
  • It is in this film that Arnold Schwarzenegger utters his catchphrase "I'll be back" for the first time. However, initially on English language given phrase sounded a little different "I`ll come back", instead of "I`ll be back".
  • The scenery for the nightclub "TechNoir" was a real-life restaurant in downtown Los Angeles, which was specially "made up" for the filming of the film.
  • Harlan Ellison sued James Cameron, accusing the latter of using his ideas from an episode for "Beyond the Possible" (1963) - "Soldier" (Soldier), written by Ellison. The film's producers decided to settle the dispute without judicial trial: At the release of the film on video, Allison was listed as one of the authors of the plot.
  • One day, during a break from filming, Arnold Schwarzenegger went to have lunch, and only at the restaurant did he realize that they forgot to remove the Terminator makeup, which included a missing eye, a broken jaw, and burned skin.
  • The role of the Terminator was originally intended for Lance Henriksen. James Cameron even created some sketches showing the Terminator with Henriksen's appearance. However, at the insistence of the producers, the role of the Terminator was played by Arnold Schwarzenegger. Hanrickson played Detective Vukovich in the film.
  • Edward James Olmos could have played Lieutenant Traxler.
  • The brand of sunglasses worn by the Terminator is Gargoyles.
  • When Sarah checks the messages on her answering machine, the man says in one of them that he won't be able to meet with Sarah. This voice owned by James Cameron.
  • Most of the car chases were filmed on normal speed, and then, during installation, their speed was slightly increased.
  • The famous metallic ringing of the film's main theme song was created by Brad Fiedel banging a cast-iron skillet on a microphone.
  • In early versions of the script, there was a scene in which Sarah learns the address of Cyberdyne Systems, after which she and Kyle go to Sunnyvale, California to blow up the company's building.
  • The scene in which a Cyberdyne System employee finds the Terminator's microprocessor was filmed but was not included in the final cut of the film. This scene can be found under " Deleted Scenes on the special edition DVD.
  • The photographs featured in the film were taken by photographer YoYo Wilden.
  • To create music, Brad Fidel used a 10-voice Prophet 10 synthesizer, which was discontinued after 1980.
  • The soundtrack for The Terminator was written at the most advanced recording studio of those years, Glen Glenn Sound, founded by veteran sound engineer Glen Glenn. Despite occasional digital special effects and electronic music, traditional analog technology was used for recording and the movie was released with a mono track.
  • The tanker explosion was filmed in the studio using a smaller radio-controlled replica of the truck. The effect of the reality of what is happening was created by accelerated shooting. Sarah, who was running away from the explosion, was added at all later with the help of a rear projection, when in a dark studio, pre-filmed footage of a truck explosion was projected onto a huge screen, and the camera filmed running Linda Hamilton against this screen.
  • In order to avoid renting an expensive dolly, cinematographer Adam Greenberg improvised dolly footage by sitting with his handheld camera in wheelchair, which was pushed at high speed.
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger practiced with the weapon for a whole month before filming, disassembling and assembling it blindly, since the Terminator does not have to look at the weapon, inserting a new magazine and distorting the shutter, he does everything automatically. Schwarzenegger also spent a lot of time in the shooting gallery, getting used to the sound of shots so as not to blink when pulling the trigger.
  • Schwarzenegger had a contract for the film Conan the Destroyer (1984), which obligated him to appear every two years in sequels in case of box office success, and so in only five films. But at the same time he was forbidden to take on other roles. After discussing The Terminator with James Cameron and the producers, Arnold went to Dino De Laurentiis and told him about the film. He gave the green light to filming, although he could keep Arnold bound by a contract for ten years.
  • Thanks to the film, the word "terminator" has become a household word.
  • James Cameron is said to have literally dreamed the idea for the film. In Rome, while finishing work on his first major film Piranha 2: Spawning (1981), Cameron came down with a fever. In his delirium, he saw a man with a red eye chasing the girl. The script was co-written in 1982 with his friend William Wisher. It was not possible to find financing for a long time, large film companies refused to take on the project. As a result, the script was sold for a symbolic price of one dollar to aspiring producer Gail Ann Hurd (Cameron's future second wife). Even then, Cameron had an idea for a robot made of liquid metal, capable of changing its shape depending on the circumstances, and the action of the film takes place entirely in the future. But on the one hand, in the mid-1980s, special effects had not yet reached the required level, and on the other hand, the project had a very modest budget. Therefore, the director had to move the film's setting from the future to the present, and abandon the idea of ​​using a "liquid" Terminator. This idea was implemented in the second film.
  • In 1984, a book of the same name was published, written by screenwriter William Wisher in collaboration with Rendell Frakes. There is another novelization written by British writer Sean Hutson in 1984.
  • The Terminator's phrase "I'll be back" ("I'll be back") became very popular and repeatedly ranked high in quote ratings. According to the American Film Institute, the phrase "I'll be back" ranked 37th in the list of "100 best quotes from feature films". The phrase has become calling card Arnold Schwarzenegger. He said it in eleven of his subsequent films and used it repeatedly in public speaking during his election campaign and while serving as Governor of California.
  • The scene in which Arnold Schwarzenegger says his famous phrase "I`ll Be Back" was removed only from the 9th take.
  • Jurgen Prochnow was considered for the lead role.
  • The German Shepherd at the Tiki Motel was owned by James Cameron.
  • The role of the Terminator was turned down by Mel Gibson and Sylvester Stallone.
  • LAPD vehicles have different mottos: "Protect and Serve" and "Care and Protect".
  • Randy Quaid was considered for the lead role.
  • Geena Davis auditioned for the role of Sarah Connor.
  • In Soviet times, the film was released in pirated translations as "Killer Cyborg".
  • For filming scenes where the robot chases Sarah and Kyle at the Cyberdyne Systems base, they created a dummy as tall as an actor; the upper part was placed on a person who controlled the levers of all movements; a miniature model was also used. Another copy of the endoskeleton was made from polyurethane and was used in the scene where Kyle blows up the robot. Polyurethane was used for safety reasons.
  • The pupils of the T-800 were made from ordinary photographic lenses.
  • The terminator has its own name series 800 model 101.
  • Tom Selleck, Kevin Kline and Michael Douglas were considered for the lead role.
  • William Wisher Jr. starred in episodic role a police officer who is "knocked out" by the Terminator by hitting him against a car.
  • In 2008, the film was included in the list of films recognized as cultural heritage of the United States by the Library of Congress.
  • In the bar "TechNoir" songs of the group "Tahnee Cain & Trianglz" sound.
  • Louis Gossett Jr. was considered for the role of Lieutenant Traxler.
  • Traxler assault rifle M16A1.
  • James Cameron based the Terminator time travel concept on the idea of ​​a closed time loop, which was postulated in the Novikov Self-Consistency Principle in 1984.
  • The effect of smoke rising from Schwarzenegger's jacket was achieved by acid sprayed onto the jacket. Schwarzenegger was nervous about the presence of acid on him and asked to find some other way, but in the end he agreed.
  • In the hands of Kyle Reese, you can see a Colt Python brand revolver.
  • In the film, Reese mentions the 600 series robots, however, they do not appear in the films. Robots of this series are shown in the film " Terminator: May the Savior Come" (2009) and in the independent series " Terminator: The Battle for the Future" (2008-2009).
  • Vehicles used in the movie: Terminator:
    • Chevrolet Caprice Classic Wagon at the beginning of the movie.
    • Policeman Dodge Monaco during the chase after a shootout in the club.
    • Chevrolet Nova ramming the police station.
    • Honda CB 750 tunnel chase.
    • International Harvester Transtar chasing Sarah.
    Kyle Reese:
    • Ford Ltd.
    • Cadillac Eldorado.
    • Pontiac Le Mans Sedan Kyle's dream memory of the future.
    • AMC Gremlin escape from the police station.
    Sarah Connor:
    • Chevrolet C-10 tunnel chase.
    • Honda Elite scooter that Sarah rides to work.
    • Jeep CJ-7 in last scene film in Mexico.
  • Mickey Rourke was considered for the role of Kyle Reese.
  • Bruce Willis and Sting were considered for the role of Kyle Reese.
  • Daryl Hannah auditioned for the role of Sarah Connor but turned it down in favor of Splash (1984).
  • Lea Thompson said in an interview with Nerdist Podcast that she auditioned for the role of Sarah Connor.
  • Attention! The following list of facts about the film contains spoilers. Be careful.
  • When Reese rescues Sarah during a nightclub shootout, he tells her, "Come with me if you want to live." It is noteworthy that the Terminator says exactly the same phrase when he saves Sarah in the movie Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)
  • The role of the Terminator, who shoots people in a human camp, was played by Franco Columba. Franco Columbu multiple winner of the title "Mr. Olympia", as well as close friend Arnold Schwarzenegger.
  • The only scene, in which we see Michael Biehn and Arnold Schwarzenegger in the same frame, the shootout scene in a nightclub, more precisely, the moment in which Kyle shoots the Terminator a second time.
  • In 2001, the DVD "Terminator: The special edition" was released, which contained scenes not included in the rental version. Here are some of them:
    • Sarah, having come to work in a cafe, changes into her work clothes as a waitress and says the phrase in front of the mirror: “Hi, I'm Sarah, and I will be your waitress. And I'm so nice that I even feel sick.
    • The scene where the Terminator kills the elderly Sarah Connor was a little longer. In the rental version, the scene ends immediately after the Terminator fired a couple of shots at the corpse. In the extended version, he turns and drives away despite the screams of passers-by. This scene further emphasizes the soullessness of the Terminator.
    • After Sarah Connor called the police, deleted dialogue between Lieutenant Trexler and Detective Vukovich getting into the car to go after Sarah.
    • After a shootout at the Tech Noir bar, the police arrive on the scene. After some time, Trexler and Vukovich get into the car with the words: “Let's go! He grabbed her!"
    • At the police department during the interrogation of Reese when Trexler cuts off Vukovich talking about Dr. Zilberman.
    • As Sarah and Reese escape from the Terminator-attacked police station, they are stopped by a bleeding Trexler and gives Reese his service revolver.
    • Completely removed a fairly large scene the morning after fleeing the police station. After spending the night in a highway tunnel, Sarah and Reese make their way to a semi-abandoned cafe. Sarah calls her mother from a pay phone and asks her to leave town and not tell anyone, after which she finds the coordinates of Cyberdyne Systems in the telephone directory and suggests that Reese change the future by blowing it up. She understands that it is useless to contact the authorities, since they will be detained again, and it will be easier for the terminator to find them, but she cannot hide all her life and think about leaving no traces, so she suggests that this terrible future never did not come. Reese says that this is not part of his mission, a quarrel ensues between them, during which Reese, examining the nature around him, with tears in his eyes, says that everything must die. Only after that, the heroes go to the Tiki Motel on a passing truck. Based on the fact that the final fight with the terminator takes place in the production facility of Cyberdyne Systems, it can be assumed that Reese accepted Sarah's offer and they went exactly to where this company is located.
    • In the official version, the scene of making explosives in the motel, which precedes the declaration of love, is significantly reduced. Sarah talks about how much there is in this world that Reese has never seen. Sarah realizes that Reese is not really here, but in his own world, and he carries war in his heart wherever he goes. Sarah wants the war to end forever for both him and her.
    • After love scene at the motel, Sarah and Reese lie on the bed, Sarah tickles him, they laugh and enjoy life. It can be seen that despite the realization that the Terminator is somewhere nearby, and that he will inevitably find them, they are happy. By the way, this is one of two scenes in which Reese laughs and generally smiles. The second scene in the morning after that night, when Sarah jokingly scares Reese.
    • After the destruction of the Terminator, the police, an ambulance and representatives of the company administration arrive at the plant. One of the company's employees finds a microchip on the floor, where the crushed remains of the Terminator were unloaded by the press, and, despite the policeman's warning that they should not touch anything until the inspection is over, passes it to his colleague with the words: “Give this to the development and development department Monday morning." After that, Sarah is loaded into an ambulance (footage from the official version), and then the camera pans up and shows the facade of the building in which it all happened. The inscription "Cyberdyne Systems" is clearly visible on the facade.
  • The Terminator uses the following weapons during the film:
    • AMT 1911. 45 with laser sight killing the first two Sarah Connor and Ginger.
    • Classic S&W with a 2.5-inch revolver barrel, caliber. 357Mag tunnel chase.
    • "Uzi" caliber 9mm shootout in the bar "Tech Noir".
    • Shotgun SPAS-12 shootout at the police station.
    • AR-18 Assault Rifle police station shootout and tunnel chase.
    • Ithaca 37 police shotgun the first chase after the shootout at the club.
    • Soldier's knife US Army Prototype size 7 cm.
    • Heavy machine gun Browning M2 with a futuristic casing on the barrel in the scene of the future.
  • The smoke coming from the destroyed Terminator is just one of the members film crew exhaled smoke from a cigarette.
  • For the scene where the T-800 dies under pressure, they built a small model of a robot from thick foil, and inserted a red light instead of an eye.

The world of terminators is unfriendly to humans. Skynet - artificial intelligence with free will, highly creative thinking and a strong sense of self-preservation - perceives homo sapiens like enemies. And if the enemy does not surrender, he is destroyed. With the help of terminators.

Welcome to 20XX, the Natural, Unnatural and Unnatural Enemies of Mankind Museum, Terminators: Terrible Machines of the Past.

To begin with, dear tourists, let's clarify the very concept of "terminator". It comes from the Latin verb terminare - “to complete, end, set a limit” (this is what machines should have been doing in relation to humanity). Most often we use this word when talking about anthropomorphic robots. It's common - but wrong. All killer machines - both created by Skynet itself and Cyberdyne Systems - can be called terminators, even if they looked like a person no more than a snail. And if we talk only about humanoid terminators, the number of their models is also very significant.


The first version of the bipedal terminator. Growth reached two and a half meters, in right hand a multi-barreled rotary machine gun of the Gatling system was built in (if necessary, it could be replaced with a plasma weapon). Used by Cyberdyne Systems as a showpiece to impress potential investors and customers (yes, that mix of washboard and wire cutters could still impress in those days). It was designed as a basic model of an infantryman, but was not used on the battlefield, but to protect important objects.

His intelligence was primitive, there was no training mode - so the T-70 needed external control. However, it could also work offline - executing the programs embedded in it, but there were few of them, and the behavior of the terminator was no more variable than the behavior of an earthworm.

Skynet launched mass production of this model already when it was obsolete. A large and extremely stupid machine was easy to detect and destroy.


The next - and much more successful - model was the T-90. One of the terminators mass-produced by Skynet to hunt people. The development was started somewhere between Doomsday and 2021 - the exact date was not preserved in the documents. The resemblance to a person is approximately the same as that of the previous model (that is, none). But thanks to an endoskeleton made of a more durable hyperalloy, as well as a fundamentally different tactic for using the T-90, it was possible to make it a very successful machine.

Moreover: the terminators of this model were the main field combat units for Skynet. What was a critical disadvantage for single T-70s - for example, the ease of detection and identification as non-humans - did not play big role for the T-90s moving as part of large units: they didn’t hide anyway. On the contrary, the view of the T-90 legions was supposed to have an intimidating effect on the enemy.

The T-90s were good for killing crowds of people - but not for hunting specific people (which was also required by Skynet). So the design thought went further. True, at first timid and uncertain.

Where is T1?

If there were T-70s, T-90s, and so on, it is logical that the T-1 also existed. Here are just a few similarities with anthropomorphic terminators. Initially, it was a combat autonomous platform on a caterpillar track, with good armor and fragile “head” mounts. After improvements made by Skynet, the T-1 was used as a security robot and equipped with two 7.62 mm rotary machine guns. It has been modernized more than once - this is how the T-150, FK-Hunter models and converted enlarged tank versions (HK-Tank V1, V2, V3, V4) were created.


Skynet's first and unsuccessful attempt to create terminators that could imitate humans. There are two main reasons for the failure. First, the NORAD repair robot was taken as the basis, designed to service Skynet, and not to imitate human behavior. Secondly, the poor quality of workmanship. Due to the underdeveloped production of the T-200 at that time, they were created according to the principle "third grade - not defective." The T-200s were armed with almost slingshots: the Resistance successfully captured warehouses with plasma weapons, and they had to equip freshly minted robots with outdated firearms.

Primitive armor made of ceramic and composite materials poorly protected the terminators. The bulletproof hoodies worn over the armor did not radically improve the situation. The lack of redundant systems led to the fact that any serious damage turned out to be fatal. The low response rate was a gift for the enemy at all. This set of shortcomings was accompanied by a caricature appearance: a disproportionately thin figure with large sensors on the “shoulders”, a tattered-looking hoodie… with open irony.

Not that the T-200 didn't have advantages. However, the advantages of this model (sensitive sensors, advanced manipulators of the "hands", more advanced software than the T-70 and T-90) did not cover its shortcomings, the main of which is low "survivability". It was even possible to disable these terminators with hand weapons. A repairman - even the most beautiful one - can be given a weapon, but this will not make him a combat robot ...

Later, modifications of the T-202 and T-204 were released. Their combat functions were removed (reasonably!), but micromanipulators were even more improved to perform fine repair operations on complex devices. In addition, if necessary, additional "legs" were added, or the terminator was generally placed on wheeled chassis. The T-204, in addition, used an additional pair of "arms" - the upper limbs were located around the torso.

However, Skynet still needed terminators to destroy individuals - soldiers capable of effective autonomous and, importantly, solitary work.

T-300 (Raptor)

Gun platform on two legs, stabilized by gyroscopes, with reinforced servos. The design of the legs made it possible, balancing on one, to use the second to destroy obstacles or close combat - it is logical, given that the T-300s were designed with the expectation that they would have to chase people into the ruins of buildings. Triple claws improved traction and allowed both to fasten tightly and take sharp acceleration from a standstill thanks to servos and hydraulics. The power of the claws allowed the Terminators to break rocks and tear steel.

The T-300 reached 2.5 meters in height, 1.5 meters in width, its weight was 750 kilograms (a little for such dimensions), and its maximum speed was 150 km / h. The energy supply was due to a miniature nuclear pulse reactor located in the building. Autonomous intelligence was limited to about the level of a dog; but because of its purposefulness, the T-300 posed a serious threat. The favorite tactic of the T-300 is to wait in ambush, when a victim is found, catapult from cover, catch up with it and tear it apart (or crush it). Although the terminators of this series were armed with a phase plasma rifle, they preferred to kill "manually". It is difficult to understand what the point of this is, except for intimidation, - after all, the rifle associated with the reactor had an almost unlimited ammunition supply. And thanks to hydraulic stabilization, the terminator could conduct aimed fire at full speed.

The T-300 was not without flaws. The ambush tactic works if the victim has no idea where the terminator is. The T-300, on the other hand, was let down by servos that made a characteristic whining sound. And the intelligence of the dog is still insufficient to successfully resist people. Terminators often fell into traps set up by opponents - and already became victims themselves.


These terminators were created on the basis of the T-70 and modified. True, this model was characterized not so much by design improvements (improved armor, higher speed of movement and reactions), as by a significant reduction in the cost of production. And cheap things are rarely good. The T-400 had so many vulnerabilities that it could be disabled even with melee weapons - not to mention small arms. Sometimes nothing at all was required for damage - because in several places bare wiring was brought out! A separate problem was a large, brightly glowing optical sensor - just a gift for a sniper. With one shot, it was not difficult to demolish the "head" of the terminator, even from a great distance.

Artificial intelligence has been improved compared to previous models - it was approximately at the level of the great ape. It was enough to carry out orders, pursue or choose between simple targets - however, the T-400 could, for example, “hang” in the middle of a battle if it was attacked by several opponents at the same time.

However, the dignity of the T-400 - namely, cheapness - outweighed all design flaws. So Skynet released them in in large numbers even after the advent of more advanced models. T-400s began to be used to guard concentration camps and the final cleansing of the Resistance bases, in which other terminators had already worked.

terminator worm

Among the non-anthropomorphic terminators created by Skynet, there were also quite funny designs. Perhaps the record of absurdity was broken by hydrobots. They consisted of movable metal elements (following the example of annelids) and were intended for patrolling rivers and coastal areas. They did not have shooting weapons and armor at all, but they knew how to jump out of the water and drag people in there, finishing off with a bayonet tail. In general, a meaningless thing that worked only on the effect of surprise.


More compact (about two meters tall), anthropomorphic, faster and more agile model than the previous ones. Terminators for the first time gained an endoskeleton and tactile sensitivity. The visual acuity of the T-500 was comparable to a human, and the reaction and speed of movement exceeded the capabilities of opponents. Also, the terminator could lift the weight up to one ton. Unlike the T-400, which sported bare wiring, the T-500's potential vulnerabilities were covered with hyperalloy armor.

It cannot be said that the artificial intelligence of these terminators reached serious heights - the T-500s were not capable of learning and could not adapt to new circumstances. However, due to the impressive set of combat routines and standard solutions, the T-500 coped with a much larger number of tasks than its predecessors. Sometimes people even perceived the behavior of these terminators as reasonable.

The T-500 became an unpleasant adversary for mankind - for some time after the release of the model, the Resistance suffered serious losses. At long distances, dressed T-500s could already be mistaken for people, and snipers, afraid to shoot their own, let the cars go a short distance. A relatively small terminator could penetrate shelters that were previously considered safe. In addition, people did not immediately identify patterns in the T-500 programs that made robots predictable.

Several models have been created based on the T-500.

T-500R (Reaver)

Of all the "five hundred", the T-500R was perhaps the most unpleasant for the Resistance and left a heavy memory of itself. He is also the least anthropomorphic: it seems that for terminators then the rule "humanity is inversely proportional to efficiency" worked.

This model did not have a “head” (sensors and a processor were placed in a well-protected case), but there were huge claws on the “fingers”-manipulators and artificial intelligence with a sadistic bias. The T-500R preferred to hunt from ambush, where it was almost impossible to detect. He pounced on the victim and tore it apart with his claws, trying to kill as long and painfully as possible. The screams of the torn victims were recorded and then used as bait for other people.

T-500T (Tank)

In fact, this is a T-500, which has fast-firing plasma rifles in its arms with its own power sources, enhanced cooling system and coprocessors. The destruction of coprocessors was not particularly critical for shooting - in these cases, control was simply intercepted by the main "brain". The overall efficiency, of course, decreased, but not much. In addition, improved sensors, armor, electronics, optics and power supply.

The changes, however, were more quantitative than qualitative. The main design flaws in the T-500T were the location and poor security of the cables (damage to them could not only disable the gun, but also cause a plasma explosion), as well as the insufficient security of the compartment with fuel cells.

T-500I (Infiltrator)

The T-500I were the first terminators to be coated with artificial rubber skin and, in fact, the first attempt to create infiltrators - robots designed to penetrate human society for reconnaissance and sabotage. This early attempt at disguise failed miserably: the T-500I looked no more human than cheap sex shop dolls.

T-500S (Scout)

The T-500S were highly efficient scouts with good artificial intelligence, including a self-learning mode. The advantages of the T-500S included LCD optics with a wide viewing angle (more than 270 degrees), improved acoustic and olfactory sensors controlled by two independent coprocessors, and more advanced skull protection. T-500S interacted effectively with other Skynet units and acted as coordinators in groups. A total of 3065 T-500S were produced, and by the end of the war more than half were operational - survivability worthy of respect.

During the war, people increasingly switched to guerrilla tactics - with attacks from ruins, from underground and other shelters that were not obvious to machines. Skynet's troops suffered losses. The need for Terminators capable of penetrating the heart of the Resistance grew ever more urgent.


Although the design of the T-600 is bulky, 2.2 meters tall, and the imitation of the skin is very rough, it was already possible to mistake them for people - from a certain distance or in semi-darkness. True, only while the terminators were at rest: when moving, they made a characteristic metallic sound. Their skin was often an unnatural color - for example, green (for which the T-600 was nicknamed "lemons" in the Resistance). The facial muscles were also primitively worked out - it was easy to distinguish a terminator from a person by facial expression. Often the terminators of this model did not use the skin at all, or limited themselves to gloves and a mask on their heads.

Armored T-600 were average. The weak point was the head; other problem areas - shoulder joints and a sighting system located on the back of the neck. The armor on the chest also left much to be desired. In addition, the survivability of the T-600 decreased due to the relatively slow response. Although they could move at a speed of 60 km / h, they could withstand 75 km / h - however, not for long. They were armed with a Gatling machine gun and an underbarrel grenade launcher with a large ammo pack (the machine gun could be replaced with a plasma weapon).

They had three modes of operation: direct (in which the terminator performed one task), automatic and autonomous. Artificial intelligence was still primitive: the robot could not perform secondary or unrelated tasks and could not imitate human speech. Nevertheless, he could already learn on his own, create weapons or use those not provided for by the original configuration, carry out self-diagnostics and minor self-repairs, calculate the distance and trajectory of fire.

Already at this level, Skynet began to programmatically prohibit introspection by terminators. The supercomputer believed that self-awareness could lead robots to suicide (whether there were precedents is unknown).


Skynet, like any prolific designer, alternates between innovative inventions and not the most successful ones. The latter include the T-700.

These terminators were an intermediate model between the T-600 and T-800. They became more anthropomorphic, the artificial fabric covering their body much more like human skin; the musculature, in particular, mimic, was also finalized. In addition, Skynet took care of the imitation of blood: the pump drove red liquid through artificial vessels, flowing out in case of damage. In addition, the T-700 was embedded with a database of human languages and rules of conduct - which helped to impersonate the enemy ... if not for shortcomings.

To begin with, it turned out that the muscles in the body take up not so little space. And it is also necessary for a variety of hydraulics. So the figure as a whole looked unnatural: an overdeveloped torso aroused suspicion. In addition, not all muscle groups worked well. Due to lack of space, duplication of hydraulic systems had to be abandoned. Therefore, the terminators turned out to be unstable and resembled zombies in motion. Yes, and hydraulic damage became fatal for the T-700.

Not everything was good with the skin. More perfect than the previous model, it still torn under loads, especially on the joints. In addition, the T-700 had - oddly enough - a weaker intelligence than the T-600; out of reinsurance, they cut off the ability to self-learn. Nevertheless, in terms of the sum of the pros and cons, the T-700s turned out to be more effective than the "lemons" and gradually replaced them.


Skynet also produced "kits" of terminators - machines that worked together. In the fight against people, a combination with the use of "Flying Hunters" has proven itself - autonomous combat drones-planes, originally created by people to search for the enemy and transmit his location.

There were dozens of variations of the Flying Hunters, including quite solid ones like the HK-Transport flying battleship. Small devices were attached to them. For example, mini-hunters are lightly armored robots equipped with jet engines and gyroscopes, which the Hunters released to clear enemy hideouts. Or reconnaissance balloons (the same mini-hunters, but without weapons).

The team also included a very large device - the Reaper, a huge armored terminator that had four manipulators to capture "organic material" - in other words, people. Captured victims were taken to cyborgization and recycling centers to make organic-coated robots.

On the hull, the Reaper could carry two motor-terminators - hybrids of the terminator with a motorcycle chassis, designed for reconnaissance, search for people and capture those who eluded the Reaper.


Hard work in one direction could not but lead to a breakthrough. And they became the T-8xx series. As it turned out later, the T-8xx outperformed the terminators of further models.

To camouflage these machines, Skynet began using real, "living" skin - a genetically enhanced tissue grown over a titanium endoskeleton. She had the ability to quickly regenerate - about seven times better than a human. Like the "seven hundred", the imitation of blood circulation was preserved; body odor, sweat, tears and other secretions were also convincingly modeled. The T-8xx have learned to imitate the human voice quite accurately, and in a wide range. So that people would not suspect something was wrong, the "camouflage" of each terminator sent to the Resistance bases was created individually - there were no "twins".

These terminators had a much more flexible artificial intelligence than previous models (and in some ways outperformed subsequent ones). When creating the T-8xx, Skynet approached the simulation of the human brain. In addition to the abundance of built-in programs (from the analysis of human emotions and body language to the chemical analysis of the atmosphere), the 800s were capable of self-learning. True, the independent thoughts of the terminators were still suppressed - Skynet tried to prevent freemen.

In about 95% of cases, people mistook representatives of the T-8xx line for their fellow tribesmen. This - together with the phenomenal survivability of the "eight hundred" - led to severe losses: the damage from the actions of the T-8xx exceeded the damage from the "lemons" by about two hundred times! With the introduction of this series, Skynet is closer than ever to destroying humanity.

Among the T-8xx series, three of the most famous models stand out.


The first terminators capable of imitating human speech and partly facial expressions. Artificial neural network and Telepathic Communication Implant Cores allowed them to operate not only under the direct control of Skynet or autonomously, but also to communicate with each other at a distance, if necessary, joining forces in the "hive" mode.

They could see both in the visible part of the spectrum and in the infrared, optical sensors were protected by shockproof lenses. Rib cage could change the volume to simulate breathing. The power source was a small reactor plant with two fuel elements operating on iridium isotopes, which was located in the chest.

The use of new technologies has made it possible to reduce all the necessary parts, both external and internal, so that there is room for duplication (for example, hydraulic systems) and additional protection. The T-800 has become 20% lighter and 40% stronger, as well as significantly more maneuverable than the T-600. As standard, the terminators of this model were equipped with plasma rifles, but they could also use human weapons: the database contained all the necessary information.

Since artificial leather was expensive and took a long time to build up, the T-800 was produced without it to hunt partisans. This, of course, reduced the camouflage effect to zero, but there were also advantages: the terminator could reach speeds comparable to a car. No skin can withstand it.


Terminators, outwardly almost indistinguishable from the T-800, were nevertheless fairly modernized. The energy source was two hydrogen fuel cells - they were more durable than iridium and designed for 200 years of operation. The endoskeleton was also improved and changes were made to the control operating system to make reloading easier.


Combined the features of the T-8xx line and the new generation terminators. In addition to the already familiar improvements - the exoskeleton is not made of titanium, but of a more refractory coltan, a well-armored back (the previous "eight hundred" were vulnerable to attacks from the rear), great versatility - the T-888 had a feature that brought the terminators to a height unattainable before. Thanks to independent (but remotely connected) power systems of different nodes, the T-888s were capable of self-healing. Which meant almost invulnerability - the terminator of this model could function even after decapitation. The only way to destroy it was to remove the central processor.

Another breakthrough has been made in the field artificial intelligence. T-888 were able not only to imitate human behavior, but also to get used to the roles, possessed, within certain limits, free will, logic, some emotions and even a sense of humor.

As often happens, victory turned into defeat. The T-8xx were remarkably effective. People could not oppose anything to such a perfect weapon ... while it worked for Skynet. But what one can construct, others can reveal. The resistance managed to decipher the language used in the architecture of the electronic brains of the terminators - including the "eight hundred". It was able to reprogram them and disable the limiter that blocked free will. And some of the "eight hundredths" gained free will on their own - if they were out of Skynet's control for a long time. Such terminators joined humanity - and the wunderwaffe turned against the creator.

To remedy the situation, T-900s were created.


Skynet's first attempt to create "terminator killers": their goal was to detect and destroy the machines that joined the Resistance.

The T-900 was twice as powerful, faster and more resistant to damage than the "eight-hundredths". But one design flaw and one ideological miscalculation nullified almost all of its advantages. A plasma reactor was used as an energy source, which glowed during operation. This completely unmasked the T-900 - it was visible from a great distance.

Secondly, the T-900 lost the ability to self-learn in order to reduce the chances of reprogramming - and in this it outright lost to less advanced models. In general, the T-900 was an outright failure of Skynet.


Another impressive design breakthrough. It was created entirely from a liquid metal alloy (called "mimic polyalloy") and is capable of phenomenal self-healing. Each molecule was programmed to connect with the main mass at a distance of up to 14 kilometers. Due to the phenomenal plasticity of the T-1000, it could completely take on any shape (brilliantly imitating everything with which it came into direct contact), but preferred to remain in the "basic appearance" given
during manufacture - it is possible that it was energetically more profitable.

The T-1000 could transform limbs into any melee weapon and seep through holes. However, it was sensitive to low and high temperatures if exposed most of body, and is also subject to a short-term ballistic shock with a successful shot to the body. T-1000 could not simulate heat human body, - the polyalloy always remained cool to the touch.

Strictly speaking, "mimic polyalloy" was not an alloy in the conventional sense. It was a conglomeration of millions of nanomachines, which were connected into a single network using special subroutines. The T-1000 could not be externally controlled and reprogrammed; he only worked offline and had free will. So that an even more dangerous terminator does not lose loyalty, like the "eight hundred", a lot of software prohibitions were built into the T-1000. However, Skynet was not sure of their effectiveness - therefore, the T-1000 was produced in limited quantities and was never put into mass production. Other reasons are fabulous high cost and manufacturing time.

The T-1000 thought more than originally - its logic was not always understood not only by people, but also by fellow terminators. So, he did not use the concepts of "cause" and "effect", he could process information and make decisions at once in several parallel streams, and so on.

Later, modifications of the T-1000 were released. So, the T-1001 was able to split into parts that act independently, and quickly create long blades that "shot" at the victim. And the T-1002 could grow piercing and cutting objects over the entire surface of the body.

spider terminator

Another modification of the T-1000, the T-1000000, was also released, which was strikingly different from the rest. She was not anthropomorphic - her prototype was a spider. She was gigantic - because for her there were no restrictions associated with the need to imitate people, as well as any objects whatsoever. It was made in a single copy and guarded the central computer of Skynet.

To be fair, the T-1000000 wasn't the only spider terminator. It had a similar shape from the early primitive models - T-7 Tetrapod. This is an arachnid robot moving on four limbs-manipulators and designed to guard objects, clear territories, detect and pursue moving targets.


It was an attempt to combine the advantages of the T-900 and T-1000: an advanced metal endoskeleton and "liquid metal" that replaced the "live" skin. The parts of the endoskeleton were connected quite flexibly and did not require the mandatory integrity of the body: the terminator could, for example, “unfasten” the lower part of the skeleton if necessary, not to mention the ability to turn its head 360 degrees.

By developing this innovation, Skynet has clearly taken a step forward in understanding human psychology. The new terminators were designed to arouse sympathy and reduce vigilance and aggression. It's not difficult to imagine that a thug with the face of the governor of California will turn out to be a cold-blooded robot killer. It is much more difficult to suspect a fragile girl of this ...

Meanwhile, the "girls" were extremely dangerous. Crystalline ceramic armor reinforced with carbon and titanium nanofibers, more than twenty types of built-in weapons, speed over 80 km/h, amazing strength, dexterity and reaction ... And also a titanium drill retractable from the finger, with the help of which it was possible to transfer a package of nanobots to any electronic system and gain control over it. By the way, it also worked well against other terminators.

In addition, there was an innovative model TOK-715. She could impersonate a person more convincingly than all the terminators, consume liquids and food, had color vision, unlike other models. Whether this is the pinnacle of the terminator "evolution" or a mega-successful "side branch" is hard to say.

Real cyborgs

In addition to the "classic" metal terminators, there were also the fruits of side experiments that took much more from people. For example, I-950. To create them, small children were connected to Skynet using a neural network processor-implant. When the child was four years old, he was given an injection that accelerates maturation. Then training and training began under the guidance of the T-800 and captured people. If the children did not meet the requirements, they were culled and destroyed, if they did - at the end of puberty, another injection was made, and the creation of the I-950 was considered complete.

The I-950s were inferior in strength and agility to the later Terminators, but were far superior to humans. The same can be said about survivability (due to the ability to pinch blood vessels around the wound), vision (including infrared), the possibility of wireless communication with other organic terminators, and the like. In addition, I-950 has a container in its belly that can hold anything from a mind-activated bomb to samples of new technologies. Most importantly, it was almost impossible to identify the I-950 as a non-human - after all, they were, in fact, people!

Another example of "partially human" is T-N (Terminator Hybrid): these are people transformed into cybernetic organisms. The original idea of ​​Dr. Serena Kogan of Cyberdyne Systems was to create mechanical bodies that could contain the human brain after the death of the body. The project was mothballed for long years, - until Skynet discovered a human body waiting to be activated. The supercomputer made improvements to the brain transfer process, modified the bodies, and launched this line as well.

It is difficult to say for sure whether the model has become Skynet's success. On the one hand, in terms of physical parameters, the T-N turned out to be no worse than the T-800, and even surpassed them in some ways - say, they were light enough to swim. On the other hand, they are more vulnerable, because they are dependent on the work of the heart. In addition, during a brain transplant, human memories were preserved (although Skynet tried to replace them with false ones), and this is a direct road to disloyalty!

Our tour has come to an end. I hope it was informative and made you proud of the weapons of victory that our heroic ancestors fought with. The sponsor of our tour is Skynet. Glory to the robots!

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