Alexander Malinin year of birth. Alexander malinin biography family


Frol Malinin's girlfriend's name is Joanna Seifert, she lives with her parents in the Munich suburb of Starnberg, Bavaria, and she has a sister, Ellen. It is not known under what circumstances Frol and Joanna met, but they met at least 4 months ago: it was then that the first video with Frol's participation appeared on Joanna's page. It is likely that Joanna's acquaintance with Frol's parents has also already happened, at least she "follows" the page of his mother Emma Malinina.

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Frol's friend is passionate about music and video blogging. She posts her videos on Instagram on behalf of "Jo-Jo" - that's what friends call Joanna. As for Frol, he did not follow in his father's footsteps and found himself in the fine arts.

Canvases and paints literally captivated me, and I realized: the passion for drawing swallowed me whole,

Frol Malinin tells on his official website.

Frol's talent for drawing manifested itself in childhood. Together with his parents and sister Ustinya, he lives in three countries: now in Russia, now in Germany, now in Italy. The idyllic landscapes of the Italian town of Forte dei Marmi, where Malinina has been spending holidays for many years, have become for him inexhaustible source inspiration.

The time spent in Tuscany allowed me to perceive the world in all its splendor. Traveling gave me a lot - I learned to focus on everything unusual. At some point, just looking was not enough: I took my father's camera and began to shoot. My father gave me the highest mark of all possible - for my tenth birthday I received a camera and several lenses for it. After a while I tried to draw. I drew with what came to hand - felt-tip pens, pencils. And he did it consciously. worth saying thank you so much my mother, who supported this initiative. Passion requires nourishment, and at the age of 12 I began to study everything related to drawing. Then, in 2012, I got my own studio to start putting the acquired knowledge into practice. Thanks to my parents for taking my hobby so seriously.

Frol talks about himself.

Frol creates paintings in the genre of abstract art, and actively shares the results of his work in in social networks and on your own website.

Frol Malinin in front of his painting

Now Frol is holding most time in Munich, where she and her sister Ustinya study at one of the the best gymnasiums Bavaria. As their father Alexander Malinin said in an interview, the children speak three languages: English, German and Russian, and they also study Latin.

The twin sister Frola Ustinya is also passionate about creativity. She already went on stage with her father - together they performed the song "Show" in one of New Year's programs on Channel One. In addition, soon, on February 14, on Valentine's Day, Ustinya will take part in his father's concert at the Crocus City Hall.

By the way, the eldest son of Alexander Malinin from his first marriage, a participant in the "Star Factory-3" and performer of the once popular song "Kitten" Nikita Malinin, also made itself felt the other day. He appeared in the program "Tonight" by Andrei Malakhov and talked about where he "disappeared from the radar" of his fans.

Nikita Malinin with Yulia Mikhalchik at the Ostankino television center According to Nikita, he did not leave the musical sphere - he began to write dance music:

After the "Star Factory" I worked for a couple of years. Then he left the stage, began to write dance music. Now I work in nightclubs. I am happily married. My wife Natasha, my former classmate, and I have been together for 17 years. There are no children yet.

The full release of the program can be viewed here:

The singer's father was hospitalized with a heart attack

The scandal in the family of Alexander MALININ is gaining serious momentum. A month ago ex-wife Romance performer, singer Olga ZARUBINA, through our newspaper suggested that he do a DNA test for paternity. In order to close the question once and for all of who gave birth to Kira's daughter. This story excited the entire family of the musician.

After the release of the material in our editorial office, a call came from the homeland of Alexander Malinin - from the Ural village of Kosulino, where his father Nikolai Vyguzov lives.
- Help me find Alexander's phone! - excited chattered male voice. - His father, my dear neighbor, came down with a heart in the hospital. Sasha completely forgot about him. But Kolya is not a boy, he is 76 years old!

Having dialed the number of Nikolai Stepanovich, we heard the voice of his current wife Tatyana. (He divorced the singer's mother Angelina Anatolyevna more than 30 years ago.)
“Yes, my husband is really sick,” she confirmed. But we don't expect help from anyone. Sasha said in a TV show that he would keep in touch with his father. But these are empty promises... I don't trust this family for a long time. By the way, do you know that Malinin is not his mother's surname, as he says, but a fictitious one? In fact, mother Angelina was Raspberry before marriage. But these are trifles. It's not a trifle that Sasha never helped his father. Never! But Kolya spared nothing for his son. Every month he sent him decent sums. Eh...

Oleg, Alexander's younger brother, is also good. 53 years old, and everyone from Yekaterinburg trudges to us like a beggar, with an outstretched hand. He works as a driver. He will come, weave from three boxes like a mangy woman (in the Ural dialect - a chatty woman - M.S.-Sh.) Recently I was here. Do you know what he needed? From somewhere I found out that we had transferred all the real estate to our common son Anton, so I got worried. And we, by the way, have already helped Oleg with housing - we gave two-room apartment and two garages. He let this good go: what he drank, what he lost at cards.
- Do you think Olga Zarubina did the right thing when she suggested that Alexander take a paternity test?
- Let him do it, of course, so that the Vyguzovs calm down. By the way, Nikolai Stepanovich never doubted that Kira was his granddaughter. Yes, and we treat Olya well. She is normal person. Calls, inquires about health. Nice woman.

I feel sorry for her daughter Kira. Emma, ​​Malinin's current wife, believes that all the children whom she did not give birth to are strangers to Vyguzov. Some kind of insanity! She never accepted our son and Kolya. I can say: Sasha is sure that Kira is his daughter, it just seems to me that he is under the heel of his wife, who holds both money and real estate in her hands. Therefore, he sits and does not drink. Yes, and his mother does not speak, because she is there on a bird's right. Yes, you won’t spoil with Emma ... But, I repeat, we don’t need anything from this family! Kolya just wants to establish contact with his son. We don't even have a phone number. And how would my husband like to hear native voice. Especially now. You understand...

advanced granny

Of course, we decided to call the mother of Alexander Malinin - Angelina Anatolyevna.
“Forgive me, but I don’t know about the case,” she began the conversation with caution. - I'm sitting on my couch, and next to me is a tablet in which my Sasha sings. I am an advanced granny, although I celebrated my 75th birthday in November. I use a computer, I communicate with my children and grandchildren via Skype - they now live in Germany. My younger grandsons Frol and Ustinya also study there. I don’t know if they bought an apartment in Germany or rented it.
Why didn't you go with them?
- Oh, you can’t drag me there on the lasso. My southwestern region of Moscow is the best! I don't really know the capital. She comes from a remote village in the Kostroma region.
- Angelina Anatolyevna, well, you are a wise woman. Advise your son and his wife to stop the war with Zarubina. Worthless after all decent, educated people behave like this!
- I'll say this. Sasha, of course, in vain, called this girl a homeless person in the program. but she is really homeless, she has no housing. I think Zarubina is to blame for everything. She is a liar and raised her daughter the same way. I got into a strange family when my Sanka lived with Inna Kurochkina (the first wife of the musician, who gave birth to his son Nikita. - M. S. Sh.). There was such an episode.

Once Sasha comes with little Nikitka to us in Sverdlovsk - Inna at that time left for the sea. And suddenly Zarubina appears. “Sasha,” I ask my son, “why is this girl not going to the hotel to spend the night, but to us?” He began to play up, they say, they work together. Say, she came not alone, but with other members of the ensemble. That's when Olya jumped to him ... So she broke Sasha's family. And when Zarubina was going to America, she was on her knees in front of Sasha to allow her daughter to be taken with her. He allowed. And Olga, at the first opportunity, gave the girl a different patronymic and surname, wrote it down on her husband Evdokimov. Let them do DNA, the girl is not at all like us. Emma said that you need to do a test. There was a case when Sanya was admitted to the hospital. She did not come to him, because she was already confused with another. Everybody! I can't talk about Zarubina anymore. I have already suffered so much in my life with this Zarubina and with all Sasha's wives. Well them!

Alexander Malinin (singer) biography, photo, personal life.

Both parents of the artist worked on railway. Mom was a painter-plasterer, and dad was a carpenter. The boy was with early childhood very independent. He, the artist himself declares, already at the age of six could himself go to the other end of his native city. And in school age Alexander attended all the circles that were only in Sverdlovsk. And, despite being busy, he managed to help mom and dad raise younger brother Oleg.

Alexander Malinin - Honored and National artist RF. How old is Alexander Malinin.

Famous crooner has been performing on stage since 1976. He began to work as part of the then very famous Blue Guitars and Metronome ensembles. At that time he was only 18 years old. Soon, in a relatively short creative period, he became one of the most sought-after singers in Russia. Now he is 57 years old. His creative life is rich and varied.

From 1983 to 1987 the singer worked with Stas Namin. He also participated in the Alla Pugacheva Theater in 1988. Since the 90s, he has been performing with his numerous solo programs. And now A. Malinin remains very popular.

Then he met his first wife, a circus performer. Their meeting took place in the district House of Officers, where the troupe of the Moscow "Circus on Stage" toured. A young circus performer performed on a monobike, to which Alexander immediately drew attention. Gaining courage, he approached her backstage and introduced herself. They had beautiful romance, which ended with a noisy wedding in one of the Moscow restaurants. In 1981, the son Nikita was born.

Continuation music education. Second marriage.

In Moscow, Alexander entered School of Music named after Ippolitov-Ivanov. And he devoted all his free time from study to his family and music - he played in popular vocal and instrumental ensembles: first in the Blue Guitars, then in the Metronome. In 1983, he was invited to his group by Stay Namin. It was Namin, before the tour of the ensemble in the United States, who suggested that Alexander change Vyguzov's surname to Malinin. By the way, a little earlier than this event, Alexander also changed his family - he married the popular singer Olga Zarubina in those years (her hits were played on TV and radio almost daily). In this marriage, Malinin had a daughter. However, this marriage did not last long - only two years. And the young parted with a scandal. Zarubina banned ex-spouse to see her daughter, and soon remarried and went to America for several years. However, in the mid-90s, she would return to Russia again and give a whole series of interviews, where she would speak very impartially about her ex-husband. In particular, she will accuse him of ingratitude: they say, she did everything for him - and she knocked out a Moscow residence permit for him, and introduced people to the people needed in the stage - and he left her, moreover, after she suffered a serious illness.

Malinin for some time silently endured these accusations, but then could not stand it. Here is what he said in an interview with the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper in March 1998: “She invented everything, believe me. If she had helped me then, I would have been a star for a long time. And if I weren't Malinin now, she wouldn't even remember me. I don't know what she wants from me now - maybe restore her name? I don't think about her. I don't want to remember her. I have always helped her financially. And what did she do? She took her daughter to America. She did everything so that I never saw my daughter. Now she has returned to Russia and says that I left her. But "what you sow, so shall you reap." Now my daughter is being raised by another man. Zarubina was a mistake for me. I didn't love her. It was a mental breakdown. I was very amorous. There has always been a woman in my life. I lived with many women without signing. And he got married - because children were born. I simply cannot live without a woman: there will always be a woman who wants to be around. Which will warm and snuggle.

In 1988, Malinin won the Grand Prix at the Jurmala-88 competition, performing the songs Bullfighting (music by Elena Vanina, lyrics by M. P. Guskov), Love and Separation (music by I. Schwartz, lyrics by B. Okudzhava) and "Beware, the doors are closing." The song "Corrida" Malinin performed all three rounds until winning the final. Journalist Yuri Filinov, who was present at the competition, wrote: “The bullfight was simply a unique triumph of the competition. Not a single contestant in the entire history of Jurmala has aroused such admiration as Malinin. He shook, made me freeze and suffocate from the feeling of freedom. It is unlikely that anyone at that moment doubted that this particular artist was the winner. In the same year, for the song "Corrida" A. Malinin was awarded the Prize of the Soviet Peace Committee "Crystal Cup" - "Song - to the world.

For a long time, the basis of A. Malinin's repertoire was romances, which brought him wide popularity with the public in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Among them: “Vain Words” (music by D. F. Tukhmanov, lyrics by L. A. Rubalskaya), “Lieutenant Golitsyn” (M. Zvezdinsky), “ White horse"(music by Elena Vanina, lyrics by Mikhail Guskov), romances to poems by Sergei Yesenin and others.

ZARUBINA and MALININ signed in 1983, but lived together for only nine months.

With gynecologist Emma, ​​the artist created strong family into which no one else is allowed.

At the "Star Factory" everyone tried to prove himself in his own way. Nikita believes that his creativity helped him a lot: “Well, how, for example, to tell an obscene anecdote without swearing, so that it is not cut from the air? It also needs to be done creatively. And if you show how we sing, dance, brush our teeth and go to bed, then the program will die in two days. So I had to come up with some tricks. Something was offered to us from above, but without own feeling humor, which, fortunately, all the guys had, it would be difficult. The humor, however, was mostly American, below the navel, but everyone laughed.

It is often difficult to understand what is actually happening in a TV project, and what is according to the script. “For example, I really liked Masha Weber. We still talk on the phone sometimes. In general, it was, of course, not easy. The brain was in full swing, we sat down and planned how not to forget, on the one hand, about entertainment, and on the other hand, to grow as artists, ”says Nikita.

Alexander Malinin flies on tour abroad. The crew commander is walking through the cabin. He meets the eyes of the already famous Malinin, rushes to him ... But Malinin only coldly shakes hands with the commander, the same Andrei Shonin.

"Sanya, are you going to call?" - Didn't call.

The aged Petrovich comes to Alexander Malinin's concert in Riga: Sanya Vyguzov, hardly recognizing " godfather”, promises to call when there is time.

Emma gave birth to her second wife on November 23, 2000, twins - the son of Frol Malinin and the daughter of Ustinya Malinina.

Family: wife - Emma Malinina, gynecologist; children - Nikita (32 years old), Anton (30 years old), twins Frol and Ustinya (13 years old.

Education: graduated from the pop art studio at the Sverdlovsk Philharmonic, Musical and Pedagogical Institute. Ippolitov-Ivanov.

Career: Soloist of the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Ural Military District (1976-1977). In 1983-1987 he worked in the group of Stas Namin. One of the first solo performances took place at the Rock Panorama-87 festival. In 1988 he won the Grand Prix at the Jurmala-88 competition. In 1990, "Alexander Malinin's Ball" in the "Olympic" for 20 days was visited by 360 thousand spectators. He released 25 albums, starred in the projects “Old songs about the main thing.

Winner of the international prize of the World Music Awards as Russian performer, which has the largest album sales in its country. People's Artist of Russia and Ukraine.

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, 07.12.2016

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“I love Sasha’s mother very much and am grateful to her for giving birth to him, so wonderful! Every time I tell her: “Mommy, thank you for this!” And I think: “If not for Sasha, who else could love me like that!” Wife Emma talks about raising children, moving to Germany and how age doesn't really exist.

- Last year, Sasha and I celebrated the 25th anniversary of our acquaintance. An impressive date, to be sure, I can say for sure: for all these years I never got bored next to him. We have an interesting life. It seems to me that neither Sasha nor I will ever be pensioners, because for us life is movement. For many years in a row, my family and I have been leaving for the whole summer in Italy, in the city of Forte dei Marmi, but, in addition to passive relaxation on the beach, we found a lot for ourselves there. interesting activities. Sasha, coming to Italy, regularly practices vocals, learns his favorite Neapolitan songs, rides a bike through the mountains. This year I got on a bike. Our children - the twins Ustinya and Frol - also do not sit idle: they go in for sports, and drawing, and sculpture.

Sasha and I have a frantic pace of life! I have a medical practice in Moscow, and last year I started my own business in Germany - I opened a medical center where, with the help of good German equipment, check-up diagnostics are carried out for everyone who wants to get a competent prognosis regarding the state of health.

Sasha last year was also very intense: he left it new album under the title "Songs of my youth" - very unusual work. Sasha came up with the idea - to record those songs that he is at home with friends

sings with a guitar and which, as he says, he used to sing to the girls in the yard: "In the Cape Town port", "I'm in spring forest”, “Ships entered our harbor” and others in the same vein. He recorded them with high quality, in European studios, made interesting arrangements - it turned out great. But the most, probably, grandiose project of the last year is the “Shores of my life” ball, which Sasha arranged in Kyiv. There was ballet and Symphony Orchestra, and the Academic Folk Choir of Ukraine named after. Ropes. Previously over such big projects whole production companies worked, and now he did everything himself - both as a producer and as a director. We plan to hold such balls in other cities of Russia - with an orchestra, with a choir, beautifully, the way Alexander Malinin likes to do.

Last year was also an anniversary year. My husband turned 55 years old, and at the same time 25 years of his victory at song contest in Jurmala. This victory played important role in his creative career. We decided to celebrate these anniversaries with all relatives, loved ones and friends. True, it was not possible to do this on the birthday itself, since on November 16 Sasha was in Kyiv, where he rehearsed the program for his ball, and marked that day with shock work. But then we prepared a real holiday for him, gathering in Munich, in banquet hall hotel Bayerischer Hof, all relatives and close friends. Celebrated very heartily! And at the end of the evening, Sasha impromptu performed several romances to the accompaniment of famous pianist Yuri Rozum - it turned out to be a great concert. Even on his birthday, Alexander was awarded the Order of "Loyalty and Faith" of the first degree by the authorities of the Republic of Belarus. For the first time in the history of this country, such an award was presented to a Russian pop singer.

Sasha has a lot of plans, his tour schedule for today is scheduled until the end of the year. So free time which we manage to spend together with the family, we especially appreciate.

- Do you go on tour with your husband?

- Not always. But when I go with him, I definitely come to the concerts themselves. It is a special pleasure for me to watch Malinin's performance from the audience, as an ordinary spectator, to feel the energy of a live concert, along with

to live every romance, every song with the whole audience. I have favorite cities that I try not to miss. I love Moscow big concerts: the audience here is demanding, exacting, but grateful. I love St. Petersburg - there is a refined spectator, they even sigh intelligently. I love Kyiv - concerts there are always emotionally strong, the audience is open, sincere, they do not hesitate to express their joy. Once I was there, in the hall, I just burst into tears. The spectators were sitting next to me and, hearing Sasha sing Ukrainian folk songs, shed a tear. I couldn't resist looking at them either. I love his concerts, I watch and feel inner pride and joy for my loved one.

Do you get excited when he is on stage?

- I'm very worried! During his concerts, I sometimes have the feeling that I am inside him and I breathe with him, I freeze with him, even my vocal cords get tired. We talk with him after the performance, he asks: “Why are you wheezing?” - and I understand that my voice really sat down, as if it was me who sang. From behind the scenes, I always closely follow what he does on stage. Sasha has a rule: there should always be a bottle of water next to him so that his throat does not dry out. And if I see that he reaches for the water, and it’s empty there, I’m ready to run out to the microphone with a full hall and give him water. And once I noticed that his jacket was not fastened properly. I think: what to do?! I grabbed some kind of flower, it seems like I have an impulse - to give a bouquet to the artist. I ran out, I held out the flower to him, but he couldn’t understand what I wanted from him and why I was on stage. (Laughs.)

- Malinin has always had a lot of fans. Has it ever bothered you?

- He has amazing fans - well-mannered, smart, extraordinary. And pretty, by the way. He superbly performs romances, and it seems to every girl that he sings just for her. Naturally, fans do not remain indifferent, they love him. I am sympathetic to this, and if, for example, after a concert we sit in the dressing room and they come to Sasha for an autograph, I try to slip away unnoticed. Why would I embarrass people? Fans want to throw themselves on the neck of their idol, kiss him - these are understandable feelings and an absolutely adequate reaction, but I understand that it is inconvenient for them to do this with me and delicately leave. Sometimes, however, it comes to the point of absurdity ... Somehow in the summer near our country house two girls, fans of Malinin, pitched a tent and lived in it for several days.

- Have you ever had jealousy of the fans?

True love and harmony appear when there is an inner feeling of complete trust and respect for a person, when you can afford to be happy simply because a person close to you is well. Sasha and I feel each other so much that we have internal contact already at the subconscious level. We have had so many times that I just think about him, and he dials my number. Or I’ll think about something, but I don’t have time to ask a question, and he himself begins to talk about what I wanted to ask him.

When you reach such a state in a relationship, then there can be no talk of any jealousy. Jealousy is insecurity in another person, fear of losing, sharing it with someone. I'm not jealous of Sasha, especially to the fans. And he does not give me the slightest cause for concern in this sense.

And I can't imagine any other relationship. If it were not possible to achieve harmony with a person, then she would not be able to live with jealousy inside.

– Many modern girls, getting married, do not stop making a career. Participation in husband's affairs recent times unfashionable. Is this correct, what do you think?

- I think that everything is good in moderation. I am passionate about my work, we can say that it took place professionally. But I do not divide myself between a husband, children and a career. If I am able to help my husband in his projects, I will do it with pleasure. For example, Sasha does not like to read contracts. Usually he asks: “Emmy, well, look,” but it’s not difficult for me, I took a look, corrected something - and that’s it. Or is he preparing for his ball, ordered costumes for dance numbers, but when they arrived, he asked me to look at the rehearsals and evaluate how they look from the hall. Why not look? Besides, it's interesting to me purely as a human being. And so in everything. I enjoy helping my husband.

Sasha also helps me and supports me. He has amazing intuition, and I will not start any business without his approval. That is, we live together, one life, but each of us has his own living space. Sasha has his own office, in which you can’t touch anything, rearrange anything from place to place - and in general it’s undesirable to go there without him. When he is busy with creativity, it is important for him to be alone, to sit with a guitar, to disconnect from all external stimuli. And I try not to disturb this world of his, not to invade his space, not to interfere with him with everyday issues. I won’t even enter the office without knocking if I hear that he is rehearsing there. AND new song I will listen only when he calls me. I understand and accept it.

- Do you have enough 24 hours a day to keep up with your business and help your husband?

“Fortunately, I need a little sleep—six hours is enough. I am, if I may say so, "a dazed lark." Sometimes, of course, I get tired - then I allow myself to sleep off, but this is rare. Thanks to the fact that I learned how to properly plan my time, I manage to do a lot. I don't mind any hard work. I can make repairs. I still remember with laughter the expression on the face of my boss in one of the clinics where I came to work at the dawn of my career. They gave me an office, and the first thing I did was paint the walls there. The boss comes in - and I with a roller and paint. "Doctor, what are you doing?" I say: “I’m going to paint the office now, it will just dry out over the weekend, and on Monday I will start the reception.” To say he was surprised is an understatement.

I also peel filigree potatoes. I am sure that if I ever take part in a potato peeling competition, I will win it for sure. And, of course, I love to cook. I don’t allow others to do this, I think that it is extremely important to feed your family yourself. It's such a subtle energy. When you cook soup, you convey your love, your energy to people. Another person will never cook the way I want. Suddenly, for example, he will interfere with the soup counterclockwise, and I just hate it. There are many subtleties in cooking. So you came to visit us, and now I will treat you to tagliolini with a rabbit.

Tagliolini is a type of pasta. I make it with my own hands: I roll the dough into a large pancake and then cut it into strips. I cook the pasta separately, carcass the rabbit separately, then I combine them. It seems to be a simple matter, but it also has its own subtleties: when stewing a rabbit, you must first “marry” the garlic and ginger so that the right smell appears, and then add all the other ingredients. And all with soul, with love. And be sure to go clockwise! (Laughs.)

— Do you like to receive guests?

- This house near Moscow, in which we are now, is a residence for celebrating the New Year and other big events. family holidays. We walk noisily, for several days in a row. Guests come with all the household members, with dogs - there is enough space for everyone. Older children come with their families, and, of course, both mothers - both mine and Sasha - always take part in the general fun. Sasha's mother, Angelina Anatolyevna, has been living in Moscow for a long time. Immediately after Sasha's victory in Jurmala, she came to congratulate her son, but he did not let her mother go back to native city persuaded to stay. At first, Sasha was constrained living conditions. The first thing he did when he had the opportunity was to buy an apartment for his mother, and I am very proud of this act of his.

One can only dream of such a daughter-in-law!

- I love Angelina Anatolyevna very much and am grateful to her for giving birth to him, so wonderful! Every time I tell her: “Mommy, thank you for this!” And I myself think: “If not for Sasha, who else could love me like that!” They both support me in everything. A few years ago, when I decided to do a project in Germany, it was necessary not only to move, but also to learn German, pass exams, and also confirm a medical diploma. It was not easy, but interesting. Sasha helped me at that time - he did lessons with the children and cooked food. These difficulties reminded us of student life. I went to school with a portfolio, and Sasha remained on the farm. What kind of man can tolerate this?

- How do the children cope?

“Children who grow up in a family where parents love each other, work and study, see such an example before their eyes, absorb it themselves and have no idea how it could be otherwise. The most important thing for us as parents is to keep children's desire to learn and interest in learning.

- Does your husband take part in raising children? He good father?

- Of course, the most active. Our youngest children now have a very difficult age - 13 years. Sometimes they get weird. Frol refused to sing in the choir. Both of us have been singing since childhood, their hearing is good, we have all the data. And they always liked it, and then Frol suddenly went into denial. Sasha began to get nervous, because he could not understand the reason. Once upon a time we had a similar story with Nikita (Sasha's son from his first marriage). Nikita started working in musical group with dad and sang romances beautifully. But, having matured, he realized that other music was closer to him, and chose the R'n'B genre for himself. Well, dad was upset at first, but then he accepted Nikita's choice and is proud that he is absolutely self-sufficient.

I try to listen to my maternal intuition, to understand how my children live, what they are interested in, what is in this moment important. And I can take the side of the pope, then the side of the children - depending on the situation.

Now I see Sasha's worries due to the fact that Frol suddenly stopped singing, playing the violin, ignoring the piano. Before that, though, I had fun doing it. Dad asks him: “How many times this week did you sit down at the instrument?” - "I did not have time". Sasha to me: “What is he doing now? Why are you letting him mess around?!" I say: “Sanya, dear! You must understand one thing: he is growing up, he is now in a period of reassessment of his capabilities and desires, he must pass this stage. But at the same time, I know that Frol has already become interested in drawing, but so far he does not want to show his dad his work. And those few months, until Sasha finally saw what Frol was doing, were difficult.

Transitional age is a difficult stage, parents need to be very careful and not be lazy, the main thing is not to be lazy! Listen to children every hour. Our son loves to take pictures, loves to contemplate, you should definitely take a walk with him, discuss nature, life, people. And Ustinya now has an active period of passion for animals, she takes care of fish, hamsters, turtles, a cat, a dog. She carefully monitors their health, cares, heals.

- And in relation to your daughter, is your husband also strict?

- They are kindred spirits, and this was noticeable from the first days of the twins' lives. Ustinya - father's daughter. She behaves the way he likes, answers his questions the way he would like to hear. She studies exactly the way he would like, she is praised all the time. And he does all this not to please the pope, but simply because they are on the same wavelength.

Do you communicate with older children?

- Of course, regularly. The older children have been married for a long time. Both Anton and Nikita have their own families. Of course, both are very busy with work and home. But, thank God, there are such tools as Facebook, Skype.

Anton often comes to us with his family, he has two guys: six-year-old Platon and one-year-old Arianna. Nikita and Sasha find an opportunity to cross paths in Moscow when their tour schedules allow it.

What emotions did you experience when you became a grandmother?

— I think that it is a great success and great happiness to enjoy communication with your grandchildren when you still want and can jump, run, play snowballs, go skiing with them. In that New Year we arranged for our children and grandchildren real fairy tale. Sasha kindled a fire in the forest, looking for Santa Claus with the guys. They rode dog sleds, jumped over the fire. Such a holiday will remain in the memory of everyone for a long time. If there is energy and enthusiasm, then age is not felt.

- With such a workload: family, business, household - you also manage to look great. Discover the secret, how do you do it?

— I don't go in cycles in cosmetic procedures and I don't spend a lot of time in beauty salons. I have my own special nutrition rules, but this is not a diet, but a nutrition system. I do not like the word "diet" and have not been on a diet myself. It is better to eat everything in moderation, carefully and with pleasure - then everything will be fine!

The most important thing is to love yourself for who you are. If you want to change something in yourself, then you need to do it with joy, without exhausting yourself, without bringing yourself to a depressive state. You can look good at any age

beautiful - and in 20, and in 80 years. Everything depends on the person himself, on his inner world. My secret is not at all in cosmetic procedures, but in the right state of mind. You need to know how to love. And this applies not only to people. You can love this world and be happy from it, enjoy simple and natural things, such as a cup of coffee. A couple of years ago in Italy, I myself planted lemons and oranges, several young trees near our house. I recently arrived - and there the first fruits are already hanging, and they are so beautiful, with an amazing citrus smell! And when you later harvest the first harvest with your own hands, the soul rejoices from such feelings, and the body becomes younger.

Create yourself festive mood everyone can. Even if there are no events in life that you want to celebrate, but there are only continuous working days, then you can come up with a holiday yourself - for yourself and your loved ones.

Family: wife - Emma Malinina, gynecologist; children - Nikita (32 years old), Anton (30 years old), twins Frol and Ustinya (13 years old)

Education: graduated from the pop art studio at the Sverdlovsk Philharmonic, Musical and Pedagogical Institute. Ippolitova-Ivanova

Career: soloist of the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Ural Military District (1976-1977). In 1983-1987 he worked in the group of Stas Namin. One of the first solo performances took place at the Rock Panorama-87 festival. In 1988 he won the Grand Prix at the Jurmala-88 competition. In 1990, "Alexander Malinin's Ball" in the "Olympic" for 20 days was visited by 360 thousand spectators. He released 25 albums, starred in the projects "Old songs about the main thing."

Winner of the international World Music Awards prize as a Russian performer with the largest album sales in his country. People's Artist of Russia and Ukraine

Biography creative way Alexander Malinin began in 1976 with admission to the Studio-creative workshop of variety art at the Sverdlovsk State Philharmonic. After graduation, he was hired by the State Ural Russian Folk choir as a vocalist. In 1977 he was drafted into the Armed Forces Soviet army soloist of the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Ural Military District. After serving in the army in 1979, he joined the Moscow regional philharmonic society in VIA "Guitars sing". In 1983-84. A. Malinin - artist "Moskontsert" (ensemble "Metronome"). From 1984 to 1987 - soloist of the Stas Namin group. A. Malinin's solo debut on stage took place in 1987 at a rock festival in Moscow. Performed in an unusual manner for that time, the song "Black Raven" and the Russian romance "Coachman, don't drive the horses" made a stunning impression on the audience. But the main event of the artist was ahead. In 1988, at the All-Union Television Competition for Young Performers "Jurmala-88", he became the owner of the main prize - "Grand Prix" - as the absolute winner. From this moment comes the recognition of A. Malinin by the general public. The songs "Lieutenant Golitsyn", "Love and Separation", "Fun", "Vain Words", "Night", "Prayer" - become popularly loved and from that moment are included in the golden fund of Russian song culture. In 1990, A. Malinin holds his first concert show program called "Alexander Malinin's Ball" in the Olimpiysky sports and concert complex, which was attended by 360 thousand spectators in 20 days, which at that time was a record attendance for such events. Since that time, the Alexander Malinin Balls have become traditional and are held at the most prestigious concert venues Moscow. To date, more than ten such programs have been held: "Easter Ball of my soul", "Alexander Malinin's Christmas Ball", "Ninth Ball", "Star Ball", "Shores of My Life" Ball, etc. Six concerts were filmed and repeatedly were shown by various TV channels, both in Russia and abroad. These are the programs: * "Alexander Malinin's Ball" * "Third Ball" * "Twenty Years on Stage" * "Star Ball" * "Ninth Ball" * "Tenth Ball" To date, more than 20 solo albums of the singer have been published ("Lieutenant Golitsyn", "Ball", "Desired Time for Love", "Wedding", "Cursed Nights", "Shores", etc.) sold in millions of copies. It was for these merits that in 1994 A. Malinin was awarded an international prize in the County of Monaco in Monte Carlo " the world music awards" as a Russian performer with the largest album sales in his country. In 1989, A. Malinin became the laureate of the Lenin Komsomol Prize, the last artist in the USSR to receive this title. The entire award was transferred to the singer in the Patriarchy fund for the restoration of destroyed churches In 1991, A. Malinin was awarded the title - "Honored Artist of Russia". In 1997, A. Malinin was awarded the title - "People's Artist of Russia". Since 1992, the singer has created the Alexander Malinin Creative Workshop, which aims to promote the best examples Russian song culture and the creation of a school of Russian romance, where young talented performers could receive relevant skills and training. For many years, the artist has been a participant in the most popular television and radio programs ("Song of the Year", "Morning Post", "Old Songs about the Main", etc.). Several films were shot about the life and work of the singer ("Burn, burn, my star", "Ballad about the singer", "Malinin - past and present", etc.). The maestro tours a lot both in Russia and abroad - the USA, Germany, Israel, Australia, etc. - invariably gathering full halls of fans of A. Malinin's work. For many of our compatriots living abroad, the singer's work has become a particle of the Motherland and the embodiment of the spirit of the Russian people. recognition folk love was opened in 1999. memorial sign- a personalized star on the "Square of Stars" at the State Central Concert Hall "Russia", where the name of A. Malinin is carved in gold letters in the same row with such luminaries domestic stage, like A. Vertinsky, L. Utesov, K. Shulzhenko. Alexander Malinin has been a member of the Public Council of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of Moscow for many years, as well as a member of the Public Council of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of Russia, constantly participating in charity concerts for veterans, disabled people, orphans, for employees law enforcement and their families. For my charitable activities in 1998 A. Malinin awarded Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the field of culture and art, and in 2002 - the medal of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "200 years of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia", in total, the artist was awarded more than a hundred times with many commemorative letters and thank you letters from the President of Russia, State Duma Russia, the Federal Border Service of Russia. With his work, Alexander Malinin contributes to the strengthening of friendly ties between the CIS countries, which is confirmed by the annual concert tours by city former Union. The maestro was awarded a diploma of the "Wheel of Fortune" competition in the nomination "Star of the Slavic stage", and was also awarded the All-Ukrainian Supreme Academic Council of the nationwide program "Person of the Year" with a special international award"Person of the Year" in the field of culture for 2002. A. Malinin graduated from the State Musical and Pedagogical Institute. MM. Ippolitov-Ivanov. In 2003 Alexander Malinin opened new page in your creativity. For the first time he performed classical romances on the stage of the Great Hall of the Moscow State Conservatory. The program had resounding success and twice a year was sold out in this prestigious academic hall. Not only old Russian romances were performed, but also arias from famous operas P. Tchaikovsky, A. Borodin, J. Bizet. The television version of A. Malinin's concert "In Love with Romance" was broadcast by the Kultura TV channel. This program can be considered the result of the performer's many years of work in studying the classical heritage of Russian musical culture. The art of Alexander Malinin won the hearts of millions. Him art style, full of the highest nobility and dignity, sparkling with all manifestations of the character of the Russian people, understandable to everyone and, of course, entered the treasury of world culture.

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