Mourning sayings. Epitaphs for tombstones


Epitaphs on the monument

Translated from Greek, an epitaph is a funeral speech that was pronounced over the grave. Subsequently, this word began to be called the inscriptions performed on tombstones. An epitaph can be either a simple expression of the feelings of grieving relatives and friends, or made in poetic form. Numerous merits of poetic epitaphs in verse, in the creation of which different times participation of the best poets, made the art of their birth a separate poetic genre. Epitaphs, or inscriptions on monuments, are, in fact, last words who say to the deceased those who escort him to last way. And their subject matter may be different. Often the inscriptions on tombstones contain those words that, perhaps, the deceased himself could say about himself. Sometimes people themselves express during their lifetime the desire that this or that saying be applied to their grave. But much more often, gravestone inscriptions on monuments are made by relatives and friends, based on the feelings that they had for the deceased.

An epitaph is very specific genre. After all, a saying that is applied to a tombstone or monument should, on the one hand, be short enough, and on the other hand, contain complicated feelings. It can be love for the deceased, and respect for him, and regret that a person left this world in the prime of life, and a characteristic of certain, most important of his qualities. An epitaph, whether it is an epitaph in verse or a prose statement, should be concise, but at the same time not devoid of certain artistic merits, capacious, and at the same time beautiful. Therefore, many do not want to be content with standard inscriptions on monuments, verses often used in such cases, but compose their own text.

There are over 1000 epitaphs here:

The specialists of our company will not only put any text on the monument or tombstone at the request of the customer, but will also help you choose an epitaph that will most accurately reflect your feelings towards the deceased, but still dear to you.


Our pain cannot be expressed in words.
The memory of you is always alive.

Do not express grief, do not cry tears.
You took joy away from home forever
You left your life instantly
And the pain remained forever.

We come here
To put flowers
It's very difficult, dear
We can live without you.

Sorrow and sadness of your loss
Will be with us forever.
What could be worse and worse
Loss of husband and father.
Why did you leave, dear,
Sleep in the damp earth?
Why did you leave me
Toil alone?
You are gone from life, but not from the heart.

How hard it is to find the words
To measure our pain with them.
You will be with us forever.

From those who love and mourn.

Your bright, pure image is always with us.

You little leaves don't make noise
Don't wake our mother.

Love for you, dear son,
He will die with us.
And our pain and our sorrow
Can't express in words.

It's so easy to imagine you alive
That your death is unbelievable.

You left us, dear.
The mournful hour of separation has come.
But everything is still alive
You are in our heart, among us.
Words cannot express all the sorrow and sadness.

You are always with us in our hearts and memories.
Thanks for the years together...

Sleep well, dear son.

Words cannot express
Do not cry with tears
Our grief.
You are always in our hearts.

Sleep, my daughter, calmly.
Your shortcut
You passed happily and honestly.
I raised you, but I didn't save you.
And now the grave will save you.

you loved life
And I wanted to do a lot.
But the thread broke too soon
Don't let your dreams come true.

Bright (eternal) memory of you
Will forever remain in our hearts.

Your memory will remain forever
In our hearts.

Everything was in him
Soul, talent and beauty.
Everything sparkled for us
Like a bright dream.

To the one who was dear in life,
From those who love and mourn.

One star has become less on earth.
There is more than one star in the sky.

You don't call me
I will not come to you.
Don't rush to me
I'll wait for you.

How much of ours has gone with you,
How much of you is left with us.

Quiet, trees
Leaves do not make noise.
Mommy is sleeping
You don't wake her up.

And my heart hurts, and there is no end to grief.

Everlasting memory about you in the hearts of relatives.

We love you, we are proud of you
And in our memory you are always alive.

How early you left, dear,
Leaving us sadness and pain.

The earth is empty without you...

The warmth of your soul remained with us.

Sleep well, dear son,
We all love you
We remember and mourn.

Sleep in peace and
Pray to God for us.

You, like my own heart,
Can't be forgotten or replaced.
Loving you...

You sleep and we live
You wait and we will come...

You left us early, our beloved.
He took away our happiness and joy.

Great sorrow cannot be measured
Tears of grief do not help.
You are not with us, but forever
You will not die in our hearts.

Can't be returned
It's impossible to forget.

You passed away too soon
Our pain cannot be expressed in words.
Sleep, dear, you are our pain and wound,
The memory of you is always alive.

Do not express sorrow
Don't cry tears
You have taken joy forever from home.

How early you left, dear,
Leaving us sadness and pain.

Don't part with your loved ones
They just stop being around.

You gave us life in this world,
In another, you have found peace.
Gone, leaving a trail of sadness
outbursts of grief and anguish.

Remember me Lord
Visit me with your salvation.
Blessed are those who mourn: for they will be comforted.
Remember me, God
And don't leave those who love you.

Father, into your hands
I convey my spirit.

How hard it is to find the words
To measure our pain with them.
We can't believe in your death
You will be with us forever.

earth path brief
Memory is eternal.

Sometimes angels come down from heaven
To warm with your warmth and love,
You were such an angel
Our beloved girl.

What a pity that your life
Was so short
But your memory will be eternal.

We regret, weep and mourn
That you stay forever young.

You won't come back, you won't look back
You will not become wise and gray-haired,
You will remain in our memory
Always alive and young.

Could we think
What on this day
You will step from childhood to eternity ...

No, I will not reconcile myself until my death,
With the terrible burden of being
That children die before adults
That you died, I remained.

Forgive us under the starry sky
Bring flowers to your stove.
Forgive us for the air
How did you not inhale (would) you.

Bowing down, we stand over your grave,
Watering the flowers with hot tears,
I don't want to believe
Our beloved son (father),
That you are in this grave.

Thank you my clear
Because you were in the world!

You lived your life with dignity
Leaving our memory forever.
In the silent world, sleep peacefully
The person we love.

Thank you endlessly
We do not forget about you
And your souls and hearts
We remember alive.

We wish you good luck
In that unknown and new world,
So that you don't get lonely
So that the angels do not leave you.

Give him, God, forgiveness of sins,
Give him eternal rest.

Don't cry for me
The soul is subject only to God,
She went on the road
In an unknown country.
There is a kingdom of light, a kingdom of stars,
There is the kingdom of world harmonies,
So take your hands away from your eyes
And smile, no tears.

The heart does not believe in a bitter loss,
Like you didn't die
And he went somewhere.

And earthly life ended
All the strength has faded in you
Farewell, our dear, beloved,
Eternal memory to you.

Left time to run
And the pain squeezed my whole soul,
A man has passed away
There are few in the world.

God created the stars, the blue distance,
But he outdid himself
Creating sadness for loved ones.

If those who leave you
Whom do you love,
It just needs to
Never stop loving them
And then they will live forever.

No need for blind despair
So the best leave with dignity,
The wind will blow away the sob,
You became a weightless ray
And a sad tear of rain
Let our grief pour out
No need for blind despair!
We love. Remember. We mourn. See you!

Short inscriptions on monuments remain for centuries

The loss of loved ones is the most difficult test, because such a loss is irreparable for those who are left to live. The need to express grief in the words imprinted on the tombstone - natural desire mourners.

Short epitaphs as evidence of the immortality of the soul

After the completion of the funeral and funeral rites, relatives and friends of people who have gone to another world feel abandoned. They take care of the graves and erect monuments to the dead, on which, as a rule, they carve short epitaphs for posterity. These words testify to the merits of the deceased or to gratitude for the fact that he was once near.

Photo of a short epitaph on the monument

If our life is not eternal, then the short epitaphs applied to the monument will last a very long time. The next generations will be able to read them and think about their earthly path, as well as about the frailty of being. Grandchildren and great-grandchildren will be destined to visit expensive graves, and therefore the connection of times will never be interrupted.

You can pick up short epitaphs on the website

Using the search system on this resource, the customer will be able to find exactly what he needs. The presence of a cataloger will allow you to easily understand the presented material. Everything on this site is organized in such a way that visitors can easily navigate the structure of the section.

Photo of a brief epitaph

Any short inscriptions on the monuments offered here can be added to favorites. We also note that the site has a clear rating system, that is, the most preferred brief epitaphs(they are in high demand).

Referring to the information posted here, the customer will reduce the time for choosing a tombstone.

This section of our site contains all the options for tombstones. epitaph. epitaphs translated from Greek inscriptions on tombstones composed in case of someone's death. Epitaphs (tomb inscriptions) can be simple expressions (words of sorrow), and pronounced as a poetic saying (commemorative verses), divided according to the number of lines in a verse: one-line, couplet, quatrain. epitaphs on the monuments are mostly short and at the same time filled with deep feelings with philosophical content.

Own special treatment to the close native person who passed away, you can express in a beautifully designed ritual monument, expressing your deep feelings in a short commemorative inscription addressed to specific person. On this basis poems for a memorial subdivided into: epitaphs for husband, epitaphs for wife, epitaphs for beloved, epitaphs for beloved, epitaphs for mother , epitaphs to the pope, epitaphs with yn, epitaphs of a daughter, epitaphs of a sister, epitaphs of a brother, epitaphs of a grandmother, epitaphs of a grandfather, epitaphs of a friend, epitaphs of a girlfriend.

On our site you can choose the most suitable epitaphs for the deceased person.

Epitaphs on the monument

1. R.I.P…




5. No one could save you, left (left) life very early,
But we will always remember the bright image of your native.

6. There is no greater grief than the bitterness of loss.

7. R.I.P…

8. You left life instantly, but the pain remained forever.

9. Eternal (bright) memory of you will forever remain in our hearts.

10. Do not express grief, do not cry tears,
You took happiness and joy from home.

11. It's so easy to imagine you alive (alive)

12. You are gone, and we do not believe, in our hearts you are forever,
and we will never heal our pain from that loss.

13. I'm sorry that I didn't save your life, I won't have peace for the rest of my life.
Not enough strength, not enough tears to measure my grief.

14. Our pain cannot be measured and cannot be shed in tears
We will love you as a living (alive) forever

15. One star has become less on earth,
There is more than one star in the sky.

16. Thank you for the years spent together.

17. The warmth of your soul remained with us.

18. Eternal memory of you in the hearts of relatives.

19. To the one who was dear during his lifetime, from those who love and mourn.

20. And the heart hurts, and there is no rest in grief.

21. There are no words to express all the pain and sorrow of our soul.

22. Eternal memory of you.

23. You are always in our memory.

24. I miss you so much for complete human happiness.

25. I'm empty on earth without you.

26. Thank you for living (living).

27. Great sorrow cannot be measured, tears of grief cannot be poured,
You are no longer with us, but you will live forever in our hearts.

28. We would give everything, a piece my heart,
Only yours would beat again.

29. The heart went out like lightning, the pain will not extinguish the year,
Your image will forever be stored in our memory forever.

30. Everything was in him (her) - soul, talent and beauty,
everything sparkled for us, like a bright dream.

31. How much of ours has gone with you, how much of yours has remained with us.

32. From life you left (left) incomprehensibly early,
Sadness oppresses parents and a wound bleeds in their hearts,
Your son is growing up, not knowing the word "mother" ("daddy").

33. You left (left) so early, without saying goodbye and without saying a word to us,
How can we live on, making sure that you will never return to us.

34. Eternal will be your mother's tear, father's sadness,
The loneliness of a brother, the grief of grandparents.

35. Like dew drops on roses, tears on our cheeks, sleep peacefully,
Dear, we all remember you, love and mourn.

36. The earth is empty without you.

37. Forgive us for wearing flowers under the starry sky to your stove.
Forgive us for the air that you didn’t breathe (breathed).

38. They do not part with their loved ones, they just cease to be near.

39. We cannot find words to describe our grief,
Do not find strength in the world to lift you,
Our words can not fit even in the sea,

40. Unable to overcome grief, bear the pain of loss,
No one could help you, forgive us (name), I'm sorry.

41. In the hearts of people leaving their mark good deeds,
We do not say the word "no", we say: "You are always with us."

42. Time stopped running and the pain squeezed my whole soul,
A man who is few in the world has passed away.

43. You left (la) from life, but not from the heart.

44. How I want to scream in pain that you are no longer in the world!

45. I will never meet you, and I know that it will always be so.

46. One flower earth became poorer,
One star richer became heaven.

47. Angel, dear, sorry, guilty (a),
What was not (a) at the hour of death next to you

48. The heart still does not believe in a bitter loss,
As if you did not die (la), but went (la) somewhere.

49. When people forget you, all your friends forget,
Only your heart will remember you, and that heart will be me.

50. Unexpected grief, immeasurable grief, the most important thing in life -
Lost, we are sorry that life cannot be repeated,
To give it back to you.

52. We come here to put flowers
It is very difficult, dear (s), we can live without you.

53. We wish you good luck in that unknown and new world,
So that you are not lonely, so that the angels do not depart.

54. Bending down, we stand over your grave, a hot tear
Watering the flowers, I don’t want to believe, our beloved son (father),

55. Sleep well, our dear son (father)


57. Love for you, dear son, will die only with us,
Our pain and our grief cannot be expressed in words.

58. To you, the one and only, we bow our heads.

59. And earthly life ended, all the forces faded away in you,
Farewell, our dear beloved, eternal memory to you.

60. I'm sorry that we did not dare to give our love to you during our lifetime,
You forgave us, left us, we remained eternal debtors.

61. You lived your life with dignity, leaving a memory to us forever,
In the silent world, sleep peacefully, the person we love.

62. A serious illness broke you, passed away without living,
Dear, our beloved son, how difficult it is for us to live without you.

63. We are forever, son with you, God, calm his soul

64. I loved you very much, you have always lived,
Forgive me, my dear son, that I did not save you.

65. You were a role model for us
We live now, referring to you.
To you, father, we come on a date
Counsel in happiness and trouble.

66. All life ended with you, you have no life, and we do not,
The most dear, beloved son, beloved child has passed away.

67. You are in us, dear, like our blood,
And death has no power over you as long as there is love in the world!

68. Thank you, my clear, for being in the world!

69. You left us, dear, the mournful hour of separation has come.
But everything is still alive, you are in our heart among us.

70. Don't make noise, don't wake our mother.

71. You left life instantly, the pain remained for us forever,
But we will never forget the image of your beloved gentle.

72. We love you and you are always alive in our memory.

73. Don't know where I turned the way
What limit has she passed from life, oh friend,
I did everything earthly, I loved and lived on earth.

74. You, mother, gave us your warmth,
We believe that your soul is calm and light.

75. May the fire not go out to the end and the memory of the one
That woke hearts for life, and now has found eternal rest.

76. I loved you, I can't forget you
I will love you forever

77. Quiet, trees, don't make noise with foliage, mommy is sleeping, don't wake her up.

78. Sometimes angels come down from heaven
To warm with your warmth and love,
You were such an angel, our beloved girl.

79. Sleep peacefully, dear daughter,
You walked your short path honestly and joyfully.

80. We love you very much, our daughter.
Well, why did the night hide you so early

81. You were a clear star, how dim the world has become,
When the star went out.

82. What words can I find so that you can hear
My soul confession? And what string to play
So that you can come running, as before, on a date?

83. A rose has fallen, broken by the wind...

84. Lord, we give you our smallest angel.

85. Did we think that on this day
You will step from childhood to eternity ...

86. You passed away too soon, our pain cannot be expressed in words.
Sleep, dear, you are our pain and wound, but the memory of you is always alive.

87. To our little angel back in heaven

88. You, like an angel, soared into the sky, how little you stayed with us ..

89. Calm down mom and dad!
Gentle angels guard my sleep.

90. No, I will not reconcile myself until death, with the terrible burden of being.
That children die before adults, that you died, I remained.

91. You, baby, were cherished, raised, carried in their arms,
They took me to kindergarten. They sing to you now, bowing down, eating
Farewell at the eternal cradle.

92. Wonderful child, unfair fate did not give you to me,
And just showed and immediately took away.

93. Words cannot express all the sorrow and sadness,
In hearts and memory you (you) are with us

94. We are grateful to you without end, we do not forget about you,
And we remember your souls and hearts alive.

95. No ... They didn’t leave, but they repeated themselves in children.

96. What a pity that late we realized how much we miss you

97. Life separated them, but death united them.
Two pure souls now in the same grave.

98. Sleep in peace, my dears,
I (we) will dedicate my life to your memory (we will dedicate it).

99. You will never be on earth again
But you gave us life, raised
And here left as your continuation.

100. Lord, your will be done!

101. Rest in the Kingdom of Heaven.

102. Sleep in peace and pray to God for us

103. Blessed are pure in heart for they will see God.

104. Lord, with the saints, rest the soul of your servant (s) (name)

105. Give us strength to understand the Divine covenant -
With God, everyone is alive, but there are no dead.

106. How do we (me) you, our (my) dear miss ...
And only prayer helps us (me) in sorrow.

107. Here rests in peace (Name),
To be resurrected in Christ

108. The Lord himself sent you to earth.
He was your Shepherd and now he has called…

109. You lived your life in merger with God -
Now the road to Him is easy for you.

110. Do not pass, passerby, stop, my damp grave
Bow, pray for me, a sinner.

111. Earthly life is fleeting, but ahead is a heavenly paradise,
We will remember you forever, so quickly resurrect

112. Help and save, save and hide,
Bring me soft snow, look at me,
Here I am all (all) before you, oh Lord, give me peace.

113. Nature is wise and God's eyes
He sees our every step on a thorny road.
There comes a time when each of us
At last line remembers God.

114. Return the dust to the ground, what it was,
And the spirit will return to God who gave it.

115. God created the stars, the blue distance,
But he surpassed himself by creating sorrow for loved ones.

116. Passerby, pray over this grave,
He found shelter in her from all earthly anxieties,
Here he left everything that was sinful in him,
With the hope that his Savior, God, lives.

117. Lord, on earth he had sorrows and sorrows,
Give him comfort in heaven.

118. Give him, God, forgiveness of sins,
Give him eternal rest.

119. Kingdom of Heaven and eternal rest to you.

120. God, forgive his (her) sinful soul
And accept him as he (a) was (a)

121. No need to cry for me, the soul is subject only to God,
She set off on a journey through an unknown country.
There is a kingdom of light, a kingdom of stars,
There is a kingdom of world harmonies, so take your palms away from your eyes
And smile, no tears.

122. As the heart cries, the pain cannot be conveyed.
We mourn and remember every minute.
Time cannot take away this pain.
Oh God, help us get through the separation.

123. When they snatch an escape without pity,
When the body turns to dust forever.
Let them make a jug from this ashes
And they will fill it with wine: A man will come to life.

124. Life without you is empty. Where the dream lived, flowers die in tears.
It's sad to live without you. Not believing that You will never return to us.

125. Do not part with your loved ones. Grow in them with all your heart.
And every time forever say goodbye when you leave for a moment.

126. And let me light candles in the evening.
And your image is wrapped in smoke.
But I don't want to know that time heals.
Everything goes with him.

127. Why and who needs it. Who sent you death with a non-trembling hand
Only so mercilessly, so evil and unnecessary. Who let you into Eternal Peace.

128. Don't cry for me when I'm gone. After all, in the sky you will find a star.
And my sorrow will depart from you. After all, my star is so far away.

129. The pain of separation is incurable. Separation of the one that is forever.

130. You have eternal sleep, and we have eternal longing.

131. The farewell candle burns out.
And your eyes will fill with tears.
It's hard to live in the world without you.
And believe that you are not with us.

132. To the one who is dear to life. Look quiet, who remembers "yataє that sumuє.

133. The heart is clenched, the soul is crying loudly,
There is no important grief, no waste of your life.

134. Your sun does not come, and your moon is no longer shoved,
For the Lord will be your eternal light.

135. The earth is empty for us without you.
How cruel fate that took you away.

136. How much of ours has gone with you.
How much of you is left with us.

137. We can't bring you back with tears. Sorrow cannot measure sadness.

138. It's so easy to imagine you alive.
That your death is unbelievable.

139. Our last duty, mournful stone,
The cup of sorrow is full.
No more joy in the world
There was only pain and sorrow.

140. The day your eyes went out and your heart stopped beating
It was the worst day for us
And we can't deal with it.

141. There are no words in the world to describe our grief.
Do not find the strength in the world to lift you up.
Do not contain our tears even in the sea.
How cruel fate that took you away.

142. Kindness and love you left alive
No matter how many years have passed: We love, we remember, we mourn...

143. And he is right in front of my eyes. Alive, with a smile on his lips.
No! No! He is always with us and will live in our hearts.

144. A person leaves the world. Like a guest from a friend's feast.
He got tired of the mess. I finished my glass, my dinner was over.
Tired. Enough. Rest is needed. It's time to go home.

145. You left life instantly, but the pain remained forever.

146. For the rest of our lives, we will have enough grief and sadness,
About the one we loved and so suddenly lost.

147. We could not lose more, our grief has no boundaries.
Grief cannot be expressed, cannot be described, there is very little of a granite page.

148. You trusted your friends. Was deceived by love.
But above us is God. Punishment is coming. God's punishment is not a myth.
What has passed will return. Those who took you away will be punished.

149. Burning with suffering, despair, the sea of ​​\u200b\u200bworldly stormy waves are full.
Their splashes are tears and blood. But a man in a vale of languor is wonderful
sisters are given as a consolation. Faith Hope Love.
And encouraging the tired soul, Faith brings us firmness with it.
She casts doubts. We look forward with more hope.
The dark distance is clearer and brighter. Full of marvelous joy.
The third sister is God's breath, with her no fears
suffering. Her temple is our hearts. It has compassion, pity,
participation. It has beauty, forgiveness, happiness.
Kingdom of love without end...

150. Your hands did not know fatigue.
Your lips never lose heart.
You walked through life loving work.
May the earth rest in peace to you.

151. I loved you, I loved life, but it's not my fault that I didn't live long enough.
Now for you I will become a wind, a birch, a blade of grass, flowers.
Stroke their mother, it's me, your pain is with you forever.

152. Still trohi live on the Duma Bulo, and maybe live bi.
That sun has gone.

153. We stand bent over your grave.
We pour hot tears on the flowers,
I do not want to believe my dear and beloved,
That you are in this grave.

154. Pishov saw us too early. Nobody could save you.
There is only a deep wound on the heart. I'm sorry sinok, I'm sorry, I'm sorry...

155. You walked through life smiling. Left us all without saying goodbye.
How the heart cries, it is impossible to convey.
We mourn and remember

156. Pishov from life is too early. For no one could lie.
Such a deep wound in the heart. As long as you live with us.

157. The earth has become poorer by one flower.
Heaven became richer with one soul.
You were so little with us in this life.
But your memory is always in our hearts.

158. Hi! Do not pishov ty in nebuttya, even though the heart was beating in agony.
Leaving you a part of your squad for life, to children and onuks.

159. Don't shrug off grief. Do not cry tears. You are happy to come home from the Unis.

160. You loved everyone and sang songs. There is hope and support in the family. World
turned black. The light has dimmed and our grief is inconsolable.

161. Death chose you without asking us. How to live on and have enough
whether forces? Our fell and husband, you were loved by us.
We remember you and mourn in grief.

162. We will remember You forever, for being with all of our hearts.
For Your wisdom, kindness. For efficiency in office. For sincere
smart tips. For the warmth that I could give.
May God open heaven for you.

163. You passed away too soon. Our pain cannot be expressed in words.
Sleep dear, you are our pain and wound. The memory of you is always alive.

164. Oh, if Mommy was alive.
We would give anything we ask. Words words words...
Words... We all pronounce them after death.

165. You lived and loved life. You would live and flourish.
But insidious death struck. Nobody could save you.

166. Like a heartache, like a crying soul.
Nav_scho is a good day for you.

167. I'm choking on tears... You're in my memory zі skrіz.
How hard it is to bear grief. I'm sorry baby, I'm sorry.
Who could not save you.

168. Bil loss is not smitten with tears, and mourning is mute.
Our dear, you are with us.
In our minds, our hearts.

169. Sleep peacefully, our little one, in a dark hut, in the distance.
Hai sadness and our tears do not disturb your dreams.

170. Deprived, happy life.
Life has given you so few years.
І deputy of youth, kokhannya and nadії,
Gave as a gift this granite.

Epitaph - literally "inscription on the grave", from the Greek "epi" - "above", and "taphos" - the grave. At first, the tombstone was called that, and then the inscription on the tombstone. The word came from Ancient Greece, but the inscriptions on the graves were left in all countries.

LLC "First Granite Corporation" offers a variety of tombstones made of granite (natural granite), made by high-class craftsmen. In addition to the standard engravings of the portrait of the deceased, we offer to place epitaphs on monuments in verse.

In itself, the epitaph to a son or husband is a tombstone inscription since the time of the existence of Ancient Greece. In a capacious quatrain or several lines in prose, the main character traits of a living person and what he achieved in his life are reflected. It's kind of the end result. An example of such an epitaph is the phrase: “Your rapid rise is over in an instant. There was only a cry in the heart. At the same time, these inscriptions are able to cheer up close people, capturing bright sadness for the deceased father or mother.

The first author's epitaphs began to appear in the 16th century, and the art of epitaphs in Russia reached its true heyday in the 18th century, and this, of course, concerned mainly the graves of the aristocracy. In Russia there was great literature, in the 18-19 century, many wrote, and many did it very well, and, of course, this left its mark on everything, including gravestones. Until now, people go to ancient cemeteries, admire the skillful monuments, elegant engraving, read the inscriptions on the grave in verse - this is a kind of book of memory of long-gone lives...

When ordering a memorial, not only dates of life and farewell words are engraved on the stone, but also portraits of the dead, often very artistic, using both mechanical and laser engraving methods. Such portraits can themselves be called works of art.

Before ordering a monument, you can familiarize yourself with the models of the monuments we make on our website. And in the section " Ritual pictures"Familiarize yourself with the options for images and the epitaphs themselves, which can be applied to the selected monument.

Our experts are ready to take on not only the manufacture and design of the monument, but also its delivery to any region of the Russian Federation. The low cost of the monument is due to the fact that the company itself is engaged in the extraction of granite, its processing and further use as a material for the manufacture of the monument, which significantly reduces total cost the products we offer.

As well as the texts that our master can engrave on the monument:

1) Remember, love, mourn.

2) You passed away too soon
Our pain cannot be expressed in words.
Sleep, dear, you are our pain and wound,
The memory of you is always alive.

3) Do not express grief, do not cry tears.

You took joy away from home forever.

4) You left life instantly,

And the pain remained forever.

5) We come here

To put flowers

It's very difficult, dear

We can live without you.

6) Sorrow and sadness of your loss

Will be with us forever.

What could be worse and worse

Loss of husband and father.

7) You are always in our hearts.

8) What a pity that your life was so short,

But eternal memory will be about you.

9) You left life, but not from the heart.

10) Your bright, pure image is with us forever.

11) To your untimely grave

Our path will not grow.

Your native image, dear image,

Will always lead us here.

12) To the one who was dear in life,

From those who love and mourn.

13) There is no greater grief than the bitterness of loss.

14) How difficult it is to find words,

To measure our pain with them.

You will be with us forever.

15) Living to imagine you is so easy,

That your death is unbelievable.

16) You left us, dear.

The mournful hour of separation has come.

But everything is still alive

You are in our heart among us.

17) After leaving life, you still live

In our thoughts, dreams.

You can't survive what is given to you by fate.

We remember you in joy and torment.

18) Love for you, dear son,

will die with us.

And our pain and our sorrow

cannot be expressed in words.

19) Words cannot express all sorrow and sorrow.

You are always with us in our hearts and memories.

20) No one could save you,

Passed away very early

But the bright image is your own

We will always remember.

21) Blessed memory of you

will forever remain in our hearts.

22) You are gone, and we do not believe,

In our hearts you are forever.

And your pain from that loss

We have no time to heal.

23) You loved life,

And I wanted to do a lot

but the thread broke too soon,

Don't let your dreams come true.

24) Unexpected grief, grief is not measured,

The most precious thing in life is lost.

It's a shame life can't be repeated

To give it to you.

25) Our pain cannot be measured

And do not shed tears.

We treat you like a living

We will love forever.

26) The warmth of your soul

stayed with us.

27) Your bright image is in our memory.

28) How much of ours has gone with you,

How much of you is left with us.

29) The memory of you will forever remain in our hearts.

30) Great sorrow cannot be measured,

Tears of grief do not help.

You are not with us, but forever

You will not die in our hearts.

31) Eternal memory of you in the hearts of relatives.

32) We love you, we are proud of you,

And in our memory you are always alive.

ZZ) The warmth of your soul

stayed with us.

34. Sleep well, dear son,

We all love you

We remember and mourn.

35. Sleep in peace and

Pray to God for us.

36. You, as your own heart;

Can't be forgotten or replaced.

Loving you...

37. They don’t part with their loved ones,

Only next to life cease.

38. You sleep, and we live,

You wait and we will come

39. You left us early, our beloved.

He took away our happiness and joy.

40. Great sorrow cannot be measured,

Tears of grief do not help.

You are not with us, but forever

You will not die in our hearts.

41. You can’t return,

It's impossible to forget.

42. You passed away too soon,

Our pain cannot be expressed in words.

Sleep, dear, you are our pain and wound ..

The memory of you is always alive.

43. Do not express grief,

Don't cry tears

You have taken joy forever from home.

44. How early you left; native,

Leaving us sadness and pain.

45. They don’t part with their loved ones,

They just stop being around.

46. ​​You gave us life in this world.

In another, you have found peace.

Gone, leaving a trail of sadness

outbursts of grief and anguish.

47. Remember me, Lord,

Visit me with your salvation.

Blessed are those who mourn: for they will be comforted.

Remember me, God

48. And do not leave those who love you.

49.0tche, into your hands

I convey my spirit.

50. How difficult it is to find words,

To measure our pain with them.

We can't believe in your death

You will be with us forever.

51. The earthly path is short,

Memory is eternal.

52. The warmth of your soul remained with us.

53. Eternal memory of you in the hearts of relatives.

54. And the heart hurts, and there is no end to grief.

55. Eternal memory.

56. Great sorrow cannot be measured, grief cannot be filled with tears.
You are not with us, but forever, in our hearts you will live.

57. We would all give a piece of our heart,
Only yours would beat again.

58. The earth was empty without you.

59. In the hearts of people leaving a mark with their good deeds,
We do not say the word "no", we say: "You are always with us."

60. You left life, but not from the heart.

61. The earth has become poorer with one flower,
One star richer became heaven.

62. The heart still does not believe in a bitter loss,
As if you did not die, but went somewhere.

63. Unexpected grief, immeasurable grief,
The most important thing in life is lost.
It is a pity to us that life cannot be repeated,
To give it back to you.

65. Love for you, our dear, will die only with us,
Our pain and our grief cannot be expressed in words.

66. You left us, dear,
The mournful hour of separation has come,
But everything is still alive
You are in our heart among us.

67. Let the fire not go out to the end, and the memory of the one who
That woke hearts for life, and now has found eternal rest.

68. How could we think that on this day,
You will step from childhood to eternity ...

69. You, like an angel, soared into the sky, how little you stayed with us.

70. No, I will not reconcile myself until my death,
With a terrible burden of being, -
That children die before adults
That there is no you, I remained ...

71. Not to express in words all the sorrow and sorrow,
You are always with us in our hearts and memories.

72. No ... - They didn’t leave, but they repeated themselves in children.

73. Rest in the kingdom of heaven.

74. It is not in our power to return you, and our sorrow has no end.
Crazy is the pain that tears apart, orphaned hearts.

75. Sorrow for you and the bitterness of loss,
It will be forever in our hearts.

76. A bright memory of you will forever remain in our hearts.

77. Sleep well dear,
We remember you, love and mourn.

An epitaph is the last farewell of the living to the deceased. In ancient times, this word generally meant any speech that was delivered over the grave of the deceased. Later, this concept began to denote inscriptions carved on monuments and tombstones. As a rule, these are warm words of memory of loved ones about the deceased.

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This list of monuments is often ordered and always in stock. 14 days are enough for their registration and shipment. When ordering a monument from us, you are guaranteed to receive a quality service at the lowest price. For such a price, only we will do it. This price is fixed, discounts for this category of goods do not apply. Registration for this category is provided for one person.

Types and purpose of epitaphs

Their meaning is to convey to the departed person all the love and gratitude of his friends and relatives. The epitaphs mention him best qualities, character traits, deeds, perhaps exploits, discoveries or accomplishments. Most often, these few capacious words reflect the main meaning life path that man has passed on earth.

Considering that tombstones survive for a long time even those who buried people, the sayings on them must be eternal, so that even after centuries the living could understand who rests in this last refuge.

There are epitaphs created in poetic form or in prose. Many great masters of the word did not shy away from this genre. A.S. Pushkin, G.A. Derzhavin, V.S. Zhukovsky willingly wrote literary epitaphs.

They can be designed in the form of sayings, memorable words, lines of poetry and even entire poetic compositions.

Epitaphs can be used for:

Styles of epitaphs



















Essence of epitaphs

Their main purpose is to perpetuate the last tribute to the deceased person on the day of his death. There is a whole set of ready-made epitaphs, but it is desirable that relatives, or someone at their request, compose individual text relevant only in this particular situation.

Its meaning may be different. Epitaphs contain words of farewell, gratitude, love, sorrow, admiration, etc. There are times when people, during their lifetime, choose a saying that would look most appropriate on their grave.

Of course, epitaphs must be sincere and lyrical. In them, light sadness should be combined with gratitude for the fact that this person lived among people.

In some epitaphs laid deep meaning understandable only to those close to the deceased. Other times, it's just a warm goodbye. It all depends on the degree of closeness and secrecy of what relatives or friends would like to express both to the deceased and to the whole world.

  • ....and we are all waiting for your smile
  • God takes the best
  • Was (a) ... and there is no him (her)
  • In our hearts you will live forever
  • Returned to eternal rest
  • Without you, the sun is not nice to me, I spent happiness with you.
  • We love you forever, you are always in our hearts.
  • Blessings to those who love you. Curse - betrayed you, ruined
  • In our life there are more fleeting thorns than flowers
  • Waiting for love imperceptibly All life has flown by
  • Immeasurable pain That tears apart Orphaned hearts
  • Blessed is death, but life is a hundred times more blessed!
  • Time is running out, the pain of loss does not subside, but lives on bright memory about you
  • For the kindness that generously gave us All my life, Accept the earthly bow
  • And how to measure infinity? From eternity we pass into eternity Only after stopping ...
  • What a pity that your life was so short, but the memory of you will be eternal
  • When it leaves close person, There is an emptiness in the soul, Which cannot be filled with anything
  • Who helped his neighbors, Who loved everyone with his soul, That tombstone will not be overgrown with grass.
  • Love and hope, wound and pain, Sorrow and sorrow, peace and quiet, Memory, love and hope
  • R.I.P
  • We come here to put flowers, It's very difficult, dear, We can live without you.
  • Sorrow and sadness of your loss will be with us forever
  • What could be worse and more bitter than the loss of a husband and father
  • You left life, but not from the heart
  • You, leaves, do not make noise, do not wake our mother
  • Love for you, dear son, Will die only with us. And our pain and our sorrow cannot be expressed in words
  • It's so easy to imagine you alive, that it's impossible to believe in your death.
  • You left us, dear. The mournful hour of separation has come. But everything is still alive You are in our heart, among us
  • Words cannot express all the sorrow and sadness
  • In our hearts and memories you are always with us.
  • Thanks for the years together...
  • Sleep well dear son
  • Words cannot express, Tears cannot cry out Our grief. You are always in our hearts
  • Sleep, my daughter, calmly. You walked your short path joyfully and honestly. I raised you, but I didn't save you. And now the grave will save you
  • You loved life and wanted to do a lot. But the thread broke too soon, not letting you dream come true
  • The bright (eternal) memory of you will forever remain in our hearts
  • Your memory will remain forever in our hearts.
  • To those who were dear in life, From those who love and mourn
  • Everything was in him – soul, talent and beauty. Everything sparkled for us, Like a bright dream
  • You don't call me, I won't come to you. Don't rush to me, I'll wait for you
  • One star has become less on earth. One more star in the sky
  • How much of ours has gone with you, How much of yours has remained with us.
  • Quiet, trees, Don't make noise with foliage. Mommy is sleeping, you don't wake her up.
  • We love you, we are proud of you, And in our memory you are always alive
  • And my heart hurts, and there is no end to grief
  • Eternal memory of you in the hearts of relatives
  • Sleep well, dear son, We all love you, We remember and mourn
  • The warmth of your soul remained with us.
  • The earth is empty without you...
  • Sleep in peace and pray to God for us
  • You, like your own heart, Cannot be forgotten and replaced. Those who love you ...
  • You sleep, and we live, You wait, and we will come ...
  • You left us early, our beloved. He took away our happiness and joy.
  • Great sorrow cannot be measured, Tears cannot help grief. You are not with us, but forever In our hearts you will not die
  • Can't be returned, can't be forgotten
  • You passed away too soon, Words cannot express our pain. Sleep, dear, you are our pain and wound, the memory of you is always alive.
  • Do not express grief, Do not cry out tears, You have taken joy forever from home.
  • How early you left, dear, Leaving us sadness and pain
  • They do not part with their loved ones, they only cease to be near
  • You gave us life in this world, In another you found peace. Gone, leaving a trail of sadness, outbursts of grief and longing
  • Remember me, Lord, visit me with your salvation. Blessed are those who weep: for they will be comforted. Remember me, God, and do not leave those who love you
  • How difficult it is to find words to measure our pain with them. We cannot believe in your death, You will be with us forever.
  • Father, into your hands I entrust my spirit
  • The earthly path is short, memory is eternal
  • You passed away too soon, Words cannot express our pain. Sleep, dear, you are our pain and wound, the memory of you is always alive.
  • Do not express grief, do not cry tears. You took joy away from home forever From life you left instantly, And the pain remained forever
  • We come here to lay flowers, It's very difficult, dear, We can live without you.
  • Why did you leave, my dear, To sleep in the damp earth? Why did you leave me to suffer alone?
  • You are gone from life, but not from the heart.
  • To those who were dear in life, From those who love and mourn
  • How difficult it is to find words to measure our pain with them. We cannot believe in your death, You will be with us forever.
  • Your bright, pure image is always with us
  • You, little leaves, don't make noise, don't wake our mother.
  • It's so easy to imagine you alive, that it's impossible to believe in your death.
  • Love for you, dear son, Will die only with us.
  • And our pain and our sorrow cannot be expressed in words
  • You left us, dear. The mournful hour of separation has come. But everything is still alive You in our heart, among us. Words cannot express all the sorrow and sadness
  • You are always with us in our hearts and memories. Thanks for the years together...

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