Sayings about needlework are wise. Open lesson on the topic: Quotes about needlework"


budgetary educational institution

additional education children

municipality Dinskoy district

"House children's creativity villages of Plastunovskaya"

From work experience

additional education teacher

Usova Marina Leonidovna

Quotes from literary works,

Internet resources about needlework.

Open lesson for students, parents and teachers.


Art. Plastunovskaya


To tell about various types needlework using quotes, excerpts from works.


To acquaint with excerpts from various works related to needlework;

Show reproductions of paintings about needlework;

Visual materials:

Reproductions of paintings;

Literature with citations;

interactive board to show slides.

Lesson progress

1. Organizing time:

Greeting, getting to know the visitors of the event;

Message about the topic and purpose of the lesson.

2. The main part.

Children should live in a world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, creativity.

(V. Sukhomlinsky)

Chichikov put on his head a yarmulke embroidered with beads and beads, and found himself like a Persian shah, full of dignity and majesty.

(N, V. Gogol. "Dead Souls")

I need a glass bead side with agromantic buttons.

Polenka says.

But do you have glass-beared bonbos to match this color?

I still have glass bead lace.

What are you? Bugle lace on tulle black and colored - the most fashionable finish!

(A. P. Chekhov. "Log")

The needle roams the canvas

Crosses lay down in rows, I sew a dream for myself,

From the blue sky.

(M. Laneve)

The thread lies on the canvas with a pattern

In your caring and tender hands

your canvas is a canvas, and paints are your threads, And the brush is a friend, a true needle.

(M. Nekrasova)

Needlework was divided into "white-handed" and "black". The first included embroidering on canvas with silks, chenille and wool, knitting purses, belts, gold embroidery and beadwork.

(P.I. Melnikov-Pechersky. "Essays on priesthood").

Kerchief crosswise or knot,

Wax beads on a thin neck.

The outfit is simple; but in front of her window

All the same, the black-moustached guards went ...

(A.S. Pushkin. "House in Kolomna")

There was another person in the Room, dressed in a long-brimmed double-breasted frock coat, a short waistcoat with a blue beaded watch chain. It was the poet Koltsov.

(I. Turgenev. “ Literary evening at P. A. Pletnev»

different, like profitable business boasted that he had bought a thoroughbred stallion and a greyhound male with the money received from the sale of old, in his opinion, worthless rubbish: grandmother's robes embroidered with pearls and gold fragments, a shamsher made of drawn gold, a kick and a cassock with yakhonts, lala, turquoise and emeralds .

(P.I. Melnikov-Pechersky. "On the mountains")

Watched the serf craftswoman

To your embroidered homeland.

Only silver, only gold sparkles,

Tolya tears stream down the sewing.

And only at night I remembered sadly,

That nothing saved her life.

Where did your art come from?

Whose sorcery marked the needle?

Came from the sun, from love...

From where she opened the abyss of beauty.

She put this miracle into a needle

sent down from above by heaven,

And there was no goods at the fair

More skillful than Torzhok sewing.

She embroidered hope for people

And tears and despair!

(A. Dementiev)

1830 (I am 15 years old). I once (three years ago) stole from a girl who was seventeen,

and therefore hopelessly beloved by me, a beaded blue cord, and now I keep it. Who wants to know the name of the girl, let him ask cousin mine. How stupid I was!.

(M.Yu. Lermontov. “ Notebooks»)

He dropped the letter into a beaded basket hanging on the wall, then picked up the third letter and began to read.

(I.A. Goncharov. “ ordinary story»)

What was the queen of beauty doing at that time? Most likely, she embroidered pearls or embroidered a motto with gold threads for a knight devoted to her.

(Cervantes. "The cunning Hidalgo Don Quixote of La Manche")

That icon was generic to Manefa - it came from grandfathers and great-grandfathers. In front of her, a lamp with beaded pendants glowed inextinguishably.

(P.I. Melnikov-Pechersky. "In the Forests")

There was another person in the room. Dressed in a long double-breasted frock coat, a short waistcoat with a blue beaded watch chain.It was the poet Koltsov.

(I.S. Turgenev. “Literary evening with P.A. Pletnev)

It was a wallet embroidered with beads and gold, and with the most excellent design: on one side there was a deer depicted, just like a natural one, which ran extremely fast, and it looked so good, so good! On the other side was a portrait of one famous general, also excellently and very similarly finished.

(F.M. Dostoevsky. The story "Weak heart")

Delicate white bag

That embroidered sachet.

And it smells of childhood and clover,

And thoughts are born in the soul.

On him skillful hands

Left a trace of a needle

Like a sign of a witch's trick,

As a sign of worldly play.

(R. Naumova. "Gift")

White carnations in a crystal vase

You embroider sitting by the window.

So fun play the sun glare

sparkles blue pure water

Stopped time at the threshold

And only the stitches count the minutes.

Abandoned worries and anxieties

The needle creates a magical still life.

The head gently bowed to the pattern

And the victorious march sounded in my soul.

Another stitch - and a miracle happened,

And the carnation in the crystal came to life.

(Z. Roy. "Embroiderer")

From the terrace, a glass door led to the living room, and in the living room this was what the curious eye of the observer presented - two slides with porcelain and beaded toys of Catherine's time.

(I.S. Turgenev. "Hamlet of the Shchigrovsky district")

Can't sleep at night. You took the hoop.

Thread in a needle thin fingers

Cleverly inserted, color chosen,

Beads begin to write letters.

A drop of blood on white silk

She pricked her finger with a thin needle.

I wanted to embroider on white silk

My name you are a thin needle.

(D. Bilan. "A drop of blood")

Stitch to stitch, the needle draws

The most complex coloring of sewing,

And the embroiderer takes risks

Go beyond the limits of being...

But the threads hold the heart tightly,

Harmony giving birth to harmony,

And like a lilac scherzo,
Those threads sound joyful.

(R. Naumova. "Embroiderer")

The needle is thin, but reaches the heart

And the one who sews a marvelous pattern,

And the one who from the works of the craftsman

The admiring glance cannot take away

Ages live in paintings and handkerchiefs

And in luxurious beaded necklaces,

Given once to granddaughters, daughters,

Imperishable features of simple needlework.

(T. Dorohova)

Building your own plan of the universe.

I asked the needle to embroider,

To have everything at hand

A playwright with a needle in his hoop,

You created the confluence of the worlds,

And in their wooden hoops

You sewed in the star cover.

(R. Naumova)

When the storms of life become a wall

And do not pass through them, do not break through,

Then the lifeline suddenly flashes over the wave -

This is an old hoop with embroidery.

I rush there, drowning in trouble,

I clutch at straws in vain.

But the straw disappeared right in my hand,

There was a needle and thread in it.

(E. Krasnova)

Circles of beads and silk threads

Of these, I want an icon of retinue.

I pray that I will choose the colors.

I pray, I will draw up a canvas.

And before the needle goes

I will seek words to the Lord.

I walk along the bead field,

But not with a plow, but with a needle,

And like seeds of hope

I throw beads into the arable land of the canvas.

(E. Lukashenkov)

Beaded necklace, earrings

Decorate a woman's face.

But - gerdan, bracelets, brooches,

Flowers, Easter Egg

What things - a feast for the eyes!

From them comes a miracle light,

No wonder beadwork has been so popular for many years.

Tastes, style and fashion have changed,

But the beads are still not forgotten.

It can become smooth by embroidery,

A beautiful flower and a tourniquet.

And it remains a mystery - Magical, fabulous, moreover.

(Z. Toropchina)

On a smooth canvas of colors of various threads

The patterns are intricately intertwined.

On the rise of inspirations and intuitions

Foliage, flowers and clusters were born.

Here in every tablecloth, napkin, towel

Visible talent, soul and skill,

And women's hands, and the tenderness of the heart,

AND bright colors celebration of life.

Embroideries seduce with a wonderful palette,

They shine, breathe and live.

I am amazed. looking at needlework

We collect popular sayings for you famous people and aphorisms. If you want to add something new to this section, just write us an email with the subject aphorisms, and in the letter the statement or aphorism you want to add.

The path from the earth to the stars is not smooth. (Seneca)

Sooner or later we will arrive at one harbor. (Ovid)

Once started, it cannot be stopped. (Cicero)

In diligence - everything. (Lermontov M. Yu.)

Only the patient will finish the job, and the hasty will fall. (Saadi)

Patience is the art of hoping. (Vauvenargue)

The first law of art: if you have nothing to say - be silent. If you have something to say, say it and don't lie. (Rollan R.)

The arts are useful only if they develop the mind and do not distract it. (Seneca)

Creativity is a passion that dies in form. (Prishvin M. M.)

A lot is needed for art, but the main thing is fire! (Tolstoy L.N.)

The artist's direct duty is to show, not to prove. (Block A.A.)

For diligence and art there is nothing impossible. (Johnson S.)

In order to have grounds for creativity, it is necessary that your life itself be meaningful. (Ibsen G.)

Art is like nature. If you don't let it in the door, it will enter the window. (Butler S.)

Art never dies. (Petronius)

Start with yourself and explore yourself first. (Marcus Aurelius)

How to know yourself? Not contemplation at all, only actions. Try to do your duty, and at once you will know yourself. (Goethe I.)

Know yourself. (Cicero)

The Greatest Victory- victory over oneself. (Cicero)

There is nothing more joyful than victory. (Cicero)

Progress is the law of nature. (Voltaire)

We choose our joys and sorrows long before we experience them. (Jubran X)

The expectation of joy is also joy. (Lessing)

Work is the father of pleasure. (Stendhal)

Acting carefully is even more important than thinking rationally. (Cicero)

Trying to do everything at once means doing nothing. (Lichtenberg G.)

There are never great things without great difficulties. (Voltaire)

Knowing in advance what you want to do gives you courage and ease. (Didro D.)

How many things were considered impossible until they were done. (Pliny the Elder)

In everyday everyday affairs, diligence is capable of doing everything that a genius is capable of, and besides, many things that a genius cannot do. (Biger G.)

Imagination! Without this quality one cannot be either a poet, or a philosopher, or smart person not a thinking being, not just a human being. (Didro D.)

Imagination is a great gift that has contributed so much to the development of mankind. (Marks K.)

Imagination - that's what imagination is for, to fill reality. (Klyuchevsky V.)

Imagination is a frisky filly. One bad thing: there are too many roads in front of her. (Lam Ch.)

Education is an ornament in happiness, and a refuge in misfortune. (Aristotle)

Inspiration is the disposition of the soul towards a lively acceptance of impressions, and consequently towards a quick understanding of concepts, which contributes to their explanation. (Pushkin A. S.)

Inspiration will always sing; inspiration will never explain. (Jubran X.)

Inspiration is not for sale, But you can sell the manuscript. (Pushkin A. S.)

The future is in the present, but the future is also in the past. It is we who create it. If it's bad, it's our fault. (France A.)

The future now belongs to two types of people: the man of thought and the man of labor. In essence, both of them are one whole, for to think is to work. (Hugo W.)

In nature, everything is wisely thought out and arranged, everyone should mind their own business, and in this wisdom is the highest justice of life. (Leonardo da Vinci)

Nothing exhausts and destroys a person like prolonged physical inactivity. (Aristotle)

Work hard! The world will not be a paradise For those who want to live lazy. (Sax Hans)

Nice finished work. (Homer)

An industrious soul must be occupied with its craft, and frequent exercise is as invigorating to it as ordinary exercise is to the body. (Alexander Suvorov)

Put your heart into it, you can do anything.

The lazy spinner has no shirt for himself.

Do not learn idleness, but learn needlework.

I undertook to shorten my husband's new trousers ... Nothing, cute shorts turned out!

I am sitting in a chair, making a doll. Son, passing by: “Oh, she looks like our headmistress!” ... Damn, now I feel like a voodoo sorceress ...))

When a routine or work reaches a qualitative progress and turns into creativity, then the horror of death leaves the foreground, leaving room for self-expression and fantasy. – L. Tolstoy

Creative initiative is a rather complicated thing, elevating ordinary labor to unprecedented height improvisation. – N. Ostrovsky

Freedom, publicity and life will always find a place for ingenuity, new ideas and rationalization proposals, as well as creativity. – S. Bulgakov

Creativity over the years is transformed into the equivalent of wealth. – K. Marx

The source of creativity is within us, synthesized from the personality, absorbing external processes and inner world individual. The phenomenon is similar to protein synthesis. - G. Plekhanov

Enthusiasm for creativity needs to be nourished, otherwise it can fade away without creating worthwhile ideas and substances. – K. Paustovsky

Passion within certain limits is called creativity. – M. Prishvin

Talent is the ease of deeds, inaccessible to others. Genius is something beyond talent. Creativity is the fantasy of all kinds of deeds. – A. Amiel

Read the continuation of the quotes on the pages:

No one knows what his powers are until he uses them. - I. Goethe

The powers of man, so far as experience and analogy teach us, are unlimited; there is no reason to believe even some imaginary limit on which the human mind will stop. – G. Buckle

You can't learn creative techniques. Every creator has his own tricks. One can only imitate the highest methods, but this does not lead to anything, and it is impossible to penetrate into the work of the creative spirit. – I. Goncharov

Inventing oneself is fine, but knowing and appreciating what others have found is less than creating. - I. Goethe

Who is born with talent and for talent, he finds his best existence in it. - I. Goethe

In fact, the creator usually experiences only grief. – L. Shestov

The creative personality is subject to a different, higher law than the law of simple duty. For someone who is called to perform a great deed, to accomplish a discovery or a feat that moves all of humanity forward, for him the true homeland is no longer his fatherland, but his deed. In the final analysis, he feels himself responsible only to one instance - to the task that he is destined to solve, and he will rather allow himself to despise state and temporary interests than the internal obligation that his special fate, special talent has placed on him. – S. Zweig

In fact, in order to deeply appreciate the creation of what we call genius, one must himself possess the genius necessary for such an accomplishment. - E. Po

We are born with abilities and powers to do almost anything - at any rate, these abilities are such that they can take us further than can be easily imagined; but only the exercise of these forces can give us skill and skill in anything and lead us to perfection. – D. Locke

If a talent does not have sufficient power in itself to become in line with its aspirations and enterprises, it produces only barren flowers when you expect it to bear fruit. – V. Belinsky

Great talent requires great hard work. – P. Tchaikovsky

The highest task of talent is to make people understand the meaning and value of life through their work. – V. Klyuchevsky

Ingenuity is precisely the ability to compare things and recognize their connection. – L. Vauvenargues

The creative process in its very course acquires new qualities, becomes more complex and richer. – K. Paustovsky

Talent is faith in yourself, in your strength ... - M. Gorky

Everyone feels what his forces are, on which he can count. – Lucretius

Only a strong talent can embody an era. – D. Pisarev

Discoveries are made when everyone thinks that this cannot be, and one person does not know this. – A. Einstein

True talents are not angry for criticism: Beauty cannot harm them, Some fake flowers are afraid of rain. – I. Krylov

Any worker, be it a writer, artist, composer, scientist, figure in science and culture, cannot create, breaking away from community service, from life. Without impressions, enthusiasm, inspiration, without life experience - there is no creativity. - D. Shostakovich

Denial of one's talent is always a guarantee of talent. – W. Shakespeare

I stand on that bad head, having auxiliary advantages and exercising them, can outdo the best, just as a child can draw a line on a ruler better than greatest master by hand. – G. Leibniz

To create - be it new flesh or spiritual values ​​- means to break free from the captivity of your body, means to rush into the hurricane of life, means to be the One Who Is. To create is to kill death. – R. Rolland

The talent of great souls is to recognize the great in other people. – N. Karamzin

Impossible is a word that only narrow-minded people will use. – Napoleon I

Great talents are the products of morbid passion... - J. D'Alembert

Talent should be encouraged. – V. Lenin

If you don’t know how to hold an ax in your hand, you won’t cut wood, and if you don’t know the language well, you won’t write beautifully and understandably for everyone. – M. Gorky

Whoever creates loves himself in it; therefore he has to hate himself in the deepest way - in this hatred he knows no measure. – F. Nietzsche

A vocation can be recognized and proved only by the sacrifice that a scientist or artist makes to his peace or well-being in order to give himself up to his vocation. – L. Tolstoy

Creation! Only it can save you from torment and make life easier! – F. Nietzsche

Talent is one third instinct, one third memory, and one third will. – K. Dossi

Ability means little without opportunity. – Napoleon

There is something rarer, more extraordinary, than giftedness. It is the ability to recognize the giftedness of others. – G. Lichtenberg

True talents do not go unrewarded: there is an audience, there is offspring. The main thing is not to receive, but to deserve. – N. Karamzin

All of us, unfortunately, are not equally adapted to all cases. – Propertius

Great talents are alien to pettiness. - O. Balzac

To follow your own inclinations is to be your own slave. – M. Montaigne

Talent ... gives everyone double the price. – Ya. Chernyshevsky

Compared to what we should be, we are still in a semi-drowsy state. We use only a small part of our physical and mental resources. In general, we can say that a person lives in this way, far beyond his capabilities. He possesses abilities of various kinds, which he does not usually use. – W. James

When the sea is calm, everyone can be a helmsman. - Publius Sir

Talent needs sympathy, it needs to be understood. – F. Dostoevsky

Who's stopping you from inventing waterproof gunpowder? – Kozma Prutkov

Insomnia is the cradle of creativity. – I. Shevelev

Talent is a spark of God, with which a person usually burns himself, illuminating the path of others with this own fire. – V. Klyuchevsky

The first stage of all creativity is self-forgetfulness. – M. Prishvin

Talent, like character, is manifested in the struggle. Some people adapt to circumstances, others defend such necessary human principles as honor, conscientiousness, fidelity. The fixtures are disappearing. The fundamental ones, having overcome all difficulties, remain. – V. Uspensky

Do you still not know if you have talent? Give it time to ripen; and even if it does not turn out to be, does a person really need a poetic talent in order to live and act? – I. Turgenev

Any person of average ability can, by proper work on himself, diligence, attention and perseverance, become anything he wants, except as a good poet. – F. Chesterfield

Which main feature real talent? This is constant development, constant self-improvement. - V. Stasov

The ratio of mind and talent is comparable only with the ratio of the whole and the particle. – J. La Bruyère

Traces will disappear generations,

As life progresses, we learn the limits of our abilities. – 3. Freud

There is only one happiness: to create. Only the one who creates is alive. The rest are shadows wandering the earth, alien to life. All the joys of life are creative joys ... - R. Rolland

In truth, the power of talent; wrong direction destroys the strongest talent. – Ya. Chernyshevsky

The great creations of the human spirit are like mountain peaks: their snow-white peaks rise higher and higher before us, the farther we go from them. – S. Bulgakov

Let everyone know his abilities and let him strictly judge himself, his virtues and vices. – Cicero

What is talent? There is talent ... the ability to say or express well where mediocrity will say and express badly. – F. Dostoevsky

Whoever does not use his talents to teach and educate others is either a bad person or a limited person. – G. Lichtenberg

The level of honor of society depends on the level of respect (even reverence, worship) for talent; there is no greater blow to honor than the triumph of mediocrity. – E. Rich

Calling is the backbone of life. – F. Nietzsche

The creators of great ideas always treat their creativity with disdain and are not inclined to think about it. further way. – L. Shestov

It has long been noted that talents are everywhere and always, wherever and when there are social conditions favorable for their development. - G. Plekhanov

In creativity, the maximum return does not deplete, but tones. – I. Shevelev

One can notice the similarity of human creativity and trees: both have special properties and are able to bear fruits that are unique to him. – F. La Rochefoucauld

Man is glorified not by gold, not by silver. The man is glorified by his talent and skill. – A. Jami

Ability cannot exist where there is no place for its manifestation. – L. Feuerbach

To create is nothing but to believe. – R. Rolland

It seems to us that people do not know well both their capabilities and their strengths: they exaggerate the former, and underestimate the latter. – F. Bacon

Brevity is the soul of wit. – A. Chekhov

Whoever has experienced the pleasure of creativity, for him all other pleasures no longer exist. – A. Chekhov

And since these tasks are solved in childhood, the parents are primarily to blame for this. Without their help, the child cannot solve these problems. – V. Zubkov

Talents measure the progress of civilization, and they also represent the milestones of history, serving as telegrams from ancestors and contemporaries to posterity. – Kozma Prutkov

I don't believe in the single power of talent at all, without hard work. Exhale without her most great talent how a spring dies out in the desert, not making its way through the sands ... - F. Chaliapin

Creativity is the beginning that gives man immortality. – R. Rolland

Creativity ... is an integral, organic property human nature… It is a necessary attribute of the human spirit. It is just as legitimate in a person, perhaps, like two hands, like two legs, like a stomach. It is inseparable from man and constitutes a whole with him. – F. Dostoevsky

The ability to create is a great gift of nature; the act of creativity in the creative soul is a great mystery; a minute of creativity is a moment of great sacred rites. – V. Belinsky

Everything that causes the transition from non-existence to existence is creativity. – Plato

Ability is presupposed, but it must become a skill. - I. Goethe

There are no incompetent people. There are those who are unable to determine their abilities, to develop them.

Creativity is a lofty feat, and feat requires sacrifice. All sorts of petty and selfish feelings prevent you from creating. And creativity is a selfless service to the art of the people. – V. Kachalov

There are no patrons more reliable than our own abilities. – L. Vauvenargues

The talent of another person seems to be less than he is, because he always sets himself too big tasks. – F. Nietzsche

There is hardly any higher pleasure than the pleasure of creating. – N. Gogol

The highest talent will easily be disgraced if an overconfident one wants to measure his strength the first time in such a matter, which requires great preliminary knowledge, maturity of mind in judgment and experience in life. – N. Pirogov

Joy can only be found in creativity - everything else is perishable and insignificant. – A. Koni

Always remain dissatisfied: this is the essence of creativity. – J. Renard

Another is colorless in the first row, but in the second it shines. – Voltaire

But talent is alive, genius is immortal. – M. Glinka

Ordinary people are busy only to pass the time; and who has any talent - to take advantage of the time. – A. Schopenhauer

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