For which Dolokhov was demoted to the soldiers. Dolokhov (War and Peace Tolstoy L


Dolokhov - no key character novel "War and Peace", but this image is so bright that it is impossible to pass by. The image of Dolokhov is a problem of hypocrisy and spiritual emptiness.

Fedor was very attractive, had bright blue eyes, curly blond hair. Always popular with the opposite sex. The look of the guy was purposeful, reasonable, insightful.

Dolokhov had average height, had an excellent and fit figure. He did not wear a mustache, which was a feature of an infantry officer in Tolstoy's time.

Everyone without exception considered Dolokhov the soul of the company, a cheerful and sympathetic person. He was gambler, the cards became the meaning of his life. Fedor was very quick-tempered and restless. Often started duels over trifles. Due to his ability to play cards, he was nicknamed "The Rascal", but did not get upset about it. On the contrary, he was even proud.

Having fallen in love with Sonya Rostov, he lost his head and offered to marry. The girl refused, as she was engaged to Nikolai Rostov. Angry, Dolokhov plays cards with Nikolai and loses significantly here. Fedorov squeezed a girl like Sonya all his life, and Rostov became in his way. The hero, angry, invited Rostov to a duel, even despite the friendship.

Dolokhov did not have moral principles that would interfere with his life. The affair with Helen Bezukhova ended in a duel, where Pierre wounded Fedor. Dolokhov always knew how to weave intrigues, so he agreed to help Kuragin in the kidnapping of Natasha Rostova. Kuragin at first glance seems tough and treacherous person, but despite all this, he has a feeling of tenderness. When Dolokhov went on reconnaissance with Petya Rostov, he understood that he was an idol for him and that Petya wanted to kiss him, and he did it himself. But it was a momentary clouding, because he was used to expressing no feelings.

Sometimes Dolokhov could be sincere, but for everything he developed the image of an adventurer, and he fully corresponded to this image.

Composition on the theme of Dolokhov

External Description

The young officer is very handsome and well-built figure. His age is approximately 25 years old. He didn't have a mustache, just like any infantry officer. His wonderful hair fell down the collar of his shirt. He has a powerful build, about average height. In general, he was well-built, rather agile and broad-shouldered. Dolokhov's voice was very firm, he spoke slowly, with an arrangement. In general, we can say that Fedor Ivanovich had a fairly attractive appearance.

Military career

For this young man military duty is, first of all, self-expression, an opportunity to distinguish oneself by military merits. He does an excellent job with his duties, but he does all this not for the sake of patriotism, but for the sake of glory and the opportunity to get rich. The officer serves in an elite regiment called Semyonovsky. But due to constant entertainment and duels, he is often deprived of his officer rank, after which he has to deserve it again. In the war of 1805-1807, Fedor shows the heroism of his actions, but only the desire to enrich himself and become famous prompts him to do so. His love affairs with Bezukhova they lead to an inevitable duel, after which his rank is again lowered. During the war with the French and the Emperor Napoleon, he serves as an ordinary ordinary soldier. Serving in the army goes again the same way - the ascent to higher ranks and money.

Personal Traits

Dolokhov treats the female sex in a special way. He literally drives women crazy with his antics. They often dream about him. This image actions attracts the attention of personalities of various ranks to him. They began to call him nothing more than a "reveler" and a quick-tempered duelist. Killing a man in a duel is not difficult for him. It seems to him that absolutely everyone should respect him and keep in fear of him. It is also one of his favorite things to do. card games. Very soon they began to call him a cheater and a dishonest player. In life, the young man is rather arrogant and impudent. His insolence is shown not only to ordinary people, but to the commanders of the regiment. He is also very cunning and can fool a stupid person.

Fedor Ivanovich unusual character. He is perceived as a reveler, a goofball, an impudent and a duellist.

Option 3

Fedor Dolokhov is one of minor characters novel by L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace".

This is a young man of twenty-five from an impoverished noble family. Dolokhov is outwardly attractive, he has an athletic figure. The eyes are beautiful, but the look is repulsive, cold. smart, got a good education. His whole family is his mother and sister, whom he loves very much. He has no connections, he has to rely only on himself in life. Dolokhov is in the service of the Guards Regiment. For him, military service is an opportunity to secure his future. He strains all his strength to be in high society equal, and for this plays a role secular lion. Enjoys the location of the right people.

At the beginning of the novel, we see Dolokhov in company with Anatole Kuragin. This company spends time in carousing, drinking, card games. Dolokhov is known in society as a rake, a duelist, and women like him. Because of his antics, he is demoted to the soldiers. During the military events of 1805-1807, Dolokhov manifests himself heroically at the front, but acts for selfish purposes - he needs to return officer rank. Having returned the officer's rank, he goes to the Caucasus and Persia. No one really knew what Dolokhov was doing there. After returning to Moscow, revelry continues, a duel takes place because of a love affair with Helen Bezukhova, and a new demotion follows. When the war with Napoleon begins, Dolokhov is an ordinary soldier. He needs to excel in order to earn forgiveness. Dolokhov does not know the fear of death, he acts bravely. Later, Dolokhov ends up in a partisan detachment, where he acts very cruelly towards the French, and behaves fearlessly in intelligence.

The image of Dolokhov is complex, contradictory. On the one hand, he is kind to his mother and sister, tenderly - to Sonya, Petya. On the other hand, he is vindictive and cruel. He pays for the goodness of Pierre Bezukhov by dishonoring him by seducing his wife Helen. He became friends with Nikolai Rostov during his recovery after being wounded in a duel, was extremely frank with him, talking about his dreams. And then he settles scores with Rostov, having beaten him at cards with the help of deceit. He takes revenge on Nikolai because Sonya loves him. The concept of friendship does not exist in Dolokhov. He can manipulate people, as in the case of Anatol Kuragin. Dolokhov helps him prepare for the kidnapping of Natasha Rostova. He is an adventurer, for him it is just another game. And in last moment tries to dissuade Anatole from this dangerous undertaking and, as a result, saves him.

Dolokhov is lonely and embittered. Some find their way in the service of goodness and justice, while Dolokhov chooses the path of a cynic. The author condemns false heroism and personal egoism in it.

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The image of Dolokhov in the novel "War and Peace"

What is true purpose human? What does he live for? What is the purpose of its existence? These and other questions involuntarily arise in our minds when we read Leo Tolstoy's novel War and Peace. Each of Tolstoy's heroes is looking for his own path in life, and this path is far from always simple and direct, because each of the heroes has his own idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhappiness, the meaning and purpose of life. For some, this is a profitable marriage, success in secular society, military or court career, as for Boris Drubetskoy or Berg, but for someone the meaning of life is unclear, and he himself life path complex and tortuous.

Such a complex, ambiguous hero in the novel is Dolokhov. This image evokes conflicting feelings in us. We see The image of Dolokhov at the beginning of the novel, in a noisy hussar company, among wine and cards, we see how he risks his life on a dare. He seems to us cruel man He does not spare himself or others. He only takes advantage of other people. So, he uses his friendship with Anatole Kuragin for his own purposes. "Anatole sincerely loved Dolokhova for his mind and daring; Dolokhov, who needed the strength, nobility, connections of Anatole to lure rich young people into his gambling society, without letting him feel it, used and amused Kuragin. In addition to the calculation for which he needed Anatole, the very process of controlling someone else's will was a pleasure, a habit and a need for Dolokhova».

Dolokhov treated Pierre cruelly. We can say that he envied Pierre's wealth, his position in society. Dolokhov becomes a lover
Helen does not even hide his relationship with her. And then he was ready to kill Pierre in a duel, although he knew very well that Pierre had never participated in fights before and had never held a gun in his hands. For Image of Dolokhov, it seems that there are no such concepts as fidelity in love and friendship. He lives only for himself and despises other people.

The habit of "managing people" has become the main one in nature Image of Dolokhov. He manages not only Anatole, but also Nikolai Rostov, whom he considered his friend. Dolokhov loves Sonya and therefore takes revenge on Nikolai for the fact that she loves him. Dolokhov involves the inexperienced Nikolai in a card game and beats him to a very a large sum. But the same Dolokhov, it turns out, can be a gentle, loving son and brother. Nikolai Rostov was sincerely surprised when he saw with what real warmth Dolokhov treats his old mother and sister.

Dolokhov is undeniably a brave officer. He was demoted to a soldier for a duel, but managed to distinguish himself in battle and again receive an officer's rank. After the outbreak of the war of 1812, Dolokhov took a direct part in the hostilities. We see that he led the partisan detachment and skillfully leads it. It can be said that this war changed attitudes in many respects. Dolokhova to life, forced him to take a fresh look at himself and the people around him. He gradually overcomes his isolation and his egoism. And we believe that Tolstoy's hero will change for the better, good beginnings will still prevail in his soul, which will help him find the right path in life.

Love and friendship, honor and nobility. Leo Tolstoy gives a solution to these problems not only through the main, but also through the secondary images of the novel, and one of these images is in the novel The image of Dolokhov which I find interesting.

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Roman L.N. Tolstoy's "War and Peace" is full of conflicting characters. Naturally, in real life, as, indeed, in literature, one cannot divide people according to the principle positive - negative. In any person you can find character traits, admirable and respect as well as repulsive. Our opinion about this or that person is formed mainly from the perception of the qualities that prevail in the character.

In relation to the characters of "War and Peace" this trend is much more complicated by the fact that we see many heroes acting in two roles - at the front and in everyday, civil life. The image of Fyodor Ivanovich Dolokhov is most actively, which is not typical for most images of aristocrats, is revealed on the battlefield, and not in everyday life

Who is Dolokhov

Fyodor Ivanovich Dolokhov is a twenty-five-year-old representative of an impoverished noble family. It has always been difficult to be a representative of this kind of nobles - their desire to restore the greatness of their fading family often leads to the most bad and ignoble actions. A similar situation has developed with Dolokhov. Spurred on by a thirst for material improvement of his abilities, he often acts in a not very pleasant way.

Fedor Ivanovich received a good education. He is smart and educated. Dolokhov is not married. He has a mother and sister - this is his whole family. Tolstoy does not describe his childhood and the stage of growing up - we get to know Fyodor Ivanovich already during his military service.

Image prototypes

The prototypes for creating the image of Fedor Ivanovich Dolokhov were three people at once - Figner Alexander Samoilovich, Dorokhov Ivan Semenovich and Tolstoy Fedor Ivanovich ("American").

Alexander Samoilovich was the commander of a partisan detachment during the military events of 1812. He became the prototype of Dolokhov after his duel with Pierre Bezukhov and his demolition. He, like Figner, was awarded "George".

Dorokhov Ivan Semenovich also took part in the military campaign against Napoleon, was repeatedly presented with the award. Dolokhov was copied from him during his service as an officer. The names of Ivan Semenovich and Fedor Ivanovich are very similar - they are distinguished by only one letter, it can be assumed that Tolstoy did this in order to draw an analogy between these people.

The last to partially “give” Tolstoy the material for the image of Dolokhov was Fedor Ivanovich Tolstoy. As you can see, Dolokhov and Tolstoy are namesakes, it is likely that Lev Nikolaevich used such a name and patronymic of his hero in order, like the situation with a surname, to emphasize the analogy with the real an existing person.

Fedor Ivanovich Tolstoy became Dolokhov's prototype in civilian life. He, like literary hero, was known as a rake, a frequent participant in duels and card games.

The appearance of Fedor Dolokhov

Fedor Dolokhov looks very handsome and well-built: “curly and with blond blue eyes. He was twenty-five years old. He did not wear a mustache, like all infantry officers, and his mouth, the most striking feature of his face, was all visible. The lines of this mouth were remarkably finely curved." His blond hair lay beautifully on the collar of his shirt.

Dolokhov is of medium height. He has an athletic body. Slender, agile, broad-shouldered, his hands are "reddish, with short fingers."

Him beautiful eyes, but his gaze is impudent, which repels Dolokhov a little. Fyodor Ivanovich "looked with his cold, glassy, ​​not promising look."

This fact is offset by a captivating smile. It is worth recognizing that such a smile is not always present on Dolokhov's face. Most often you can see his "cold smile".

Dolokhov spoke in a "sonorous, firm, unhurried voice."

As you can see, Fedor Ivanovich has an attractive appearance, he is well built. His appearance is not without flaws, they appear in the form of a cold look and a smile.

Military service

For Dolokhov, military service is, first of all, an opportunity to stand out, to secure his future. He does not have a passion for military affairs, like Nikolai Rostov. Dolokhov does his job well, but it is not a sense of patriotism or duty that spurs him on, but a desire to become famous and rich.

Fedor Ivanovich is serving in the Semyonovsky regiment, which was considered elite. However, thanks to carousing and duels, Dolokhov often falls into disgrace and loses the rank of officer.

During the military events of 1805-1807, Dolokhov manifests himself as a hero at the front, but again acts for selfish purposes - he needs to regain his officer rank, therefore, he actively focuses on what he did positively during the battle : “I have captured an officer. I stopped the company. - Dolokhov was breathing heavily from fatigue; he spoke with stops. “The whole company can testify. Please remember, Your Excellency."

From March 1806, Fedor Ivanovich again became a Semenov officer. After the military campaign of 1805-1807, he went first to the Caucasus, then to Persia. His activities in these regions are full of speculation, gossip was actively circulating that Fedor Ivanovich "was in the Caucasus, and there he fled and, they say, he was a minister in Persia for some sovereign prince, he killed the Shakhov's brother there." However, no matter how his service in the Caucasus and Persia developed, in 1811 Dolokhov returned to Moscow.

His sprees and love affair with Elena Bezukhova, nee Kuragina, becomes the cause of a duel and, as a result, a new demotion in rank.

Dolokhov meets the war with Napoleon as an ordinary soldier. His further service takes place all along the same route of ascent along career ladder“Now he needs to get out. He submitted some projects and climbed into the enemy’s chain at night, but well done.

Personality characteristic

What immediately catches the eye in the image of Dolokhov, after his military exploits, is special treatment with women. They are delighted with him, he often becomes the subject of women's dreams: "Dolokhov and Kuragin Anatole - all of our ladies have been driven crazy."

Fedor Ivanovich, thanks to his certain share of recklessness, becomes a favorite in society: "they swear by him, they call him like a sterlet."

Revelry and depravity constantly accompany Dolokhov. He allows you to behave cheekily, often bordering on the concepts of "decent" and "indecent", so his presence never goes unnoticed.

This behavior attracts people different position and status. The definitions of "rake" and "duelist" were firmly entrenched behind him. It costs him nothing to challenge him to a duel and "to kill a man, it should seem to him that everyone is afraid of him, he should be pleased with this."

He loves Dolokhov and card games, he plays almost all possible games and wins very often. This gave rise to new rumors that Dolokhov is a cheater. Fedor Ivanovich himself, ironically retells these rumors. “There is a rumor in Moscow that I am a cheat, so I advise you to be careful with me,” he says.

No wonder they say that the eyes of a person are the personification of his soul. Dolokhov's unpleasant look became an insignificant manifestation of his complex character. He is arrogant and impudent - such a tendency can be traced not only in his civil life, but also in relation to his regimental commanders. “He is very serviceable in the service, but a carachter” - this is how they say about him. Dolokhov is very cunning, he is "a beast, he will crawl everywhere."

He does not always manage to control himself and his actions, often, he acts extremely aggressively and unbridled. What is true, such a state of his can provoke boredom. "Missed you daily life, Dolokhov felt the need for some strange, for the most part cruel act to get out of it. At such moments, he is ready to shoot the coachman's horse just like that, or kill a person.

The army knew about his such a terrible character, but they forgave him, no matter what, because "there are not many brave men and sons of the fatherland like him." He was very brave, brave, ready to accomplish a feat, rumors and stories "about the extraordinary courage and cruelty of Dolokhov with the French" were circulated in the army and admired by many.

It is difficult for Dolokhov to make the transition from military service to secular receptions - his habit of commanding people (at the front, he most often held commanding positions) does not affect the most in the best way. He sometimes forgets where he is - and begins to behave like he would behave in a regiment.

Despite the fact that his attitude towards others is generally hostile, this tendency is not confirmed in relation to his mother and sister. He sincerely loves them, for them he has always "been the most tender son and brother."

Understanding Friendship

Fedor Ivanovich Dolokhov specifically relates to such a manifestation of human feelings as friendship. Outwardly, he shows this feeling, but if you understand it well, this is only a game for the public, in fact, he does not feel gratitude or a sense of kinship with the person whom he calls his friend. Dolokhov does this out of the same desire to be famous and rich. He successfully uses the position in the society of his friends, their material assets, but in return he is ready to carry out the most reckless acts.
Actively in the novel, Dolokhov appears in the novel in the company of Anatole Kuragin - the same rake as himself, but in this case, he is guided by a feeling of attachment to Anatole's wallet.

Fedor Ivanovich does not avoid any ways to get rich - he dishonestly, with the help of deceit, beats Nikolai Rostov at cards. Why he did not support Rostov and did not make friends with him is an incomprehensible question. The Rostov family was widely known in high society, people had a high opinion of the Rostovs, so such an acquaintance would help Dolokhov to consolidate his position in society, but he prefers this easy benefit in the form of money. It is possible that Dolokhov counted on the fact that Rostov would die and this friendship would not give the desired result, or it was possible that the fact that Fedor Ivanovich was too different in his perception of the world and attitude towards people compared to Nikolai Rostov played here. The notion that such communication will be too conflicting and inconsistent with his usual state of affairs will not lead to desired result provokes such dishonorable behavior of Dolokhov in relation to Rostov. He strives to get at least something.

3.8 (75%) 4 votes

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Roman L.N. Tolstoy's "War and Peace" is full of conflicting characters. Naturally, in real life, as, indeed, in literature, people cannot be divided according to the principle of positive-negative. In any person, you can find character traits that cause admiration and respect, as well as repulsive ones. Our opinion about this or that person is formed mainly from the perception of the qualities that prevail in the character.

In relation to the characters of "War and Peace" this trend is much more complicated by the fact that we see many heroes acting in two roles - at the front and in everyday, civil life. The image of Fyodor Ivanovich Dolokhov is most actively, which is not typical for most images of aristocrats, is revealed on the battlefield, and not in everyday life.

Who is Dolokhov

Fedor Ivanovich Dolokhov is a twenty-five-year-old representative of an impoverished noble family. It has always been difficult to be a representative of this kind of nobles - their desire to restore the greatness of their fading family often leads to the most bad and ignoble actions. A similar situation has developed with Dolokhov. Spurred on by a thirst for material improvement of his abilities, he often acts in a not very pleasant way.

Fedor Ivanovich received a good education. He is smart and educated. Dolokhov is not married. He has a mother and sister - this is his whole family. Tolstoy does not describe his childhood and the stage of growing up - we get to know Fyodor Ivanovich already during his military service.

Image prototypes

The prototypes for creating the image of Fedor Ivanovich Dolokhov were three people at once - Figner Alexander Samoilovich, Dorokhov Ivan Semenovich and Tolstoy Fedor Ivanovich ("American").

Alexander Samoilovich was the commander of a partisan detachment during the military events of 1812. He became the prototype of Dolokhov after his duel with Pierre Bezukhov and his demolition. He, like Figner, was awarded "George".

Dorokhov Ivan Semenovich also took part in the military campaign against Napoleon, was repeatedly presented with the award. Dolokhov was copied from him during his service as an officer. The names of Ivan Semenovich and Fedor Ivanovich are very similar - they are distinguished by only one letter, it can be assumed that Tolstoy did this in order to draw an analogy between these people.

The last to partially “give” Tolstoy the material for the image of Dolokhov was Fedor Ivanovich Tolstoy. As you can see, Dolokhov and Tolstoy are namesakes, it is likely that Lev Nikolayevich used such a name and patronymic of his hero in order, like the situation with a surname, to emphasize the analogy with a real person.

Fedor Ivanovich Tolstoy became Dolokhov's prototype in civilian life. He, like a literary hero, was known as a rake, a frequent participant in duels and card games.

The appearance of Fedor Dolokhov

Fedor Dolokhov looks very handsome and well built: “curly and with light blue eyes. He was twenty-five years old. He did not wear a mustache, like all infantry officers, and his mouth, the most striking feature of his face, was completely visible. The lines of this mouth were remarkably finely curved." His blond hair lay beautifully on the collar of his shirt.

Dolokhov is of medium height. He has an athletic body. Slender, agile, broad-shouldered, his hands are "reddish, with short fingers."

He has beautiful eyes, but his gaze is impudent, which repels Dolokhov a little. Fyodor Ivanovich "looked with his cold, glassy, ​​not promising look."

This fact is offset by a captivating smile. It is worth recognizing that such a smile is not always present on Dolokhov's face. Most often you can see his "cold smile".

Dolokhov spoke in a "sonorous, firm, unhurried voice."

As you can see, Fedor Ivanovich has an attractive appearance, he is well built. His appearance is not without flaws, they appear in the form of a cold look and a smile.

Military service

For Dolokhov, military service is, first of all, an opportunity to stand out, to secure his future. He does not have a passion for military affairs, like Nikolai Rostov. Dolokhov does his job well, but it is not a sense of patriotism or duty that spurs him on, but a desire to become famous and rich.

Fedor Ivanovich is serving in the Semyonovsky regiment, which was considered elite. However, thanks to carousing and duels, Dolokhov often falls into disgrace and loses the rank of officer.

During the military events of 1805-1807, Dolokhov manifests himself as a hero at the front, but again acts for selfish purposes - he needs to regain his officer rank, therefore, he actively focuses on what he did positively during the battle : “I have captured an officer. I stopped the company. - Dolokhov was breathing heavily from fatigue; he spoke with stops. “The whole company can testify. Please remember, Your Excellency."

From March 1806, Fedor Ivanovich again became a Semenov officer. After the military campaign of 1805-1807, he went first to the Caucasus, then to Persia. His activities in these regions are full of speculation, gossip was actively circulating that Fedor Ivanovich "was in the Caucasus, and there he fled and, they say, he was a minister in Persia for some sovereign prince, he killed the Shakhov's brother there." However, no matter how his service in the Caucasus and Persia developed, in 1811 Dolokhov returned to Moscow.

His revelry and love affair with Elena Bezukhova, nee Kuragina, causes a duel and, as a result, a new demotion in rank.

Dolokhov meets the war with Napoleon as an ordinary soldier. His further service takes place along the same route of climbing the career ladder. “Now he needs to jump out. He submitted some projects and climbed into the enemy’s chain at night, but well done.

Personality characteristic

What immediately catches the eye in the image of Dolokhov, after his military exploits, is a special relationship with women. They are delighted with him, he often becomes the subject of women's dreams: "Dolokhov and Kuragin Anatole - all of our ladies have been driven crazy."

Fedor Ivanovich, thanks to his certain share of recklessness, becomes a favorite in society: "they swear by him, they call him like a sterlet."

Revelry and depravity constantly accompany Dolokhov. He allows you to behave cheekily, often bordering on the concepts of "decent" and "indecent", so his presence never goes unnoticed.

Such behavior attracts people of different positions and status. The definitions of "rake" and "duelist" were firmly entrenched behind him. It costs him nothing to challenge him to a duel and "to kill a man, it should seem to him that everyone is afraid of him, he should be pleased with this."

He loves Dolokhov and card games, he plays almost all possible games and wins very often. This gave rise to new rumors that Dolokhov is a cheater. Fedor Ivanovich himself, ironically retells these rumors. “There is a rumor in Moscow that I am a cheat, so I advise you to be careful with me,” he says.

No wonder they say that the eyes of a person are the personification of his soul. Dolokhov's unpleasant look became an insignificant manifestation of his complex character. He is arrogant and impudent - such a tendency can be traced not only in his civil life, but also in relation to his regimental commanders. “He is very serviceable in the service, but a carachter” - this is how they say about him. Dolokhov is very cunning, he is "a beast, he will crawl everywhere."

He does not always manage to control himself and his actions, often, he acts extremely aggressively and unbridled. What is true, such a state of his can provoke boredom. “Missed by daily life, Dolokhov felt the need for some strange, mostly cruel, act to get out of it.” At such moments, he is ready to shoot the coachman's horse just like that, or kill a person.

The army knew about his such a terrible character, but they forgave him, no matter what, because "there are not many brave men and sons of the fatherland like him." He was very brave, brave, ready to accomplish a feat, rumors and stories "about the extraordinary courage and cruelty of Dolokhov with the French" were circulated in the army and admired by many.

Dolokhov has a hard time transitioning from military service to secular receptions - his habit of commanding people (at the front he most often held commanding positions) does not affect him in the best way. He sometimes forgets where he is - and begins to behave like he would behave in a regiment.

Despite the fact that his attitude towards others is generally hostile, this tendency is not confirmed in relation to his mother and sister. He sincerely loves them, for them he has always "been the most tender son and brother."

Understanding Friendship

Fedor Ivanovich Dolokhov specifically relates to such a manifestation of human feelings as friendship. Outwardly, he shows this feeling, but if you understand it well, this is only a game for the public, in fact, he does not feel gratitude or a sense of kinship with the person whom he calls his friend. Dolokhov does this out of the same desire to be famous and rich. He successfully uses the position in the society of his friends, their material assets, but in return he is ready to carry out the most reckless acts.
Actively in the novel, Dolokhov appears in the novel in the company of Anatole Kuragin - the same rake as himself, but in this case, he is guided by a feeling of attachment to Anatole's wallet.

Fedor Ivanovich does not avoid any ways to get rich - he dishonestly, with the help of deceit, beats Nikolai Rostov at cards. Why he did not support Rostov and did not make friends with him is an incomprehensible question. The Rostov family was widely known in high society, people had a high opinion of the Rostovs, so such an acquaintance would help Dolokhov to consolidate his position in society, but he prefers this easy benefit in the form of money. It is possible that Dolokhov counted on the fact that Rostov would die and this friendship would not give the desired result, or it was possible that the fact that Fedor Ivanovich was too different in his perception of the world and attitude towards people compared to Nikolai Rostov played here. The notion that such communication will be too conflicting and does not correspond to his usual state of affairs, will not lead to the desired result, provokes such dishonest behavior of Dolokhov towards Rostov. He strives to get at least something.

3.8 (75%) 4 votes

For the first time, we meet Dolokhov, a Semyonov officer, during a revelry at Anatole Kuragin's, at the moment of making a bet that he "drinks a bottle of rum, sitting on the window of the third floor with his legs down." The reader is in suspense: how will this crazy trick end and who is this self-confident, impudent young man?

Dolokhov's appearance stood out clearly from the background of others. He was “a man of average height, curly-haired and with light eyes. He was twenty-five years old ... his mouth, the most striking feature of his face, was completely visible ... and all together, and especially in combination with a firm, insolent, intelligent look, made such an impression that it was impossible not to notice this face ".

In general, the desire to stand out, always be in the spotlight - distinguishing feature Dolokhov. To be a leader among the wealthy guards officers, he becomes a dashing rake, a gambler and a bully. Being a poor man, without any connections, living with Anatole Kuragin, a very rich young man, he "managed to put himself in such a way that Anatole and everyone who knew them respected Dolokhov more than Anatole."

Upon further acquaintance with Dolokhov, we see that he is a selfish and painfully proud young man. For him, such a moral concept as friendship is a purely relative concept. Being on friendly terms with Pierre, who hospitably provided him with his house, Dolokhov, with a clear conscience, starts an affair with his wife and, in addition to all this, cynically and brazenly insults Pierre in the presence of guests, bringing the matter to a duel. Dolokhov always and with everyone is used to winning and achieving what he wants. Just as easily, he excludes Nikolai Rostov from among his friends when he finds out that Sonya loves Nikolai, and not him. This is a blow to his ego. But losing is not in his nature. He must take revenge or win back. Calling Nikolai to the game, he dispassionately wins a huge amount of money from him, thereby compensating for his loss.

Yes, by nature Dolokhov is a player, and life for him is more of a game. A man of an adventurous temperament, he likes to tempt fate. This is confirmed by his trick with the quarterly, for which he was demoted to the soldiers, and Natasha's escape plan, which he prepared at the request of Anatole. Desperate fearlessness is also shown by Dolokhov in the war, when he captures the enemy or penetrates the French camp with Petya Rostov, whose life he risks in the same way as his own.

But all his heroism is mostly ostentatious, demonstrative, aimed at self-affirmation. He will definitely then remind his superiors about his successes.

But not everything for the reader is clear and understandable in this hero. There are scenes in the novel that reveal to us a completely different Dolokhov. So, from the duel scene, we learn that Dolokhov, this desperate reveler and rake, - loving son and brother. Wounded, he cries and confesses to Rostov that he has a mother, that he loves her: “... she will not endure this ... My mother, my angel, my adored angel ...” What tenderness and these words are filled with love! It is also surprising that Dolokhov, seemingly incapable of feelings and experiences, despising women's society, suddenly falls in love with Sonya and even proposes to her. And before the battle of Borodino, having accidentally met Pierre, he asks to forgive him for everything that happened between them.

At such crucial moments in life, it seems that Dolokhov takes off his mask and reveals the best and real that is in him. And how can such completely opposite feelings coexist in him - hatred and love, cruelty and tenderness? He confesses to Nikolai: “I don’t want to know anyone, except for those whom I love; but whom I love, I love him so that I will give my life, and I will hand over the rest to everyone if they stand in my way.

Sometimes Dolokhov somehow reminds me of Pechorin. Indeed, in the foreground, Pechorin also always has his own interests. Here is Pechorin's entry in his diary: "I look at the suffering and joys of others only in relation to myself as food that supports my spiritual strength." And here is Dolokhov's statement: "... I pay attention to the rest only to the extent that they are useful or harmful."

So, to a greater extent, Tolstoy deduces Dolokhov as villain. It is noteworthy that the author himself never calls him by name. Dolokhov does not pass his test of moral categories of goodness, truth and simplicity. The author condemns false heroism and personal egoism in it. It is no coincidence that Natasha did not like him so much. It seems to me that the author expresses her attitude towards him with her words: “... Everything is appointed for him. And I don't like it." I agree with Tolstoy. But still, Dolokhov is more sympathetic to me than the same Berg or Boris Drubetskoy, who always try to look better than they really are. Tolstoy endowed this hero with a feeling of love for his mother, and this, I think, leaves us hope that everything is not lost in his fate, that Fyodor Dolokhov will still meet in his life “such a heavenly being that would revive, purify and exalt him ".

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