How to find out if there is an entity in the house. Evil in the house: astral entities


Probably, many people by the twenty-first century will no longer be surprised by the words: Ghost, Poltergeist, Astral entities, Spirits. For many, these are just words. But not for those in whose apartments something supernatural has settled. For example, like in my apartment. Sometimes I feel like I'm living in a minefield. You never know if it's a cat rustling in the next room, or something else. Opening doors, strange sounds are just a few of all the oddities of my life. So, a few signs that uninvited guests have appeared in your house / apartment / room.

1. Perfect realism.

This category includes turning on / off the light, opening and closing doors, the movement of any objects in front of your eyes, or during your absence, as well as the spontaneous movement of children's wind-up toys. By the way, frequent flashing of the light can also be attributed to this category.

2. Tactile contact.

Many people feel like someone is touching them either in their sleep or just before bed. At the same time, touches are light and soothing, but they are quite rough, like slaps in the face. Entities can also give you a subtle nudge.

3. Sound confusion and strange smells.

There are cases when people, left alone with themselves in an apartment, hear inexplicable rustles, sounds, steps, clatter. Many even hear snippets of phrases and their names. The same is true with smells. The room itself smells of perfumes that you have never had, etc. At the same time, these smells disappear very quickly, as if they were not there. For example, I very often feel the smell of wet plaster in the apartment. And when I call someone, this smell is gone.

4. Black shadows

Very often, out of the corner of my eye, I notice a dark figure leaking past me. At the same time, when I look at this place, it is already empty.

5. Loss of things and their subsequent return.

I think a lot of people have experienced this. Things are constantly borrowed by someone and then politely returned.

6. Unexplained animal behavior

In houses in which various entities are present, animals behave very restlessly. Cats can look at one point for an hour, hiss into the void, frightenedly run away from an empty corridor. And dogs can growl and rush into the void, thus showing their courage.

How to recognize the presence of an invisible entity in the apartment?

Unfortunately, the essence in the house is quite common, despite its non-standard nature. Before starting a fight against this phenomenon, it is necessary to identify the causes of its occurrence.

And the reasons for the appearance of an entity in an apartment or in a private house can lie not only in external negative factors, but also in the owners themselves. Often these unknown the real world phenomena appear due to an extremely negative atmosphere in the house, the cause of which may be strong envy, a thirst for revenge, curses or unreasonable anger. It turns out that due to too strong concentration of negative energy, a kind of portal to the other world is formed. Often the reason why an entity may appear in an apartment lies in the previous owners. When buying an apartment, it is better to find out in advance if there was a murder there, if one of the relatives died recently tragic death etc. If this is not possible, then it is better to play it safe right away and invite a clergyman before entering to read prayers and bless the housing.

Many who do not know what an entity is in an apartment can live with it in the closest neighborhood for years and not even suspect it. This comes from what most people take to be the essence fairy creatures type of brownie, which must necessarily appear somewhere. And since a little grubby little peasant with a shaggy beard does not appear anywhere, then you can be calm. It's a delusion. Often the essence is some unknown energy, not necessarily dark, sometimes it can materialize. This happens not by reincarnation into some specific visually viewed image, but by the ability to do something in the real real world.

Therefore, you need to be very careful about the following phenomena: extraneous uncharacteristic noises. dishes beating for no reason, pouring water, when the tap was closed in the evening, rearranging some things, etc. If such moments have been recorded repeatedly, then you need to urgently sound the alarm - something is wrong in the house. At the same time, it is important to avoid sessions with various healers, grandmothers-witnesses or something else. worse than people doing magic. You need to go to church. talk to the priest, repent and take communion.


Have you ever thought that someone else lives in your apartment with you. Yes, it can be relatives, husband or wife, children, parents, friend or girlfriend. But besides them, something else shares the same space with you, absolutely different, inhuman, invisible ordinary eye…. No, I'm not trying to frighten you, scare you with “horror stories”, telling fantasy stories.

In every house, in every apartment, well, not counting those in which it was recently held, except for representatives human race and the animal world there are many various forms otherworldly life: ethereal and astral beings and clots, the density of which is so low that they are practically invisible to humans.

When a person is in good health, high spirits, a strong character, energy leakage is not always noticeable. It is most tangible when diseases overtake him, here the otherworldly inhabitants simply tear us apart. In old houses, where the rite of purification of space has never been held, there is always a heavy atmosphere, conducive to illness and weakness. It is almost impossible to restore strength and have a good rest here, just as it is impossible to get a good night's sleep.

Inhabitants of living spaces

In this article, I will not consider representatives of the subtle world who have been in it since the beginning of time and have a long history. A person is familiar with them, most often, thanks to fairy tales from childhood (brownies, courtyards, kikimors and other creatures). Let's consider those closer to the human biofield and bringing the greatest harm to it.

Negative energy clots

They are in almost every house where a person lives. Their size is from three millimeters, these are shapeless formations of subtle energy matters, which can be based both in the human field itself and find a comfortable place in the house.

Where do they come from? Everything is very simple. A person is prone to expressing emotions, often negative ones. And in our world, according to the law of conservation of energy, nothing disappears without a trace, but only transforms into something else. Similarly, a negative expression of attitude towards something, loud screams, swearing, discontent, claims expressed in a fit of passion and aggression pour into space, and naturally, they do not disappear anywhere, but are transformed into accumulations of negative energy. The more often, for example, scandals occur in the house, the more these clots are formed.

You probably noticed that in some houses there is a very tense situation. It is called "tense", as it is directly related to the energy brought to the limit, ready at any time to break out with another scandal.

Negative clots are akin to protozoa, amoeba and ciliates. However, with a large accumulation of them in the living space, it becomes simply impossible to live normally in it. A person, getting into one of the cloud clusters of such clots, feels constrained, tense, irritated. And no matter how hard he tries, he will also express negative emotions for any reason. Since the law of similarity works here - like attracts like.

The expression of negative emotions normal person- it is always a loss of energy, it is always the depletion of the biofield, its weakening protective functions and, as a result, poor resistance to stress, infectious and viral diseases.


Unclean forces, namely demons and devils, have been present in our lives since ancient times. These beings have their own purpose, their task is to tempt a person to various misconduct, to breed negative thoughts and ugly actions. They have their own hierarchy, the junior ranks are dirty and cause a lot of everyday troubles, and the elders can even push to kill.

The demons begin to act very carefully, initially they do not come close. They slowly drip onto the brain, first on trifles, and when the victim gets used to them and begins to do what the creature whispers to them, they become bolder and take a more solid place in the human biofield. The presence of a demon or a trait can be clearly seen in the diagnosis, the person himself sometimes understands that he is under someone's influence, and sometimes remains in the dark and is sure to the last that he has had bad character, he is unlucky in life, and he builds his own life.

But, perhaps, this is not the most dangerous thing in the influence of evil spirits, and it is not so terrible that a person succumbs to temptations. The other is worse. Demons are just the first step in the destruction of one's soul, the first step leading to the degradation of the personality and the gate for a stronger opponent of human life.

We have not yet been able to figure out what it depends on, but such a fact can be traced. If a person constantly violates God's commandments, succumbs to temptations of various levels, no matter if he does it physically or only in his thoughts, then either devils or entities come to the place of tempting demons.

The only thing that is clear is that it is much easier to send the devils to the place where they came from than to fight the entities - you need tight control over your actions, emotions, thoughts, feelings from the outside, for the complete destruction of the entity, if it has several session courses, if the entity is in the house, it is not difficult to remove it, it is difficult to keep your house clean and not grow a new entity.

energy essence

This is a wide class of creatures that, like people, evolve over time, becoming "smarter" and more sophisticated. But today we’ll talk specifically about those that are born thanks to a person. Yes, yes, specifically to a person, since there is a category of entities that he creates and nurtures like a beloved child, namely the most conscious being on our Earth.

How does this happen? As mentioned above, at first the space is filled with clots of negativity, which are the product of negative emotions, actions, and moods. The more often a person releases one type of negative energy, the more negative energy with certain characteristics becomes. For example, a person is constantly angry and irritated for any reason, with these emotions he expresses his attitude towards everything in his house. The ejected negative energy is transformed into an incorporeal negative in the form of clots, with the arrival of new portions of this type it gradually condenses, increases, and with the accumulation of a certain mass, a certain “intelligence” begins to emerge in it. That is, the once negative clusters become “smarter” and, in order to receive new portions of such energy, they themselves begin to provoke a person to actions that lead to the desired release.

Over time, constantly growing, the essence begins to demand more and more portions of the negative. It is very difficult to be in such a house, there are constant quarrels, squabbles, scandals (this is even at best), and not only between those living in it, but even guests cannot withstand such pressure from the outside and, for reasons they do not understand, begin to get annoyed at the slightest provocation, aggressive and express negative emotions.

In parallel with the essence of aggression, the essence of fear can also develop, fueled by negativity from a person who suffers aggression from someone living next to him. In some cases, if the programs of fear, phobias and fear worked in this person before, the essence of fear grows much larger and stronger than the essence of the aggressor. And sadder is the fact that it is the essence of fear that will lead the aggressor to return negative energy in order to receive his portion from the other side.

Only cleaning the premises will help get rid of these entities, and you cannot cope with this on your own, you need a professional esoteric approach of a specialist working specifically in this direction.

This article lists far from all the otherworldly inhabitants of our dwelling, only the most frequently encountered, or rather, located in almost every house, are indicated.

If you feel something in your home that causes you fear, anxiety, then perhaps “something” has settled in your house. Here are some signs that not entirely pleasant entities from another world live in you.

1. Eye contact

Eye contact is when you specifically see the entity with your own eyes, not in a drunken stupor, narcotic (although even then it is possible) but in a normal physical state.
You can see moving things. A glow, a silhouette of a person. An entity can talk to you, sit in an armchair, on a bed. In this case, it is important to understand why it is here and what it is trying to achieve.
Basically, it feeds on your fear, it becomes even stronger. Its goal is to scare you and survive from a house or apartment, having completely sated you, completely destroying your mental health. If for some reason you do not move out of your home, then the essence destroys your mental health, drives you crazy..

2. Touch

You can wake up abruptly from a touch, and see that there is no one nearby. In a dream, you may dream of a hand pulling towards you. In reality, you can be pushed, kicked, thrown into the air, put a lot of pressure on your chest, and so on.
All these are signs of an aggressive entity that has appeared in you, and you urgently need to contact a specialist who will help you cleanse your home of this negativity.

3. Mood swings

The presence of a foreign entity in the room greatly affects the mood. You can be in severe depression. despondency, anger. hatred, and after half an hour everything will be replaced by euphoria. Although this sign is not 100% proof that you have "something" in your house ', but it's worth considering.

4. Strange smells

One of the more obvious and more accurate signs. These are smells that could not come from anywhere. For example, cigarette smoke, the smell of withered flowers. Most often, this is the smell of burnt skin and feathers.

5. Feeling that you are being watched

Some people are better than others can feel parallel worlds and feel eyes on themselves, so if you have such a feeling, then turn around and carefully look around. What do you see? It is possible that something is not happening as it should. This feeling usually occurs when moving to a new place of residence. They are trying to study you. to examine you better.

6. Strange dreams

If “something” lives in the house, it will break through your dream too ... You can see strange people, strange places and events that you had no idea about before. This will be repeated very often, the same thing, throughout your life in this dwelling, as long as the essence is there.
Basically, this is how the ghost of a person who died here manifests itself. In this way, he tries to establish contact with you and tell you about his tragedy, not understanding, however, what scares you a lot and, on the contrary, repels you from yourself ..
If you try to keep a dream diary, then after a while you will be able to understand what they want from you.

7. Moving objects

Some entities are very fond of moving objects from place to place. This can happen both before your eyes, and when you are not at home and you know for sure that you put the book on the table, and came after a while and it is in the bathroom. And you know for sure that there was no one during your absence in the home of an outsider. If objects move right in front of your eyes, then this clear sign the fact that the entity wants to “play” with you in this way and get rid of such a “friend” in the future is very problematic.

You can hear someone's stomping in the next room. On the second floor, whispering behind your back. Hissing, etc. Thus, the entity wants to make direct contact with you, and if this is not your cat, then perhaps such contact will take place.
As a rule, such sounds are heard at night, you should go to the source of the noise and try to make contact.
But of course, you don’t need to be afraid of this at all. Any entity from the other world will instantly feel it and you may not be healthy. They will feel like masters in the house and it will not be so easy to get rid of them later.

9.Changes in temperature

The manifestation of a phantom is always accompanied by a change in temperature. Chills appear, legs and arms can become stiff. Hostile entities, on the contrary, bring an increase in temperature.

10. Feeling of heaviness

When an essence appears, you may have problems with breathing, it may be difficult, a feeling of heaviness is a clear sign that “something” begins to appear somewhere nearby.

It is important to understand that nothing terrible has happened yet and you do not go crazy. The main thing is to keep yourself in balance, try to suppress the feeling of fear. After all, these entities mainly feed on your fears. Soberly and rationally think over everything and make the right decision to eradicate such "friends" from your home. Show who is the boss here and contact a specialist in these matters ...

Very often seen strange phenomenon: a successful healthy person, radiating happiness and love, all of a sudden changes dramatically in behavior, turning into an aggressive, capricious, contradictory type who suffers from insomnia, begins to get sick and is pursued by failures ...

It may be the result of stress... Or the consequences of a quarrel with a loved one... Or the effect of a cold accidentally caught in transport... Or maybe the result of sharply increased inflation?.. Or the result of losing a loved one football team? Or is it the onset of a "black streak" in life?

How are these events related? Why at that moment when everything was fine, spiritual world of a person is collapsing sharply, which thereby negatively affects the people around him?

metaphysical plane

Sometimes the causes of problems, diseases and bad mood should not be studied physical level, and metaphysical because it is in the human subconscious that the answers to our questions lie.

This is what we will do.

So, it is known that the human body is two-level: physical and energy. Physical is our body. Energy is a set of seven subtle bodies strung on a physical body, namely: 1. ethereal(copy physical body); 2. astral(body of emotions); 3. mental(body of thoughts); 4. karmic(body of fate); 5. intuitive(body of ideas); 6. heavenly(body of high feelings); 7. keteric(body of connection with the higher mind).

If there is a violation of the physical body, this is reflected in the subtle bodies, and vice versa. Those. physical body and seven subtle bodies - interconnected.

For example, a person gets sick. An illness subsequently affects a person's emotions, affects his thoughts, and can affect his future destiny... Therefore, a person's aura changes at the time of illness. And so on.

The most vulnerable level of the body, I believe, is the astral. After all, it is human emotions that are the first factor that affects the state of a person as a whole.

Offended by our soul mate, we mentally scold him and ourselves, fall into depression, which then causes negativity not only at home, but also at work; All of this hinders creative self-expression and spiritual development. Those. a person freezes for a moment and cannot move forward. And this will be the first blow to the psyche.

Then comes the second blow. Let's say there's a long line at the store. Excited people pass on to each other a chain of evil emotions that leave a trace in the subtle world of a person for a while.

And so ad infinitum goes a series of blows to the astral body of a person.

If a person is vulnerable, sensitive, cannot cope with emotions, takes everything to heart and does nothing to protect himself from external negativity, at that moment they may appear ...

Astral entities

Astral entities- beings of the astral plane, possessing a primitive consciousness and not having a physical body. They look like bundles of energy in the form of a ball. It's some kind of substance, not really big size, which has an "eye" and a "proboscis" that allow you to look for a "victim" - a person who is most susceptible to their invasion. The mission of the astral entity - fueling oneself with human energy. It is like a tick, a mosquito that lives off the blood of the victim. The entity moves around the astral plane and seeks out a person who is sick or weakened in order to "connect" to him in a dream and "pump out" part of his energy. An insensitive person will not even think that they can be eaten, while an empath will feel an alien invasion.

Entity intrusion signs

1. sleep paralysis (inability to move your body after waking up, including opening your eyes and saying something);

2. chills, body cold (especially in the limbs - feet, palms);

3. sudden feeling of fear or panic;

5. the feeling that someone is looking at you and is nearby, although there is no one nearby;

6. breakdown.

This way you can recognize 100% neg-interference during sleep.

What is the purpose of an entity?

As we found out they have one goal - to "eat" human energy. But the essence is not for everyone. She chooses people who are weak in spirit and body because they are not able to resist her invasion. strong people essence bypasses: firstly, it will not be able to penetrate protective layer the aura of such a person; secondly, she will waste her energy, and she really does not have so much of it. Therefore, she is looking for those to whom she can quietly eat or even finally settle down for a long time.

At all, entities appear where there is negativity. Therefore they are sometimes called "negami". There must be a reason for the arrival of an entity: life problem, unresolved situation, negative thoughts, resentment, quarrels, depression. And preferably the mess of the house, the dirt and the presence a large number dark corners where she will dwell. These are ideal conditions for the life of an alien astral clot in the house.

Having connected to the human body, the entity not only takes away part of its energy, but also negatively affects the thoughts, actions and behavior of a person.

Essences are two types: own and settled. Own born from negative thoughts, self-doubt, anger, resentment, self-abasement, envy, bad habits(for example, alcohol), etc. Settled e - entities that came from outside at a time when a person was stressed or shocked. If you can get rid of your own essence on your own, then it is much more difficult to do this from a settled one.

The life of a person under neg-impact

hitting subtle body, the essence greatly influences the behavior and thoughts of a person. Exists a number of traits by which you can determine that, probably, an astral entity is sitting on you somewhere, namely this:

1. pessimism, depression, disappointment, longing in the soul;

2. heavy thoughts, headache;

3. internal devastation, loss of strength;

4. failures in personal life, at work, in studies;

5. frequent conflicts, disassembly in society;

6. frequent illnesses, ranging from a mild cold to a tumor;

7. a series of irritable situations and circumstances that strain and unbalance;

8. constant NEGATIVE.

These factors cause negative emotions in a person, and he becomes more vulnerable to external negative influence. Therefore, the essence can plague a person, drive him crazy, push him to suicide. After all, this It creates negative situations for human, This SHE imposes negative thoughts on a person, This SHE destroys human psyche, This SHE harms his health, happiness and success.

How does this happen?

Basically, the entity feeds on energy during sleep when the human body is as relaxed as possible and it is filled with Divine prana. Much less often, an entity connects to a person when they are awake, as it is afraid of being seen. Main principle negov: inconspicuousness. Hence their choice in favor of the night.

Approaching a person, the entity sticks its "proboscis", which, like a needle, pierces astral body and pumps out vitality man, like juice from a straw.

Favorite Entity Hit Locations- area between the eyebrows; heart chakra; solar plexus area; area spinal cord; Feet.

Having sated, neg hides in a distant dark corner, where they will not even look for him. And he will live there for as long as he wants. May stay for life. His desire is to undermine order in the house, destroy peace and comfort, constantly pushing the household members against each other and inciting a stream of dirty energy on them. As soon as he wants to "eat" - he again "connects" to the victim or even several victims and feeds himself doubly.

How to understand that the essence lives at home?

This house is in chaos. there are constant quarrels, everyone is responsible for himself. Being in such a zone, outsiders uncomfortable, hard. Small animals do not live long. There is a peculiar strange smell, hitherto absent here. This apartment is subjected to negative processing: a thief can enter here, spontaneous combustion can occur, furniture can move by itself, it can feel cold and there is a feeling that there is someone else at home.

Signs of an "infected" person

Well, if everything is in order at your house. And if being at home with your relatives or friends causes a feeling of negativity? It turns out that they have an essence? For a more precise answer to this question, we define signs of human behavior after a foreign substance has settled into the subtle body. If all of them correspond to the behavior of your friend, then the entities are attacking him.

1. aggression;

2. self-confidence;

3. ambition;

4. excessive emotionality;

5. anger;

6. skepticism;

7. touchiness;

8. conflict;

9. imposing one's thoughts on others;

10. desire to control the crowd;

11. requirement of attention to one's own person.

If we exclude the coincidence of a difficult nature ordinary person with a person who is “infected” with negativity and consider the features of only those people who live in a house with a negative environment, then the points listed above will determine the presence / absence of an entity in the human body.

Prevention measures

In order not to pick up the essence from another person or not to attract it by accident, you must:

1. avoid a place with a negative environment;

2. try to minimize communication with those people who have essence;

3. lead healthy lifestyle life;

4. get rid of bad habits;

5. think optimistically;

6. work on your shortcomings.

Ways to get rid of the essence

A. By yourself:

1. drop the fear of the essence (this is the most important point: the essence is afraid of those who are not afraid of it);

3. be cheerful and optimistic;

4. read prayers or meditate;

5. get rid of bad habits;

6. try to cleanse your mind and soul through repentance, apologies to people who could be hurt, etc.;

7. wash your apartment more often and wash your clothes, take cold and hot shower every evening;

8. eat more fruits and vegetables, drink at least a liter of mineral water per day (or better, holy);

9. clean the apartment church candle, especially dark corners (if the candle burns with a black flame, burn this area until the blackness passes);

10. try not to conflict with anyone, keep your emotions under control;

11. keep your mind clear in those moments when the imposition of third-party negative thoughts by the entity begins;

12. gather your "I" into a single point of assembly and mentally place a protective "white" light around the body;

13. smile, love yourself and the world(this completely discourages the entity and pushes it away from you);

14. remind yourself that the essence is much weaker than you (it has no body, it has a weak mind, unlike a person, and it also feeds on the strength of a person);

15. turn on pleasant melodic music - better chants, mantras, meditations; in general, you can listen to everything except hard rock(the essence loves silence and silence, and the light light music makes her leave the apartment because it disturbs her peace);

16. get rid of the habit of watching TV (a person enters a light trance, and the entity at this moment can "take away" part of the energy);

17. a little strange item, compared to the rest, but also acting: do not believe in the essence, think that it does not exist.

B. With the help of a specialist:

1. go to the temple as often as possible and seek help from the Father, who can extract the essence (for example, Archimandrite Herman from the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra in Sergiev Posad);

2. visit an exorcist/psychic.


As we found out essence destroys human life and takes away his energy, which can bring a person to complete exhaustion.

Essence must be fought. by the most effective way fight are - lack of fear before essence and positive attitude.

So change, change and change again for the better.

Smile, think positive. And everything will be fine!

All success!

“Don’t put a pillow on the table,” grandmother grumbles, “you’ll get sick ... Don’t mark in the house, seeing off the guests, the road will be bad for them ...” “What kind of nonsense?” - I thought then, many years ago. I won't say that today...

From time immemorial in Rus' they revered the "good master" - brownie and did not like the "evil spirits", which was also found in the houses. No, not only flies, mice and other domestic creatures that spread physical infection. But also some invisible inhabitants who allegedly act on our soul. What are these mysterious creatures? Do they really exist? And if so, what is their nature?

Today we will not find answers to these questions in school and university textbooks. But they are in esoteric literature seems to we are talking about the inhabitants of the subtle world of our planet - AStral ENTITIES.

Moreover, unlike "terrestrial" viruses, they can cause not only physical, but also mental illnesses. We usually don't feel them directly. Unless, indirectly, at first there is a feeling of incomprehensible anxiety, depression, sleep becomes restless - sometimes with an unpleasant feeling of heaviness on the chest, as if someone is leaning on top. After a while, working capacity decreases, well-being worsens, inexplicable seizures and mysterious debilitating diseases often occur.

There is an occult hypothesis that astral infection can even cause cancer. At the same time, doctors cannot find any specific disease, they talk about "chronic fatigue syndrome", etc. There are primitive creatures such as terrestrial microbes or amoebas. There are creatures and more complicated - they can be compared with our insects or animals. And there are quite reasonable "otherworldly" entities.

Influencing us imperceptibly, some of them can lead to very serious mental disorders. Maybe it is them that the church calls "demons", and the emerging painful condition - obsession? There are cases (however, extremely rare), as if by order, they appear in a certain place and cling to a victim intended by someone. This attack is usually caused black magic.

Someone will say: "Fiction, fairy tales." Well, until recently, scientists thought so too. But today science is beginning to change its mind. The thought of our brilliant K.E. Tsiolkovsky was confirmed: invisible “ethereal” creatures live next to us, the density of which is much lower than the density of biological forms familiar to us.

For three years, the Italian scientist L. Boccone in his laboratory made observations of hitherto unknown "ethereal" life forms. The latest equipment allowed us to obtain stunning results and photographs. It became clear - we live among a huge number of invisible living forms! The Italians call them "critters". The reality of these living creatures lies beyond the threshold of sensitivity of the human eye: most often they are fixed by devices in dark time days in the infrared and ultraviolet parts of the spectrum. However, sometimes the sensors "hear" them and feel their temperature...

Nervous atmosphere, painful emotions, careless and impure thoughts create the corresponding astral creatures. We have already talked more than once about the informational properties of things and premises. So, the apartment not only has the ability to "remember" the thoughts and feelings of its residents. Her energy can also attract "strangers", according to the law "similar - to similar" extraneous invisible entities will be attracted to her. It’s good if positive emotions are constantly “registered” in your house - the aliens will only enhance the favorable atmosphere. And it’s completely worthless if the room is “stained” with informational “dirt”. Any of our thought forms live only thanks to the nourishment of their kindred energy.

Without "recharging" they gradually weaken, melt, turning into a shapeless gray mist, and die. After all, they are mortal, they have no souls. And they are all to some extent vampires. In order to feed on energy, they try not only to bring their creator, but also to bring other people into a state similar to the one in which they were born. Moreover (attention!) Any strong feelings, both negative and positive, have vampirizing properties.

“Know the measure in everything,” the ancients said, unbridled joy can pump out of us not less strength than hopeless grief. Try to keep people out of the house who cause you even the slightest dislike. And in the bedroom - no one at all, even close friends. Remember, "your home is your castle".

A very bad energy remains in a room where drunk or drug addicts have been at least for some time. Therefore, after a long feast, it is necessary to “clean” the apartment especially carefully. However, "information cleaning" is periodically useful for any room.

How to make it? A little later... Otherworldly evil spirits are very fond of cluttered places, especially corners where dust and debris accumulate for months: there it is waiting for energy replenishment. There she twists her "nests". From there, it affects the entire psychological atmosphere of the house, (Especially impudent during the "night raids").

The conclusion is obvious: you need to regularly get rid of rubbish and dust, especially in hard-to-reach places.

By the way, as strange as it may seem, the dining table is one of the most energetically "dirty" places in the apartment. People gathering around him recharge him with a variety of thoughts, which, like traces of food, attract astral evil spirits to him.

Do you feel where the belief comes from the pillow on the table - to the disease? Like a sponge, it will absorb bad emanations, and you will draw them in at night...

It is possible to attract astral entities to the house inadvertently. Do not bring into the living room, and even more so do not put on the bed outerwear in which you were among random people (in transport, crowds, etc.). "Saturated" with who knows what radiations, these clothes will almost certainly attract unwanted entities to your place of sleep.

For the same reason, do not walk around the room in street shoes. By the way, isn’t this what another old belief associated with the table says: “Putting shoes on the table is unfortunate”?

Some methods came to us from ancient times. So, almost all peoples believed that the ringing of metal has a cleansing effect both on the human body and on the surrounding nature. All kinds of bells, bells and bells from time immemorial served as a means of scaring away evil spirits and evil spirit. Also in Ancient Greece during the mysteries, the priests beat on metal bowls. Bell ringing could be heard not only during holidays, funerals or thunderstorms, but also during epidemics.

Modern science has confirmed the wisdom of our ancestors. Established disinfectant action bell ringing. It turned out that the low-frequency vibrations and infrasounds of the bells contribute to the destruction of not only pathogenic microorganisms - streptococci, cholera bacilli and other bacteria, but even small rodents at a considerable distance from the church. Science has also made its own discoveries.

One of them: most of the negative essences of the subtle world are destroyed by sharp bursts of energy. For example, loud shots (starting pistol, cracker...), high-voltage electric discharges, flash lamps.

Ionization of the room with the help of an ultraviolet lamp or household high-voltage ionizers has an excellent cleaning effect. However, the effect of sharp and loud blows seems to have been known back in medieval Europe.

Witches, as they said then, were “whipped”: on Walpurgis Night, at the crossroads, young guys whipped crosswise with whips until midnight. It was believed that where the clicks of scourges were heard, the witches lose their power. For the same purpose in different countries fired from guns. And not only in Walpurgis or in new year's eve but also during weddings. (Maybe our holiday fireworks have the same roots?).

I have heard from more than one person about strange flashes of light in the sky. Yes, I myself have seen them more than once: there could be no talk of any thunderstorm. Who knows, maybe with these noiseless flashes or deafening peals of thunder, nature itself cleanses itself of "astral evil spirits"? And maybe it was not for nothing that in Rus' it was believed that with thunder Ilya the prophet, riding a fiery chariot across the sky, “kills the devil, who at that time is hiding, turning into different types"["Russian people", 1880].

An excellent cleansing effect is also provided by another proven method - the open fire of a candle, a lampada, a fireplace, a fire ... Such a fire not only gives warmth and sows, but also ennobles the psychoenergetic atmosphere around it. I am sure that everyone at least once witnessed such a beneficial effect of an open fire: next to it, fuss disappears, people calm down, go deep into themselves, they are drawn to philosophical conversations. There is something bewitching, mystical in an open flame. Maybe the esotericists are right, who claim that the flame belongs to two worlds at the same time: both ours, the visible - the physical, and the subtle world - the “other world”, which affects our psyche?

Another way is to set fire to a sprig of dry wormwood in the room (just don’t burn anything with falling sparks - I have a sad experience): burning wormwood gives a wonderful cleansing effect. With such an open fire (candle, lamp, smoldering wormwood, juniper, incense sticks ...) you need to go around the room at least three times, paying special attention to the corners. Indeed, it does not seem to be last role the smell also plays ... By the way, about the smell.

An indirect sign of the accumulation of lower astral creatures may be a bad smell. And for no apparent reason whatsoever.

I remember an incident with my friends. In their apartment somehow gradually appeared bad smell: a mixture of mustiness and horse sweat. They searched for a reason for a long time (maybe something went wrong?), But to no avail. I advised you to start from the corners - to clear them of any rubbish and dust. Which they did. Then they thoroughly washed all the nooks and crannies, “cleaned” the rooms with a lit candle, “sparkler”, sprinkled holy water from the church from a spray bottle, clicked a flashlight ... And what do you think? The smell, which steadfastly kept in the apartment for several months, disappeared almost immediately...

Sometimes offered for cleaning psychological atmosphere home use church incense. But only incense helps well High Quality- and this is quite a rarity. Connoisseurs recommend placing saucers with a solution of camphor in vinegar throughout the apartment. Another option is to pour well diluted nitric acid into saucers. But, perhaps, one of the most tested remedies is garlic. different peoples used it not only healing, but also "magical" properties.

Together with the leaves, it was laid out for the night (or even for several days) in “bad places”, and then carried away and burned. To have a restful sleep, garlic cut into small cloves was placed at the head of the bed. Dried garlic was worn like an incense. All this, it was believed, protected from the machinations of evil spirits.

It is also advised to place onions in the room before the arrival of a bad person - they allegedly draw in his harmful emanations. I don’t know how much this can be believed, but the property of bulbous plants to absorb harmful substances from the air has long been known, for example, at the end of the last century, English miners were forbidden to take bulbs for lunch into the slaughter, they absorbed underground gases so intensively that they become poisonous.

Nightmares, bad dream children are also often associated with the "pollution" of our home by lower astral entities. Children are very sensitive to their appearance. Once my grandson, having come to visit, began to flatly refuse to sleep on the sofa: “I have terrible dreams there.” I checked. The church candle in this place crackled, sparkled and swam with dark wax - a sure sign of the presence of negative energy. I burned this evil spirits for about five minutes, as much as I climbed under the ceiling - until the crackling stopped. Since then, we have been doing this operation periodically, and Danilka sleeps beautifully. By the way, in the same way you can “cleanse” the body. Move a lit candle along the spine and near diseased organs. In "bad" places, it will also crack and smoke at first.

It is necessary to clean the house, drive out the "evil spirits". But it turns out not always!

Remember the custom: in order for relatives to be lucky on the road, after seeing them off, they don’t sweep in the house, much less take out the trash. This "superstition" can be tried to explain. After the departed, the astral entities generated by them and close in spirit to them remain in the house. And not always good. If they are “expelled” from the house along with garbage from those who have not yet weakened, then they will easily find their “relatives” who are on the way and, influencing their subconscious. They can provoke an accident - after all, on the road we are most vulnerable ...

Every time you get to your house. Danilka calls: “Grandfather, we have already arrived. You can clean up ... "There are also mental methods of dealing with unwanted thought forms. Their rule: what is created by the imagination can be destroyed by the imagination. How? If you guess. That a harmful thought form has settled in your room (or has remained from the visitor). To begin with, imagine it to yourself, for example, in the form of a gray cloud. Then mentally imagine how it explodes, scattering into tiny pieces. And what are these fragments. Flashing and burning, as with fireworks, they fall into the water. where they finally dissolve.

And, of course, it is important not only to get rid of negative entities. But also to bring into the house positive energy. Invite the good and good people, hang on the walls such "positive magnets" as icons and sacred images, peaceful landscapes and still lifes. Sometimes it is advised to mentally draw fiery crosses on the walls and ceiling... And yet the main remedy is not in this. No methods of “cleansing” will help for a long time if the atmosphere of nit-picking, anger, barbs, insults continues to reign in the house ...

No wonder they used to say in Rus': "If there is no cross in the soul, then the cross on the lintel is not salvation."

I hope you liked it)

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