Slavic Vedas what we should know about. Revival of the Slavic-Aryan Vedic Culture


Vedas (Sanskrit - "knowledge", "teaching") - a collection of the most ancient scriptures Hinduism in Sanskrit (XVI-V centuries BC). Initially, Vedic knowledge was passed from mouth to mouth in poetic form, only in the Middle Ages did this knowledge become written on the leaves of areca trees. It is believed that they originated from the Almighty himself, who is the source of any knowledge. scientific knowledge contained in the Vedas, in many respects outstripped modern science. The scientific community came to some discoveries quite recently, while others have not even come close.

Many famous scientists and prominent personalities of the XIX-XX centuries. recognized the value ancient teaching. So, for example, Leo Tolstoy in a letter to the Indian guru Premananda Bharati in 1907 wrote: “Metaphysical religious idea Krishna is the eternal and universal basis of all true philosophical systems and all religions. He wrote: “Only such great minds as the ancient Hindu sages could think of this great concept ... Our Christian concepts of spiritual life come from the ancients, from the Jewish ones, and the Jewish ones from the Assyrian ones, and the Assyrian ones from the Indian ones, and everything goes on vice versa: the newer, the lower, the older, the higher.

Albert Einstein specifically studied Sanskrit in order to read the Vedas in the original, as they described general patterns physical nature. A lot others famous people, such as Kant, Hegel, Gandhi, recognized the Vedas as a source of various knowledge.


Indian Vedic knowledge is divided into four groups:

Rigveda - a collection of religious chants for the Brahmins, intended to be performed during sacrifices.

Yajurveda - also includes hymns for the clergy. It is a storehouse of mathematical knowledge of the ancient world.

Samaveda - partly consists of tests from the Rig Veda, but in a slightly modified form and sometimes with comments.

Atharva Veda - has come down to our days in a couple of editions that shed light on the unknown aspects of the life of the ancient inhabitants of the Hindustan peninsula.

Modern scientists have proved that such works as the Bhagavad Gita, Srimad Bhagavatam and Mahabharata were written down about five thousand years ago. These texts are collections of epic narratives, parables, legends, theological, political, legal reasoning, cosmogonic myths, genealogies, hymns, laments. According to the Vedas themselves, the era of Kali Yuga began five thousand years ago. In this era, there is a widespread influence of the energy of Kali, which contributes to the degradation of all positive qualities people and increase negative qualities accumulated over previous reincarnations. In this regard, five thousand years ago, the memory of people underwent degradation processes. The knowledge that was passed from mouth to mouth was recorded on a material carrier, since the memory no longer met the requirements that would meet the full transfer of sacred knowledge.


But apart from the ancient Indian Vedic knowledge there are Slavic (Russian) Vedas. Although, it would be fair to note that there are many scientists who question the very fact of the existence of the ancient Slavic Vedas. However, a number of researchers believe that this is, in fact, one and the same concept.

After all, the Russian language and Sanskrit are the languages ​​closest to each other, if we take into account the large family of Indo-European languages. Both those and others call the books of knowledge the Vedas. The Vedas, as already known, is “knowledge”, hence such words as “know” - “know” and “ignorance” - “lack of knowledge” come from. This word is familiar to us as well as component words "jurisprudence", "commodity science" and so on.

Another interesting fact is our National currency called "ruble", while in India ... that's right, "rupees".

In the fifties of the last century, Indian scholars-specialists in Sanskrit begin mass travels around Soviet Union and are surprised to discover a huge number of similarities in culture, in language, in the rites of our two groups of Indo-Europeans. And these similarities are much greater than, say, between Indians and Europeans. Protozoa language example: comparison of some words in Russian, Sanskrit and English: "fire" - "agni" - "fire", "darkness" - "tama" - "darkness", "spring" - "vasanta" - "spring". After such discoveries, the Indian professor Rahul Sanskrityayan writes a whole work called “From the Ganges to the Volga”, where he introduces the concept of “Indo-glory”. This work was intended to show the special kinship in antiquity of the two branches of the Indo-Aryans and the Slavic-Aryans.

Slavic written Vedic sources are divided into groups according to the material on which they were written. Santii - plates of gold and other noble metal that is not susceptible to corrosion, the texts are applied by chasing signs and filling them with paint; harati - sheets or scrolls of high-quality parchment with texts, harati were periodically copied, because parchment becomes dilapidated over the years; volkhvari - wooden boards with written or carved texts. Santi or Vedas of Perun- the oldest known documents related to the Vedic culture of antiquity.


Comparing the information presented by both the Vedas, one can easily note obvious similarities.

In Ancient Rus' there was such a thing as Triglav, or three main deities. They were called the Most High - the one who is above all. Svarog - the one who bungled the world, created. And Siva. In India, these three main deities were called "three murtis". "Three" is also "three", "murti" is "form". What the Slavs called the Most High is called Vishnu in India. The Slavs Svarog - they called Brahma. Brahma = Creator. Siva in India sounds like Shiva. And they have three functions. Brahma or Svarog is a creation. Vishnu or Supreme is maintenance. And Shiva or Siva is destruction. These are the three main deities, since according to the Vedas, all processes in this world go through three phases - creation, maintenance and destruction.

The next parallel is related to the chakras. Most people associate "chakras" with yoga. It turns out that the seven chakras were also known in Rus'. These chakras have their gross incarnations in the form of glands of the endocrine system and are the connecting elements that connect our subtle body (psyche) with physical body. In Rus', chakras were called by more familiar words for us. If in Sanskrit the lower chakra, which is located in the perineum, is called the term Muladhara, then in Rus' it was called Zarod. The next Swadiskhan chakra was called the Belly. The third is Manipura - among the Slavs it was called Yaro or the Solar Plexus, Yaro is the sun. The fourth chakra, which in Sanskrit is called Anahata, in Rus' sounded like the Heart. The fifth chakra, called Vishuddha in Sanskrit, was called the Throat. Then comes the chakra, which is called Agia or Azhna, in Russian it was called Chelo, i.e. this is the forehead, it is located in the region of the third eye, between the eyebrows.

The calculation of time in both traditions is also very similar: the year began in the spring. In March, in April, which corresponds to the passage of the sun through the first sign of the zodiac Aries and marks the awakening of nature after winter.

There is another similarity in the ancient cultures of the Indians and Slavs, this is the position that God is in each of the people. In the Indian Vedas, this presence of the divine principle in a person is defined as superconsciousness. Among the Slavs, this very superconsciousness is represented through everything famous concept"conscience".

The Milky Way and there and there is considered a path to the highest planet of this world, where the Creator of this cosmos, Brahma or Svarog, is located. And the North Star was considered both in India and in Rus' - the throne of the Almighty. Indeed, the position of the North Star is unusual - this is the only fixed star, and therefore navigators are guided precisely by it.

The historical, cultural and linguistic ties between Rus' and India are obvious, but typical mistake is to look for who influenced whom. Relatively speaking, Vedic culture can be called global. Easier to understand the connection between the two cultures ancient Rus' And ancient india through the adoption of a single spiritual proto-culture that preceded both. From which both civilizations drew knowledge and culture. The Vedas speak of the existence of a higher ideal world. But its representation naturally distorts over time. According to Vedic culture, originally there was single civilization, with a single culture, common language. Under the influence of the universal law of entropy, consciousness began to narrow, culture began to be simplified, disagreements appeared, literally, different languages. And now people find with great difficulty only the remnants of the former community.

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Religious and historical monument Slavic culture under common name « Slavic-Aryan Vedas”reflects the history of all mankind on Earth over the past few hundred thousand years, which is at least 600,000 years.

Slavic-Aryan Vedas (otherwise: "Russian Vedas", "Slavic Vedas" or "Holy Russian Vedas") - a sacred source of knowledge. The Slavic-Aryan Vedas, like the Avesta, have their roots in the original source of knowledge - Vesta. Hence - the word "from-Vestny", i.e. - from Vesta.

The Slavic-Aryan Vedas, on the basis on which they were originally written down, are divided into three main groups:

  1. Santii are plates of noble metal that does not give in to corrosion (usually gold), on which texts were applied by chasing, and which, then, were fastened with rings, in the form of books;
  2. Harati - books or texts on sheets of high quality parchment;
  3. Volkhvari - wooden boards with texts.

The most ancient Scriptures from among the Slavic-Aryan Vedas are santii.

So, "Santii of the Veda of Perun" (the Book of Knowledge or the Book of Wisdom of Perun) was written down 40,008 years ago (or in 38,004 BC).

Initially, it was the santii that were called the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, but they contain references to other Vedas, which were then called Ancient and which, today, are either lost or stored in secluded places and yet, for some reason, are not disclosed.

Santi reflect the most secret Ancient Knowledge. You could even say that they are an archive of knowledge.

Some historians believe that the Indian Vedas are just a part of the Slavic-Aryan Vedas transmitted to India about 5,000 years ago.

Haratis were, as a rule, copies of santi, or, perhaps, extracts from santi, intended for wider use in the priestly environment.

The most ancient charati are the Harati of Light (Book of Wisdom), which were written down 28,735 years ago (or, more precisely, from August 20 to September 20, 26,731 BC).

Since it is easier to write harati than to mint santii on gold, extensive historical information recorded in this way. So, for example, harati called "Avesta" were written on 12,000 cowhides 7512 years ago, with the history of the victory of the Slavic-Aryan clans in the war with the Chinese, but Alexander the Great burned this document when he fell into his hands, when traveling to India.

It should be noted that this document also reflected the fact of signing a peace treaty, known since that time as the Creation of the World in the Star Temple, and in common people - simply as the creation of the world. And the Star Temple is the year in which that agreement was signed and which is repeated every 144 years according to the cyclic calendar of our ancestors.

Galaxies in the Universe, according to the description in the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, are born from the primary pra-matter of the ether and, after going through the development cycle, die. With the beginning of the formation of the Galaxy, the stars began to light up closer to its center. Therefore, life originated there and spread from there on spaceships. In the same place, people reached the highest level of spiritual and physical development, since "the planets have several suns towards the center of the Galaxy, their entire surface is evenly warmed up, including from the side of the core of the Galaxy, people do not need space heating, warm clothes, do not suffer from a lack of food and water."

The composition of the solar system, called the Yarila-Sun System, included 27 planets and large asteroids, called Earths, some of which "are not known to our astronomers." For example, the earth of Veles with a period of revolution around the Sun of 46.78 years flies between Chiron and Uranus.

Planet Earth was called Midgard-Earth, by the beginning of its settlement by people on Mars and Dey, destroyed 153 thousand years ago, there were already space navigation and communication stations. Initially, the Earth had two natural satellites. The surface of the Earth for 300 thousand years was different, in particular, “the Volga flowed into the Black Sea”, and the planet did not have an inclination of its axis and had a warmer and milder climate in northern latitudes than now.

Among the sorcerers, one can name the “Vlesov Book”, written on wooden boards and reflecting the history of the peoples of the south and middle lane of Eastern Europe for 1500 years before baptism Kievan Rus. The Magi were intended for the Magi - our ancient clergy, from where the name of these documents came from.

It should also be noted that the most ancient documents were written by the Ancient Aryan Runes or Runic, as they are also called.

  1. Santees of the Vedas of Perun- one of the oldest Slavic-Aryan Sacred Traditions, preserved by the Guardian Priests of the Old Russian Ynglistic Church of the Orthodox Old Believers-Ynglings. Santii have a meaningful form of dialogue and were written down about 40,000 years ago.
    1. The second part (continued).
  2. Harati- Ancient Aryan Tradition about the birth of the World. One of the sacred books of the Old Believers-Ynglings, along with Indian Vedas, Avesta, Eddami, Sagami (Saga of the Ynglings). This ancient tradition about the birth of the world. One of the sacred books of the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, along with the Indian Vedas, Avesta, Eddas, Sagas (Saga of the Ynglings).
  3. Tale of the Bright Falcon- This incredible and almost fairy tale, which tells in a simple form about the miracles performed by people in the past millennia, ambiguously indicates that in the past our ancestors had a highly developed civilization in which methods of controlling reality based on thought and consciousness were used.
  4. - From time immemorial, ancient traditions and legends have been passed down from generation to generation, from generation to generation. Each Slavic or Aryan clan has preserved its own particle of the ancient World of Images.
  5. Veles Book- This is a sacred ancient Slavic text that contains invaluable information about the worldview and history of our ancestors. For many millennia, this book was written by the Magi and rewritten in pre-Cyrillic characters on wooden boards. It was written in the language of Gods and sorcerers.
    1. The second part (continued).
    2. Third part (continued).
  6. Saga of the Ynglings- The Sacred Tradition about the resettlement of the Old Believers-Ynglings to the West, to Scandinavia, carefully preserved by the Clans of the Old Believers in Western Siberia and Iceland. And telling about the legendary historical and mythical times, about the turbulent era of the Vikings and other peoples.
  7. Book of RA - ancient mystery Russian language, the divinity of Russian-Aryan speech.
  8. Book NOT- an old book written in the form of commandments for ancient people
  9. Songs of the bird Gamayun- the sacred ancient Slavic book of wisdom and knowledge. Where did the Russian family come from, the laws of Svarog and much more.

Neo-paganism is gaining momentum every day. True, not everyone who calls themselves pagans really knows the meaning of the symbolism, the Vedas. For the most part, in the minds of young people, the impression is that all pagans are sort of bearded men and women with long braids behind their backs. But what is worth knowing about the pagan Vedas, and what is it, in general, is it?

Slavic-Aryan Vedas

They consist of several books. The first book "Slavic-Aryan Vedas" is divided into several parts: Circle One", "The Saga of the Ynglings", "Ynglism", There is also an additional appendix called "Organizations and Communities of the Old Russian Church of the Ynglings-Old Believers". This book tells about the commandments that Perun left to the peoples of the Great Race, as well as a number of events.This book and its appendices tell about the Yngling ancestors, provide information about the teachings of this church, the calendar, the pantheon, hymns, and general commandments of each God. -Aryan Vedas. Book 1" is quite large, but

This gives very significant knowledge both about Old Believers in general and about traditions in particular.

The second book is in two parts. These are the "Book of Light" and "Words of Wisdom by Velimudr Magus". This book is a kind of mystical work that was translated from runic writing, and also contains precepts ancient sage and the sorcerer Velimudra. only the first part of the covenants. Second part goes in the third book "Slavic-Aryan Vedas". The third book also consists of two parts: "Inglism" and "Words of Wisdom of the Magus Velimudr". "Ynglism" is a symbol of Yngling beliefs. Well, the “Words” are the very second part of the testaments that came to us from antiquity. The fourth book consists of the "Source of Life" and "White Way", which contain the legends and legends of the ancient Slavs, as well as an indication of their path.

What is most remarkable is that in the predictions that are given in these books, there are truly world-class events that have come true. The description of the structure of the world and the universe is close enough to modern description, and reading these books will allow you to develop not only the mind, but also spirituality (unless, of course, you do not look for hidden meanings).

Problems of Old Believers and the Slavic-Aryan Vedas in the Mud

Now this knowledge is applied by two types of people. The first type is quite peaceful pagan Old Believers. They substantiate all the Vedas for peaceful purposes, simply perform rituals and observe traditions, enriching themselves with the knowledge and spiritual treasures of their faith.

The second type of people are rigid ideologists. For the most part, they justify their cruelty with certain instructions, which they also distort in their favor. As a matter of fact, it is precisely because of them and the Nazis of the Second World War that public aggression is caused not only by references to the books "Slavic-Aryan Vedas", but also by swastikas. People simply forgot that swastikas were in the most ancient civilizations and carried precisely a bright beginning. However, paganism is not imposed on anyone. The main thing is that faith is close to the spirit and does not go beyond what is permitted. And let the Slavic-Aryan Vedas have different comments, and the true Old Believers will follow the path that Perun and others appointed them

On November 2, 2015, the Slavic-Aryan Vedas were recognized by the Central District Court of the city of Omsk as extremist material.

It should be noted that the lawyers defending the Slavic-Aryan Vedas filed an appeal against this decision to a higher court.

On February 3, 2016, the Omsk Regional Court dismissed the appeal of A. Khinevich and others stakeholders to the decision of the Central district court Omsk on the recognition of the collection of books " Slavic-Aryan Vedas» extremist materials.

Thus, from February 3, 2016, the decision of the Central District Court of Omsk dated October 30, 2015 came into force and, accordingly, are recognized as extremist material in the book:

« Slavic-Aryan Vedas. Santia Vedas of Perun. Book of Wisdom of Perun. Circle one. Saga of the Ynglings”, publishing house “RODOVICH”, 2011 2012 editions;
« Slavic-Aryan Vedas. Book two. Book of Light. Word of Wisdom Magus Velimudra”, publishing house “RODOVICH”, 2011, 2012 editions;
Slavic-Aryan Vedas. Book three. Ynglism. The ancient faith of the Slavic and Aryan peoples. The Word of Wisdom of the Volkhva Velimudra", publishing house "Rodovich" 2009, 2012 edition;
« Slavic Aryan Veda. Book four. Life source. White Way. Tales", publishing house "RODOVICH", 2011, 2012 editions;
« Slavic World understanding. Confirmation of the "Book of Light"”, publishing house “RODOVICH”, 2009, 2013 editions.

Dear users of the site "Veles" due to the fact that the legislation of the Russian Federation prohibits the distribution of extremist materials, including the above books of the collection "Slavic-Aryan Vedas", the site administration when posting content on topics related to the Slavic-Aryan Vedas:

  • does not publish the books of the collection "Slavic-Aryan Vedas" specified in the decision of the Central District Court of Omsk dated February 3, 2016, as well as materials containing quotations from the Slavic-Aryan Vedas indicated by this court;
  • does not use photo, video and audio materials, as well as all materials where the editions of the Slavic-Aryan Vedas are advertised, indicated by the Central District Court of Omsk on February 3, 2016, where they are mentioned to a sufficient extent that it could be recognized as an advertisement ;
  • does not post publications and video materials that, although they do not contain quotations from the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, can be regarded as their propaganda or advertising of the publications indicated above;
  • uses only those sources of information that are not listed in the decision of the Central District Court of Omsk dated February 3, 2016 and do not qualify as extremist materials in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The Slavic-Aryan Vedas are a unique source of Generic wisdom. Sacred experience is collected in this living ocean of knowledge Slavic people. To some extent, the Slavic-Aryan Vedas are a beacon modern literature useful both for adults and for the younger generation.

The runic texts of the Slavic-Aryan Vedas store the original images available for reading only by the dedicated sages of the Priestly class. But fortunately, these Ancient writings were translated into modern language and today they are available for free reading.

“Someone considers Santii and Sagi to be genuine historical, someone to be fascinating mythical legends, worthy of a comprehensive study; someone, calling them an early medieval fake, is trying to declare himself as an “omniscient and competent” person and seeks to show his “significance” and “scholarship” in our not simple world. Slavic-Aryan Vedas. Santii of the Vedas of Perun»

Many are trying to slander and humiliate the Spiritual significance of the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, turn their essence upside down and expose the authors and keepers in the wrong best light. Some sources of information even say that the Slavic-Aryan Vedas were given by French masons, and perhaps this is true, but I think that the main thing is not where they came from, but their moral richness and benefit for the resurgent Rus'.

The reader of the Slavic-Aryan Vedas can extract the missing grains of knowledge and the foundations of the worldview of our Ancestors. Thanks to the Vedas, a waking person is able to compare the modern model of the world with that unshakable or even “eternal path” that has been followed and is still being followed. noble people. This is not a simple path, it leads travelers to the higher Spiritual planes of being, being the basis of the worldview, and eventually the worldview.

There are numerous disputes around the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, and one of the main topics is the dating and "antiquity" of the sources. But does it matter to modern man? After all, we need the knowledge that can be applied today, and in my opinion the Slavic-Aryan Vedas are able to contribute to this. A striking example is the "Laws of Rita" described in the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, thanks to which the modern Slavic society is able to reconsider its views on the creation of family unions and learn the right approach to the conception of virtuous offspring.

Thanks to the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, a person is able to expand the measure of understanding and get acquainted with the proposed multidimensional model of the Universe, as well as discover many Worlds and dimensions located on the "Golden Path" of Spiritual development. The reader will even be able to see on the pages of the Slavic-Aryan Vedas our World with you, the World of People and fully realize their significance and purpose.

And lastly, I would like to say this. The reader of the Slavic-Aryan Vedas should discard all prejudices and opinions, and try to impartially familiarize himself with this system of knowledge. You should discard the two prisms that limit us “good or bad” and see many facets, many shades that reveal themselves somewhere in the depths of the subconscious, and your emotions and experiences will become a mirror of their influence. Your feelings will be an indicator of the expediency and benefit of the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, both in particular and for modern society generally. Happy reading.

Slavic-Aryan Vedas. Book One

  1. "Santii of the Vedas of Perun - The First Circle" is written in the form of a dialogue between Perun and people. The First Circle tells about the commandments left by Perun to the peoples of the “Great Race” and “Descendants of the Heavenly Clan”, as well as upcoming events over the next 40,176 years. Quite remarkable are the comments on the santias, in which the word "earth" is interpreted as a planet, the celestial chariot as spaceship, "fire mushrooms" - like thermonuclear explosions. The preface says that the santii were first translated back in 1944 AD for the newly revived Slavic Communities, and that ancient plates of noble metal, covered with runes more than 40 thousand years ago, are preserved in the community. These runes are not letters or hieroglyphs, but " secret images transmitting a huge amount of Ancient Knowledge, ”written under a common line.
  1. The Yngling Saga is an Old Norse Yngling Saga from the Circle of the Earth. The connection of the Yngling clan is explained in the text by the fact that the Ynglings are the ancestors.
  1. Appendix 1. "Ynglism". Contains general information about the teachings of the church, a description of the pantheon, texts of hymns and commandments. However, even here there are direct borrowings without indicating the authors.
  1. Appendix 2 Contains information about the Yingling calendar.
  1. Annex 3. "Communities and organizations of the Old Russian Ynglistic Church of Orthodox Old Believers-Ynglings."

Slavic-Aryan Vedas. Book Two

  1. Book of Light (Haratya of Light) Haratya 1-4 - Ancient Aryan Tradition about the birth of the World. One of the sacred books of the Old Believers-Ynglings, along with the Indian Vedas, Avesta, Eddas, Sagas (Saga of the Ynglings). The translation was carried out in the 60s of our century by several communities of the Old Russian Church. The book is sacred, but now the time has come when everything comes to light, and the elders of the Old Russian Church allowed the publication at the end of 1999.
  2. Word of Wisdom Magus Velimudra. Part 1 - The sayings of the Ancient Sages were written in Runes on oak tablets, clay tablets, in Santias and were called - the Word of Wisdom. Get acquainted with some sayings of one of the Ancient Wise Men of Belovodye, whose name was Velimudr.

Slavic-Aryan Vedas. Book Three

  1. Ynglism is the Ancient Faith of the First Ancestors of the Slavic and Aryan peoples.
  2. Word of Wisdom Magus Velimudra. Part 2 - The sayings of the Ancient Sages were written in Runes on oak tablets, clay tablets, in Santias and were called - the Word of Wisdom. Get acquainted with some sayings of one of the Ancient Wise Men of Belovodye, whose name was Velimudr.

Slavic-Aryan Vedas. Book Four

  1. Source of Life - From time immemorial, ancient traditions and legends have been passed down from generation to generation, from generation to generation. Each Slavic or Aryan clan has preserved its own particle of the ancient World of Images.
  2. The White Way is a legend, small in volume, but large in content of ancient Images, which speaks of the foundations of the Slavic worldview. The Slavs have always been Free people, for the Will and Conscience led them along the White (God's) Path.

Slavic-Aryan Vedas. Book Five

  1. Slavic worldview - this book is intended for an inquisitive reader who is looking for answers to the questions why the Slavic world is in such a position, as well as about what the Slavs were like in the past
  2. Confirmation of the Book of Light - the reader can get acquainted with many points confirming the knowledge contained in the Book of Light.

I reduce several messages into a single text, for the most complete perception.

Here's an article I came across on the internet:

""... As for the Ingles: like, a few years ago, when the Ingles had just appeared, one of my psychic acquaintances told (in connection with the conversation about the Ingles) that he had read an article in the newspaper of St. Petersburg ufologists and psychics "Anomaly" "(name I remember, simply because there is a newspaper in our city library, and in the mid-90s they published a series of articles by Rezunkov on the folk calendar) about the Omsk ufologist A. Khinevich, who is in contact with aliens from Orion, there was also a photo of Khinevich in the church with candles in hand. And of course, not a word about "Russian Vedas". The article was published in this newspaper (if, of course, Sergey, who told me this, did not mix up the name of the newspaper) somewhere in the early 90s (I don’t remember exactly). I was not surprised then, because I myself figured out that Khinevich's Vedas were basically torn legends of the Moscow Templars. And about how Khinevich stole the translation of "The Saga of the Ynglings" by Steblin-Kaminsky , our beloved Rebbe Asov also wrote (but if suddenly you haven’t read it, then here:

It’s clear to anyone who knows that if Khinevich suddenly kept some kind of ancient manuscript"" Sagas ...", then it could not in any way coincide with the translation of Steblin-Kaminsky. And finally, a small consideration: Khinevich is called none other than "" father Alexander "" Generally speaking, for example, my tongue would not turn around like that to turn to anyone other than own father who gave me life on this earth. Khinevich calls himself "Patyr Diem"" i.e. literally "Father in Heaven", I wonder if he really considers himself God, or is he just mocking people in this way? If you need materials about how Khinevich stole texts from the Templars (I already wrote about this on the forums), tell me, I will send it. You can, just give an example: a piece of the Templar text, and then, as a parallel, the corresponding piece of text from Hinevich's "Vedas" ... ""

""...So that's it. As long as I remember, sometime in 2000, they gave me the first edition of SAW to read. I began to read, and then I understand that somewhere it all already happened, all this terminology of theirs: the Worlds of the Golden Stairs, arlegs, lay down and so on. I'm already familiar. Remembered, remembered, and remembered: in 1992-93 in the journal "Science and Religion", there was a series of publications by the historian A. Nikitin "Moscow Templars" , dedicated to the Moscow Order of the Templars, in the 20s this oren was defeated by the NKVD, and all the archives of the order ended up in the archives of the NKVD, from where Nikitin brought them into the light of day. In the same place, the author also cited a part of the so-called "order legends".

By the way, these Templars had nothing to do with the historical Templars, and their entire order was actually a remake of the early 20th century.

And now, compare LINE by LINE the legends of the Templars and the English writings:


From "" Haratia of Light "" Khinevich Haratya the fourth, Dispensation of the worlds:

"" And these Wise Priests taught that in our Universe there is a Golden Path of Spiritual Ascension, leading up and called Svaga, along which the Harmonious Worlds are located, and they follow one after another: the World of People, the World of Legs, the World of Arlegs, the Worlds of Arans, The Worlds of Lights, the World of Nirvana, the Worlds of Beginnings, the World of Spiritual Power, the World of Cognition, the World of Harmony, the World of Spiritual Light, the Worlds of Spiritual Assets, the Worlds of Law, the Worlds of Creation, the World of Truth, the Worlds of Patrons, and many others up to the Greatest World of Rule. Some of the Highest Carriers of Spiritual Assets in our Universe, by their goodness, descended and placed their Worlds between the Worlds of Arlegs and Arans, in order to place their camps closer to those in need of help. The worlds located along the Golden Path are those that are spoken of in the Ancient Vedas. If the Human World is four-dimensional, then the Worlds located along the Golden Path have next number dimensions: the World of Legs - 16, the World of Arlegs - 256, the Worlds of Arans - 65.536, the Worlds of Radiance - 65.5362, the World of Nirvana - 65.5364, the Worlds of Beginnings - 65.5368, the World of Spiritual Power - 65.53616, the World of Cognition - 65.53632, the World of Harmony - 65.536 64, Spiritual World Light - 65.536128, Worlds of Spiritual Assets - 65.536256, Worlds of Law - 65.536512, Worlds of Creation - 65.5361024, Worlds of Truth - 65.5362048, Worlds of Patrons - 65.5364096.

There are also intermediate Worlds: five, seven, nine, twelve and smaller in number of dimensions. At the end of Svaga, the Frontier passes, beyond which begins Greatest World Rule. In addition to the Harmonious and intermediate Worlds located along the Golden Path, there are adventitious realities: time, space, wandering Spirits, changing images, shadows, sounds, numbers, the World of Darkness, also called Hell, the abyss, where the heaviest particles of primordial darkness entered.
The worlds located along the Golden Path are more harmonized and more complete in their manifestations than the intermediate Realities: so, although in the Reality of five dimensions there are more opportunities for the development of Spirits than in our World of Reveal, but because of the eternal disorder in the Reality of five dimensions particles of primeval darkness often explode.

An example of Spaces and Realities of smaller dimensions can be the Worlds of sounds, shadows, mirror images, ever-changing images, where constant transformations take place. There, a flower can become in a moment a Scroll of Haratya, then a worm, a lynx, and so on. And all these Worlds and Realities are not at all located separately, but penetrate each other. So where in one Reality the great waves of the sea rage, in another Reality the forest rustles or stands high mountains covered with eternal snows."

By the way, this site also describes the history of this Moscow order.

In general, Akhinevich took advantage of the fact that these texts are little known, and, well, rewrote them into "Slavic-Aryan Vedas"
And here's another, for the sake of completeness:


From Khinevich: Haratya Tretya. Great Assa:
"" Peaceful years ago, and perhaps yesterday, for Eternity knows no limitation in time, in bright world Arlegov, which covers two hundred and fifty-six dimensions, the Great Assa, the Great Battle of the Forces of Light and Darkness, took place.

One of the Noble Arlegs - Chernobog, decided, with the help of cunning, to circumvent the Universal Laws of ascent along the Golden Path established by God Svarog Spiritual Development. And he said to his brothers: If, we, the noble Arlegs, remove the Security Seals from the Secret Ancient Wisdom of his World for the lower Worlds. Then, according to the Law of Divine Correspondence, the Protective Seals from the Secret Ancient Wisdom of all the Highest Worlds will also be removed for us. And a free passage up the Golden Path of Spiritual Development will open for us, the Noble Arlegs, and this Knowledge will also help all Spirits and Souls from various Worlds below the World of Arlegs to know the Secret Ancient Wisdom of all Worlds, and having learned, stand next to God Svarog and other Svarozhichs ...

But Arleg Chernobog met a worthy rebuff in the person of the Noble Arleg - Belobog, the Supreme Guardian of the Secret Ancient Wisdom of the World of Arlegs, guarding the Security Seals from the Secret Ancient Wisdom this World, and the cunning plan of Chernobog failed. Then the invocative cry of Chernobog rang through all the Worlds, Spaces and Realities lying along the Golden Way. He called Legov to help him.
And the whole multidimensional World of Legs appeared at the call of Chernobog, and the Dark Legs, Dark Arlegs and Koshchei, the rulers of Pekla, flew to him uninvited, and with them the entire army of Pekla flew to him. Belobog alone could not resist such great dark forces. And Chernobog tore off the first Protective Seal, the Seal from the Ancient Knowledge of the World of Arlegs, and the Knowledge spread widely over the Worlds, below the World of Arlegs, down to the very depths of Hell.
In turn, then sounded the call of the wise Belobog, who saw that he alone could not save the Protective Seals from the Secret Ancient Wisdom of the World of Arlegs. He called the Higher Worlds for help, and He turned to the Guardians of the World of Knowledge. But the Keepers of the Secret Ancient Wisdom of the World of Knowledge remained indifferent, since they did not want to fight Chernobog, considering him free to choose his deeds.
Only the Keepers of the Secret Ancient Wisdom of the Worlds of Beginnings, as well as the Protector Gods from all the Higher Worlds and Realities, responded to the call of the Noble Belobog. And they surrounded the entire World of Arlegs with a dense energy dome of Icy Silence, and the Great Assa began between the Light and Dark forces, and time stopped in the Worlds. Great Battle covered many Earths of the Worlds of Reveal and Navi, from Hell itself to the World of Nirvana.
But the Noble Arlegs did not want to participate either in the Great Assa, or fight against the Protector Gods from all the Higher Worlds and Realities, or remain inside the dense energy dome of Icy Silence created by the Keepers of the Secret Ancient Wisdom of the Worlds of Beginnings. With their artificial Suns, they melted the adjacent part of the Icy Silence dome and descended to the World of Legs and to the Intermediate Worlds, and Chernobog, who also did not want to stay inside the Icy Silence dome, descended and found refuge in the World of Dark Arlegs. From the beginning of the Great Assa, as it were, Belobog rose above the World of Arlegs, for he united the Light Forces with his call and led them to fight against the army Dark Worlds. The defeated Dark Legs and Dark Arlegs were sent to those Worlds from where they came, taking from them a great oath not to violate the Laws of ascent along the Golden Path of Spiritual Development, established by God Svarog. Only Koshchei, the rulers of Hell, with the remnants of their armies, rushed to the passage in the dome of Ice Silence, which was created by the Noble Arlegs. And they hid in their Inferno, realizing that the Forces of Light do not penetrate into other people's Worlds and Realities, carrying on their banners the Trags of War.


And now again compare line by line with the Templar text "REVOLT OF SATL"":

""" Mirny years ago, and maybe yesterday, for mysticism does not know time, in the space of the Arlegs of 256 dimensions there was an assa. Let the Arlegs tear the Seal of Occult Silence from their cosmos for the lower cosmos. And then, according to the law of occult correspondence, the Seals of Occult Silence will be removed for us from the highest cosmos, and a free path will open along the Golden Stairs, and all spirits will rise and stand next to Eloa. his attempt failed. Then the calling cry of Satl rang through the cosmos - he called Legov to his help. The entire cosmos of Legov appeared to him, and dark Legs, Princes of Darkness and dark Arlegs flew to him uninvited, in a word, everything Dark Realm flew to him. The Michaels could not resist such forces, and Sutl tore off the first Seal of Occult Silence, the seal of Knowledge, and knowledge spread widely throughout the cosmos. In turn, the trumpets of the Michaels sounded, seeing that they alone could not guard the Seals of Occult Silence - they called for help, and they turned to the Dominions. But the Archangels remained neutral, the Dominations also remained neutral, because they did not want to fight with Satl, considering him free. Only the Beginnings responded to the call of the Michaels. They surrounded the entire space of the Arlegs with a magic circle of mystical comets, and time stopped in space. But the Seraphim did not wish inside the magic circle Began to stay. With their mystic suns they melted the adjoining chain of the circle. As if Michaels were standing above the space of the Arlegs, and Sutl, who also did not want to stay inside the circle, could freely enter and leave it. And the magic circle of the Beginnings had one more property - the property not to let in anything alien to it and immediately throw it all out of itself. So the dark Arlegs, the Princes of Darkness and the dark Legs were thrown out of it, and they fell into darkness; and the light Legs were thrown out of it, and they fell into their space of sixteen dimensions. But after the splendor, splendor and luxury of the Arlegs' space, their space seemed infinitely gray and dull to them, and they decided to make an attempt to leave it and rise into the space of the Arlegs. Not relying on their own strength, Lehi called on the help of the Elemental Forces, and in a mighty chorea they attacked. But the magic circle of mystical comets met them with a diamond wall, and Lehi were thrown back. And since now their karma was aggravated by the fact that in the struggle of higher spirits among themselves they used Elemental forces, as mystical forces, they could not stay in their cosmos of sixteen dimensions and fell into the cosmos of eight dimensions. And in the space of the Arlegs, the ass continued. Satl remained free, and not a word of reproach was said to him, only the Seraphim excommunicated him from their mystical meetings, because, as it is said in the Epistle of the Apostle Jude, Michael could not pronounce judgment on him.

These Inglian Vedas were written by a modern person, and in no way do they correspond to the mentality of the people of the Middle Ages. Yes, and the fact that the photographs given in "SAV", supposedly of ancient Inglian temples, are photoshopped, in my opinion, is true. I will not deny myself the pleasure of quoting:

Why do people who call themselves pagans lie?

I was led to this question by reading the book "Slavic-Aryan Vedas. The Book of Light", published by the Old Russian Ynglistic Church of Orthodox Old Believers-Ynglings, Omsk "Arkor" 2002. Many ambiguities arise about the actual "Book of Light", which includes four Haratyas of Light .
First, it is impossible not to pay attention to a number of anachronisms found in these texts, and to the diversity of style. In the introduction about Alexander claims: "In the original source," Haratya of the Light "were written down by Trags, i.e. da'Aryan Figurative Symbols, which combined hieroglyphic signs, conveying multidimensional values ​​​​and various runes + Haratya are parchment sheets made of animal skin, on which are printed ancient runes.In order to publish texts in modern Russian, the Kh'Aryan Runic version of "Kharatiy Sveta" and a translation into Russian made 250 years ago were taken as a basis, but the accuracy of the meaning of the translation was checked by da'Aryan Trags ". From this we can conclude that the most accurate translation of these texts from the runic language into Russian was made about 250 years ago. The very genre of these texts does not imply author's corrections and additions, and, therefore, the reader should be presented with the ancient original text in Russian. At the same time, we mean that the editor working with ancient texts replaced some words and constructions of the 18th century, obsolete by the 21st century, without changing the content, for which he coped with the original. It is striking that if the first three Haratyas of the Book of Light "try to fully meet" the requirements of the genre of the ancient Vedas in form and content, then the Fourth Haratya comes into conflict with this genre. In Haratya the First, a special vocabulary and syntactic structure prevails, which, indeed, could have taken place in ancient manuscripts: “In each cluster of the Primordial Living Light, many Worlds and Realities appeared. And now, far, far from the One whom we, people, call the Great Ra -M-ha, in last time His Primordial Living Light was poured out like Great Clusters. In this Primordial Living Light, living beings appeared, for Inglia was the Life-giving Light. "In the text of the Fourth Haratya, we encounter a completely different style and a number of concepts that are characteristic exclusively for the second half of XIX century and century of the XX-th: "Some Worlds or Universes with the same number of dimensions exist next to each other, while realities penetrate one another. But having qualitatively different feelings or different forms and the living conditions of the inhabitants of these Realities, existing in a single dimensional-spatial structure, do not collide with each other. on turn of XIX- XX centuries, and, therefore, they could not appear in any way either in ancient manuscripts or in translations XVIII century. On the other hand, words are used that characterize the concepts of the culture of the 20th century: to the entrance of dwellings, people "rise on special flying machines", "these people have all kinds of machines and mechanisms." This suggests an unpleasant conclusion that the text of the Fourth Haratya was written in the 20th century. Secondly, in the text of the "Book of Light" an underlined opposition of paganism to Hinduism and Christianity is carried out (and by the announced moment of the writing of the Vedas, Christianity as a formalized religion did not exist!). It is worth noting that none world religion, none of the ancient myths of the peoples of the world ever hinted at the existence of other religions, did not oppose themselves to other mythological systems and did not seek to prove the reliability of their theories. In the same text, for example, we find a clear opposition to Christianity: "In fact, no Doomsday no, there is only a delay in the ascent.+" Such inconsistencies can still be forgiven for an outside researcher who is not a bearer of religion, or a collector of folklore, akin to a Corinthian scoundrel, but not a community of pagans. It is not clear why present modern "discourses on a topic" as an ancient text? To top it off, there are photographs at the end of the volume, most of which show various celebrations. , for example, to the wonderful article "Unknown swastika". ...""

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