Vedas of the ancient Slavs and their meaning. Indian Vedas and Vedas of the Slavs


Publius Ovid Nason was born in 47 BC. in the city of Sulmon. He came from a wealthy equestrian family. His father's hopes of making him a government official were shattered very early, as the young
Ovid soon became convinced of his complete unsuitability for the judicial and administrative positions that he tried to occupy.
In his youngest years, he felt in himself the vocation of a poet, which made him, too, from his earliest youth, enter the circle of the most prominent poets of Rome at that time - Tibullus, Propertius and even Horace, despite the difference with the latter in age. Attending rhetorical schools in Rome early accustomed him to a sophisticated rhetorical-declamatory style, elements of which are visible even in his later works. In his early youth, Ovid undertook a journey to Greece and Asia Minor, which in his time was considered necessary for any educated Roman, especially a poet.
Being a wealthy person and free from public service, Ovid led a frivolous lifestyle in Rome, and having a brilliant talent as a poet, he often introduced frivolous images and motives into his poetry, undoubtedly entering into antagonism with the policies of Augustus, who dreamed of reviving the ancient and harsh Roman virtues. Bad influence
Ovid on Roman society in this sense was so great that in 8 AD.
Augustus ordered his expulsion from Rome to the extreme north-eastern part of the empire, namely, to the city of Toma. The poet in mournful tones depicted his last night in Rome, full of tears and groans, his farewell to his wife and servants, and later on, a long and dangerous voyage, during which Ovid's ship almost died from a storm.
Needless to say, the refined and spoiled poet could leave the metropolitan situation only with the greatest violence against himself and get to the semi-wild Sarmatians, in a country whose climate Ovid endured with great difficulty. In letters from exile to his wife, friends, and to Augustus himself, he often asks for pardon, sometimes humiliating himself to the point of complete loss. dignity. However, both Augustus and his successor Tiberius remained deaf to his requests; and Ovid, having been in exile for about ten years, died in 18 away from Rome and its brilliant culture.
The specific reasons for Ovid's exile have often been debated. This question, however, is completely insoluble, since the only material for solving it are only some hints contained in the works of Ovid himself.

The first period of Ovid's work takes up to approximately 2 years and is devoted exclusively to a love elegy.
The general nature of Ovid's love elegy is distinguished in its content by frivolous and unprincipled themes, and in its style by a separation from the description of the poet's real feelings for real lovers; this realism is replaced by a beautiful and lengthy recitation with extensive use of school rhetorical devices.
"Songs of Love" is the first work of this kind by Ovid. Here a certain Corinna is praised, rather just a conventionally poetic image, in relation to which the poet creates his extensive rhetorical recitations.
The theme of these elegies is a description of various love experiences and love affairs. The poet himself, apparently, did not feel much satisfaction from his rather empty, and sometimes even obscene love lyrics. In elegy 3, 15, Ovid, recognizing his great merits and the right to popularity among posterity, nevertheless says goodbye to his too light muse and expresses the intention to move on to more serious poetry, even to tragedy.
"Heroines" or "Messages" consist of 15 messages of mythological heroines to their lovers and 3 messages of heroes with answers to them by heroines.
"Heroines" is similar to the previous collection of Ovid in the sense that here, too, the rhetoric of love language is in the foreground. However, the big difference between the poems in both collections is also striking. “Songs of Love” is a rather empty work; on the contrary, the "Heroines" are full of deep psychological content, and rhetoric is used here mainly for the purposes of psychological analysis. Of course, some rhetorical schematism still remains. But here he is very diverse and often distinguished by living human features.
Ovid owns three more works related to the theme of love:
Medicines for the Woman's Face, The Science of Love, and Remedies for Love. All these works of Ovid treat not so much about love as about various love affairs and suggest a very dubious morality of those for whom all this advice is given. However, a careful study of these treatises reveals in them such features that make us consider these treatises to be remarkable works of Roman literature. The author often reveals a great knowledge of life. Unwillingly, Ovid most severely exposes the growing moral decline of Roman society, its immersion in unprincipled adventure and the absence of firm foundations in it. Finally, the analysis of the last two works reveals the poet's inclination to depict pictures of nature and to use mythological materials, reveals the high technique of verse, reaching great lightness, playfulness and ease.
All this sometimes even obscured Ovid's frivolous interpretation of love and gave it a kind of romantic connotation. This can explain the popularity of Ovid at all times, and even in the Middle Ages, when he gave rise to an important imitative literature and was a mentor, for example, of the famous Provencal troubadours.
The second period of Ovid's work is the first years of our era. to the exile of the poet.
The work of Ovid is marked by essentially new features, since he tries here to praise the growing empire, without neglecting any flattery in relation to Caesar and Augustus and the exaltation of Roman antiquity. It can be said frankly that he succeeds quite badly. However, the former love theme, while continuing to play a huge role, is no longer the only one and is now subject to both the new theme and the new artistic methodology.
"Metamorphoses" are the main works of this period. Here the poet used the genre of "transformation" popular in Hellenistic literature. But instead of the little collections of myths about such transformations, and instead of the sketches of these latter that we find in previous literature,
Ovid creates a huge work containing about 250 more or less developed transformations, placing them mainly in chronological order and developing each such myth in the form of an elegant epillium.
"Metamorphoses" did not reach us in a final processed form, since
Ovid, before his departure for exile, in a fit of desperation, burned the manuscript on which he was working at that time. This work was preserved only because some of its lists were with the poet's friends, who were able to subsequently restore it as a whole.
The plot of the Metamorphoses is nothing but the whole of ancient mythology, presented systematically and, if possible, chronologically, as far as the chronology of myth was generally imagined in those days.
The historical basis of the Metamorphoses is clear. Ovid wanted to give a systematic exposition of all ancient mythology, arranging it according to those periods that then seemed real to the wave. From an infinite number ancient myths Ovid chooses myths by transformations. Transformation is the deepest foundation of all primitive mythology. But Ovid is far from such a naive narrator of ancient myths that the motif of transformation would have any casual or immediate significance for him. All these endless transformations, to which the Metamorphoses are devoted, arising at every step and forming a hard-to-see heap, are they not dictated by the same endless vicissitudes of fate that filled the Roman history of the time of Ovid and from which he left an indelible impression. With great certainty, it can be assumed that it was precisely this restless and anxious disposition of the poet, who did not see a firm foothold anywhere, that made him, in the field of mythology, mainly depict all sorts of vicissitudes of life, which took the form of a primitive transformation.
The ideology of "Metamorphoses" is rather complicated. Undoubtedly, in the time of Ovid, the civilized part of Roman society could no longer believe in mythology. But this generally correct assessment of Ovid's attitude to mythology needs, however, essential detailing. Despite his skepticism, Ovid sincerely loves his mythology, it gives him the deepest joy.
A coma of love for his gods and heroes, Ovid still feels some kind of good-natured indulgence towards them. He seems to consider them his brothers and willingly forgives them all their shortcomings. Even the very theoretical attitude towards myths in Ovid can by no means be characterized as simply negative.
The genres used in the Metamorphoses are as diverse as in any great work Hellenistic-Roman literature. They give the impression of a well-known variegation, but this variegation is Roman, that is, it is permeated by a single pathos. Written in hexameters and using numerous epic devices, the Metamorphoses are undoubtedly first and foremost an epic work.
However, the lyrics could not but be presented in the Metamorphoses in the widest sizes, already because most of the stories are given here on love theme and does not shy away from any intimacy. Not weaker than that drama is presented. Medea, of course, was difficult to portray without dramatic techniques. One can also talk about the dramatic nature of such images as Phaethon, Niobe, Hercules, Hecuba and Polymestor, Orpheus and Eurydice and many others.
An example of the epistolary genre is Biblida's letter to her lover
Caunus. Ovid also presents such typically Hellenistic genres as, for example, an idyll in the depiction of primitive times, as well as in the famous story of Philemon and Baucis, or a love elegy in the story of the Cyclops and
Often Ovid also uses the genre of etiological myth. The favorite genre in ancient literature for describing a work of art, the so-called ekphrasis, also takes place in the Metamorphoses. Ovid is no stranger to the genre of serenade and epitaph. Finally, each story from the Metamorphoses is a small and rounded whole with all the hallmarks of a Hellenistic epillium.
Despite this abundance of genres and all the many stories told in one genre or another, Metamorphoses is conceived as a single and whole work, which again corresponds to the Hellenistic-Roman tendency to combine the universal and the fractional-individual. "Metamorphoses" is not at all some kind of anthology containing separate stories. All stories here are necessarily united in one way or another, sometimes, however, completely external.
The artistic style of Ovid has as its purpose to give fantastic mythology as an independent subject of the image, i.e. turn it into some kind of aesthetic end in itself. It must be added that Ovid has no mythological creativity of his own at all.
The mythological outline of the myths transmitted by him does not belong to him, but is only an ancient property of Greco-Roman culture. Ovid himself only chooses various kinds of details, deepening them psychologically, aesthetically or philosophically.
The artistic style of the Metamorphoses is at the same time a realistic style, because all their mythology is thoroughly permeated with the features of realism, often reaching everydayism, and, moreover, even in the modern Roman spirit of Ovid.
One of the most significant moments of the artistic style of "Metamorphoses" is the reflection in it of the contemporary visual plastic and pictorial art. In connection with the picturesque elements of the artistic style of Ovid, it is necessary to note his great propensity for the subtlest perception of colors and colors.
The plastic elements of Ovid's artistic style are widely represented.
The poet's eye sees some kind of movement everywhere, and again mainly of a living body. This plasticity is often embodied in the whole picture, with sharply defined contours, sometimes beautiful, sometimes repulsive.
Perhaps the most important feature of Ovid's artistic style is his variegation, but not in the sense of any incoherence and incoherence of the objects depicted, but fundamental, specific variegation.
First of all, the bizarre brokenness of the storyline of the work is striking. Within the framework of the plot, its individual parts are developed quite whimsically: the beginning of the myth is stated, and there is no end to it, or the end of the myth is developed, and its beginning is only dully mentioned. That is, the myth is set out in too much detail or, conversely, too briefly. This results in an almost complete absence of the essential unity of the work, although formally the poet invariably tries, by means of separate artificial methods, to somehow connect its individual parts into one whole. It is difficult to establish where mythology ends and history begins, to separate learning from artistic creativity and to determine where the Greek style of mythology is and where the Roman one. True, the three final books of the work differ from the others both in their prosaism and in their Roman character.
Stylistic diversity is also reflected in the mixture of mythology with realism and even with naturalism. "Metamorphoses" are full of infinitely diverse psychological types, positions and experiences. Here and frivolous and morally high people; ardent and passionate natures alternate with cold and impassive, pious people - with atheists, heroes - with weak people. Here are kings and heroes, shepherds and artisans, selfless warriors and politicians, city founders, prophets, artists, philosophers, allegorical monsters; love, jealousy, envy, daring, feat and insignificance, bestiality and innocence, greed, self-sacrifice, aesthetic delight, tragedy, farce and madness.
The action is played here and on the wide earth with its fields, forests and mountains, and on the high, bright Olympus, on the sea and in the dark underworld. And all this is white, black, pink, red, green, blue, saffron.
The diversity of the Hellenistic-Roman artistic style is achieved in
"Metamorphoses" of its climax.
Simultaneously with the Metamorphoses, Ovid also wrote Fasts. This is a calendar with different legends and myths associated with certain dates of each month. Only the first six months have reached us. Not to mention the fact that this work itself is dedicated to the emperor Augustus, it is riddled with even more servility than the Metamorphoses. In terms of breadth, thoroughness and poetry, the presentation of Ovid's Fasta is an unsurpassed work from this kind of literature.
During the third period of creativity, the brilliance of artistic talent
Ovid, the lightness of his stories, the refinement and sophistication of his artistic style could not help but fade because of the poet’s exile, when instead of a brilliant life in the capital, he found himself in the most remote part of the empire, among half-savage barbarians who were not familiar not only with the metropolitan situation, but even and with Latin. The main works of this period are Ovid's "Sorrowful Songs" and "Letters from Pontus". The first of these works consists of five books of elegiac couplets. From the first book, elegies 2 and 4 are especially famous, which contain a description of the storm during Ovid's voyage to the place of his exile, and elegy 3, which describes the farewell night in Rome. All these elegies of Ovid differ sharply from his previous works in sincerity of tone, deep mental suffering, a sense of hopelessness and catastrophe, and heartfelt outpourings.
The remaining elegies of the first book are addressed to Roman friends and to his wife and contain bitter lamentations about their fate.
The second book is a continuous plaintive prayer to Augustus for mercy. The last three books are devoted to heavy reflections on his own fate in exile, requests for mercy, appeals to friends and wife for help, and some thoughts about his past and his work. An elegy is usually noted (6,
10), dedicated to the autobiography of the poet, from where we learned about the place of his birth, about his father, brother, about his three marriages, daughter. About an early inclination towards poetic creativity and a disinclination to office work.
The last period of Ovid's work also includes the works "Ibis",
"Fishing" and "Halnut" - works or of little interest in the historical literary terms, either unfinished or doubtful in the sense of Ovid's authorship. However, giving a general description of the last period of Ovid's work, one cannot be strict with the poet for the monotony of the tone of his works and too frequent requests for pardon.


For the preparation of this work, materials from the site were used.

Publius Ovid Nason is one of the three most famous Roman poets of the Golden Age, along with Virgil and Horace. The poet left to posterity 8 books in which we can find the history of his life and creative way. At the same time, Ovid was alien to repetition, each of his new works was new in terms of form or content. Ovid's main work is the Metamorphoses, which are a skillful poetic treatment of ancient myths.

Although Ovid entered literature precisely with love poems, which made him famous and from which he eventually suffered, going into life exile. At least, this is what his biographers suggest, who rack their brains about true reasons the expulsion of Ovid from Rome by Emperor Augustus. The poet himself spoke rather vaguely about this, naming two reasons: poetry and a certain act. Usually this act is associated with the sphere of intimate relationships, since Ovid, the author of the famous "Science of Love", was by no means the most modest citizen. And the emperor Augustus valued just modesty and chastity, sending into exile everyone whom he convicted of immoral behavior. However, the mysterious act of Ovid remains a hypothesis.

Ovid's poem "The Science of Love" is one of the most perfect in form and unsurpassed in wit works. In it, the author considers the ability to evoke love as a science that needs to be studied, and love itself is the subject of analysis for him. The book has a didactic coloring, the poet acts as a teacher, passing on his rich knowledge in the field of relations to young people. And it is very difficult to accuse him of ignorance of his subject. Ovid is in fact an example of a person who has amazing powers of observation, a subtle understanding of female and male psychology, who does not skimp on juicy details. Many of Ovid's advice sounds surprisingly modern, as if nothing in the relationship between the sexes had changed in two thousand years. That's probably how it is. Today, Ovid could just as successfully conquer women. At the beginning of the poem, Ovid writes what exactly he will instruct the young lovers:

The first thing is yours, rookie of the Venus army,

Meet the desired object, choose whom to love.

The second thing is to achieve love from the one you chose;

The third is to be able to save this love for a long time.

The poem is divided into 3 parts. In the first we are talking about the most favorable places to search for the object of desire: theater, circus, holiday, dinner party, resort. The poet believes that women attend social events "not only to look, but to be looked at." The second part of the poem is replete with specific techniques for awakening reciprocal feelings in women. A man should be polite, helpful, witty, eloquent. Sometimes it is not forbidden even to seduce the servant of his beloved in order to achieve love with her help. For example, you can make an impression like this:

If a speck of dust accidentally sits on a girl's chest -

Shake off this speck of dust with a gentle finger.

If there is no dust, anyway you shake it off gently,

After all, for care, such every reason is good.

Be persuasive, make a familiar word affectionate,

As if wax is not talking - you yourself are talking to her.

If he does not accept the letter and returns it without reading it,

You do not lose hope: if you are stubborn, you will read it.

What about kisses? Is it possible not to interfere with requests?

Let it not be given - and you take from the one who does not give.

If he fights and if he says: "Unfit!" -

Know: not your own, but yours, he wants victory in the struggle.

Ovid urges to carefully monitor their appearance. Perseverance and talk are far from all the means that open the door to the heart of a beloved. Not embarrassed in expressions, Ovid draws an image that a man should create. And again, these lines can be attributed to the immortal:

Do not disgrace your head with an inept haircut -

Hair and beard require a dexterous hand;

Don't let your nails stick out, bordered by black mud,

And not a single one looks out of a hollow nostril;

Let a clean mouth not smell of heavy staleness

And from your armpits the herd does not breathe a goat;

Leave everything else - let the girls enjoy it

Or, to spite Venus, men are looking for men.

Many lines of the poem convince us that Ovid was an expert in female psychology. His powers of observation allowed him to study well the behavior of women in a given situation, to see their hidden motives and desires. Teaching love, the poet nevertheless strives to portray a person without embellishment, as he is with all his features, sometimes the most impartial. Surely, many women of the 21st century recognize themselves in a portrait painted by an ancient Roman poet in the 1st century.

Be sure of one thing: there are no women inaccessible to you!

Just open the net - each one will be yours!

Nightingales will soon fall silent in spring, and cicadas in summer,

And the Menalian dogs of hares will start to get scared,

Than a woman will resist the caress of a man, -

No matter how he says “I don’t want to”, he will soon want, like everyone else.

The secret joy of Venus is dear to both the youth and the maiden,

Only more modestly - she, and more frankly - he.

If we agreed not to touch women, -

The women themselves, I swear, would start touching us.

A woman means will find passionate men to rob.

Here the peddler came, laid out the goods in front of her,

She will review them and turn to you,

“Choose,” he says, “to taste, I’ll see how picky you are,”

And then kiss, and coo: "Buy!".

The third part of the poem is devoted to a special art - the preservation of love. Here we see the same variety of means, from the most sublime to sometimes somewhat perverted. For example, Ovid points out that for a long time the feeling will not be able to hold out on deceit. A woman cannot lie. It is necessary to accustom her to yourself, so that in the absence of a man she would yearn. It is also allowed to incite jealousy by finding an imaginary rival to your beloved. In general, the choice is rich, "read the book and, having learned, fall in love" in the words of the author.

To stay with you, your woman must remember

That her beauty has made you completely crazy.

If she is in Tyrian, praise the Tyrian dress,

Will it come out to you in a kossian suit - a kosska suit also suits you;

If everything is in gold, then she herself is more beautiful than gold,

If wrapped in wool - say: "Wonderful wool!"

If you appear in a shirt alone - shout: "I'm on fire!"

And carefully add: “But you won’t catch a cold?”

If the parting is in the hair, you don’t need a better hairstyle;

If it is curled - honor and praise to the curls.

For those who, on the contrary, want to get rid of love feelings, Ovid wrote a continuation of this poem - “Healing from Love”. In it, he calls love a disease that needs to be treated in order to maintain a clear mind. So Ovid suggests that each reader make their choice: to consider love a gift of the gods or a dangerous disease. Ovid himself nevertheless chose love, paying a considerable price for it.

And then moved on a chariot Waitmare to Midgard (planet Earth) to the ancient sunken continent Daaria (Greek: Hyperborea), located at the North Pole. Later (106 thousand years ago) they moved to Belovodie, where the river Iriy (Irtysh) flowed. survived glacial period(Great cooling 13 thousand years ago after the destruction of the second satellite of the Earth - Fatta with the help of nuclear weapons).

The Ynglings are tolerant of the personalities of the founders of world religions: Jesus, Muhammad, Zarathustra and Buddha. However, Rod and his forms are considered to be true gods. In addition to the gods of the Family, there are also various spiritual entities of other dimensions: legs, arlegs and asses.

Rites [ | ]

Santia. Each Santia consists of 16 slokas, each sloka contains 9 lines, in each line under a single line, called the Celestial, 16 runes are inscribed, on each plate 4 slokas, two on each side. Nine Santi on 36 plates make up One Circle, and these plates, containing 144 slokas, are fastened with 3 rings, which symbolize three worlds: Yav (the world of people), Nav (the world of spirits and souls of ancestors), Rule (the bright world of the Slavic-Aryan gods) . Nine Circles of Santii, containing 1296 slokas, or 11,664 lines, or 186,624 mutually controlling x’Aryan Runes, make up the semantic Figurative Collection.

Book One

  • "Santii of the Vedas of Perun - Circle One" recorded in the form of a dialogue between Perun and people. The First Circle tells about the commandments left by Perun to the peoples of the "Great Race" and "Descendants of the Heavenly Clan", as well as upcoming events over the next 40,176 years. Quite remarkable are the comments on the Santiy, in which the word "earth" is interpreted as a planet, the celestial chariot - as a spaceship, "fire mushrooms" - as thermonuclear explosions, and contains a reference to the "Nine circles of Santiy - the Vedas of Dazhdbog", which were transmitted in 163 030 BC e. The preface says that santii were first translated into modern Russian as early as 1944 AD. e. for the newly revived Slavic Communities, that the first seven editions contained only the “First Circle”, that part of the circulation in 1968 was confiscated during transportation by the competent authorities and due to this fell into various State and regional archives, and that ancient plates from noble metal, covered with runes in 38,004 BC. e. These runes are not letters or hieroglyphs, but " secret images transmitting a huge amount of Ancient Knowledge, ”written under a common line. In addition, there are many Santias that are not mentioned on the pages of the Vedas, namely the Santii of the Mother of the Raw Earth, Svarog, Leli and others. Apart from their names and the total volume (over 7,000 pages of printed text), nothing is known about them, and these remnants themselves are known only from references in the video by A. Yu.
  • "The Saga of the Ynglings" - the Old Norse Saga of the Ynglings from the Circle of the Earth in the academic translation of M. I. Steblin-Kamensky, whose name is not mentioned in CAV-1, however. It is only said that the translation is given in the edition of Fr. Alexander (A. Yu. Khinevich). The connection of the Yngling clan is explained in the text by the fact that the Ynglings are the ancestors.
  • Annex 1. "Ynglism" . Contains general information about the teachings of the church, a description of the pantheon, texts of hymns and commandments. However, even here there are direct borrowings without indicating the authors.
  • Appendix 2 "Daariysky krugolet Chislobog" . Contains information about the chronology of the Old Believers-Ynglings.
  • Appendix 3 "Communities and organizations of the Old Russian Ynglistic Church of the Orthodox Old Believers-Ynglings" .
Book Two Book Three
  • "Ynglism" - Symbol of the Faith of the Ynglings.
  • "Word of Wisdom Magus Velimudra" . Part 2.
Book Four
  • "Life source" - a collection of ancient traditions and legends.
  • "White Way" - about the path of the Slavic peoples.
Book Five
  • "Slavic world outlook" - Book one. Confirmation of the Book of Light.

The conclusion says: "At present the Second Circle of the Vedas is being translated by the Priests." The adherents of this movement to the question “... when will they see the light and be published in the public domain of the Santia of the Veda of Perun Circle II?”, Answer that the time has not come yet, and first you need to restore the Temple of the Veda of Perun, which burned down in the wasteland of the Omsk region in 2002. According to A. Yu. Khinevich, the funds received from the sale of a series of books "Slavic-Aryan Vedas" are collected and used to restore this temple.

"Slavic-Aryan Vedas" about the calendar[ | ]

Comments on CAB give information about the measures of length and time, as well as about the device of the calendar. The word "calendar", according to the Ynglings, comes from a combination of the words "Kolyada" and "Gift". Thus, literally "calendar" is "Kolyada's gift". Other name - .

Khinevich denies Darwin's theory of evolution in the same way, based on the following arguments: Darwin, as a Christian, knew the hypothesis about the origin of people from Adam and Eve, knew that only Semites descended from them, knew that the word "Semites" comes from the Latin word simia- "monkey" and Greek eidos- "species" and on this basis developed the theory of evolution, which is incorrect, because all people could not come from one single pair, for example, from Adam and Eve [ ] .

The “Santiyah of the Veda of Perun”, which is part of the “Slavic-Aryan Vedas”, contains a call against interracial marriages: “ Do not take wives with black skin, for you will desecrate the house and destroy your family". The races of people in Ynglism are divided according to skin colors, namely, “white”, “red”, “yellow”, “black”, and also “gray” (a certain race of hermaphrodites who allegedly visited our planet). In particular, according to the teachings of Ynglism, the Indians are a mixture of "black" and "yellow", and the Jews are "gray" and "white".

However, according to the Ynglings themselves, all races are equal, and each of them has its own "calling". [ ]

Criticism [ | ]

Contrary to its self-name, the Old Russian Ynglistic Church of the Orthodox Old Believers-Ynglings has nothing to do with the Old Believers, or with Orthodoxy, or with the Ynglings. And it is called so because the Ynglings profess "the old faith of the great race" and "praise Rule". A. Yu. Khinevich explained this in his characteristic specific manner as follows: Christianity was planted in Russia by Nikon in the 17th century, and then “immediately, the family prince Alexander Nevsky turned into a Christian, and the sorcerer Sergius of Radonezh was recorded there, in priests, as monks ... ".

Although in many ways - from the attire of A. Yu. Khinevich to assurances of the traditional character of the Ynglistic faith for Russians - Ynglism can be attributed to Rodnoverie, large Rodnoverie associations - the Union of Slavic Communities of the Slavic Native Faith and the Circle of Pagan Tradition - consider the Ynglings as an organization "discrediting the resurgent Slavic Movement".

Very impartial about A. Yu. Khinevich and his organization speak famous writers close to native belief. The well-known satirist M. N. Zadornov on his website described the Ynglings’ ideas about the appearance of people on Earth as “a mixture of glitches with Hollywood fantasies mixed with the desire to present the Slavs with a new Bible”, and the writer A. I. Asov dedicated a pamphlet to A. Yu. Khinevich “ Instructions for creating a "nasty" sect using the Internet ".

Sources of the "Slavic-Aryan Vedas"[ | ]

The texts of the Slavic-Aryan Vedas (SAV) contain clear signs of borrowing, which, at least in the case of the Ynglinga Saga, turn into direct plagiarism. No less interesting is the diversity of these sources: here is the Scandinavian saga of the 13th century, and the "Legends of the Templars" with a description of the cosmos of multidimensional worlds, created in France at the end of the 19th century, and brought to Russia by anarcho-mystics, and the fantasies of the Rodnovers of the 1990s about ancient Slavic beliefs, and Indian "Vedic" terms, and science fiction, gleaned from the once popular film in the USSR "Memories of the Future", and racial theories. All this can easily be found on one CAB page: Perun, for example, as an ancestor can surf the galaxy on spaceships type "Wightman" during the battles of the Second Great Assa from the "Legends of the Templars".

Discussion about the authenticity of the "Slavic-Aryan Vedas"[ | ]

On various Internet forums dedicated to Rodnovery and Vedism, the question of the authenticity of the texts of the CAB is often discussed. At the same time, both the Ynglings and their opponents believe that only originals, that is, noble metal plates covered with runes, can be subjected to examination.

The reasons for hiding these plates were first explained in a letter posted on some Internet forums in 2004 on behalf of A. Yu. Khinevich. According to this letter, A.Yu. Khinevich himself always “lived by the tradition and the foundation of his kind”, and in the early 1980s he let his acquaintances rewrite the “ancestral books”. One such record came to the founder of the Union of Veneds V.N. Bezverkhy, who sent a letter to A.Yu. Khinevich with a request to give him materials on the Old Faith. “Short materials are sent to him for personal use, but after a while ... he publishes these materials in the Venedov newspaper “Rodnye Prostory” in the early 90s ...” It is impossible to confirm or refute this statement, since even “Songs of the bird Gamayun” by A. I. Asov. After the publicity, heeding the requests of the public, A. Khinevich publishes several books from the series "Slavic-Aryan Vedas":

According to critics, this argument is used in order not to show non-existent primary sources to anyone.

Over time, a second version appeared. Some priests, referred to in the "Slavic-Aryan Vedas" as Guardian Priests, considered that after the end of the Night of Svarog (the period of negative influence of various factors of cosmic origin ended in 1996), it was time to publish some of the books that the community of these guardians guarded many thousands of years. Alexander Khinevich was chosen to implement this mission (publication). He was given the text of the translation from the runic alphabet into modern Russian. After he published the books, said community of Guardian Priests had no further contact with him, never handed over the original books to him, or reported their locations. This story of the appearance of gold plates containing some "ancient knowledge" and how the plates were connected into a book clearly echoes the appearance of the Book of Mormon, published in the first half of the 19th century by Joseph Smith. Although there is possible evidence for the plates in the case of the Book of Mormon, no such evidence has been found in the case of the CAB.

But to establish the authenticity or falsity of the texts of the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, the original is not required - it is enough to state numerous eclectic borrowings, the sources of which are united by one circumstance: they were all included in the circle of reading of the subscribers of the journal Science and Religion in the early 1990s.

Notes [ | ]

  1. Shnirelman V. A. ISBN 978-5-89647-291-9.
  2. Milan Petrovic. Qualification of Slavic Rodnovery in Scientific Literature - Neopaganism or Native Religion. 2013. p. 8
  3. Kaarina Aitamurto. Russian Rodnoverie: Negotiating Individual Traditionalism. Aleksanteri Institute, University of Helsinki, 2007. Cit.: “Although many Rodnovers are highly suspicious about all kinds of religious authorities and organizational hierarchies, there are fractions in the movement which tolerate less deviance from the religious doctrines and have more authoritative leaders. Most notable of such organizations is the Ancient Russian Ingliistic Church of Orthodox Old Believers-Ingliists (ARICOOBI). The church was founded by a charismatic leader Aleksandr Hinevich (Pater Dii (Pater Dii)) in Omsk, but in recent few years, it has significantly increased its influence throughout Russia. Other Rodnover organizations do not, however, have very warm relations with the ARICOOBI, and the main reason for this refutation is the „sectarian“ nature of the church. Although in 2004 it lost the official status of registered religious community, it has communities throughout Russia and professes massive selling of books and video material. The teachings of the church base on Vedas, texts that are claimed to be ancient Aryan holy scriptures, the oldest part dating from the 40,000 BP. Besides the Vedas, Ingliists teach their adherents for example "h'Arriiskaya arifmetika" and ancient Slavic grammar. Special emphasis is laid on "healthy way of life", which includes such very common features as eating natural and pure food, living responsible and sober life, but also ideas basing on theories of human biology and genetics which are very far from the academic perceptions ."
  4. List of public and religious associations, other non-profit organizations in respect of which the court has made a final decision to liquidate or ban activities on the grounds provided for by the Federal Law "On Counteracting Extremist Activity" //
  5. Yngling sect leader Alexander Khinevich sentenced to prison
  6. Removal of a criminal record from Father Alexander! // 11.03.2011
  7. So in the text, see CAB 1, p. 168. Not to be confused with repentance.
  8. Khinevich A. Yu., Ivanov N. I. Slavic-Aryan Vedas. Parts 1-4. / Old Russian Yngling Church of Orthodox Old Believers-Ynglings. Omsk (Asgard Iriysky). 2nd ed. 2005, 3rd ed. 2007
  9. The Omsk court recognized the "Slavic-Aryan Vedas" as extremist //, 02/25/2016
  10. Snorri Sturluson. Circle of the Earth. - M.: Nauka, 1980. Translation by M. I. Steblin-Kamensky.
  11. Hoax exposed author= (indefinite) . Archived from the original on December 2, 2012. (unavailable link since 19-12-2015 )
  12. Slavic-Aryan Vedas. Book One, "Santii of the Veda of Perun - Circle One", Santi 6, verse 12 (92)
  13. Telegonia (Questions to Pater Diyu of the Old Russian Inglistic Church of the Orthodox Old Believers-Ynglings about Alexander) 03.08.07
  14. (English) . - article from Encyclopædia Britannica Online.
  15. Slavic-Aryan Vedas. Book One. - edition for general use corrected and supplemented. - Omsk: Asgard, 2001. - 256 p. - ISBN 5-89115-028-X.(hereinafter referred to as CAB-1). S. 144.
  16. Slavic-Aryan Vedic culture. Its differences from paganism and neo-paganism // Second International Conference of Orthodox Old Believers. - Anapa, 2003.
  17. Official Statement of the Circle of Pagan Tradition and the Union of Slavic Communities of the Slavic Native Faith (SSO SRV) of December 25, 2009 "On the substitution of concepts in the language and history of the Slavs and on pseudo-paganism" Archival copy of November 1, 2010 on the Wayback Machine
  18. M. N. Zadornov. Strizhak. "Proper Education".
  19. Instructions for creating a "nasty" sect using the Internet using the example of the so-called. "Inglistic Church" and its St. pis. "Slavic-Aryan Vedas" vol. 1 (hereinafter referred to as "Akhinevich's Vedas"), as well as about piracy and robbery in paganism. It was first published on the old website of A. I. Asov in October 2005 (
  20. Text of the letter

Literature [ | ]

  • A. V. Gaidukov The problem of foreign influence on the development of Slavic new paganism (rodnovery) in Russia // Colloquium heptaplomeres. - 2016. - No. 3. - pp. 43-47.
  • A. V. Gaidukov New paganism, neo-paganism, Rodnovery: the problem of terminology// Paganism in modern Russia: the experience of interdisciplinary research. Monograph / ed. . - Nizhny Novgorod: Minin University, Volga Printing House, 2016. - S. 24-46. - 264 p. - ISBN 978-5-85219-501-2.
  • Kuzmin A. G. Neo-pagan press in modern Russia: features of ideology and propaganda activity // Historical, philosophical, political and legal sciences, cultural studies and art history. Questions of theory and practice. - 2014. - No. 12-1 (50) . - pp. 121-124.
  • Chapter IV. New religious movements and cults of Siberia (late XX - early XXI centuries)// Religious Landscape Western Siberia and adjacent regions of Central Asia: collective monograph / Ed. ed. . - Barnaul: AltGU, 2017. - V. 3. The end of the XX - the beginning of the XXI century. - S. 61-76. - 190 p. - ISBN 978-5-7904-2178-5.
  • Racism in the name of Perun was outlawed // Nezavisimaya Gazeta. - 11/18/2015.
  • Neo-paganism in Russia// Price of hate. Nationalism in Russia and counteraction to racist crimes: (collection of articles) / Comp. A. M. Verkhovsky. - M.: Center "Owl", 2005. - S. 196-225. - 256 p. - 1000 copies. - ISBN 5-98418-005-7.
  • Polinichenko D. Yu. Political mythologemes of folk linguistics // Political Linguistics. - 2010. - No. 4. - S. 196-202.
  • Polinichenko D. Yu. Amateur linguistics: problems of nomination and definition of the phenomenon // Bulletin of Voronezh state university. Series: Linguistics and intercultural communication. - 2011. - No. 2. - pp. 187-191.
  • Pribylovsky V.V. Neo-pagan wing in Russian nationalism // Panorama. - 2002. - No. 49.
  • Shnirelman V. A. Russian Rodnoverie: Neo-Paganism and Nationalism in Modern Russia. - M. : , 2012. - xiv + 302 p. - ISBN 978-5-89647-291-9.
  • Church of Orthodox Old Believers-Ynglings// Neo-paganism in the expanses of Eurasia / V. A. Shnirelman (ed.). - M.:, 2001. - 177 p. -

Religious and historical monument Slavic culture under the general name "Slavic-Aryan Vedas" reflects the history of all mankind on Earth over the past few hundred thousand years - this is at least 600,000 years.

Slavic-Aryan Vedas (otherwise: "Russian Vedas", " Slavic Vedas"or" Holy Russian Vedas ") - a sacred source of knowledge. The Slavic-Aryan Vedas, like the Avesta, have their roots in the original source of knowledge - Vesta. Hence the word "from-Vestny", i.e. - from Vesta.

The Slavic-Aryan Vedas, on the basis on which they were originally written down, are divided into three main groups:

  1. Santii are plates of noble metal that does not give in to corrosion (usually gold), on which texts were applied by chasing, and which, then, were fastened with rings, in the form of books;
  2. Harati - books or texts on sheets of high quality parchment;
  3. Volkhvari - wooden boards with texts.

The most ancient Scriptures from among the Slavic-Aryan Vedas are santii.

So, "Santii of the Veda of Perun" (the Book of Knowledge or the Book of Wisdom of Perun) was written down 40,008 years ago (or in 38,004 BC).

Initially, it was the santii that were called the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, but they contain references to other Vedas, which were then called Ancient and which, today, are either lost or stored in secluded places and, for some reason, have not yet been announced.

Santi reflect the most secret Ancient Knowledge. You could even say that they are an archive of knowledge.

Some historians believe that the Indian Vedas are just a part of the Slavic-Aryan Vedas transmitted to India about 5,000 years ago.

Haratis were, as a rule, copies of santi, or, perhaps, extracts from santi, intended for wider use in the priestly environment.

The most ancient harati are the Harati of Light (Book of Wisdom), which were written down 28,735 years ago (or, more precisely, from August 20 to September 20, 26,731 BC).

Since it is easier to write harati than to make santii minted on gold, extensive historical information was recorded in this form. So, for example, harati called "Avesta" were written on 12,000 cowhides 7512 years ago, with the history of the victory of the Slavic-Aryan clans in the war with the Chinese, but Alexander the Great burned this document when he fell into his hands, when traveling to India.

It should be noted that this document also reflected the fact of signing a peace treaty, known since that time as the Creation of the World in the Star Temple, and in common people - simply as the creation of the world. And the Star Temple is the year in which that agreement was signed and which is repeated every 144 years according to the cyclic calendar of our ancestors.

Galaxies in the Universe, according to the description in the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, are born from the primary pra-matter of the ether and, after going through the development cycle, die. With the beginning of the formation of the Galaxy, the stars began to light up closer to its center. Therefore, life originated there and spread from there on spaceships. In the same place, people reached the highest level of spiritual and physical development, since "the planets have several suns towards the center of the Galaxy, their entire surface is evenly warmed up, including from the side of the core of the Galaxy, people do not need space heating, warm clothes, do not suffer from a lack of food and water."

The composition of the solar system, called the Yarila-Sun System, included 27 planets and large asteroids, called Earths, some of which "are not known to our astronomers." For example, the earth of Veles with a period of revolution around the Sun of 46.78 years flies between Chiron and Uranus.

Planet Earth was called Midgard-Earth, by the beginning of its settlement by people on Mars and Dey, destroyed 153 thousand years ago, there were already space navigation and communication stations. Initially, the Earth had two natural satellites. The surface of the Earth for 300 thousand years was different, in particular, “the Volga flowed into the Black Sea”, and the planet did not have an inclination of its axis and had a warmer and milder climate in northern latitudes than now.

Among the magicians, one can name the “Vlesov Book”, written on wooden tablets and reflecting the history of the peoples of the south and central zone of Eastern Europe for 1500 years before the baptism of Kievan Rus. The Magi were intended for the Magi - our ancient clergy, from where the name of these documents came from.

It should also be noted that the most ancient documents were written by the Ancient Aryan Runes or Runic, as they are also called.

  1. Santees of the Vedas of Perun- one of the oldest Slavic-Aryan Sacred Traditions, preserved by the Guardian Priests of the Old Russian Ynglistic Church of the Orthodox Old Believers-Ynglings. Santii have a meaningful form of dialogue and were written down about 40,000 years ago.
    1. The second part (continued).
  2. Harati- Ancient Aryan Tradition about the birth of the World. One of the sacred books of the Old Believers-Ynglings, along with the Indian Vedas, Avesta, Eddas, Sagas (Saga of the Ynglings). This ancient tradition about the birth of the world. One of the sacred books of the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, along with the Indian Vedas, Avesta, Eddas, Sagas (Saga of the Ynglings).
  3. Tale of the Bright Falcon- This incredible and almost fairy-tale story, which tells in a simple form about the miracles performed by people in the past millennia, clearly indicates that in the past our ancestors had a highly developed civilization in which methods of controlling reality based on thought and consciousness were used.
  4. - From time immemorial, ancient traditions and legends have been passed down from generation to generation, from generation to generation. Each Slavic or Aryan clan has preserved its own particle of the ancient World of Images.
  5. Veles Book- This is a sacred ancient Slavic text that contains invaluable information about the worldview and history of our ancestors. For many millennia, this book was written by the Magi and rewritten in pre-Cyrillic characters on wooden boards. It was written in the language of Gods and sorcerers.
    1. The second part (continued).
    2. Third part (continued).
  6. Saga of the Ynglings- The Sacred Tradition about the resettlement of the Old Believers-Ynglings to the West, to Scandinavia, carefully preserved by the Clans of the Old Believers in Western Siberia and Iceland. And telling about the legendary historical and mythical times, about the turbulent era of the Vikings and other peoples.
  7. Book of RA- the ancient secret of the Russian language, the divinity of Russian-Aryan speech.
  8. Book NOT- an old book written in the form of commandments for the ancient people
  9. Songs of the bird Gamayun- the sacred ancient Slavic book of wisdom and knowledge. Where did the Russian family come from, the laws of Svarog and much more.
- 10212

The sacred Vedas have been attracting the attention of more and more researchers since ancient times. At first, European scholars saw in them only patriarchal poetry; later they discovered in them not only the source of all Indo-European myths and all the classical Gods, but also a skillfully organized cult, a deep spiritual and metaphysical system.

Let us immediately make a reservation that by the Sacred Vedas we mean all the Vedic heritage that has come down to our time, as well as those Sacred Scriptures that are now inaccessible to us for one reason or another objective reasons.

The concepts of "Russian Vedas" and "Vedas of ancient India" that exist in spiritual literature are essentially the same, with the exception that the "Indian" Vedas are Holy Scriptures created by the Indians on the basis of the Russian Vedas. The language of the Vedas is the ancient world of Slavic-Aryan images.

In E. Schure's classic work "Great Initiates", the author directly states: "The grandiose images ... pouring in wide streams from the stanzas of the Vedic hymns represent only the outer shell of the Vedas." Let's try to understand this seemingly ordinary phrase more fully.

Eduard Shure considered the "Indian" Vedas through the prism of the scientific and public views of his time. It is known that the texts of the Vedas he studied were written in Sanskrit, the language of ancient India, originally intended for worship and use by brahmin priests. Sanskrit - Samskrta - an artificial language brought to perfection. More precisely, in Russian this word sounds like samskryt, i.e. the language itself [deepened] is hidden [hidden].

From official stories The Ancient World also knows that in Ancient India (Dravidia) there were two directly opposite cults. The first is the Lunar cult of the goddess Kali (Black Mother Kali) - the native cult of the Dravidians and Nagas. This cult leaned towards idolatry, human sacrifice and black magic, deified the blind nature and the violence of the elements. This cult favored polygamy, polyandry and tyranny based on base passions and fear of the people. The second cult is Vedic, its distinctive feature is the masculine principle, the Solar cult, the Slavic-Aryan religion. This cult was brought to Dravidia from the outside, from the north, as a result of the first Kh'Aryan campaign to Dravidia from the territory of the Holy Race (Belovodye, Siberia) in Summer 2817 from the Creation of the world in the Star Temple (2691 BC) ... Schure characterizes him: "Around him, all the purest of the Vedic traditions were combined: the science of the Sacred Fire and prayer, esoteric concepts of the Supreme God, respect for a woman and the cult of ancestors. The basis of royal power was an elective and patriarchal principle."

It is this fact, the simultaneous existence of the two above-mentioned cults among the Dravidians and the Nagas, that gave rise to such phraseological nonsense as: "Hindus are the Aryan people." The confession of the Vedic cult does not yet give the right to approve the above, since the Aryans (more correctly, the Kh'Aryans) belong to the Great Race, i.e. to the white peoples, and the Dravidians and the Nagas, as they say: "they did not come out with their faces", since from birth they belong to the Negroid peoples.

Despite the fact that modern historical science by hook or by crook leads us to the fact that before Christianization the population of the Russian state was illiterate, and allegedly did not have their own writing, allowing only lines and cuts, the so-called Slovenian folk letter (at the same time , sometimes forgetting even about the Glagolitic). However, the Chronicles of the Old Russian Ynglistic Church of the Orthodox Old Believers-Ynglings say otherwise. In ancient times, the Slavic-Aryan peoples had four main letters - according to the number of the main Clans of the Great Race (the main Clans of the Great Race - i.e. yes`Aryans, h`Aryans, Rasen and Svyatorus).

Da`Aryan letter - was based on crypto-hieroglyphic images; x`Aryan letter - priestly, conveyed runic images; a special Rasenskoe figurative-mirror writing, modern researchers called - Etruscan writings. Holy Russian writing, now called Velesovitsa, has been preserved thanks to enthusiasts who stand up for the preservation of ancient Russian culture, as well as all kinds of various derivatives of the four above-mentioned forms of writing.

When we read from E. Schure: "The word Veda means to know," then this phrase causes only a smile in the Russian, because. for a Russian person in this case, translation is not needed. The word "Veda" is native Russian word. Moreover, in the Kh'Aryan letter there was a corresponding Rune of the "Veda", the image of which is Wisdom, Knowledge.

Let us return, however, to Schure's phrase about the "grand images" from the Vedic hymns. He is absolutely right in this definition. To perceive an image means to put it together from the perception of the physical, mental and spiritual planes. The connection of various Unified Images gives rise to new Unified Images, this is how the Great Mystery of Creation takes place (Excerpt from the lesson, on the Basics of the connection of Runes. "KARUNA", a textbook of the Kh'Aryan language for the Slavic-Aryan Theological Seminary). The influence of the images of individual Runes is so great that it can radically change the meaning, the image of several Runes at once.

The ancient forms of the Slavic-Aryan writings are built on a system of figurative perception, i.e. on the principle of transmitting an integral three-dimensional thought form. The researcher of the occult heritage Fabre d'Olivier and his followers mistakenly understood such a letter (hieroglyphic - yes Aryan) - as an image of things or events through signs. But E. Shure is right when he mentions: "only the outer shell of the Vedas." This is what Fabre d'Olivier missed, he did not take into account the existence of spiritual and spiritual images, and therefore remained far from understanding the true essence of the texts of this type of writing.

Unlike ancient form letters modern writing is built on the transmission of a flat thought-form with the help of sounds. Modern - phonetic writing is necessary only for the representation of various sounds through letters, which ultimately leads to the loss of images. Why are the latter necessary?

The perception of the original images opens up a majestic picture of the universe, because only it allows you to briefly and voluminously convey all the beauty and fullness. Actually, the very use of ancient Slavic-Aryan writings, and especially priestly writing, was directed in order to be able to convey certain images, not only two-three-dimensional structures, but also multi-dimensional, as well as temporal and timeless.

Let's move on from general reasoning and phrases to specific images hidden in the Vedas. Let's start with simpler ones - images of individual words. For example, let's take Veles's book, which mentions a certain "Skuf of Kiev". The compiler of the book, Mr. A. Barashkov (aka Asov, aka Bus Kresen), although he wrote the comments, however, was not familiar with the figurative transmission of the ancient thought-form, saw a connection between Scythia and the Kievan land. Moreover, this connection, apparently, was established by him on the basis of the consonance of the words "Scythia" and "Skuf". But the texts of the Book of Veles were written not in phonetic writing, but in Veles - Holy Russian writing, - a runic-type writing. In the Kh'Aryan runic script there is a corresponding Rune "Skuf", the image of which is: a settlement of any people, without temples, but with a settlement for rituals, a trek for offering bloodless sacrifices and a Sanctuary with Kummirs for worship in the open air. A. Barashkov, on the other hand, defines Skuf as a land different from the Land of the Ants. If we use the figurative perception of the Velesovitsa, then the meaning of the phrase "Having created the Land of Ants and Skuf Kiev" will be different: "Having settled in the Land of Ants as a territory, they created a settlement called Skuf in the center of the Land and erected a fence around it (Kie, the ancient Slovenian name for a fence, a fence from poles; Sk - Old Slovenian abbreviation of the word "Skeet" - settlement, city. As a rule, it was placed in the middle or at the end of the name of the area where the settlement was located, or after the name of the founder of the settlement, for example: Slovensk (now Novgorod) - a settlement founded by Prince Sloven; Omsk - settlement on the Om River), and this Skuf belongs to the Land of the Ants. More than once in the text of the Book of Veles, translated by A. Barashkov, you can find the word "slaves". However, the question arises where the Slavs could have such a concept in general. After all, the Slavs did not have slaves, and unlike the "civilized peoples" - the ancient Greeks and Romans, they did not have a slave system at all, the entire population of Rus' was free people.

This paradox can be easily eliminated - since instead of the word "slaves" in the text of the Book of Veles, the word "fish" was written.

Let us now turn to the "Songs of the Gamayun bird", which later "miraculously" turned into the "Star Book of Kolyada" under the ornate pen of the same A. Barashkov, who freely handles ancient wisdom. In particular, in the First Coil it is told that life on earth appeared from space. "Before the birth of white light, the world was shrouded in pitch darkness. Only the Genus - our Ancestor was in the darkness ... At first, the Genus was enclosed in an egg ...". Barashkov's comments involuntarily push the reader to another ancient source, the Torah (the Pentateuch of Moses, the beginning of the Old Testament part of the Bible), as if showing, look! in the Bible the same thing: "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the deep; and the Spirit of God hovered over the waters" (Genesis 1:1-2).

But the ancient Slavic images talking about something else. Darkness reigns in space, white light manifests itself only in the presence of a transparent atmosphere near celestial bodies (Earths), and the observer must be on the surface of this celestial body. "Egg" is an image of a spherical cosmic object, in particular a celestial body, a spaceship.

Let's move on to more complex examples of figurative perception of the Vedas. "Read the eggs in honor of Koshchei's egg that our Dazhbog (correctly Dazhdbog) broke, thus causing the Flood" (Seventeenth Ball, Songs of the Gamayun bird. Str. 129. "Russian Vedas" M. 1992). The image of this phrase is as follows: Dazhdbog is a real historical person, and not a mythical character of the "dark" Slavic population, in the words of academician D. Likhachev, a participant in the Great Assa (Great Assa - the Heavenly battle of the Forces of Light with the forces of the World of Darkness), destroyed (smashed) the first satellite of the Earth, on which the military base of Koshchei (aliens from the World of Darkness), the enemy of the Great Race, was located. The Flood described here was the first in the history of the Earth - it is the pre-Biblical Flood. The consequences of this Flood - the disappearance of the territory of the ancient ancestral home of the Slavic-Aryan peoples - Daaria (Hyperborea, Arctida, Arctogea).

mapHere is how this event is described in the "Santias of the Veda of Perun": "You, on Midgard, live quietly, since ancient times, when the world was established ... Remembering from the Vedas, about the deeds of Dazhdbog, how he destroyed the strongholds of Koshcheev, which were located on the Nearest Moon ... (on the nearest Moon - here we are talking about the times when three moons shone over the Earth: Lelya, Fatta and the Month. - Lelya, with a circulation period of about 7 days, Chernaya - Fatta with a circulation period of 13 days (hence the fatality) The satellites of Midgard themselves no longer exist, but there are their images, or energy clots, astral projections - as you like - and these energy clots continue to have almost the same effect on people as the former moons"). Tarkh did not allow the insidious Koshchei to destroy Midgard, as they destroyed Deya ... These Koshchei, the rulers of the Grays, disappeared along with the Moon in half a hour ... (half - half a hour, an ancient temporary measure = 648 fractions of time (18.75 seconds). But Midgard paid for freedom, Daaria hidden by the Great Flood ... The waters of the Moon, that Flood created, they fell to Earth from heaven like a rainbow, for the Moon split into parts, and the army of Svarozhichs descended to Midgard "(Svarozhichs - in ancient times, not only Gods, but also fireballs, fireballs, meteorites, plasmoids falling from the sky and fireballs). As if echoing the "Santias of the Veda of Perun", "Songs of the Gamayun bird" also report about the Svarozhichs: "And the Svarozhichs will descend to the Earth - human souls will be horrified."

One can cite a few more figurative expressions from the Seventeenth Coil of the "Song of the Gamayun Bird": "The sun is in darkness!" - observation of the Sun from outer space, and not from the surface of the Earth; "The Svarog circle will turn!" - a change in the inclination of the Earth's axis and its orbit due to the fall of the remains of the second satellite of the Earth - Fatta, as a result of which Antlan - the land of Ants (Atlantis) - died from the second Great Flood. For an observer located on the surface of the Earth, the position of the Constellations in the sky has changed, i.e. The sun stopped passing through the Eagle Constellation - "And the Eagle is a heavenly decoration, it will not give you light as a consolation!"; "... and Stribog will calm the sea." - The Slavs called Stribog the planet Saturn, which at that moment (the fall of the remnants of the second satellite to Earth and the subsequent Flood) was closest to the Earth, extinguishing with its attraction a superpowerful disturbance on the surface and in the bowels of the Earth (It was closest to the Earth - i.e. e. Venus, Mars and Jupiter were in opposition to the Earth, because they were behind the Sun, and Saturn was in conjunction with the Earth, i.e. located on the same line from the Sun).

Even more complex images are hidden in the "Santii of the Veda of Perun" (The Book of Wisdom of Perun), which are kept by the priests of the Old Russian Ynglistic Church of the Orthodox Old Believers-Ynglings.

The value of certain Russian Vedas also lies in the fact that the original writing of the texts has been preserved. So, for example, the Book of Wisdom of Perun is written in the Kh'Aryan runic letter, the Book of Veles is written in the Holy Russian runic letter - Veles. The situation is worse with the "Songs of the bird Gamayun". Since this creation was created by A. Barashkov on the basis of the songs of the Polab Bulgarians, collected in a collection called "Vedas of the Slavs". In the future, trying to "improve" this work, Alexander Igorevich created the "Star Book of Kolyada", where he thoroughly confused a lot, introducing, for greater importance, biblical stories both in presentation of individual facts and purely stylistically. Immediately, the author published his vision of the starry sky of the Slavs and, on top of everything else, established the Canon of his "Star Book of Kolyada".

According to its structure, this book is divided into Twelve Vedas, a strange number for the Russian Vedic tradition. The number 12 is more characteristic of the Eastern tradition (China, Tibet, Japan, India, etc.), as well as the Christian one. The Slavic-Aryan peoples are characterized by Nine and Hexadecimal systems calculus, the so-called x'Aryan numerals. In addition, in the so-called "Veda Kolyada" in the course of the text Versts and Stolbtsy are mentioned - which are measures of the Pyadeva number system, which directly indicate the size of Vyriya (Garden of Eden). In order to understand what quantities our Ancestors operated on, it is enough to give one simple example: one of the smallest particles of time, among the Slavic-Aryan peoples, was called Sig, it was depicted by a Rune in the form of lightning. The fastest movement from one place to another was defined as - 1 sig, hence the old Russian expressions: sigat, siganut. What is equal to 1 sig, in modern units of time? The answer makes anyone think, one second contains 300244992 sig, and 1 sig is approximately equal to 30 oscillations of the electromagnetic wave of the cesium atom, taken as the basis for modern atomic clocks. Why did our Ancestors need such small values? The answer is simple, to measure the necessary processes. For example: the ancient expressions to jump, to jump - in the modern "Soviet" language means - to teleport.

Mr. Barashkov made an attempt to fit the Eastern astrological system (read Christian) under the Slavic system of star science. He invented 12 great epochs, which correspond to 12 Zodiac signs, to which the author came up with his Slavic names. Now, not many scientists guess, but there is no need to talk about the common people, that the Slavs did not have a Zodiac at all, since this word is not Russian, but Greek and it means a circle of animals. The annual path through the starry sky of the Yarila-Sun, among the Slavic peoples, was called the Svarog Circle. The Svarog Circle itself was divided not into 12 signs, like Barashkov’s, but into 16 and they were called Mansions or Halls, which in turn were divided into 9 Halls each. Thus, the Svarog Circle consisted of 144 parts, and each part had its own unique Heavenly Rune.

For the time frame of the eras, Alexander Igorevich for some reason uses the chronology from the birth of Christ, apparently for the author of the "Star Book of Kolyada" this fact marks the onset of a new era. The latter is rather strange, because we are talking about the Russian Vedas, and not about the epistles of the Apostle Paul. The calendar used by the ancient Slavs and Aryans, who lived on the territory of the Holy Race (Belovodye) and Rasseniya (Latin name Ruthenia - Rus'), is not at all like the one that is currently used. The Slavs had 9 months in Lethe (in a year), and not 12, like the Christians. Slavic months contained 40 or 41 days, and not 30, 31, or 28 (29) days, as in other Middle Eastern and Eastern peoples. Slavic Week consisted of 9 days, not 7.

In the last song of "Veda Beloyar" Barashkov suggests reading 3 days a week - Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. The whole trouble of the author is that in ancient times the Slavs did not have a Wednesday at all, and Sunday appeared only among Russian-speaking Christians. Among Belarusians, Ukrainians, Poles, Czechs, Serbs and other Slavic peoples, the last day is still called a week. The ancient Russians did not have Wednesday - a triteynik, but followed Friday: six, seven, eight, and the week itself - the day on which they rest from their affairs (they do nothing).

The author's notes to his own work are especially rich in misunderstandings. So the island of Buyan, it turns out, was located, allegedly, in the Black Sea. However, even A. S. Pushkin indicated its location, which is why he wrote: "In the eastern sea-ocean, on the island of Buyan." If the Black Sea is eastern, then what should be considered the western sea - the Baltic or something, with the island of Rügen? It does not seem that the author accidentally confused the directions of east-west and north-south, he does this deliberately in pursuit of some goal, but which one he does not reveal. In our opinion, only one goal is visible - the distortion of the ancient Slavic-Aryan culture, Faiths and traditions, replacing it with an artificially created on the basis of Christianity, pseudo-Slavic and pseudo-Vedic, or, to be more precise, a pagan cult.

In the comments of A. I. Barashkov, Viy (Viy - the God of the Underworld) is the same as Niy (Niy - the God of the seas and oceans) - an analogue. Although even the ancient Romans spoke of the latter "Nius comes out of the sea in a tune," Ny in a tune is Neptune. At least, Niy cannot be the king of the underworld, except perhaps the underwater one. Mr. Barashkov does not see a fundamental difference between the concepts: Iriy, Vyriy and Svarga. Meanwhile, there is an ancient rune "Vyriy" - the image of which is identified with the divine Earth, garden of paradise, the place where the Slavs go after a righteous life on Midgard-Earth (Midgard-Earth - planet Earth). Rune "Iriy" - the image of which means - the Sacred white river, the course pure light. There are two Iriy, the Heavenly Iriy is a milky river with muslin banks, i.e. The Milky Way and Sacred Iriy - the modern river Irtysh, Ir-tish, Iriy the quietest. "Svarga" - means the unification of many Heavenly Lands on which the Great Race lives, i.e. this concept is wider than "Vyriy" (Heavenly Lands - planets in different star systems).

Now, if we think about the meaning and image of the phrase that Alexander Igorevich offers us, in his edition, “Veles will open the doors to Iriy”, then it is not clear how you can open the doors to the river - is that a gateway? Another thing is if the text contains the word "Svarga". Moreover, in ancient Russian and ancient Indian Vedic texts, such a phrase has existed for a long time and even sounds the same, both in the ancient Slavic language and in Sanskrit: "SVARGA DVARA UTVARI VLESE", i.e. Heavenly Gates opens Veles. (Svarga Dvara Utensils Vlese - Svarga Dvara - Heavenly Gates Skt.; and other Slavic. Svarga - Heaven of Svarog, dvara - doors, gates; Utensils - open, open (Skt. and other Slavs.); Vlese - God Veles) .

According to the theory of Mr. Barashkov, Nav is opposed to Yav (Nav is drawn below Yav). However, let me disagree with him. Many of our Great Ancestors, walking ahead of us along the River of Time, after death in the World of Reveal, fall into the World of Navi, and what, now - have we become enemies for each other? Or, according to Barashkov, all the Ancestors of the Slavs - Naviam (Navii - (other Slavs) souls of the dead), and only hell is prepared for us, i.e. Slavic Inferno (Inferno - Slavic hell)? Of course not! It is much more accurate that the World of Reveal surrounds the World of Navi. Above Reveal are the Light Worlds of Navi, where the Souls of our Native Ancestors live, and below Reveal is the Dark Worlds of Navi, where all kinds of dark spirits and demons live. If you can oppose something to the World of Reveal, then only the darkest layers of Navi with a center in Hell.

Here it is appropriate to think about whether there are too many flaws in the works of Alexander Igorevich, because this article lists only a small part of the distortions, conjectures and distortions, the author of the "Star Book of Kolyada"? The answer is simple. For the materialization and existence of a thought, it is necessary to have a clear image that forms it, because if there is no such image, the mental image of information perception will be incomplete and difficult. Any thought that is incomplete and unfinished clogs various information fields and continues to exist on its own in search of the missing piece of information.

Defective thought forms, connecting with each other, turn into some information viruses, which primarily affect the process of people's thinking. Penetrating into the human brain, these information viruses, like a disease, can completely disable not only the human mental system, but also the system of thinking and consciousness.

An incorrectly drawn Rune, as well as an incorrectly created thought form, carries an incomplete, flawed image that destroys an even, harmonious system of the universe.

Thus, each of the Books relating to the Russian Vedas describes certain events that really took place in a peculiar, figurative, secretive language. Behind these or those symbols and concepts are hidden completely certain objects, personalities or actions that took place earlier and are somehow connected with the White peoples of the Great Race. Only collected together they can give a true idea of ​​the history of the peoples of the Great Race, including the "pre-Earth" period of life. But besides this information, the texts of the Russian Vedas also contain the Wisdom of the Great Race, and it is hidden from uninitiated people. One of the Commandments of God Ramhat says: "Do not give the secret Vedas to those who turn them into evil, but to the death of all living things." The figurative transmission of the text in the Ancient Vedas plays a dual role: hiding the sacred Truths - historical, spiritual and spiritual - from the uninitiated, and at the same time revealing these Truths to those who understand the true meaning of the ancient figurative writing. a wise man in a special way reveals the image of each Rune in the text, and in their complex relationship reflects on reality. A person who is unable to perceive the images embedded in the text sees only the shell of the letter. Despite the fact that the Sacred Vedas have been attracting the attention of more and more new researchers and followers since ancient times, the deep meaning of the Vedas remained hidden from them (followers - here we mean the blind veneration of the ancient Vedas (mainly the Indian Vedas), without delving into the deep meaning , in various newly formed Vedic Communities, societies, brotherhoods and sects). At first, various scientists saw in the Vedas only mythical legends, fairy tales, poetry; later they discovered in them the source of all Indo-European classical Gods, but, having recognized the skillfully organized ancient solar cult, they did not penetrate into the deep historical, spiritual, mental and metaphysical system.

We inherited from the Ancestors the richest Vedic heritage that has come down to our time, how did it happen that at present people have lost the ability to perceive writing figuratively.

First of all, the writing itself has changed, turning from the ancient runic (figurative) into modern phonetic (sound). Approximately at the turn of the 4000th anniversary of S.M. (mid-2nd millennium BC) the Phoenicians, Mediterranean seafaring merchants, gave the world a new letter, consisting of 22 characters, the so-called quasi-alphabet. This alphabet is based on ancient Hebrew. Only, unlike the latter, the Phoenician writing was no longer figurative, but purely phonetic. Gradually, with the "improvement" of the phonetic alphabet, they began to break up the continuous text into words.

In the middle of the 5th millennium from S.M. (9-8 centuries BC) the principle of Phoenician writing was borrowed by the Greeks. In the future, Runic writing began to be forced out of use in the Mediterranean, since phonetic writing in everyday life turned out to be simpler. Here it is appropriate to note that only the Clans of the Great Race and the descendants of the Heavenly Clan possessed the ability to figuratively convey meaning and worldview in texts, other (non-white) peoples used a different non-runic form of writing, for example, hieroglyphs of other Egypt, China and Japan, or cuneiform of ancient Assyria and Babylon.

Phonetic writing came to Rus' along with Christianization, when two dexterous semi-literate Olympic monks Cyril and Methodius, at the request of co-religionists from Kyiv land, were translated into Slovenian (Slovenian - according to common name the people of Slovenes who lived in Slovensk (otherwise called Northern Novgorod) and inhabited the lands of Slavia, Slovenia, i.e. Novgorod land. The Slavic language did not exist in Nature, just as there is no Christian language, or Muslim, Buddhist, Protestant or Catholic) Biblical texts, using the simplified Slovenian alphabet when translating, i.e. out of 49 Slovenian initial letters, they used only 39, adding to the "new" alphabet, additionally, four Greek letters W - omega, K - xi, J - psi and F - fita, so the Church Slavonic alphabet and the Church Slavonic language appeared, on where Christian services are held. But it does not at all follow from this that the population of Russia was illiterate, the first Christians were illiterate, and therefore they initially transmitted orally the teachings of their teacher Jesus Christ (Jesus Christ - the spelling of the name corresponds to the old rule used by Russian Christian Old Believers, as well as followers Jesus in Ukraine and Belarus The spelling of the name Jesus was introduced by Nikon in the 72nd century A.D. (XVII century A.D.)).

In this regard, in the celebration of the days " Slavic writing and culture" on the Russian land, the Slavs (Slavs - one of the names of the followers of the Old Russian Faith - Ynglism, who sings Glory to their Gods and Ancestors, only those are the Slavs) never take part. This holiday is always celebrated only by Christians, since the language is Cyrillic - this is a purely ecclesiastical language, intended only for Christian worship.It would be more correct to call this holiday - "the days of Church Slavonic writing and culture."

After the Christians, the reform of the ancient Russian alphabet and language was carried out by various specific and great princes, as well as tsars. The "outstanding reformer" of the Russian figurative language and alphabet was the first Russian Emperor Peter Romanov. He tried so hard that he not only introduced a new alphabet, a new language and new orders, but also ordered the entire ancient Russian history to be rewritten anew, brought from Europe to "scientific" foreigners, as it was convenient for him (Peter), even for the people they invented a fairy tale about Tatar-Mongol yoke and other troubles. The subsequent participants in this action, to destroy the Russian figurative language, or as V.I. Dal said - the Living Great Russian language, were: the Bolshevik-Leninists who uprooted the Russian people in place with figurative language; loyal Stalinists who decided to create instead of the Russian people and the Russian language, the Soviet people and the Soviet language; now their place has been taken by democratic reformers, who continue the work of their predecessors by polluting the Great Russian language with foreign words, the meaning of which they themselves do not understand, and with camp jargon.

What do we have now? Images have almost completely disappeared from our modern, post-Soviet writing. Words are made up of "dead" letters. Who needs this impoverishment of our Russian writing? Of course, not to the Russian people themselves, but to those who are in power and believe that: "A lot of knowledge - a lot of sorrow!" and others like them. Representatives of such forces are sincerely trying to present distorted history, culture and traditions to the Rusichs, and indeed to all Slavs. It comes to the point that "specialist" historians claim that runic symbols were used in ancient times only for magical operations by pagan barbarians and the Runes disappeared along with the ancient Faith, which, of course, is completely absurd.

The most ancient Slavic-Aryan Religion on Earth - Ynglism - is still ALIVE, no matter how certain anti-Russian, anti-Aryan and anti-Slavic forces and their ministers would not wish otherwise. The word itself - RELIGION, means the knowledge and transmission of Ancient Wisdom from generation to generation. The goal of Ynglism is to preserve and transmit Ancient Wisdom until the society returns to the original level of Spirituality and Intelligence, to Harmony.

It so happened historically that the only ones who still retain and use the old form of writing are the Orthodox Old Believers-Ynglings using the ancient Runic, and the Righteous Old Believers Christians using the original Cyrillic alphabet.

That is why the role of the ancient Russian Vedas and the Vedic Traditions in general is invaluable as the source and contents of the vessel, which contains the Ancient Slavic-Aryan Wisdom, preserved for us and our descendants by our Wise Ancestors.


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